The Long Path

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Title: The Long Path
Author(s): NyxEtoile, OlivesAwl
Date(s): April 17, 2018 - July 3, 2018
Length: 43,359 words; 13 chapters
Genre(s): Friendship, Developing Relationship, Het, Arranged Marriage, Pre-Canon
Fandom(s): MCU, Black Panther (2018)
External Links: The Long Path on AO3

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The Long Path is a Nakia/T'Challa fanfic published shortly after the release of Black Panther (2018). The authors, NyxEtoile and OlivesAwl, described their inspiration as, "We could not watch Nakia and T'Challa banter and tease without wondering a [sic] the history there and this is our version of it."[1]

The work is part of the AO3 collection Wakanda-Centric Fanfiction. As of March 2021, The Long Path has 293 kudos, 26 bookmarks, and 86 comments on Archive of Our Own.[2]


Recs & Reviews

"This is 43k of Nakia/T'Challa starting way pre-movie. I enjoyed seeing Wakanda and their relationship from Nakia's POV, and I liked how it got into her motivations for being a war dog, developed her friendship with Okoye, gave her a background of Dora Milaje training, etc. However, the second half of the fic is a rehash of the movie - adding a lot of detail, because Nakia's off screen a lot of the time, and it's her POV, but still I got bored and gave up around that point. And my second problem with it was that parts of it felt weird Americanized (or least Westernized), like the scene early on of Nakia and Okoye protecting a girl from assholes at a bar. I wanted that incident to go down at least a LITTLE differently than the generic American bar version."[3]

"I dub this the Official Novelization(TM) of the Nakia/T'Challa romance."[4]

"Shuri stealing an herb seed for her seed bank is the best thing ever. Which is saying something in such an amazing story. This is, without a doubt, the best fic I’ve read for this pairing, and possibly for BP in general. I’ve literally waited every week for updates, and while I’m sad to see it end, I’m delighted with the way it wrapped up. Once again, the way y’all work in the scenes from the movie is brilliant. Nakia and T’Challa’s scenes are witty and charming and so unbelievably sweet. From beginning to end you’ve captured the essence of their relationship perfectly, and seeing the culmination of all their years of “orbiting each other”... I could gush about this all day, but I’ll simply say thank you for feeding by my obsession with this couple in such a beautiful way. And if you happen to have an epilogue planned, I think we’d all be okay with that!"[5]


  1. ^ NyxEtoile, OlivesAwl in Author's Notes. The Long Path, posted to Archive of Our Own on April 17, 2018. Archived from the original on March 3, 2021.
  2. ^ The Long Path by NyxEtoile and OlivesAwl. Accessed and archived on March 3, 2021.
  3. ^ Anonymous. Comment on FFA, Aug 8, 2019. Archived from the original on March 3, 2021.
  4. ^ AO3 bookmark by briar_pipe, July 20, 2018. Archived from the original on March 3, 2021.
  5. ^ BrownSugarBabe. AO3 comment, July 3, 2018. Archived from the original on March 3, 2021.


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