Shore Leave (US convention)/1990

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Name: Shore Leave (US convention)
Dates: July 13-15, 1990
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Focus: multi-fandom
Founding Date:
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Shore Leave is an annual fan-run convention that takes place in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

It was founded by the Star Trek Association of Towson which continues to run it. The first convention took place in 1979; the con was still running as of 2025.

The con's focus was initially on Star Trek, but it has since broadened to include other science fiction media.

1990: Shore Leave 12

cover of the 1990 program book, not credited
from the 1990 program book, Gayle Freyman

It was held July 13-15, 1990.

The con chair was Cathy Dougherty.

The guests were James Doohan, Michael G. Westmore, Suzie Plakson, Colm Meaney, Howard Weinstein, Bob Greenberger, Brad Ferguson, Ann Crispin, Jeanne Dillard, Ken Isbell, Lillian Kosloski, Jeffrey Mills, and Arne Starr.

From the program book's introduction by the con chair, "Rabbit Tracks":

I have a theory that if all the fans, both serious and casual, were to rally together, we could be a force as powerful as any single nation.

As our world becomes more civilized, world leaders are seeing that they need to work together in order to achieve common goals. Sound familiar?


I still find it amazing that a television show that originally ran for 79 episodes has spawned such a following. It has given hundreds of people their careers. Actors, writers, producers, camera persons, agents, makeup artists, publishers, T-shirt and toy manufacturers ... I could keep going, but you get the picture.


Star Trek has provided thousands, perhaps millions more of us with hours of entertainment. We at the Star Trek Association of Towson, in an attempt to provide a few hours of entertainment, have for the last twelve years produced SHORE LEAVE. We have over 15 committees and there is a lot of work involved, of course, but we all combine our talents to achieve our final goal, which is to provide a forum for the serious and casual fan to gather in a central location and have fun.


As at every Shore Leave, we try to have something from all aspects of Star Trek. This year, we have invited actors and actresses from the Classic as well as the Next Generation shows. We have invited an award-winning make-up artist. Also appearing at the convention are writers who have written both Classic and Next Generation novels.

One of the many activities that we have found to be very successful is our annual Red Cross Blood Drive. Another, although completely different, is 10 Forward. And still another is Children's Programming, programming that is geared for the younger generation.


Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations


1990: Programming

  • Panel: The Dreaded 4 o'Clock Panel and Game Show ("So-o much fun it's beginning at 3 o'clock! An overview of the panels and guests at SLXII. Also, a written trivia quiz, with prizes for the most trivial answers.")
  • Panel: How to Mug the Guest Star - Without Leaving Bruises ("Convention Etiquette. Why we shouldn't do some of the things we do at conventions.")
  • Panel: So Let It Be Written - So Let It Be Done ("Fanzines: the good, the bad, and the "/".")
  • Panel: Mundane Anonymous ("What it's like to be a Trekker in a relationship With a Mundane.")
  • Panel: Captains Outrageous - Prime Rib vs. The Prime Directive ("How Kirk's style of command differs from Picard's.")
  • Panel: My Name is Francisco - I Carry a Badge ("Dum, de dum, dum, dum. The appeal of Alien Nation. Was it the Dragnet of the 80's?")
  • Panel: Boot Me Up, Scotty ("Everything you always wanted to know about computer networks and bulletin boards from folks who are on some of them.")
  • Panel: Beam Me Up, Scotty ("Deus ex Machina -- the Transporter as God. Getting old? Beam up and become young again. Sick? Beam. up and get well.")
  • Panel: Writer's Panels - Ann Crispin, Jeanne Dillard, Brad Ferguson, Bob Greenberger, Howie Weinstein ("A chance to meet some of the authors attending Shore Leave and find out what it's like to be a writer.")
  • Panel: Comics with Bob Pincha, Bob Greenberger, Arne Starr ("Meet some of the folks from DC comics and learn what it's like to earn a living working on comic books.")
  • Panel: All Sweetness and Light ("Is Roddenberry right? Will there be no conflict in the 24th century?")
  • Panel: An Apple a Day ("McCoy, Crusher, & Pulaski: How different are the Doctors?")
  • Panel: The Omega Glory -- What is "Real Trek"? ("Why it's so hard to write for the comics, novels, etc.")
  • Panel: There Be Dragons Here! ("Anne McCaffrey's Pern universe.")
  • Panels: StarFleet: Newsletter Writing
  • Panel: Econo-Con or Dial 1(800) C-H-E-A-P-I-E ("How to attend a convention with very little expenditure, by folks who have.")
  • Panel: Data Entry - Sex in Aired Trek ("Is there any? Where was I that I missed it? (This will not be a forum for K/S. It will deal strictly with sex as shown [?] in the Classic ST, TNG, and the movies.)")
  • Panel: Dad, Can We Borrow the Keys to the Starship? ("In what ways has fandom changed as fans have matured?")
  • Panel: Dat Che'tilIngan Net bu bej ("It's a Klingon World. What is it about the Klingons that appeals to so many fans?")
  • Panel: For a Small Love Offering ("Fans and Charities. Whether it's a blood drive, auction, or offering; fans give, generously. Why? What do they get out of it?")
  • Panel: Love is Like a Red, Red Rose (focus is Beauty and the Beast (TV))
  • Panel: Fully Functional or Fully Foolish? ("Data has been activated and living among humans for 28 years, should he be as naive as he is portrayed?")
  • Panel: Down the Rabbit Hole. The Future of Shore Leave ("What do you like about Shore Leave? What don't you like? What would you like to see added. Come meet the new Con Chairman and air your views and feelings on these and any other topics you want to discuss regarding Shore Leave.")
  • Panel: Pinocchio Lives! ("Androids: Past, Present and Future.")
  • Panel: The Choice of the Trek Generation ("Fan Cons vs Pro Cons. Why there is such a difference between the two.")
  • Workshops: Costume Design, Presentation in Costume Gala, Posing in Costume
  • Children's Programming: Grandpa and His Puppet Show/Space Music Activity, Space Food Cooking Demonstration, Arts & Crafts, NASM Video - Toys in Space
  • Presentation (possibly with video): Realizing Star Trek's Future: Trekkers in the Vanguard - Jeffrey Mills
  • Presentation (possibly with video): Star Trek & and the Environment - Jeffrey Mills
  • Video: The Cultural Relevance of Star Trek - Jeffrey Mills ("Using videotape highlights of both Classic and The Next Generation Star Trek, Jeffrey shows how the two series relate to today's social, historical, moral and political climate. Jeff has been teaching a college-level course on this subject since 1965.")
  • Presentation: Ken Isbell ("Ken Isbell is a Museum Technician with the Smithsonian's National Air & Space Museum; his duties include caring for the Star Trek Collection and being liaison between NASM and Paramount Pictures. He brings slides of various science-fiction and Star Trek props from the Museum's collection. He also should have some good gossip from Paramount to share with us.")
  • Presentation: The History and Development of the Space Suit ("Lillian Kozloski is back for her third year at Shore Leave. She is a Museum Specialist at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum. She cares for the Museum's collection of space pressure suits, and she brings a large array of 'touchable' items with her to share with her audience. Ms. Kozloski will be presenting a slide show and lecture on "The History and Development of the Space Suit"."
  • Sunday Showcase (Wes Scrimger was in charge), the con play was "The Adventures of Bolt Upright, Shamus" (also known as "Bolt Upright: Space Shamus") by Lance Woods and Cheap Treks (see for more information on the con's skits in general)
  • StarFleet (promotional/informational gathering, also it was the 2nd Annual Eastern Regional StarFleet Conferance)
  • Starfleet: Video Contest
  • Music: filksing, Boogie Knights, The Denebian Slime Devils
  • Temple of Trek ("Join with us as we raise our voices in an attempt to sing the glories of Trek (Demon of Ten Forward, come out!!) with the Choir of the Robes of Many Colors. Then listen to the Word of Gene as read by the Reverend Dr. Trekwell. Services are always fun and we invite you to refresh your Trekker spirit at the Revival -- Praise Trek! Now in our sixth year, we not only have fun at services, but raise money for charities. There will be a special Children's Service included as part of the regular Temple service.")
  • The Annie, Katie, and Robbie Show

1990: Gallery of Ephemera and Samples from the Program Book

1990: Con Reports

That's where my money's gone
I spent it at the con
I bought me everything a Trekker could want ..."
- an old filksong, and the summary of my weekend at Shore Leave

The Star Trek Association of Towson's annual Shore Leave convention is 12 years old now. As of the last count they announced on Sunday, over 1800 people registered for at least some of the weekend. Saturday the programming rooms and the dealers' room were packed. This was my 10th year there, I only missed I and IV. They continue to bring in unusual guests and an interesting variety of programming. I'll start with the Trek events, since it is basically a Star Trek con, and then mention the non-Trek things that will be of interest to the Alien Nation, Quantum Leap and Beauty and the Beast fans over in, where this is cross posted...

...The Costume Gala - 55 entries, with the largest number in the ST category, only a small number in SF and lots of Fantasy. Lots of incredible workmanship, especially some of the bead work. Costumers Guild in-joke - the Deja Q costume being pulled for violating the "No Costume is No Costume" rule. Best in Show went to "Fairy Tales" for a zebra centaur that also won a workmanship award for mechanical design and for having the patience to piece the fake fur so that the stripes ran like on a real zebra. The Trek category winners were a mirror universe Saavik, a Gorn and "Evening wear for a party at the Klingon Embassy".

The Shore Leave Showcase - an original play this year by Cheap Treks, with sets and everything, and they only had to consult the "fuel report" once....

....Art Show - WOW! I wish I had the money and space for art. Many nice Beauty and the Beast pieces, lots of Trek as always, some Alien Nation and a portrait of Sam and Al to die for.

Filk Sing - all the usual Shore Leave performers, with new stuff like Greg Baker's "Riker, Don't Push That Button" and the Denebian Slime Devils' "See You in September". The Boogie Knights had their own hour show Saturday afternoon.

And yes, I did manage to drag myself out of bed in time for Rev. Trekwell's Temple of Trek service Sunday morning. This year they had a children's service for the next generation. Praise Trek!

Non-Trek stuff: The non-Trek panels I attended were on Beauty and the Beast and Alien Nation, there wasn't a Quantum Leap panel, unfortunately, but I did get new information for all three of these fandoms. I spent loads in the dealers' room, all on zines, and none of them were specifically Trek (some Blake's Seven, Professionals, Beauty and the Beast, and mixed media). [1]

Well folks, this was it. My first con. I must say that what I had heard was true (everything except the naked dancing girls). It was Friday afternoon when I received the call at work from David Vosper. The word had been given. So I rushed home, grabbed my stuff and met David to start our six hour drive to Maryland. David believes in the use of the warp drives, and we hit speeds of warp 7.5 and above, but other than that the trip was uneventful (much to my surprise!).

We arrived at the wrong hotel at about 10:30. We actually had reservations at the hotel where the Con was being held but the other hotel was cheaper so we decided to stay. We went to the Con hotel to see if we could still register. We could not, but we did scope out the area and then headed for the bar...


I woke up on Saturday and had breakfast with J.R., and then it was on to the convention center where I registered and went to the STARFLEET meeting. The meeting started at 9:00 A.M., and in protest of this early meeting time, many of the members wore robes and slippers to the meeting. We were addressed by the Fleet Admiral Jeannette Maddox, and she talked and talked and talked and talked and talked and (talked). By the time she was through it was 10:45 A.M., and other speakers were brought up. The meeting ended at 11:00. I rushed up to the dealers' room, where I was told that I would be able to get a third season ST:NG uniform. I did. (I also picked up an order form for ST:NG uniforms and classic trek uniforms, for anyone who wants one.) With that matter out of the way, I went on to get my communicator pin and an ensign's pip (which I had earned just before leaving for the con).

At noon I met for lunch... After that it was on the hear Suzie Plakson who played Lt. Selar, the Vulcan doctor in The Schizoid Man, and Keylahr, the half-Klingon, half-Human in The Emissary. Next we heard from Michael G. Westmore, make-up supervisor for ST:NG. Mr. Westmore's talk was most interesting, and he showed us many examples of his work and explained how the make-up effects were done. But the talk that everyone had been waiting for was the one from James Doohan. The good news is that there will be a STAR TREK VI and the better news is that William Shatner will not direct. After Mr. Doohan spoke, the autograph line formed up and David Vosper and I headed to a super secret location to get David ready for the costume contest. We were met there by Libby at which point we started to work our magic. David (of course) was as nervous as a BLANK in church, but we got him ready and headed down to the contest. Once at the contest, I was talked into working security by directing each contestant to the still photography stage after having left the main stage. It was fun to see so many interesting and beautiful costumes up close, especially one Andorian I know of. After the main show and while the judges were making up their minds, I got to talk to one of the contestants who was competing in the fantasy category. Hidi and I agreed to meet at Ten-Forward to dance the night away. We did. It was fun. I also had the pleasure of tripping the light-fantastic with Sue Hampton, Jane Terry and our own Fleet Admiral Jeannette Maddox. I even got to sing with the Kling, Kelvis (a costume contestant who came as the 24th century version of Elvis).

Sunday morning I joined Libby and Teresa at the "Temple of Trek" (not to be confused with the "Temple of Doom", although real close) which must be seen to be believed, and shall leave it at that. After about two hours of "lusting" in the dealers' room, I headed down to hear Colm Meaney who portrays ST:NG's Transporter Chief O'Brien. I, along with others, were surprised to learn that 1) he is not a permanent member of the cast, 2) he did not know the first name of his character, and 3) he did not know the rank of his character. But never fear folks, our own David Vosper came to the rescue, again, reassuring Mr. Meaney that he was a lieutenant, which David tells us kind of surprised him.

James Doohan was scheduled to speak again but I decided to camp in the autograph line with one hundred and ninety two of my closest friends. David came by and joined me along with Libby and Teresa. We got our autographs, and after one more "drooling" in the dealers' room, David and I left for home (warp 7.5 and above and no "unscheduled stops". Is this guy lucky or what?)

I think I can say that "I had the best time of my life at Shore Leave". I made new friends and enjoyed myself like never before. And for those of you who wondered why I entitled this article "Let's Do the Con Warp Again!", I'm not telling. Ask the others. [2]

I went to Shore Leave. Got to meet and see some of my PROS fan friends there. [snipped] So any of you PROS fans who are also Darkover fans, please come if you can. Shore Leave was interesting, to say the least. I went to a K/S slash party and ran into rank homophobia there. A well-known K/S zine editor spewed out some of her bigotry there (no names here. Anyone who wants this person's name, write me privately). At any rate, she went off on this tirade about Lesbians, "butch women" and "Darkover Free Amazon" fans. She said that two women doing it was "disgusting" and she didn't want to see any TREK stories with two female partners. My mouth dropped open —- I was speechless. Everyone else in the room was silent as well. My main question was why is she in a slash fandom? Slash fandom involves same-sex contact. Hy guess is that this person simply gets off on two men doing it, and has no solidarity, or feeling with the Gay community (yes, the Gay community DOES include Lesbians).

Sometime earlier, a K/S editor told me that she had been criticized for making Kirk and Spock bisexual. "They're not bisexual," the critics said. "They're straight men who love each other; they don't love other men." Then I was harangued by a man at my dealers' table because I was selling Kathy Resch's zines, T'HY'LA, and the cover featured two men in an embrace — plus a female fan harangued me because she had read THE SILENT LILY and was offended by it. Criticism of my stories, I welcome; I'm sure they have many faults. And I'm sure they are not to everyone's tastes. But haranguing and personal attacks, I can do without. On positive notes, I had a lovely dinner with some far more open-minded K/S fans, who let me cry on their shoulders (so to speak) after the bouts of homophobia I had witnessed at the party. Yes, IDIC is still alive, thank the ghods. [3]


  1. ^ Another Shore Leave Convention Report at dated July 18, 1990; archive link.
  2. ^ from The Wright Stuff, a newsletter for U.S.S. Kitty Hawk
  3. ^ comments by Susan Douglass in Short Circuit #3 (October 1990)