Shore Leave (US convention)/2005

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Name: Shore Leave (US convention)
Dates: July 8-10, 2005
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Focus: multi-fandom
Founding Date:
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Shore Leave is an annual fan-run convention that takes place in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

It was founded by the Star Trek Association of Towson which continues to run it. The first convention took place in 1979; the con was still running as of 2025.

The con's focus was initially on Star Trek, but it has since broadened to include other science fiction media.

2005: Shore Leave 27

It took place July 8-10, 2005 at Marriott's Hunt Valley Inn.

cover of 2005 program book

The chairs were Kett Kettering and Marilyn Mann.

The guests of honor: Actors: Mary McDonnell, Steve Bacic, Pat Tallman/Jeffrey Willerth, Danny Strong, Alexis Cruz, Joanna Cassidy, Mark Goddard, Malachi Throne, Chase Masterson, and William Windom.

Other media: Lee Stringer, Tye Bourdony.

Writers: Strange New Worlds 8 Authors (Lorraine Anderson, Derek Tyler Attico, Kevin Andrew Hosey, A. Rhea King, Kevin Lauderdale, Susan McCrackin, Robert Burke Richardson, Amy Sisson, Kevin Summers, and Paul C. Tseng), Greg Cox, Peter David, Keith R.A. DeCandido, Kevin Dilmore, Michael Jan Friedman, David R. George, Robert Greenberger, Heather Jarman, Robert Jeschonek, Jeffrey Lang, David Mack, Terri Osborne, Marco Palmieri, Roberta Rogow, Lawrence Schoen, Kim Sheard, Dayton Ward, Howard Weinstein, Joan Winston, and Susan Wright.

Science guests: Lucy Albert, David Batchelor, Kirk Borne, Yoji Kondo (aka Eric Kotani), Carolyn Collins Petersen, Frank Summers, Ray Villard, and Norbert Zacharias.

Other special guests: Gayle Freyman, Polly Luttrull & T A Chafin, Patti Papineau, Boogie Knights, The Chromatics, Luna-C, Temple of Trek, and The Usual Suspects (formerly Not Ready for Paramount Players).

Some rules:

No alcoholic beverages are allowed in any Convention Area. The only exception to this will be when alcohol is officially provided by the hotel. Maryland law prohibits all outside alcohol at the convention.


No unsheathed swords or knives, paint ball or splatter guns, laser tag, or similar articles will be allowed. Laser Target Designators or laser pointers are not allowed in the Convention Areas (with the exception of the ones used by guest speakers) as they may cause possible injury.


Room parties must be pre-authorized by the convention chairs. The Hotel will shut down any unauthorized parties.


No posed photographs are allowed with the guests during the official autograph sessions. Please check at registration by Saturday morning for availability of Photo Opportunity sessions. NO flash photography allowed. (It's blinding!) Please note: Only the actors in the official autograph sessions will be signing free o f charge. Any actor signing outside of the official sessions will be charging a fee. Most of the actors will sign the program book free of charge.

Presentation Policy: Personal presentations while guests are on stage are not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to, giving presents, and asking for hugs, kisses, handshakes, or photographs with the guests.

Gift Policy: Due to security concerns, no wrapped gifts are to be presented to the celebrity guests at any time during the convention.

Video Taping/Recording Policy: Video taping is not allowed in the Hunt Valley Room.

Photos for sale:

For the first time, Shore Leave has arranged for photo opportunities with our headliner guests. These photos will be taken at scheduled times on Saturday, July 9. The photos that are taken during the photo sessions will be made available to you in time for the late afternoon autograph session!

Mary McDonnell, Steve Bacic, Danny Strong, Chase Masterson, Pat Tallman and Jeffrey Willerth have agreed to participate in the photo sessions. (Pat will be appearing in costume as Lyta Alexander and Jeffrey will appear in costume as Kosh.)

What's the price? Just $25 per photo op ($35 for Pat and Jeffrey in the same photo). Check at Registration on Saturday morning to find out if opportunities are still available! Check your Pocket Program for times and location.

From the program book:

WOW! Can you believe that it has been 27 years since our first convention? Can you believe

that 27 years ago we were thrilled just to have a convention- a one-day affair at Towson State University? Look how much we've changed!

Do you remember when it was the chance of a lifetime to attend a convention with only one Star Trek guest? Do you remember when there was only one Star Trek? Do you remember when Star Trek was the only fandom? My, how times have changed!

We have such a wealth of science fiction programming to choose from today, and thanks to eternal reruns, DVD's, and the Sci-Fi Channel, everything old is new again for each succeeding generation of viewers. Here at Shore Leave we are trying our best to reflect the many faces of modern fandom and to provide something and someone of interest for all of you! Actually, we have such a great lineup of guests this year that we know that they'll all be of interest you!

This year we have Mary McDonnell from the new Battlestar Galactica and the film, Independence Day; we have Steve Bacic from Andromeda and Stargate SG-1 as well as Alexis Cruz from Stargate SG-1. We also have Pat Tallman an Jeffrey Willerth from Babylon 5, and Danny Strong from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Joanna Cassidy represents Star Trek: Enterprise as well as the classic sci-fi thriller, Blade Runner, and William Windom represents Classic Trek. Malachi Throne has had appearances in Classic Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Babylon 5. Chase Masterson appeared in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; and Mark Goddard appeared in Lost in Space.

The artistic side of sci-fi is represented by Lee Stringer, an Emmy Award winning CGI specialist who has worked on Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, and most recently Gerry Anderson's new Captain Scarlett. It is also represented by the well-known sci-fi cartoonist Tye Bourdony. In addition, we have our usual army of writer guests and editors.

And lest we lose sight of reality, we have a wonderful lineup of science guests who are ready and willing to provide a real "Guide to the Galaxy" and beyond!

Now just throw in some workshops and stargazing and writer's panels and fan panels and gaming and Mystery Trekkie Theater and the Shore Leave Showcase and Masquerade and Ten Forward and one of the best Dealers' Rooms on the east coast and meetin' and greetin' and...hey! We're still all just a bunch of fans feeling lucky to have another chance to get together to meet guests and meet each other and have a good time. Maybe nothing's really changed at all!

2005: Programming

  • "Join in the Chaos-filk late-night Friday and Saturday with Crystal Paul for filk in a more informal atmosphere. Check the Pocket Program for time and place."
  • "Come join us Friday evening in Salon A and enjoy music and merriment from Roberta Rogow, Greg Baker, Brenda Shafer-Shiring and Charles Shiring, the Denebian Slime Devils, and more."
  • "The Shore Leave 27 Game Room offers many actIVItIes including Role Playing Games (Dungeons and Dragons, D20 Modem, Dragonstar), Collector Card Games (Magic, Clan Wars, Yu-Gi-Oh), Miniature War Games (Battletech Classic, Warhammer 40,000, Battlefleet Gothic), and "Clicky Base" Games (Battletech Dark Age, Marvel Super Heroes). The game room will open Friday at noon, Saturday and Sunday at 9AM, and closes when the staff is too tired to stay awake. Come spend some time with us!"
  • "Join the Imperial Klingon Battle Fleet for a Klingon Feast on Friday evening at 7:30PM in "Frankie & Vinnie's." Join Pat Tallman and the Imperial Klingon Battle Fleet for a Celebration of the Struggle of Life with fine food from across the galaxy, rousing songs as they were meant to be sung in both Klingon and English, spirited Klingon dance, inspirational Klingon poetry, and sharp Klingon humor!"
  • Showcase: Con Skit: Episode MST-ed: Alexander the Great — William Shatner/Adam West TV pilot by Mystery Trekkie Theater ("The masterminds of Mystery Trekkie Theater guarantee us that this year, the evil of our Mad Scientist knows no bounds. Frustrated with his inability over the past decade to break the will of Bob, Mike, and Peter, this year he has unearthed something so horrific ... so mindbogglingly Trekkish... so bizarre, that we can personally assure you: If you have never seen any MTT3K before, this is the one you must see. If you've seen every single one, this one will be unlike any that have come before. We promise greatness.") (see for more information on the con's skits in general)
  • Showcase: Con Play: "The Usual Suspects will be tackling the world of our favorite young wizard in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prisoner of the Sorcerer's Secret Goblet of the Phoenix." (see for more information on the con's skits in general)
  • Costume Contest: no inebriated contestants, no live animals, no fire, explosives or projectiles, flash powder, or other open flame, "No nudity or obscenity. General guideline - keep it PG-13," each contestant gets 45 seconds, one costume per body, and "The Masquerade Director reserves the right to eliminate anyone from competition on the basis of taste, danger to the audience or other contestants, or other liability issues. Remember: surprise the audience, but never the Director or the tech crew!"
  • Art Workshop by Gayle Freyman ("There will be a free Art Workshop for beginning and advanced artists during the weekend. Let Gayle prove to you that anyone can draw!")
  • CGI Workshop with Emmy Award Winning CGI Supervisor Lee Stringer ("This workshop covers a wide range of topics within the 3D Computer Animated world. Using examples from Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, and Star Trek he will cover modeling, animation, camera work, lighting, and compositing. Whether you are looking for a job within the growing CGI Industry or just a keen hobbyist, you'll learn something new. Ideal for those just starting or those looking to move to the next level. Please feel free to bring your own work/demo reel for a complete review after the workshop. This workshop is free of charge.")
  • Model Building Workshop ("Once again, The Collective will be sponsoring a Make-and-Take at Shore Leave 27. In addition to the Polar Lights Classic Enterprise and Klingon D7 snap kits, we will also have the re-released X-Wing Fighter snap kit from Racing Champions/Ertl. The cost of the Polar Lights kits is $12/each. The X-Wing Fighter is $15/each.")
  • Screenwriting Workshop by Howie Weinstein and Michael Jan Friedman ("We're going to focus on story-pitching -- the mysterious art of how to tell your story in order to sell your story. This skill is indispensable in getting agents and producers interested in what you write. We'll also cover any other questions you may have about the craft and business of writing for TV and movies. This workshop will take place on Saturday. No charge and no advance registration required.")
  • Writers Seminars - NEW FORMAT by Keith DeCandido, Kevin Dilmore, Michael Jan Friedman, Jeffrey Lang, David Mack, and Dayton Ward ("Six of our writer "regulars" will hold a series of seminars on a variety of topics pertaining ot writing. These seminars will be free, and they promise fascinating insights into the writers craft. Please consult the Pocket Program for times, locations, and details.")
  • The Chromatics

2005: Gallery of Ephemera and Samples from the Program Book
