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The Clipper Trade Ship/Issues 1-10
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Issue 1
The Clipper Trade Ship 1, was published in December 1973. It was 3 pages long, consisted of an editorial and a few ads, and had a print run of 10 copies.
From the editorial: "What you hold before you, although it IS the first issue of TCTS, is definitely NOT worth 50¢. So let me make a deal with you: This issue will be free to you (my loss for advertising and postage) and the money you sent will be for the next issue."
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1
You're right; it wasn't worth 50¢. [1]
Issue 2
The Clipper Trade Ship 2 was published in March 1974 and contains 20 pages. The front cover is by Alan Andres, the back cover is by F. Wong, illos by T.O. Knova.

There were 175 issues printed.
The editor reported that he owned over 3000 film clips. A fan has an ad in the back of this issue that claimed she owned over 8500 film clips.
From the editorial:
After months of effort (that doesn't [sic] show), welcome to the second issue of TCTS.
TCTS has come a long way since the first issue (which was 3 pages long, consisted of an editorial and a few ads, and had a print run of 10 copies). And TCTS has a long way to go. I'm new at this business at [sic] putting out a fanzine, and you would not believe the difficulties one can come across in doing so. (Special thanks to Alan Andres for the cover—he submitted it right on the deadline, and it just so happened that the cover I commissioned someone else to do wasn't ready.)
Optimistically, the quality of TCTS can't get worse. But YOUR help is needed to make TCTS a success; fandom needs a marketplace for filmclips. Star Trek and otherwise, and other Star Trek items.
Like all fanzines, TCTS could use articles, stories, and art—not necessarily Star Trek—and I'd appreciate some submissions. However, since the treasury contains cobwebs, the best I could afford to pay you upon acceptance is a free issue or ad space. But most of all, TCTS needs paying advertisers. As it stands now, the ads rates barely pay for the cost of the ad. I'm not putting TCTS out for a profit (what profit??), but rather in the interest of clip collecting. So ADVERTISE! SUBSCRIBE!! SUBMIT!
THIS ISSUE: This issue is mostly made up of a one act skit that was part of an unfinished series (or part of a 3 or 4 act play with each act independent of itself) of satires on STAR TREK called "START WRECK.' Unlike other ST satires, the cast members' names have not been changed, providing an interesting effect. Feel free to act it or tape it. Unfortunately (fortunately?) there is only one more of this series available, which will be printed in a future issue. Any printable comments, send them to me, please; I'll forward them to its author.
THE NEXT ISSUE: If possible, an interview with the most [c]omplete Star Trek fan. See you then.
Also from the editor, see more about these cons in later issues of TCTS:
CONVENTIONS: Not one, but TWO Star Trek conventions are being planned for the San Francisco Bay Area, both are being put on by George Senda of Duotronics, and by the northern California S.T.A.R. chapter. North STAR Con 1 will be held November 8-11 at the San Francisco Airport Hilton. Membership will be very limited. North STAR Con II will be held in March 1975 at the Jack Taar Hotel.
- Editorial (2)
- News (2)
- Identiclip: Care for Film Clips (article) Jim Rondeau (3)
- "The Overlord", satirical ST radio play by T. Knova, featuring murderous mutants, telekinetic twins, a built-in bar disguised as a computer bank, and one very bad cold. (4)
- Ads (18)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2
I got TCTS #2 and I don't think it was worth 50¢. I haven't read the “START WRECK” satire yet but that's all there was to that issue except your first two pages, the ads, and the front and back covers (fair art). I think you should've included some of your blooper shots or some such special page. Sorry, I was looking at the ad rates and you state “no photos”! Are your interior pages run by mimeo with offset covers? Your stencils were overtyped widthwise so many of the words on either end were cut off. I think I'll do some articles for free issues if I can find the time. I'd like to see TCTS survive, too. I think 25¢ would have been more reasonable but I don't know how much printing costs were so I can't judge. Best. [2]
I liked TCTS very much. That satire was idiotic, silly, degrading, and has no redeeming social value whatsoever—but I loved it! What do you mean your artists can't draw a straight line? That illustration of the spaceship was very good! [3]
Dear Jim. I just received TCTS #2 in the mail yesterday. I enjoyed it and think it was well worth the 50¢. [4]
Issue 3
The Clipper Trade Ship 3 was published in July 1974 and contains 20 pages. The front cover is by Signe Landon, the back cover by D. Collin, and it has illos by D. Herring and J.A. Tyler.
100 copies were printed.
From the editorial:
Since I started TCTS, my mail has increased ten-fold....This issue, as many of you have noticed, is late. That is because of school, construction projects, and a lack of articles, ads, and stories to fill this issue. (To have art printed throughout is too expensive.) At least by now, I've gotten enough for this issue. However, I am greatly disappointed in the response to the main purpose of TCTS.
The main purpose of TCTS is to promote film clip collecting, and to provide a marketplace for clips, Star Trek items, and movie items. So: for all my advertising, where are the clip collectors TCTS is supposed to be nonprofit. It is, but then, I wonder if I'll ever break even. Is TCTS a worthwhile adventure?
Also from the editorial:
...this may shock you: Although I like Star Trek and wouldn't mind its return, I do not wish to actively participate in campaigning for its revival. There seems to be too much influence by Roddenberry to use Star Trek to further his own pocketbook. For example, when ST was cancelled after second season, and the fans wrote it back on the air, NBC accused Roddenberry of inciting the fans to do so. (Or so I've been told.) Roddenberry claimed to have nothing to do with the save ST campaign. However, Lincoln Enterprises, owned by his wife, was actively campaigning to save ST (as it is still doing today). And look how much Lincoln Enterprises is capitalizing off of ST... Don't get me wrong; I'm not anti-Gene Roddenberry. He is a fine man and great producer who created the best go-between for science fiction fans and the rest of the world. But let him keep his hands clean.
The editor also notes:
The two Star Trek conventions for San Francisco mentioned last issue will NOT take place; I was given a bum steer. [George S], the initiator of those cons, is now in jail, and that's all I can find out.
- Indenticlip (2)
- Editorial (3)
- two EquiCon Reports, con reports one by Signe Landon, one by Jim Rondeau, see EquiCon (5)
- "The Rock Candy Incident", fiction Barbi Marczak (8)
- Letters of Comment (13)
- Star Trek Animation (article) by Victor Lim (14)
- Ads (16)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3
TCTS #3 was a vast improvement over the previous issue. It even looked nicer—congratulations holding a margin on the mimeo pages! It makes for easier, more pleasant reading. Concerning Victor Lim's review of the animated series. I hope he's right about the later time slot for the show next season. [snipped] Like any new zine, [TCTS] has a way to go before it rivals T-Negative, but at least improving. [5]
Many thanks for sending TCTS 3, A few comments on #3. Although I think the zine has a long way to go, this issue was an improvement. I too am disappointed in the number of ads you received. Hopefully, your appeal on page 3 brought some results. I agree with you on your capitalistic criticism of Lincoln Enterprises, however I would be careful of what you say in print. What's more I would like to quote from an issue of DECK 6 #3 (Oct. 1969), "Recent correspondence with David Gerrold reveals that out of $5.50 Lincoln Enterprises charges you for each script, the author receives only about 25¢—a mere 5%. This skimpy cut (as opposed to the usual 15%) is possible, so we hear, because of some legal loophole involving ownership of Lincoln." They concluded that about $3.50 in profit is made on each script (175%). Another issue printed some rather strong words by D. Gerrold against Lincoln. Whether this is true, I don't know. I have two friends who were probably the only ST fans ever to visit Lincoln. One said the place is full of boxes of clips, and they expect to be selling clips for the next ten years at the present rate. Don't quote me on any of this as it is all hearsay. If you would like me to dig up more of the info on Lincoln I could do so.
I agree with you also about the revival of ST. Personally, I would rather have a totally new cast of characters and a new ship. I'm afraid if it were done with the old stars, the show would become "camp." Secondly, I hope it would reach above some of the standards Roddenberry's other recent features (Questor excluded).
You might write Richard Arnold about the legalities of selling clips. He knows the details and has told me on occasions, but I forget. I think Lincoln is the only licensed dealer to sell unmounted clips, however, anyone can get away with selling mounted clips—something like that.
There are a bunch of notes I would like to ask you about: Are you sure that fellow got the "Questor" clips at the trash can at Warner's? Why would the film be shot at Universal and edited at Warners? I would be very skeptical of the story. A note from Lincoln told me about a year ago that there were plans to sell GII [6] and Questor clips in the near future.
I think I once heard that Lincoln E's address in the phone book is a phony to keep people away. Rumor?
I might also mention that I will be very surprised if you obtain many more title shows than the ones you already have. This is the reason: It appears that all film clips of opticals, like any other clips, are discards of shots that didn't appear in the finished print. It those particular episodes that you have titles from, I seem to remember that the title was maintained over more than one specific shot. For instance in "A Private Little War" let's say the title fades in on a shot of the transporter platform as Kirk and Spock beam in- The shot changes to a CU of Scotty at the controls with the title still supered and then slowly fades out. This only happened in a very few episodes. So there would be some excess footage with the title over the shot. This is also true of beaming in shots and that's why they're so rare. As titles are faded in and faded out there wouldn't be any excess footage.
By the way, that "idiotic scene" from I MUDD that you mentioned was an example of color defraction as Gerrold mentioned in The Worlds of Star Trek. As I heard it, this was a shot supposedly taken from the two Alices' point of view as they started to malfunction.
Oh, the gravestone from "Where No Man" reads: "James R. Kirk, 1277.I-1818.7"
That's all. LL&P [7]
This is a belated reaction to TCTS 3...
First of all, I think I'd better mention that according to [Dan F] of the Cinema Shop, [George S] is not in jail. This is why I mentioned, when I first told you of [George S], that you might contact Star Trek Archives about him; just for the sake of confirmation. With my luck, he's already contacted you about this with a libel suit.
I was interested in your articles on Equicon. They were very easy to read and showed their authors' enthusiasm, and I only wish they went into greater detail about events there, especially if some information that wouldn't be known to anyone who simply attended.
I would, however, like to express some thoughts of my own about your comments on the spirit of the attendees. Admittedly, this was my first full-time con, having only attended bits and pieces of Westercon XXVI the year before. And you may be right in that the fans who came were subdued in the first place; I say that by comparing the crush for the dealers room at Westercon the first day and the comparative calm at Equicon. However, I'd like to suggest that the con committee may have done some homework on group behavior. For example, there were more events happening more often. There was, therefore, less of a crush and less need to run between events. Also, there were assurances that everyone would have a chance at what they wanted. Take Doohan's talk. The photographers had their chance at the beginning. The autograph hounds were told they'd have a chance later on, and the crush wasn't too bad.
Such an approach would have an effect on the general spirit of the fans, a relaxing effect. And I think an effective comparison can be made with the International Star Trek Con, as reported by Margaret Basta in Star-Borne #13. According to her, it might be safe to describe that con as over-crowded and under scheduled with events. As such, the attendees were more "spirited"; all the fanzines on display were stolen on the first day. Ms. Basta says she didn't know of one zine that was stolen at Equicon. It is not likely that such a difference in ST fans of the coasts comes naturally; the con's approach to handling them must have something to do with it.
Victor Lim's analysis of the animated Star Trek was handled very well, and I am in agreement with much of what he says, especially in regards to the dialog. (Most witticisms about Mr. Spock were confined to the line, "I believe I've already said that.") All I could add to this article is some additional information. As far as I can find out, Mark Lenard, Roger C. Carmel, and Stanley Adams did the voices for Sarek, Mudd, and Jones, and Ed ("UFO") Bishop was the voice of the prosecutor of Megas-Tu.
It would be safe to say I'd like to see more news in TCTS. For example, do you know the final dope on Eyecon? I've heard the news up to where "the bums said their "memberships" could be transferred to Equicon. Has anything more come of this mess? [8]
- At the time I wrote about [George S], he was indeed in jail, according to the ST Archives; and no libel suit has been filed. Perhaps no fanzines at Equicon were ripped off because not one attendee in ten could tell you where the fanzine room could be found; it was stuck in a little out of the way room that I only found because it was on the way to my room. News is hard to come by for TCTS. By the time TCTS is printed, most news over the three month period is old, like: William Shatner was host of the New York Miss Teen-Age contest (or something like that), or who will be in the Planet of the Apes TV series. My only source of news is LOCUS and people who write to me. And what kind of news does everyone want? — Jim R. [9]
Issue 4
The Clipper Trade Ship 4 was published in September 1974 and contains 42 pages. The front cover is by T.O. Knova, the back cover by Debbie Collin, and it has illos by J. Alan Tyler.

There were 175 issues printed. This issue was not printed mimeo but multilith.
- The Editor Speaks (1)
- "Diana's Revenge", a Start Wreck episode by Terrence Oswald Knova (3)
- Alan E. Andres on Star Trek (14)
- The Anniversary by Debbie Collin (also in One Trek Mind #4 12/1975) (21)
- Letters (24)
- "Black Castle of Chrome", a science fiction story by Darien L. Webster (26)
- Diverse Verse (29)
- "The Ribbles Revolt" by F. Wong (31)
- "Identiclip: On Identifying Star Trek Film Clips" (article) by Jim Rondeau (35)
- Fanzine Reviews (38)
- a review of Parmen's Corner, see that page
- a review of The Communicator #3, see that page
- a review of Star Trek '74, see that page
- a review of Incredible Star Trek Book, see that page
- "Thought for the Day: The Rock" (article) by Darien L. Wyckoff (39)
- More Diverse Verse (39)
- Ads (40)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 4
Glad you liked the story! ANNIVERSARY is my own answer to a proposed script called "Joanna" that was scrapped by the powers that be. McCoy's daughter was to have come abroad and fallen in love with Captain Kirk. Blah. Too predictable. Much better to have her fall for Spock! POOR MCCOY! So I changed everything but the daughter's name. My only source, by the way, is that little paragraph on page 241 of MAKING OF ST. Ta-da! See what can happen with a mean, nasty mind? POOR MCCOY!!
I agree about the weak ending. I know... I hate stories that end: "and then he woke up." S*I*G*H. Enlosed find an alternate. More valid, I think. At any rate, it's better than the old lurching ship. I didn't want to go into time travel; it would shift the focus away from the story itself. Likewise no alternate universe.
That didn't leave much. I couldn't very well make the good doctor a mad glue sniffer or something... [10]
Unlike its name implies, this zine is not wholly devoted to film-clips. It prints some fiction and articles. Unfortunately, there is nothing very memorable in this issue except a transcription of a speech given by Gene Roddenberry at the Univ. of New Hampshire. The ST satire is mundanely handled and the other story fairly forgettable. The printing on the other hand is quite nice and very readable. If the advertising section were larger and the stories could be a bit better this would be a pretty good fanzine. [11]
Issue 5
The Clipper Trade Ship 5 was published in December 1974 and contains 20 pages. The front cover is by L. Cranston, the back cover by D. Collin.
150 copies were made.
- The Editor Speaks (2)
- Witching Hour, fiction by Debbie Collin (also in One Trek Mind #5, and in Star Trek Prospers #8) (3)
- And Now the News (9)
- Star Trek on Radio, article by David Clark (10)
- The Consolation, fiction by Barbi Marczak (12)
- a review of The Star Trek Scene Annual #1, see that page
- Ads (15)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 5
Though it was a bit shorter than usual, nevertheless I really enjoyed the December issue. D. Collins "Witching Hour" was well written; particularly the final scene in the hall with the apparitions, etc. Her descriptive phrases painted an extremely clear picture in my mind. Also, D. Clark's "Star Trek on Radio" was skillfully written, and extremely interesting with regards to the technical information it presented. And to you the editor, may I say that your one page opening message in each issue is probably the highlight of it all. Your down-to-earth (up-in-space?), personalized style of writing is fun to read. I like it. Ah, well, time to go. I have to find that Motoslybnian outpost by nightfall. [12]
I see that my subscription to The Clipper Trade Ship has expired – can't have THAT! So enclosed, if I don't forget, will be my check for $2.00 it going!I enjoy your efforts very much -- am especially fond of Debbie Collin's art and stories – you are most fortunate to have her at your beck and call! She is becoming famous – having illustrated a story of mine that is included in Sharon Emily's SHOWCASE II, and also being part of the fabulous Energize, which cut a tremendous swath through the New York ST con last week!
Hang on to her! [13]
A young friend of mine lent me his TCTS #4 which was purchased at the Red Hour Festival. I found the zine such an outstanding work and your attitude so energetic that I felt I had to write.
I have a few comments on the Clipper Trade Ship. The cover was well done (the art was good also but you sure could use some on the inside) and of a good texture to keep the contents from being bent and wrinkled, however this was not true for the back cover. The exposed back page and a few before became dirty and bent from lack of a heavy back cover. I hope you can correct this. I did not see any of the previous publications so I can't compare printing quality, however I can give you a few comments on #4 alone. I found the printing clear and well centered, however fading was evident as you pointed out. In the letter section you could have done a bit more explaining when you replied to the correspondence. A case in point is Mr. Senda.
I've heard of him before, in connection with the Archives who recently 'disassociated' themselves with him. This sounds an awful like The "Star Trek Convention/Albert Shuster case that I am also uninformed on. Could you please enlighten me on any of these cases? Beyond these I found your fanzine to be enjoyable and knowledgeable. ((Editor: My brevity in my response to George Senda in TCTS 4 was because of a longer statement I made in TCTS 3. I will not repeat them at this time, because others fear I might get a libel suit slapped against me. And I don't know any of the reasons for the New York con/Shuster split; sorry.)) [14]
Issue 6
The Clipper Trade Ship #6 was published in April 1975 and contains 30 pages. The front and back covers are by Debbie Collin. The interior illos are by Signe Landon. The typewriter used was owned by Mike Siladi.
150 copies were published. "The first 50 issues are numbered."
It was in this issue that the editorial was first called "The Captain's Cabin."

- "In the Captains Cabin", editorial (2) (includes a con report for The Red Hour Festival, see that page)
- "The Compleat Star Trek Fan" by Terrence Oswald Knova (4)
- "By Destiny We Abide" by David L. Wyckoff (9)
- "Pity About This Place", vignette, no author listed (14)
- "Winds of Destiny", poem, no author listed (14)
- "Gene Roddenberry Speaks at Stanford (transcript, part one) (16)
- Fanzine Reviews (19)
- a review of Sol III #1 and #2, see that page
- a review of Sol Plus, see that page
- a review of The Communicator V.3 N.2, see that page
- "Identiclip: Primer on Film Clip Collecting" (article) by Jim Rondeau (21)
- "Letters to the Editor" (22)
- The Cargo Hold," ads (24)
Issue 7
The Clipper Trade Ship #7 was published July 1975 and contains 40 pages. The front cover is by Steve Dixon, the back cover by Debbie Collin, the illos are by Signe Landon, Lizette Leveille, Mike Lynch, and J. Alan Tyler.
150 copies were printed.

- "In the Captain's Cabin", editorial (2)
- "Gene Roddenberry Speaks at Stanford" (transcript, part two) (3)
- "Pet", fiction by Barbi Marczak (part one; the second part is "The Trespassers" in the next issue) (9)
- "I-They", fiction vignette by Randy Carlson (18)
- "Films We'd Like to Have Film Clips From" (19)
- "Whatever Happened to EquiCon?", con report Debbie Collin (22)
- "The Cargo Hold", ads (32)
- Barbarella, movie review with photos by Jim Rondeau
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 7
There were two pieces of fiction in this issue of TCTS. One is the first part of a story called 'Pet' by Barbara Marczak, which I found rather hard to follow. Also a short poem by Randy Carlson, interesting. The real outstanding feature of this zine is an article on Gene Roddenberry's speech at Stanford University; I thought it was very enjoyable. A review of Equicon by Debbie Collin was also interesting and humorous. Debbie called this year's con 'a dismal, disappointing failure,' The editorial dragged at times; 'Films We'd Like to Have Film Clips From,' had some nice screened photos (too bad they weren't ST), but I didn't care for the corresponding text on Barbarella. The ad section kind of shocked me though, since everything I had read so far in the zine indicated it was a Strekzine; it advertised every kind of clip from Jaws to Kahn. I would much prefer ads from people who wanted ST clips (and there were some) exclusively. In spite of the non-ST overtones, I would recommend this fanzine to anyone who is seriously interesting in collecting ST filmclips. [15]
Your TCTS #7 is the best issue to date. The inclusion of Barbarella was most welcome. With respect towards all Star Trek devotees j, I am glad you have added a new, how shall we call it? — dimension to TCTS. Star Trek stories stressed the search for now worlds and ideas, and diversity in the content makes for a better tale — the same should be done for? all ST based fanzines. One can't simply ignore the existence of other SF stories (TV or films), as some Trekkers (Trekkies or Grokkers) have done — so thanks for putting a wrinkle into the editor's pipe... er. Sherlock Jim-.. Debbie Collin's summary of Equicon was amusing — keep her articles coming, not to mention all her artwork. [16]
I got my copy of the Clipper Ship and read most of it but couldn't read all of your editorial as when I turned to p. 29; the lettering in the middle of the page was obliterated. I also read the article on the convention and enjoyed it thoroughly, but I'm afraid I don't completely agree with her though on one thing. I definitely agree it was disorganized. But there were lots of other things to see concerning Star Trek other than the episodes which were shown at the inconvenient times; though I guess that would be very important if they aren't shown in your area. Also I didn't spend much time in the Hucksters Room and wasn't looking for clips so I didn't notice their lack. I'm glad I didn't have her luck with her roommate. Mine were very nice. She doesn't mention anything about the panels which were very good; at least I enjoyed them, and the award dinner also and the show at the Space Center, I did hear from others about the lousy service etc that they had at the hotel which didn't effect me as I stayed at the Royal Inn at the wharf. [17]
Issue 8
The Clipper Trade Ship 8 was published in October 1975 and contains 35 pages.
The front cover is by S. Dixon, the back cover is by D. Collin, the interior illos are by Melody Frame, Doug Herring, Terrence Oswald Knova, Signe Landon, J. Alan Tyler, and C.L. Healy.
200 copies were printed.
In previous issues of TCTS, the editor, Jim Rondeau, had been pointing out the confusions and misinformation with Paramount regarding merchandising licensing. From this issue's editorial:
For this issue, I received an ad from someone of the Star Trek Welcommittee that had a "political" comment in it: [18]
"Also, in the last issue of TCTS, there was a plug for VIDEO HOUSE. I have in my possession a letter from a reputable individual that states that Video House products are illegal. in spite of what their flyers state (merchandise manufactured under license copyrighted 1974, etc.). If this outfit is illegal, and you order film clips from them, you are robbing Gene Roddenberry!...."
Hold it. Everyone knows that Gene Roddenberry's wife Majel owns Lincoln Enterprises, the major source of ST film clips. But are their film clips legal?
Five months ago, I received this letter from Paramount's legal department:
- Dear Mr. Rondeau:
- In response to your letter dated April 15, 1975, regarding the above-referenced matter, please be advised that Paramount controls and owns all copyrights in and to Star Trek and therefore no such merchandise can be sold without Paramount permission. Star Trek licenses are granted on a non-exclusive one-time basis only for Star Trek merchandise to be sold at specific conventions. The license fee consists of an initial payment of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) plus ten percent (10%) of your gross receipts.
- If you wish to obtain a license for a specific convention, please notify me in writing of the items you wish to sell and the date and the name of the : convention at which you wish to sell such items. I will then take the necessary steps in preparing the license.
- You stated in your letter some of the items you may possibly want to sell, among which were film clips and slides. Please be advised that Paramount :does not license the sale of Star Trek film clips and slides.
- We sincerely appreciate your continued interest in "Star Trek".
- Sincerely, (signed) Jeffrey S. Robin"
- In the Captain's Cabin, editorial (2)
- The Trespassers, fiction by Barbi Marczak (It is a sequel to "The Pet," in the previous issue.) (3)
- The Reluctant Fan (report on Roddencon) T.O. Knova (13)
- Semaphore Signals, letters (20)
- The Cargo Hold, ads (27)
Issue 9
The Clipper Trade Ship 9 was published in January 1976 and contains 33 pages. The front cover is by John P. Alexander, the back cover by Debbie Collin. The illos are by Doug Herring, Gennie Summers, J. Alan Tyler, and Signe Landon.
The editor notes that "Approximately 300 copies of this issue were printed, far too many to number by hand anymore."
Due to paper cost increases and increases with the postal service, the price has gone from 50¢ to 75¢. You can also get a copy for "8 good film clips."
From the fan report -- Roddenberry's plans about the new movie:
- 1) There will be a Star Trek movie to be released in the winter of 1976. It is tentatively entitle[d] STAR TREK II.
- 2) Special effects will be used extensively. The Magician system will be used. The main sets consisting of the bridge, sickbay, transporter room, etc., will be rebuilt.
- 3) Earth will be shown in the 22nd century. Roddenberry believes at this time the planet's industry and technology will have moved underground. The plantlife, wildlife, and all humans will live in harmony on the surface.
- 4) The USS Enterprise will be the ship used with a few interior modifications.
- 5) All original actors have been appropriated.
- 6) A script has been accepted by Paramount. Roddenberry and three notable sci-fi writers worked on the script, one of which was Lester Del Rey.
- 7) Paramount ran a survey which stated that there are ten million potential ticket buyers for the Star Trek movie. The movie budget is 4-5 million dollars„ Paramount could make over 50 million dollars. NBC has stated that if the movie is a success, they want the show back on the air. It would not return as a sixty minute program, but as a ninety minute program which would appear once a month.
- 8) A major article about Star Trek will appear in Newsweek magazine. A time has not been set.
- "Star Trek II", article by Steven K. Dixon about a presentation by Gene Roddenberry on Sunday December 7, 1975 at a press conference at Memphis State University about a "Star Trek" movie, which would become Star Trek: The Motion Picture (first page, unnumbered)
- In the Captain's Cabin, editorial (2)
- The Wind's Will, fiction by Debbie Collin (also in One Trek Mind #5, Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 14/15, and The Best of Amanda and Sarek) (3)
- untitled poem by Tina Carlson (8)
- "The Tempest" as a Classic in the Modern Day Fields of Fantasy and Science Fiction, article by Jim Rondeau (9)
- Rollerbore, or "Norman Jewison is no Stanley Kubrick," a review of "Rollerball," by "Eel Strebor" (17)
- Patience by Ronald T. Rosenborough (22)
- Star Trek vs. Space:1999: When Worlds Collide, article by Debbie Collin (24)
- The Cargo Hold, ads (26)
Issue 10
The Clipper Trade Ship 10 was published in April 1976 and contains 34 pages. The front cover is by Dave Schow, the back cover is by Debbie Collin, the illos are by J.P. Alexander, L. Heiler, and J.A. Tyler.
300 copies were printed.
From the editorial, strong words on money and sex:
The year is 1976, America's Bicentennial, Star Trek's "Trektennial", the year of the Star Trek movie, and much more. Lincoln Enterprises has issued a new catalog for the event, and Star Trek is being pushed greater than before. Commercialism and professionalism is taking Star Trek fandom by storm in far greater proportions than ever before, and that much ripoff by both certain business people and the Roddenberrys make me sick. Being a science fiction fan and possibly a collector of science fiction movie/TV memorabilia is one thing, but to be a mindless slave to a cult, buying anything with "Star Trek" scrawled on its underbelly; live, breathe, talk, eat, and excrete nothing but Star Trek, that must certainly be some kind of sickness. Do YOU own a Unisex Klingon Warning Whistle? Do YOU go into severe withdrawal symtoms [sic] when a Star Trek episode is interrupted for "an important announcement", such as New York was just H-bombed?
I like Star Trek. I collect Star Trek film clips, photos, books, scripts, and a few other things. I edit a Star Trek oriented (but not exclusive) fanzine. But I do not consider myself a trekkie, trekkiepoo, trekker, trekfan, trekiac, two lose la trek, trekite, or any other such pitifully limited in scope thing. I am a science fiction fan, and that already brands me as a dangerous person.
I do not really care to know why Star Trek has such a vast cult, but I am curious as to why so much of Star Trek fan fiction is or nearly is pornography. Such stories you will never find here in TCTS as long as I'm its editor, because I don't believe Star Trek stories need sex. ("Gosh, Margaret, look at those two stories over there! Obscene!") ~ Which is probably why I have such a hard time getting Star Trek stories to print here, and why subscriptions are falling. But I do manage to find something for each issue.
This issue was almost postponed 3 months. Graduate school has kept me quite busy, and my courses are so difficult that I shall probably drop out of the optical sciences program. Add to that the fact that I am now a comnittee-person on DesertCon IV (which will be over by the time you read this), in charge of — what else? — slide shows, besides working on other things, DesertCon IV, for those of you who care, had Gene Roddenberry, Robert Silverberg, Edmond Hamilton, Leigh Bracket, Don Davis, and Robert Wise (producer of Andromeda Strain, Hindenburg, etc). If it didn't go well, we had a public lynching of the committee, in which case next issue will feature a new editor. I do hereby will and bequeath the editorship of TCTS to Diane Howarth in that event.
- In the Captain's Cabin, editorial (2)
- Strange Signal, Star Trek fiction by Joan Bennett (3)
- TV or Not TV, poem by Christiane Klee (parody riff on Hamlet's speech "To Be or Not To Be") (19)
- A Night With Young Frankenstein, review by Frances Wong (20)
- The Outer Limits": Ahead of its Time" by Dave Schow (22)
- The Cargo Hold, ads (30)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 10
I received THE CLIPPER TRADE SHIP #10 last month and enjoyed it tremendously!
David Schow's article, "The Outer Limits: Ahead of Its Time," was the high point of the issue. It is a rare event indeed to read an informative summary of a defunct tv show that is written with the enthusiasm and flavor of a demoted fan that captures the reader's interest from beginning to end. Buried memories were revived as Schow described the various episodes he did. And I sympathize with his view that THE OUTER LIMITS deserves more attention than it is getting. But I don't understand why he harbors such hard feelings toward STAR TREK.
Which brings me to "In the Captain's Cabin." I see you are continuing your tradition of lambasting STAR TREK's fandom, not that I mind — a good verbal thrashing now and then is needed to keep a fan in line. But nowhere in this issue did I see an editorial supporting the series. True, you did have a STAR TREK story. But that's not a direct editorial comment.
Like yourself, I get fed up with the invasion of STAR TREK's fandom by commercialism and professionalism. Like yourself, I dread the label of trekkie-fan, even more so. But I don't own a Klingon Unisex Warning Whistle. I don't buy anything and everything with "Star Trek" scrawled on its underbelly. I haven't exploded in a fit of outrage because the MIDAMERICON committee decided not to include any STAR TREK". programming for the convention — actually, it will be a relief to attend a non-ST con for a change.
You see, I'm head of a local ST fan club, I run a national ST/SF club, and I attend ST conventions. If someone in our little town of 150,000 wants to know something about ST, they come running to me. And , if they have some grudge against ST, they also run to me. It turns my stomach to see the uniform-clad "trekkie" with the plastic pointed ears plastered all over national television when a network decides to report on a ST con. It seems these reporters refuse to realize that serious Star Trek fans exist --the organizers, the true supporter. The guys and gals dressed in college clothes that sit quietly at a table in the corner discussing how they can work toward getting some serious sci-fi back on television. No, it doesn't have to be STAR TREK; it doesn't even have to be by Gene Roddenberry. It could even be a new OUTER LIMITS. But STAR TREK serves as a pillar around which this work can be centered, and the show has set a standard that is hard to beat.
But STAR TREK means something else to me. Because, if I hadn't become involved in ST's fandom, I never would have learned about Science Fiction's fandom, and my interest in SF would never have grown. So, I have ST to thank for that. [19]
I got TCTS #10 the other day. Pretty good issue. TCTS #10 wasn't the best issue yet; I believe that honor goes to #7. But it did have some interesting articles. The story was terrible. I didn't especially like the OUTER LIMITS article — it was alright, but it de-glorified Star Trek, and well, when you do that, it gets on a true ST fan's nerves. (By the by, I don't buy all this ST crap you spoke about, Enterprise squirt guns, etc., but I don't let all that commercialism bother me. I think if those companies are going to put out that crap, it isn't my fault they have to try to dress it up with the words "Star Trek." [20]
I received TCTS #10, and feel it's quite worth shelling out $3.00 for 5 more issues. The synopsis of Ellison's "Demon With the Glass Hand," is especially good; there seems to be a resurgence of interest in OUTER LIMITS, which is all the more deserving of attention as a uniquely sophisticated series too often overlooked. It scared the bejabbers out of me as a kid, and I wish the networks would pick it up again in syndication. I quite agree that the people who indulge in fanatic Trekkism are suffering from some disorder (probably mental), but they're the same sort of people who'd rather watch the third rerun of S.W.A.T. than see Robards and Dewhurst in "A Moon For The Misbegotten." They just happen to attach their fanaticism to Star Trek, and such people aren't worth getting frustrated over. Word is going round that Paramount is getting awfully tight fisted now that ST II seems to be a coming reality; it's ironic that the movie may be a very detrimental thing to ST fandom through the professional greed its production seems to arouse. What I'd really like to see in the ST movie is the very best SF whatsodamnever that Gene Roddenberry can bring to the screen) and the correction of some of the numerous flaws present in the TV series. If Paramount doesn't give Roddenberry the freedom to -- for once — fully realize the potential of the show, then they might as well forget the whole thing. (Tstc, tsk — such heresy.) At any rate, I'll be looking forward to #11. [21]
THE CLIPPER TRADE SHIP is primarily a medium for trading film clips from STAR TREK and QUESTOR. However, it is becoming a genzine in its own right. Also, in issue #10 is a short story by Joanne Bennet, "Strange Signal", in which al most no character is in character, but that's the story's only fault. The action and suspense are fair and the story ends well, unlike most fan fiction. Next is a review of the Mel Brooks classic, "Young Frankenstein." Unfortunately, it seems to be a rehash of everything else that was written on the movie. The review is followed by a critique/essay called "The Outer Limits Ahead of its Time" by Dave Schow. The article is well-written; Schow successfully recaps some of the memorable episodes to illustrate his points. To close this issue is "The Cargo Hold", Jim's advertising section. Here can be found a collage of ST filmclips and other collectables. It's a very readable zine, recommended to all filmclip collectors and other interested parties. [22]
- ^ In the second issue, the editor reported he received this comment from a fan
- ^ LoC in The Clipper Trade Ship #3 07/1974
- ^ from an LoC by Signe Landon in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #3
- ^ LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #3
- ^ from an LoC in The Clipper Trade Ship #4
- ^ Genesis II
- ^ from an LoC in The Clipper Trade Ship #4
- ^ from a LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #4
- ^ from a LoC by the editor, a reply to another letter in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #4
- ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #4
- ^ from Pentathlon #3
- ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #6
- ^ from an LoC by Shirley Maiewski in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #6
- ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #6
- ^ from The Halkan Council #10 (September 1975)
- ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #8
- ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #8
- ^ A reference to the STW's stand on... not taking stands... political or otherwise.
- ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #11
- ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #11
- ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #11
- ^ from Stardate #10 (August 1976)