We Learn by Doing

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Title: We Learn by Doing
Author(s): Devery Helm
Date(s): 1983
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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We Learn by Doing is a K/S story by Devery Helm.

It was published in the print zine Out of Bounds: Overflow (1983).


"Two of the men of Vaal try to use the knowledge they acquire from watching Kirk and Spock make love."

Reactions and Reviews


On the world of Vaal, Akuta and Makora discover the wonders of sex by watching Kirk and Spock. Great idea, fun story. Somehow I think that planet is going to have fun adjusting to life without Vaal, although they may not get those kids as fast as Kirk thought in the episode! [1]

Utterly and completely hilarious—this story was written with a totally straight face. Post-Vaal, Akuta and Makora are together watching Kirk and Spock fucking in the forest. Akuta thinks; "Vaal is gone. So much for Vaal." "The chief was very aware that his own appendage had grown to unexpected proportions. He glanced at Makora, noting the front of the younger man's garment was also protruding. Perhaps Makora would also desire the rubbing, Akuta thought." Kirk and Spock are having really hot sex and the two Vaalians (or whatever) come up with really funny interpretations. At one point they think it's a dance and a ceremony of sorts; "Akuta desperately tried to memorize the chant; he knew how necessary the proper sacred words were in ritual dances. He repeated over and over to himself the ones that caught in his memory. They seemed to be the most important since the captain yelled them many times." Akuta's hearing "Fuck me, fuck me!" Then the two try the same ritual and it's so funny when they say: "Ofuk, ofuk!" They get all excited and "This is a most powerful magic we have learned," he said solemnly. "So powerful that we could not even complete the full ceremony. And a little inside joke — in the episode, Makora was played by David Soul (of Starsky and Hutch fame)! [2]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #18
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #23