April Valentine

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Name: April Valentine (the pseud used here on Fanlore)
Alias(es): Jeannette Paris, zadiegirl (?)
Type: fanwriter, fanzine publisher, convention organizer, filker, fan poet
Fandoms: Sentinel, Starsky & Hutch, Star Trek, Kiefer/Lou, Wiseguy
Other: In Person Press
URL: http://aprilvalentine.livejournal.com/
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April Valentine (the pseud used here on Fanlore) has been participating in fandom as a writer, convention organizer, and fanzine publisher since the late 1970s.

Like many of her peers, she began in Star Trek fandom, where she attended KScon (Kiss Con) conventions and co-wrote the controversial story The Rack.

Eventually, she moved on to Starsky & Hutch fandom in 1984: "Since I knew someone who was involved with S/H, I was loaned S/H zines and also saw my first song vids—named song tapes at the time....Soon I was participating fully, doing my own first slash zine, going to ZebraCon and moved wholeheartedly into SH fandom." [1]


Some Fans Comment

  • "Her energy & enthusiasm & generosity are what SH fandom 1s all about, & I can't imagine where we'd be — if we'd be — without her." [2]
  • "I know all [April's] stories are classic examples of both relationship and characterization — pick any one. [3]

Zine Publishing

Kalomi Press

Star Trek: TOS zines: Kalomi Press.

Amapola Press

Starsky & Hutch zines: Amapola Press.

Crazy Moon Press

Kiefer/Lou zines: Crazy Moon Press.

Markate Press

April took over the publishing for Markate Press after Marion McChesney passed away.

In Person Press

See In Person Press.

Convention Organizer

In the early to mid-1990s, she organized the first SHarecons, informal Starsky & Hutch fan gatherings in Baltimore, Maryland.

From 1999 to 2005, she also organized Connexions, a slash multi-fandom convention in Baltimore, Maryland.


During her Trek days, she was good friends with both Nancy Kippax and Bev Volker. In one of her reminisces, Nancy shared April's other talent: filking. "Our new friend, [April Valentine], had written a lovely 'filk' song. In case you don't know, or haven't heard, a 'filk' originated in science fiction fandom. It was when you took an established tune or melody, and wrote your own lyrics. [April] had taken John Denver's tune, "Take Me Home, Country Roads" and written Star Trek lyrics. It was called, "You're My Home, Enterprise." We sang it sometimes at our gatherings and we all loved it. Along with her husband, .... who had a great voice, and Kathy .... who also played guitar and sang, [April] formed a group they named 'Omicron Ceti III' – because that was the name of Leila Kalomi's planet in 'This Side of Paradise', and because there were three of them. There was going to be a talent contest at Bi-Cen Ten, and they decided to enter! [April] made them all matching shirts and they went on stage with a level of professionalism which was to stay with them for their entire performing career. Needless to say, they won, and the prize was $25. ....Back in our hotel room, Bev and I were throwing our first room party, and the jubilant winners were our star guests of honor! [April] and Kathy got out their guitars and we all sang along."[4]


Below is a listing of the fanzines that April has either published or that have featured her fan fiction.

cover art by April Valentine for her zine World AIDS Day

Star Trek

Aftermath | Beyond Orion | Companion Contact | Contact Christmas | Farthest Star | Final Frontier | Galactic Discourse | Gateway) | Guardian | Half You, Half Me | Immortal are the Dangers | Insatiable Curiosity | Legend's End | Mind Meld | Nome | Pastak| | Starborne | Starsong | Sun and Shadow | The Colors of Love | The Complete Rack | The Mirage | The Rack | The Rack & All the King's Horses, All the King's Men | The Time of Surak | The Turbolift Review | Thrust | T'hy'la | Vault of Tomorrow | Voyages | Whalesong

Starsky & Hutch

Bonaventure | Celebration | Code 7 | Convicted | Cops Need Love, Too | Day by Day | Distant Shores | Down to Earth | Half You, Half Me | If Love is Real: Addiction | Indigo Boys | It's Love, Cap'n | Lifeline | Moonlight and Mists | Nightlight | No Pants, No Badge, No Gun | Penal Code | Play by Playbook: Collected ZebraCon Plays | Shadowplay | SHarecon | Some Things Can't Be Fixed | The Fix | The Fix Collected | The Flame Trilogy | The Paul Muni Special | TLC | Wanna Share? | Whaddya Mean I'm Not a Good Kisser?


Awakenings | Crossed Swords & Senses | Organized Frisky Bureau | Panther Paws | Sanctuary | Stylus | The Boys are Back | Warriors | Wild Cards | Without You | World AIDS Day


  1. ^ "The Herstory of Sharecon". Archived from the original on 2021-01-16. Retrieved Jan 22, 2011.
  2. ^ from Frienz #17
  3. ^ from Frienz #22
  4. ^ Reminisce With Me/1976 - A Most Amazing Year!