Moonbeam (zine)
Zine | |
Title: | Moonbeam |
Publisher: | Moonrise Press, see Vendredi Press |
Editor(s): | Deb Walsh |
Date(s): | 1977-1979, 2012 |
Series?: | |
Medium: | fanzine |
Size: | |
Genre: | |
Fandom: | multimedia |
External Links: | gallery of covers, About Moonbeam, memories and fiction links (via Wayback) |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Moonbeam was published by Moonrise Press (which later became Vendredi Press). It was a series of gen anthology multifandom fanzines published by Deb Walsh between 1977 and 1979.
Moonbeam was published over 6 issues (1977 to 1979). Deb Walsh then moved her focus to another multimedia fanzine, Felgercarb which had started publication in 1978.
Notes from the Publisher
For much more, see Main Moonbeam Page, Archived version.
Deb Walsh discusses the role that multimedia fanzines played in early fandom:
In 1977, multimedia zines were not common. In fact, in the circles I travelled at that point in time, anything other than Star Trek was considered blasphemous. A few multimedia zines had ventured forth in the past, like Mary Hartery’s Avatar and Mary Bloemker’s The Vaslovik Archives. The Loner, Michael Heyes’s Space: 1999 alternate universe novella was also in print, along with a few other hardy adventurists. Warped Space had dipped a toe or two in the multimedia waters with Gordon Carleton’s Man from Atlantis and Star Wars cartoons, but there’d been a bit of a backlash from purists.[1]
She goes on to note that the Star Wars films changed how fans perceived what was fannishly acceptable material:
Where folks had dabbled in fan fiction and art for other SF shows for years, but nothing really took, Star Wars quickly planted deep roots and remade the fannish worldview. Not in its likeness, but it opened the floodgates, and new and varied fandoms soon sprang up, like Starsky and Hutch....Man from U.N.C.L.E...... Space: 1999.... It wasn’t that these other fandoms hadn’t spawned fans and fiction, it was there didn’t seem to be an organized locus to the fandoms. With the general acceptance of Star Wars as a bona fide fandom, these other fandoms had an environment in which they could flourish, and not simply exist just under the radar. So it was into this fannish environment that I first started publishing fanzines...The first publication of Moonrise Press was Moonbeam, what became a themed multimedia zine.[2]
Its Place in Star Wars Zine History
The first Star Wars zines:
- Hyper Space (fiction and non-fiction) ties with The Force (non-fiction) as the first zines with a focus of Star Wars. Both zines were published in June 1977.
- Warped Space #26/27, a multimedia zine published in July 1977, had a Star Wars cover, the artist was Gordon Carleton. In August 1977, "Warped Space" #28 had the first Star Wars story in a multimedia zine. Moonbeam #1/2 also contains an early story that was published in November 1977.
- Come Wars, a 1977 (month unknown) 16-page sexually explicit gay/slash comic by Sean
- Timespan, a 1977 (month unknown) included "The Saga of Jharal" a story about two Jedi's, pre-ANH
- Moonbeam #3 (focus of Star Wars fiction and art) [3][4] and the letterzine, Alderaan, a letterzine with a Star Wars focus, were both published in February 1978.
- Against the Sith (Star Wars fiction and non-fiction) and Skywalker (Star Wars fiction) were both published in April 1978. [5]
- Tribulta Times may also be on this list.
Issue 5/6's Place in Zine History
This issue published the first known virtual season.
Issue 1/2
Moonbeam 1/2 was published in November 1977 and contains 100 pages. The art is by Mary Bloemker, Pat O'Neill, Kathy Stear and Deb Walsh.
Publisher's notes: "Issue #1/2 was considered a double issue based on the prevailing zine sizes of the day – 50 pages was considered to be normal at that time, and #1/2 came in at twice that. It was also fairly normal to be able to purchase a subscription to a zine, and zine publication was often quarterly. I think this is in part because so many zines at the time grew out of clubs, whether on college campuses or high school quads." [6]
Portions of the zine can be found here.[7]
See much more from the editor at: Main Moonbeam Page, Archived version.
From Dean's editorial:
I'm climbing up on my soapbox to issue yet another plea for unity ... > Before I became actively involved in fandom two years ago — I had never seen love and hate mixed in such a strange fashion. My initial re action was, and still is --- Why? Why has Space fandom taken on the aspects of a battlefield? Why is there such a division between Year 1 fans and Year 2 fans ? It's still the same show — John Koenig is still in command; the moon is still wandering the universe; and the Eagles are still crashing. So, why the arguments? Why, when a group of Space fans get together, do commlocs, hair, and foul words start to fly?
Does all this bickering and complaining mean that if there is a Year 3, both the Year 1 and 2 fans will gang up against it? People, if the bickering and complaining continues, there will never be a Year 3.
But perhaps, there is hope. In the past few months, I have had the opportunity to meet and communicate with many Space fans — almost all of them have been terrific, intelligent people. I'm starting to believe that the hotheads. leading the conflict between the groups are a small, loud-mouthed minority of fans ...
It's time for the silent majority; of which, for too long, I've numbered myself; to stand up and speak out. Divide and conquer should not be the catch phrase of the day. It should instead be Strength through Unity. Or in the immortal words of our favorite commander, "Creation is better than destruction."
Before I close, I'd like to touch on the conflict that has been raging between Trek and Space fans. Think about this: If one day there is a base on the moon — it will have been built with the help of a space shuttle named Enterprise. Enuf said.
From Walsh's editorial:
I have a few bones to pick with some of the people who've written to me. I will not answer anymore letters which are not accompanied by a SASE. With the volume of mail I now receive, it is simply financially infeasible. Similarly, any contributors who don't include return postage for their submissions will a) not receive their material back; and b) if no SASE is included, if I'm in a nasty mood, they may not even receive notification of acceptance or rejection. For me, SASEs are not a convenience — they are a necessity.
- From the Mouths of Alpha – Editorials by Deb Walsh and Lillie Deans (4)
- Lost and Found by Patrick Daniel O'Neill (The Enterprise finds itself lost in space with the Robinsons. Reprinted from Second Age #6 with the permission of the author and artist.) (Star Trek/Lost in Space crossover) (5)
- A Voice in the Dark by Alex Potter (A story written only months following the debut of the original Star Wars film in US theaters. This story is part one. Part two was supposed to be in "Moonbeam" #3, but instead appears in Felgercarb #5/6 two years later. This story is one of the very first Star Wars fan fics published.) (Star Wars) (23)
- Requiem for Lt. Commander Gary Mitchell, poetry by Deb Walsh. (Jim Kirk has survived his encounter with the man who would be a god, but what about the man who’s lost his friend?) (Star Trek: TOS) (29)
- The Revenge by Michael Heyes and Patti Cullen-Heyes (A story in The Loner AU series. The fourth installment in the Daniel Morgan/'99 series, this story pits Alpha against one of the oldest, and fiercest, enemies.) (Space: 1999) (30)
- By the Beautiful Sea by Deb Walsh (While Dr. Elizabeth Merrill and Mark Harris are on vacation, they learn about an archaeological find that could lead to the discovery of Atlantis – will Mark Harris finally leave the surface world for home?) (A Man from Atlantis) (55)
- ’99 Word Search by Catherine Schell (word searches and crosswords) (68)
- Reflections (Space: 1999 poetry) and ’99 Lecherous Limericks by Kathy Stear (69)
- Young Leia Organa, poetry by Deb Walsh (Star Wars) (70)
- Gotcha, Mister Spock!, humor by Roberta Rogow (Mr. Spock faces his most desperate hour.) (Star Trek: TOS) (71)
- Space Chantey, filk by the Merchant Marines, and Federation Cadets, sung to the tune of "Bell Bottom Trousers," by Patti Cullen-Heyes (Star Trek: TOS) (72)
- At First Sight, fiction by Lillie Deans (Space: 1999) (73)
- She Wore a Yellow IDIC, filk by Roberta Rogow (Star Trek: TOS) (75)
- Eve of the Dorcons’ Return, fiction by Deb Walsh. (Maya’s future looks bleak when another Dorcon ship locates Alpha. But is Tony Verdeschi prepared to let her go?) (Space 1999) (77)
- Consumer's Guide (93)
- This Maya's No Elephant, essay and photos by Deb Walsh ("The concept of a superior alien culture is nothing new to science fiction, and certainly not to tele-SF. Also, the ability to transform the molecular structure of an object or person is as old as alchemy, that parent to modern science. Therefore, the character of Maya on Space.: 1999, as played by Catherine Schell, should be as familiar to us as an old shoe. A comfortable one at that. But is Maya cliche? Not really, unless one is caught up in the argument comparing Spook to Maya, and even then, the parallels are strained.") (Space 1999) (95)
- The Atlantean Connection by Deb Walsh (99)
from issue #1/2, Pat O'Neill
from issue #1/2, Deb Walsh
from issue #1/2, Deb Walsh
from issue #1/2, Linda Rioux
from issue #1/2, Deb Walsh
from issue #1/2, Deb Walsh
from issue #1/2, Deb Walsh
from issue #1/2, Deb Walsh
from issue #1/2, Roberta Rogow
from issue #1/2, Deb Walsh
from issue #1/2, Alice Newsom
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1/2
"Moonbeam" is a special-interest zine which emphasizes certain TV shows, movies, and/or chapters in each publication. Issue 1/2 focuses on Space:1999 with a sprinkling of Man from Atlantis, Star Trek, and Star Wars. The 1999 fiction is bearable but not enthralling. In one story, we meet a human/Hepalese genetic construct (Daniel Morgan) whose paranormal powers enable the Alphans to re-feat Balor. In 'Eve of the Dorcon's Return,' Maya is again snatched as brain-stem material. The villains, however, are space-born Psychons. 'Lost and Found' pairs ST and Lost in Space. Smith is a Klingon agent! The story is amusing ins posts but sexist as hell. Women cry and kiss but men think and solve. Barf. Except for 'Lost and Found,' Moonbeam' is a fair zine. Not Bad For a First Try.[8]
"Moonbeam" #1/2 is a mixed bag of some Trek, a little Lost In Space, a bit of Man From Atlantis, a dash of Star Wars, and a lot or Space: 1999. For a first issue, it's nicely put together and shows a lot of promise. The first story in Moonbeam is - Lost and Found- by Patrick Daniel O'Neill (reprinted' from Second Age). It is a Trek/Lost in Space story and is pretty well written. The story has the Enterprise finding the Jupiter II and its crew on a distant planet. They beam the Robinson party to the ship and begin to acquaint the Jupiter crew with the crew and the technology or the Enterprise. Soon though, Dr. Smith is in contact with the Klingons and then things begin to get sticky. "The Revenge" by Michael Heyes and Patrice Cullen is the fourth story in "The Loner" series or 1999 alternate universe tales. This story relates Maya's adjustment to life on Alpha and life with humans and about the reappearance of one of Alpha's former enemies. The story is well written, the characterisations are virtually flawless, and the whole tale flows smoothly to its great ending. I, for one, am hooked on "The Loner" series. "By the Beautiful Sea" is a Man from Atlantis story by Deborah Walsh. The story is about Mark's investigation of a possible lead to his past. The story's alright and would probably be enjoyed by any Man From Atlantis fans. "Eve of the Dorcon's Return", also by Debbie Walsh, in the story or what happens when a Dorcon battleship appears above Alpha and demands the surrender of Maya. However in this story not all is as it seems. The story isn't bad in concept and the beginning is very well done, but the direction of the story strays a bit near the tag which makes a weak ending. If the action could have been kept a bit tighter this would be a really good story. As it is, the last bit seems to just be a way to get Maya and Tony in bed together and then have the story wrap itself up with the depositing of the two back on home sweet home Alpha to the waiting Command Center crew. Other contents in this issue includes an article on Catherine Schell and Maya, an article and episode listing to Man From Atlantis, a consumer's guide to fandom, poetry, puzzles, and the first part of a Star Wars story entitled "A Voice in the Dark". Artwork in this issue is by Debbie Walsh, Cathy Stear, Mary Bloemker, P.D. O'Neill, and Alice Newsome. The majority of the work by Debbie Walsh for '99 is reprinted from "Sunrise!" and the rest of the work shows a little improvement over that from "Sunrise!" The other illo range from fair to good. Not a bad "zine and one that's sure to improve with age. [9]
[1979 comments from a fan who wants more "Loner" stories]: I can also hardly wait to see more of the "Loner" series of '99 alternate universe stories. Moonbeam #5/6 was supposed to feature 3 stories from this alternate universe series, and I can hardly wait to read them. The "Loner" has been a fascinating series. The character of Daniel Morgan has been an interesting addition to the Alpha crew (though I have my doubts about how a character like his would have worked out on the actual TV series). At first I was a little apprehensive about how well this series of stories would work out. To me it seemed the Morgan character might easily fall into the mold of SUPERALPHAN, rescuing Alpha at every turn. After four stories though it seems that Micheal Heyes and Patti Cullen Heyes have been able to keep the stories from falling into this trap. The four stories that I have read thus far (I've read a copy of "The Small Enemy", the second segment in the series even though it hasn't been published because I was to illustrate it for printing in this fanzine) have all been very well done. [10] My favorite though has been "The Revenge" (which appeared in Moonbeam # 1/2). The characterization of the Alphans in this story were almost perfect and the way they presented the adjustment of Maya to life on Alpha was something that was sorely lacking in the actual TV series. Mike and Patti effectively showed Maya as someone coming from a totally different world, with totally different lifestyles, customs, culture, etc. All of which was something Freiberger and Year 2 never really went into. "The Revenge" was a joy to read and I started it I just couldn't put it down. It's a fast paced, well written story with realistic characterizations. With each successive story Mike and Patti have made the "Loner" stories even better than before. [11]
Issue 3
Moonbeam 3 ("the indescribably delicious fanzine") was published in February 1978 and contains 108 pages. It was edited by Deborah M. Walsh, the assistant editor was Lillie Deans.
Issue 3: About
The author says that everyone warned her not to do a Star Wars zine because conventions where they were sold could be dangerous due to the government; the FBI were frequently at these cons to confiscate what they considered illegally-produced Star Wars merhchandise. This didn't stop Walsh from creating issue #3, as "I was headstrong and crazy for the Force." [12]
Publisher's notes: "Issue #3 was my Star Wars issue. I believed for almost 30 years that it was in fact the first primarily Star Wars fiction fanzine, but I recently learned that Skywalker, the exceptional Star Wars zine edited by Bev Clark, was in fact first by a couple of weeks. Ah well. I was still one of the first, and probably the first on the East Coast, and the zine ultimately ended up in the Lucasfilm Fanzine Archives." [13]
From an ad in Jundland Wastes #1: "Photocopy of all SW issue. Includes first of the ThousandWorld Chronicles, fiction by Paciello, Rogow, Munson, Walsh, etc. $7.96/copy."
In July 2012, this zine was featured in a blog post at the University of Iowa Special Collections.[14]
From the flyer: "A Voice in the Dark part two by Alex Potter "...we may not be able to include it in this issue...")"
[from the editorial]: Well, folks, I think this is a wowie-zowie, neato-kazeato fanzine — but then, I'm biased. But this issue, despite the many problems, is at last done, and I think it's a big Improvement over [the] last issue...I'd like to thank everyone I heard from, especially those who filled out the acknowledgement forms, and Marty Siegrist for her advice and moral support. I think you'll like the heavier covers, the new artists, and I would like to know what everyone thinks of the reduced pages on this, my editorial; "Nocturnal Visitations;" "Corell Also Exports Pirates;" and the Consumers' Guide." The page count was getting out of hand, and although I said I'd never reduce, the budget demanded an excursion in economy.
I should mention here that "A Voice in the Dark" part 2 will not b» included in this issue, as it is still undergoing a rewrite as we go to press. But rather than make everyone wait until May, when the next (Agents') issue will be out, I'll be printing the story in its entirety in a special, very limited edition supplement. This will not be included as part of anyone's subscription, and is an additional cost over this issue. Anyone who is interested in receiving this supplement should send 50¢ (to cover printing fees) plus two (2) legal SASEs. Hopefully, this will be ready by mid-March, but since I'm planning to move to Boston in March, please be patient if I don't answer correspondence/orders immediately for a while.
Now, on to this issue.
Pat Munson's "The Jemada" was the first submission I received for this issue, and I must say, it was a great way to start off. Pat will be doing a lot of material for the next issue, the Agents' Special...
Maggie Nowakowska's "Corell Also Exports Pirates" was a pleasant surprise... Maggie has been published in various other zines, including Warped Space and R&R, and is currently, trying to sell a comic strip... Roberta Rogow is, of course, Roberta Rogow. And her Trexindex is finally done. Patti Cullen is back again (thank God) and maybe this time I'll get it right. In her "Space Chantey" last time, I deleted a line...
Sorry Patti. Also, good news about The Loner. As this issue goes to print, so is Mike Heyes' novella. This will be an all-new edition, with some new artwork.
Jackie Paclello is making her debut in Moonbeam with "Home." I hope it's not her last appearance. Jackie is also involved with Pegasas, a mimeo zine out of Chicago. She's had some marvelous SW stories printed in Warped Space. J. David Lubitsch is not, David Lubkin, but a pseudonym for a person who wishes to remain anonymous. "Force of Nature" is interesting in the ways it differs from "The Farmer's Sister." (The similarities between the names are purely coincidental.) And then, of course, there's "The Long and Winding Road." Well, on to bigger and better things.
Oh, speaking of oddities (?), I'd like to welcome Peter and Myra David to the pages of Moonbeam. Peter gets the award for being the person responsible for dragging me (kicking and screaming!) into fandom. Peter also used to edit Second Age, which ceased publication last spring. He's also a maniac, and I hope to see him editing again someday soon.
Issue 3: Contents
- Editorial by D.M. Walsh (4)
- The Farmer's Sister, short story by Roberta Rogow, illoed by D.M. Walsh (5)
- Nature's Course, short story by J. David Lubitsch, illoed by Mary Bloemker (13)
- Corell Also Exports Pirates, novella by Maggie Nowakowska, illoed by the author (This was the very first ThousandWorlds stories published. It was also printed in Timeframe #1 in 1979.) (21)
- Obi-Wan Portfolio, poetry by Patrice L. Cullen and D.M. Walsh, illoed by Caroline Carrock, Pat Munson, Alice Newsom, and Laura Osgood (41)
- Home, short story by Jackie Paciello, illoed by D.M. Walsh (51)
- The Corellian's Tale, poem by Patrice L. Cullen, illoed by Mary Bloemker (55)
- And No Time For Sorrow, short story by Patrice L. Cullen, illoed by Alice Newsom, D.M. Walsh ("The Death Star is gone, and the rebels are safe for the moment. But Leia and Luke find the seeming peace disquieting.") (57)
- The Long and Winding Road... by Deborah M. Walsh ("Something is calling Luke back to Tatootine, despite the dangers -- which side of the Force is luring him?") (61)
- Star Wars Crisscross, puzzle by Cynthia L. Smith (69)
- The Jemada, novella by Patricia A. Munson, illoed by the author ("This story chronicles Lord Vader's strange adventures after the Death Stars with the rarest of the Jedi, the Jamanda.") (71)
- Star Wars Sequels, ‘A Forced Honeymoon’ and ‘Play It Again, Han' by Peter A. David and Myra J. David, illoed by D.M. Walsh (97)
- Nocturnal Visitations, poem by Lillie Deans ("A Space: 1999 prose poem, it's a sensitive look at Maya's innermost fears.") (100)
- Consumer's Guide to Fandom, article by D.M. Walsh, illoed by Linda Rioux (101)
- From Jester to Jedi, an Alec Guinness profile by D.M. Walsh (103)
- Man from Atlantis (lyrics), Atlantean Connection II by D.M. Walsh, illoed by Mary Bloemker (105)
inside issue #3, illo by D.M. Walsh for "The Farmer's Daughter"
inside issue #3, Maggie Nowakowska
inside issue #3, Maggie Nowakowska
inside issue #3, Laura Osgood for the Obi-Wan Portfolio
inside issue #3, Pat Munson
inside issue #3, Caroline Carrock
inside issue #3, D.W. Walsh
inside issue #3, Alice Newsom
inside issue #3, Pat Munson
inside issue #3, Pat Munson, a pre-Jossed Darth Vader
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3
[The Jemada]: Vader has had his ups and downs in fan fiction. Before Jedi he was most often depicted as a black-hearted villain with no redeeming qualities. But before TOSB he had a more ambivalent treatment. ... In "The Jemada" by Pat Munson (Moonbeam 3) he rescues a legendary leader of the Jedi who teaches him the fullness of both sides of the Force. [15]
[Corell Also Exports Pirates]: One of the advantages Han Solo presents to writers is his lack of a past. Except for the information in Dale Pollock's biography of George Lucas, Skywalking, there are precious few keys to Han Solo. Even his alleged heritage as a Corellian is nowhere verified in the movies. He can be anyone. What more could a fan writer want? Fans have hardly left their hero in limbo. Maggie Nowakowska in "Corell Also Exports Pirates" (Moonbeam 3) details a society of careful rules and relationships where the ever-restless and rebellious Han Solo cannot fit in, despite the feelings he has for his family. [16]
A complete departure from the format of the previous ish (Moonbeam #1/2), this issue's entirely (well, almost) dedicated to that fantastic fantasy-science fiction film, "Star Wars", And especially to that equally fantastic actor. Sir Alec Guiness. It features some of the finest examples of "Star Wars" fan fiction I've read to date. Among my personal favorites: "Home" by Jackie Paciello. Based upon Luke's line in the movie ("If they traced the robots here, they may have learned who they sold then to, and that would lead then back — home!!") this beautiful short story shown Owen and Beru Lars moments before their fateful meeting with the imperial Stormtroopers who destroy both their home and them, and Owen's final courageous commitment to a cause he doesn't even fully understand. "The Long and Winding Road" by Deborah M. Walsh. WAS Obi-Wan really killed? Or had he indeed "come back even stronger" as he insinuated to Perth Vader moments before he allowed himself to be cut down? And, IS Luke the last of tho Jedi? This story not only poses those questions but provides some interesting answers! Definitely designed with the Obi-Wan Kenobi fans among us (myself included) in mind! "Nature's Course" by J. David Lubitsch. By far the best of the pre-Luke-Skywalker's-birth stories I've read thus far, this one shows us the events leading to his birth and the final split between Obi-Wan and Owen Lars. Very well written and thought out. "A Forced Honeymoon" and "Play it Again, Han", are two hilarious SW parodies from Peter A. and Hyra J. David. The first, "A Forced Honeymoon", has our intrepid hero, Luke, wedded to the lovely Princess Leia but with some unexpected development. See Luke carted off to the Yavin Home for the Bewildered! See Leia in search of R2 to quench her unnatural urges! Hysterical! "Play it Again, Han" is just what its title insinuates; a "Casablanca" take-off on SW. A definite thigh-slapper and side-holder. Of the non-fiction entries, there's "From Jester to Jedi," a biography of Sir Alex Guiness by Deborah M. Walsh that is extremely informative and enjoyable. For all Alec Guinness fans. And Deborah Walsh also brings us one of the few non-SW features in this ish: a synopsis of the final episodes from "The Man From Atlantis," which almost makes on wished they had watched them. All in all, "Moonbeam" #3 is a superb tribute to SW. I highly recommend it to all SW fans. [17]
MOONBEAM is the first totally Star Wars zine that I have seen. More than half the issue's stories deal with the time period before the construction of the Death Star.
The zine starts off with a short story entitled "The Farmer's Sister" (R. Rogow). Jan Skywalker, a young Jedi, along with two other Jedis - Darth Vader and General Obi -wan Kenobi - are temporarily on Tatooine to tiy and drum up re cruits for the Jedi cause. Instead, Jan meets, falls in love, and elopes with Clarissa Lars. It's the story of the brief, whirlwind courtship of Luke Skywalker's parents; a cute, brief, story that explains why Luke's Uncle Owen despises the Jedis so much.
How Luke's mother died is told in "Nature's Course" (J. Lubitsch). I won't say how she dies, that would give the story away. But during this time Marissa Skywalker comes to terms with herself and decides that her son must be raised as a Jedi. She turns to Ben Kenobi for guidance and help, but only causes a much wider rift between Owen and Ben. Next is the first of two novellas in this issue - "Corell Also Exports Pirates" (M., Nowakowska). The story itself is a well-written background on Han Solo. But placed at the beginning of each of the three chapters are excerpts taken from the 'writings of Genthur Jon, and the novella itself starts off with an editorial written by Aor Loke-Teen, Not knowing much of the background of Corell or the Empire, I found these pieces confusing. But, passing over them, the story is interesting. Han, at the age of fourteen, has had enough with his life on Corell with all its rules and regulations. After an emotional scene, Han runs away from home. How he manages to get off-planet and start his new life is too exciting to be told in a simple synopsis. You've got to read it.
A portfolio on Obi-wan follows' the novella. The poetry is good, but the artwork is only fair.
"Home" (J. Paciello) describes the series of events that happened back home while Luke was out look ing for R2-D2 that fateful morning.
"The Corellian's Tale" (P. Cullen) is Han's version of what happened to him from the time he first met Obi-wan and Luke to the destruction of the Death Star. It's told in poem form - a sing-song poem with a strong beat.
In "And No Time for Sorrow" (P. Cullen) Princess Leia finally faces the loss of Alderaan, her home and people.
Han and Luke have a chance to return to Tatooine for a few days in "The Long and Winding Road" (D. Walsh). Han goes to repay Jabba and Luke returns to lay aside his past. He says farewell to the farm, or what remains of it, and says a final goodbye to the graves of his aunt and uncle. And he also meets an old and dear friend who teaches Luke a lot about the Force in the short span of a couple of hours.
"The Jemada" (P. Munson) is the second novella. The Jemada was a leader of the Jedi, and the last Jemada had disappeared centuries before. As Darth traveled in his tiny Tie fighter after the destruction of the Death Star, he happens across the personal vessel of the last Jemada and traces the remnants of the crew to an outlying planet. There is another Jemada, and Darth hopes to use the Jemada to further his own plots. And it seems to work, until the surprise confrontation at the end of the story, which changes both the participants.
The final two selections are short, short, possible sequels, and they're hysterically funny. They're called "A Forced Honeymoon" and "Play It Again, Han", and the titles should give you an inkling of what they're about.
All the stories are good, but the artwork is only fair. [18]
Issue 4
Moonbeam 4 was published in June 1978 and contains 88 pages.
The art is by Heather Firth (front cover), poster for "For Luck" by Joni Wagner, back cover by Deb Walsh.
Publisher's notes:
Moonbeam #4 was an interesting experience, expanding the multimedia beyond science fiction. There were already some wonderful Man from U.N.C.L.E. zines kicking around, and of course the fabulous Starsky and Hutch zine Zebra Three had already seen print, launching an entire fandom that exists until today. There were clubs for Man from U.N.C.L.E. and The Avengers. But there weren't many general readership options for fan fiction in these fandoms, so I was very fortunate to get submissions from some of fandom's most illustrious names. I remember going to T'Con that year, and being so blown away that a very famous Trek author had heard of me, thanks to this issue and the Star Wars issue before it. It was all very exciting! [19]
- It's Me Again by Deb Walsh, editorial
- The Duplicate Affair by Patrica A. Munson, art by PAM and Evallou Richardson, (reprinted from the U.N.C.L.E. HQ newsletter and yearbook) ("Illya and Napoleon face the Countess from the Corfu Affair ... again.") (4)
- A Meeting in an English Pub, or, Yes, I Remember It Well by Eileen Roy, art by Walsh ("The story of two unlikely comrades, joined by something more than a professional bond.") (19)
- Maiden Voyage by Walsh, art by Mary Bloemker (Man from Atlantis/Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea) (23)
- There Has to Be a First Time by Eileen Roy ("What happens when the Impossible Mission Force finds the mission impossible?") (42)
- Assignment: Night of the Untimely Trek by Gina Martin and Linda MacLaren, art by Bloemker (Gary 7 illo reprinted from The Vaslovik Archives #2) ("James T. West and Artemus Gordon are Joined by an out-of-place, out-of-time agent in this latest meeting with Dr. Miguelito Loveless.") (43)
- The Collegiate Affair by Deb Walsh, art by Evallou Richardson (Man from UNCLE) ("When Illya Kuryakin goes back to school, it's not for self-enrichment.") ("Seaview I is trapped at the bottom of the sea, and only one man, Mark Harris, can salvage it. Or can he?") (62)
- The Name of the Game Affair by Patricia A. Munson, art by Michael Goodwin, Pat Munson and J. David Lubitsch ("Every agent has to face that final affair, but when it's your best friend, it's even harder.")
- Illya's Reverie, poem by Susan Wyllie (52)
- Biography of Diana Rigg by Debbie Phares (59)
- untitled poem by Patti Cullen-Heyes, art by Michael Goodwin (60)
- Elizabeth by Lillie Deans (78)
- Agent's Roster by the readers (87)
- Consumers' Guide to Fandom (89)
- Cosmic Bulletin Board by the readers (92)
- art portfolio: Emma, a Portrait in Black and White, art by Heather Firth, reprinted from Avenger's Fan Network, art by Shel Dorf and R.M from En Garde
Issue 5/6 (First Virtual Season)
Moonbeam 5/6 was published in March 1979 and contains 167 pages. It is a Space: 1999 zine. The original print run had 200 copies. Deb Walsh was the editor, Lillie Deans the assistant editor.
This zine's content is the virtual third season of Space: 1999, the first known virtual season in existence. Each "show" has characters from the original show plus guests who were fancasted. Some of the fan casts were Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Parker Stevenson, Kate Jackson, Freddie Fender, and Mrs. Olson (character in old Folger's Coffee commercials) The "Tunnel Times," a parody of newspaper issues, acted as fillers in-between and as sort-of commercials.
The art is by Beckey Aulenbach, Rose Marie Badgett, Mary D. Bloemker, Steve Eramo, Judy Moore, Alice Newsom, Laura Osgood, Evallou Richardson, Joni Wagner, and Deborah M. Walsh.
Issue 5/6: About
From a submission request:
No, ITC/ATV hasn't renewed Space: 1999... yet. But Moonbeam, the indescribably delicious fanzine, will be featuring an all Space:1999 issue with a Year 3 theme. Scheduled for July, 1978, in time for the '99 con in Columbus Ohio, this zine, Moonbeam #5/6 will run about 200+ pages.
The theme is Year 3, and the sky's the limit. Because Victor, David and Paul never "officially" died on the series, there's no reason not to include them in poetry, fiction and art. (For the same reason, we won't be accepting "how Victor died" stories, except in a dream-type format.) Recall your favorite guest stars and characters from past episodes --"hire" your own guest stars for new characters! Log dates must follow after 2515 when used — after "Bringers of Wonder, part 2" — almost seven years in space!
Stories should somehow reflect those seven years in space — through flashback stories, adventures, mysteries, romances — the only restriction is your own imagination.
Will we publish "grup" stories? If tastefully done, with solid characterizations and good storylines, yes. Stories will be judged on their individual merit, and yes, we'll consider multiple submissions from individual authors.
We're aiming for 24 different episodes, at about 20 pages each typed and double-spaced). Stories exceeding that limit may be considered as 2-part episodes. Artists interested in submitting material for this issue should query first, especially if they'd like to illo individual stories. Authors may simply send in their submissions, with appropriate return postage, and list of guest stars (to use as a guideline for illos).
The deadline for ALL material is June 17, 1978. This means that stories should be in before that date to edit and illustrate properly. Artists should begin querying about stories soon, as we are already receiving manuscripts for this issue. [20]
From the lengthy editorial by Walsh in the zine which includes many thanks:
I know there are some other people I should be thanking, and I hope they know who they are. This Issue of Moonbeam Is a great source of pride for me (not to mention a great source of exhaustion), and I really hope that everyone shares In It. It's not everything I wanted It to be, but It s pretty close, and I think the contributors will be happy (you are happy, aren't you? Please say you're happy.) It's been a long time in coming, too many months late, and isn't this getting boring.
I have no immediate plans to do another Space zlne, with the exception of the Loner Collected, and plans for the sequel to "Sunrise," Children of Darkness, Children of Light have been shelved in definitely. I won't say permanently; while working on this zlne, I found a lot of my enthusiasm for Space returning, and It's possible I may someday write the book. When I have a few extra years with nothing to do ... But, Space stories will appear In Issues of Moonbeam, and if something really spectacular comes along, I'd consider doing a special zlne again.
Right now, I'm planning several zines. Including the potpourri Issue, #7, the GALACTIZINE, the Loner Collected, and a Star Wars zine, Lord of the Jedi. FELGERCARB will continue, at least until Issue #10, which is the latest subscription issue I'm up to, and if things continue to go well, BINARY la a definite possibility. It's all up to you. I'm not including a reaction form with this issue, because I would like to get a lettercol going on the zine ~ express your opinions In letters, please.
Before anyone asks, I will not be at either of the Spacecons planned for summer 1979. For various reasons, I simply won't be able to make it. However, I will be at 2'Con, and plan to have a Moonbeam party during the con, so if you're Inclined to go, look me up. I'll be arriving in Lansing early Friday morning, after an all-night flight from San Francisco (business trips are such a bore, dahling ~ I can't wait!), so if I seem a little fuzzy, don't be surprised. Star Trek America In New York is a possibility, but don't hold me to it.
Publisher's notes many years later:
Issue #5/6 was my Space:1999 special, a virtual third season to the show. The varied fandoms represented there really shows how fandom in general was diversifying. Again, great fun, lots of fun art, and terrific people. About now, a new show had debuted on the air, and it would capture my heart and my imagination – not to mention my muse – for the next two years. Battlestar Galactica debuted to huge numbers on ABC, and it was not long after that Mary Fall (Wardell) and I christened our "Tales of the Purple Squadron" in my next multimedia title, Felgercarb. [21]
Also from the publisher many years later:
Moonbeam #5/6 was never intended to be the last issue of Moonbeam. The next issue was going to be a Starsky and Hutch special. But ultimately, it was the last issue I did of the zine, the last of my themed one-shots. This was a fun but challenging zine to put together - my largest so far. And because I was using reduced type, there was extensive paste-up to do. But the biggest challenge was sheer effort. Unlike other zines where I had them printed by print shops, I printed this entire zine myself using the office copier and a great deal of help from Mary Fall Wardell. I wasn't doing something wrong - my employer and co-workers had actually encouraged me to do the zine on the copier. It was cheaper than going to a printer, but the zine took a long time to do, there were lots of errors and jams, and the zine was understandably late. The experience also taught me that I never wanted to be my own printer, like many fans did in the '80s and '90s. It was just too much.
But the zine itself isn't bad. Lots of art and lots of stories, from a wide spectrum of fans. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to track everyone down, so very little from the zine can be posted, since I don't have permission of the authors or artists. But a few pieces can be shared, including some of my favorite fannish cartoons from The Tunnel Times. [22]
Issue 5/6: Contents
- A Change of Pace by Sue Ginter and Judy Moore (3)
- An Act of Jealousy by Rose Marie Badgett (23)
- The Tunnel Times by The Georgia Delegation (34)
- At Any Price by Mary Fall Wardell/Mary A. Fall (36)
- A Step into the Fire by Diane Steitz (45)
- The Tunnel Times by The Georgia Delegation (62)
- Price of Passage by Jo Ann Fore (64)
- The Nomads by Jon S. Aiken (88)
- The Tunnel Times by The Georgia Delegation (101)
- Guardian of a Ghost Ship by Diana Winslow (103)
- Red Planet Blues by Lynn Mims (117)
- No Direction Home by Michael J. Heyes (124)
- A Moment of Courage by Michael J. Heyes (155)
inside page from issue #5/6, Deborah M. Walsh
inside page from issue #5/6, Laura Osgood
inside page from issue #5/6, Laura Osgood
inside page from issue #5/6, Mary D. Bloemker
inside page from issue #5/6, Deborah M. Walsh, Parker Stevenson is fancasted
inside page from issue #5/6, Alice Newsom
inside page from issue #5/6, Evallou Richardson
inside page from issue #5/6, Judy Moore
inside page from issue #5/6, Deborah M. Walsh
inside page from issue #5/6, Evallou Richardson
inside page from issue #5/6, Beckey Aulenbach
Issue 5/6: Publishing Difficulties
A fan in July 1978's issue of ComLoC was anxious for this issue to be published, hoping for more of the fiction in The Loner series. He wrote:
Does anyone out there know the fate of Moonbeam #5/6? Besides wanting to see some of the fiction from the various authors who are supposed to represented in that zine, I can also hardly wait to see more of the "Loner" series of '99 alternate universe stories. Moonbeam #5/6 was supposed to feature 3 stories from this alternate universe series, and I can hardly wait to read them... [see more of his comments in the "Reactions and Reviews" section of issue #1/2]... With each successive story Mike and Patti have made the "Loner" stories even better than before. That's why I can hardly wait for more. Where's Moonbeam 5/6!!!!? [23]
An announcement by the editor in the fall of 1978 illustrates the rough start this issue had:
Space:1999 Year Three (Moonbeam #5/6) is at a standstill. To date, only 41 copies have been ordered. A minimum of 100 orders are needed to even attempt to publish this zine. If not enough orders are received by December 1, 1978, the issue will be cancelled. This means that anyone who would not rather have their money go toward other issues of Moonbeam will have their money returned. And any authors or artists who are not will to have their material published in subsequent issues will also have it returned. The Loner stories scheduled for published will probably appear in "The Loner Collected," and the remaining stories will be spread out among future issues.
The editor notes in the Jan/Feb 1979 issue of Command Center that she has 150 pre-orders for this zine and will print 200 in late February.
In the May/June 1979 issue of Command Center, the editor had a personal statement:
It's been a long time since I've felt that I've lived up to my responsibility as a zine editor. Due to [reasons redacted] it's been very difficult for me to keep up with my planned publications schedule, and to keep up with my mail. Moonbeam #4 was late. Moonbeam #5/6 was very late. I've got stacks of mail I may never get to... For those reasons, and because if I'm going to do a zine, I want to do it well and on time, I'm closing down shop entirely until at least January 1980. This means basically, I'm gafiating, but I do hope to keep in touch with what's going on in fandom, and perhaps go to a con or two. I won't be accepting orders, stories, art, and I won't be available for correspondence concerning the zine. All order that I have already will be honored, but it is impossible for me to accept any more.I love doing Moonbeam. I love reading material, and seeing it in print, especially for people who've never been in print before. I really enjoy hearing how readers react to new writers, and I like to see people trying their wings for the first time in fan publication. Working with the zine, and the people who've been connected with it has been a real high for the last two years, and I hope to enjoy it again. But later, when I know I can devote the time to it, to create a really worthwhile zine, and deliver when I say I'm going to. For those who ordered #5/6, its delays were legion. Typing took longer than I'd expected, not just because the zine is so large, but also because my work schedule very rarely left time for me to work on the zine and make the last subway home. At my employer's suggestion, the zine was run off on our new office copier — slightly less expensive than a commercial printer, but much higher in quality. Then the machine broke down (break out the violins ...) and I went to the West Coast for five weeks. As I write this, the zine is just about ready, and the collating party is planned for this weekend, UPS will hate me next week, and the zine will be immediately out of print.
I do hope to get back into publishing, especially for the Loner Collected, and the Galactizine I've been planning (if I ever finish those last two stories .. but we'll have to wait and see. [24]
In July/August 1979, the editor had an ad in Command Center which said:
Following the response to Moonbeam #5/6, we'll be printing up some more of the little devils. Actually, due to technical problems, only 170 copies were printed. Therefore, 30 additional copies will be available in early October, printed offset by Gnomons (quality of Command Center).
Issue 7
Moonbeam 7 was first proposed in the summer of 1979. The submission request in Command Center (July/August 1979) read: "Moonbeam #7 is in the works. The scheduled release date is being discussed among those involved in the project, and the contents are being kept a loosely-guarded secret. Artists are needed for what looks to be a monster-sized zine. No stories are needed, nor will be considered. Artists interested in illustrating part of this zine should send a sample of your work, a note explaining your preferences in illustrating and a SASE to [address redacted]."
In the end, Moonbeam 7 was published in 2012 and contains 154 pages of 11 point Garamond 2 column, portfolios on parchment paper, covers by Joni Wagner and Cheryl Newsome.
This zine was nominated for a FanQ.
Contents include Star Trek: TOS, Space: 1999, Man from Atlantis, Fantastic Journey, Star Wars, and The Questor Tapes, with art portfolios by Joni Wagner, Mary D. Bloemker, Monica Miller, Gordon Carleton, Laura Quiles, Romanse, Leah Rosenthal, and Deb Walsh.
- Off Limits - Space: 1999 short story by Sheila Paulson (20,000 words) An illness grounds the Eagle pilots at the same time a promising planet comes in range. Does Alpha risk it all in the hopes of a permanent home?
- Temblor - Man from Atlantis short story by Deb Walsh (20,000 words) When unexplained vibrations rock the Antarctic scientific base, the Navy calls in the Cetacean and their resident underwater expert, Mark Harris. But who can they call on when Mark is trapped inside the glacier, with something unfriendly on its way?
- Shards - Star Trek TOS short story by Deb Walsh (12,000 words) The annual Saavadrin wind race is a right of passage for Vulcan males, but what happens when a Vulcan-human hybrid takes to the water in a one-manned craft with unVulcanly origins?
- Duet - Star Trek TOS short story by Deb Walsh (2,000 words) Ambassador Soval entertains an unexpected guest at Starfleet Academy - but can his old friend get past his own pain to reach out to his son?
- Coda - Star Trek TOS short story by Deb Walsh (3,000 words) In his first year at Starfleet Academy, Spock of Vulcan finds he doesn't fit in on Earth any more than he fit in on Vulcan. But when his resident advisor proposes a novel solution, has he struck the right note?
- Finding Hope - Star Wars: A New Hope short story by KatBear (9,000 words) Can Ben Kenobi guide the hot-headed Luke Skywalker along the right path, or is he doomed to repeat the failure of Anakin Skywalker?
- Gloom - Fantastic Journey short story by Deb Walsh (23,000 words) The travelers find themselves in a zone where everything is dead or dying, but when two of their party are taken captive, can they get everyone out of the zone before the zone claims more lives?
- Connection - The Questor Tapes short story by Deb Walsh (3,000 words) When the end of his mission appears to be on the horizon, how will Questor break the news to his old friend Jerry Robinson?
- Portfolios for Star Wars, Man from Atlantis, Space: 1999, Man from U.N.C.L.E. and other fandoms popular in the '70s, with art by Joni Wagner (cover), Leah Rosenthal, Gordon Carleton, Cheryl Frasure, Monica Miller, Laura Quiles, Romanse, Mary Bloemker, and Deb Walsh.
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 7
Deb Walsh began publication of this zine title in the 1970s, then went on to publish in many other fandoms, and eventually this title was dormant. She was prompted a few years ago to produce a new issue. And I'm including it on this list because . . . well, after so many recent years of seeing the results of what I call "cookie-cutter" and "assembly line" zine production (and, yes, there are rare exceptions), it was delightful to have an old-fashioned, honest-to-ghu fanzine in my hands once more. I called my friends with that proclamation, and they got their own copies and were equally delighted.In this case I am familiar with the various shows included in the zine (ST: TOS, Space: 1999. Man from Atlantis, Star Wars, Fantastic Journey, The Questor Tapes) but, even if it were covering fandoms completely unknown to me, I would have purchased it anyway. Deb Walsh is an editor/publisher I have always trusted completely. She puts the maximum amount of deliberation and care into what she presents. As she states in her Editorial, "Doing a zine is more than just collecting fiction into a paper archive for me. Doing a zine is creating a personality and an arc to a publication, tying it together with a graphic look, a feel, connecting with reader so that s/he learns something about the authors and artists."
As far as I am concerned, that statement should be adopted by all of fandom as the Official Zine Editor's Creed.
And, from the beautiful Joni Wagner color SW illo on the front cover to the delicate scratchboard ST:TMP work of Cheryl Frashure on the back cover (both lovingly printed on parchment paper stock) and every page in between, Deb "'walked the walk" in this zine. [25]
- ^ [ title=Deb's memories and fiction links {{{title}}}], Archived version
- ^ Main Moonbeam Page, Archived version.
- ^ The editor of "Moonbeam" says: "I believed for almost 30 years that it was in fact the first primarily Star Wars fiction fanzine, but I recently learned that Skywalker, the exceptional Star Wars zine edited by Bev Clark, was in fact first by a couple of weeks. Ah well. I was still one of the first, and probably the first on the East Coast.."Main Moonbeam Page, Archived version.
- ^ Actually, according to the dates on the zines themselves, "Moonbeam" was first; perhaps there was an understood wiggle-room with the distribution?
- ^ From Nancy Duncan in "Against the Sith's" editorial: "We know of two other SW zines so far, Hyperspace .... and Skywalker." This statement is contradicted in December 1985 by the editor of "Skywalker," Bev Clark, in comments to Southern Enclave #10: "AGAINST THE SITH came out a few weeks before SKYWALKER, no more than six. Neither was the first SW fanzine, exactly. The very first fanzine was a small, poorly produced effort out of Long Beach, called THE FORCE; it was more like a traditional SF fanzine in that it didn't have much fiction. It was also what is bluntly called in SF fandom, a crudzine. The first fanzine to print all SW fiction, though admittedly as a single issue of a fanzine that was not devoted to SW to the exclusion of all else, was MOONBEAM 3, which came out in the late fall of 1977 or the early spring of 1978 before either AGAINST THE SITH or SKYWALKER, at any rate. SKYWALKER was certainly in preparation by then, however, it began in September, 1977." It appears that either Bev Clark is mis-remembering the date of her own fanzine's publication, or there is a difference of opinion about what constitutes the "beginning" of a zine, and that perhaps Clark is referring to when she first started collecting material, rather to when the zine was available to fans.
- ^ Deb Walsh's Zines - Moonbeam, Archived version
- ^ Main Moonbeam Page, Archived version.
- ^ from Scuttlebutt #7
- ^ from ComLoC #5
- ^ "The Small Enemy" was to have been published in the proposed zine "The Voyager" #2, a zine that did not make it off the ground. It is unknown if this story was printed elsewhere.
- ^ from ComLoC #8
- ^ Main Moonbeam Page, Archived version.
- ^ Main Moonbeam Page, Archived version.
- ^ Zine Month in Special Collections by Kalmia Strong, July 2, 2012, accessed August 30, 2012
- ^ from From Star Wars to Jedi: The Fanzine Way (1985)
- ^ from From Star Wars to Jedi: The Fanzine Way (1985)
- ^ from ComLoC #8
- ^ from Fleet #23
- ^ Main Moonbeam Page, Archived version
- ^ from Alpha Newsletter #14
- ^ Main Moonbeam Page, Archived version
- ^ Main Moonbeam Page, Archived version
- ^ from ComLoC #8
- ^ The editor writes in the next Command Center: "Moonbeam #7 is in the works. The scheduled release date is being discussed among those involved in the project, and the contents are being kept a loosely-guarded secret. Artists are needed for what looks to be a monster-sized zine. No stories are needed, nor will be considered. Artists interested in illustrating part of this zine should send a sample of your work, a note explaining your preferences in illustrating and a SASE to [address redacted]."
- ^ comments by kslangley at What was your first fandom?, August 28, 2016