A Piece of the Action/Issues 31-40
Issue 31
A Piece of the Action 31 was published in October 1975 and contains 11 pages.
The "Strekfan's Guide to Worldcon" by Joan Verba:
Even if you're not a mainstream SF fan, you've probably heard of the Worldcon. Unofficially, it is an annual gathering of SF fen all over the world to discuss and promote SF. Officially, the Worldcon is a meeting of the World Science Fiction Society, whose members have only three obligations: to award the Hugos (or officially the Science Fiction Achievement Awards), to choose the site for future conventions, and to attend the current Worldcon.
Naturally, such a convention draws fans of many diverse interests. To name just a few organizations whose members attend Worldcon: the Burroughs Bibliophiles, Planet of the Apes enthusiasts. Georgette Hyer fans, Lovecraft fans, the Dracula society, the Society for Creative Anachronism, war gamers, and, of course, Star Trek fans. Most are related to science fiction in some sense.
This presents a problem to the Worldcon committee. All of these groups habitually come to Worldcon; some annually hold their special gatherings at the Worldcon which are entirely separate from Worldcon programming (example: the Georgette Hyer Tea). Yet, there are far too many of these specialized groups represented to pro gram for them all, in spite of the fact that most are SF related. They could not program for just a few and be fair, and they could not program for them al] and still include mainstream SF in their programming. And mainstream SF is, after all, what Worldcon was found ed to promote, as well as what most of the people attending Worldcon are there for. Therefore, Worldcon cannot, re grettably, program for any special in terest, no matter how related to main stream SF the subject is. This means, for us, that we cannot expect the Worldcon committee to program for ST.
There is still something for the Strekfan to enjoy. Admittedly, Strek-fen who want a convention where they can see the ST cast and crew, view the episodes, and attend trivia panels should not go to Worldcon. However, those ST fen who are interested in learning more about SF and SF fandom— which, after all, is where ST and ST fandom came from—would probably find it worthwhile.
Finally, you can get the most out of Worldcon when you realize that the main reason SF fen go to conventions is to meet people. It will soon become apparent that most of the convention members are not at the panels or at the films. They are spread out: one may be tracking down Isaac Asimov in a hallway to discuss his writings, while another may be in the art show, and yet another meeting in a hotel room with a fan from west Texas to whom he has written several times, but never met.
For the ST fan, the attraction is similar: you can grab a Strekzine editor you know and talk about the zine for an hour or two, you can find a Trek party at night and meet all those people whose names were at the tops of stories you've read and you can even spot an STW tag and meet a fellow CM, AG, or GD. You may even find me there, somewhere, looking for trekfen...
- this issue has, as usual, info on the movie and what the stars have been up to
- there is a full-page ad by Nova Enterprises for Star Fleet Technical Manual, a pro-book that sparked the sub-genre of fans and their interest in creating blueprints and other technical fanworks about Star Trek, and later other topics
- there is a full-page ad for Star Trek Lives, the last con in this series
- there is a short introductory piece on Worldcon called "The Strekfan's Guide to Worldcon" by Joan Verba
- some trivia by Cheree Townsend Cargill
- three con reports:
- Philadelphia International ST Con, see that page
- Wondaycon #4, see that page
- Star Trek Chicago, see that page
- the mail room letters report: June—797, July—1053, August—252
Issue 32
A Piece of the Action 32 was published in November 1975 and contains 27 pages.
- a report on the 1975 issue of Time Magazine: one comment -- "Except for the repeated reference to "trekkies" (a label which most mature Star Trek fans object to), the article deals with Star Trek's popularity and fans intelligently."
- news of what the stars are up to and the usual round-up of Star Trek mentions in the media
- ad for the United Friends of William Shatner, the official William Shatner fan club, president Maxine Lee Broadwater
- a collection of letters from fans commenting on Space:1999; most reflect the opening statement -- "Despite the fact that Space:1999 producer's avowed intention of aiming for his show to capture the Star Trek audience, early reactions to the series indicate that Star Trek has nothing to fear from comparison." It illustrates the rivalry between fans and their appreciation for their favorite show, even when said show had been off the air for years; this protectionism would only become more pronounced with the advent of Star Wars a few years later.
- a Star Trek word search puzzle
- a very short comment about August Party: "The convention brought out 940 people who thought they were the only ones who watched Star Trek. What a surprise they had when they found us all there also. We had slides, talks, movies, and get-togethers with these new fans and introduced them to ST fandom."
- many, many con report for Palm Beach Con/Trek Con International
- the fan in charge of the pen pal department, Joyce Thompson, says she has several hundred applications to mail out
- art by Don Harden, Gee Moaven, Laura Virgil, Eric Schaefer, Cheree Townsend Cargill, Elizabeth Marshall.
- a report on the Gene Coon Memorial Fund
- a full-page ad for the Michigan State University Star Trek Club
Issue 33
A Piece of the Action 33 was published in December 1975 and contains 15 pages.

- a survey that was taken of more than 3000 TV executives and their families in which they state that ST is their third most favorite TV show ever
- news of what the stars are up to: some of it -- George Takei had lunch with the Emperor and Empress of Japan, Leonard Nimoy appeared at an auto show in New York...
- there are seven con announcements
- there is a con report for American Star Trek Convention (October 9–12, 1975 in Dallas)
- Bjo Trimble advertises a 28-page folio of Equicon's Futuristic Fashion Design Contest
- Jacqueline Lichtenberg tries some cross-marketing/added value thinking and writes that "ST fen planning attend SF Worldcon in Kansas City include Claire Gabriel, Joan Winston, and myself. Marion Zimmer Bradley plans to be there and many in the organization known as the Friends of Darkover feel there is a definite overlap of appeal between the Darkover books and ST. Getting involved in factions of sf fandom which would satisfy some of that longing for more-more-more ST is another reason for Strekfen to go to Worldcon."
- there is a fan profile of [M L D]: "[I] am a 47 year old, plump, grey-haired, old maid, afflicted with the least interesting of all perversions -- scholarship." She says she started writing Star Trek fiction because young relations had been asking her to write "some Star Trek episodes." She adds that two of her stories will appear in the upcoming Delta Triad.
- the editor notes that the "annual STW questionnaire" has been mailed to all volunteer workers
- the STW's booklet, Communication the Hard Way, published as a joint project with boojums Press and recently been revised and reprinted. The first 100 copies are sold out. The second edition has a cover by Doug Herring, and interior art by Phil Foglio. Contributors include Ruth Berman, Debbie Goldstein, Jeff Johnston, Devra Langsam, Carol Lynn, Paula Smith, Bjo Trimble, and Helen Young. The final draft was written by Sharon Ferraro.
- there is a new section announced for the newsletter—it is the "Editors & Artists Exchange"; its purpose was to help faneds and artists find each other; format would be a list compiled and updated by Laura Virgil; the STW stresses this "is NOT a distribution center for art and stories, but only a contact point."
- art by Laura Virgil, Elizabeth Marshall, Don Harden, Melanie Mayfield, Sandra Dennis, Pat Berry, Tim Estiloz, and Eric Schaefer.
- there are ads for Federation Trading Post and Nova Enterprises, the latter which advertises "I Am Not Spock"
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 33
Within this issue is an interesting survey that was taken of more than 3,000 TV industry executives & their families which names ST as their third most popular TV program of all time. There is a brief section updating revival news, another on the "Ubiquitous Star Trek," news of the sitars, and book announcements.
The section on con notes has a very complete list of many upcoming ST cons thru Aug, and one con report. There are the usual pages devoted to STW information for the VMs, followed by-a lengthy report of a few efforts in ST publicity and a plug for a new department in the STl^ v^hich aimes at getting ST editors and artists together.
Although the STW info in P/A takes up too much volume (considering most of the readers are not STWers and therefore not interested particularly) the information compiled in each issue is always up to date and provides the best single source for recent news. Recommended. [1]
Issue 34
A Piece of the Action 34 was published in January 1976 and contains 15 pages.
From the editorial by Helen Young:
STW Is often asked to speak out against something, to editorialize, to take sides--the idea, of course, being to protect fans, or for the good of ST fandom, or just fair play. And certainly we are eager to protect fans, and to work for the good of ST fandom, and we stand foursquare for fair play. And certainly we will never knowingly condone or promote dishonesty. But there are reasons why we feel it would be unwise for STW to editorialize or take sides. First off, there are currently 140 volunteer workers participating in STW. It is entirely possible, therefore, for us to have 140 different opinions on any one given subject! How then could we ever reconcile ourselves to all supporting one side or one viewpoint and be fair to our own people? Certainly every STWer is free to express their opinion on any subject as an individual, but to have the organization itself take a stand that some of its members might disagree with would threaten our very existence... How are we to determine who is In the right? Who are we to judge? Who are we to condemn? Of course we deplore certain things. Of course we have opinions. But if STW should take sides, we'd anger the other side, and thus diminish our effectiveness... We like to think we're the one place In fandom where all organizations and all fans can work together. Where everyone can co-operate. Where everyone can get or give information or help. We feel the best way we can effectively serve all of fandom is to remain neutral. So please don't expect STW to take sides or editorialize—allow us to remain a non-partisan organization so we can better serve all fans and all of fandom.
- many announcements for pro Star Trek and Sime~Gen books, as well as an increasing amount of mainstream Star Trek products and toys
- a description of six cons, and announcements for 12 cons
- several con reports
- the second British Star Trek Convention, see that page
- Starcon #4, see that page
- MiniCon #12 in Houston
- a Mini Trek Con in New York, see that page
- Jacqueline Lichtenberg asks other fans to let her know if ST fans would like some Kraith gatherings at cons
- a fan profile for Cheree Townsend Cargill
- an editorial by Helen Young defines the neutrality that STW must take on on controversial matters. This issue was addressed again in issue #61.
- a half-page ad for Spectrum and a full-page ad for The Goddess Uhura
- art is by Gee Moaven, Laura Virgil, Cheree T. Cargill and Alyce T. Unrein
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 34
This issue leads off with a bevy of book announcements, and also has info on the stars, new products and a small section of "The Ubiquitous ST."
There is a very comprehensive convention calendar which lists only dates, places and addresses but is good for an at-a-glance chart of the upcoming con schedules. The con notes section describes 6 of these upcoming cons in more detail and actually has 6 con reports this time.
There is an editorial by Helen Young which defines clearly the position of neutrality that STW,must take on all controversial matters...something the readers should actually r-e-a-d and understand.
The rest of the issue is filled with about 5 pages of STW info en tout, and various ads. Recommended. [2]
Issue 35
A Piece of the Action 35 was published in February 1976 and contains 7 pages.
- an announcement that Benecia '76 has been cancelled
- art by Cheree T. Cargill and Robin Hill
- the editor thanks a number of fans by name for their contributions of stamps, cash, and one for sticky labels
- an announcement that the pro book, Star Trek: The New Voyages was soon to be published
- boojums Press brings the Klingon Empire Appointment Calendar back from the dead for a fifth printing
- a full-page description and announcement of the first Star Trek Fan Fund, sponsored by Halkan Council
- very short ads for fourteen ST zines, including one for one called The Naked Times (out of New York and not the slash one, Naked Times, published two years later)
Issue 36
A Piece of the Action 36 was published in March 1976 and contains 13 pages. This is the last issue published by Virginia Walker.
- Editor: Helen Young
- the mail room letter count: October = 496, November = 453, December = 659
- Movie news. (Production date set: July 15)
- a poll called the "Star Trek Motion Picture Script Opinion Poll"
- the STSTC has an update, mainly that there is no news regarding their campaign to have the ST movie retain all of the original cast
- Tomorrow Show Spotlights Star Trek, hosted by Tom Snyder
- News of the Stars
- a full-page letter by a fan who encourages other to write NASA and their representatives and "remind them our future is in Space. Don't mention Star Trek, must your concern and interest in the future of mankind."
- New Products, mainly toys
- Space: 1999 news
- Gene Roddenberry Lecture Tours, calendar
- Planetary publicity
- STW newsclipping service
- STW Directory of Star Trek Organizations
- a con report for Pittsburgh Star Strektacular (December 12–14, 1975), see that page
- a con report, this one for International Star Trek Convention (Jan 15-18, 1976, New York), see that page
- there are two very, very short con reports for International Star Trek Convention (Washington D.C., January 1–4) and Houston Mini-Con #13 (January 3–4)
- the editors thank Mego Corporation for their donation of "communicators," (transistor walkie talkies) making it easier for con volunteers to talk to each other (up to a quarter mile!)
Issue 37
A Piece of the Action 37 was published in April 1976 and contains 12 pages. The publisher of this zine is now Josi Williams, with associates KathE Donnelly and Karolyn Popovich.

From "Trekkers vs Trekkie":
What many people outside of STAR TREK fandom don't seem to realize is that there are two rather distinctly different types of Star Trek fans: Trekkers and Trekkies. And Star Trek fandom tends to suffer because of this misunderstanding. There are two different outlooks that separate the Trekker and the Trekkie: The Trekker is the serious, dedicated, and hardworking fan who is seriously into ST fandom trying to get something constructive done while still meeting people and making friends. But Trekkies- are. inconsiderate, disruptive kids who are simply along for the ride. The Trekker sees Star Trek as the only recent television show that treated science fiction in an adult, painstakingly authentic, highly entertaining manner by craftsmen who (because of their dedication and skill) make the future come alive. Trekkers give freely of their time, energy, and resources to get things done. They tend to be the organizers, the volunteers, the hard and consistent workers, the editors and officers. They run the service organizations like the Star Trek Welcommittee. Prime examples of Trekkers: John and Bjo Trimble, David Gerrold, Allyson Whitfield. Trekkies on the other hand, see Star Trek as just another exciting TV show. And the fandom associated with it simply another "in-group" they can try to join. They can always be seen, running all over, zapping everyone with their toy phasers, dressed in their spockears and uniforms. They are consumers of anything that says Star Trek or has a picture of Spock on it. Their only aim is to have fun. Trekkies are. forever quoting their favorite character, but are very apathetic when it comes to working on club activities and volunteer projects. Trekkers are responsible for most of the good things that have been done in Star Trek fandom. Trekkies, unfortunately, are responsible for the bad impression the general public has of Star Trek fans.
- Editor: Virginia Walker
- News of the stars: Leonard Nimoy as Sherlock Holmes, etc.
- a con report for The Star Trek Convention, NY (Feb 12-16), see that page
- there is a long review and reaction to the pro book, Star Trek: The New Voyages (see that page for details)
- there is a full-page ad for "I am not Spock"
- The Hole in the Deck Gang, a "central registry for gofers encourages fans to write it and apply
- Yellow Page updates
- Personnel updates
- Computing, Dear, by Cheree Townsend Cargill - quiz
- Trekkers vs Trekkie, by Terry Whittier
- the mail room says it received 1360 letters in January, it is reported that the STW now has 130 volunteers
Issue 38
A Piece of the Action 38 was published in May 1976 and contains 14 pages. The editor announces that the fan readers of APOTA now outnumber the volunteers it was originally written for by 10 to 1, and that APOTA will now become more of a general newsletter and many of the usual sections will be discontinued; more detailed STW information for the 150 volunteers will now be sent to them on a separate mimeographed sheet of paper. The editor also says that after one issue, the new business manager (Josi Williams), has resigned and her duties pass on to Karolyn Popovich and KathE Donnelly.
- Editor: Helen Young
- Revival news: Filming for Star Trek Movie pushed back to late Aug or September
- News of the Stars: Gene Roddenbery's lecture tour and more; William Shatner did an commercial for Linn Technical College, plugging it by saying, "As an old friend of mine might have said, it would seem the logical choice." The editors note that they are discontinuing this "actors in the news" section as it is getting too big
- Profile: Grace Lee Whitney, by Bonnie Chardene in which the actress is described as "ultra-feminine and independent"
- Book Announcements, Susan Sackett is doing a book of collected "interesting" fan letters she's received over the years
- Computing, Dear, by Cheree Cargill. Quiz
- The Ubiquitous Star Trek: ST mentioned in various media
- Con Notes, there are eleven cons advertised; Al Schuster announces that due to financial difficulties, plans for his Seattle convention have been canceled, there is a con report for Star Trekon (see that page), other short con reports for four other ones
- a fan reports on a con she hosted in Barranquilla, Columbia called "Star Trek Fiesta"; it was more of a house party and there were many children present, everyone stayed up all night, watched a play preformed by kids, and they had a meal at midnight "from other planets"
- there is an "ad" for The National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
- STW Directory Announcements
- Joan Verba becomes the "Zine Acquisition Consultant"
- STW Needs Fan Support, by Helen Young; the article says that the STW needs more money but is unsure of how to get it; she suggests that fans who can step up and send in some donations and buy some more patches
- the mail room reports having received 1523 letters in March 1976
Issue 39
A Piece of the Action 39 was published in June 1976 and contains 14 pages.

- Editor: Virginia Walker
- News of the stars: Nichelle Nichols is the model figure for the heroine of a Gothic novel by Marion Zimmer Bradley
- Con Farr: Before and After: eight cons are advertised, there is one con report for Equicon (see that page)
- One Small Step, One Giant step; this is a long, long, detailed report, complete with photos, of the US Air Force Plant #42: Space shuttle Enterprise, see Star Trek Fandom and NASA
- there is a long article by Helen Young called, "The STW Table at Conventions." It discusses the rules, descriptions, and technicalities of running the organization's table at conventions
- the mail room reports having received 911 letters in April
- art is by Elizabeth Marshall, Laura Virgil, Ellen Vartanoff, and Robin Hill
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 39
It starts off with a good selection of news of the stars, and follows up with a fine section on conventions, especially good is a report on Equicon. "One Small Step, One Giant Step..." is a very good article on NASA's space shuttle the the efforts to get the President to name the first shuttle U.S.S. Enterprise.For those people interested in issues of P/A and past subjects there is a comprehensive index of subjects and issues inside #39. The usual items fill the remainder of this issue. Perhaps one of the more informative this year.
Issue 40
A Piece of the Action 40 was published in July 1976 and contains 10 pages.
- Editor: Helen Young
- Book announcements: Spock Messiah and more
- Dear Grace Lee (advice column, Grace Lee Whitney)
- A Fan's Handy Guide to STW services (officers and their home addresses) -- there are twenty-one services listed
- there is a con report for Boston Star Trek, (April 16–19, Boston, MA), see that page
- the editors thank about 28 fans for their donations of cash, stamps, and art for resale
- art is by Don Harden, Lorrie Vall (envelope art), and Cheree Cargill
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 40
A new column in this issue is: "Dear Grace Lee," where fans ask Grace Lee Whitney questions. It should add some good personal interest to what can sometimes be a dry newsletter. A very interesting part of this issue is "A Fan's Handy Dandy Guide to STW Service," which describes the gamut of services available from fans. Definitely something to have. There are con updates, a small special interest article or two and the usual inclusions. Informative. Recommended.[4]