Kath Moonshine

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Name: Kath Moonshine aka Kathor
Alias(es): Baravan, Emily Langston, Diana Dolor
Type: fan writer, fanzine publisher, fan artist
Fandoms: Starsky & Hutch, The Professionals, Blake's 7, Miami Vice, Highlander, The Sentinel, The Phantom Menace, Stargate: SG-1, All things Orlando Bloom, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, Hawaii Five-O, Person of Interest, The Avengers (2012)
Communities: Venice Place, AO3
URL: her fanfiction at the Starsky & Hutch Archive
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Kath Moonshine is a fanfiction slash writer, editor, and zine publisher. She has assisted in the running of SHarecon, a Starsky & Hutch slash convention that is held once every two years in Maryland. At times she administered the Starsky & Hutch Lending Library. She co-chaired Eastern Media Con held in northern New Jersey in 2007 and 2008.

She has appeared in many fannish dramatic productions, most notably as half of "STarcH"--a melded Starsky & Hutch character, and as very "hands-on" Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn in "A Hard Drive's Knight"; Kath has a reputaion of adding more "lifts to her dramatic work than are seen in Olympic skating pairs."

Kath Moonshine started publishing fanzines in 1989 as Satyr D'Nite Press with her zine partner Donna; Savannah Velvet Press with Emily Langston; Two Vixens Press with Writestuff until 2004; and now shares editing and publishing tasks with TigerTyger and Glow at Light & Shadow Press/MoonGlow Zine Productions.

Zines (Contributor)

Zines (Publisher/Editor)

Sample Art