A Slightly Different Slave Story
You may be looking for A Slightly Different Cave Story, also by Karla Kelly.
Fanfiction | |
Title: | A Slightly Different Slave Story |
Author(s): | Karla Kelly |
Date(s): | 1993 |
Length: | |
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A Slightly Different Slave Story is a Star Trek: TOS story by Karla Kelly.
It was published in Way of the Warrior #6.
"While in the plak tow Spock hallucinates having a “love slave”, so Kirk decides to take on the role and get Spock through pon farr."
Reactions and Reviews
This longer-than-usual (for the author) story shows what can happen when Karla Kelly takes her time with an idea. Nothing much different, plotwise, in this post-"Amok Time" piece (though the "love slave" idea was new), but I was pleasantly surprised at the eroticism of the sex. It was told with patience and detail, making it very easy to visualize. .. and, uh, feel. [1]
Excellent beginning, taking place right after 'Amok Time", wherein Spock, still in pon farr, imagines Kirk is his love slave. He believes this was arranged by T'Pring as a substitute for her. In Vulcan it is called a "fyslak". Well written, but the overall problem is that it takes too much for granted. Kirk loves Spock "just because". McCoy understand immediately "just because". Kirk falls easily into the role of "love slave" - - no problem. I know we know what's supposed to happen, but it needs much more description and narrative to help draw the reader into the story and make us care.
Pretty good erotic sex except for: "His tongue slipped between the ridges as his hand began the universally recognized movement up and down."
But I loved the expression Spock makes as he's satisfied: "...a high keening sound."
Very nice ending and tie-in with the idea of master and slave. [2]
Visually and poetically fine language.I love the replaying of the scene in Sickbay after pon farr. In this story, seeing Kirk alive instantly brings on Spock's pon parr again; he kisses Kirk and passes out. In his delirium, he thinks Kirk is his t'sy'iak, his love slave. Kirk knows when Spock wakes up he must mate or die, and gets him through pon farr by playing that part for him - nice!
Conversation with Kirk and McCoy was realty relevant stuff but a little stilted. Sweet story. [3]
"A Slightly Different Cave Story" is a silly bit of fluff by Karla Kelly. It barely makes it past 2 pages and only then because of BIG TYPE. But it's cute and fun. [4]
- ^ from The LOC Connection #54
- ^ from The LOC Connection #55 (1993)
- ^ from The LOC Connection #59 (1993)
- ^ from Come Together #8