SHareCon (Starsky and Hutch con zine)

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Title: SHareCon
Publisher: SHareCon
Editor(s): Flamingo
Date(s): 2000 – 2019
Medium: print zine, fanfic
Fandom: Starsky and Hutch
Language: English
External Links:
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

The SHareCon zine contains both gen and slash. It is published every two years for the SHareCon convention in Maryland. Wanna Share? is this zine's predecessor.


See the 2000 SHareCon convention.

cover of issue #1, 2000

SHareCon 2000 has 67 pages.

Reactions and Reviews: 2000

[The Trouble with Stakeouts]: Why this must be read: Starsky's mad and it's all about the lack of sex. "We had time," Starsky repeated. "What one of us didn't have was desire. That simple." But Starsky gets his and Hutch is all the things a good partner should be, even in the confines of the Torino. Huggy's discovery just makes a good thing even better.[1]


See the 2002 SHareCon convention.

cover of issue #2, 2002

SHareCon 2002 has 82 pages.

Reactions and Reviews: 2002

[It's a Wonderful Life]: This was originally published in the SHareCon 2002 zine. Like the old movie asks, how does our presence affect those around us? We may think others would be better off without us, but is that necessarily true? Starsky's about to find out. Hutch and he had a fight where the last thing Hutch said to him was that Starsky was the worst thing that ever happened to him. It may be the last thing either of them remember about the other because immediately after that Hutch was hit by a car. Now Starsky thinks that Hutch was right, maybe everyone would be better off if Starsky hadn't ever been in their lives. Huggy sets out to prove him wrong. So many instances: Humphries, the herion, Vanessa, Gillian, etc. So many times when Starsky was there, able to save Hutch time and again. But without Starsky around, what becomes of Hutch? Huggy reveals all and it's a sobering reality. Starsky learns his lesson well, but will Hutch wake up so that they can get back what they had?[2]
[Lingering]: […] Set during Sweet Revenge, this was originally in the SHarecon 2002 zine. Simplicity is often more powerful than complication. It starts out as a memory, Ruth Starsky remembering back to when her child was small and had a tendancy to linger. And he continued, throughout his life, to linger. He spent time exploring the world, his place in it, and the beauty that it held. Ruth has come to understand that is her son's gift, to linger and explore and love in his own way. It's what makes him special and makes him unique.[3]
[Talkin' Dirty Bingo and Cheap Toupees]: What other story features a 4 lb. Yorkie (2 lbs. of it teeth), a careening detective Hutchinson crashing into a door on a chase and nearly knocking himself out (“He was holding his nose. ‘Freeze! Bolice!’ he mumbled”), Huggy as a minister (at the ‘First Tabernacle of the Temple of Righteous Compensation,’ no less), and a couple of detectives caught performing a sexual act on Dobey’s desk that includes toupee frottage?[4]


See the 2004 SHareCon convention.

cover of issue #3, 2004

SHareCon 2004 has 100 pages. It has been archived online here.

Reactions and Reviews: 2004

In 2004, the SHareCon zine featured Partners in Adversity by CrowRow (Rosemary's VP name) and Flamingo that focused on the Starsky and Hutch movie with Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson released that year. In the movie, after the "new" Starsky drops his Torino in the bay, the original Hutch (David Soul) sells a Torino to him over the protest of the original Starsky (Paul Michael Glaser). On VP, we decided that replacement Torino was only one of the original Starsky's cars, since he had one for every day of the week. It became our new "fanon." The story also treated the movie S&H (sometimes referred to by their first names, or as "the short one" or "the blond one") as crude interlopers on the VP scene. Other issues in the story involved the emerging popularity of LJ and the difficulty some fans had (personified by Hutch) in making the switch to the new medium. We were still using disks back then to transfer files. Remember that?[5]


See the 2006 SHareCon convention.

SHareCon 2006 has 79 pages. Cover Illo is by LAPinn. Interior art: Lorraine Brevig and Enednoviel.

cover of issue #4, 2006, by LAPinn
interior art by Enednoviel, Sharecon 2006


See the 2008 SHareCon convention.

front cover, 2008
back cover, 2008, Lorraine Brevig, title: "Smile for Me, Babe" - a fan in 2011 wrote: "The Trap is an episode I could live without, but I really, really like your Starsky here!" [6]

SHareCon 2008 has 111 pages.

  • Table of Contents (i)
  • Introduction (ii)
  • Close But No Cigar by Pepper Ckua (slash) (1)
  • Starsky and Hutch: A Short Overview by Kimberly FDR (4)
  • Odds Against by Dawnwind (slash) (7)
  • The Next Step by Ea (slash) (19)
  • Buggy Wear and the Perky by L. A. Pinn (slash) (21)
  • A Little Less Conversation (slash) by LilyK (slash) (23)
  • Dr. Hutchinson: Variation on a Theme 1 by Barrie, poem (25)
  • Close by Enednoviel (illo) (26)
  • Almost by Dana Austin Marsh (slash) (27)
  • Not Now, Not Anytime by Karen B. (gen) (28)
  • You Promised (That It Was Only For One Night) by Mary Louise Fisher (slash) (55)
  • Dr. Hutchinson: Variation on a Theme 2 by Barrie, poem (58)
  • Electricity by April Valentine (slash) (59)
  • Behind Door Number Three by Dana Austin Marsh (slash) (66)
  • "It takes all makes and models..." - A Starsky & Hutch Essay by Kath Moonshine (75)
  • Realization by Viv (slash) (77)
  • Searching the Darkness for Stars by Dawnwind (slash) (80)
  • Decision by Elizabeth Lowry (slash) (89)
  • The Cowboy Code by Pepper Ckua (slash) (93)
  • White by Laura McEwan (slash) (95)
  • Dirty Stories and Dirty Underwear or Steve Jobs is the Great Satan by Flamingo and Ro (slash) (97)
  • back cover art by Lorraine Brevig

Reactions and Reviews: 2008

[Daisy Morgan]
[Searching the Darkness for Stars]: Starsky & Hutch can see each other despite the darkness that surrounds them both literally and metaphorically. Inspired in part by an unfilmed S&H script.[7]


See the 2010 SHareCon convention.

SHareCon 2010 has 109 pages.

From the zine flyer:

[This zine contains] slash and gen short stories by Dawnwind, xtexan86, Nicky Gabriel, Cyanne, Angel, Laura McEwan, Missy LeHand, Jatona P. Walker, Barrie (MASHFanficChick), LilyK, Chel, jane, mah, Dana Austin Marsh, and another "Venice Place" tale by Rosemary and Flamingo. There are a number of short vignettes by Suz, art and poetry by Vedette Ciel and Moni K., and art pieces by Nicol Tyler, Nicky Gabriel, and Lorraine Brevig. In addition there are puzzles by Hutchlover, a zebra bookmark and a Torino origami by SHaron, Dungeons & Dragons character sheets by Dorothy, and an updated S&H Info sheet by Kat. Cover illo by L A. Pinn.

Complete table of contents.

  • Impossible by Dawnwind
  • Starsky & Hutch film classics by Suz (tm)
  • Holding Quicksilver by Lorraine
  • No Regrets by xtexan86
  • Starsky & Hutch film classics by Suz (tm)
  • Zebra bookmark by SHaron
  • Place on Earth by Nicky Gabriel
  • Stakeout by Cyanne
  • Answer Box Puzzle by Hutchlover
  • No Storms Come by Angel
  • Love Me by Nicky Gabriel
  • A Golden Devil's Angel by Laura McEwan
  • Starsky & Hutch film classics by Suz (tm)
  • Dungeon & Dragons Character Sheets by Dorothy
  • Joy by Lorraine
  • Calling on Sunday by Missy LeHand
  • Starsky & Hutch film classics by Suz (tm)
  • Love is the Key by Jatona P. Walker
  • Coming Home by Barrie (MASHfanficchick)
  • Words Between Us by LilyK
  • Code Word Puzzle by Hutchlover
  • The Mother Lode by Chel
  • Saying goodbye by Jane
  • Starsky & Hutch film classics by Suz (tm)
  • Torino Origami by SHaron
  • Conundrum by Vedette Ciel and MoniK
  • Embrace by Nicol Tyler
  • Morning Glow by Dawnwind
  • Starsky & Hutch film classics by Suz (tm)
  • Puzzle Answers by Hutchlover
  • The Things I Cannot Change by Dana Austin Marsh
  • The Droid Wars by Rosemary C and Flamingo
  • Starsky and Hutch Info by Kat
  • Cabrillo Con and Zine ads
  • Hand to Hand and Heart to Heart by Lorraine


See the 2012 SHareCon convention.

SHareCon 2012 contains 99 pages and was published in 2012. It contains a color illustration by Lorraine Brevig.

cover of 2012
  • Candle on the Water by Dawnwind (1)
  • S&H Film Fun by Suz(tm) (7)
  • Cover and Protect by Nicol Tyler (8)
  • Unfinished Business by Nicky Gabriel (9)
  • S&H Film Fun by Suz(tm) (12)
  • Interregnum by Moni K. and Vedette Ciel (13)
  • What's In A Name by Heather Powers (15)
  • Starsky & Hutch Episode Titles Word Search by Deb Walsh (16)
  • Helping Scars Heal by xtexan86 (30)
  • S&H Film Fun by Suz(tm) (31)
  • David Soul Portrait by Enednoviel (31)
  • She Didn't Ask by Dana Austin Marsh (33)
  • S&H Film Fun by Suz(tm) (35)
  • Starsky & Hutch Christmas Bauble by SHaron (36)
  • Starsky & Hutch Word Search by Cyanne (39)
  • S&H Film Fun by Suz(tm) (40)
  • Say what, now? by Deb Walsh (42)
  • The Visiting Team by Nicky Gabriel (43)
  • S&H Film Fun by Suz(tm) (44)
  • Those New Car Blues, A Bay City Adventure by LilyK
  • tv on mute by youtooblondie
  • Starsky & Hutch Episode Titles Word Search Answers by Deb Walsh (50)
  • Chasing Cars by April Valentine (51)
  • S&H Film Fun by Suz(tm) (60)
  • Starsky and Hutch Word Search Answers by Cyanne (61)
  • Cabrillo Con & New Zines (62)
  • Viral Hutch by Rosemary C. and Flamingo (63)
  • 2012 Offerings by The SH911 Press (93)
  • Starsky & Hutch on the Internet 2012 (95)
  • Art by Lorraine Brevig (back cover)


See the 2014 SHareCon convention.

cover of the 2014 issue

From the editor:

The cover for the 2014 SHareCon zine is a lovely celebration of the names our boys have for each other. Some endearments are the same, some are halves of a whole, and others are unique to the character of each man, but all of them say Starsky & Hutch and the love they have for each other.

It's a joy to be editing this zine once again; this is my fifth zine and seventh SHareCon overall. Once again, our con members, supporters, and friends have come through with wonderful stories, art, poems, puzzles, and crafts, each of which is very different but shows the common love we have for Starsky & Hutch. I hope you have as much fun reading as I did compiling.

Each creator has an email address listed. Please consider dropping them a line to let them know what you thought. Feedback doesn't have to be long to be greatly appreciated.

I'm thrilled to be one of the crazy people bringing you this year's SHareCon and we hope that you have a wonderful time at the con, whether you are attending in person or with us in spirit.

The content is almost all online here.

  • SHarecon 2014 Cover by L.A. Pinn and Flamingo
  • Front Cover (above)
  • SHareCon 2014 Logo Art by L A Pinn
  • Table of Contents
  • Note from the Editor by Cyanne & SHareCon Committee
  • Rings by Lisa C
  • Parry and Thrust by Dawnwind
  • Come Here by kat-byrd
  • The Difference Between Now and Forever by Dawnwind
  • Starsky & Hutch Word Search by dotsonga
  • Him by wightfaerie
  • Angel Starsky by kat-byrd
  • Angel Hutch by kat-byrd
  • Just a Case of Misspelling by Sam KW (samudee)
  • Where I Belong by Sparkle731
  • Looking at 40 by Lisa C
  • Offer Up Your Best Defense by Cyanne
  • Tender Moment by Virginia Sky
  • Not Quite A Hundred Percent by Blackbird Song
  • Husky and Starch by Duluth and Anachron
  • Hawaiian Undertaking by Kathy Windrain
  • Starsky and Hutch by Annie
  • Starsky & Hutch Do Bay City by LilyK
  • Sofa City by Lisa C
  • Retirement by Lucy
  • Fifty Shades of Cake by wightfaerie
  • Starsky & Hutch Word Search Answer Key by dotsonga
  • Annoyed Starsky & Dejected Hutch by sagitta (pending)
  • Hand Against the Wall by Lucy
  • Closing in on Three A.M. by Mary Louise Fisher
  • Red Sky at Night by Dawnwind
  • Friend of the Devil by Cyanne
  • Origami Zebra by SHaron
  • Weekend in the Woods by Amber Raine (pending)
  • Being Psychic by Lucy
  • Starsky & Hutch Do Bay City Answer Key by LilyK
  • Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes... by Flamingo and Rosemary (an example of tuckerization)
  • Starsky & Hutch by Lorraine
  • Back Cover by Lorraine


See the 2016 SHareCon convention.

cover of the 2016 zine

The con zine contains 103 pages of fiction, poems, photos, games, and an essay.

Note from the Editor:

This year's cover takes us back to the very beginning and the zine is a lovely celebration of Starsky & Hutch, their love for each other, and our love for them. Once again I had the honor of editing the zine and I'm grateful to everyone who sent us such lovely stories, art, puzzles, poems, trivia, and essays. I'm especially thankful for how easy you all were to work with, everyone was responsive and flexible and that made my job so much easier.

Every piece in the zine includes the creator's email address at the end. Please think about sending them feedback on their creations; even a short note means a lot.

Enjoy the zine, enjoy the con, and thanks for being part of the party. -Cyanne

Note from the Publisher:

Until you have created a zine, you cannot know how much work is involved. Cyanne took on the SHareCon zines years ago—I don't even remember when!—and has done an amazing job over the years on a tight schedule while also maintaining the con's website, the SH archive, creating surveys, and god-knows-what-else I think up for her to do at the last minute. Her zines have always been beautifully put together and well balanced, interesting, and fun books. Any writer or artist lucky enough to be featured in them has had their work treated with respect and care.

I cannot express enough gratitude to this woman who continues to work with me on cons, archives, advent and solstice calendars, websites, and of course, zines. She is a treasure, a creative artist, and I count her as one of my dearest friends. If you see me doing something creative on line, trust me, Cyanne is the wizard behind the curtains. I love you, my sister. You're the best.

To all the contributors, thank you for your gifts! To all you readers, enjoy the zine, and share your enjoyment with others! Feedback is always appreciated. To all the attending and supporting members of SHareCon and contributors to the zine, thank you for your continuing support. We couldn't have a con, or a zine, without you! -Flamingo

  • SHarecon 2016 cover by Flamingo and L.A. Pinn
  • Table of Contents (i)
  • Note from the Editor by Cyanne (iii)
  • Based on a True Story by hardboiledbaby (1)
  • Starsky's Letter's Home by Flamingo (3)
  • No One Promised Tomorrow by Dawnwind (4)
  • Starsky by sparkle731 (10)
  • Fallen Phrase Puzzles by Cyanne (11)
  • Hung Like a Hammock by Fresh Candy (15)
  • Tuck Me In by Mvernet (17)
  • an excerpt from "Saving Starsky" by Dandelion (18)
  • Hurry, lover by youtooblondie (20)
  • Bedtime Stories by Nicol Tyler (21)
  • Cravings by Mvernet and spencer5460 (23)
  • Hutchinson by sparkle731 (41)
  • Call My SHluff by Sharon (42)
  • Fallen Phrase Puzzles hing by Cyanne (43)
  • Confrontation by D P Patricks (44)
  • Fill by Cyanne (45)
  • Don't Make Me Choose by Lucy Doty (46)
  • Starsky & Hutch Word Search by sparkle731 (47)
  • I'll Be There Waiting by Blackbird Song (48)
  • my side of the mountain by youtooblondie (57)
  • 35 Cent Twist by Fresh Candy (58)
  • Hanging Around by wightfaerie (This story contains photos of Starsky and Hutch dolls, chains, and S&M tableaus.) (61)
  • Adventures in Fandom by Flamingo (An account of meeting David Soul and Paul Michael Glaser, finding out how scripts were chosen and used on the show (and why there was so little continuity), the freedom the actors had in creating their characters, their dislike of certain scripts specifically "Dandruff." The episode "Dandruff" was an example of Soul and Glaser's (mostly the latter) passive-aggressive sabotage in terms of non-sequiturs, costume choices, accents, and general angry, powerless derailment.) (66)
  • another excerpt from "Saving Starsky" by Dandelion (69)
  • Dangerous by Anachron (73)
  • Maze by Cyanne (75)
  • Bundle of Joy by Calliatra (76)
  • Fallen Phrases Answers by Cyanne (79)
  • Please Don't Talk About Eggs Tonight by Fresh Candy (81)
  • Call My SHluff Answers by Sharon (82)
  • A Conversation by D P Patricks (83)
  • Sitting on the Edge of a Storm by ksstarfire (86)
  • Ways to More Colorful Speech by Mvernet (91)
  • Starsky & Hutch Word Search Solution by sparkle731 (92)
  • the bigger picture by taass64 (93)
  • Maze Solution by Cyanne (99)
  • Like Indiana Jones by Morgan Logan (100)
  • Starsky Tries to Get the Last Word by Flamingo (103)


cover of the 2018 zine

SHareCon 2018 contains 200 pages of fic, art, poetry, nonogram puzzles, and a fan account of meeting the actors at Trifecta 2018. The cover art is by L.A. Pinn and the cover design is by Flamingo.

SHareCon has never had a 200 page zine before. Ask anyone who's ever produced even a small zine, and they'll tell you it's an incredibly complicated process. And in spite of Cyanne's comments above, I did very little to make this gorgeous book happen. Cyanne is an amazing zine producer, a generous and careful editor, and one of the very hardest working fans I know. She'll edit this, too. She can't help herself. Thank God. Because everything I produce has errors. I trust her to find them. I trust her. And I thank her for all the work this book represents.

Special thanks, too, go to Keri, who reviewed everything I wrote, scraped off all the rusty parts, commented on all the illogical stuff, and basically stroked my stale and battered writing soul until she convinced me I could still do this stuff. Keri helped me get my stories into good enough shape for Cyanne, who then made them shine. I couldn't have done it without you guys.

A big thank you to Suzan for providing the kind of inspiration that could kickstart any frozen writer's heart! You'll see!!!

The SHareCon zine is supposed to represent a snapshot of the fandom today. This 200 page zine is saying loudly that the fandom is alive, it's vibrant, it's very much now. I hope you're in the Torino with us. And whether you're a Founding Mother, an old timer like me, or a sparkling new recruit, we're so happy to have you. Welcome to SHareCon. -Flamingo

  • ShareCon 2018 CONspirators (ii)
  • Cover Quotes & Credits (ii)
  • A Memo from Cyanne (iii)
  • From the Bird's Beak (iii)
  • First, Take Off His Pants by Flamingo (1)
  • Limerick - The Pilot by Mvernet (15)
  • Princes Need Love, Too by Dawnwind (16)
  • Princes Need Love, Too (Art) by Dawnwind (31)
  • A Touch of Canon by Mortmere (33)
  • Starsky & Hutch Nonogram Puzzles by Calliatra (35)
  • Just Like In The Movies by hardboiledbaby (39)
  • Limerick - Savage Sunday by Mvernet (43)
  • Divergence: Variations on Sweet Revenge by Mvernet and Spencer (44)
  • Limerick - Texas Longhorn by Mvernet (61)
  • A Perfect Partnership by DPPatricks (62)
  • Limerick - Death Ride by Mvernet (64)
  • Dilemma by Anachron (65)
  • Ambidextrous by Anselm (67)
  • A Soapy Scene by jat sapphire (80)
  • Do Policemen Dream of Eclectic Meets by Flamingo (82)
  • Safe Enough by hardboiledbaby (84)
  • "Fly With Me," Said the Dragon King by Suzan (85)
  • Trifecta 2018 One Fan's Memories of a Dream Weekend by Lisa A. (87)
  • Limerick - Snow Storm by Mvernet (101)
  • An Idiot, a Girl, and a Fool in Love by vassalady (102)
  • Silk by Lucy (112)
  • Shirts Off (A Tribute to Tom of Finland) by Mortmere (113)
  • Risk Assessment by hardboiledbaby (115)
  • Limerick - The Fix by Mvernet (116)
  • Two Objectively Successful Dates by Garrideb (117)
  • Limerick - The Plague by Mvernet (122)
  • I Don't Care by Lucy (123)
  • How Starsky Became the Barbara Cartland of Bay City by LilyK (124)
  • Limerick - The psychic by Mvernet (130)
  • Limerick - Hutchinson For Murder One by Mvernet (130)
  • Take Off the Suit by Flamingo (131)
  • Variations on a Theme by Suzan (135)
  • "What If...?" by DPPatricks (137)
  • Limerick - Starsky vs Hutch by Mvernet (138)
  • Starsky & Hutch Nonogram Puzzles Solution by Calliatra (139)
  • Layers by Keri T. (142)
  • Open Book (A Tribute to Tom of Finland) by Mortmere (151)
  • Saturday Night Murder by m. butterfly (153)
  • Not in Death's Dominion by Dawnwind (200)


cover of the 2019 zine

SHareCon 2019 has 161 pages. The cover art is by L.A. Pinn and shows an image of Starsky and Hutch surrounded by quotes and phrases from the show.

Cyanne's Comments

Not only were we crazy enough to hold SHareCon two years in a row, we were crazy enough to produce another zine. And you were certainly up to the challenge. Thanks to all of our contributors for the wonderful puzzles, art, and stories that I had the honor of compiling. And thanks for your patience with the editing process.

Many thanks to Flamingo and Keri for their assistance in editing several of the stories. And special thanks to Flamingo for formatting all of the electronic versions of the zine--it's a lot more complicated than it appears.

Every piece has the creator' email addresses at the end; please consider sending feedback to let them know you enjoyed their work. It doesn't have to be long, but every comment is treasured.

Whether you are with us in person or in spirit, enjoy the zine and the con.

Reactions and Reviews: 2019

[Touching Hands] I loved this! Their handholding in the squad room is one of my favorite scenes in the whole series. It expressed so much about their relationship and the love they have for each other. "You're my pal Hutch" *sob* Touch was always so important to them throughout the series. This story expresses that so well. Thank you for sharing it! -- Donna[8]


  1. ^ KimberlyFDR (2004-01-03). "The Trouble With Stakeouts by Flamingo". crack_van at LiveJournal. Archived from the original on 2024-04-06.
  2. ^ KimberlyFDR (2006-11-05). "It's a Wonderful Life? by Dana Austin Marsh (PG-13)". crack_van at LiveJournal. Archived from the original on 2024-04-05.
  3. ^ KimberlyFDR (2005-02-05). "Lingering by Dana Austin Marsh". crack_van at LiveJournal. Archived from the original on 2024-04-05.
  4. ^ kassidy62 (2006-05-22). "Talkin' Dirty Bingo and Cheap Toupees by Flamingo (NC-17)". crack_van at LiveJournal. Archived from the original on 2024-04-05.
  5. ^ Introduction to Partners in Adversity by Flamingo and Rosemary C.; Wayback Machine link.
  6. ^ nickygabriel (2011-05-09). "More Starsky and Hutch". artconserv's Livejournal. Archived from the original on 2024-04-05.
  7. ^ Daisy Morgan (2022-04-10). "Fic Recs". Hutch's Greenhouse. Archived from the original on 2022-06-08. Retrieved 2023-10-15.
  8. ^ Donna (2020-05-05). "I loved this! Their handholding in the squad …". AO3. Archived from the original on 2024-04-06.