Saurian Brandy Digest

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You may be looking for Saurian Brandy/Dandelion Wine.

Title: Saurian Brandy Digest
Publisher: Sehlat Press
Editor(s): Terri Dorosch/T'Erri Dorosch and Sylvia Stanczyk until issue #20, then Sylvia alone for #21, then Terri Dorosch/T'Erri Dorosch and Sylvia Stanczyk for #22, then Sylvia alone onwards
Date(s): 1977-1984
Medium: print zine, fanfic
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
External Links:
photo of many issues
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Saurian Brandy Digest is a gen Star Trek: TOS anthology with 36 issues.

It was edited by Sylvia Stanczyk and Terri Dorosch until issue #22, then Sylvia alone. See Sylvia's candid sound-off in the editorial of issue #23.

From an ad in Datazine #3: "The only intoxicant in the galaxy for the mind rather than the mouth."

Like many fanzines of the time, it was produced using a mimeograph.

One bit of trivia: One can tell that the same typewriter was used for at least #10-#15 as it skips tiny parts of the same letters and the number 2.

A fan in 1989 described the series: "Average stories, with a few nice ones here and there." [1]

Some Flyers

Issue 1

cover of issue #1, T'Erri Dorosch

Saurian Brandy Digest 1 was published in April 1977 and contains 49 pages.

The art is by T.J. Burnside, T'Erri Dorosch, Carol Grosso, C. Lee Healey, Doug Herring, Carolyn Hillard, Janice, Carol Lee, Bill Rintz, Pat Trimmer and G.L. and Steve Young.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

I'm assuming the $1.50 price tag on this includes postage, since it doesn't mention a separate price for postage anywhere. Anyway... on to the contents. "Incident," by Naomi Bradfield, is an Amok Time after-story wherein T'Pring gets hers. It isn't fleshed out too well and Naomi could have relied less on a textbook-style narrative.. of what was going on, but it tells a fair story just the same. "Operating Manual," by Anna Mary Hall takes place primarily on a colony world inhabited by Terrans and Vulcans. Through an unknown series of events the Terrans die leaving their children in the care of the Vulcans. Much of the rest of the story concerns the way in which the Vulcans adapt in order to care for the emotional children. "Infection" by Lloyd Rose is a Klingons-vs-Federation plot story. Somehow it seems as though I have seen a lot of those lately. This one, however, doesn't offer too much of a twist on the basic good guy/bad guy story line though. In this particular story, the Klingons attempt to touch off a plague in the Federation by infecting one of the ships, except their scheme backfires. There are a few good story conflicts inside all of which get resolved in the end. The art in this issue is fair, at best. Much of it looks like it was drawn right on the stencils. With better layout and artwork this zine would improve immeasureably. The stories are pretty good for a first time effort. I expect to see good improvements in this zine in future issues. [2]

Issue 2

cover of issue #2, T'Erri Dorosch

Saurian Brandy Digest 2 was published in May 1977 and contains 50 pages.

Issue 3

Saurian Brandy Digest 3 is a novel by Naomi Bradfield called "A Question of Duty." It was published in June 1977 and contains 77 pages.

Issue 4

front cover of issue #4, T'Erri Dorosch
back cover of issue #4, Burnside

Saurian Brandy Digest 4 was published in August 1977 and contains 47 pages.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 4

The zine overall is pretty mediocre - some fun filks are the best of show here.
  • Filks:
    • Is This Starfleet (Ain't We Crazy)
    • Spockadile Rock (Crocadile Rock, Elton John)
    • Going for Broke (Where Have All the Flowers Gone)
  • A Matter of Principle / Points for episode tie-ins and Tellarite cultural bits such as near-worship of the pregnant, but otherwise rather pedestrian writing. Post "Whom Gods Destroy," Kirk investigates mysterious disappearances on Tantalus, now being run by a recovering Dr. Van Gelder - and finds that a Tellarite engineering team has stumbled onto the principle of the Tantalus Device, as used on the ISS Enterprise.
  • Sensor Scan (word-search puzzle)
  • Succubus / Black Magic fantasy short
  • Beyond Communications / An early (and it shows it) effort by a well-known fanfic author. Uhura, assigned to chaperone a princess on a planetary mission, ends up having to engineer their escape from an evil Klingon plot. [3]

Issue 5

cover of issue #5, Madeline Rodgers

Saurian Brandy Digest 5 was published in September 1977 and contains 51 pages.

The art is by Edward Boyett, Susan Cecil, T'Erri Dorosch, Richard Brock, Madeline Rodgers (front cover), and Melinda Shreve.

Apologies to the following people... Tracy Alba for leaving her name cut out of the credits of Sensor Scan, Richard Brock for his art on the Excuse page and to the Monks of Thebes for misspelling 'Saurian Brandy' in the last issue. [4]

Issue 6: The Daneswoman

cover of issue #6

Saurian Brandy Digest 6 was published in Oct/Nov 1977 and contains 91 pages. It is a novel called, "The Daneswoman" by Laura Basta.

See The Daneswoman.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 6

See The Daneswoman.

Issue 7

front cover of issue #7, Melinda Shreve
back cover of issue #7, Desire Gonzales

Saurian Brandy Digest 7 was published in December 1977 and contains 47 pages.

The art is by Susan Cecil, Dave Dobry, Desire Gonzales, K. Mellon, Madeline Rodgers, Melinda Shreve, and R. Laurrine Tutihasi.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 7

#7 consists of two stories, both very good: The Horse by K. Lowell tells of McCoy seeing a Klingon buying a horse and following him to see what he is up to. I won't spoil it for you by telling you what he finds out. In A Piece of the Action by Paul Pence, the Dona-Iotioans have learned to build a spaceship and go out in search of the Feds. They land on Babel where they have some experiences in an amusement park. [5]

Issue 8

Saurian Brandy Digest 8 was published in 1978 and contains 51 pages. It is a Christmas issue.

front cover of issue #8, Susan Ceci
back cover of issue #8, Susan Ceci

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 8

  • Of Paramount Importance / The Save Star Trek campaign, from the pov of a Paramount PR person. Pretty dull.
  • Christmas Filks:
    • Scott the Red-Eyed Engineer (Rudolph)
    • Christmas Aboard the Enterprise (Deck the Halls)
    • Red Alert (Jingle Bells)
    • Jump on the Transport (Up on the Rooftop)
    • The Captain's Lament (Hark the Herald...)
    • Twelve Years in Starfleet (12 Days of Xmas)
  • This Shell Called Man / Muddled, silly tale combining several plots, none of them well. Best thing here is the promising premise - Spock and McCoy being told off by Kirk and teaching him a lesson by becoming all buddy-buddy - but it was so poorly executed that it did not redeem the rest. The rest being: a popular, family-crazy young man suddenly coming up with a fatal blood disease, then combining, through Vulcan mental magic, with the last member of a race whose extinction by a human race the Enterprise has just witnessed.
  • Ode To Flopcon / Cute, but overlong ballad of "The Con from Hell." [6]

Sylvia was the editor and publisher of THOLIAN WEB, and while the less ambitious SBD has never measured up to issues of TW like "The Crossing Lords" or "The Daneswoman", it is a well-produced zine, carefully edited and varied in content. The art is seldom remarkable -- but then, how many zines are there that come out regularly, exhibit such dedication to detail, and still cost only $1.50? A good buy.

In the current issue, "Of Paramount Importance" by Barbara Kelley, is a tongue-in-cheek account of what happened to the movie studio with the flood of ST mail in 1968 — told from the point of a public relations man. That's practically the last time we won anything against Paramount, and it's fun to read about. Next come a number of odds and ends, including funny filksongs done to appropriate traditional Christmas music; several verses; and my very favorite in the zine, "Safety Tips for New Crewmembers", by "Ensign Kage Hirdyn and Kathleen Ganhuan". Delightful, mostly original, end, very spritely writing.

Five and a half pages of thish are devoted to doggerel loosely parodying "Twas the Night Before Christman", and purporting to be a report of "FlopCon" in Detroit. "El Shyster" and "Bluejean Dingle-berry" are pretty well identifiable, but you probably had to be there to get the full impact of the supposed humor.

The one long piece of fiction is the zine's greatest weakness: "This Shell Called Man", by Naomi Bradfield. She has a fertile integration, and is unquestionable s-f oriented (rather than the heavy psychological and over-worked Vulcan/anybody mindmelds that we get so often), but her Trio characterization and dialogue leave a lot to be desired. The new story "Shell" exemplifies this well when she has Kirk threaten to transfer either McCoy or Spock because of the "conflict between them". (Come on now — all the viewers knew ten years ago, and it goes without, saying that Kirk did, too, that he would never in character do such a thing as contemplate losing one of them willingly.) His threat in this story leads to what might have been, a hilarious collusion between doctor and Vulcan to show everybody how such they love each other; but unfortunately this is much too heavy-handedly solemn to balance the sf elements of the tale which surround it. This is a good sf premise, but rather lost in the rest of the turgid prose.

Any reader can safely assume that I am a firm SBD fan, and buy every issue, but it is partly because of my hope that good editors Dorosch and Stanczyk will justify the promise implicit in their former records by holding out for better material. Also, SBD is a very good buy money-wise, and has the virtue of remaining pure ST instead of adding every brief fandom that flies by; and remains entertaining even when I gnash my teeth over some of the fiction. [7]

Issue 9

cover of issue #9

Saurian Brandy Digest 9 was published in February 1978 and contains 76 pages. It is a single novel called Torin by Peggy Richter.

"The story highlights the confrontation between the Enterprise crew and a small band of Klingons trapped on a planet both sides are trying to claim. Which one will survive? In script form." [8]

Issue 10

Saurian Brandy Digest 10 is called the "Collector's Edition" and "First Anniversary Edition." It was published in April 1978 and contains 48 pages. Cover: Madeline Rodgers; back cover: Desire Gonzales.

Art & illustrations: Susan Ceci, Connie Faddis, Desire Gonzales (back cover), Kathi Higley, Kathy Mellon, Miguel, Madeline Rodgers (front cover), Melinda Shreve, Laurraine Tutihas.

front cover of issue #10, Madeline Rodgers
back cover of issue #10, Desire Gonzales

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 10

  • Demon in the Shoebox / Black Magic fantasy short.
  • The Puzzle (poem) / Kirk on loss of his memories of Rayna.
  • All Her Tomorrows / Zarabeth finds herself pregnant and determines to repopulate the planet with her son Spock. Good descriptions, and an interesting take on this one if you can get past the hybridization, incest, and limited gene pool problems.
  • To Amanda (poem) / A Matter of Destiny / Interesting tale of a poet rescued by the Enterprise from suicide in 1985, his adjustment to the future, and his fateful(?) loss in a transporter beam. [9]

Issue 11

cover of issue #11, Madeline Rodgers

Saurian Brandy Digest 11 was published in May 1978 and contains 65 pages.

Issue 12

back cover of #12
front cover of issue #12

Saurian Brandy Digest 12 was published in June/July 1978 and contains 82 pages. It contains 'Second Beginnings' a novel by Mary Beth Stuckey. The sequel to this story is Sojourn.

From an ad I McCoy's Illegible Log #3:

"You'd thing with a second chance at life it would be a peaceful one," McCoy said. A freak combination of circumstances has rejuvenated James. T. Kirk, Spock, McCoy and the old bridge crew, but the new world they have awakened into is fraught with danger in a time of a dangerously weak Federation. Kirk finds himself aboard a dead Starship, the ENTERPRISE II, which lies in the pathway of a deadly cosmic storm, and, as they race against time to move their ship, they realize that their rebirth has brought with it obligations and responsibilities that will take their very souls. A malignancy that is unknown to humans and aliens alike has brought them to the brink of galactic disaster, and Kirk realizes that to save them he may have to sacrifice everything -- To GO FOR BROKE.

Issue 13

front cover of issue #13, Madeline Rodgers
back cover of issue #13, Madeline Rodgers

Saurian Brandy Digest 13 was published in August 1978 and contains 60 pages.

The art is by Susan Ceci, Doug Herring, Kathi Higley, Catalina Mellon, and Madeline Rodgers (front and back covers).

From the (rare) editorial:

In previous publications ye eds have forgone an editorial page and a letter column in lieu of placing more stories and art in each ish. We will continue to do so in the future, unless the readers would prefer it otherwise. Please take a few minutes to let us know if you agree with us on the price hike. We'll keep you informed of the results.

We are also looking for more material in the way of contributions to keep our still running 9 times a year. (I'll donate 5 empty brandy bottles!!) We NEED stories short, long, novella size or novels.... art... poems humor pieces....cartoons what-have-you. But please remember that it does take time to read the material, while still working on the zine, answering letters, etc. If we do not accept a piece of art or story, it may not fit our issue at the time but we are always willing to look at other works from our readers. Do not be disappointed keep plugging away at it.


  • From the Bottom of the Bottle (4)
  • Eye of Ibis by Naomi Bradfield (5)
  • How to Avoid Landing Party Duty by Kage Hydryn and Kathleen Ganhuan (50)
  • Cartoon by Catalina Mellon (51)
  • A Few Seconds with Death by Paul Simmons ("The editors of Saurian Brandy Digest wish to apologize to the author for misplacing his original illustrations for the following story. If they should turn up in the future we will run off copies and send them to our readers.") (52)
  • Hot Toddy Trading Post (58)
  • Excuses (61)

Issue 14

front cover of issue #14, Laurraine Tutihasi
back cover of issue #14, Shona "Dawnsinger" Jackson

Saurian Brandy Digest 14 was published in September 1978 and contains 42 pages. It was Sehlat's Press's 22nd issue.

Issue 15

front cover of issue #15, Laurraine Tutihasi
back cover of issue #15, Patti Thompson

Saurian Brandy Digest 15 was published October/November 1978 and contains 89 pages.

The art is by Laurel Beckley, Susan Ceci, Connie Faddis, Desire Gonzales, Susan Klasky, Madeline Rodgers, Patti Thompson, Laurraine Tutihasi.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 15

Issue #15 contained "Auld Acquaintances" by Carolyn Meredith. The story featured Scotty showing some Enterprise officers around a planet settlement he had visited years earlier. It had become the home of a couple old friends. The customs and conventions of the alien community are told with delightful attention to detail. The people come alive in an atmosphere which exudes age old tradition. You couldn't ask for more. [10]

Issue 16

cover of issue #16

Saurian Brandy Digest 16 was published in December 1978 and contains 59 pages.

Issue 17

front cover of issue #17, Laurel Beckley, Connie Faddis, Madeline Rodgers
back cover of issue #17, Melinda Shreve

Saurian Brandy Digest 17 was published in January 1979 and contains 55 pages.

The art is by Laurel Beckley, Connie Faddis, Madeline Rodgers, Desire Gonzales, Kathi Lynn Higley, Shona Jackson, Susan Klasky, Catalina Mellon, Cheryl Newsome, Janice Scott Preston, Gloria Ann Rovelstad, Melinda Shreve, and Edward Spiteri.

From the editorial:

Anyway, there was a small mistake with the holidays... I forgot to mail out two of the stories that needed illustrations for this issue. Sooo, as soon as those come in...this issue will come out.

We've seem to be plagued with mishaps and problems this year. Hopefully in the meantime, with our Feb/Mar novel we can catch up and correct this sloppy attitude and get back to work.


As you'll notice throughout the pages of this zine, there seems to be a blurring around the center of the page. I've been trying to figure out the cause of this... whether it's because of the increase in the number of copies run or unknown pressure on the drum...I'm not sure at this time. I'll try putting another ink pad on also and see if this doesn't clear up the problem when I run off issue 19.

In the meantime, I want to apologize for this

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 17

Issue #17 suffered in comparison since I'd just completed reading Berengaria #10, but I honestly think it would have suffered by comparison to almost anything. The stories were sketchy. Highlights include some nice drawings (especially the back cover portrait of Sulu by Melinda Shreve) and some enjoyable cartoons by Edward Spiteri and Cheryl Newsome. SAURIAN BRANDY DIGEST is still running its filksong contest so you song writers know what to do with your lyrics. [11]

Issue 18

You may be looking for The Last Leaf, a Simon and Simon zine.

cover of issue #18

Saurian Brandy Digest 18 was published in February/March 1979 and and contains 69 pages.

It is a single story called Last Leaf by Naomi Bradfield. The story is written in script-form and focuses on the Big Three in their dotage. The interior art is all by one artist named Susan Ceci.

It was originally a circuit story, then printed in script form in 1972 in Spockulations #2 where the author wrote:

This script was written and intended to by the last episode of Star Trek. But rather it has become a memorial and was almost not quite, accepted by Gene Roddenberry in the last season of the series. Another story version of LAST LEAF was sent out on the rounds some time ago, but has never been returned to the author. Those who have read it will find the script rendition slightly different, and I hope, better. Since a few have urged me to circulate the script and since the original story form was lost... or kidnapped, I am sending my brainchild out in hopes that those who read, will enjoy it. The mailing list will be made up of members that can be depended on to take care of an pass the story onto the next on the route. Only a few at a time will be set down to prevent, or cut down the chance of it being lost. Also to be able to keep track of more easily.

Issue 19

front cover of issue #19, Susan Wyllie
back cover of issue #19, Cheryl Newsome

Saurian Brandy Digest 19 was published in May 1979 and contains 61 pages.

The art is by Laurel Beckely, Kathi Lynn Higley, Cheryl Newsome, Evalou Richardson (ERIC), Madeline Rodgers, Edward Spiteri, and Susan Wyllie.

Issue 20

front cover of issue #20, Susan Wyllie
back cover of issue #20, Melinda Shreve

Saurian Brandy Digest 20 was published in June 1979 and contains 59 pages.

The art is by Laurel Beckley, Susan Ceci, Kathi Higley, Shona Jackson, Cheryl Newsome, Melinda Shreve, Edward Spiteri, and Susan Wyllie.

NOTE: an ad in Scuttlebutt #14 for this zine lists some things that are not in the above TOC: "The Assassin" by Robinette Ballard, "A Star Trek Fable" by Debra Ratliff," and "The End of Mary Sue."

From the editorial:

Well, it's that time again.... as another issue goes to press. The old cranking arm hasn't given out on me yet. I'm glad there are those of you out there who enjoy Saurian Brandy and thank you for the comments on the previous bottles, (whoops issues.) 78' was a very good year... 79' not too good so far. The issues are coming out a week late...the June issue will be sent out the 6th of July. Paper shortage, gas problems as everyone knows... have caused unforeseen delays here and there.

With issue 21, the long awaited sequel to SECOND BEGINNINGS, matter should clear up and everything will be in order by then. I know you'll enjoy the sequel as much as I did, ah, but that's not the end of the story....who set the asteroid traps and why??? Be sure and read the next tale from the pen of Mary Beth Stuckey.

Personal thanks to Cheryl Newsome, Joy Mancinelli, Shona Jackson, and Susan Wyllie for contributing the much needed covers for SBD. It was very much appreciated. Glad to know SBD has people out there that do believe in us...the Keebler Brandy Elves.

In this issue you will .find a reprint of DAY OF REMEMBRANCE by Roberta Rogow and Amy Falcowicz formerly printed in Thousand and One Trek Tales. At the time Roberta submitted the story to us, she wasn't sure whether Trek Tales was actually coming out and I promptly had illoes done for it. Trek Tales has since come out and rather than waste those illoes, I asked for and received permission to reprint the story. There will be no more reprints in the future of any such stories only original material will be used.

You may discover in this issue several pieces of art didn't reproduce so well. The more expensive ink that I do use was out of stock and I had to purchase a cheaper economy can of ink which unfortunately doesn't flow through the pad as well. Hopefully by the end of this issue I'll be able to find the better brand.

Story contributions are needed and poetry to balance out our issues. Are there any poets out there who'd care to contribute? Poetry seems to be very scarce lately. Humorous poetry is almost extinct, everyone seems to write seriously. Why not a take-off on poems like....I think that I shall never hear Mr. Spock call for a beer, or see the Captain so full of doubt that he tells the girls to all get out...(a take-off on Joyce Kilmer's TREES) Any people out there that care to try their hand at it?? MAD magazine's always been my inspiration when I need an idea.

From now on there will be a comment sheet included with each issue..our writers like the comments and use it to improve their stories. So if you would please fill out the sheet and mail it back to me, I'll distribute all comments to the authors of the works in that particular issue.


Issue 21

cover of issue #21

Saurian Brandy Digest 21 was published in 1979. It is an 82-page novel called, "Sojourn" by Mary Beth Stuckey.

There are no interior illustrations.

From a publisher's ad:

This is the long-awaited sequel to Second Beginnings.-- "This world has offered us refuge, but it is exacting a price." Marooned on an alien planet with their crippled ship in orbit above, Captain Kirk and his friends, and their new crew, find their strength and ingenuity tested to their very limits. Even if they can survive and repair their ship, they still must face the deadly enemy that marooned them in the first place. [12]

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 21

Beautifully legible mimeo. Thish is a sequel to Mary Beth's first novel, "Second Beginnings" (SBD #12), in which the ancient, retired and doddering E bridge crew is spontaneously regenerated by a fortuitous combination of McCoy's experimental drugs and an ion storm) good fun, deeply satisfying. "Sojourn" takes up their story on return (and explanation!) to Star Fleet headquarters, takes them off on a new assignment on a new ship, the Exeter. As they hunt down a ship-killing asteroid, the Exeter in turn suffers heavy damage, and it becomes necessary for most of the crew to beam down to a nearby inhabitable planet. They spend two long years mining, refining, and fabricating the materials needed for repair, with Kirk stubbornly refusing to give up the possibility of getting the Exeter navigable again, and driving his crewman to this goal. The requisite functioning temporary colony gives the author plenty of opportunities to show different facets of the familiar characters as they learn survival through bad winter conditions and relationships very different from those of shipboard. When they are finally able to complete their mission with the unwilling help of a cannibalised civilian ship and put in at the nearest port for replacement parts, they find rank incompetence and unaccountable hostility on Starbase 14. Suffice it to say, Kirk and Spock get all this straightened out, too. In fact, there is almost too much plot in this novel; Mary Beth has such sparkling imagination that she has a tendency to crowd in elements which are barely connected. I'm not complaining, though — this zine is a wonderful change from the "same old thing" blues. I look forward to her next. [13]

Issue 22

front cover of issue #22, Joy Mancinelli
back cover of issue #22, J.L. Griffith

Saurian Brandy Digest 22 was published in January 1980 and contains 59 pages.

The art is by J.L. Griffith, Joy Mancinelli, Cheryl Newsome, S. Ward Nielson, Madeline Rodgers, Edward Spiteri, and Susan Wyllie.

From the editorial:

A special thanks to Linda Sawicki for her $5.00 contribution to SBD. It came in handy when prices on ink, paper, stencils, etc went up 20% this past month. But don't panic, a prices will remain the same for quite a while yet. If I have to go directly to Starfleet headquarters and stand with a cup of pencils in front of their turbolift. I always thought that that last zine hike was a bummer for all you fans out there. Years ago with Tholian Web, I tried to give the fans their money's worth, the best quality of stories for the lowest price and I intend to keep on doing it.

Issue 23

front cover of issue #23, Susan Wyllie
back cover of issue #23, Desire Gonzales

Saurian Brandy Digest 23 was published in March 1980 and contains 59 pages.

The art is by Laurel Beckley, Rosa Castro, Susan Ceci, J.L. Griffith, Kathi Higley, Vel Jaeger, Cheryl Newsome, Evallou Richardson, Edward Spiteri, Susan Wyllie (front cover), and Desire Gonzales (back cover).

The editorial by Sylvia is a surprisingly candid, often bitter, explanation of why she is dumping her co-editor's name off of the zine. Sylvia describes a several years' wait for her co-editor to recover from serious family issues (explicitly stated) and to get back in the swing of things. She cites phone calls not returned, mail not answered, promises not kept, and a frustration with her former partner's involvement in the zine:

She's acquired too many other activities to participate in the zine even though she insists that she will be over on a Tuesday and never shows. I think its time to settle down and have all orders sent to me. I will be solely responsible for the zine from now on. I kept her name on the zine as a matter of courtesy, feeling deep down that she would eventually come back to the zine. I admit if it wasn't for her I would never have gone back to printing zines. She kept after me until I started the zine up again. And for the first seven issues she helped type stencils, collate, read stories that came in, answered mail and helped print.


I felt that she should be given the benefit of the doubt and let time heal all wounds. Now the mail goes unanswered and she involved with a clown group, spiritualist church, and the Society for Creative Anachronism, etc.... I still hear the same promises every time I attempt to cut her off the zine... but there comes a time and place to let things go and continue on. Therefore, if anyone out there has checks which are uncashed from Terri, please put a STOP PAYMENT on them and a letter explaining your plight and I'll straighten things out, one way or the other. [14]

  • From the Bottom of the Bottle, editorial by Sylvia (4)
  • A Matter of Feelings by Gene Tyler and Cindy Crockett (5)
  • The Baker Fellow ("If anyone knows idio wrote the Star Trek fable in this issue, PLEASE let me know. I know it's been a while since she sent it in but the authoress forgot to sign her name. It's a fine piece of writing and I hope the writer will step forward.")(5)
  • The Chekov Conspiracy by Joy Mancinelli (21)
  • The End of Mary Sue by The Freak (31)
  • A Stitch in Time, part 1 by Edward Spiteri (33)
  • Sonnet from the Ship by Deborah Pauline Anderson (48)
  • Beginnings by Mary A. Smith (49)
  • Snoopy by Edward Spiteri (58)
  • Excuses (59)

Issue 24

cover of issue #24

Saurian Brandy Digest 24 was published in 1980 and contains 57 pages. It is a single novel called No More Tomorrows by Naomi Bradfield.

The art is by Christine Myers.

From the editorial:

Well, another issue bites the dust and as it settles around me I breath a sigh of relief. I know the novel is usually longer than this but I tried my best to stretch it. When I read it, it was 90 pages double-spaced and I felt at least in typing it on stencils it would run 75 pages. But unfortunately as I discovered later the type on her typewriter is larger than mine. Even with artwork it wouldn't go any farther. So, this issue will be rather small compared to all the others I've run.

Issue 25

front cover of issue #25, Susan Wyllie
back cover of issue #25, Vel Jaeger

Saurian Brandy Digest 25 was published in June 1980 and contains 54 pages.

The art is by Laurel Beckley, Connie Faddis, Carol Hansen, Kathi Higley, Susan Klasky, Christine Myers (miseplled as "Catherine), Cheryl Newsome, Evallou Richardson, Virginia Lee Smith, Susan Wyllie, and Vel Jaeger.

From the editorial:

It's that time again! (Hic!) Would you believe issue 26 is sitting here already completed and run off and 25 isn't finished yet! There were plenty of problems with these two issues and it's a slight miracle that it didn't take longer to get these out.

I had decided to keep typing stencils as long as stories were already illustrated and had gotten slightly ahead of schedule by May. That is until I discovered that Stitch In Time wasn't complete and I had to write to Ed Spiteri and ask for a xerox of the ending. After receiving that I sent it out to illoed by the same artist that did the first set. So I continued to type 26 and get that out of the way. Meanwhile, the typewriter broke down and wouldn't cut anything on a stencil, which was just terrific. I threw it in my trusty jalopy and proceeded to take it to the repair shop, at which time my car broke down halfway there. And in a service station sat my car and typewriter for a few days.

Just before all the above happened I went for more paper to at least run off something while waiting for typewriter to be fixed. And you'll never guess -- they were out of the paper and had to back order it for me. I couldn't type stencils and I couldn't run off any pages for three weeks and now... here I sit trying to catch up on EVERYTHING.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 25

In #25 there is an excellent poem by Cheryl Newsome called Hailing Frequencies Open which is about the Spock/McCoy relationship as heard by Starfleet. [15]

Issue 26

front cover of issue #26, Shona Jackson
back cover of issue #26, Vel Jaeger

Saurian Brandy Digest 26 was published in July 1980 and contains 58 pages.

The art is by Shona Jackson, Vel Jaeger, Laura Beckley, Anne Davenport, Kathi Higley, Catherine Myers (this is actually Christine Myers), Cheryl Newsome, and Virginia Lee Smith.

  • Table of Contents (3)
  • Ye Editorial For What Its Worth (4)
  • Echoes of the Fit Miss by Lorna M. Doone ("Spock and Sarek both want the same girl, who has been accidentally transported through the Guardian.") (5)
  • Yarn of the Enterprise, poem by Susan Wyllie (33)
  • Where Everybody Has Been Before by Karen Roling (37)
  • The Fly by Kay Craton (44)

Issue 27

Saurian Brandy Digest 27 was published in in three parts, and 284 pages. It contains the novel "House of Mirrored Faces" by Lynda Carraher.

It was published in January 1983.

This three volume set is an expanded version of what the author published as a single stand-alone zine in 1980 under the title: House of Mirrored Faces.

Reflections of Honor is the sequel which was published as Saurian Brandy Digest #36. See Reflections of Honor for the author's explanation regarding publishing problems with her zines.

From the editor in 1980:

”The House of Mirrored Faces” is a haunting story and I can tell you that the ending is running through my mind right now. It's the type of story that will haunt you for weeks after you've read it. What would really happen if Spock finally married for the political welfare of Vulcan? His new wife, Lara Merritt joins the Enterprise crew and upsets the balance between Kirk and Spock, even the relationship between Spock and McCoy. When she has an affair with Kirk, who is it she really loves? Torn between two friends, Spock and Kirk will never be the same#. I won't elaborate further, nor give away the ending.


The arranged marriage between Spock and Lara Merritt, daughter of Earth's ambassador to Vulcan, was strained at best, and it didn't help that Lara was beginning to be irresistibly attracted to James Kirk. But bigger things are brewing in the Federation and Spock discovers the reason behind this strange alliance.

Kirk considered Spock's marriage to be the Vulcan's own business. But when Dr. Lara Merrit joins her husband, her hostility to the Captain can't go unnoticed for long. Kirk's attempt to break through that hostility creates a triangle that threatens to tear apart the finest team in Starfleet.

Spock knew, from the moment it was suggested, that his marriage to the daughter of Earth's ambassador to Vulcan would change his life. He accepted the union as a political and personal necessity. But could he accept Lara Merritt as his wife, in human terms as well as Vulcan?

Sylvia's editorial from volume 2 (there is no editorial in volume 1):

I generally don't include an editorial in with a novel but it does deserve a few words of apologies to those subscribers who ordered the issite last sunmer and have been waiting patiently for its arrival since Sept. 30. A few weeks after starting to type the stencils, the old typewriter went on the blink and I couldn't even cut a clear stencil. I called the local typewriter repair shop and took it down. After being told that it shouldn't take more than two weeks, I left it. Two weeks came and went, then three and finally four weeks and numerous phone calls later. A $67 bill and a new typewriter roller was all I received. So with spirits high I started to retype the story again. One week to the day it started acting up again. The Cam under the typewriter was so worn through that it wasn't worth repairing and I decided it was best to just let it go and save for another typewriter rather than stick more money into this one.

After three months worth of saving I finally got this one and it seems to be in better shape, I also discovered that the typewriter roller which took four weeks to replace only took me a few minutes to replace on this one, once I discovered how to unscrew it and take it off.

The stencils are all cut and I am running this off on the hand crank mimeo. I have a feeling there are those out there who think I take the work to a printer. All work on this zine is done entirely by hand. I cut the stencils, proofread them, crank out each page, check for misprints and bad papers, rerun the papers through the machine, my mother runs off the papers in a collating machine and I finally staple each section by hand. There is no outside help at all.

Another problem was that I had started to cut the stencils with a space between each paragraph and it was a huge mistake I had thought it would run around 200 pages and it wouldn't be so bad. Then it seemed to get longer and longer and it was too late to change to single space and it turned out to be 282 pages. Now came the situation of how to put it together. I had hoped for two volumes but now it looks like three instead. If I spent money on a 3 hole paper punch it would run $35 and I could punch three holes in each page but it would take longer and then I'd need something to put those together with. Besldes which I don't think the paper would hold up under that type of pressure. So now I have to staple three volumes and hope everyone is satisfied with the results.

I would like to apologize for the loooooong delay and hope that future issues will come out when I promise and you won't be disappointed.

Keep on Trekken' and May Your bottle never run dry, Sylvia

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 27

This issue is a monster in length, 284 pages. It is a novel done in three volumes. The story opens on Vulcan with the main character, Dr. Lara Merritt. Her father is Earth's ambassador to Vulcan. On this day, Lara is to marry Spock. It is a marriage of necessity for him and has been arranged by Lara's father and Spock's parents. Spock and Lara have met and consented to the marriage, so it isn't a forced one. But the political implications -- of further cementing the deteriorating relations with Earth -- do not help matters. As it is, the marriage gets off to a rather rocky start. Before they return to the Enterprise, Lara and Spock do achieve an understanding, but that understanding quickly evaporates due to a combination of factors. For one, Lara has no use for either Kirk or the Enterprise. She finds herself competing with them, and no bride likes such competition. Maybe she can't have Spock all to herself, but Kirk and his ship are becoming a wedge between Lara and Spock. Then, there's Spock himself. He makes a few grandiose errors when he misjudges human reactions and feelings. He ends up pushing Lara away from him in a self-sacrificing gesture which comes near to being disastrous. Spock has a great deal yet to learn a-bout himself and about humans. He tends to go about that learning the hard way. Kirk does gain Lara's respect, thanks to a landing party assignment which goes awry. She discovers just how compassionate Jim Kirk really is, and begins to understand why Spock respects him so. And thanks to this landing party, Spock begins to drop the barriers he's built between himself and Lara. They don't all go down, but it's a start, and throughout their stay on the Enterprise, they do grow closer, and Lara finds that she loves her husband very much. The real wedge between Lara and Spock is the political unrest on Vulcan. T'Pau is in poor health and is unable to keep as firm a grip on malcontents as she would like. As her death approaches, Spock is summoned home. He and Sarek must try to take her place and prevent - if possible - the dissidents from taking over Vulcan's government. If not possible, they will be picking up the pieces. There is more to the story of course, and many scenes are standout's. One of the most memorable is of Spock, walking the gauntlet through the corridors of the Enterprise for Captain Kirk. The book is intriguing, and at times, controversial. It was well-nigh impossible to put this novel down, and its ending absolutely demands a sequel. The book is written in first-person present tense: a novel structure in today's style of writing. It is a bit awkward, especially at first, because a change of viewpoint literally necessitates a change of speaker. However, first-person-present seems more awkward than it really is, and I think most of that stems from the fact that readers are not familiar with it. It becomes much easier as you read, and is not, in the final analysis, awkward at all. Like all SAURIAN BRANDY DIGESTS, this is mimeoed. The print is clear, easily legible, with only a very few small spots where the stencil didn't cut clearly. The artwork is excellent, done to be reproduced by stencil and comes out quite well. This one goes on my recommend list. I enjoyed it, found it satisfying, yet I want to read more of this universe. This first run is a limited edition, due to its size, so if you want a copy quickly, don't put off ordering. [16]

This issue is a full-length novel called House of Mirrored Faces« by Linda Carraher. All artwork is by Christine Myers. The print is easy to read, and the art copied well for mimeo.

Because of the length, it is in three volumes.

The novel is done differently than the usual format. Each chapter is told by a certain character from his viewpoint. The story centers on Spock's politically motivated marriage to a human woman, Doctor Lara Merritt. Once aboard the ship, their relationship begins to deteriorate. Great pains were taken to convince us Merritt isn't a Mary Sue-type character. We're told she's rather plain-looking and certainly no medical genius, but has a heart of gold. Perhaps there were other unknown qualities, but if so, they remained hidden. What really stretches believability is the attraction between Kirk and Merritt - and I don't mean platonic - with Spock's approval! Merritt appears to be caught in the middle of an explosive situation. Yet, on more than one occasion it's mentioned how "good" she is for them, particularly Kirk. There's something about Merritt's characterization that makes it impossible to like her. As an example, her weakness in letting the affair continue, knowing the adverse effects it was having, not only on Kirk and Spock, but the entire ship as well. Spock's only purpose in the story seems to be to serve as a scapegoat. After T'Pau dies, he is forced to return to Vulcan, which is now determined to secede from the Federation.

Upon arrival, he is confronted by a rapidly disintegrating government, plus a half-sister who is out to destroy him. The end of the story finds Kirk and Spock as reluctant adversaries because of the Vulcan dilemma. Their personal conflict has supposedly been solved.

Regardless of a personal dislike of Lara Merritt, the story is well-written and includes many intriguing sub-plots not touched upon here. Those who like a "happy ever after" ending and all the loose ends neatly tied together are going to be sorely disappointed.[17]

Issue 28

Saurian Brandy Digest 28 was published in April 1981 and has 62 pages. Art by Laurel Beckley, Vel Jaeger (back cover), Susan Klasky, Cheryl Newsome, Bonnie Reitz, Virginia Lee Smith, Edward Spiteri, Susan Wyllie.

  • From the Bottom of the Bottle, editorial (4)
  • Portrait of a Vulcan by Coreen Brown. The Enterprise officers are in a burlesque theater to watch on of the crew women who is moonlighting as a chorus girl. The theater is raided, and Spock is busted for licentious behaviour. (5)
  • Welcome Home by Linda Sawicki (33)
  • Snoopy by Edward Spiteri (34)
  • In the Wake of the Defiant by Bonnie Reitz (35)
  • Friendly Skies by Cheryl Newsome (60)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 28

Tho Enterprise officers are in a burlesque theatre to watch one of the women crew members, who is moonlighting as a chorus girl. The theatre is raided and Spock is busted for licentious behaviour. Sounds like a recipe for instant high jinks, this scenario of Doreen Brown's 'Portrait of a Vulcan". However, such plot convolutions are not in themselves enough, something magic's mislaid here. It interesting—a Vulcan/human hybrid girl, who prefers the human half dominant, although outwardly Vulcan (intriguing genetics here?). But the denouement and accompanying dialogue seem too sketchy. Not that one objects to the use of new crew members, it's refreshing but the bridge scenes left me wondering how Kirk could allow such frivolities to go on for so long. He's no disciplinarian, sure but the bridge conversations were reminiscent of idle bar staff on a slack lunchtime.

Virginia E. Smith's illos, though technically brilliant, look rather static here. Also one longs to throw the plot outline to the Alnitah/Grope team and eagerly await what they would 'cook up'. However, if risque tattoos turn you on then you'll enjoy it.

In 'In the Wake of the Defiant' by Bonnie Reitz, an A/U is glimpsed, where the Klingons are Federation allies with interestingly mixed-race starship crews, putting all their tenacious warrior skills to good usage. This, stretching the mind and causing our Kirk and McCoy to rethink their ideas, is truly classic Trek. One agrees with our Scotty: "A Klingon who can quote Benjamin Franklin can't be all bad". Bonnie's own illos, though lacking Virginia's polish, capture the outwardly sinister crews and characters with style and verve.

S.T. with its predictable characterization and concepts lend itself to cartoon work but we often neglect this. Certainly a pointed eared Snoopy is a must and the zine is worth the money, not just for a glimpse of the American scene but also for the Vulcan beagle. [18]

Issue 29

front cover of issue #29, Susan Wyllie
back cover of issue #29, Julie Cesari

Saurian Brandy Digest 29 was published in May 1981 and contains 71 pages.

The art is by Julie Cesari, Vel Jaeger, Susan Klasky, Christine Myers, Cheryl Newsome, Bonnie Reitz, and Susan Wyllie.

From the editorial:

This is the middle of March and this issue won't be out until May... I had enough extra stencils to cut a few issues ahead and perhaps save time when it comes to printing than. During the day when I have a few spare moments, I sit down before this keyboard and out a paragraph or two while waiting to pick someone up or. having a bite to eat. There are those times when I don't particularly care to go down in the basement and run off pages or when I'm having trouble with the mimeo and don't feel like getting to to my elbows in printing ink. So I sit down and chunk out a page or two hoping to catch up with all these issues eventually.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 29

SBD #29 is not a very big or fancy fanzine, but then it's not very expensive either. This issue has only three pieces of fiction, a few poems and cartoons, and an ad section.

The first story, "Argelius or Bust" by Carol Hansen, is a not very humorous humor story about a shore leave. Regular readers of TREKisM will recognize the authors and illustrator of the second entry, "Me That Wrongs His Friend," as our own Rosemarie Eierman, Karen Hunter, and Vel Jaeger. The story covers the incidents between the end of the five year mission and the end of the Vejur mission with the focus on their personal life. In this version, Kirk and Spock fight and split up at the end of the five year mission. It is a story of ambition, Starfleet politics, and personal misunderstandings, told from both sides. As the story begins, Kirk is overwrought and exhausted from the five year mission. He gets the story underway by acting like a jerk. Flattered by his promotion to Admiral and manipulated by Admiral Nogura, Kirk eagerly accepts his desk assignment and recommends Spock for captain of the Enterprise over Spock's objections to both decisions. McCoy objects. Scott objects. Almost everyone objects, but Kirk snaps their heads off and goes his own way. He quarrels with Spock. Spock ends the quarrel with a Vulcan neck pinch. Surprisingly enough, this does not infuriate Kirk. Nogura offers Spock the choice between the captaincy of the Enterprise and resignation, and when Spock resigns, he has him booked for passage on a shuttle to Vulcan leaving in three hours. Spock returns to Vulcan. Eventually both parties come to their senses, kiss, and make up. The basic problem with this story is Spock. Kirk is human and, therefore, is entitled to act like a jerk upon occasion. Spock should know this after over eighteen years in human company. Why did he deck Kirk with the Vulcan neck pinch? Everyone knows that humans like to throw tantrums that clear the air and are forgotten five minutes later. Maybe Kirk would have come to his senses when he ran out of steam? And where is the Spock that faced court martial for Pike? Why did he run off to Vulcan like a whipped puppy rather than stick around as a private citizen to help Kirk? How could Nogura justify losing Spock's services to Starfleet? On the plus side, there are some very nicely done scenes. In particular, the farewell scene between Spock and Uhura is enough to bring tears to the eyes. I also particularly enjoyed all of Spock's time on Vulcan. Speculation about Vulcan family life is rather tricky, but this family comes off as a nice, typical Mensa family - even if they don't all talk at once like mine does. In addition, the story has so much depth and substance that it takes several readings to mine all the choice nuggets; lower your reading speed and pay close attention.

"He That Wrongs His Friend" is profusely illustrated by Vel Jaeger and features some of her finest work, which reproduced surprisingly well, in mimeo. SBD #29 also includes "After Image", written and illustrated by the talented Bonnie Reitz. It's the story of Red Jack, the space pirate who invents his own bed PR, and Kamai, the mini-wiped linguistic empath (telepath). Kidnapped by Kirk and Spock on Starfleet orders, they must be convinced to cooperate with the Federation to stop a war between the Federation and some exotic aliens. Red Jack and Kamai are the main characters instead of Kirk and Spock, and it's a pleasure to read a ST story with a different point of view, Nice basic story, nice action/adventure scenes, nice characterization, nice aliens, and nice background detail. Worth a read! [19]

Sylvia is a very good editor and a Corful Master Par Excellanee, but there have been times in SBD history that I have been gloomily convinced that she either accepted everything sent her, or that some of her writers were kin folk she could not say no to, or both,. But #29 is in her best tradition, with two great strong stories that take up most of the zine. The absolute best sf/Trek to come down the fan road in recent years is Bonnie Reitz's "After Image." It is so imaginative, original and well written that I heartily recommend she consider it as the centerpiece for an expanded pro-Trek novel. Her leading characters are brought out in this adventure are not really Enterprise-based, however, but include a female "lingual" empath (who can understand aid transmit unknown alien languages) who functioned as a career First Contact for the Federation prior to being mistakenly sentenced to a UFP psychocenter and rehab world for a so-called "murder" of an alien. When she joins forces with an inter-planetary pirate Jack Redbeard — also a telepath of a sort—and they are forceably beamed aboard the E from their remote backwater planet, and she is asked to try to stop a UFP-alien war — well, I won't spoil the plot for you. Sparks fly in some excellent writing that rivets the reader's attention.

Rosemarie Eierman and Karen Hunter have collaborated on "He That Wrongs His Friend", a greatly detailed account of why Spock left the E prior to ST:TMP, and of his and Kirk's mutual efforts to reseal their bond of friendship post-V'ger. This calls for self-examination and absolute honesty on both sides; I felt Spock's reasoning and subsequent actions came off far better than the somewhat-out-of-character Kirk's behavior. Never have we seen Kirk careless of his officer's
 feelings, callous in his dealings with such im
portant matters as promotions and reassignments or putting his own needs first. Overall, however, the story works and we are able to understand Spock's personality growth through this trying period.

The third brief story — really only a fragment — by Carol Hansen, has flashes of wit and gives the reader hope of a good humored satire. Not realized, alas, as incredibly Captain Kirk holds a captive audience of crew in the Rec Room while he tells a somewhat pointless story in an effort to dispell their restlessness at having been denied shore leave on Wrigley's Planet. And that is all it just more or less stops, with no real ending, no conflict, nothing happened.

But the other two stories make this zine an excellent buy for any amount, much less the tiny price. Highly recommended. [20]

Issue 30

cover of issue #30

Saurian Brandy Digest 30 was published 1982 and contains 98 pages.

This is a novel called "Sulu's Vacation" by Ingrid Cross. This story would fit either during the third season of the aired episodes or directly following it. This way, the references to certain characters would be applicable without any problems of continuity or plausibility. The author considers it a comedic epic and she created these adventures for the three junior officers: Sulu, Riley and Chekov.

With three months of accumulated leave, Chekov, Sulu, and Kevin Riley make their plans. However, Sulu's plans for a restful trip home are interrupted by the other two's ideas of profit and adventure. Dragged along to different planets, Sulu begins to see that life has all sorts of major complications -- by the names of Riley and Chekov! [21]

Issue 31

Saurian Brandy Digest 31 was published in 1982 and contains 75 pages. The cover is by Cheryl Newsome.

front cover of issue #31, Cheryl Newsome
back cover of issue #31, Lorelei Mather

The art is by Lorelie Mather, Carol Christensen, Carol Hansen, Vel Jaeger, Cheryl Newsome, Bonnie Reitz, Dana Smith, and Virginia Lee Smith.

  • Table of Contents (3)
  • Ye Editoral (4)
  • Amanda, poem by Teresa Sarick (5)
  • Interlude by Nadine Fowler (Kirk H/C story) (6)
  • The Thorns of Truth by Dana Smith and Dian Christenson (Miranda and Kollos thoughts) (23)
  • Memorable Moments, quiz by Sheila Griffin (27)
  • Royal Wedding by Roberta Rogow (Elaan of Troyious and Par-Jis) (28)
  • answers to Memorable Moments (35)
  • Tribble Song: A Complaint for Two Voices, filk by Joseph Sherman (36)
  • Vulcans of a Feather by Doreen Brown ("Suspicion falls on Spock when the new historian turns out to be pregnant by a Vulcan.") ( [22] (37)
  • Friendly Skies, cartoon by Cheryl Newsome (52)
  • Parting of the Ways by Karen Hunter (Lt. Kirk with Janice) (53)
  • About Time by Carol Hansen (Spock and Kirk and McCoy accompany Spock to Vulcan and he meets Maringa.) (62)
  • Hot Toddy Trading Post (73)
  • Excuses, illoed by Cheryl Newsome (76)

Issue 32

Saurian Brandy Digest 32 was published in February 1984 and is 61 pages long. Cover: Virginia L. Smith; back cover: Suzan Lovett. Art & illustrations: Anne Davenport, Kathi Higley, Suzan Lovett, Helena Ming, Cheryl Newsome, Melody Rondeau, Virginia L. Smith, Kiel Stuart.

front cover of issue #32, Virginia L. Smith. Pictured is Scotty holding a bottle of Saurian brandy.
back cover of issue #32, Suzan Lovett. Pictured is Spock in his Kolinahr robes.
  • "Friendly Skies" Enterprise cartoons by Cheryl Newsome.
  • From the Bottom of the Bottle (editorial) (4)
  • For the World Is Stupid by Kiel Stuart "For the World Is Hollow..." spoof (5)
  • They're Coming to Blow Us Away (filk) by Anne Davenport (15)
  • Who Was That Lady I Saw You With by Lynda Carraher (("What happens when things start disappearing aboard several starships and a master of disguise manages to board the Enterprise?") (17)
  • The Trilling Fur Gift (The Blacksmith) by Cheryl Newsome (33)
  • A Night at the Movies by Cheryl Newsome ("The crew of the Enterprise goes to a screening of ST:TMP.") (35)
  • TV Guide Galactic Programs Fall Preview Issue by Stephen Mendenhall (46)
  • The Ghastilions by Robert J. Tucker (55)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 32

Sprinkled with nice "Friendly Skies" Enterprise cartoons by Cheryl Newsome.
  • For the World Is Stupid / Kiel Stuart "For the World Is Hollow..." spoof, Not bad. Best line, Nadira, giving McCoy the rules: "...Don't cross against the light. Wear your pixie hat when it rains... And this is the Book of Many Things. Don't mess with it or you'll be sorry. Now give me all your funky love."
  • They're Coming to Blow Us Away (filk) /
  • Who Was That Lady I Saw You With / Mildly amusing if predictable tale of Kirk attempting to help an IIB man track down the notorious prankster Kilroy.
  • A Night at the Movies / The bridge crew view ST:TMP, with some very entertaining commentary.
  • The Ghastilions / Memo exchange between the new Equal Opportunity officer and Kirk, on the necessity to include scary Ghastilions in the crew. [23]

Issue 33

front cover of issue #33, Susan Wyllie
back cover of issue #33, Lorie Wolfend

Saurian Brandy Digest 33 was published in January 1984 and contains 88 pages. It is a novel called The Once and Future Mudd by Dawna Snyder and Susan Wyllie.

The art is by Dawna Snyder and Susan Wyllie. The back cover is by Lorie Wolfend.

From a flyer:

Following a Romulan scoutship that is being pursued by a Klingon Battlecruiser, the Enterprise crew discovers the occupant of the Romulan ship is none other than their old nemesis Harry Mudd. They track Harry to the planet of the Guardian of Forever where Harry accidentally falls through the Guardian and ends up in the days of the Knights of the Round Table. Kirk, Spock, and McCoy go after him and find Harry has usurped the place of Arthur Pendragon, and had himself crowned King of England! How can they get Harry back to his own time now that he has become historically visible in the sixth century? What happened to Arthur Pendragon, the right King of England? And why were the Klingons after Harry in the first place?

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 33

The ENTERPRISE stumbles across a Romulan scoutship pursued by a Klingon battlecruiser in Federation Territory. The ENTERPRISE incapacitates the Klingons' warp drive, then sets off after the Romulan ship which goes into orbit around the planet on which the Guardian of Forever stands. The occupant, one Harcourt Fenton Mudd, beams down followed by the Big Three. Alas, they do not apprehend him before he escapes through the Guardian to Merrie Olde England where he usurps King Arthur's throne. Obviously, the Big Three must retrieve Mudd from Arthurian England and set history right. It was a good idea, but the execution did not live up to expectation. None of Arthur's court was shown. Mudd was snatched at a rural inn. I never did find out how they returned Excalibur to the anvil and stone so that only Arthur could remove it. The page in question was replaced by a duplicate copy of page 61. Hoary cliches were used in the plot. For example, McCoy had a small adventure in which he became his own ancestor. And then there was the perennial favorite-- the phasers and tricorders were stolen. But the thing that bothered me the most was this: At the end, when they had the Klingons thoroughly incapacitated, clearly in Federation Territory in the general vicinity of the Guardian of Forever which must be the BIGGEST STATE SECRET EVER, they just let them go. HUH???? And why were the gas canisters of chloroform just lying around in the Klingon Engineering Department anyway? Caring about the anachronisms the editor should have caught would be overkill. Rated PG. [24]

Issue 34

Saurian Brandy Digest 34 was published in 1984.

  • Alpha and Omega by D.J. Hewlett ("When Kirk vanished with the Defiant, he finds himself in a whole new universe, but is he alone?")
  • Where Lies the Doorway, Lies Home" by Cynthia Hawrylak ("The Enterprise is drawn through a time warp into another dimension. Can they find their way back or are they lost forever?")
  • other unknown content

Issue 35

Saurian Brandy Digest 35 was published in 1984.

  • The Penalty by Ginny Thorn ("What happens to the Romulan Commander when she returns to the base without the cloaking device.")
  • To the Future by Cathi Brown
  • Life Form by Carol Hansen
  • poems
  • other unknown content

Issue 36

issue #36, Reflections of Honor

Saurian Brandy Digest 36 was published in November/December 1984 and contains 105 pages. It contains the novel "Reflections of Honor" by Lynda Carraher, a sequel to House of Mirrored Faces (issue #27). Art by Christine Myers. The story is available at the author's page here.

front cover of the "Challenge Press" edition, artist is Christine Myers
title page of the "Challenge Press" edition

Due to conflict with the publisher, both "House of Mirrored Faces" and "Reflections of Honor" were also published privately by the author under the press name Challenge Press. These issues have a different page count: "Reflections of Honor" by Challenge Press has 55 pages and was published in 1984.


The civil war rages on and Kirk and Spock find themselves on opposite sides in the fighting. Meanwhile, Lara becomes a prisoner of the Romulan Empire and discovers a horrible truth.

Spock, leaving Starfleet and returning to Vulcan with his Human wife, Lara, discovers that full-scale rebellion has broken out. Vulcan has seceded from the Federation to form a new Republic, but already the new government is rotting with treachery.

The author of this work wrote that she felt that the editor, Sylvia Stanczyk was making little, if any progress, at distributing this zine to people who had pre-paid and was not communicating why it was not forthcoming in a personal statement or private explanations to its purchasers:

At any rate, I feel very uncomfortable, embarrassed, and morally compromised by the associate of my name with a project which is being run with so little disregard for the common decencies of fandom... It is not possible for me to publish Reflections of Honor or its predecessor, 'House of Mirrored Faces' independently. However, I can and will provide xerox copies of either or both novels to anyone who has prepaid for the zines but has not received them. If you have a waited a reasonable amount of time without receiving the product, please contact me. I would appreciate a copy of your cancelled check or money order receipt; however, it is not absolutely necessary that you furnish such proof of purchase. As time and money permit, I will photocopy the publication you paid for and mail it to you. [25]


  1. ^ from Enterprise Originals #10 (1989)
  2. ^ from Spectrum #32
  3. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  4. ^ from the editorial
  5. ^ from Enterprise Originals #10 (1989)
  6. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  7. ^ Dixie Owen in WXYZine #1
  8. ^ from an ad in Intersect #1
  9. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  10. ^ from Spin Dizzie #2 (1979)
  11. ^ from Spin Dizzie #2 (1979)
  12. ^ from Scuttlebutt #14
  13. ^ by Dixie G. Owen in The Clipper Trade Ship #28 (1980)
  14. ^ Sylvia apologizes later for this editorial, though her apology seems to be about repetitive word choice, rather than content. In issue #26's editorial, Sylvia wrote: "Apologies for that terrible editorial in issue 23. I should have had someone edit it for me. I must have written zines at least four times in 4 sentences. Most of the time I just type this thing up and don't look at it twice. Like setting my thoughts down on paper and then getting amnesia a la Kirk."
  15. ^ from Enterprise Originals #10 (1989)
  16. ^ from Universal Translator #11
  17. ^ from Stardate #11 (1981)
  18. ^ from Communicator #7 (Oct 1982)
  19. ^ from TREKisM #22
  20. ^ from The Clipper Trade Ship #39/40
  21. ^ from Datazine #13
  22. ^ This story was first seen in an ad for issue #28 in 1980.
  23. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  24. ^ from TREKisM #35
  25. ^ from a personal statement by Lynda Carraher in Datazine #37