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Way of the Warrior (Star Trek: TOS zine)

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Title: Way of the Warrior
Publisher: FireTrine Press
Editor(s): Pat Friedman and Jean Hinson
Date(s): 1987-1995
Medium: print zine
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
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Way of the Warrior is a slash Star Trek: TOS anthology. It ran for eight issues.

Pat published the first on her own, and the second with Jean and FireTrine Press. Pat passed away before the second issue of this zine was released.

Jean published the rest on her own.

From Issue #3 (December 1989): Pat's Passing and Jean's Memories

The purpose of the Editorial Page is usually to tell you, the reader, something about how the zine in your hands came into being. You know, the trials and tribulations, etc....

In fact, for me, there has been only one tribulation. But it was a serious one - as serious as they get- By now, most of K/S fandom must be aware of the death at Pat Friedman — the creator and editor of WAY OF THE WARRIOR — last June, two weeks before the release of the second issue.

We were partners, Friedman and I — but the Warrior was her baby. Not without trepidation did I undertake to put this third issue together alone — always with a sense of her looking over my shoulder. I did some things with it that I'm sure she wouldn't have, and did not do some things she probably would have. But that's between her and me. Wherever she is, I hope she's satisfied with the results. If not, we'll thrash it out when I catch up with her...« Friedman was a bawdy, irreverent, self-professed 'Dirty Old Broad'. I miss her rowdy laughter.

A true Aquarian, she would argue a lost cause till hell froze over — but if you made your point, concede with grace and hold no grudge - a rare combination.

She was a stubborn, obtuse, argumentative, nit-picking, down-in-the-dirt pragmatist - and also a misty-eyed idealist with the soul of a poet and her eyes on the stars. She saw no inconsistency in this — and neither do I.

If you were her friend, you were lucky, for she was brutally honest with you, ferociously loyal to you — and as dependable as sunrise. She was the personification of IDIC.

I loved her more than I knew.

And I'll miss her for the rest of my life. -- Jean Hinson

Issue 1

cover of issue #1, Chris Soto: "Again, and this time with a more difficult angle, she's drawn a marvelous cover. Kirk is very well done and he's very difficult to do for most because of his soft features, and her long haired Spock is (sorry about my redundancy) gorgeous. An amazing talent.[1]

This cover was the inspiration for the story The Ones from the Mountains

Way of the Warrior 1 was published in April 1987 and contains 204 pages.

The front cover is by Chris Soto (also used as interior art in this issue, as well as issue #5). Other interior art is by Caro Hedge, Bob Hamilton, Vivian Schlicht, Chris Chaney, and Pat Freidman.

From the very lengthy editorial:

[much snipped]

Toss out perfect.

Get your shoulder up against that wheel and learn!

Well—I learned and am still learning. I don't suppose I'll ever stop now. A good dose of humility began to set in.

To make a long maunder shorter (and less painful), I typed, input on disk, proofed, did calligraphy, graphics, some artwork and a little editing—in short, I worked in most of the unseen, back-stage areas that you, the reader, never see and seldom think about unless you've had some experience yourself. And, one thing above all I learned, putting out a zine is hard work! No matter how much you may love it and enjoy it—there are times when you'd joyfully see haw far you can toss it!

Why do it at all? Good question! Maybe I'll have the answer figured out by the time issue #2 comes out. Or maybe not. But, I think it's sort of like mountain climbing—you do it because it's there and you can't do anything else. You're 'called'.

Anyway, dear reader, the next time you're tempted to give sore unsolicited critique to someone else's labor of love, sit back for a moment, make sure your feet are dry and think, really think, about how much pure labor goes into that love. Then put on your charitable hat and find the good things that intermix with the OOPS's. It's so easy to say, "She should be (or have access to) a better proofreader"—but wait a damned minute! Every bit of work that went into that zine was given freely. When you can't pay (except for contributors' copies), you have to take what's generously given. You don't have the privilege of picking and choosing to get the very best.

Maybe the proofer isn't the best, but she's willing and she's trying to do a good job. You do the best you can with what you have to work with. Then you cringe when the book falls open to the most glaring error you could have made. (And you can't forget that you made the goof in the first place. She just didn't catch it.)

So, dear reader, the next time you're tempted to try that stroll on the pond, take your skills and talents firmly in hand and offer than to some poor, befuddled editor. Then put on your crash helmet. Ain't humility fun?

Like every other editor, I welcome (read: beg, cajol [sic], plead) LOCs to tell me. and the authors and artists herein how we're doing. We'd all really love to know what you think! But none of us are interested in nit-picking lists of typos or misspellings! That's done and can't be corrected. Tell us how we can please you better next time. More art? More detail (or less) in the stories? Larger print with double spacing between paragraphs? (That means fewer words an the page! and thus less for you to read..) let us know what you want and we'll respond with what we can give.

I didn't set out to publish the prettiest zine. I did want 'pretty', but my most important criteria was to give you the most of everything for your dollar. After all, if you're plunking down your hard-earned cash, you deserve as much of what you're paying for as I can cram in.

You'll find plenty to read and some great art in here. At least, that's my unsolicited opinion.

So please, pretty please with sugar and cream—ENJOY!!!

  • Editorial Ravings (i)
  • Dedication (ii)
  • The Way of the Warrior, poem by Robin Hood (1)
  • Alone by C.A. Pierce (Alone on a survey, a stranded Spock waits for rescue...and misses Kirk.) (2)
  • Summer Vacations by M.E.B. (Spock takes a job helping a farmer while he recuperates on Earth and meets her young son when he comes home on leave.) (4)
  • Waiting for You, poem by Donna Rose Vanderlaan (21)
  • Treehouse by DVS (While on a colonization survey, Spock asks Kirk about anal intercourse.) (22)
  • My Master, poem by Donna Rose Vanderlaan (31)
  • Child of Fire, poem by Robin Hood (32)
  • The Awakening by Terri Anders (While studying a long-dead city, the survey team unknowingly release an evil entity and all are unaware that it has possessed Spock.) (33)
  • A Note from Firetrine Press (80)
  • Rape, poem by Judi (81)
  • Light the Corners by Robin Hood (Kirk, his memory gone, is taken in as a pet by the inhabitants ofthe planet he crashed on.) (82)
  • Reflections on a Moonless Night, poem by Sharon F (100)
  • Warrior's Advice by Greggia Seta (A/U SʼJames travels to a rival clanʼs village to sue for peace, and is immediately attracted to their young prince.) (103)
  • Mine, poem by Donna Rose Vanderlaan (123)
  • Warrior Winds, poem by Robin HOod (124)
  • Passion's Keep by Jenny Starr (A/U Spock invokes Lordʼs rights to have the human vassal he covets for one night.) (125)
  • Where Dreams Leave Off by Kelly O'Brien (Kirk and Spock have dreams of being together, but neither is sure of the otherʼs affection.) (156)
  • Come Dance With Me, poem by Sue Cameron (161)
  • Take Home this Traveled Heart by Judi (A/U Shipwrecked on a primitive planet, Kirk is found and nursed back to health by a wandering Vulcan warrior.) (162)
  • The Author by Leigh Biedeaux (Kirk is determined to win first place in a writing contest and the prize, a 1st edition of Mary Renaultʼs Fire from Heaven, that reminds him of what he wants with Spock.) (190)
  • Mercenaries, poem by Judi (204)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

See reactions and reviews for The Awakening.

See reactions and reviews for The Author.

See reactions and reviews for Alone.

See reactions and reviews for Summer Vacations.

See reactions and reviews for Light the Corners.

See reactions and reviews for Take Home this Traveled Heart.

See reactions and reviews for Treehouse.

See reactions and reviews for Warrior's Advice.

See reactions and reviews for Passion's Keep.

See reactions and reviews for Where Dreams Leave Off.

[zine]: There is a new zine hot off the press. Judging from the ads, and the ever-ready gossip, one would expect to find a zine full of pre-reform Vulcan stories. Not so. There is a nice mixture of all kinds of stories. Something for all readers. Unfortunately, the writing is not quite as good as many of the zines on the market at this time, but then because this is a first effort and because I got the feeling that there were several new writers trying out their wings, I think we should commend the publisher for allowing them to do so. Rather than me tell ou about the stories I didn't like, I'd prefer to talk about those that I remember. The majority of the stories were merely adequate, or in a few cases, less than adequate, but there were three that stood out in my mind. 'Passion's Keep,' while not up to her prior standards, still tells a nice story AND manages to do it with good writing. Her pre-reform setting, strikingly primitive Vulcans and serfdom in full bloom, will fulfill the expectations of those needing deserts, Kirk, Spock, and costumes. 'The Author' is a humorous piece of good writing and shows us a Kirk that can't do everything. It's a great change of pace. 'Light the Corners' is a type of story I don't think I've read from her before. It's a slave story, not the usual type but with Kirk (sans memory) owned by a large furry alien that none of us would mind being owned by. Because it is not a first time story, I was surprised by its author but with gritting reality from the first shuttle crash scene to the last loving but sexy recovery of Kirk's memory, it is well written. I am learning to look forward to seeing Ms. Hood's name in a zine these days. The poetry was scant, but was included was, with the exception of Hood and Cameron's, very ordinary. When I saw Sharon F's name in the table of contents, I got excited. It's been quite a while since I've seen her work. Unfortunately, I was disappointed by her effort. On the other hand, the title poem 'The Way of the Warrior,' explained the zine very well and was nicely placed. Not lyrical and artsy, the poem paints a picture of the entire zine in nineteen lines. The art was refreshing. Hedge's borders are, as always, very nice and add a lovely touch to all the zines coming out these days. Included in this zine are several new artists that, with come coaxing locs, may delight us in future issues. Chris Chaney had one action illo that was very different, and Mr. Hamilton has scads of talent. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this work. The feeling of the zine is so beautifully expressed in the cover executed by Chris Soto. For those of you who care, the zine has very few typos. I, for one, would prefer more good stories and more typos, however, for a first effort, it is worth the price. [2]

[zine]: ’Way of the Warrior’ is a new K/S zine with an emphasis on the alternate universe theme… It is 204 page of italicized typeface with 3/8 margins on each side and no double-spacing between paragraphs. At the very least, you are getting a lot of zine for your money. ‘Alone’ is a vignette. Spock is stranded alone on a planet and does not know if the Enterprise will ever be able to return to him. I didn’t really see the point of this, as it just concerns Spock realizing the anguish of loneliness and has him silently confessing his love for Kirk. ‘Summer Vacations’ is another piece I wasn’t particularly impressed with. Spock is on leave on Earth and is apprehensive about returning to the Enterprise since Pike will no longer be the captain. He runs into Kirk’s mother via coincidence and offers to help her with her computer problems on the Kirk farm. Of course, Spock meets Jim who is awaiting reassignment. This story is written well enough, but I was annoyed that the two fell in love at first sight. The author tries to build suspense with Kirk and Spock dreading their separation when their leaves are over. This effort is lost on the reader, as everyone knows Kirk will be assigned to the Enterprise and that the two will always be together. ‘ Treehouse’ was very well done, except for the ending. The author effectively creates a believable setting using a minimum of words. Kirk and Spock camp out in a tree house, as they are one of a number of teams studying the bird-like inhabitants of a planet being considered for colonization… Our two heroes have a blunt, but interesting conversation in the tree house, as well as some predictable activity. Unfortunately, the story ends before we find out if Spock is successful at doing something he tells Kirk he’s going to try to do and before we find out the verdict on the birds. ‘The Awakening’ was easily the best story in the zine, and fortunately the longest. This is a post-ST:TMP situation where an evil, lustful entity takes possession of Spock and forces the Vulcan to rape Kirk. The reader should be warned that the rape and the subsequent medical treatment are very graphic, but from that point on the story is a tender, touching tale of friendship between the Big Three. I liked the story’s intensity, and found it dramatic, believable, and excellently plotted. “Light in the Corners" begins with Kirk who is suffering from amnesia and stranded alone in the desert. He is rescued by Dreath, one of the gentle, lion-like inhabitants of the planet. After his injuries are healed, he becomes a slave/pet to Dreath, until/unless a prior owner claims him. Spock traces Kirk to the planet and we discover the psychological trauma that made Kirk develop amnesia in the first place… This story was rather ridiculous and implausible in places – particularly the way Kirk so easy accepts his role as a slave/pet – but I was able to enjoy it on a level of harmless silliness. Thought there is profanity in the story, there is no violence or explicit sex, and it has a certain degree of innocence. ‘Warrior’s Advice’ is also a rather silly tale, but what can one expect from characters named S’Pok, S’James, S’Arek, S’McCoy and S’Tonn… This story does have an adventuress tone, but I’ve never been fond of love-at-first-sight stories… Another AU is ‘Passion’s Keep.’ I thought the author did an excellent job of creating a setting of a feudal period on Vulcan. Spock is the son of Lord Sarek, and Kirk and McCoy are vassals. Spock is obsessed with Kirk… and finally sends for him to serve him in bed. The story loses all plausibility afterwards as Spock rapes the human repeatedly, and when morning comes, Kirk --- for reasons that aren’t clear – forgives Spock and has obviously developed a fondness for him. It’s a shame that a better plot and more accurate characterization couldn’t have gone along with the interesting setting. ‘Where Dreams Leave Off’ is a short story where Kirk and Spock both have dreams of confessing their love to each other. There was little drama to the story, and I found most of the dialogue between the characters to be false-sounding and unconvincing. ‘Take Home that Traveled Heart’ is a lengthy AU where the lonely, self-isolated warrior Spock comes upon an injured Kirk, the only survivor of a shuttle crash. This piece told mostly in narrative and isn’t the most interesting to read, but the reader gets a good feel for time and place, and the author presents an excellent insight into Spock’s character. The ending is rather dry and sudden, but I thought the story was intriguing, and it’s the best A/U tale I’ve read in some time. The final story is ‘The Author.’ This is an endearing tale where Spock secretly tries to help Kirk write a male-to-male love scene for a story contest. One of the prizes is a book (‘Fire from Heaven’ by Mary Renault) that Kirk has wanted for a long time. I think it unlikely that a book as valuable as Kirk claims this one is would be offered in an intra-ship writing contest, but that is a minor complaint, and I found the story to be pleasant, touching and a light-hearted read. [3]

The first thing I read in WAY OF THE WARRIOR (1987) was the editorial. For someone like me, who has little idea of the problems of publishing a zine, it was fascinating — humorous, not defensive.

The zine is a good value for the money, in terms of the wordage in its 200+ pages, and also in terms of quality.

Each story and verse had scenes and lines worth rereading. But I found the italic type very distracting and tiring. The parts printed in small upright type were much easier on the eyes.

The first story is an internal monologue called 'Alone," by C.A. Pierce, in which Spock admits that solitude is not all it's cracked up to be. Short, gorgeous little illo (make that a nice bookplate for certain collections) by Bob Hamilton, a good opener.

"The Awakening" by Terri Anders catches me again wherever I open to it. The problems (disaster!) of Spock's possession by a lustful sadistic spirit seems insoluable, till it' s solved by the most unlikely person, using the most unlikely means for that person to use. Very well imagined, very convincing medical details. I even almost believed that Kirk could forgive Spock so quickly for his actions while possessed.

"Warrior's Advice" by Greggia Seta has our old friends all natives of Vulcan. I enjoyed the story, and Chis Soto's illustrations were beautiful (but I didn't see why Kirk's ears weren't pointed, if he lived on Vulcan. The text said his tribe looked different, but it didn't mention round ears!).

Jenny Starr's "Passion's Keep" and Robin Hood's "Light the Corners" are slave stories. They have their moments, but there's no way I can fully enjoy a slave story. Just a problem of mine. These stories aren't vicious or demeaning, though- or, no more than can be helped by the very fact of slavery.

Robin also has a poem Warrior Winds," with a last line that drops my heart to my shoes. 'Take Home This Traveled Heart" by Judi was awfully good. I love her imagery and her descriptions of Vulcan. Spock finds a crashed ship with Kirk the sole survivor and nurses him while Kirk heals Spock's psychological wounds. I didn't at first like the uncompromising ending, but the logic of the story almost forces you to accept it.

Judi's poem "Mercenaries" shows the same ability to conjure with words.

'The Author' by Leigh Biedeaux is a funny tale that turns solemn. Spock's first terrible attempt to write a sex scene is perfect — when it comes to the climax, he lapses completely into the passive voice!

'Summer Vacations" by M.E.B. shows Kirk and Spock meeting for the first time — at Kirk's home in Iowa. They work together (of course) extremely well. And I always enjoy a glimpse of Kirk's mom.

"Treehouse" by D.V.S. has Kirk and Spock spying on an avian race to see if they are sentient, and working on their own relationship at the same time. Very well-written, especially the last lovely and revelatory sentence.

"Where Dreams Leave Off" by Kelly O'Brien has a point-of-view problem in the middle (Spock's memories are in Kirk's POV), but I liked the movement in and out of reality.

Sharon F.'s "Reflections On A Moonless Night" is 92 lines that carry us from Kirk and Spock's first time to the end of ST III — which just shows how much more compact verse is than prose or film I really like it. [4]

Issue 2

cover of issue#2, cover illo is uncredited

Way of the Warrior 2 was published in June 1989 (two weeks after the death of one of its editors, Pat).

It contains 187 pages.

The interior art is by Chaney, Chris Soto, Lori Lee, and Jackie Zoost, however there may have been a prominent printing (either by the editor, or a fan) that does not include any of this art.

The zine premiered at Koon-ut-Cali-Con, along with the reprint of Nor No Man Ever Loved.

From the editorial by Pat (written very shortly before her passing):

This merger is something I've wanted for several years but never thought I'd stand a chance of having. As most of you know, I published "Way of the Warrior" by myself (with a lot of help — from Jean, mostly). Jean, on the other hand, published "Impact" with the 'help' of a partner — and most of you know that story! Well, to make a long story short, I was sure she'd never take on another partner. Couldn't blame her, either.

Then, to my delighted surprise, about a year and a half ago she started dropping hints about the two of us merging our presses. Well—I wanted desperately to pounce on her, pack her into a box, carry her off and stamp "Mission Impossible Completed" all over her. But a wee sma' voice in the back of my alleged mind kept saying — "Go slow, stupid. It's gotta be her decision." And, wonder of wonders, I listened. And it paid off!

One day she said, "We've gotta get together and make some definite plans about this merger we keep talking about. Where's the coffee?"

Now anyone who knows anything at all about Jean knows that serious talk and coffee go together. Or casual talk and coffee. Or anything at all and coffee. (She likes — read 'is addicted to' — coffee!) I nearly broke my neck getting that coffee!

I've liked and admired Jean from the instant I met her over five years ago and the chance to work with her was something I wasn't about to risk. Besides, her decision to take me on as a partner after her disastrous first experience was the finest compliment I've ever received. -- Pat

From the editorial by Jean:

The foregoing might very well be an accurate account of the past couple of

years. Or, it could be the first draft of the screenplay for Star Trek Six. I don't have a clue. I'm still dazed from the LAST deadline Friedman sprung on me. D-e-a-d-l-i-n-e . I don't even like the word -- has ominous implications, hasn't it? Dead. As in deceased. The way we feel after we meet one of the pesky things. Line. As in squall-line , battle-line, walk-the-line...

No sooner do we get past one than another one looms on the horizon.

Last November, I swore devoutly that I'd never knuckle under to another (ugh!) deadline. Hate the things. They have no mercy. They hang in front of you. Ticking...

So, Friedman, what's our next project? And what's the deadline? And where's the coffee?

  • Editorial (ii)
  • Farewell to the Alien Ambassador by Linda Frankel (iv)
  • Away Down Yonder by A.T. Bush ("McCoy takes Kirk and Spock to his ancestral home for shoreleave and Kirk and Spock use the time to revel in their lovemaking.") (1)
  • Grand!, poem by Robin Hood (9)
  • A Deadly Game by Adrian Alexander, art by Chaney ("After Spockʼs rendezvous with a female agent, Kirkʼs insecurities surface since he is still unsure of their bond,unsure of his lover since the fal tor pan.v) (10)
  • Fire, poem by Patti Byther (35)
  • Only Love Can Break a Heart by Leigh Biedeaux ("After removing Kirkʼs memories of his disastrous love for Rayna, Spock confronts Kirk with his continuous “giving of himself.") (36)
  • Blood Prince by Merita Seda, art by Chris Soto ("Kirk and Spock beam down to the Guardianʼs planet to deliver a group of scientists and decide to take a tour of the exhibition set up there.") (40)
  • Untitled verse by Carolyn McTarrel (61)
  • The Face in the Fire, poem by Linda Frankel (62)
  • The Taming by Charlotte Frost ("M/U: After the incident with this universe, Marlena is banished from the Enterprise and Spock finally decides that forceful measures are needed to ensure the continuation of Kirk as his lover.") (63)
  • The Forge, poem by Sue Cameron (80)
  • The Sword of Sol Kahr by Jatona P. Walker, art by Chris Soto ("Kirk and Spock return to Vulcan after Kirk has a nightmare concerning Vulcanʼs ancient history and there they bond and fight a demon from the past to insure Vulcanʼs continuing survival.") (81)
  • The Sleep of Stone, poem by Linda Frankel (94)
  • The Healing by Sharon Pillsbury, art by Lori Lee ("After crashing on an unknown planet, Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Scott are imprisoned by the inhabitants, but more problems are created when Kirk is sexually tortured by the leader and Spock kills the man before they escape.") (95)
  • If Only I Could Tell You, poem by Donna Rose Vanderlaan (136)
  • Truth to Tell by Roberta Haga ("Kirk, Spock and McCoy are locked up for the night after breaking a local taboo while on shoreleave so Kirk decides itʼs a perfect opportunity to tell McCoy about him and Spock being lovers.") (137)
  • Intelligence?, poem by Amy (141)
  • That Darkness, That Light by Patricia Laurie Stephens, art by Jackie Zoost ("An ultimate hurt-comfort story by the mistress of the genre, A/U Spock takes leave on Vulcan after a quarrel with Kirk but during his stay his parents are killed and heʼs taken prisoner by Vulcan terrorists, creating more problems between him and Kirk after his rescue.") (142)
  • Inappropriate Behavior, poem by Amy (187)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2

See reactions and reviews for Away Down Yonder.

See reactions and reviews for Only Love Can Break a Heart.

See reactions and reviews for A Deadly Game.

See reactions and reviews for Blood Prince.

See reactions and reviews for The Sword of Sol Kahr.

See reactions and reviews for Truth to Tell.

See reactions and reviews for That Darkness, That Light.

See reactions and reviews for The Taming.

See reactions and reviews for The Healing.

[the art on pages 84 and 85: artist is Chris Soto] [5]: This is one of the most gorgeous Sotos I've ever seen. It shows a long-haired pre-Reform Vulcan. Judging from "The Sword of Solkahr", the story it illustrates, it is apparently Spock in a previous life. The braids trailing down the front of his chest are particularly well-rendered, and the pattern of the jewels in the braids is echoed in the border design. This makes for a balanced composition. The Spock face has a haunting quality. After reading the story, I suspected this illo of representing Zu'Sar, who in "The Sword of Solkahr" is the god that embodies perfect masculine beauty. I have never seen a Spock who was closer to perfection. [6]

Issue 3

cover of issue #3 by DEEB, also used as interior art

Way of the Warrior 3 was published in January 1990 and contains 171 pages.

Front cover by Deeb. It has interior art by Jody Zweserijn, Pat Friedman, Anja Gruber, Pat Friedman, and Deeb.

  • Editorial (see From Issue #3 (December 1989): Pat's Passing and Jean's Memories) (iii)
  • Sacrificial Lamb by Patricia Laurie Stephens (A/U, a chilling portrait of Spock's family, Sarek is killed and circumstances implicate Spock who ends up being sent to a Rehab colony after being found guilty of killing his father.) (1)
  • Loyalties, poem by Cheryl Resnick (29)
  • Rainmaker, poem by Rachel Cavendish (30)
  • Beyond Eden by A.T. Bush (Kirk keeps trying to corner Spock after an almost-kiss but circumstances keep getting in the way.) (31)
  • Center Seat, poem by Cheryl Resnick (51)
  • art contest announcement (52)
  • Golden Dreams by Natasha Barry (Kirk rejects Spock at the end of the 5 year mission.) (53)
  • An Iowa Visit, poem by Rachel Cavendish (61)
  • Consequences by Jamie Lareson (Kirk buys a device that takes the user into a virtual reality adventure, but because the label has been removed, doesnʼt know what the adventure will be.) (62)
  • Storybook Prince, poem by Rachel Cavendish (78)
  • About Last Night by Roberta Haga (Kirk has a drunken talk with himself and then,on the spur of the moment, decides to act as if he and Spock are already lovers when Spock walks in.) (79)
  • Illogical, poem by Cheryl Resnick (90)
  • Comes the Rain by Sharon St. James (A look at the K/S relationship from the viewpoint of an alien, Kirk and Spock are sold into slavery when, trying to see the ruler of a planet the UFP wants to contact, they are considered trouble makers and bought by one of the nobility who desires Kirk- and uses Spock as guarantee of Kirkʼs compliance.) (91)
  • Song of Kitar by Kendall Cameron (an excerpt from "Test Of Mettle.") (158)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3

See reactions and reviews for Comes the Rain.

See reactions and reviews for Sacrificial Lamb.

See reactions and reviews for About Last Night.

See reactions and reviews for Consequences.

See reactions and reviews for Beyond Eden.

See reactions and reviews for Golden Dreams.

Issue 4

cover of issue #4 by Chris Soto (a reprint of art from #2): "This is one of the most gorgeous Sotos I've ever seen. It shows a long-haired pre-Reform Vulcan. Judging from "The Sword of Solkahr", the story it illustrates, it is apparently Spock in a previous life. The braids trailing down the front of his chest are particularly well-rendered, and the pattern of the jewels in the braids is echoed in the border design. This makes for a balanced composition. The Spock face has a haunting quality. After reading the story, I suspected this illo of representing Zu'Sar, who in "The Sword of Solkahr" is the god that embodies perfect masculine beauty. I have never seen a Spock who was closer to perfection." [7]

Way of the Warrior 4 was published in 1991 and contains 162 pages.

The cover was by Chris Soto and was reprinted from issue #2. Statements in the editorial say this is because the other planned art did not arrive.

The interior art is by Susan K. Dundas, Chris Soto, and Anja Gruber.

from issue #4, a warning and guilt trip addressed to fans regarding zine piracy, and while not stated here, copying zines for friends

From the editorial:

Remember the art contest in WOTW 3? The one where I offered a cash prize for the best front view of Pat Friedman's lovely rear view of Kirk and Spock?


Neither did anyone else. I didn't receive one single entry to that contest.

Now, that's indifference.

And, speaking of artwork, I sincerely hope there's a decent cover on this beast. At this writing, I have no idea what it's going to be. The cover I commissioned way back last summer is still somewhere in the wilds of Canada, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will be here by my printing deadline — which is four days from now. (Ever try to type with your fingers crossed?)

If the cover is something besides Kirk and Spock circa STAR TREK IV, you'll know that crossing my fingers didn't help. Maybe I should have boiled a frog or something....

If the cover is Kirk and Spock, you'll know that all of the above was needless worry and hair-pulling on my part [8], and I could have used the time on something more constructive — like starting on the next zine, which should be OFF THE WALL, a satire-oriented adult-K/S issue.

If any of you readers are also multi-media authors, be advised that I NEED STORIES for two new multi-media slash zines in the works: SATYRNALIA; the first (I hope) of a series, and ECLECTIC EROTICA; a one-shot slash catch-all. Anything goes! If you don't write 'em, I can't print 'em!

  • Editorial
  • Desert Brew, poem by Betsy Fisher (1)
  • Entr'Acte by Susan K. Dundas ("A M/U story, Spock must talk Kirk into joining the rebellion and going to Vulcan with him before the Admiral is arrested and sent back to prison on suspicion of treason.") (2)
  • Reflections by Karla Kelly ("On the shore leave planet, Spock wishes for invisibility in order to study the crewʼs fantasies.") (11)
  • Silent Touch, poem by Betsy Fisher (18)
  • Something I Love by Gena Moretti ("Spock becomes suspicious when his lover begins to act oddly after beaming down to Camus II to answer a distress signal and realizes almost at once that this is no longer Jim Kirk.") (20)
  • The Battle, poem by Robin Hood (36)
  • Romulan Woman by Gena Moretti ("Kirk and Spock have been bonded for two years when Spock receives a message from the Romulan commander that she wishes to see him and Kirk." The commander's first name is "T'Loral" in this story.) (37)
  • How, poem by Patt (59)
  • Losers Weepers by Patricia Laurie Stephens ("An A/U, After the 5 year mission, Kirk and Spock get a place together but Kirkʼs infidelities and the problems brought up while searching for a missing David Marcus cause Spock to leave Kirk and return to Vulcan.") (60)
  • The Candle Burns Low by Natasha Barry ("An A/U, The onset of Spockʼs 2nd pon farr forces him to leave for Gol when Kirk refuses to bond with him, even though Spock can turn to no one else.") (88)
  • Beyond Memory, poem by Robin Hood (96)
  • Chains of Love by Susan K. Dundas ("Stuck at a conference, Spock leaves a book of Vulcan love poems for Kirk to read on their night apart.") (97)
  • Millennium, poem by Patt (110)
  • Coming Home by Robin Hood (111)
  • Beyond the Dark Forgetting by Madison Lang ("After Sybokʼs death, Kirk and Spock try to help McCoy over the revelation of his fatherʼs death and his feelings of betraying Kirk.") (115)
  • Soul-watching, poem by Rhiannon (160)
  • Endless Song, poem by Rhiannon (161)
  • Walking Wounded, poem by Betsy Fisher (162)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 4

See reactions and reviews of Beyond the Dark Forgetting.

See reactions and reviews of Chains of Love.

See reactions and reviews of The Candle Burns Low.

See reactions and reviews of Something I Love.

See reactions and reviews of Reflections.

See reactions and reviews of Entr'Acte.

See reactions and reviews of Romulan Woman.

See reactions and reviews of Losers Weepers.

See reactions and reviews of Coming Home.

Issue 5

cover of issue #5 by Simone Smit

Way of the Warrior 5 was published in 1992 and contains 181 pages.

  • Inner Focus by Betsy Fisher (an A/U, as Spock loses his eyesight, Kirk takes him to his home in Iowa and must convince Spock that they belong together, in or out of Starfleet.)
  • Contamination by Karla Kelly (While Kirk and Spock recuperate from injuries sustained on a mission, a Vulcan is emporarily put in command of the Enterprise.)
  • Well Married by Gena Moretti (Amanda and Sarekʼs courtship is chronicled as Spock waits to annouce his bonding with Kirk to them.)
  • In that Area by Monica Voile (After leaving Muddʼs planet, Kirk is shocked when Spockʼs answer to which of the androids he found the most interesting is Norman, because he was unique”, giving rise to several questions in Kirkʼs mind.)
  • Kith and Kin by Patricia Laurie Stephens (Kirk and Spock accompany two scientists on a planet survey who cause problems for them as they struggle to redefine their relationship after Spockʼs return from Gol.)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 5

See reactions and reviews for Well Married.

See reactions and reviews of Kith and Kin.

See reactions and reviews for In that Area.

See reactions and reviews for Inner Focus.

See reactions and reviews of Contamination.

[art for Well Married]: I don't know how anyone can praise Chris's artwork and sound like a logical, reasoning person. Perhaps if we all could draw with photographic accuracy it wouldn't be so hard. Her young Amanda and Sarek were... perfect. Even more so was the version of them when Spock was an adult. Her romantic 'young married' couple made my toes curl. I'm true to Spock, but I must admit his Dad made me look a time or two in his youth (our youth)? I always feel so honored when Chris chooses to illo a story of mine because I know she is asked to do far more stories than she has time for. [9]

Issue 6

cover issue #6, Shelley Butler, Alexander 2 was the winner of a STIFfie: [10] "I'd been marveling at this lavish cover of Kirk (albeit in an 'Alexander the Great' pose) for days before I opened it up and saw that it was a new artist. How fortunate for fandom. The shading used presents a profile that comes alive off the page. Even the hair has a genuine look to it, rather than that 'too clean' appearance that so many other illos present. What a wonderful, new talent." [11]
from issue #6, Shelley Butler Alexander 1 -- "This portrait of a naked Kirk's face and torso is so extraordinary real that it breathes. The artist must surely have drawn this from a live model or else she knows anatomy extremely well. The textures of skin and hair are also very well rendered. You can even see the sheen of sweat on him. The expression on his face just shouts Kirk. It encapsulates his fiercely independent personality. This is a masterpiece!" [12]

"Incredible! Rarely, oh so rarely, have I ever come across a piece of zine-art that made my jaw drop to the floor. This illustration did that and then some. Usually, at first glance, I can tell the medium used by an artist. But not here; was it pencil, charcoal, pastel or paint? It is just so sublime. The drawing is sharp and vivid, the draftsmanship perfect. Muscles, bone structure, sheen of skin are painstakingly delineated. Attention to subject matter is evident even in the minutest details such as the subtle shadowing of the white of the eye - and the soft line of lips. And most important of all, that face is Kirk and nothing but Kirk (well a young William Shatner if one wants to get technical about it). I have seen many 'realistic' portraits, and they were well done and sure they looked like who they were suppose to portray, almost a photographic reproduction. But they left one cold and unemotionally involved because there was no feeling to it..like a diamond; lovely, finery cut, but lifeless. This drawing fairly vibrates with life and warmth, the strength and character of the subject can be clearly seen and felt. Shelley you have a tremendous talent, to me it can compete with a professional illustrator's efforts any day. My one disappointment about the whole thing is that there weren't more illustrations by you for that story." [13]

"What a marvelous drawing of a young Kirk! Those who have doubted that Shelley can do faces should check this out. So realistic, and designed to raise anyone's blood-pressure. This is the Kirk of the series in a face and bare chest view that makes one wish the artist didn't stop at the bottom of the page. This would have made one hell of a fold-out! How fortunate we are that Shelley has joined us. Her talent and enthusiasm have added immeasurably to K/S fandom." [14]

Way of the Warrior 6 was published in 1993 and contains 188 pages. It contains only one illo, a reprint by Chris Soto that is the cover of "Way of the Warrior" #1.

[the editorial]:

At first glance, there doesn't appear to be much in this issue of the Warrior, but each piece is special in its way.

There are widely differing themes and settings here--from the medieval world of Charlotte Frost's FIRE (fear is the only enemy) to the high-tech experimentation of PARTNERS by Kathy Stanis (where can we GET this computer program?), to what-you-see-is-what-you-get in A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT SLAVE STORY (it is exactly that—a slightly different slave story), to the spooky psychological what-if? of QUINTET (bet you won't forget THIS one for a while; Patricia Laurie Stephens strikes again!).

THE ONES FROM THE MOUNTAINS is sort of extra-special, I think: it is, to me, a shining example of fandom at its best one work of art inspiring another, which inspires yet another, and so on....

Once upon a time, long ago (1986, I think it was), Chris Soto submitted a drawing to the late Pat Friedman, who loved it, and used it on the cover of her new fanzine, WAY OF THE WARRIOR. Far away in France, Michelle Zachayus also loved the cover drawing, and was inspired to write a poem about it, called THE ONES FROM THE MOUNTAINS. The poem was lovely, and appeared in WAY OF THE WARRIOR 5, where it was read and appreciated by Gena Moretti (and others, I hope). So much appreciated, in fact, that Gena wrote the story called THE ONES FROM THE MOUNTAINS, based on Michelle's poem, which was based on Chris's drawing. Pat Friedman died in 1989, but she started the chain of inspiration that lives on in 1993. And so, in some way, I feel that a part of Pat still lives, thanks to Chris, Michelle, and Gena....

  • A Slightly Different Slave Story by Karla Kelly (While in the plak tow Spock hallucinates having a “love slave”, so Kirk decides to take on the role and get Spock through pon farr.) (1)
  • Partners by Kathy Stanis (9)
  • Immersion, poem by Linda Frankel (47)
  • Fire by Charlotte Frost (On a medieval planet. Kirk & Spock find that their greatest danger lies in fear of the unknown...and they are the unknown!) (48)
  • The Ones from the Mountains by Gena Moretti (an A/U: In pre-reform Vulcan, Spock, traveling to the mountains to find the legendary animals and people there, meets a sandy haired round-eared youth.) (106)
  • Claws of the Wolf, poem by Linda Frankel (137)
  • Quintet by Patricia Laurie Stephens (After the fal tor pan, Spockʼs personality splits into four without anyone being unaware of it, including his lover, Kirk.)
  • Remembrance of Things Future, poem by Karla Kelly (188)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 6

See reactions and reviews for Fire.

See reactions and reviews for A Slightly Different Slave Story.

See reactions and reviews for The Ones from the Mountains.

See reactions and reviews for Partners.

See reactions and reviews for Quintet.

Issue 7

cover issue #7, Shelley Butler

Way of the Warrior 7 was published in 1994 and contains 158 pages. It has a cover by Shelley Butler. Edited by Jean Hinson.

From the editorial:

My heartfelt thanks to all the contributors to this issue of the Warrior for their patience; It seemed to me to take an inordinate length of time to accumulate enough material to go to print with it.

As is usual, each story herein is special in its own way, and no two are similar in theme. They range from Classic K/S, in Human Preference and Dream Time, to slightly alternate universe, as in the haunting Purgatories of Our Own Making, to quite a different universe such as Run in the Shadows, wherein Spock and Kirk meet under very different circumstances than in the Classic universe. My own favorite is the unclassifiable In Any Universe — the aftermath of Mirror, Mirror, told from Uhura's point of view. Karla Kelly has again, as usual, come up with a story that is off-beat and quite touching. There are only three pieces of verse in this issue, but they, too, are all special. Sword of smoke and Sand Track are vintage Linda Frankel, and Slave Market is one of Patt's better pieces. I have included here A Casting Call for Fan Fiction: an art portfolio by La Vena Kay Kidd that was intended for the now-defunct OFF THE WALL 3. OTW3 is a casualty of fannish disinterest; I was forced to acknowledge recently that it wasn't going to fly. But I just couldn't waste Casting Call, so it is included here, with thanks to La Vena for her sublime sense of humor and talent for satire.

Submissions are open for Way of the Warrior 8 — and I guess the
 deadline will stay open until enough material is received for a
viable zine — or until hell freezes over, which ever comes 

  • In Any Universe by Karla Kelly (1) (After her experience in the Mirror universe, Uhura is comforted by her realization of the difference between herself and her counterpart...and her captain and his first officer lover to theirs.)
  • Human Preference by P.K. Barnes (7) (Sarek calls Spock to Vulcan when he learns of his sonʼs affair with Kirk and demands that Spock either bond with his lover or find another.)
  • Sword of Stone, poem by Linda Frankel (36)
  • Purgatories of Our Own Making by Beth Scott (37) (Two years after Kirkʼs death, Spock begins to hear something outside the retreat he has created for himself.)
  • Slave Market, poem by Patt (43)
  • Dream Time by Cyd Bascom (44) (Kirk gets more than he bargained for when he tries using an alienʼs attraction to him to get Spock jealous, unaware of the alienʼs mental powers.)
  • Sand Track, poem by Linda Frankel (75)
  • Run in the Shadows by Alice Hooker (A long A/U story in which a young James Kirk is marked for death by his homicidal brother, Sam. His father hires the best protection in the business, Spock of Vulcan. And the chase is on - in more ways then one.) (76)
  • Pssssssst, poem by Karla Kelly (148)
  • Art Portfolio, A Casting Call for Fan Fiction by La Vena Kay Kidd (150)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 7

See reactions and reviews for Purgatories of Own Making.

See reactions and reviews for Run in the Shadows.

See reactions and reviews for Dream Time.

See reactions and reviews for Human Preference.

See reactions and reviews for In Any Universe.

Issue 8

Way of the Warrior 8 was published in 1995 and contains 196 pages.

cover of issue #8, Deeb
  • All Cats Look Grey When the Sun Goes Down by Ida Vega (A Federation planet is attacked by Romulans and Kirk finds that it was all a trap set by the Romulan commander, thought to be dead but who harbors a desire for Kirk.)
  • A Mutual Fascination by Carrie Ann Prentiss (After their meld while being held by the Melkots, Kirk is unable to forget the feelings it evoked.)
  • Alternatives by Gena Moretti (A/U Getting Spock back a year after he left for Gol, Kirk resigns from Starfleet and he and Spock sign on a commercial ship now that they are bondmates and not allowed to serve together.)
  • Every Dog Has His Day by Alice Hooker (humor: Kirk angers a passenger who uses his powers and a memory from Kirkʼs childhhod to get revenge.)
  • My Wildest Dreams by Ida Vega (Spock thinks heʼs dreaming when Kirk comes to his bed while they are on a planet helping the colonists discover who, or what, is killing their livestock.)
  • The Legend by Patti Byther (an encounter between Jean-Luc Picard and Captain James T. Kirk. Impossible? You decide. While Kirk dies on Veridian 3, the part of him still in the Nexus is reunited with Spock.)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 8

See reactions and reviews for All Cats Look Grey When the Sun Goes Down.

See reactions and reviews for Every Dog Has His Day.

See reactions and reviews for My Wildest Dreams.

See reactions and reviews for The Legend.

See reactions and reviews for Alternatives.

See reactions and reviews for A Mutual Fascination.


This is an anthology full of anything a K/S fan is dreaming of. One hundred and ninety three pages with six captivating stories from well-known, wonderful authors. A gem for any collection.

And there is this editorial telling us this is the final issue. Apparently, nobody is interested, neither in this zine nor in the other issues of this series. I'm not from the States, and I don't know about the circumstances. I only see a beautiful zine and ask Why? Perhaps if you hear more details about the zine, Jean Hinson will get a mountain of orders and will continue?

Let me start with Ida Vega (we all know and love her stories). She presents two thrilling stories "All Cats Look Grey When The Sun Goes Down" confronts us with the Romulan commander from Balance of Terror (Yes, it is possible.) And "In My Wildest Dreams" we meet the unknown, the indescribable.... No, I don't give anything away! Both stories are gripping, and at the same time so full of love and the butterflies of the first time.

Gena Moretti has outdone herself with "Alternatives". (Okay, I'm prejudiced, I'm a fan of her stories for years.) This story has over seventy pages, nearly a novel, and it takes us to Vulcan, to Earth and to strange new worlds and new civilizations. A lot of plot (and love, of course) that glued me to the seat 'til the very last sentence. By the way, my favorite scenes were the teddy bears and the fate of Lt. Smyth-Harrison.

Another favorite author of mine is Alice Hooker. "Every Dog Has Its Day" is short but very unique and has such a nice touch of humor.

Carrie Anne Prentiss shows in "A Mutual Satisfaction" Kirk's problems after the mind meld in Spectre of the Gun. An interesting point of view.

And finally, Patti Byther has a wonderful sequel to Generations called "The Legend". I don't like TNG and I don't care about Picard, but this story is so beautifully written that it is worth reading.

Now these are the stories. In addition, there is poetry by Imya Brata and Ida Vega. I think this zine should be read by more than eight people. [15]


  1. ^ from The LOC Connection #9
  2. ^ from Datazine #47
  3. ^ from Treklink #9
  4. ^ from Treklink #18
  5. ^ One of these illos appears to have been used as the cover of issue #4.
  6. ^ from The LOC Connection #7
  7. ^ from The LOC Connection #7
  8. ^ Her hair-pulling and worry was warranted, as that art never arrived and Hinson used an earlier interior art by Chris Soto that appeared in issue #2 as the cover instead.
  9. ^ from The LOC Connection #42
  10. ^ according to the editorial in Come Together #6, though the STIFfie page on Fanlore says the winner of Best Star Trek Art was Butler's back cover to First Time #39
  11. ^ from The LOC Connection #54
  12. ^ from The LOC Connection #56
  13. ^ from The LOC Connection #58
  14. ^ from Come Together #5
  15. ^ from The K/S Press #1