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Out of Bounds

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You may be looking for A New Future/Out of Bounds, a Star Trek: TOS collection of two novels by Rowena Smythe and Lynn Mitchell, or the Stargate Atlantis story Out of Bounds.

Title: Out of Bounds
Publisher: Unrepressed Press
Editor(s): Pamela Rose, Lezlie Shell
Date(s): 1981-1984
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
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The Out of Bounds is series of K/S anthology zines edited by Pam Rose and Lezlie Shell and published by Unrepressed Press.

Fannish lore says that Pam Rose took out a $400 loan from her credit union for the first issue of Out of Bounds when preorders didn't cover the printing bill. The actual printing costs for that first issue may have been much higher, see more about the struggle to get it published.

Zines in the Series

Zine Proposal

From a 1981 proposal:

A new K/S zine edited by Pam Rose and Lezlie Shell will be available for August Party '81. Alternate universes and unusual situations, with some twists on the K/S relationship.... Due to circumstances beyond our control (extreme poverty), the print run will be limited. Please pre-order if you want to be sure of receiving a copy. 'Out of Bounds' is sexually explicit so an age statement is required. Approximately 150 pp, offset. Cover by Gayle F. No illustrations or poetry -- just dirty... uh, titillating stories. $10.40 (1st), $18.40 (overseas). [1]

Banned in Tulsa

Out of Bounds was the slash zine on the table when some of the Houston crowd were banned in Tulsa. They were asked to leave a con with professional guests because a publicity agent for Disney made a huge fuss about slash zines in the dealer's room. The con committee felt terrible about it, and refunded their table fee.

Later, fans wrote a filk song commemorating the experience called "Banned from Tulsa." It was an homage to another famous filk song (1977), “Banned From Argo," by Leslie Fish.

It also led fans to hold their first IDICon K/S convention.

For more: see Banned from Tulsa.

Struggle To Get It Published

Morgan Dawn recollects one of the publishers describing the struggle to get the second issue of the zine published:

"[The editor] was hilarious. First, she explained that the "Word Processor" was a Xerox 800 that had no screen. They had to print what they just typed. To find the errors, they had to do complicated text searches that might or might not put them in the right spot where they made blind corrections. But the Xerox800 was hot stuff because it allowed them to have right justified margins.

For Out of Bounds I they shipped the typewritten stories off to Elaine H in Houston so she could type them on her IBM Selectric. She shipped those pages back and they then took them to an offset printer where they had to pay over $1500 in one lump sum to get the first issue out. And what they got back was an uncollated and unbound zine.

From there, the publishing tale grew more and more epic: they collated 26 hours a day, they slept on the ground in cardboard boxes (rent money was spent without hesitation), all the while suffering from undiagnosed carpal tunnel syndrome from binding all those zines - there were no electric punchers available in those days.

She then ended her story with the following: "Next, I expect to hear from somebody from the mimeo generation (if there are any left still compos mentos. It was a well known fact they inhaled a few too many mimeo fumes)." By the time she finished we were rolling on the floor.[2]

Staying Power

The zines remained popular long after they went out of print. In 1993, Sandy Herrold posted the following recommendation to the Virgule-L mailing list. It is reposted here with permission:

"I have described myself as an ex-K/Ser for a number of years. Once in a long while though, I still get out the old zines, and reread a couple. I was up at my mom's house this weekend and started looking at the old zine box; before I knew it hours had passed, and Mom had sent a search party.

There were a number of good zines from that era; but the best series of zines to me was, yes, Out of Bounds. The very first story of the first zine (title? Spock goes back in time to make Kirk have him as his first lover and fucks up their whole universe) has stayed with me for years. The format that lot in common with Manacles/Oblique zines: little or no art, no poetry, high quality printing. It was before easy two column printing had hit most of us, but there was very little waste.

The series was helped by the huge quantity of Pam Rose stories; she has been good for a long time! Her Out of Bounds, Old Friend is one of the first novels I give someone who "just doesn't believe the premise" for a long time. Lots of other good stories too, and just (if not *more* important) not many bad stories."

Works Inspired By

In the 1980s, a filk group featured the fanzine in their series of Zine Melodies:

(sung to the tune of "My Favorite Things")
Hustlers and vampires, young Kirk's other lovers,
Spock's going crazy, Kirk's raped by his brother.
Khan and Joachim prove that it's okay, too—
Order your Clemnin, we have one for you!

The Issues

Out of Bounds

front cover 'Out of Bounds' by Gayle F. This artwork inspired the publisher of Prisoners of the Night to approach Gayle for the cover of her new vampire themed zine.

Out of Bounds was published in 1981 and has 154 pages. Cover by Gayle F. It contains no interior art.

Number of copies in the first print run: 400.

  • When Dreams Come True by Pamela Rose (A/U: Spockʼs jealousy of Kirkʼs former lovers causes him to go through the Guardian to become Kirkʼs first love. Sequel: Second Chance.) (4)
  • Second Chance by Pamela Rose and Marie A. (A/U "Spock becomes captain of the Phoenix to be near its chief of security, James Kirk, trying to make the best of the changes caused by his trip through the Guardian." Prequel: When Dreams Come True.) (17 )
  • Something Wagered, Something Gained by C.J. McNally ("McCoy wagers Spock over a bowling game.") (64)
  • Not Quite Enough by Pamela Rose (66)
  • No Such Thing by Lezlie Shell (A/U "While recovering from an illness, Kirk joins Spock who is giving a series of lectures and meets his friend, a doctor that Kirk is repulsed by from the very start.") (67)
  • Babes In the Woods by Ellen L. Kobrin (95)
  • Bed of Silence/Bed of Silence by Rosemary C. (A/U "On the day he receives his captaincy, Kirk is taken by Mitchell to a brothel where the main attraction is a male 'devil'.") (99)
  • Alterations by Billie Phillips (M/U "Spock goes back in time to prevent the gang rape of Cadet Kirk in order to make it possible for them to be lovers in this time.") (122)
  • The Hustler by Marie A. ("Cadet Spock decides to investigate a well-known pleasure house where he buys the services of a young man who turns out to also be a Starfleet cadet." Sequel: A Priori.) (130)
  • K/S Story by Pamela Rose (150)
  • Y'All Come Back by A.T. Bush ("Thinking them in distress, McCoy beams down to find Kirk and Spock nude - and trapped by two bears.") (151)

Reactions and Reviews: Out of Bounds

See reactions and reviews for When Dreams Come True.

See reactions and reviews for Y'All Come Back.

See reactions and reviews for The Hustler.

See reactions and reviews for Alterations.

See reactions and reviews for Bed of Silence.

See reactions and reviews for Babes in the Woods.

See reactions and reviews for No Such Thing.

See reactions and reviews for Something Wagered, Something Gained.

See reactions and reviews for Not Quite Enough.

See reactions and reviews for Second Chance.



'Out of Bounds' is one of two new K/S zines on the new on the market. It is characteristic of its genre. K/S stories seem to be consistently well-written and organized around two dominant themes which allow the two currents in K/S to be expressed.

One primary focus of K/S stories is that of the the serious, poignant, sometimes bittersweet aspect of the real love that bonds Kirk and Spock. These stories are cast in an extrapolated-from-the-aired-series-universe or in an infinite variety of alternate universe, in particular the universe of Mirror, Mirror. Contrary to the comments of may critics of K/S, these stories are far more than simple vehicles for sexual acts between the principle characters. The serious stories in 'Out of Bounds' serve as an example. While sex is important, it is not the primary focus of these stories.

'When Dreams Come True' and 'Second Chance' demonstrate this quite well as they deal with the unpredictable effects of Spock's inadvertent involvement in Kirk's past.

'Alterations' concerns the mirror Spock's trip into his Kirk's past, a trip made to ensure future happiness.

A well-written story, 'Bed of Silence,' details how an alternate universe of the mirror universe Kirk finds and falls in love with his Spock.

For lovers of the macabre, there is a vampire piece that makes the reader wonder if garlic and crosses still work in the supposedly sophisticated future.

The remaining serious story, 'The Hustler,' is a delightful tale of how Kirk and Spock might have met before Kirk becomes captain of the Big E. (If only Gene Roddenberry had thought this up, it would have made a great pilot!) 'Out of Bounds' offers five stories, some quite short, which reflect the other dominant theme in K/S work -- that of humor and sex combined for hilarious results.

These stories and other stories of this type, are light pieces which pro-offer entertainment and titillation laughter a they often focus on explicitly described sexual acts being performed in strange places. Perhaps it is from these stories that K/S critics have developed the opinion that K/S stories are written solely for sexual acts and sexual organs. A reader of 'Out of Bounds' [will be] delighted by the liberties the authors have taken with our heroes, and the ones Kirk and Spock take with each other as they pursue their gloriously fulfilling, always repetitious sex lives on the bridge, in the woods, in a public storage compartment, in a cave, not to mention the ship's bowling alley. The always well-endowed Kirk and Spock deliver orgasm after orgasm but hilarious lines of dialogue as well. This type of story is so wonderfully common in most K/S zines that one does begin to wonder, fleetingly, if the two do anything but have sex in interesting locations. While somewhat frivolous, these stories are needed to counterbalance the very serious, thoughtful love stories that co-dominate K/S writings.

Overall, 'Out of Bounds' offers the reader a well-balanced selection of the best in K/S work by some of the finest authors extant. The zine also features a lovely Gayle F cover. While no one should read anything she considers offensive, it is unfortunate that those who do not read K/S are missing some of the most well-written stories being penned in Trek fandom since many K/S stories reach for a type of pathos that is unavailable to the writer of non-K/S. [3]



The absence of artwork in a zine is about as enthralling as listening to "Amok Time" or "Arena" for the first time with the TV picture turned off, possibly because descriptive material in Treklit is usually so scanty and inadequate. Many scenes are so loosely described that they leave me wondering for hours afterward just who was doing what to whom ... and where. Usually K/S zines tend to be particularly attractive, but [this is an example of one that isn't]. I can only hope that they do not start a trend....

OUT OF BOUNDS 1 is 154 pages unreduced offset, making the unit cost per page about 5 [cents]. The type is clear and black, and the paper is adequately heavy, so the zine is easy to read. There are some very minimal graphics, which improves the ziners general appearance quite a lot, but there are no illos, except for a truly gorgeous Gayle F. cover, very erotic, though non-explicit. There is no poetry. The eleven vignettes and stories are almost all refreshingly original and intriguing, with a discernible plot structure, but there is far too much reliance on the "nasty surprise' ending. The total effect of the zine is therefore rather depressing.

In several cases, particularly the vampire story, "No Such Thing" by Lezlie Shell, the plot is brought to an end with far too many loose ends hanging. The vampire escapes, leaving behind a trail any child could follow: how could he reasonably expect Starfleet and the local authorities not to capture him? Many points are left unexplained- - can the vampire control any mind, or only that of his selected victim, for example -- leaving the story on an extremely shaky logical foundation.

"Suspension of disbelief" did not survive through a number of stories. There are several stories and vignettes intended to be humorous, but most of the humor is of a particularly acid and unpleasant variety.

'Babes in the Woods" shows no knowledge of the logistics and problems of sleeping bags, and so the whole story' being based on that, falls quite flat: crawling inside without waking the occupant is quite impossible, for one thing.

The ziners two best stories are 'The Hustler' by Marie A. and 'Bed of Silence' by Rosemary C. Both are very original alternate universe stories; both are very memorable, and upbeat without being sentimental.

I can definitely recommend that you purchase the zine for these stories alone, and I'm looking forward to reading #2! [4]



Out of Bounds is one of the new type of zine, where the story counts and the reader is not asked to pay for fancy trimmings. There is no artwork apart from a [Gayle F] which, while as being as beautiful as Gayle's art always is, is however, out of place, and I wonder ho much a cover such as this puts buyers off.

The first two stories are in an 'alternative universe' form.. "When Dreams Come True' by Pamela Rose has Spock getting his wish to be the first sexual encounter of the young Kirk and the second story -'Second Chances' by Pamela lose and Marie Aranas shows the effect of this historical change. I liked the charactisation very much, a fascinating story and the authors really have succeeded in creating three-dimensional personalities.

'No-Such Thing' is a macabre story by Lezlie Schell, which mixes K/S sex and Dracula vampire blood-letting. In a fantasy with some plot-flaws, Kirk is a possession won by Spock from, a Dracula-figure, different but nevertheless enjoyable.

'Bed of Silence' I must admit I did not like. I really don't know why? it could not hold my attention. I did not find it believable, yet a friend really 'I enjoyed it,' saying it was one of the few slave/possession stories where Kirk buys Spock instead of the more usual way around.

'Alterations' by Billie Phillips has basically the same plot as the first story, which is a pity because they distract from each other. Spock goes back in time, from alternate universe to change his Kirk into 'our' Kirk, got it? You will, if you read the story. I found it, a memorable one.

Marie Aranas has produced my favourite story of the. zine, 'The Hustler', a really super story. Kirk is a self-assured, cocky young man, hustling his way through the academy by selling his body - a very logical way to make money! A very enjoyable story. I just love this Kirk, he's got a great deal of charm. I congratulate Marie on a first-rate and classic story.

There are several shorter stories, all good fun to read, especially the hilarious short by Pamela Rose which had me clutching my sides every time I read it.

Overall, I recommend this zine. The stories are of a high standard, it's basically a fun-read. However, and it's a big however -- I do have strong doubts about the subject matter of some of the stories. 'When Dreams Come True' and 'Alterations' have K/S sex with, a younger Kirk of the past. If this is a trend from which K/S is going to develop I am very dubious for the future. The theme could become sickening if continued. [5]


[zine]: I remembered it so vividly because OUT OF BOUNDS expanded my horizons considerably. I didn't necessarily like all the stories, but they were all well-written and memorable. I should probably confess that the main reasons I bought the zine were because, out of a limited selection, it was easy to read (I'd had to deal with too many badly reproduced zines) and I was utterly charmed by the non-editorial. Especially the oatmeal. [6]



I wanted to do a Classic Corner for the second anniversary issue [of The K/S Press] and I just happened upon this zine. I had purchased the entire OOB series recently (from Joyce Bowen and they’re in excellent condition, but I digress....) and so I’ve been gradually reading through them.

So far, I have thoroughly enjoyed almost all of the stories in the few OOB zines that I’ve read. I think it was an excellent series — and I highly recommend finding them for your collection. However, when I told some other K/Sers that I went nuts over these, one reaction was “Yuck!” and the other was “Oh.” So I absolve myself of any responsibility for any adverse reactions from reading them, and the opinions stated here do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The K/S Press. (But they should.) [7]

Out of Bounds, Too

front cover 'Out of Bounds, Too' by Gayle F
back cover 'Out of Bounds, Too' by Marie A.

Out of Bounds, Too was published in January 1982 and has 162 pages. Front cover by Gayle F and back cover by Marie A.

  • Sweet Surrender by Marie A. (M/U "Kirk and Spock take shoreleave together where Spockʼs hopes of getting a lasting commitment from his lover are upset by the appearance of Kirkʼs old nemesis, Finnegan.") (4)
  • The Flight of the Butterphant by Billie Phillips (24)
  • Who Was That Vampire I Saw You With Last Night? by A.T. Bush ("Kirk and Spock separately go to a masked ball where Kirk spends half the night trying to identify his bondmate.") (28)
  • You Don't Always See What You Want by Crystal Ann Taylor (M/U: "Spock tries to rid his lover of his voyeurism by setting the Tantalus field on their counterparts in this universe as they make love.") (43)
  • Determining Who Your Friends Are by C.J. McNally (Pre K/S. "While on a planet survey, Spock is bitten by a snake like creature and Kirk uses a tried but not really true method to extract the venom.") (55)
  • Cave-In by Devery Helm ("McCoy takes matters into his own hands after he, Kirk and Spock are stranded in a cave when their shuttle crashes and Kirk and Spock are having a loverʼs quarrel.") (61)
  • Outsider by Gail Lee (Non-K/S story, features other characters) (64)
  • There's a First Time For Everything by Devery Helm ("Spock wakes from wet dream and when almost caught with an erection while on his way to the bridge, ducks into Kirkʼs cabin.") (78)
  • Chameleon by Pamela Rose (82)
  • Those Who Favor Fire by Lezlie Shell (A/U. "Kirk is unaware that Spock is slowly going mad after his divorce from TʼPring and that he plans to make Kirk his own anyway he has to.") (127)

Reactions and Reviews: Out of Bounds, Too

See reactions and reviews for Sweet Surrender.

See reactions and reviews for Those Who Favor Fire.

See reactions and reviews for There's a First Time for Everything.

See reactions and reviews for Cave-In.

See reactions and reviews for Outsider.

See reactions and reviews for Determining Who Your Friends Are.

See reactions and reviews for You Don't Always See What You Want.

See reactions and reviews for The Flight of the Butterphant.

See reactions and reviews for Chameleon.

[zine]: No interior illos, no poetry, no articles, no puzzles. Just straight K/S, in a manner of speaking, strictly for adults. Good layout, clear print. Consists of six long stories and four short, with a good balance of humor and seriousness. "Chameleon" by Pamela Rose was the one which impressed me the most, since I tend to favor long well-developed K/S. Pam comes up with yet another novel and entertaining idea of how Our Heroes deepen their friendship bond into a physical one when they are captives planetside, along with a beautiful young hustler, a stiff-necked full-Vulcan, and a lustful Gorn-like alien. There is a certain choppiness in the writing style which needs a heavy editing hand, but this is always a problem when writers do their own editing. In contrast, Crystal Ann Taylor brings a cohesiveness to her "You Don't Always See What You Want", and made a fairly well plotted story out of a single X-rated fantasy; she comes up with something that won't disappoint lovers of the genre and which incorporates whimsy and a light touch to the Mirror Universe. The A.T. Bush story was a slight let down, conditioned as we were to expect her weird and diverting ideas — Spock as Count Dracula is no longer a fresh concept. I also miss [Billie Phillips'] usual deft touch in her "The Flight of The Butterphant". This heavy-handed humor seems strained, hovering as K/S does on the edge of satire/parody even in the best of stories. Not one of her best. The other stories are strictly light-hearted except for Gail Lee's chilling "Outside", which manages to twist K/S into a stunning and possibly reasonable conclusion. After all, if being victims of the incredible circumstances writers are always dreaming up is enough to account for macho Kirk and Spock being led into what is usually a male/female bond, why wouldn't it work the same if Sulu and not Kirk is one being trapped with Spock this time? Not as much fun as the Dynamic Duo, perhaps, but not doubt psychologically just as logical. In short, this zine is a must for the K/S collector, with enough twists on the subject material to save it from being trite. And age statement is required. [8]


To a certain extent this zine suffers in comparison with its predecessor 'Out of Bounds' which contained several excellent stories, notably 'The Hustler' and 'Bed of Silence'.

I have always considered US K/S zines to be superior, content-wise, to their British counterparts but having read this zine I begin to wonder if imaginations are running dry on the other side of the Atlantic, The stories nearly all centre around sex (yes I know that that is what differentiates K/S from hurt/comfort) but there is little or no plot to be found in most of them. Not every story requires a plot, I understand this, but what plots there are seem rather tenuous and border on the desperate.

I used to feel that I could read anything, as long as there was a reasonable use of English but while I have few complaints on that score here, I am beginning to have my doubts. Let me quote a few skeleton plot lines for the reader's own assessment:

Spock gradually becomes insanely possessive under the influence of zenite gas. Kirk fooled by a pathological liar.
Spock gradually becoming insanely possessive - no outside influence.
Spock and Kirk going to a fancy dress ball. The relationship - a loving one - but what the author was trying to demonstrate eludes me.
Mirror Spock and Kirk trying to discover tenderness, putting the Tantalus field to new and varied use.
Mirror Kirk and Spock...Kirk submitting for the first time.
Spock and...wait for it... Sulu enslaved. Rescued, Kirk unfortunately discovers he loves Spock. This is a rather harrowing tale and the nearest thing to a death story, where all the protagonists survive, that I have read. I get a sinking feeling every time I read it.

There are four funnies, two of which are absurd! A short by [Billie Phillips] which defies description, and 'Cave In'...Spock and Kirk manufacturing shuttle crashes near selected caves and McCoy's description of...proceedings. In the first of the other two, Spock is bitten on the butt by a snake and...yes you've guessed it! In the second, Spock has problems following an erotic dream that Kirk is only too happy to solve for him.

Considering the array of talent producing these stories, [Marie A], [Billie Phillips]. Crystal Ann Taylor, Pamela Rose et al, I would have hoped that they could have come up with something better between them. Am I expecting too much, with my hankering after plots where sex is a part of the whole and not the be all and end all of the story with a few contrivances thrown in? Must slavery, outside influences or violence in the case of Mirror stories, always play a part in the loving? I have already commented on' "Who Was That Vampire I Saw You With Last Night?', the story about the fancy dress ball, but at least the author attempted to write about a happening in a continuing relationship which wasn't based on a sex problem!

I suppose I have been rather scathing, probably not because the zine is so bad but more because 'Out of Bounds' promised so much and I do not feel the authors have done themselves justice this time.

The best two stories were (I felt) 'Chameleon' by Pamela Rose wherein Kirk tries to rescue Spock, stranded on a planet with another Vulcan and a human. To avoid attack by a monster it is necessary for him to have had recent sexual activity (see what I mean about contrivance?) and he eventually settles on Spock rather than the other human. He does not appreciate Spock's, thereafter, increasingly proprietary attitude and seeks solace (under the influence of drugs) with Jason, the aforementioned human, whose tales of his predicament have softened Kirk's heart. The story continues tor elate, how and why, after their escape, Spock and Kirk resolve their differences.

'Those Who Favour Fire' by Lezlie Shell is the other story and describes a Spock who becomes mentally unstable and possessive of Kirk. He manipulates Kirk's compassion and feelings of guilt with the cunning of madness until Kirk is well and truly hooked, despite McCoy's dire warnings. Not something, perhaps, that one would choose to read but cleverly written and observed nonetheless. Whether the reader enjoys this zine depends really on what he/she wants from his/her K/S.

I am not particularly distressed by the lack of poetry or illos but this is one thing which may influence a prospective purchaser. However, there is yet another [Gayle F] cover to hide from your parents/husbands etc.! [9]


I just got done reading Out of Bounds 2 (too) and I must say it was excellent. I thought the Lone Ranger and Vamp story gave their readers a hell of a sexy duo as well as some good laughs.

My favorite — yet most hated story — was "Those Who Favor Fire" by Leslie Shell, I think I could easily have nightmares if I decided to check out all the episodes and just where Spock's insanity becomes noticeable; I especially liked the way the author did the progression of Kirk's admittance to his own needs.

Chameleon showed for once, a realistic look....no relationship is perfect and neither are the individuals.

And I thought the story Cave Inn was fun too. Poor McCoy the "marriage counselor".... [10]

Still Out of Bounds, Old Friend!

front cover of "Still Out of Bounds, Old Friend!" by Marie A.

Still Out of Bounds, Old Friend! was published in late 1982 and contains 102 pages. It is a novel 'Paradises, Found and Lost' by Pam Rose and edited by Lezlie Shell. It has a cover and a single piece of interior art by Marie A.

This was one of the first zines to have a story based on the second movie, which came out in June.

The novel follow both Kirk and Khan from the time of the TV episode 'Space Seed'through the end of Star Trek II and beyond, filling in the gaps in canon. Joachim, the pretty blond from the movie, has a major part. The story ends with a note: "I beg the reader to excuse the scientific flaws in this work. But it is Star Trek: where Trek is concerned in our hearts..."

from "Still Out of Bounds, Old Friend!" -- story timeline
interior from "Still Out of Bounds, Old Friend!" Marie A.

Chapter Titles

  • Overture
  • To Serve in Heaven
  • The Best of Times
  • To Rule in Hell
  • The Worst of Times
  • Invictus
  • A Far Better Thing
  • Madness Maddened
  • Age of Foolishness
  • Out of the Pit
  • Season of Light
  • The Chase
  • Interlude
  • The Sword Falls
  • Season of Darkness
  • Another Paradise

Reactions and Reviews: Still Out of Bounds, Old Friend


As a 30ish librarian, new to ST fandom and fanzines, may I say that I am amazed and delighted with this new world I've found! I've read a variety of fanzines, some old, some newer, and from the description, I expected to hate K/S. Imagine my surprise, on reading Naked Times and the first issue of Out of Bounds, to discover that I love it... This newer offering from Unrepressed Press is different in that it's a novel, not several stories. The chapters directly connect to some ST episodes, and both movies. 'Overture' follows 'Space Seed,' and other chapters follow the colony on Ceti Alpha V, and other chapters follow 'Mirror, Mirror'... I thought the connective stories in this novel were so logical and we well integrated that I could almost BELIEVE the K/S premise is a logical progression of events. Compared to much of the K/S I've read, the sex here, while explicit, is limited. The writing is good, the plot gripping and enjoyable. I loved it! I only wish Harve Bennett would read it and use it as a blueprint for planning the start of the next Star Trek movie. [11]

[1983]: It explains this along with many, many other things. It is K/S and it starts at the end of the Space Seed and follows in alternate chapters Kahn and his followers and our Enterprise friends. It covers the time when the five year mission ends, why Spock left, through the first movie, through the second movie and BEYOND. It is a dynamite story and I would recommend it very highly to all of you K/Sers out there. [12]


A single novel by Pamela Rose, entitled "Paradises, Found and Lost." It parallels the lives of Kirk and Khan in alternating chapters ; beginning with Khan's exile to Ceti Alpha V in the last scene of "Space Seed." This fascinating story takes us between the lines and behind the scenes of the time lapse from then through the time of Mirror, Mirror" to the end of the five-year mission, the reunion of the crew during STAR TREK: The Motion Picture, " "The Wrath of Khan"—and beyond. As Spock said, "There are always possibilities "...and this history is one of them. The characterizations are just right, and there are some totally priceless moments, both serious and comic. I wouldn't have missed it for anything. [13]


This is a novel/set of connected stories, following both Kirk and Kahn from the time of the episode The Bounty, until the end of Star Trek II and beyond. Joachim, the pretty blond from the movie has a major part. Good stuff. I used to use this novel to suck people into the premise in my k/s days. Uses the Gol story without beating you over head. [14]


This story brings us from the events in some episodes to STWOK. The novel is written before STIIL The chapters have the character of separate stories, and each chapter alternately handles about Kirk and Kahn. The first chapter is begins with the end of the episode "Space Seed" and is called overture and it is exactly that. The next chapter is about Kahn and his people during the first years on Ceti Alpha 5, struggling to survive, told mostly from the POV from Joachim, his trusted follower. Joachim is a great admirer of Kahn and adores him. He is jealous of Maria, who shares Kahn's bed. We learn what happens as the planet is destroyed and how Kahn's hatred for Kirk is growing. "The Best of Times" is set just after the Mirror Universe episode. Kirk has found out that his mirror counterpart an the mirror Spock are lovers. He tries to deal with that and struggles with his own feelings. At last he confesses his love to Spock and finds it recuperated. They make love, but because Spock is afraid of the effect a relationship with his captain will have on his command ability, he makes Kirk forget all what has happened between them, but Spock does not. Years later, he can no longer cope with his feelings and flies to Gol. Just before he leaves Kirk remembers about their love and desperately try to stop Spock from leaving. In a wonderful scene Spock tells him that he cannot stay, that as a Vulcan he is not able to deal with love. There is a lot of emotion from Kirk yet he is still 'our' Kirk and Spock is at his most-Vulcan. Kirk accepts his promotion and is boring in his desk job. Even Lori can't break that. He realizes that his closest friends have left him. After Vger, Spock and Kirk come together again and finally they can no longer hide their feelings and a lovely sex scene follows. Kirk tries to get back the Enterprise, but is not successful. Spock is her new Captain for training purposes. They try to be together as much as possible. Each time it is very difficult for him when the Enterprise goes out without him. Season of light is a lovely lighthearted where Kirk is trying to get Spock drunk. Does he succeed or is Spock just acting? "The Chase" sets the scene to the STWOK events, seen alternately through the eyes of Joachim and of Kirk. Joachim becomes Kahn's lover, after Maria's death. He has to deal with Kahn's growing madness and his obsession to take revenge on Kirk. Dialogue from the movie is used in the right times on the right places and just a part of the ongoing story. The death of Spock leaves Kirk to deal with raw emotions, very well and touching told. Kirk is almost unable to deal with it. Till so far the mean storyline of STWOK. Kirk tries suicide, but doesn't succeed. Then David tells him something about the Genesis effect and the possibility that Spock's body has regenerated. Then Kirk understands: Spock has told McCoy before he went in the radiation chamber to remember...Flint. Flint in the episode "Requiem for Methuselah" regenerates time after time. Spock knew that due to Genesis he would regenerate too, so in truth, he will not be dead. Determined to get his way. Kirk goes to Nogura, he gets the Enterprise and leaves for Genesis. Genesis turns out to be very unstable, and will be destroyed soon. There he finds Spock again, and their reunion is very touching and well done. But there is another reunion too... I enjoyed this story very much. However, the reason for Spock not being dead is a little weak, I can't get a more or less scientifically explanation for it. This story is written before STIII was out and the similarities are remarkable. Spock's body is regenerated by Genesis, and we know that happens in STIII. But Pamela makes no mentioning about his mind. I missed the mind melds, too, and the bonding between Kirk and Spock, The mind melds make dealing with a Vulcan so interesting and special. Apart from that it is an interesting and entertaining story and well-written, Pamela tells us the story between the movies and behind the scenes. [15]

Out of Bounds, Again

front cover 'Out of Bounds Again' by Gayle F
inside back cover 'Out of Bounds Again' by Marie A. Note: This image has been marked as depicting acts involving sexual assault and/or consent issues (either non- or dubious consent) and has been minimised.

Out of Bounds, Again was published in 1983 and has 160 pages with cover art by Gayle F, back cover by Marie A. There is no interior illustration.

"This issue is dedicated to Pete Fisher who knows what "Dreamlovers" are all about."

From a blurb about this issue in "Out of Bounds, Too":

Yes, until we get it right,folks! Same style,same motley content. More young Kirks, more rapes and mayhem to his golden person, more macho Spocks, more confused McCoys, more....well, you got the idea by now.

If this is your second issue of this sordidness, it's too late to pretend you thought OUT OF BOUNDS was a sports magazine. (Depends on the kind of sports you like....) If you buy issue three, you'll be doomed.

Never again will you be able to say in modest purity, "I just read K/S, I don't believe in the premise." To paraphrase a quote from THE BOYS IN THE BAND — "Once is curiosity, twice, a phase maybe, but three times....you like it!" Consider yourself duly warned.

Now, for those of you who are already doomed, or just like to live dangerously, you may sase to this address for definite ordering information:

Lezlie Shell


We hope to have the next issue out by August 1982.

NOTICE: Anyone searching for relevancy, deep meaning, or purpose in these zines will be flogged. Anyone finding it will be shot.

  • Carnival's End by Madelein Lee ("Kirk and Spock have a disagreement over a security manʼs crush on Kirk.") (also in Aftermath and Nocturne) (1)
  • It's Not Easy Being Green by Devery Helm (Humor: "Kirk decides to help Spock through his next pon farr.") ("...WE BRING YOU THE RUNNER UP OF THE "...AND THEN SPOCK DIED" WRITING CONTEST. DEVERY, HOW DO YOU SPELL RELIEF?") (20)
  • Amaranth by Pamela Rose and Marie A. (M/U:" Kirkʼs guilt over Edithʼs death is compounded by his visit to this universe, causing his descent into drug addiction to hide from it.") (28)
  • Just Another Shore Leave, or, Tales of Y'All Come Again (and again) Saloon by Debra Kingsley and Linda Dittemore ("McCoy is held hostage until Kirk and Spock agree to perform a live sex show for the owner of the bar McCoy was frequenting.") (46)
  • Immortalized by Taffie Bush ("Bonded to Spock, Kirk worries over how to tell Spock about a sculpture of himself on display by a former lover.") (59)
  • The Osiris Syndrome, or, One Trick Crony by Homo Erectus (Humor: "Spockʼs ghost appears to Kirk in order to request that Kirk retrieve a book from Spockʼs quarters and use it to relieve the effects an unfulfilled pon farr has left on his body.") ("THIS IS THE WINNER OF THE " AND THEN SPOCK DIED." WRITING CONTEST WE PROPOSED IN OOB, TOO. FIRST OF ALL, SINCE THE STORY IS WRITTEN UNDER A PEN NAME, WE HAVE TO MAKE VERY CLEAR THAT NEITHER OF THE EDITORS WROTE THIS. CLEAR? NEXT, WE OFFER A WARNING TO ANY OF YOU WHO DO NOT POSSESS WARPED MINDS (why are you reading this zine?). THIS IS BLACK HUMOR IN THE EXTREME. IF YOU DON'T LIKE BLACK HUMOR, DON'T READ IT! AND IF YOU DO, FOR PETE'S SAKE, DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT IT LATER. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.") (73)
  • Prelude by Lynna Bright (Pre K/S: "Cadet Kirk meets the man who becomes his first male lover until the manʼs graduation from the academy parts them.") (80)
  • Those Who Dare by Marcella Belton (A/U "Spock kidnaps Kirk in order to make him his bondmate, but Kirkʼs “training” is interrupted by a Romulan healer who wants Kirk for his own.") (101)
  • Filksong by Shell and Rose (to the tune of "Gilligan's Island") (158)
  • a review by Pamela Rose of Dreamlovers by Pete Fisher -- "It has not been our habit to recommend or suggest much of anything in OUT OF BOUNDS. We're too lazy for one thing, and for another we tend to ignore reality as much as possible. However, I recently discovered a pro book that would be of definite interest to most readers of our zine.")

Reactions and Reviews: Out of Bounds, Again

See reactions and reviews for Carnival's End.

See reactions and reviews for It's Not Easy Being Green.

See reactions and reviews for Amaranth.

See reactions and reviews for Just Another Shore Leave.

See reactions and reviews for Immortalized.

See reactions and reviews for The Osiris Syndrome.

See reactions and reviews for Prelude.

See reactions and reviews for Those Who Dare.

[zine]: In a Datazine ad, the editors described this zine's format as 'classy filth and funnies'. Funnies, yes, and it's certainly classy, but I'd say excellent erotica is better than filth for describing this fourth Out of Bounds. (If you haven't seen the others, SASE the editors I think all these zines are great!) zine's technical work is very well done: printing and spacing is excellent, few typos, and it s 160 pages spiral bound. The only illos are a Gayle F cover and back page art by Marie A. It contains no poetry, just lots of good stories. think all the stories are good, and some are excellent. There is a very interesting character study, by Madelein Lee, which first appeared in the British zine Nocturne. It's Not Easy Being Green is an enjoyable funny from the way-out pen of Devery Helm. We are treated to a funny-sexy shore leave story, a good "Mirror, Mirror" story, and Immortalized, by Taffie Bush celebrates Kirk's ass, which is one of his greatest assets, as any of his fans would tell you! My personal favorite is Prelude, by Lynna Bright, a really wonderful story about young Jim Kirk as an Academy cadet. The only flaw, for me, is a well written but terribly depressing novella, involving Kirk and Spock in a slavery/bonding type plot. This zine contains lots of stories, with lots of diversity, and is highly recommended. [16]

Out of Bounds: Overflow

Out of Bounds: Overflow front cover by Marie A.
back cover by Marie A.

Out of Bounds: Overflow was published in 1983 and has 86 pages.

The front and back covers are by Marie A.. There is no interior art.

The zine's dedication:

This issue is lovingly dedicated to Elaine Hauptman who has been with us since the beginning, and has gone above and beyond the call of duty. Starsky and Hutch fandom doesn't deserve to have her! (But as long as we can borrow her once in a while....) Thanks Elaine!

  • Coming of Age by Madelein Lee ("David Marcus goes to a gay bar on his 18th birthday, hoping to lose his virginity.") (1)
  • Angel Unaware by Mary Lowe (M/U: "Kirk taunts Spock with his body, unable to understand Spockʼs desire for him.") (also in Angel Unaware and Other K/S Stories) (5)
  • We Learn by Doing by Devery Helm ("Two of the men of Vaal try to use the knowledge they acquire from watching Kirk and Spock make love.") (12)
  • In Spite of Consequences by Kris Brown ("Kirk is raped by Parmen and then by a controlled Spock while on Platonius but is unable to deal with the responses evidenced from him and Spock during the ordeal.") (19)
  • Penetration by Homo Erectus (38)
  • The Heart Has Its Logic by Patricia Frazer Lamb ("Spock is unaware that the Kirk he used on the shoreleave planet to get through his pon farr was the real thing, something Kirk hopes to tell him someday.") (43)
  • Replay by Peter Fisher (Non-K/S story.) (64)
  • Joseph's Brother by Pamela Rose (M/U: "George Kirk, drunk and desperate to get off Earth, rapes his younger brother and then sells him to Kodos, military governor of Tarsus 4." Sequel: Josephʼs Brother Pt 2.) (68)
  • For the Man Who Has Everything by Lezlie Shell (Humor: "Unable to find a Christmas gift for Spock, Kirk finally decides on “anything” Vulcan.") (reprinted from The Best Little K/Smas Zine in Texas) (75)
  • Compatibility Unlimited Galactic Personality Profile (a questionnaire for a dating profile, tweaked as if James Kirk filled it out) (87)

Reactions and Reviews: Out of Bounds Overflow

See reactions and reviews for In Spite of Consequences.

See reactions and reviews for We Learn by Doing.

See reactions and reviews for Penetration.

See reactions and reviews for The Heart Has Its Logic.

See reactions and reviews for For the Man Who Has Everything.

See reactions and reviews for Coming of Age.

See reactions and reviews for Angel Unaware.

See reactions and reviews for Joseph's Brother.

See reactions and reviews for Replay.

Out of Bounds: Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves

another version of the cover, no color, and no hand print on Spock's butt
cover of 'Out of Bounds, Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves', Gayle F and Marie A.

Out of Bounds: Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves was published in 1984 and has 136 pages. Cover art by Gayle F and Marie A. The interior art is by Southern Cross.

"This issue is dedicated to Barb Lewis. She's always there to help. For typing, furniture moving, collating, binding, cheering up, listening, laughing, joking, licking envelopes (and male anatomy), chauffeur, co-defendant, friend, and what fandom is all about. You are appreciated, Barbara! (And we'll rent her out for weddings and barmitzvahs.)"

  • Domestic Affections by Janet Alex ("When McCoy mistakenly thinks Spock is raping Kirk when he accidently sees them making love, it makes it harder for him to accept the situation when he learns the truth.") (1)
  • Screw You by Devery Helm (Humor: "Kirk is surprised to end up bonded to Spock after helping him through pon farr.") (31)
  • Reflections of Gol by Madelein Lee (M/U: "Spock kidnaps and sequesters Kirk to insure his bondmateʼs fidelity while he goes through the discipline at Gol.") (40)
  • Why In the Hell Did You Do That?, poem by CJ "sick and tired of all that slop" McNally (44)
  • The Seduced by Barb Lewis ("Spock is called to his captain's quarters in what turns out to be nothing but Pikeʼs fantasy on Talus 4.") (In 1996, the author wrote on a mailing list "that everybody thought was K/S but wasn't.") (45)
  • Fantasy #6 by Madelein Lee ("Kirk finds himself part of the ceremony after disrupting Spockʼs wedding when he follows him to Vulcan for his next pon farr.") (50)
  • The Inner View by C.J. McNally (54)
  • Fantasy #2 by Madelein Lee (59)
  • Vulcan Eyes, poem (61)
  • Handball by Homo Erectus (62)
  • Cupids Quiver by Marnie Strom (72)
  • Break Thou My Sanctuary by Janet Alex (A/U: "Spock buys a human slave but tries to fight the attraction and love he comes to feel until fate intervenes and he enters pon farr.") (also in Daring Attempt #2. This story is a riff on The Price and The Prize) (77)
  • Jealousy by Vivian Gates (97)
  • Joseph's Brother (part 2) by Pamela Rose (M/U: "After Kodosʼ flees, Kirk is becomes the bedtoy of Captain Garrovick, who makes it possible for Kirk to enter the academy and eventually command the Enterprise." Prequel: Josephʼs Brother Pt 1.) (104)
  • A Priori by Vivian Gates ("Spock experiments sexually with a scientist on the outpost he inspects in order to insure that, if he ever meets Kirk again, he will have the experience he needs to hold him." Prequel: The Hustler.) (121)
  • Journey to Georgia, a play by Pamela Rose (Humor: “Journey to Babel” Southern style.) (129)

Reactions and Reviews: Out of Bounds, Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves

See reactions and reviews for both the story Break Thou My Sanctuary and the accompanying art by The Southern Cross.

See reactions and reviews for Joseph's Brother.

See reactions and reviews for Domestic Affections.

See reactions and reviews for Jealousy.

See reactions and reviews for Screw You.

See reactions and reviews for A Priori.

See reactions and reviews for Handball.

[zine]: Just finished Out of Bounds: Gypsies, Tramps. Thieves, the latest from the Unrepressed people. Could anyone who's seen it answer three very small questions? WHERE'S the Gypsies? WHERE'S the Tramps? WHERE'S the Thieves? [17]


  1. ^ from Universal Translator #10
  2. ^ Morgan Dawn's personal notes regarding a 1995 conversation, accessed September 7, 2013.
  3. ^ from Datazine #15
  4. ^ from Universal Translator #12
  5. ^ from Communicator #3 (March 1982)
  6. ^ Jan Levine posting to the Virgule-L mailing list in 1994, quoted with permission.
  7. ^ from The K/S Press #25
  8. ^ from The Clipper Trade Ship #37/38
  9. ^ from Communicator #5 (May 1982)
  10. ^ from K/S & K.S. (Kindred Spirits) #3 (November 1982)
  11. ^ from Datazine #24
  12. ^ from K/S & K.S. (Kindred Spirits) #5 (June 1983)
  13. ^ from Not Tonight, Spock! #1 (June 1984)
  14. ^ comments by Sandy Hereld at Virgule-L, quoted with permission (April 5, 1993)
  15. ^ from The K/S Press #24 (August 1998)
  16. ^ from Not Tonight, Spock! #6, most of the same review also in Datazine #27
  17. ^ from K/S & K.S. (Kindred Spirits) #9 (June 1984)