Well Married

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Well Married
Author(s): Gena Moretti
Date(s): 1992
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Well Married is a K/S story by Gena Moretti.

It was published in the print zine Way of the Warrior #5.

" Amanda and Sarekʼs courtship is chronicled as Spock waits to annouce his bonding with Kirk to them. "

Reactions and Reviews

[art for Well Married]: I don't know how anyone can praise Chris's artwork and sound like a logical, reasoning person. Perhaps if we all could draw with photographic accuracy it wouldn't be so hard. Her young Amanda and Sarek were... perfect. Even more so was the version of them when Spock was an adult. Her romantic 'young married' couple made my toes curl. I'm true to Spock, but I must admit his Dad made me look a time or two in his youth (our youth)? I always feel so honored when Chris chooses to illo a story of mine because I know she is asked to do far more stories than she has time for. [1]

This is primarily a Sarek/Amanda story briefly bracketed by K/S at the beginning and end. The trouble with writing the history of Sarek and Amanda's marriage is that it's difficult for someone like me, who's been reading Treklit since the dinosaur age, to ignore previous treatments of this theme. I couldn't help mentally comparing what Gena had written to genzine classics. It seemed to me that the telepathic aspect wasn't handled well in this story. I don't understand why Sarek's shields were such Swiss cheese when he shook hands with Amanda on being introduced to her. Of course, if Sarek's shields had been working properly, he would never have sensed that he and Amanda were so very compatible and they wouldn't have warned. So the entire plot hinges on a shaky contrivance. Later, when Sarek says to Amanda that bonding will mean that she will always know the state of his health, I was reminded of Sarek's confession of his heart condition in "Journey to Babel", and how Amanda knew nothing about it. I therefore conclude that Sarek could shield such a thing from Amanda, and that he did conceal some very important parts of his life form her. Then there is the incident of telepathically inspired sexual arousal during a diplomatic function. Why in heaven's name didn't Sarek think it was necessary to impose sexual controls on himself in such a context? If he's an experienced diplomat, then he knows that sexual flirtation happens at diplomatic receptions, and the only reason why he as a Vulcan is invulnerable to it, is because of those sexual controls. Finally, I was nonplussed to read that Amanda hadn't learned to shieid properly over the years, and that the only time she could manage it was when she was angry. Common sense tells me that if you haven't mastered a skill, the emotional upheaval of anger should not be a time when you'd do any better with it. It seems to me that Amanda would be much worse at shielding when she's angry. I did like the way Amanda stood up to T'Pau when that formidable Vulcan matriarch was considering the possibility that Amanda should terminate her pregnancy. An Amanda with backbone is always good to see. [2]

I certainly enjoyed this Sarek and Amanda story. Captivating, charming. I laughed out loud at Amanda's retort to Sarek thinking he's too big for her. Sex was quite enjoyable -- her spunk, his uncertainties. A loveiy "old- fashioned" romance. A number of details I really liked: her letters home; Sarek with Amanda birthing Spock: Amanda observing Kirk and Spock. I really loved reading this. Art by Soto: Absolutely excellent. Especially young Amanda was captured so well. [3]


  1. ^ from The LOC Connection #42
  2. ^ from The LOC Connection #40
  3. ^ from The LOC Connection #46