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House of Slack

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: House of Slack
Author: Zen&nancy aka Zen and Nancy
Dates: 2000 or before - present
Fandom: Highlander, X-Files, Sentinel, Due South, Hard Core Logo
URL: http://hos.slashcity.com/
http://business.mho.net/houseofslack/ (defunct, via Wayback)
Live, Grow Stronger, Slash Another Day.png
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House of Slack is Zen&nancy's slash page. It has the subtitle "Live, Grow Stronger, Slash Another Day" which is based on a famous Methos quote (only he says "fight" instead of "slash"). The X-Files section is called The Rat's Nest and the Highlander section The Ancient And The Scot.

The page hosts Zen&nancy's Highlander, X-Files, Sentinel, Due South, Hard Core Logo and crossover fiction. It also hosts stories by many talented slash writers from a wide array of fandoms, check those out at the Homeless Shelter.

The site is associated with the Renegade Slash Militia and is hosted by SlashCity.

It was listed in The Fan Fiction Directory under "Slash - Due South" in 2000.[1]

Fan Comments

Right. Why no one has recced this site and everything on it before now, I don't know, but I'll try to make up for the oversight.

The site is 'Live, Grow Stronger, Slash Another Day,' ... and it hosts some of the finest Due South, Sentinel, X-Files, and Highlander stories I have ever had the good fortune to encounter. Literally everything here is worth reading, but there are a few that I just have to mention in particular, to make sure no one misses them.

In the X-Files section 'The Rat's Nest,' there are three PWP's, "Precious Pain," "Rough Boys," and "Something You Said," which you should only read if you like angst, mental torment, and S&M. If that turns your crank, you'll love 'em.

The Due South page, 'Sweet Home Chicago' only hosts four stories, and of these, only "Ring of Fire really strikes me as in character for the guys. But if you can deal with involuntary drug use, issues of consent, and no happy ending, "The Politics of X" is hot enough to melt your monitor. I kid you not, have a large glass of ice water to hand if you decide to read this.

If you liked my recs so far, and crossovers don't automatically squick you, you might like "Dogs In the Yard," a delightfully vicious little RayK/Krycek PWP found on the crossover page. (hint: it's S&M, but who's which might surprise you)

And then, of course, there is the 'Homeless Shelter and Soup Kitchen,' featuring ten truly talented authors. Gushing about everything these folks have done that I love would take all night, so I'll restrain myself to plugging only three of the very best of the best.

1) The Muse! series and accompanying Highlander DM/M/sometimes-A fics by Suze. Laugh-your-ass-off ROG-ful goodness. Not to be read while eating, for fear of choking.

2)Bone. She is a goddess. Read all her stuff, but especially her new Sentinel story "The Reluctant Patient," "Out Of Whack", co-authored J/B goodness by Bone and Aristide, "Exposing the Nape" for some really hot J/B action, and most definitely "Back To Good," for one of the best post-S4 stories you will find on the net. As for her Due South stuff, she and Aristide also got together for "The Better Angels," which no BF/RK fan should be without. Ditto for Bone's DS masterpiece, "Layers," which is so fabulous I'm sure you've heard oodles of praise for it already, so I won't even bother. However, you may not have heard of Bone's latest fic, "Bounty," or a charming little PWP she wrote called "Smooth," both of which are like unto spicy cinnamon candy: sweet and hot, all at once.

3) For the hottest, sexiest, JUICIEST Sentinel story you will EVER read, check out "Fruit of the Vine" by Aristide. And have your SO standing by, trust me. For the downright scariest TS tale on the net, read "The Dragon," co-authored by Mairead. After all that adrenaline, go to "Solitary Creatures," for a pure, sweet, wonderful J/B first time. And finally, check out "It's All In the Wrist" for a DS fic that starts out ROTFLMAO funny and winds up where-the-heck-did-my-SO-get-to hot.

Welp, I think I've rambled on enough. So what are you still standing here for? Go to the House of Slack and read some fic, fergoshsakes.

Calico Jane >^.^< (never miss an opportunity to tell other people what they think) [2]

This is the home of Zenandnancy's fic. If that weren't enough to bring you there, they also sponsor a "Homeless Shelter and Soup Kitchen" for homeless fic writers. Among the writers they've given a home are Aristide/Mairead Triste and Bone.[3]

The Ancient And The Scot contains slash fanfic from many fandoms, including Highlander. I love their Left Of Center series, which I highly recommend, especially if you like your Methos on top. Also contains fanfic in other fandoms. [...]The Rat's Nest - The Heroin Series is absolutely superb, and should be read by all who enjoy good, original fic. Be warned, though, this series has many more thorns than roses. I'm still hopeful that all will turn out for the best, however, as there are still two installments to come:) All the other stories are good as well. Very good, in fact. I just wish they wrote faster:) Oh, and in the homeless shelter, with fiction by Bone, Aristide, be absolutely *sure* not to miss A Boy and His Rat by C.M. Decarnin.[4]

The Rat's Nest

The Rat's Nest, including cover art by The Theban Band for The Heroin Series
  • Precious Pain 11K - NC17 Hmm, Zen seems to be hooked on writing PWP's that are 11K long. This one has bloodsport of the consensual variety, and some redemption and tenderness. A strange combination, but we think it works, and we hope that you do, too.
  • Rough Boys 11K - NC17 Yet another short PWP. This time get into Alex's head while he fucks Mulder into a frenzy.
  • Something That You Said 11K - NC17 A pwp, but also an exploration into the dark dynamics of Mulder and Krycek's relationship.
  • Push 44K - NC17 This is really just a sweet pwp. Mulder finally figures out what Krycek wants, and gives it to him.
  • Nothing Else Matters21K - R (violence) Zen wrote this for nancy, for her birthday. Angst, h/c, and Muldertorture warnings. Alex finds a broken Mulder and tries to put him back together.
  • Blood & Fire 28K - NC17 We needed to get our feet wet in the X-Files world. Krycek pays Mulder one of his infamous visits. Not set in any certain time frame, just some comfort for those angst ridden boys.
  • Sweet Thing 51K - NC17 Anybody in the mood for a little TopRat? It's S&M, it's nasty, mean, and ugly... it's a sweet thing. This one took forever to finish, and we're really excited about posting it. In the event that anyone actually does read this one... can we do some extra begging for feedback here? <g>

The Heroin Series

The Heroin Series had its own subpage.

  • Waiting For The Man 30K - Rated NC17 Here's our first serious offering in the nest. BEWARE! This is very dark, deals with hard drug use in graphic description, and there is no sex. If you read this and it upsets you, remember, you were thoroughly warned.
  • Out Ta Get Me 31K - Rated NC17 nancy couldn't leave that rat alone, she had to write a sequel (and there's one more part to this little monster, coming soon). Please do be warned, Alex's little life gets a great deal nastier. Mulder shows up. *Head's Up* RAPE STORY
  • Gimme Shelter 82K - Rated NC17 We thought this would be the last, a nice, neat trilogy. However, the muses have conspired, and there's one more yet to come. Mulder comes back, looking for redemption.
  • Perforation Problems 122K - Rated NC17 The fourth installment in the series, told from Mulder's POV. Some misery, some sweetness and a phone call from Scully.
***NOTE*** After two years of writers block on this series, a solution has been reached. Alex was kind enough to explain to us that we were not, actually, writing the next story in the series. We were in fact writing the second half of the last story. So, Bitter Pill has been revised and re-posted, now about twice as long as was originally, and the next story in the series is now under way. Thanks for your patience!

  • Bitter Pill 63k - Rated NC17 The fifth story in this series (as far as the Junkrat is telling us now, there's two more yet to come), Bitter Pill follows Alex onto a greyhound and across this great wide land of ours to meet his destiny.

The Ancient And The Scot

The Ancient And The Scot

The Ancient And The Scot was the Higlander slash section of House of Slack.

  • Little Earthquakes 162K - Our first story (and it shows <g>). D/M first time, set after FUOT. Bad guy from Methos' past wreaks havoc on our poor lads, and angst abounds. Warning: Graphic violence, rape, toe torture.
  • Unguarded Moments 81K - Can you believe it? We finally finished it!!! Yes folks, this is the sequel to Little Earthquakes. Mac And Methos head back to Seacouver and try to start a life together. Hope it was worth the wait.
  • Absolute Beginners 28K - This is an extremely sweet and sappy PWP that comes in after Unguarded Moments. Just a bit of fluff that we wrote a long time ago and finally get to post.

The Left Of Center Series

  • Fumbling Towards Ecstasy-Methos 52K / Fumbling Towards Ecstasy-Duncan 54K - First time story, m/m sex, angst and just a bit of violence.
  • Buckets Of Rain-Methos 56K / Buckets Of Rain-Duncan 73K - More trials and tribulations with our favorite boys. Just when you think things are going well, trouble walks into Joe's bar in Paris. The sex gets a little rough, so you've been warned.
  • Case Of You-Methos 50K / Case Of You-Duncan 70K - Methos has trouble dealing with what he and Mac did last night, and just to make things more interesting, Joe drops by.
  • The Dirty Jobs-Methos 51K / The Dirty Jobs-Duncan 62K - Things are never quiet for long in this series. Here we have a hell of a fight between the lads and a Mary Sue. Methos begins to come to terms with the idea of forever with Duncan.
  • Moving-Methos 37K / Moving-Duncan 46K - Really just a PWP. The boys explore just a bit further into the s/m factors in the relationship. <beg>

Standalone Stories

  • A Man You Don't Meet Every Day 30K - D/M A story for Lum. Not much more than a pwp, Duncan is restless, and Methos is emotionally reckless.
  • Ghosts That Haunt Me 17K - D/M A Halloween story of a different sort. Sorry, no sex in this one, just some angst, some hurt and some comfort.
  • Dead Or Alive 8K - Methos/Kronos vignette. This is more of a horror story than a slash story. Just a very short, slightly strange, S/M scene told from Methos' pov.
  • Lay Your Hands On Me 34K - D/M An old fashioned D/M first time PWP. Set after the episode Indiscretions. Rog angst leads to post quickening sex and sweetness.
  • Ghost 15K - D/M A story we wrote for submission to Futures Without End, and were quite thrilled to have included in such an incredible collection of great fanfic. Doesn't seem like it's possible, but it's been a whole year and we've received permission to post it, so here you go... Angst, angst and more angst, Duncan MacLeod style.

Sweet Home Chicago

Sweet Home Chicago, the Due South page
  • Picture Frame of Rage 30K Fraser/Kowalski - This one runs that non consensual line, but we wouldn't call it a rape story. Ray gets drunk and mean, 'nuff said.
  • The Politics Of X 139K Fraser/Kowalski - More drugfic from the House Of Slack! Not sure what to say about this story- if you like your Ray angsty and tormented and your Fraser under the influence, then this one's for you. -:)
  • Ring Of Fire 46K Fraser/Kowalski - Our first Due South story. A first-time pwp. Sweet but not too schmoopy, with a dash of angst.
  • When The Whip Comes Down 40K Fraser/Kowalski - We look at Fraser and RayK and see dysfunctional Sado-Masochism at work. This is a pwp, or maybe just a scene. Violent angst-fest in which Ray shows up on Fraser's doorstep, after exhausting all other possibilities. Please read the warnings! -:)

Senses Working Overtime

Senses Working Overtime, the Sentinel page
  • When I was Dead 15K J/B - A Blair angstravaganza that takes place after Sentinel too, part 2.
  • Sometimes 28K J/B - Sweet and kind of sappy first time story, with a thunderstorm for atmosphere.
  • Talk Dirty To Me 23K J/B - A harmless piece of internet smut, inspired by the creative and intriguing Float Your Boat challenge issued on one of the lists.
  • All I Want 40K J/B - Domestic S/M scene, nothin' but the sex. Nothing too terribly horrible, but yes, violence. (Let's hear it for sex&violence!<g>)
  • Mercy In You 57K J/B - A couple of weeks ago Zen was mauled by her kitty (it wasn't his fault) and nancy wrote her a story to make her feel better. BTW the scene at the sink is exactly how it happened, except insert Blair instead of Zen. Have fun, sweet stuff ahead! Thanks nance, you rule!
  • Cake And Eat It 8K J/B - Blair takes Jim out for lunch. This story came about because Zen bet nancy that she couldn't write pure sex, no emotions or angst involved. Zen lost and nancy won a batch of brownies. Lesson to be learned here is never double-dog-dare your little sister! Can you believe she wrote this in 20 minutes?

Welcome To The Old Days

Welcome To The Old Days, the Hard Core Logo page
Welcome to Zen&nancy's Hard Core Logo Slash! AmyB. turned us on to this Canadian mockumentary, and Joe Dick and Billy Tallent stole our punk rock hearts. We've never felt closer to a slash pair-- It's about the music, but in the end... there is love. Follow the link at the bottom of the page to visit Ten Buck Fucks, the Hard Core Logo slash archive. Now on with the stories.

  • Cold Feelings 10k Billy/groupie - A little backstage philosophy, for punk rock sluts everywhere. -:)
  • Sometimes I Do 66K Billy/Joe - Another Old Days story, we just can't get enough. Hurt-comfort smut that takes a look at the early development of power play and codependency in the boys relationship.
  • Beside You 29K Joe/Billy - It's an old days story, and sort of a first time story, and it's sweet, but not too sweet. We dig it, hope you do, too.
  • Joe Dick's Last Thoughts 5K - Not much explanation necessary, just a little muse indulgence. We offered Mr. Dick a nickel for his nightmares.
  • Hunger Artist Joe/Billy 6K - Yet more Joe Dick babble- Billy in Joe's eyes.
  • Story Of My Life Joe/Billy 37K - Why did Billy go back? What was going on in that first backstage scene and what happened later that night? A PWP of the dirty and nasty sort, with hurting and crumbs of comfort on both sides.

Where World's Collide

Where World's Collide, crossover page
  • Black Derby Jacket 37k Joe Dick/Oz - Rated NC 17 A crossover pwp about innocence lost and regained. Under-age sex warning.


The Redemption Series:

  • Arms Of Love 167K Krycek/Duncan - Rated NC17 Feel like taking a road trip with Duncan MacLeod? Feel like spending 4 days in a hotel room with Duncan and the rat? After the silo story where sweetness and soul searching are the main themes.
  • I Send A Message 14K Duncan/Krycek - Rated G This follows Arms Of Love and is a series of email messages that Duncan and Alex exhchange in the weeks after they part company.


  • Trick Of The Light30k Jim/Krycek - Not sure what to tell you about this one, folks. Let's just call it the anti-romance PWP and leave it at that. It's all Jim's fault... Either that or nancy really needs to get out more <eg>.


Dogs In The Yard 18K RayK/Krycek - It's a twisted, kinky, violent pwp. The Sadist in Ray meets the masochist in Krycek and hot stuff occurs. Read the warnings.


  • Nightswimming 16K Blair/Methos - Zen couldn't get this song out of her head and we owed Dawn a pwp. A little smut by moonlight.


  1. ^ Slash - C through D, via Wayback: 30 September 2000. (Accessed 26 January 2012)
  2. ^ Calico Jane. Slash Sluts Multifandom Recs Board: House of Slack, Archived version November 2000
  3. ^ chelle. Chelle's Nightstand: Recs. (Accessed 13 May 2016)
  4. ^ The Eternal Palace. Slash Links. (Accessed 22 December 2016)