User:Sobqjmv sphinx

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Name/s: Sphinx, AMR, Metltzi, Metzi, Eli, Ajax, Jaxys, Jaxx, Jinxx, Wanda, Stanley, Jayy, Blink, Racetrack, Elliot, Card, Mikey, Santiago Jones, Noh, Steph, Pluto, Kid Blink, Dyllan, Dolly, H.P., Bilvy, clusterhug, Bran, Ed, Ianto, ClusterHug Chronicles, a_a_a_m, meddlesome, even more, SolangeloForLife (formerly), EESCHU01 (formerly)
Fandom/s: writing for Stranger Things, Riordanverse, Chronicles of Narnia, Doctor Who, Batman, Daredevil, and more; editing for Newsies, Artemis Fowl, TBSATDH, Lab Rats, Nerdfighteria, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Bandom, Dark is Rising, and more
You can find me at: listed below. chat at my forum. check out my fic recs page.
On Fanlore: My contributions / email me

any name.

they/he/it/all neopronouns.

masculine, neutral, and nonhuman terms.

transmasculine genderqueer nerd.

aromantic bisexual asexual.

fanfiction writer, reader, and beta.





lurker, old archive explorer, and wayback machine enthusiast.

in fandom since circa 2018.

advanced editor.

family on Fanlore include User:TSchu01, User:Orange hazy, and User:Lucisurius.


Pretty straightforward in my brain, but I should probably cover it. Socknography definition, for anyone confused.

c. 2014-2016, watched a lot of Animal Jam YouTubers, which I have *begun* to cover? Also watched the Brony Notion and loosely considered myself a Brony, but was not really fandom involved. Attempted one or two Julian2-inspired glitch videos, though.

c. 2018, near beginning of school year, introduced by friends to, where I read and posted primarily Percy Jackson crossovers. Introduced to Wattpad, joined and posted some WIPs but mostly just quote collections and, like, Pinterest collections. Also started using Pinterest! That's the only place I have been called SolangeloForLife. Got immersed in c. 2015 Tumblr culture, especially SuperWhoLock, but took longer to start watching the shows. Still using EESCHU01 as a username.

c. 2019, movement to AO3, primarily for the filters and a little for the large numbers. Posted first fic there in May, chose not to move over older fics. Considered FFN to be for WIPs and/or things I was less proud of. Really falling out of Wattpad use. Started on the big crossover fics during testing season and posted them as WIPs to AO3. Became a beta reader for a few people.

Summer 2020 - 2021-ish, joined Bandom, first time really being *active* in fandom. Cycled through a lot of personal names, started using Sphinx less. Was very involved on Bandom Twitter, then mostly switched to using Discord (I already had it but did not use it much for fandom). Became a presence in most Bandom servers, especially band pictures! where I made my closest friends and met my partner. Also became familiar with and involved the plural community. Bandom stuff starts dying out mid- to late-2021. Start editing Pluralpedia late in 2021.

2022, regular Pluralpedia editor, fully immersed in fictive research. Insane amount of Stranger Things fics - insane for me, at least, plus some Narnia. Start hanging out in SnufflesThePig's server and make my own fic server. Start getting curious about fandom and Fanlore, collecting links, make my first pages (there was one earlier outlier).

2023 and on, pretty straightforward. I am doing the same things.


created pages.


if anyone wants to take up the challenge of explaining the lore of iDKHOW (one of the main focuses in the fandom), here's my main resource.

my main project at the moment is Newsies Offsite, an AO3 collection of early Newsies fanfiction.

previously dedicated to the pluralpedia page for Fictive, providing a long and detailed history previously undocumented, which is linked on fanlore's page. another copy is on my dreamwidth, linked below. occasionally still adding to it.

related to both of the above is my extensive list of old fansites without pages, listed at Fanlore:Wish List/Listing Sites.

Fic masterlist, not including long-form works.

List of Poly Fansites and User:Sobqjmv sphinx/List of Poly Fandom LiveJournal Communities.

Category:Spirituality & Fandom - I'm doing websites and communities and NRMs and everything


I have and do all the things:

Archive Of Our Own
Carrd, alt
Crabber (eternally asleep)
Fief Goldenlake
Ghosts (offline; only work was archived)
Internet Archive
LiveJournal (alt)
Twisting The Hellmouth
Wolverine and Rogue

If you want site invites, I might have them or know where to find them!!
Pillowfort links (not mine)


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An alphabetical list of fandoms in which I have been involved.

To-Do List

welcome to be done by anyone else -- just reminders for myself

  • all of the contents of my "Behind Blue Eyes" bookmark folder, which is primarily popular fanfiction and ships. and websites and fans it's got hundreds of things in it