Replay (Star Trek: TOS story)

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Title: Replay
Author(s): Pete Fisher
Date(s): 1983
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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Replay is a slash Star Trek: TOS story by Pete Fisher.

It was published in the print zine Out of Bounds: Overflow.

Reactions and Reviews


Did David Garrovick and Kirk really make love or was it a figment of Garrovick’s imagination? I haven’t figured it out yet.... On second thought, perhaps I have. Kirk becoming drunk and using a stim stick on duty? As captain, he’s never off duty, always on call. He can’t afford to be drunk should something happen, or he can kiss his captaincy and career good-bye. [1]


I didn't quite get this story. I hope to see some other reader's reviews and understand more. [2]

A weird little story wherein Kirk invites Ensign Garrovik to his quarters to talk about his father who Kirk knew. They end up having sex. The story ends with a notation that Garrovik was killed in action and this was an entry in Kirk’s diary. Hmmm… no Spock. I don’t know…. [3]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #16
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #18
  3. ^ from The K/S Press #23