Shore Leave (US convention)/1981

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Name: Shore Leave (US convention)
Dates: July 10-12, 1981
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Focus: multi-fandom
Founding Date:
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Shore Leave is an annual fan-run convention that takes place in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

It was founded by the Star Trek Association of Towson which continues to run it. The first convention took place in 1979; the con was still running as of 2025.

The con's focus was initially on Star Trek, but it has since broadened to include other science fiction media.

1981: Shore Leave 3

The third Shore Leave was held July 10-12, 1981 at the Hunt Valley Inn in Baltimore, MD.

cover of the program book for 1981

The con committee: Chairman: Geraldine Sylvester. S.T.A.T. President: Denise Bartas. S.T.A.T. Vice President Grace Serio. S.T.A.T. Secretary & Program: Melissa James. S.T.A.T. Treasurer: Marion McChesney. Art Show: Reginia DeSimone. Films: Mark Belt, Glenn Ellerin. Huckster Room: Cathy Dougherty. Registration: Marion McChesney, Kathy Moore. Security: Gus Liberto, Grace Serio, Robin Volker. Costume Call: Grace Serio, Denise Bartas. Rovers: Don Bartas, Kathy Roark, Joanne Kauffman. Program Book: Kathy Roark, Regina DeSimone, Geraldine Sylvester. Trivia Quiz: Barbara Geeson.

Guest of Honor: Jesco von Puttkamer, Howard Weinstein, Bob Greenberger.

The program book is 20 pages long. It has bios of the two guests of honor, con info, a full-page add for Starlog Press (celebrating its 5th anniversary), a fan-drawn ad for the new Trek pro-book by Weinstein ("The Covenant of the Crown"), a flyer that said for "The Glory of Creation is in its Infinite Diversity. Artie and Marion's Fountain Fair Ice Cream," a full-page ad for "Galactic Enterprises" (store that sold books, comics, games and cards).

Some con rules:

All members of Shore Leave III are expected to conduct themselves in a manner befitting ST fans. Now, a certain amount of convention-type activity is expected and encouraged. However, anyone caught damaging hotel or convention property, or disrupting scheduled convention events in any way, will be asked to leave the convention.

Convention members are also expected and encouraged to wear costumes but all weapons must be sheathed, except for display purposes at Costume Call. For the safety of all concerned, no swordplay will be allowed at any time.

All members must wear their badges at all times while in the convention area. Anyone losing a badge must present positive I.D. and pay full admission price.

1981: Programming

  • Omicron Ceti III ("Omicron Ceti III will present "A Star Child's Odyssey", songs and slides about the space program and man's quest into space. Try it for something completely different.")
  • Shore Leave Slideshow
  • Panel: Costume ("Costumes: More or Less? - The how tos and the why nots.")
  • Panel: Art
  • Panel: Make Up ("Earl Schbib at the Con, or, Makeup for Under $29.99 - a demonstration of makeup techniques.')
  • Panel: Trek and the Press ("The 4th Estate, or, Beware of the Man with the Press Card -- the image of Trekkers in the news media.")
  • Panel: Printing Bill ("The Printing Bill is How Much?!! - the problems of financing a 'zine.")
  • Panel: Cross Universes ("What If?... - the meat and potatoes of cross universes.")
  • Panel: Changing Fandom ("Who Was That Droid I Saw You With? - A discussion of the changing face of ST fandom.")
  • Readings with Howard Weinstein ("Star Trek Novels and Parodies with Howard Weinstein - Readings by the author from the infamous "Sure, Leave" parody and chapters from the soon to be published Covenant of the Crown. Also "Pirates of Orion; How to 
Become A Famous TV Writer...")
  • Howard Weinstein on Writing
  • Jesco von Puttkamer: Space Shuttle
  • Jesco von Puttkamer: Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  • Name that S-F Theme
  • Bloopers
  • Greenberger on Comics and Film ("SF Publishing - Bob Greenberger, the managing editor of FANGORIA, discusses life behind the scenes at STARLOG, FANGORIA, AND Starlog Press' newest creation COMICS WORLD. And MY PARENTS LET ME KEEP THE COLLECTION. If you like comics don't miss this one.")
  • Themes in Fantasy ("Where Have I Seen That Plot Line Before? - A group will talk about the recurring themes in fantasy fiction.")

1981: Gallery of Ephemera and Samples from the Program Book
