Shore Leave (US convention)/1993

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Name: Shore Leave (US convention)
Dates: July 9-11, 1993
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Focus: multi-fandom
Founding Date:
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Shore Leave is an annual fan-run convention that takes place in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

It was founded by the Star Trek Association of Towson which continues to run it. The first convention took place in 1979; the con was still running as of 2025.

The con's focus was initially on Star Trek, but it has since broadened to include other science fiction media.

1993: Shore Leave 15

It was held July 9-11, 1993.

the wraparound cover of the 1993 program book

Some guests: Robin Curtis, Rene Auberjonois, Andrew Probert, John Trimble, Bjo Trimble, Carmen Carter, Bob Greenberger, Howard Weinstein, Joan Winston, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Brad Ferguson, Michael Jan Friedman, Bob Pinaha, Arne Star, Chris Anderson, Dana Berry, Dr. Kirk Borne, Christian Ready, Patrica Vener-Saavedra, Ray Villard, Captain Daniel C. Roper, Robert O'Reilly (Gowron of TNG), and Peter David.

1993: Programming

  • Klingon Naming Ceremony - 14th Imperial Battle Fleet ("See how Klingons name their children. Their ways are not our ways.")
  • Meet the Pros ("A cash bar reception that will give you the chance to meet and get autographs from all the writer and artist guests at the convention.")
  • Shore Leave 15 Intergalactic Peace Conference - The Klingon Imperial Navy, Starfleet Marines, The Imperial Black Inferno Battle Fleet, Starfleet International (USS Odin, USS Alpha Centauri), Karizan Empire, Star Trek Association of Towson, Special Security Division, Special Surprise Guests ("You'll just have to see it to believe it!!")
  • Trek Rec Deck Auction ("Prime collectors memorabilia with something for every budget. Check schedule for specific items!")
  • Stress Trek - Lana Parsons ("A professional stress management seminar using Star Trek imagery.")
  • Logan Enterprises Robots - David Rawlins ("Meet #9's alter ego and learn how you, too, can create fantastic costumes from 'junk'.")
  • Showcase: Con Play: "Federation's Most Wanted" by Cheap Treks (see for more information on the con's skits in general)
  • Showcase: Con Skit: Episode MST-ed: TOS: “The Apple” by Mystery Trekkie Theater (see for more information on the con's skits in general)
  • Panel: GEnie Net - Arne Starr, Brad Ferguson ("Come and meet the people you've only been writing to- or find out what GEnie is, and why everyone is having so much fun!")
  • Panel: Computer Art - Dana Berry ("Your computer can do a lot more than word processing, accounting, and Space Invaders!")
  • Panel: Computer Bulletin Boards - Peter David, Arne Starr
  • Panel: Convention Preview - Melissa James, Rosanna Kroll, Marilyn Mann ("Join the Con Committee for the up-to-the-minute scoop on what you can't miss at this year's convention.")
  • Panel: Project Trek Rec Deck - Ed DeRugierro, Anne Marie Kitz, Inge Heyer ("Learn about this exciting fan project and how you can be a part of it.")
  • Panel: Old Trek, New Trek - Bjo Trimble, Joan Winston, Jacqueline Lichtenberg ("These ladies know EVERYTHING about Trek. The best gossip in the galaxy!")
  • Panel: Sci-Fi In Syndication - Kathleen Scrimger, David Lomazoff, Joe Semko ("Alternate station are providing alternate program choices: Time Trax, Highlander, Nick Knight, Ray Bradbury Theater, etc.")
  • Panel: Deep Space Nine - Alan Ravitch, David Lomazoff
  • Panel: Inking and Lettering - Bob Pinaha ("Learn the special techniques of a comics expert.")
  • Panel: Alternate Lifestyles in Trek - sponsored by STANCR ("Does homosexuality exist in the 23rd Century? Is it accepted? Should it be represented in Trek?")
  • Panel: Why I Still Love Classic Trek - Bev Volker, Debbie Priester ("For those who think the oldest is still the 'bestest.'")
  • Panel: Aliens in Trek - Joe Semko, Joe Borffner ("Is there more to the new aliens than "bumpy brows"?")
  • Panel: Sci-Fi Channel - Brad Ferguson, Peter David, Arne Starr
  • Panel: NASA: What Went Wrong? - Howard Weinstein, Bill Gerkin ("When did the space program lose it's direction? How can it get it back?")
  • Panel: Babylon 5/Deep Space 9 - Arne Starr, Brad Ferguson ("Will there be more? Should there be more?")
  • Panel: Quantum Leap - Joan Winston, Susan Mascareillo, David Lomazoff ("Is it really over? Why did it have to end that way?")
  • Panel: This Year In Science Fiction . . . And Next - Joan Winston ("More SF has come and gone this year than in the past ten [years]. What's coming next?")
  • Panel: Militarism in Trek - Michael Jan Friedman, Brad Ferguson ("The challenges of a military organization in a peaceful universe - and the influence of Deep Space 9.")
  • Panel: Feminism in Trek - Bjo Trimble, Carmen Carter, Bill Gerkin ("Have women's roles been changed, expanded by Deep Space 9?")
  • Panel: It's All Trek To Me! - sponsored by STANCR ("They love it all, and they'll tell you why!")
  • Panel: Computer Animation - Jim Kratzer ("Join an interesting and sometimes fascinating, often heated, discussion of the various fields of computerized animation.")
  • Science Programming: Men and Women in Space - Dick Preston ("The role of women, past, present, and future, in the space program.")
  • Science Programming: Could Starships Fly? - Christian Ready ("Interstellar travel and starship design.")
  • Science Programming: Star Trek and Real Physics - Chris Anderson ("Between reality and wishful thinking, is there a middle ground?")
  • Science Programming: Space Station, Doorway to Star Trek - Dick Preston ("Learn about the space station and it's significance.")
  • Filk: Howard Weinstein, FreeFall, On The Mark, Denebian Slime Devils, Roberta Rogow, Greg Baker, Thomas Atkinson, The Bawdy Ladies of Trek, Helva Peters, J.S. Cavalcante and Jenna Sinclair
  • Signing Workshop - Patti Papineau ("Learn the fundamentals of signing for the deaf and hearing impaired.")

1993: Gallery of Ephemera and Samples from the Program Book

1993: Con Reports

Shore Leave this year was outstanding for me because I got to meet so many of you talented folks who are the new wave of K/S writers. I have been going to Shore Leave cons for about 12 years now, and I've seldom had so much intellectual stimulation or hardy laughs a with this group of enthusiastic, energetic, bright women. My only regret is that I missed the K/S filking on Friday night. Maybe next year?" [1]

As I sit here in my hotel room on Sunday night at the end of SHORE LEAVE con, I am compelled to write my thoughts to you about the unique and marvelous adventure I had. I don’t know if I have the words to convey the experience, nor do I know if "you had to be there", but since we all share in this divine obsession, I'm hoping you can share with me the past three days of a world filled with friendship, love, excitement and lots of K/S.

...Upon entering the hotel, I came face to face with the people that matched the names in TLC all of whom surrounded me with warmth and love. There was [JSC] who is as pretty as her name. [JS] who has hair that's thick and shiny and cut like Spock. We're sure this was done on purpose.) [CS] who has the funniest, driest wit. [JB] who was my wonderful roomie. [KW] who I trapped, tied her down and forced her to listen to my LOC on her fantastic story, "Blue Courage". [ES] whose HEARTS OF FIRE I bought and can’t wait to read. Deeb, the extraordinary artist who revealed to me her secrets of pen and ink. [JG] who I had imagined to be an angry fireball, but was lovely and soft spoken (but determined!) [CB] who is 1/2 of the team doing the new K/S letterzine. And of course, RH, who was mother, advisor, agent and friend without whose help and patience my experience would not have been possible.

  • MOST SHARED CONFUSION: Trying to remember "real names and finding out who people "really" were and keeping it straight!
  • MOST FUN: Staying up until 3:30 in the morning for three nights in a row, talking non-stop about K/S. Finally going to sleep, wishing we didn’t have to, only to wake up early so as not to miss or waste one single moment.
  • MOST FLATTERING: People coming up to me and telling me how much they loved the artwork.
  • MOST HILARIOUS: Discussing a story of mine that had every possible synonym for "big" and discovering more!
  • MOST SUBLIME: Discovering a lovely note tucked into a newly purchased zine from my roomie who only three days before was a stranger and now will be a friend forever.
  • MOST APPROPRIATE WORD: "Genuflect". As in: meeting people of incredible talent and ability and genuflecting before them!
  • MOST EXCITING PREMIERE: [JS] and [JSC] filking at midnight. Their beautiful voices warmed the freezing air-conditioned hall. They sang together so beautifully that they’ve been assured an earlier time next year!
  • FUNNIEST LATE NIGHT SESSION: Taking turns reading aloud a story based on "Spock's Brain" which substituted another part of his anatomy!
  • MOST UNUSUAL THING THAT BECAME COMMONPLACE: Klingons in full dress uniform in the corridor of the hotel, speaking Klingonese.
  • MOST ACCURATE WEATHER FORECAST: Freezing air conditioning. Not knowing at all what the weather was like outside.
  • MOST WONDERFUL SUPPORT: [JS] and [JSC] holding me up during the art auction so that I didn’t collapse from nerves! And [JSC]'s amazing intuitive sense.
  • MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO TELL ALL OF YOU: Do not think for one minute that you are alone out there in your love and obsession for K/S. We are all sisters in K/S and we all share in this feeling for the Human and the Vulcan who have forever changed our lives. [2]

This is the fifth time I’ve attempted to put into words for… readers what the Shore Leave Convention in July was like. I can’t just ignore the experience, it was... fantastic, wonderful, breathtaking, soul expanding....

The right words are just beyond my grasp. How do I explain the magic that pervaded those three and a half days? How do I tell you about meeting people that I'd never met before, and yet feeling like I'd known them for years? How do I tell you about the greatest warmth and acceptance that I’ve ever felt? How do I describe finally, finally, getting to talk about K/S as much as I wanted to, with people who actually understood what I was talking about, and even shared my obsession?

Images will have to do. Shore Leave was...

  • ….looking out from the stage at those stalwart few who were still in the audience after four hours of filk singing, and seeing the supportive faces of several of our K/S friends who were willing to listen [us sing] at almost 1 A.M. Friends, I felt your support flowing up to the stage, and I can’t possibly express how wonderful it was. Thank you.
  • ...[watching a fan] literally trembling, from nerves and from the cold, too, as her artwork went up to auction. Naturally it all sold well. She is so talented. (She's too modest to tell you all that her pencil sketch of Kirk in the mirror universe was first prize in the show)....
  • …..[watching another fan], her expression intent as she played her guitar and gave a private performance of her own K/S filksongs for [us]. I had tears in my eyes, they were great! I adore K/S songs.)
  • ...staring raptly at a magnificent picture K/S picture that was purchased by one of my roommates from [a K/S fan artist]. Concentrating for long, long minutes, trying to memorize every muscled contour!!! Dragging friends to the room to show them a drawing of two men in a state of total undress, hearing their appreciative in-drawn breaths (the friends, not the men), feeling a wonderful freedom in being able to share erotic, loving art with kindred souls. (All right, so I adore K/S art, too.)
  • ... falling asleep at 3:30 A.M. on Thursday,….4:00 on Friday, 5:00 on Saturday, so much fun!!! Saturday should have been 4 A.M., but [a roommate] made the fatal error of asking ‘’"What do you think was the most intimate moment in the series?"’’ just as the lights were going out. I mean, how could we all sleep before we'd thoroughly answered? What's sleep next to something really important? [My other friend] used the right phrase last month when she said K/S was a "divine obsession." K/S can be nothing less than heavenly if it leads to a true meeting of the minds with people like [S], graceful in soul, mind and body: [JS], quicksilver, insightful, and generous; [C], wise and deep, like the Horta, spanning the ages; [JA] , whose open friendliness and mature understanding were... well, fascinating.
  • …..And so many more. Shore Leave was like a K/S orgy. I still feel slightly drunk with the pleasure of that weekend. Imagine finding other people willing to talk for three and a half hours in a hotel lounge about writing and K/S! K/S is alive and well, in our hearts and in our souls, and the friendships we form and the ideals we express on the printed page. I am immensely proud to be a part of this most wonderful phenomena, and deeply grateful for every minute of Shore Leave. Let's do it again! [3]

...I want to share my Shore Leave reminiscences. But I don’t know where to start. Those I stayed up with till 5 AM … are not going to believe I feel at a loss for words —none of us seemed to run out of words that weekend - but I do.

How do I describe this life-changing experience? Before Shore Leave, I had never met another K/Ser in person. I had never met [J] or [S], even though they had already become friends through letters and phone calls. And first, through TLC. When we met, it was as though we'd known each other forever. I felt an incredible, deep-down kinship with the other K/Sers….

I'll never forget our hilarious, impromptu story hour - taking turns reading aloud Devery Helm's & Sharon F's "The Missing Joystick Affair," in which Kara ("You are not Morg. You are not Mindy.") steals an important part of Spock's anatomy ... not his brain!

There was [R]’s Friday-night K/S party - a small room filled mostly with people I'd never met before, and I felt right at home. Over a dozen people oohing and ahhing over a glorious pile of K/S artwork. I flew to this 3-day con —the first time I'd ever gone out of state for any con — and then missed most of the organized activities because it was far more important to be with my K/S friends, jealously guarding the short time we had, staying up late and getting up early three days in a row, feeling exhilarated afterward. We talked about our common obsession, our writing and artwork, our hopes for the fandom, our lives. I came away awed and feeling blessed beyond measure to have such friends….

  • MOST REPEATED PHRASE: "We have to talk!"
  • THIRD MOST REPEATED PHRASE: … "We have to get some sleep" and "….will you please go to sleep."
  • MOST TWILIGHT-ZONE MOMENT: Showing [S] what genuflecting actually looks like!
  • MOST WONDERFUL SUPPORT: The K/Sers who braved the ballroom's arctic chill to support [us] when we sang a half hour set of K/S filksongs to a mixed audience. We could see your smiling faces from the stage and we knew we weren't alone. It's the greatest feeling in the world.
  • MOST WONDERFUL AUDIENCE: The filk audience, all of whom were responsive and complimentary and none of whom had a negative word to say about the subject matter (or my guitar playing). IDIC lives in the hearts of filkers!
  • MOST HILARIOUS INCIDENT AT REGISTRATION: [S] removing the complimentary pencil from her registration packet and realizing: 1. It was long. 2. It was green. 3. It had twin ridges.
  • MOST HILARIOUS INCIDENT AT R’S PARTY:[S] seeing Deeb's incredible pen-and-ink drawing of the hooded Spock/chained Kirk . . . then realizing five minutes later what Spock was doing!
  • MOST FASCINATING COINCIDENCE: [Our] taxi driver, Misha, a Russian emigre, had driven Leonard Nimoy six years ago. Misha is a big ST fan, a big hockey fan… and a very nice guy.
  • MOST OUT-OF-CONTROL MOMENT: Having turned the lights off Thursday night at something like 3:30 AM to stop us talking, [we] continued a serious K/S discussion in the dark. Then when we finally decided to sleep, bursting out in giggles like 9-year-olds at a pajama party.
  • BEST YOU-ARE-NOT-ALONE EXPERIENCE: [Us] trying to find something a vegetarian could eat in the hotel restaurant, where they use chicken stock to flavor almost everything.
  • MOST HOT-AS-VULCAN EXPERIENCE: The entire weekend, when the Eastern seaboard was having a heat wave. 102° in humid Baltimore!
  • BEST PUBLIC K/S DISCUSSIONS: [J.L.]'s tall point" discussion and conversations in the lobby bar Saturday night & Sunday afternoon ("We have to talk!").
  • MOST ACCURATE PREDICTION: "The next issue of TLC is going to be very long and set in a teeny point size."
  • MOST BETAZOID EXPERIENCE: The art auction.
  • MOST VULCAN EXPERIENCE: The writing workshop.
  • MOST DIFFICULT MOMENT: Saying goodbye.
Sisters, friends, we have to do this again next year! [4]

[by a K/S Fan]: Last June I read [another fan’s] letter in which she stated that she would be attending Shore Leave in Maryland. As I would be close by there, I got up my nerve and wrote to her. Not only did she respond, she phoned me and then got me a roommate! …. your generosity is matched only by your talent.

When I arrived, nervous and alone in a lobby full of Klingons and worse, Next Generationers, I went in search of my roomie. I will never forget [her] bright smile and open arms …who welcomed a total stranger with such genuine warmth. I haven’t talked and laughed with anyone so much in all my life.

Over those three days, I saw no exhibits and attended no screenings. In fact, I didn’t do much more than sit and listen to talented and enthused ladies discuss K/S with a passion that I had believed only I really felt. Was I disabused of that idea.

Actually, I was pretty overwhelmed with ideas, new faces and pennames. It took me a week to calm down. However, I learned a lot those three days. That K/S is an idea shared by some remarkable people. That those people will give unstintingly of their time and energy to anyone who shares that peculiar passion. That friends made through K/S are deep and dear in a way that few others are. I would not have missed meeting [them] and many more, for anything. [5]

Shore Leave '93 - The first convention to be attended by the "Sworchnasters" themselves - Diana Waldier and Pat Heinske. After 7 months of practice, we were ready to put the "Highlander" combat on stage in front of a live audience.

Unfortunately, we didn't impress the judges, but we sure heard some noise from the audience! Due to lack of space to warm up in, a few - ahem - departures from the choreographed moves were made, but we did it and were able to keep all of our fingers intact.

The convention itself was pretty good - I found enough things going on to keep me in trouble for most of the weekend, and the 10-forward dance was the best one I've been to yet! The local IHOP was also boarded for breakfast, and most of us were able to stay awake until we got back to the hotel. In my book, Shore Leave `93 was the most fun I've had in quite a while! [6]

Overall, it was a fun two-and-a-half days.

The hotel: The only big problem with this weekend was with the hotel. Baseball's All-Star game is in Baltimore this year, and that and a few other events caused a huge squeeze for lodging. There was also a big screw up with reservations at the hotel; over 50 people got lost in the shuffle. The hotel did the best they could, but just had a lot of other problems. No-one was sleeping in the ballroom, but a few loud words were exchanged.

Guests (in program-book order; I managed to see some of them a few times):

Rene Auberjonois (Oh-bear-zahn-wah, just like it's spelled<g>). His first fan-run con (third overall) and seems to be enjoying playing Odo and attending cons. Just a little bit of a fan before appearing in the ST VI. Lots of Hollywood stories (he's been in the business quite a while) and Star Trek production stories (see him for details); even enjoyed "playing the twit" in "Benson".

Filming for the new season of DS9 started just after Independence day (he'd had his first scenes on Friday). SMALL SPOILER: The season opener for DS9 is a three-parter. The end of part 1 has Cicso relieved of command (no other plot details). Frank Langella is a guest star for the 3-parter.

on ST III and ST IV). Didn't see her talk, though did talk to her in the hall. She's a lot of fun at cons, and once you meet her she'll never forget you. For one skit she played a Vulcan ambassador (and managed to miss her dinner reservation).

Robert O'Reilly (Gowron). He was a lot of fun at the con -- someone lent him a Klingon robe and for a few hours really played up the Gowron part (blond-haired Klingons, I guess they exist). Another actor who's been everywhere -- his rendition of "Jabberwocky" (from memory and in a strong brough) was really really neat.

Andrew Probert (Artist -- he designed all enterprises from ST:TMP through ST:TNG, along with such things as the Cylons from BG and the DeLorean from Back to the Future). He went through his slide show about the evolution of various ST designs. I've seen this once before and there was too much else to do. He also generated the program cover, and would doodle on the fly if you ran into him in the hall.

CAPT Daniel C. Roper, Commander, USS Enterprise (CVN-65). The real Captain of the real Enterprise. Last year's SL was his first convention, and he had so much fun he came back. In addition to the XO and some of the crew, this year he brought the Navy Ceremonial Guard. (CVN-65 is in drydock getting refueled and upgraded in Norfolk, so the crew is available). A fun talk about the Real World (those of us who watch Firepower on The Discovery Channel will enjoy it). He also accepted a formal dinner service as used on ST VI from Pfaltzgraff (sp?), along with donations to the Trek Rec Deck (on CVN-65, a bunch of fan clubs are getting together to decorate one mess in a Star Trek motif, along with some Trek memorabilia -- Bob O'Reilly also donated one of his Gowron head appliances).

Bjo and John Trimble. Saw a little bit of their talk. Had to mention them because I've heard a lot about them, but never saw them.

Bob Greenberger and Howard Weinstein. Two of the funnest guys in the Star Trek universe you've probably never heard of (Bob is a senior editor at DC Comics; Howie is a Trek novel author and current writer for the Star Trek comic, and Personal Friends of Mine (tm)). They're two insiders who will tell you the truth and even say "I can't tell you that" when they can't tell you something (many others will feign ignorance). Bob brought the "Lois and Clark" 16 minute teaser that was show to advertisers to get them interested in the show. The teaser (complete scenes from the 2-hour pilot) was very very good. If you haven't heard of this one, it's the modern-day adventures of Superman, and follows the comic closely. This fall on ABC, Sunday at 8 (opposite "Murder, She Wrote"). Also reported that there are two Star Trek VI scripts in the works: the first movie will start filming in April '94 (after ST:TNG finishes shooting) for a Christmas '94 release, and the next movie will follow "soon after".

Peter David. Talked a bit about some of the books he's working on. Talked about his adventures getting out the first DS9 novel (his editor called and wanted a book very very badly after the pilot aired in January; Peter wrote it in about 2.5 weeks after seeing only the pilot and the scripts for the next 4 episodes; novel came out a few weeks ago -- blazingly fast).

The other guests (Arne Starr, Bob Pinaha, Brad Fergeson, Michael Jan Friedman, a bunch of NASA people) I didn't see, so I have nothing to report.

Events: "Meet the Pros" party. Fun, and most were there.

Masquerade. 62 costumes (18 "miniTrek" entries). 3.5 hours. A lot of fun once it got going (45 minutes late; a simulated Peace Ceremony took over two hours to set up and dragged on and on and on, but we must all suffer these, I guess). Shore Leave's costume call is one of the bigger, more "professional" productions (and tends to be intimidating for first-time costumers). The dinosaur singing group which won a ton of awards was very very good.

5-Backward (Pool party) and 10-Forward (dance). Lots of fun and very crowded.

Temple of Trek. Could only stop in for a few minutes, but got enough inspiration to last me to the next con.

Mystery Trekkie Theater 3000. This time they cored "The Apple". The Rock 'em Sock 'em Captains (with functional arms and pop-up heads--used to determine who is better: Kirk or Picard) was the better invention (btw, Kirk got his block knocked off). 44 minutes of rolling in the aisles.

Filking. All Friday night (but I'm not into it; plus, I had a party to go to).

Boogie Knights. (song parodies) Usual funny stuff.

Cheap Treks. This play was "Federation's Most Wanted." Wesley Crusher, captain of a prisoner transport, goes berserk and tries to take over the galaxy. Destroys a Klingon colony and really irritates the Romulans. Captain Worf of the Klingon battlecruiser K'Blamm can't stop him, and Captain Riker of the Enterprise has to call Admiral Picard from his vacation on Raisa (with Dr. Crusher) to intervene. Really maximum funny.

Art show: Two rooms, and a lot of good contributions.

Dealers: Two large rooms, and all the hallways in between.

Klingons and Starfleet: These two fan groups had their own programming track that I managed to avoid most of.

That's about it. [7]

I spent last weekend at Shore Leave 15, in the ever-freezing Hunt Valley Inn.

It may have hit 100 all three days in Baltimore, but the AC was on full blast where I was. Shore Leave was less crowded this year - last year's was WAY too big. I'm not sure whether they set a lower cut-off number or if the guests just weren't as big a draw.

The guests this year were Robin Curtis, Robert O'Reilly, and Rene Auberjonois (hey, I spelled that without looking - learned how to pronounce it too!), along with lots of Trek novel authors, including Peter David, and, back for his second Shore Leave appearance, Capt. Daniel Roper of the USS Enterprise (the really real one).

Robert O'Reilly has played Gowron in several episodes now. The man is totally nuts - so much for Klingon dignity! Most recently he's been filming Klingon footage to be used with the new virtual reality game. And yes, his eyes really do that.

Rene Auberjonois brought news from the set of the second season of Deep Space Nine. They had just started filming Friday and he flew out for the weekend to do the con. The season opener is a three-parter, as we had already heard, and Odo doesn't have much to do in part 1. The guest star for the three part story is Frank Langella. Rene hadn't heard anything about anyone planning to leave the show. There's a little more to this, of a spoiler nature, so I'll save it till the end of the post.

Mystery Trekkie Theater 3000, instigated again by Peter David, did The Apple this year. A most deserving episode. They are limited to TOS episodes, though there are some TNG and DSN episodes they'd like to do, because TOS is the only one they can get on 16mm film, so that is can be projected behind them and show their shadows. [8]


  1. ^ from a K/S fan who had been attending Shore Leave for years, The LOC Connection #57, Sept 1993.
  2. ^ from a K/S fan, The LOC Connection #56, August 1993.
  3. ^ from a K/S fan, The LOC Connection #57, Sept 1993.
  4. ^ from a K/S fan, The LOC Connection #57, Sept 1993.
  5. ^ from a new K/S, The LOC Connection #58, November 1993.
  6. ^ The Wright Stuff
  7. ^ Eric Burch, ShoreLeave 15 Convention Report; archive link (July 12, 1993)
  8. ^ Mary Anne Espenshade, from Trek News from Shore Leave 15; archive link (Jul 15, 1993)