Shore Leave (US convention)/1987

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Name: Shore Leave (US convention)
Dates: July 10-12, 1987
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Focus: multi-fandom
Founding Date:
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Shore Leave is an annual fan-run convention that takes place in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

It was founded by the Star Trek Association of Towson which continues to run it. The first convention took place in 1979; the con was still running as of 2025.

The con's focus was initially on Star Trek, but it has since broadened to include other science fiction media.

1987: Shore Leave 9

cover of the 1987 program book, Bonita LeRoy

It was held July 10-12, 1987.

The chair was Jeanne Maas.

The guests of honor were Nichelle Nichols, Bruce Hyde, Bob Greenberger, Robert Fletcher (Star Trek film costumer, led a costuming critique), Sam T. Durrance (mission specialist for NASA), Howard Weinstein, A.C. Crispin, J.M. Dillard, Richard Arnold, Terry Erdman, and Julia Ecklar.

Some performers: Omicron Ceti III, Boogie Knights, and Kobayahsi Maru Glee Club.

One activity was a Temple of Trek Revival: services led by Doctor Trekwell and the Choir of Many Colors, so that you may go home properly inspired."

The skit was by Cheap Treks (Paul Balze, David Keefer, Lance Woods, and Tom Chafin) and was titled "Live Long and Thanks for All the Fish."

One of the Art Show rules:

If you have ever won first place or Best in Show in the last five (5) years at any convention, you must enter the Showcase of Champions; even if it was not with this costume. The only exception is youth competition, under sixteen (16) years of age.... ATTENTION PARENTS: If you do not want you child to enter the R-rated portion of the Art Show - it is your decision and your responsibility to enforce.

The very first Surak Awards were presented by Lois Welling. They were awarded for 1986 fanzines. From the program book there:

In honor of the 20th anniversary of STAR TREK, a new series of annual awards have been established. Called the SURAK AWARDS, they will give public recognition to people who have worked with distinction to sustain and advance STAR TREK fandom.

SURAK AWARDS are being given for work on zines in writing, editing, design, art, filk, music, poetry and best zine by type. Memory Alpha Award. a special award is being given for a past achievement. The awards are international and will be presented yearly by a different convention by region - East, West, Midwest and West Coast. Determination of the recipients of SURAK AWARDS was made by nomination of the people of Trek fandom. The final ballot was voted on by the fen.

The SHORE LEAVE IX committee (of the STAR TREK ASSOCIATION OF TOWSON. INC.) is proud to be the first convention to sponsor the SURAK AWARDS and wish to congratulate the organizers and winners on their achievements.

1987: Programming

  • Bardic Circle
  • Panel: Skit Writing by C.W. Scrimger, D. Keefer
  • Panel: Comparing the 4 Star Trek Movies by Nancy Kippax, Kett Kettering, K. Gardner
  • Panel: Filk by Julia Ecklar, Kathy Sands, C. Dougherty, D. Keefer
  • Panel: Robert Fletcher's Influence in Movies by J. Flynn, M & S. Harju
  • Panel: What's Hot & What's Not in Fandom by D. Bartas, Kett Kettering, Gina Godwin
  • Panel: Teachers and Trek by A.C. Crispin, P. Papineau, A. Edwards
  • Panel: So You Want to Do a Zine!
  • Panel: Newsweek's 9 Theories of Trek by Gina Godwin, A. Mann
  • Panel: The New Series - Are We Asking Too Much? by A. Mann
  • Panel: Religion and Trek by C.W. Scrimger, Nancy Kippax
  • Panel: Costuming - "Science Fiction & Re-creation" by Nancy Kippax
  • Costume Workshop by Robert Fletcher
  • Ann Crispin Reading
  • National Space Society Recruitment by David Cutlip
  • Music: Omicron Ceti III, Boogie Knights, Kobayahsi Maru Glee Club, filksinging by Julia Ecklar
  • Richard Arnold: The New Series (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
  • The Bob and Howie Show
  • Starfleet Meeting
  • Samuel T. Durrance: Training to Fly
  • Game: Star Trek Trivia hosted by J. Perdue
  • Game: Star Trek Spelling Bee, hosted by J.M. Dillard
  • Showcase: Con Play: "Live Long and Thanks for All the Fish" by Cheap Treks (see for more information on the con's skits in general)
  • Showcase: Con Skit: "The K-Team" by members of Boogie Knights and others (a parody of ST:IV called the K-Team. "Seems something went wrong with fal-tor-pan and Spock came out remarkably similar to B.A. Baracus of the A-TEAM." [1]

1987: Gallery of Ephemera and Samples from the Program Book

1987: Con Reports

Shore Leave IX was full of fascinating events and discussions. Elaine and I met up with friends we only see at conventions; some we had not seen in two years. But we also enjoyed the guests, the dealers' room, and the art show.

Nichelle Nichols was charming and full of fun. She told us the scene in ST:IV with Sulu and his great-great-grandfather was left out because the little boy (who was adorable to look at, she said) would not or could not do the scene on camera. Another interesting sidelight - the woman who said the nuclear 'wessels' were over the bridge in Alameda was not supposed to have a line there. She was just supposed to look annoyed or huffy and walk away. But she was an aspiring actress who was trying to get a screen credit so she could get her Screen Actors Guild card, so Nichelle said this woman blew the filming of the scene several times by answering 'Chekov' until they had to use it or lose the scene entirely.

Bruce Hyde gave a couple of fascinating talks that turned into discussions that spilled over to outside the hall - on the fandom phenomenon and why fandom is predominantly made up of women. He has a Masters Degree in Communication and is going for his Ph.D. in Rhetoric this fall at USC where he has a teaching assistantship. Of course Bruce also entertained us with a true Ensign Kevin Riley version of I'LL TAKE YOU HOME, KATHLEEN.

A representative of Gene Roddenberry, Richard Arnold, was at Shore Leave to give everyone the latest info on STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION, but unfortunately I didn't get to hear much of that. But I did learn that ST:TNG has been purchased by over 160 stations - that's 90% of the whole market! Only one station in each market was allowed to buy it; and ironically, about 40 of the purchasers are NBC affiliates. Thirteen people that were involved with the STAR TREK TV series are back, working on ST:TNG, including Dorothy (D. C.) Fontana. David Gerrold, who was working on the new series, has left the show -- he's writing and producing a new science fiction mini-series for Columbia! The special effects for ST:TNG are being done by Industrial Light and Magic. The series is set to debut October 3rd.

A guest who was eagerly we welcomed by all the fans of costuming at Shore Leave was Robert Fletcher. Mr. Fletcher created the costumes for all four of the Star Trek movies, as well as many TV shows, including WINDS OF WAR, NORTH AND SOUTH, and the recent series, THE CHARMINGS. He was more relaxed and knowledgeable about what to expect from the fans than he was two years ago, when he came to his very first convention!

There was an interesting discussion one afternoon on taboos in printed ST, with Anne (A. C.) Crispin and Howie Weinstein, both of whom have written in both ST and 'V', Bob Greenberger of DC Comics, and Jean (J. M.) Dillard who wrote the ST novel MINDSHADOW. Paramount is very picky, but the specifics of what is allowed and what is not change with each individual assigned to be liaison with ST novelists. Anne is working on a sequel to her novel, YESTERDAY'S SON - she read us an exciting chapter from it - and Howie, who wrote COVENANT OF THE CROWN and DEEP DOMAIN, has a new *V* book, V: PATH TO CONQUEST, coming out in September. Bob Greenberger is also working on a Star Trek novel, as is Julia Ecklar.

Julia was Fan Guest of Honor at Shore Leave and is primarily known for her filk-singing. She has a lovely voice and writes a lot of the filks she sings. She turned out to have a delightful sense of humor, in person.

Speaking of filk-singing, there was a lot of that at Shore Leave - from the Boogie Knights, the Slime Devils, two of the three members of Technical Difficulties, and more. My choice for best song would be one Julia sang - the Superman Blues. Hilarious!

Also extremely funny was the parody of ST:IV called the K-Team, put on by the Boogie Knights and friends. Seems something went wrong with fal-tor-pan and Spock came out remarkably similar to B. A. Baracus of the A-TEAM...

All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable time was to be found, whatever your interests, at Shore Leave IX. [2]
