List of Content Banned by Archives
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Fanfic archives set their own rules regarding acceptable content.
Below is a list of some archives (both active and inactive) and the content they ban/banned.
abuse, child abuse, spouse abuse
- Gluttony [3]
- [4]
- SlasHeaven (not allowed when shown in a positive light)
AI Generated Content
archive fic ("stories that aren't really fiction, but rather a use of the characters to promote your own projects")
author's notes that are too long, or within the text of the story, or consist of simply the author's note
- [8]
- Cipher [9]
- FanDomination.Net
- Gluttony [10]
- [11]
- Wolf Moon [12]
- Open Scrolls Archive [15]
- PGSM Fanfiction
- The Quidditch Pitch [16]
- Wattpad [18]
- Wolf Moon (but it's allowed if the beast is sentient, AND if the beast consents.) [19]
- y!Gallery
bonding fic
canon-denial, only stories from specific television seasons or books in series
character bashing
character names from the English dub
chat/script format, keyboard dialogue based entries, netspeak
- Amor Yaoi
- Fanfic Es
- [24][25]
- FictionAlley [26]
- Gluttony [27]
- [28]
- Lunaescence [29]
- MediaMiner [30]
- Open Scrolls Archive [31]
- Paraíso Fanfiction
- PGSM Fanfiction
- The Quidditch Pitch [16]
- SlasHeaven
closed AUs
criticism: stories that criticize other stories
- TheForce.Net Fan Fiction Archive [34]
- Kindle Worlds: [35]
- Library of Moria [36]
- MuggleNet Fan Fiction [37]
- Open Scrolls Archive [38]
- PGSM Fanfiction
- The Quidditch Pitch [16]
discrimination of any kind
Disney fanworks
drugs, illegal
domestic discipline
eating disorders
explicit sex (also see "pornography, or offensive depictions of graphic sexual acts")
This is a long list. Below is only a sample.
- Cascade Library (no m/m, no f/f, no explicit het) [44]
- [24]
- FictionAlley [26]
- TheForce.Net Fan Fiction Archive [34]
- Gluttony [46]
- [47]
- Horatio Hornblower Fan Fiction Site [48]
- MuggleNet Fan Fiction [49]
fanfiction in specific professional author's universes
Some examples of specific professional authors: P.N. Elrod, Raymond Feist, Terry Goodkind, Laurell K. Hamilton, Anne McCaffrey, Robin McKinley, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Irene Radford, Anne Rice, and Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb. Also see Professional Author Fanfic Policies.
Examples of archives:
- AngelOtaku FanFics
- The Archive at the End of the Universe
- [25]
- Freedom of Speech Fan Fiction Archive [51]
- Gluttony [13]
- InuYasha Fanfiction [52]
- .moon
- Trekiverse [53]
- The Wonderful World of Makebelieve (although fic in several of these author's universes has been hosted on WWOMB since mid-2000s)[54]
- Wormhole Crossing [55]
forced marriages
game show fics
gore, gratuitous
- Amor Yaoi (only m/m or f/f/)
- The Automated Hatstand (no het, only m/m) [60]
- The Basement (no het, only m/m) [61]
- Fluent Fag (only slash, f/f or m/m)[62]
- Library of Moria (no het, only m/m) [63]
- Realm of the Shadow (no het or m/m, only f/f) [64]
- The Refuge (only slash, m/m or f/f)[65]
- Smallville Slash Archive (no het, no gen, only m/m and f/f) [66]
inside jokes
interactive fiction: choose your adventures, second person/you based, Q&As, and etc.
John Doggett (X-Files character) fiction which portrayed him in a positive light
LGBT content
language: English only
- Ad Astra
- Comic Fanfiction Authors Archive
- FictionAlley [26]
- TheForce.Net Fan Fiction Archive [34]
- Lunaescence [72]
- Superlove
- Wraithbait [73]
language: foul
language: regional vocabulary/non-standard
language: Spanish only
language: "titles and summaries must be kid friendly."
length: fiction that is too short
- [25]
- FictionAlley [26]
- Library of Moria [79]
- Lunaescence [80]
- MuggleNet Fan Fiction [49]
- SlasHeaven
Mary Sues/Gary Stus
Monica Reyes: (X-Files character) fiction which portrayed her in a positive light
original characters (any)
original characters created by other fans
original characters, focus on
original fiction
Many archives ban this, for example:
- The Archive at the End of the Universe (allowed it if a fan had previously submitted fan fiction to the archive)
- FanFiction.Net (previously allowed; split off to FictionPress)
- The Athenaeum [94]
- TheForce.Net Fan Fiction Archive [34]
- Lunaescence [95]
- The Pink Rabbit Consortium [96]
- Wattpad [97]
photographs: the use of them in art
photographs or photomanips
- PaperDemon (exception for photos of sculptures or paintings)[100]
poor quality
- Ad Astra [101]
- Cipher [102]
- FanDomination.Net [103]
- [104]
- FictionAlley [26]
- Harry Potter FanFic Archive [105]
- Lunaescence [106]
- MuggleNet Fan Fiction [49]
- Nyah! Fanfiction
- PaperDemon[100]
- Paraíso Fanfiction
- The Quidditch Pitch [107]
- Stay Dreaming/The Tightrope [108]
- Wolf Moon [109]
- Wraithbait [110]
- Y!Gallery
"pornography, or offensive depictions of graphic sexual acts" (also see "explicit sex")
profanity: "excessive use of language"
- AngelOtaku Fanfics
- The Archive at the End of the Universe (Allowed for people who've been dead for at least fifty years)
- The Automated Hatstand [60]
- Blackraptor [116]
- Challenge the Muses List Archive[117]
- [24]
- [118]
- Axe and Bow - Submissions Information, Archived version
- Gluttony [13]
- Gossamer [33]
- [119]
- InuYasha Fanfiction [52]
- KFTLC Archive [120]
- The Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive [121]
- The Level Three Records Room [7]
- The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Fan Fiction Archive [122]
- Master and Apprentice Archive [123]
- Me and Thee Archive
- Nyah! Fanfiction [note 1]
- Open Scrolls Archive [124]
- PGSM Fanfiction
- The Pink Rabbit Consortium [125]
- Skyehawke [126]
- Trekiverse [127]
- Wormhole Crossing [128]
- Wraithbait [129]
rape, dubcon, noncon
- The Pink Rabbit Consortium [132]
- [133]
- Skyehawke [126]
- Twitter [134]
- Wattpad [135]
- PaperDemon (disallowed in art or comics)[100]
- Wolf Moon [20]
self-harm content (fiction)
self-harm or suicide (images, videos, gifs, and sound clips)
sexual roleplaying
slash and/or femslash fiction, regardless of its explicitness
This is a very long list; below are only some examples.
- Bay City Library (no m/m)
- Daire's Fanfic Refuge
- Horatio Hornblower Fan Fiction Site [141]
- Harry Potter FanFic Archive (no m/m, no f/f, only gen) [84]
- Land of the Warped (no "homosexuality")[75]
- Open Scrolls Archive (no slash, only het and gen) [15]
- The Pink Rabbit Consortium (no het, no m/m) [142]
teacher/student relationships
tense: only past tense is allowed
threatening for reviews
See each archive for its definition. Many have caveats.
- Ad Astra [101]
- The Alpha Gate [115]
- The Automated Hatstand [60]
- The Basement [155]
- Blackraptor [156]
- DeviantArt [157]
- Gluttony [13]
- Hairy Eyeball[158]
- [159]
- InuYasha Fanfiction [160]
- KFTLC Archive [161]
- The Level Three Records Room [162]
- Master and Apprentice Archive [123]
- The Pink Rabbit Consortium [163]
- Open Scrolls Archive [164]
- PGSM Fanfiction
- RockFic [165]
- The Royal Academy of Bards [113]
- Scully Slash Archive [166]
- Skyehawke [126]
- SlasHeaven
- superlove
- Wattpad [18]
- Wormhole Crossing [55]
- Wraithbait [129]
untitled fics
violence: "works that glorify violence"/"graphic violence"
- Area 52: The HKH Standard [167]
- The Automated Hatstand [168]
- Blackraptor [116]
- The Professionals Circuit [169]
general mayhem
- Cipher: "poor grammar, punctuation, spelling, and fidelity to canon spellings and capitalization, stories containing netspeak, major formatting errors, or author's notes within the text of the story are rejected. Additionally, stories will not be accepted if they contain certain content, including: snuff, sadomasochism, bloodsports, scatology, water sports, chan, or self-mutilation (i.e. cutting). Stories will also be rejected if they contain major continuity errors, verb or POV shifts, OOC characters, unexplained and distracting AU aspects, or 'Toxic Mary Sues or Gary Stus.'" [102]
- DeviantArt: "obscene, offensive, blasphemous, pornographic, unlawful, threatening, menacing, abusive, harmful, an invasion of privacy or publicity rights, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, illegal or otherwise objectionable" [157]
- FanDomination.Net: "Authorfic, Author notes longer than the story, Author notes stating author will stop writing if they don't get feedback, Badfic, Bashing of female characters in slash fic in order to justify m/m pairings, Body details like height, eye color, hair color wrong, Censoring words like G_d or G-d or Gawd or Ghod or Gods of F*ck or sh*t, Changing a major plot point of the show, without adequate explanation, Changing the point of view randomly, frequently, often when failing to add anything to the story by doing this, Chat room stories, especially where one character reveals they love another in the story, Chick with a dick, Crossover with two things that don't need to be crossed over and there is no reason why, Excessive Borrowing, Excessive crying by characters that have NEVER cried in canon, Excessive *emphasis* on *certain* WORDS, Excessive use of other ****&&&///.......!!!!!???? symbols, Forcing characters to listen to/enjoy whatever music and tv the writer is obsessed with, Homophobic ranting in the middle of a story for no reason relating to the story, HTML abuse, Hymen obsession, annoyingly long focus on loosing virginity, ridiculous situation of losing virginity, Ignores canon with out logical reason, Intentionally inflammatory, Impossible Sexual Situations, I.E. unlubricated anal sex being pleasurable and not in a painful sort of way, Improbable pairings not explained, Lack of Disclaimer, Language Issues, Male semen and female ejaculation being described in terms of buckets, Male Pregnancy, Magic Penises, Mary Sue, Measurements of sexual parts in the middle of sex scenes, Netspeak, Never ending paragraphs, Obsession or over detailed information on what physical attributes offspring inherited from their parents, Plot Holes, Poor Characterization, Poor Grammar, Poor Spelling, Poor time flow, Rabid abuse of Japanese honorific, Randomly changing genders, Rape used as a tool to hook up two people, Religion in a story in the context of overlaying author's own religious practices on canon characters, Repeatedly describing an event, and then having a character say the exact same thing, Scriptfic, Songfic, Song longer than the story, Stories that ignore the laws of physics without logical explanation, Telling, not Showing, Too shitty for words… where do I begin?, VideoFic, IE writing a music video in words as a story, Vulgarity and abuse of it, Withdraw used to avoid conception in stories where there is appropriate birth control in the universe, WIP which hasn't been worked on in over three months, Wrong Category, Wrong Rating" [173]
- "This archive is for stories only. Interactive writing is considered anything that includes reviewers as characters, "pick your own ending" fics (this does not disallow alternate endings), and calling for votes on which way the next chapter should go. You are welcome to ask for "plot bunnies," as getting help with Writer's Block is a big part of this site. We also allow users to "team write" stories but they can only be posted on one account.The "etc." here is a bit expansive. Submissions that are considered not to contain enough plotting or content to be considered a story will be rejected. This can include stories that take the form of letter exchanges, diary entries, reality tv series, game shows, etc. Karaoke fics (ie, stories wherein characters sing all or part of a published or self-written song) are not accepted on this site. In any one chapter, characters may sing up to no more than 3-4 lines of quoted lyrics." [174]
- Lunaescence [175]
- MediaMiner: "racist, demeaning, obscene, or threatening and have no artistic value" [176]
- MuggleNet Fan Fiction: "Bad/little/no plot development, or, if writing a specialized one-shot (like a monologue), no point, Poor Characterization, Wrong category,Multiple category submission, Gratuitous spelling/grammar errors, Appropriate warnings not attached, Major time errors without reasoning, Major canon errors without explanation for it being AU, Severe OOCness, Length (If it is under 800 words; 500 words for prologues, which must be clearly identified as such), No paragraph formatting, No summary/summary that reads "I'm really bad at summaries..." or likewise, Netspeak, Canon name errors, Plagiarism, Unnecessary Author's Notes, Severe dialogue errors, Lack of believability, Cliches coupled with a weak plot, When an author has errors but has requested no changes, Changing tenses/tense errors, Incest and Adult content, Misuse of sensitive subjects such as rape, Severe grammar errors, including punctuation errors and run-on sentences, Crossovers" [37]
- Skyehawke: "inflammatory, prejudiced, bigoted, exploitative" [126]
no apparent restrictions
Examples of fanwork content that commonly is or has been historically discouraged, disparaged
See Examples of Fanwork Content Actively Banned.
Not all fanworks are actively banned, but instead are often avoided, ridiculed, and disparaged.
Some of these topics are below.
- kidfic
- poetry
- the "wrong" pairing
- the "wrong" head canon
- Alpha/Beta/Omega
- deathfic
- darkfic
- curtainfic
- self-insertion
- furry
- unauthorized sequels
- fiction written in the first person [180]
- fiction written in the present tense
- fiction which has men acting "girly"
- fanworks that have been sold for profit
- Reader-insert
Related Meta
- ^ "Normas para publicar". Fanfic Es (in español). Archived from the original on 2022-03-21. Retrieved 8 April 2019.
Fanfics que muestren bajo una luz positiva: drogas, violación, maltratos, pedofilia o abuso sexual de menores.
- ^ "Normas para publicar". Amor Yaoi (in español). Archived from the original on 2022-05-16. Retrieved 8 April 2019.
Fanfics que muestren bajo una luz positiva: drogas, violación, maltratos, pedofilia o abuso sexual de menores.
- ^ "Child/Spousal Abuse is NOT tolerated at any time. Glorifying this subject is NOT tolerated. While there may be some form of abuse, eg. Alcohol, drugs, use of the Cruciatus Curse or writing about Harry's life with the Dursley's, these subjects can not be glorified in anyway. As this is not legal or ethical in real life, they are not allowed here." -- Submission Rules
- ^ HPFF Site Rules (modified on: Mon, 29 Aug, 2016)
- ^
- ^
- ^ a b The Level Three Records Room
- ^ Content Guidelines
- ^ Cipher: Submission Rules and Validation Guideline. Archived 27 March 2012 by Google Cache. (Accessed 28 April 2012.)
- ^ "Author's notes to the dedicated sections (Chapter Notes or End Notes). Any A/N's used within the story text space will result in deletion or rejection" -- Submission Rules
- ^ HPFF Site Rules (modified on: Mon, 29 Aug, 2016)
- ^ a b Help
- ^ a b c d e Submission Rules
- ^ HPFF Site Rules (modified on: Mon, 29 Aug, 2016)
- ^ a b Open Scrolls Archive - Fanfic Guidelines, Archived version
- ^ a b c d "Submission Guidelines and Terms of Service". Archived from the original on 2010-06-20.; archive link
- ^ a b c "Terms of Service". 16 February 2018. Archived from the original on 2022-05-30. Retrieved 26 July 2019.
- ^ a b c Wattpad Content Guidelines
- ^ "Beastiality [sic] is acceptable, as long as the animal is sentient, or is a human in animal form. Chan is allowed for characters 14 or older. The point to consider here is this: Consent. This element is vital if your fic includes Beast or Chan." -- Help
- ^ a b c d e "sadomasochism, scat, watersports, snuff, or bloodplay ('cept for VampSex)" "Beastiality [sic] is acceptable, as long as the animal is sentient, or is a human in animal form. Chan is allowed for characters 14 or older. The point to consider here is this: Consent. This element is vital if your fic includes Beast or Chan." -- Help
- ^ Library Policy on Bonding Scenes, Archived version
- ^ "4.We don't accept stories set in Season 6 unless it is set in one of the three episodes in which Daniel was present ("Abyss", "The Changeling", "Full Circle")." -- AlphaGate Submission Rules
- ^ "No character bashing stories. Character bashing includes, but is not limited to, making characters look bad because you think that they are a threat to your OTP or your favourite character; making characters look bad because you think it makes your favourite character look good in comparison; characters acting severely out of character - plotting murder, committing rape, beating the hell out of people - for no good reason that is explained in the story when there is no indication in canon that they would behave in such a way. Please note that this does not mean that we don't accept dark stories, but if your canon character reads as though they are cackling wildly and swirling a black mustache, or weeps, wails and has a streak of yellow ten foot wide while someone else saves the day, you've probably crossed the line into character bashing." -- Submission Rules
- ^ a b c Fanfiction.Net NC-17 Ban in 2002, archive link
- ^ a b c d e f Guidelines
- ^ a b c d e FictionAlley Submissions
- ^ "Net Speak is not any form of writing, so please do not submit it, this includes the use of emotions within asterisks (*gasp* - Unless needed to demonstrate an action by a non-human character). Chat Format's and Script's are not considered stories at Gluttony and are not permitted." -- Submission Rules
- ^ HPFF Site Rules (modified on: Mon, 29 Aug, 2016)
- ^ "Save the Chat Shorthand, D3\/\/d Speak, Internet Abbrieviations, etc. - for the chat rooms or video games. If you have a scene taking place online and in a chatroom or game, that's fine. Also, if you having a character talk like this for effect, such as some characters found in, that will also be allowed." -- FanFiction Rules
- ^ "Chat fiction is defined as chat room or IM log transcripts that are cut and pasted directly into a story with the names of the characters being either that of the author or thinly veiled as anime characters. Stories found to be of this type uploaded after the January 1, 2005 will result in the author's account being terminated from the site. Script format that does not contain descriptive passages are considered chat fictions." -- Terms of Service
- ^ "These are not stories with a clear narrative and are better suited for archiving elsewhere." -- Open Scrolls Archive - Fanfic Guidelines, Archived version
- ^ "You may set guidelines for how your original "universe" is to be used, however, if you do not wish to allow other writers to participate, you will need to archive your stories elsewhere." -- Submissions Guidelines
- ^ a b c Gossamer Policies, Archived version
- ^ a b c d TheForce.Net Fan Fiction Archive FAQ, Archived version
- ^ "crossovers, utilizing certain characters within each 'world'" a sample content guideline, most "worlds" have identical guidelines and differ only in the characters you are not allowed to use, accessed October 22, 2016
- ^ "Middle-earth is complicated enough without having even more characters show up!" -- Submission Guidelines
- ^ a b Terms of Service
- ^ "With no exceptions:... Is your fic based more on fandom or fanon than the original work?" -- Open Scrolls Archive - Fanfic Guidelines, Archived version
- ^ "We don't accept stories depicting Daniel's death in the episode "Meridian" unless the story 'fixes' those events and returns him to his team." -- AlphaGate Submission Rules
- ^ "This is more directed at hatred of race, sex or religion. Although in the Harry Potter world, there is/was a battle between the Pureblood's, Half Blood's, Muggle-Born, and Muggle's, this is not to be glorified in any way. If JKR can get her message across without stepping out of bounds, then so can we." -- Submission Rules
- ^ (were disallowed until December 25 2018, when that clause was removed from the TOS)"利用規約" [Terms of Service]. Hameln (in 日本語). Retrieved 8 April 2019.
- ^ "Drabbles" (100-word fics) or "Double-Drabbles" (200-word fics). (Note: A story that just happens to be short is not necessarily a drabble.) Drabbles are usually a response to a challenge and have a basic theme in common with other "drabbles." The number of words is specific and exact (no more, no less). They can be a lot of fun, but, they simply take up too much time to format and list, and more often than not leave the reader unsatisfied." -- Submissions Guidelines
- ^ a b AdminQ. "Sink Into Your Eyes :: Sink Into Your Eyes - A Harry/Ginny Fanfiction Archive". Sink Into Your Eyes. Archived from the original on 2020-01-05. Retrieved 13 May 2019.
SIYE is a privately owned site, and publication of fics here is a privilege, not a right. Your story may therefore be rejected on plot, characterization, or any other grounds if the archivist deems any element of it to be incompatible with the aims and standards established by the site owner. In particular: Canon characters should be recognizable, not simply original characters with the same names. The depiction of self-harm is prohibited. The use of illegal drugs by characters is prohibited. Authors should exercise good judgment in the depiction of sex and violence. Sexual or violent content should not be gratuitous or overly graphic.
- ^ a b Story Submission Directions, Archived version
- ^ "This is NOT allowed at any time." -- Submission Rules
- ^ "F/F Slash - This warning can be used in R15+ or MA18+ stories and relates to Female/Female relationships. M/M Slash - This warning can only be used in R15+ and MA18+ stories and relates to Male/Male relationships." -- Submission Rules
- ^ HPFF Site Rules (modified on: Mon, 29 Aug, 2016)
- ^ Horatio Hornblower Fan Fiction Site, referred to as "smutfic"
- ^ a b c General Frequently Asked Questions: General FAQ
- ^ (specifically what they term "hardcore pornography") - "An overabundance of four letter words and emotionless sex just aren't our thing." -- The Pink Rabbit Consortium, Archived version
- ^ "Freedom of Speech :: Fan Fiction Archive". Archived from the original on 2010-06-20.
- ^ a b InuYasha Fanfiction :: An Anime fanfiction site
- ^ Guidelines
- ^ Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve
- ^ a b c "Rules". Archived from the original on 2010-06-20.
- ^ "Consented, arranged marriages, between adults, where both parties agree to the situation they are in, and are happy about what is going on, is VERY different to being forced to marry someone against their will. So forced marriages are not permitted." -- Submission Rules
- ^ HPFF Site Rules (modified on: Mon, 29 Aug, 2016)
- ^ "Because Wheel of Fortune has no place in Middle-earth." -- Open Scrolls Archive - Fanfic Guidelines, Archived version
- ^ Twitter media policy, March 2019. "media that depicts excessively graphic or gruesome content related to death, violence or severe physical harm, or violent content that is shared for sadistic purposes"
- ^ a b c "Gen/Noromo and Het stories cannot be posted here. Het pairings are acceptable, however, within a slash story." -- Submission Guidelines
- ^ "And stories that are not slash are not archived here. For example, MSR (Mulder-Scully Romance) doesn't make it in. Male-female sexual involvement, if not in the context of a bisexual or multiple pairing story of some sort, will be declined." -- FAQ
- ^ Submit Your Stories
- ^ Submission Guidelines
- ^ Submissions, Archived version
- ^ Home Page
- ^ "Stories may contain heterosexual content, as long as they also contain slash. Het and gen stories that have no slashy content will be deleted at the discretion of the archivists. Please note that a story does not have include sex to be slash. There are many G-rated slash stories. If even one character is thinking about having sexual or romantic feelings for someone of the same sex, then it's slash. Some readers would label this kind of story 'pre-slash.' However, at this archive, they are considered 'slash,' and so they are welcome here. Do not upload gen stories that just happen to have slash sequels, however. Gen stories are not 'pre-slash,' even if they have slashy sequels. They are still gen, and should be archived elsewhere -- What's Not Allowed Here?
- ^ HPFF Site Rules (modified on: Mon, 29 Aug, 2016)
- ^ "No artwork representing "inside jokes" or "you have to know me" ancedotes will be accepted. Any artwork aimed only at you and your group of friends really needs to stay there. Fic-Art (Fan-Art drawn to represent characters or situations from a Fan-Fiction story) will be fine, so long as you list AND link the fanfiction it's drawn for. All descriptions may contain HTML; just please don't abuse this." -- FanFiction Rules
- ^ "Interactive Fiction of any variety. These include CYOAs, fiction calling for Original Character biographies from the readers/reviewers, fiction calling for reviewers to vote or otherwise determine the plot of the next chapter, and fiction where the author uses readers as characters in the place of a valid character in both the passive and interactive form. Stories of this type uploaded after the January 1, 2005 will result in the author's account being terminated from the site." -- Terms of Service
- ^ see The DoggShit Website, see Xemplary's Ban of Doggetfic: Links to Discussion from March 2001 and July/August 2001 "From now on, Xemplary will no longer archive stories which feature or heavily involve Doggett or Reyes. We have enough to archive as it is without adding these new people. For the time being, you may continue to post such stories to the XFC lists, but once the autoarchiving program is instituted (don't know when it will be finished), we will ask that you not post them on the XFC lists. I pay to host Xemplary and I also paid to have ads removed from XFC so our stories could be automatically imported to the newsgroup. I choose to pay this, so that's not a problem, I'm just stating this to explain the ownership status. I understand that Doggett has some fans. Someone might want to consider starting a Doggett-centric mailing list for those looking for stories concentrating on him. -- xfc: Change in Xemplary policy, Laurie Haynes, March 6, 2001
- ^ tried on past to purge content Yaoi and slash from the site, several works and users were removed, currently the site accepts the content, but with reservations about the rating
- ^ "You must have a decent grasp of the English Language." -- FanFiction Rules
- ^ "Only stories in English will be archived. If English is not your native tongue, please consider using a native English speaking beta reader before you post to ensure that you meet our minimum quality standards." -- Submission Rules
- ^ a b c d e a sample content guideline, most "worlds" have identical guidelines and differ only in the characters you are not allowed to use, accessed October 22, 2016
- ^ a b Fan Fiction Page
- ^ "No regional vocabulary (words or expressions typical of certain places)." --[1]
- ^ "The only language accepted in Potterfics is Spanish." --[2]
- ^ TONFA Posting Guidelines
- ^ "[No] stories shorter than 500 words. Collections of related drabbles or ficlets are accepted if they come in an single package." -- Submission Guidelines
- ^ "No one paragraph stories." -- FanFiction Rules
- ^ " "Stories must be at least 100 words in length." -- Submission Rules
- ^ "These are stories where an original character is just a thin cover for the author's own fantasies of putting themselves into the situation. Invariably far too perfect, Mary Sue's are the real center of the story, and tend to be smarter, faster, stronger, wittier, etc than everyone else and wind up romantically involved with the lead character/s of their choice, while being worshipped and adored by the rest of the cast, and ultimately saving the day." -- The Pink Rabbit Consortium, Archived version
- ^ "1.Stories with original characters (OCs) may be declined if the character is determined to be a blatant Mary Sue or Gary Stu. This includes crossover stories. 2.Stories declined for the above reason may not be resubmitted. 3.Please check your original characters (OCs) using the following tools: Definition of a Mary Sue and Mary Sue/Gary Stu Litmus Test." -- "Submission Guidelines and Terms of Service". Archived from the original on 2010-06-20.; archive link
- ^ a b "This site does not allow fics, which are slash (male/male pairing). This includes mpreg!" -- Submission Rules
- ^ "Somehow reading about Batman carrying Joker's love child is just wrong." -- Open Scrolls Archive - Fanfic Guidelines, Archived version
- ^ "From now on, Xemplary will no longer archive stories which feature or heavily involve Doggett or Reyes. We have enough to archive as it is without adding these new people. For the time being, you may continue to post such stories to the XFC lists, but once the autoarchiving program is instituted (don't know when it will be finished), we will ask that you not post them on the XFC lists. I pay to host Xemplary and I also paid to have ads removed from XFC so our stories could be automatically imported to the newsgroup. I choose to pay this, so that's not a problem, I'm just stating this to explain the ownership status. I understand that Doggett has some fans. Someone might want to consider starting a Doggett-centric mailing list for those looking for stories concentrating on him. -- xfc: Change in Xemplary policy, Laurie Haynes, March 6, 2001
- ^ While this site prided itself in accepting MSTs of fiction, it banned MSTs for things other than fan fiction. -- "'s Terms of Service". Archived from the original on 2010-06-20.
- ^ "These stories are not conducive to the spirit of this archive. Since they are comments using someone else's hard work, good or bad, we prefer that they be not archived here." -- Open Scrolls Archive - Fanfic Guidelines, Archived version
- ^ The site banned "essays." -- "'s Terms of Service". Archived from the original on 2010-06-20.
- ^ "The story must be fictional." -- Gossamer Policies, Archived version
- ^ Terms of Service
- ^ "OCs are welcome but the main relationship has to have one canonical character. Random orcs, ents, and unspecified Nazgûl are exempt from this ruling." -- Submission Guidelines
- ^ "With no exceptions:... Is this fic really about the OFC? Does that OFC have a place in the fic's 'verse, however fish-out-of-water?" -- Open Scrolls Archive - Fanfic Guidelines, Archived version
- ^ "The story must be more than just an excuse to write an explicit sex scene. If there is zero character development and no emotional content, it will not be accepted. If the sex takes up more the half the story, it will not be accepted. In this genre, we're now looking for tales that are believable, artfully crafted with an interesting premise and skillfully woven eroticism." -- Submitting a Story
- ^ "Absolutely no photographic images will be accepted to this archive, especially any of an adult nature. Do not whine, beg, or plead. It won't happen." -- FanFiction Rules
- ^ " Stories that are just short excuses for explicit sex with little emotional bonding and no plot." -- The Pink Rabbit Consortium, Archived version
- ^ "A story is considered pornographic when it exists solely for the purpose of sexual stimulation. These stories focus on sexual acts, rather than telling a story. “Telling a story” means the work must have a plot unrelated to the sexual scene/s, or must show a progression or growth in its characters." -- Wattpad Content Guidelines
- ^ "There will be no story parodies where canon characters are twisted so out of their original concept that they are virtually unrecognisable. This archive intends to maintain the spirit of the creator's original work. No one needs to see Starbuck turned into a dancing ballerina. We don't care how funny it is supposed to be, and calling it AU does not cut it either." -- Open Scrolls Archive - Fanfic Guidelines, Archived version
- ^ "Please check your grammar and spelling. Stories with serious and frequent spelling mistakes or serious problems with their grammar will not be accepted... no serious word usage mistakes, (e.g their, they're, or there) or unintellegible stories." -- FanFiction Rules
- ^ a b c PaperDemon TOS
- ^ a b Submission Guidelines
- ^ a b "Cipher was founded upon a desire to house and publish quality fanfiction. Every chapter of every story is viewed by our validation staff before publication. Publication at Cipher is a privilege, a compliment, and never a right." -- Cipher: Submission Rules and Validation Guideline. Archived 27 March 2012 by Google Cache. (Accessed 28 April 2012.)
- ^ Watch Out For!! for a comprehensive listing a archive's list of things "not allowed," also see FanDomination.Net Content Control and Weeding Guidelines -- "The story violates our quality standards." -- "FanDomination.Net's Terms of Service". Archived from the original on 2010-06-20.
- ^ The Literate Union and Critics United (both are self-appointed fiction quality watchdogs, their function was/is to report fans to the archives' powers that be for quality lapses and other rule-breaking
- ^ "Correct grammar and spelling are expected of all stories submitted to this site. The site administrators are not grammar Nazis. However, the site administrators reserve the right to request corrections in submissions with a multitude of grammar and/or spelling errors. If such a request is ignored, the story will be deleted." -- Submission Rules
- ^ "You must at least have put some effort into your art. Artwork that appears to have had very little effort put into it will not be accepted." -- FanFiction Rules
- ^ "1.Spelling1.Any story that misspells a major character's name, house name, or any other important element in the Harry Potter universe more than twice will be rejected.2.Any story that has more than ten spelling mistakes per 1000 words will be rejected.Stories rejected for spelling errors may be corrected and resubmitted.2.Grammar1.Any story that has more than 25 grammatical errors per 1000 words will be rejected.2.Major errors include, but aren't limited to, the following:1.Incorrect use of punctuation;2.Incorrect capitalization;3.Incorrect use of ellipses;4.Incorrect use of quotation marks;5.Incorrect verb tenses;6.Incorrect use of the passive voice;7.Incorrect punctuation of dialogue...1.Errors in quality include, but aren't limited to:1.Lack of original plot;2.Clumsy sentences;3.Poor story flow;4.No explanation of the characters being out of character (OOC)." -- "Submission Guidelines and Terms of Service". Archived from the original on 2010-06-20.; archive link
- ^ "Two reasons. One, this is an archive I founded myself, that I host on my own domain which I pay for with my own money. That means I can make whatever rules I think are appropriate. Secondly, since there is so much Hanfiction on the web, there are many sites devoted to it and there’s already an established audience for it, I and my fellow Admins can be pickier. Besides, check your spelling, punctuation and grammar should be second nature for a writer, or at least the person who BETAs for you." -- Help
- ^ "Problems that may result in your submission being returned to you include major plot/continuity errors, repeated spelling/grammar errors, repeated canon mistakes, flagrant GaryStu/Mary Sues, formatting problems, or any combination of the above." -- Help
- ^ "The archive has minimum quality standards in place. Stories not meeting these standards will be rejected." -- Submission Rules
- ^ "While certain Profanity words are allowed, please do not use these words to excess. Use of certain words should be in proportion to your story/plot line and no one needs to see profanity being used in almost every sentence." -- Submission Rules
- ^ Frequently Asked Questions
- ^ "Actor/actress stories are not permitted... not even if they're visiting an alternate reality." -- Submission Guidelines
- ^ a b AlphaGate Submission Rules
- ^ a b Submissions Guidelines
- ^ Home Page
- ^ Submissions
- ^ "In order to avoid a messy lawsuit, the site does not permit the use or mention of living people in stories. Historical figures as well as generic titles like the Queen of England may be used. References that are used in citing quoted material are also acceptable." -- HPFF Site Rules (modified on: Mon, 29 Aug, 2016)
- ^ "Actors/actresses, sport stars, music stars, politicians, or other famous people does not matter if real person or people is visiting an alternate reality, they are a big no-no. Why? I don't want to be sued!" - Submission Guidelines
- ^ "The policy against Real Person Fiction is also not likely to change. This is not a judgment on anyone who writes it. This archive is simply focused on Kirk and Spock." -- Terms of Service
- ^ Rules for Inclusion in the Archive
- ^ a b Jedi Masters and Apprentices Archive, Archived version
- ^ "Actors from movies or TV series have no relation to the fictional characters they portray therefore have no place on this archive." -- Open Scrolls Archive - Fanfic Guidelines, Archived version
- ^ can be an effective storytelling device, but for various reasons, this line will not be crossed on this site." -- The Pink Rabbit Consortium, Archived version
- ^ a b c d Terms & Conditions
- ^ "7.Actor/actress stories (aka Real Person Fiction) are not encouraged, and the Archive Team reserves the right to reject such stories. We are well aware that Visit to a Weird Planet and Visit to a Weird Planet Revisited are legendary in the Star Trek fanfiction community. Note that TSU stories often include characters bearing the names of Real Persons from the ASCEM community, but with the permission of the people involved." -- Guidelines
- ^ "Rules". Archived from the original on 2010-06-20.
- ^ a b Submission Rules
- ^ "If you wish to submit a story based on RPG Characters, the story must contain an Original Character that you have created and developed as a character. You must also have permission from the Admin of a RPG board, if your story is based around the world that they have created, and if you use any other characters that are not your own. You must also have their permission. You must also give credits to the RPG board and any other character used in the end notes of every chapter of your story. The Staff at Gluttony will check on these credits as you submit and if we find that no permission was given, the story will be rejected/deleted." -- Submission Rules
- ^ "Nonconsensual sex portrayed as erotic in any way - even if it's in a dream sequence. To put this as clearly as we can: No Rape Porn/Erotica! This includes, but is not limited to, scenes where one partner is unwilling or forced at the start, but eventually begins to enjoy it, as well as erotically portraying the rape of a slave. We will not accept any works that portrays rape as anything but a serious crime. This has been a long time requirement for hosting a story on The Athenaeum and is an issue of great importance to us." -- Submitting a Story
- ^ "Brutal rape (particularly between lead characters). A little slap and tickle bondage is fine, and the spectre of sexual threat can be an effective storytelling device, but for various reasons, this line will not be crossed on this site." -- The Pink Rabbit Consortium, Archived version
- ^ HPFF Site Rules (modified on: Mon, 29 Aug, 2016)
- ^ Twitter media policy, March 2019. "rape and other forms of violent sexual assault, or sexual acts that occur without the consent of participants, including a simulated lack of consent"
- ^ "Stories encouraging or promoting non-consensual sex. Non-consensual sex includes rape, sexual assault, kidnapping for sexual purposes, or sexual slavery, regardless of whether the character or their guardian “voluntarily” accepts such conduct." -- Wattpad Content Guidelines
- ^ "UPDATED: As long as this subject is not glorified, we will consider stories of this nature. Please contact the Admin team in regards to this subject." -- Submission Rules
- ^ "Any content that encourages or gives instruction on self-harm will be removed. Self-harm includes suicide and eating disorders. Encouragement means a story actively promotes a behavior or act by portraying it as a positive action that should be imitated. Instruction means the story provides steps or details on how to commit it. For example, a diary that features instructions on how to be anorexic or bulimic... Stories or discussions which aim to place a negative light on the consequences of self-harm and eating disorders are not a violation." -- Wattpad Content Guidelines
- ^ HPFF Site Rules (modified on: Mon, 29 Aug, 2016)
- ^ "Self-harm includes any imagery of self-inflicted wounds or cuts, or utensils used for self-harm that are covered in blood or are meant to allude to self-harm. Any imagery of suicide, such as a person hanging from a noose or with a gun, is also prohibited." -- Wattpad Content Guidelines
- ^ "Actively seeking messages of a sexual nature is not permitted. This includes posting works which encourage private messages, on or off Wattpad, or posting rules for public or private roleplay that is sexual in nature. This also includes posting works which contain roleplay characters who can be chosen for sexual roleplay." -- Wattpad Content Guidelines
- ^ Horatio Hornblower Fan Fiction Site
- ^ "Male/Male slash--I have nothing against it, nor the people who create it, but bluntly put, it doesn't float any boats around here, plus there are lots and lots of places to read and publish it on the web. If you've stumbled into Pink Rabbit in search of a place to read or publish m/m slash, we will gladly point you in the right direction, but this rule will not be changing." -- The Pink Rabbit Consortium, Archived version
- ^ "Any depiction, reference or insinuation of slavery will not be tolerated." -- HPFF Site Rules (modified on: Mon, 29 Aug, 2016)
- ^ "Unless referring to this based on a historical fact, then this is NOT permitted at any time. For Harry Potter Fan Fiction, obviously the 'Imperius Curse' can act like a use of slavery. Please do NOT glorify this situation at any time, doing so will result in story rejection/deletion." -- Submission Rules
- ^ "Snuff stories don't make it in. Any story where a charactor (XF or original) is killed as a part of the sex act will not be archived." -- FAQ
- ^ ""Song fics" that have very little action or plot, and are basically an excuse to quote large chunks of lyrics to the author's favorite song(s). Using song lyrics to enhance or introduce a story is fine, but they should not be the story. Not more than 1/4 of the text should be lyrics." -- Submissions Guidelines
- ^ "Stories that are racist, demeaning, obscene, or threatening and have no artistic value. This includes snuff fiction." -- Terms of Service
- ^ 執筆した際に聞いていた曲名を書くことは問題ありません。ただし歌詞を書くことは禁止されており、削除の対象となります。また、曲の紹介として動画サイトへのリンクを貼るのはご遠慮願います。, accessed May 11 2019
- ^ "The quoting of song lyrics, poetry etc. must be kept to a minimum. This means one or two lines, perhaps as much as a verse, but certainly not the whole song, poem etc. and you must state in your notes that you have used this material, giving the original source." -- Submission Rules
- ^ " Descriptive, or glorifying cases of suicide is NOT allowed at anytime. However, you may deal with these issues in a tactful manner. Stories of this nature must hold a rating no less than R15+ with Strong Teen Violence warning. The staff reserves the right to accept or reject stories of this nature on a case by case basis." -- Submission Rules
- ^ "Teacher/Student Relationship or those deemed in a ‘Powerful' position - This is NOT allowed at any time. There should be equality in any relationship, so if one is in a position of power eg. A Teacher, Doctor etc. They can not have relationships with their students, patients etc. The only exception to this rule will be for stories rated 18+ and dealing with work colleagues. However, where a relationship is between a boss/employee, both parties must consent to the relationship and have an equality to the relationship. As these relationships are not legal or ethical in real life, they are not allowed here." -- Submission Rules
- ^ "Unless necessary for dramatic storytelling, all stories should be written in the past tense. No stories shall be written in script format. It does not offer a proper narrative. The stories on Open Scrolls should read like a book." -- Open Scrolls Archive - Fanfic Guidelines, Archived version
- ^ "Threatening not to update a story until you receive X amount of reviews is neither polite nor allowed. " -- HPFF Site Rules (modified on: Mon, 29 Aug, 2016)
- ^ "If we see a heartfelt plea of, "Don't worry, it has a happy ending," or, "please read my story!" or "please send me feedback or I won't write anymore," we will have to talk before we validate that story." -- Starsky and Hutch Archive ::, Archived version
- ^ "Any story involving individuals below the age of eighteen (18) in sexual conduct will not be placed on the archive. It does not matter if they are involved only in sexual exploration with each other, or if they are depicted having sex with an adult. Offers to self-censor or adjust the content will be declined; the archive isn't in the business of editing, and it is quite probable that the content will so permeate the story that removing one specific scene or two will not make a major difference regarding its acceptability." -- FAQ
- ^ "Erotica involving children. This includes supernatural beings (vampires, werewolves, immortals, aliens, d.a.r.y.l.s, cyborgs, replicators, cylons, etc.) who have the physical appearance of a child, regardless of their age and regardless of whether or not they are biological life forms. "Child" in this case is defined as a person under 17 years of age. (Fic may refer to teen-age sexual encounters involving the M7 characters, but it must not depict them in explicit detail.) (NOTE: Childhood sexual abuse and rape is considered a separate category from erotica. Authors are expected to present such acts as the horrifying and traumatic experiences that they are and not as something enjoyable or fondly remembered.)" -- Submissions Guidelines
- ^ a b About Us: Terms of Service: DeviantArt
- ^ Submissions
- ^ HPFF Site Rules (modified on: Mon, 29 Aug, 2016)
- ^ "Please note: Stories containing adults having sex with minors are strictly forbidden if the setting is in the modern era. In the case of InuYasha, this was acceptable in feudal times, so it is acceptable to include, but it must be put in the adult category and labeled appropriately." -- Rules
- ^ "Absolutely no underage characters involved in a consenting sexual relationship with an adult." - Submission Guidelines
- ^ "No graphic sexual content involving people known to be under 16. R-rated or less only, please, for these characters. At this point, none of the main characters are confirmed to be under 16 in the present day, so all are fair game, unless you make a point of identifying them as underage. This may change in future if the show gets more specific. (No moral judgment here; there are plenty of lists which can take those kinds of stories and the listadmin belongs to several!)" -- The Level Three Records Room
- ^ The Pink Rabbit Consortium, Archived version
- ^ "Any kind of sex between adults and underaged children will not be tolerated. Depiction of, say, Hermione/Snape sex is considered to be paedophilia and will be immediately deleted. We will permit same age sex, provided the characters are above the age of consent - and for Open Scrolls this means 15 years old. However, we do recognise that cultural differences may vary in terms of these so please ensure that if you must refer to underaged sex, keep the description to a PG rating or put a warning." -- Open Scrolls Archive - Fanfic Guidelines, Archived version
- ^ Submission Guidelines
- ^ Guidelines
- ^ Story Submission
- ^ Submission Guidelines
- ^ The Professionals Circuit
- ^ What's Not Allowed Here?
- ^ Home
- ^ "We accept works in progress (WIPs) providing that they meet the minimum quality standards of the archive. WIPs must also be updated regularly and stories that have not been updated for three months will be removed from the archive." -- Submission Rules
- ^ see FanDomination.Net Content Control and Weeding Guidelines
- ^ HPFF Site Rules (modified on: Mon, 29 Aug, 2016)
- ^ "If you have been invited by one of the Administrators, we may waive some or all of these rules and possibly may give you special privileges. If you need any images hosted for you, please let Sally or Jasson know.... NO STORIES WRITTEN IN ALL CAPITOL LETTERS. (Exception: For characters shouting, to emphasize a single word or phrase, or for those characters who talk in all caps in their fandom, this will be allowed.)... "True Fan," "Character Hatred/Murder," or "Mary Sue" type lists, rants, and editorials are limited to one (1) per author unless authorized by Sally or Jasson.... We reserve the right to decline, remove, or edit any stories or accounts we see fit with or without prior notice to you, the Author." -- FanFiction Rules
- ^ "Songfics where the lyrics outnumber the amount of fiction posted." -- Terms of Service
- ^ Rules
- ^ "We are not responsible for the contents of any of your articles that appear on our servers. Using our service, you will have access to and you will at some time or another be exposed to materials that you find offensive. This may include sexually explicit text and images, religious debate, questionable political views, and hateful speech. We expressly disclaim liability for any harm resulting from encountering such material." -- Terms of Service
- ^ Explanation
- ^ First-person fic has trended at certain times (early 2000s?) and in certain fandoms, but according to Slash Report in 2014, is currently verboten in most fandoms. -- after the 20-minute mark of Slash Report episode 4x17 "Ask Us Anything B" July 2014