Proposed Zines/S

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  • Sacrifices (1991, "...a proposed K/S zine to be based on a sacrifice done by one for the other, an act of love. No harsh stories please for I'd like everyone to enjoy reading this one. I use Word Perfect 5.1. Please send throw away copies that can be edited.," this zine is not the same as Sacrifices)
  • Sahaj Collected #2, #3 (Star Trek: TOS, gen, mostly about Spock's son, Sahaj.)
  • Sagittarius (2003, Star Trek: Enterprise, "lovely Archer/Reed stories from MJ," Agent With Style)
  • Saks Fifth Avenue (1995, edited by Alyssa Mondelli, "A QL/MacGyver fanzine featuring stories by Margaret Krupp, Janet Martin, Karen Funk Blocher, Amanda Tomaini, Christopher K. Van Loon, and others. Plus filks by Karen Funk Blocher. Art by Melane Jeanes “and more!”)
  • The San Diego Chronicles (gen, Simon and Simon, 1986/87, fiction by Brenda Anders, was supposed to be v.1, was supposed to be out by PrettyGoodCon)
  • The San Francisco Treat (Alien Nation, gen)
  • Santa Got Run Over by the Klingons (filk, 2000, Unicorn Press, "name says it all... more of your favorite Christmas songs as you've NEVER heard them before (and probably won't ever hear again).")
  • Sapphire and White (2015, Mercedes Lackey, edited by Ronald Glaser, fiction)
  • Satellite of Sin (1988, Blake's 7, editor was Cheryl Beresford)
  • Savage Star (Star Trek: TOS, 1978, "a fanzine for Trekkers who like sword and sorcery, fantasy and horror")
  • Scarecrow's Dream (may also be the same as "Bobzine") (1995, "genzine dedicated to exploring the many characters played by Dowdell. Now accepting submissions—do you have a story from STONEY BURKE that needs a home? How about 240-ROBERT, THE INITIATION, SKIN DEEP, or TERROR IN THE SKY? The only requirement is that the story center on the character Bob played in the movie or TV episode. No gratuitous sex and no "/" situations will be accepted." Criterion Press)
  • Scarlet Letters (1993, Robin of Sherwood, "Finally, a fanzine dedicated to that madman of Sherwood, Will Scarlet! Looking for stories, poems, songs or artwork either serious or silly about Will. I will also consider crossovers or stories about other Ray Winstone characters. Open deadline, but would like to publish by the end of 1993! Send SASE for guidelines and info.")
  • Scented Candles (1993, Phantom of the Opera, Off-Note Productions)
  • See You at the Rendezvous (1994, Star Wars, a gen zine with a focus of Wedge Antilles, to have been published in Scotland by Louise Turner)
  • The Sentinel Zone (slash, 2000, The Sentinel, "The JIM zine - Want all Jim, all the time? Do you see Jim as a virgin to m/m? Write it! You want to tell when Jim fell in love with Blair? Write it! Why does Jim like white socks? Write it! Is Jim a virgin? What are Jim's kinks?" - AngelWings Press)
  • Shepherd Moons (1995, by Robyn LaSalle, illustrated by KOZ, slash, a Pros AU novella, inspired by "Far and Away." - "In the late 1800's, William Bodie tried to atone for his sins by joining the priesthood. His faith is put to the test when he is called on to rescue childhood friend Ray Doyle from danger. Forced to travel from his humble Dublin parish to the gold-paved streets of America, Bodie finds himself struggling to deny an old, burning passion not even the Catholic church could exorcise. Tentatively slated for May'93.")
  • Shrodinger's Cat (1994, slash, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., Samizdat Press, novel by Alexi Telsa: "Sometime's it's best to keep your deepest secret unspoken. Illya didn't, and it cost him his career with UNCLE and the only real friendship he'd ever known. Now Kuryakin is settled in a quiet New England university, teaching physics. He's got tenure, a little house and a flock of adoring students. And if it's a little lonely, he has only himself to blame. Then one of his students invents a device that can broadcast into the pleasure centers of the human brain. The boy dies trying to protect the device and Illya realizes there's only one place such a device can be safely kept. He makes a call to a number he hasn't dialed in years but has never forgotten: Section One, Number One...Napoleon Solo.")
  • Scotty, Beam Me Up (1991, Star Trek?, "Submissions for the new small-press zine, Fan-Ed are being taken now. This zine will cover all areas of sci-fi and fantasy. If you have a short story in any area please send it in. We will except stories from all areas and all universes except the Star Trek: Epilogue which was ended by the author. Sorry!) We'd like to see samples of artwork, too. If you would like to work on a specific art story, please write. We hope to go to press by Jan. 15, 1992 so hurry. SASE for more info..." see flyer image above)
  • Scoundrel (Star Wars, gen, casualty of the dustup regarding Open Letter to Star Wars Zine Publishers by Maureen Garrett)
  • The Screaming 'Zini (Riptide, "anything but slash")
  • Screams, Not Sighs ("the ultimate get zine... the first definitive hurt/hurt zine, designed to fill the growing need in fandom for out-and-out sadism. Will Kirk survive the torture/killing of his lover, Spock? Will Han survive the torture/killing of his friend, Luke? Will Michael survive the torture/killing of his car, KITT?")
  • Seasons (1991, "Any character associated with STAR TREK (including K/S), new and old, will be welcome. No harshness in this one either, but can be humorous, drama, or somewhere in the middle. Let's have fun with what we're doing. Let's show our readers love and caring, naughty bits and romance.")
  • Season in Hell (unknown)
  • The Second Wave (1994, Highlander, "based on an earlier Adrian Paul project: the second season as broadcast, but we will also consider 'imaginary' tales carrying first-season characters forward into the war against the Morthren, or speculations on what might have happened in the second season universe prior to 'The Second Wave' or after 'The Obelisk.' Adult material (to hard-R rating) welcome.")
  • Secrets (1992, "espionage in all its forms (especially British). MUNCLE, Bond, The Sandbaggers, especially Avengers")
  • Secret Service Chronicles (Wild Wild West, reprints of Catherine Schlein)
  • Secret Service Courier (Wild Wild West, 1983, "fiction by Beatty, Virgil, and Dickerson. Adult fiction will be welcome, but no W/G or graphic violence, please. All stories will be judged on their own merits: no story will be turned down just because of a sex scene or two (or three or four)... This will be a no-frills zine..." -- see flyer above)
  • See You at the Rendezvous (1994, Star Wars, Wedge Antilles-centric, out of Scotland)
  • Seeming Parted (1992, Beauty and the Beast, Lloann'mhrahel Press, "Seeking submissions of all kinds — poetry, vignettes, short or long stories, and especially art—for "classic" Beauty and the Beast or situations that rewrite the third season, particularly material that is interesting, romantic and poignant. Also looking for parody or humor, stories that focus on Catherine's workmates to some extent, a history of the Tunnels, speculation Vincent's birth, etc. Do any of those ideas strike your fancy?" From a 1993 ad: "How about if Catherine were to move below?...if a rival settlement was built next to the Tunnels? ..if someone came to the Tunnels claiming to be a long lost relative of Vincent? ..or Father? Also seeking 'Personal Growth' stories (I know it sounds icky!) and stories where Catherine's workmates become involved below plus anything you think up!")
  • Sepia Dreams ([[Man from U.N.C.L.E., slash, "Jane Terry’s “Dreaming in Color,” although it works as a stand-alone, is an excerpt from her novel, Sepia Dreams, scheduled to be published for MediaWest, 2000" - from We Have Each Other #3, there is a teaser for this novel in U.N.C.L.E. Confidential #2)
  • The Seven Doctors (1993, Rose City Press, Doctor Who)
  • SG-13 (Stargate SG-1, fancasted, 2000, "Nicholas Cage as Col. Asa "Buck" Buckman, Angela Bassett as Capt. Salem Jones, Callum Keith Rennie as Sgt. Topher McCullough, RAF, Michael Wincott as Dr. Andrew Tallgrass, PhD, Richard BurgI as Ronan, Paul Gross as Taleisin, Garret Maggart as Magar. Featuring Don S. Davis as General Hammond. THIS SERIES CONTAINS GRAPHIC SCENES OFAN ADULT/HOMOEROTIC NATURE! PLEASE NOTE: This is a PARALLEL UNIVERSE. Whiie characters from SG-1 make cameo appearances, this is NOT about them! All characters in SG-13 have been "cast" with our favorite actors. If you enjoy The Sentinel (Jim/Blair), or Due South (Fraser/Kowalski), and are a fan of Stargate, you'll enjoy this series of novels following the adventures of our own star-tripping team!"
  • Shades of Blue (NYPD Blue, stories could be rated up to R, but "must be kept within the boundaries of good taste.")
  • Shades of Red (MUNCLE, 1992, slash, novella by Kazuo, illustrated by KOZ, to have been published by Bodacious Press)
  • The Shadow Children (1991, Starman, novel)
  • Shadow of the Jedi (Star Wars)
  • Shadow Play (gen, an all Shadow Chasers sequel to Seeing Double)
  • Shadow Warrior (1994, "A proposed Raven zine is looking for original fiction and artwork placed totally (or partially) in the Raven universe. This is a gen 'zine ... no, slash or overly explicit sex please. Otherwise ... no holds barred." - Knightwriter Press, see flyer)
  • Shadows in the 90's (1992, "Will be complete look at the 1991 NBC revival of Dark Shadows," Kathy Resch)
  • Shadows in the Night (1993 and years earlier, Dan Silvio, Dark Shadows fiction)
  • The Shadowy Flight (1997, Knight Rider, "There is a new APA forming called The Shadowy Flight. It is for fans of Knight Rider, the original television show, made-for-­TV movies and the spin-off series Team Knight Rider. If you are interested please send a SASE.")
  • Shaolin Eyes (Kung Fu, gen, hurt/comfort)
  • Shikahr (1976, Star Trek, gen, to have been published by Richard Robinson)
  • Shootout (S&H, quarterly A5 British letterzine, no slash, 1985)
  • The Shuttlecraft Incident (Star Trek, an R & R special edition by C. Wedgett, 1984)
  • Side by Side: A Jake and the Fatman One-Shot (gen, 1990, Wizard Works, material submitted to it was folded into The Eyes Have It!)
  • Side Eight (1991, Mobile Suit Gundum, "MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM is one of the most popular, and most widely know shows in anime, and it's more than time it had a fanzine in a language we can read without the Japanese/English dictionary! Therefore, we're on the lookout for stories, art, original manga, and cartoons based on GUNDAH, ZETA GUNDAM, ZZ GUNDAM, NU GUNDAM: CHAR'S COUNTERATTACK, or WAR IN THE POCKET. All stories and manga should be original to the author, not translations of Japanese material. No Slash material.")
  • Sidekicks & Swordplay (1995, gen, Rainbow Dragon Press, Kari Masoner, "Accepting stories, poetry and artwork from martial arts and "swordplay" series or movies, including Highlander, Raven, Cobra, Street Justice, Walker-Texas Ranger, Renegade, The Three Musketeers, or any other media you may be interested in. If you have a particular passion for Bruce Lee, or Michael Dudikoff, please feel free to submit your story. I will even accept original characters. The only exception is Kung Fu - The Legend Continues as the above zine is strictly for that. I'm looking for good relationship stories that include swordplay and martial arts action.")
  • Side-Trekked (1970s, Star Trek, edited by Trinette Kern who much later published the zine Side-Trekked with a completely different set of tribbers)
  • Sigh Squared (1992, Quantum Leap, "a 'sub-zine' (3 times/yr) seeking all QL fanlit -- fiction, poems, commentary, etc. 2 pg min, 10 pg max. Non-crossover preferred.")
  • Silhouettes (Equalizer)
  • Silhouettes (1992, het, Beauty and the Beast, "Silhouettes" is a mixed season zine that is divided into three sections, The first section is classic, the middle section is fantasy and the third section is third season. Flyers should be available at TunnelCon II for this publication.")
  • Simbelmyne (Lord of the Rings, "Most pairings of the 'good guys' will be considered, no pairings with orcs, trolls, uruk-hai, Sauron, Saruman, etc.")
  • A Single Soul (Doctor Who, "For a serious, no-holds-barred look at the fifth Doctor in love, this is a collection of Ayren Tabeth stories that have appeared in Portals, The Cricketer and other zines." From 1992: " By MaryAnn Johanson. The collected adventures of the fifth Doctor and Ayren Tabeth: a serious, no-holds-barred exploration of the Doctor in love. Includes all the Ayren stories from Portals, The Cricketer and other zines—with the early, currently out-of-print stories heavily revised—plus several all-new stories. Although no age statement is required, A Single Soul will deal with adult subject matter and is recommended for mature readers. Tb be published in mid to late 1992 with a limited print run of 100 copies. Reserve yours now with a check for $5 and a long SASE.")
  • The Sinta Fables (K/S) ("A collection of fables, told in fairy tale format, based on the character of Sinta, created in The Year of the Ram")
  • Slags Are People Too (Alien Nation, 1990, "... gen and adult fiction, poetry and filler art... Will consider all genres of material, straight and slash, as long as it features one member of the AN universe")
  • Situational Ethics (gen, multimedia, around 1991, was originally to contain Walking Through the Broken Glass, and a The Sandbaggers story by Pat Nussman)
  • Slash-a-Cabana (multimedia, slash, "All material must be in some way based off of or use the lyrics from Barry Manilow songs.")
  • Sleepless in Manhattan (Man from U.N.C.L.E., 1994, Otter Limits Press, by Robyn LaSalle, Illustrated by KOZ, a story based on the classic movie "An Affair to Remember.")
  • Slumber Party (2002, Green Dragon Press, multimedia, "G through PG-13 stories in which a character ends up in his pajamas. A slumber party does not have to be involved, and the jammies don't have to be the focus…but, someone has to spend at least a scene or two in their pj's.")
  • Sneak Peaks (1993, Twin Peaks, "A zine devoted to "/" relationships from the show TP. Considering how deticiously weird this show was, you folks have a pretty wide field to play in. We'll accept female pairings as well as male. The deadline for this is pretty open. Bob will be very cross if you Peakers don't send us anything. You won't like him when he's cross. You know that. Save yourself a demonic possession and submit! Send your perverted stories to Bodacious Press. Make Uncle David proud." Bodacious Press)
  • The Spindrift Log (1995, Land of the Giants, "Features all LAND OF THE GIANTS material. #1 coming soon- "Out of the Darkness" (LAND OF THE GIANTS/SW) by Monica Ruggles; "The Search" by Michelle Ruggles. #2: Wanted- Stories, filks, art, poetry, (action-adventure, mysteries, drama, hurt/comfort, crossovers). No "/", explicit sex or death stories on the main characters.")
  • Soapy Scenes (1981, Starsky & Hutch, gen, Marian Hale and Perky Bills, see flyer above)
  • A Solo's Price/True Heart (see image on this page) (1983, Star Wars, "a Janus novella, a series with the characters of Raiah Areiana, an Alderaani; and [unclear] Solo, a Corellian. There are two stories within each novella, each covers the same events, but from a different point of view. It's a new approach to fan fiction. Note there will be a limited print run of these, so it all depends on you." 1984)
  • Some Like it Raw (1992, Alien Nation, all material was welcome but not Matt/George)
  • Something Wicked This Way Comes (around 1992, Beauty and the Beast anthology)
  • Sometimes a Fantasy (1992, stories, poetry, and art in all fandoms and genres. No slash.")
  • The Soong Chronicles (ST:TNG, 1995, "Next Gen fanzine looking for stories about Data, Lore, Soong, and Data's extended family. Each story will be set in a different time period in the Soong family tree and will offer that author's interpretation and contribution to the timeline. The aim is to build a history for Data et al, though it will by no means be comprehensive. Write for guidelines and a prospectus to build your story one. Edited by Michelle Benoit and Juila Fraser, Millenium Productions.")
  • Souls Collected (multimedia, art from Star Trek, Robotech, Doctor Who, others)
  • The Sound of Silence (slash, The Sentinel, written by Mysti Frank, early 2000s)
  • The Southern X-Posure (a special edition of Southern Star, "We are looking for stories of good quality writing and plotting, which explore all the fascinating areas of Trek not usually printed in a general audience zine. However, we are avoiding K/S gay stories like a horde of plauges! Slated for publication after SS #5 goes to press. So, as the Klingons would put it, submit!.")
  • Space Cat Detectives (1994, comics, Samizdat Press)
  • Spellbound (1990, gen, Starcastle Press, "What if... Elric with Stormbringer teamed up with Morgan La Fey to bring chaos to King Arthur's round table? What if... Kathrine finds forgotten love with the BeastMaster yet Vincent must save them both? What it... Promethus never gave man the gift of fire? What if... You were given a magical wand that allows you to cast wonderful tales of imagination and all your family, friends, and enemies were left spellbound by your power? SPELLBOUND is a new fanzine seeking short fiction and/or filk songs exploring the entire fantasy genre, from Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser novels to "Princess Bride . We are also very interested in original fantasy (especially well rounded characters interacting with magic), crossover fantasy, and mythological tales (ancient and archetypical originals;. One of our visions is to attract serious amateurs who want to further their talents and gain recognition in the field. Fantastic artwork will also be accepted.")
  • Spock Remembered ("Assume or create the character and personality of a 23rd individual in the ST universe and describe in 1000 words or less, what Spock meant to you, highlighting his 'humanity' and how his sacrifice and death -- and life-- meant to you. This is going toe be serious compendium of how Spock's death affected HIS universe of friend and acquaintances. No frivolity, though humor, where appropriate, is encouraged," 1983)
  • A Spy's Best Friend (1994, slash, Man from U.N.C.L.E., Samizdat Press, novel by Alexi Tesla. "In Tesla's Werewolf Universe (Well, heck folks. After Zach's Cat People and Alexi's Schrodinger, you've got to toss in a shaggy dog story somewhere!) It began when Napoleon's twin-prop crashed in the wilderness, and the combined forces of UNCLE and the Canadian Army couldn't located the injured agent. Then the white wolf -- obviously a tame, domesticated pet -- showed up, beat off the wolf pack about to dine on Solo ala carte, led him back to civilization... and vanished. No one believes Solo about his mysterious white wolf and the amazing way it rescued him. Then he starts seeing it in New York, thousands of miles from where he saw it last. Determined to prove the existence of the best once and "for all to his amused and condescending partner, Napoleon sets out to trap the wolf. But his plan backfires, trapping him with what is, after all, only a wild animal, and he may be forced to kill the wolf in order to save himself.")
  • The Star Harbour Murders (gen, 1992, Man from U.N.C.L.E. novel by Sasha Sokolnikov, Floria's Press, sequel to a story in the Del Floria Press anthology. "Our story so far: Heather is due any day now and Napoleon is a total nervous wreck over the impending arrival of his firstborn, Michael Davenport is still doing his best to make peace with Illya, and the hydroponics are finally starting to thrive. It looks as if the human race will survive after all. Then people begin dying on the Star Harbour space station. The first deaths are chalked up to a series of unfortunate accidents — until someone plants a bomb near the Solo-Kuryakin quarters and nearly destroys the entire space station. No longer can the previous deaths be construed as accidental. As evidence accumulates, it starts to look like the real targets are the men who founded the space colony: Solo and Kuryakin. And whoever it is apparently doesn't care if they destroy themselves and the entire colony. But how can a murderer — and his accomplices — hide among a race of telepaths? Complicating matters is the arrival of an ancient race of gentle crystal people who have not known violence for over 50,000 years. When one of the visitors is killed in an attempt an Solo and Kuryakin's lives, all hell breaks loose. It may signal the final days of the space station's existence, as well as the end of the human race, unless the former agents can discover the killer in lime to save the few remaining humans still struggling to make new lives for themselves among the stars.")
  • Star Journal ("a new multimedia zine by Catherine Strand and Kay Johnson, formally of Sahsheer and Baselines. Each issue will feature an art portfolio on the theme of the issue. First issue theme is "The Great Adventurers," and artists include Mike Brown, Sat Nam Kaur, and John Tibbets. Color cover by Randal Spangler. Due Feb. 1985.")
  • Star Trek Concordance Movies Update project. (A 1983 movie-related "Star Trek" compendium-type fanzine, which Ian McLean worked on for several years, and was planned to be offered to Bjo Trimble. New movies kept coming out, making all of its text entries obsolete! It never saw publication and Bjo eventually updated her own volume.)
  • Star Trek: The Constellation Chronicles (1985, "Help! We are two writers who are looking for an interested writer or writers to help us correct, complete a novel of 2000 pages. Writer or writers would share work, correction, profits of novel. No dirty smut or pix please. Cassette tape letters are welcome.")
  • Star Trek Oklahoma (1978, "A magazine including such stories as: "Revenge of a Creature" and "Journey into Infinity." Plus a large assortment of puzzles and ads. If you like Star Trek and/or Science Fiction, write: Star Trek Oklahoma c/o Milton Paddlety [address redacted]")
  • Star Trek - The Fans: A Study of the Legend and Its Followers (1983, a non-fiction zine about fans and fandom, by Elaine Thomson, see G.H.T. Journal #2 for details and the accompanying questionnaire)
  • The Star Trek Years (These Were the Voyages) (1974, gen "Introducing a 60-page fanzine mainly dedicated to Star Trek with some Science Fiction. Star Trek stories, great artwork, quiz, games, photos, interesting articles and letters, plus a story based on an actual happening here in the north Idaho area... the story about a UFO capturing humans to study. The ST Years is to be mailed out sometime the first of September (1974)... Lawrence Fury (our director)" see flyer image above
  • Star Trekkers (Star Trek: TOS, gen fiction and art, 1981)
  • Star Wars Yuletide Primer (1983, "filks mostly based on Xmas carols, humorous short stories, and a beautiful pull-out pinup by AZ. SW/ST/BG and other media considered. We hope to include material from our Alderaani, Corellian, Vulcan, Caprican, and Imperial Branches.")
  • Stargazer (a zine "dedicated to all characters played by Judson Scott,"1984)
  • Station Planet Earth (see image on this page) (1990, "This quarterly zine will concentrate on science fiction and fantasy television shows of the past, present and, hopefully, future. In addition to WOW, "Blake's 7," "Robin of Sherwood," "Beauty & the Beast," "Quantum Leap," "Alien Nation" and others will be covered... It will be a LOC/newszine in the same format as that of The Blackwood Project.")
  • Starship Erotica (ST:TOS)
  • Steele Crazy After All These Years (1992, Remington Steele, "STEELETTO. 40 pages of tiny print. AGE STATEMENT REQUIRED, ADULT STRAIGHT ZINE. 19th Anniversay zine. RS is accused of murdering his wife or did he? EQZ crossover. Due out MediaWest 1992." Margaret Basta)
  • Still Frisky After All These Years ("No special theme, just good ol' slash. Open to all fandoms except due South, Sentinel and Wiseguy.")
  • Still Waters (Rat Patrol, anthology of Tully stories)
  • Stillwaters (K/S anthology "Relationship, hurt/comfort, parody okay," 1984)
  • A Stitch in Time (Doctor Who, fiction and other material, 1983, "Material on all the Doctor's incarnations," Polaris Press, see flyer above)
  • Stormfront (2004, Agent With Style, a Starsky/Hutch novel by Marianne)
  • Strange Business (multifandom, specifically Nowhere Man, Strange Luck and X-Files)
  • String Theories (1997, slash, Quantum Leap, "This brand new QL slash zine from Red Pants Press is looking for stories involving periphery characters from the series, characters from other fandoms, or original characters -- while maintaining a definite S/A slant.")
  • Stuck in Limbo (Shades of L.A., 1993, Neon Rainbow Press, "A SHADES OF LA letterzine (APA) for a great syndicate series. I know there are fans out there! And how about John DiAquino? You know, SHADES OF LA, DIRTY DOZEN: THE SERIES, WILDSIDE...? Drop me a line if you're interested!")
  • The Stuff of Dreams (1996, Pros, slash, theme zine, Clueless Press, "What would Bodie, Doyle, Cowley, Jax, Murphy and the other CI5 agents do if they suddenly came into a great deal of money? What if Bodie revealed the cache of mercenary money he's had hidden away since his days in Angola? what if Doyle won the pools big time? How 'bout Murphy discovering a hidden treasure in London's sewers? Would they "shop til they dropped", give it all to charity, or live the life they'd only dreamed of?"
  • Swordplay (slash 2004, "Highlander, Duncan/Methos, digest sized. DEADLNE: April 1, 2004," Devious Developments Press)
  • Subversive Songs of the Seven (1990, Blake's 7, filks, "canceled -- lack of interest" by Xenon Press)
  • Summer of 1987 (Simon and Simon)
  • Summer Reruns (1986, multimedia, gen, "would like a good variety of work from G to R rated. No graphic sex or violence. Old Republic Press")
  • Summer Solstice (Battlestar Galactica, 1984, a sequel to Change of Command)
  • The Sun Never Sets ("an American zine of SF/f out of the British Empire, including Avengers, B7, DW, SS, plus other media, cross-universe, original fiction, poetry, filks and art," 1984, see flyer above for contents)
  • Sun, Sea, Sand, and Ants (1993, Starsky & Hutch, gen, to have been a supplement to Frienz, "We've had enough bad news, let's have some FUN. Summer themed stories. Vignettes, humor, poems, episode fill-ins. Starsky baseball stories: this guy loves baseball, coached Little League, has a card collection. He's a fan (Hey, no wonder we like him.) Or, Hutch, and a sunburn. How 'bout midnight, moonlite swim and crab? Or, that first post-SF summer. Or, something HOT... LA and a record heat wave? Or a picnic where ALL goes wrong. I'd like it to be a copy ready zine made available to all interested S&H fen. I will gladly help with story ideas, or typing for those who cannot. This will be OUR zine. For FUN. Write on... No graphic sex please.")
  • Sunny Climes (1992, Miami Vice, from Whatever You Do, Don't Press), see flyer image above
  • Surprise Attack (Star Trek: TOS, "action-adventure theme, including K/S," 1985)
  • Synergy (1994, Starsky & Hutch, "Looking for romantic or erotic, gentle, "feel good" stories that contain hurt/comfort and lots of warmth and humor. First time stories are the editor's favorite! Cross-universe are also fine, as long as the main story is about Starsky & Hutch. Anything will be considered except death stories. Poetry and artwork is also needed and can be erotic or subtle. Length of story is not an issue, however, if you are writing a novella Iwill consider publishing separately. This is one of editor's favorite fandom and all submissions of stories, poetry and artwork will be gone over with a fine tooth comb to insure a high-quality zine!" ANOTHER DESCRIPTION: 1995, multi-media, slash, Kari Masoner, "Multi-media "/" zine. Looking for romantic, "feel good" stories, especially first time stories. No death or vindictive stories, but intense and passionate - yes!")