Shore Leave (US convention)/2014

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Name: Shore Leave (US convention)
Dates: 2014
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Focus: multi-fandom
Founding Date:
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Shore Leave is an annual fan-run convention that takes place in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

It was founded by the Star Trek Association of Towson which continues to run it. The first convention took place in 1979; the con was still running as of 2025.

The con's focus was initially on Star Trek, but it has since broadened to include other science fiction media.

2014: Shore Leave 36

2014: Programming

2014: Gallery of Ephemera and Samples from the Program Book

2014: Con Reports

This past Saturday I attended a science fiction convention called Shore Leave in Hunt Valley, MD (north of Baltimore). The main guest that I wanted to meet at the con was Richard Dean Anderson (TVs Macgyver, TVs Stargate SG1). I preordered my weekend admission and a Richard Dean Anderson photo op ticket so I didn’t risk it selling out. Richard is an extremely rare convention guest and I have only even heard of him doing one other convention in the past (Dragoncon). I decided to order a weekend admission which cost more than the Saturday only admission because when I ordered it I didn’t know if I could make it for the weekend or not but there were huge advantages that came with ordering the weekend pass including an extra “free” autograph from two of the celebrity guests (membership includes an autograph from two of the celebrity guests they choose per day) and a lower badge number (earlier you order the lower the autograph number = less waiting). The other celebrity guests at the con included Teryl Rothery (TVs Stargate SG1), Michael Welch (Twilight, Star Trek Insurrection), Eve Myles (Dr Who, Torchwood), Robert Picardo (TVs Star Trek Voyager) and Silas Weir-Mitchell (TVs Grimm). The two celebrities that were signing “free” with paid admission were Teryl Rothery and Silas Weir-Mitchell. Class came with me just to meet Richard Dean Anderson and split the photo op with me.. the photo op was $85 so it was $42.50 for each of us. For some reason, the convention decided to make Richard’s photo op the first one of the day at 10 am. :dislike: Class was running a bit late picking me up but luckily the convention is only 10 minutes driving distance from my house. We made it to the con about 10:10 am and I ran down to preregistration to pick up my badge and tickets and class parked the car and went up to the photo op area to reserve our spot in line. We found out that the photo op was running late so Richard hadn’t even started taking photos yet. :praise: I was worried we might miss out on the photo op but as lucky would have it we were there early since it ran late. When we got up to Richard he was very cool but looked older and a bit fatter than I remember seeing him last. :hahaaa: After the photo op session I went downstairs to the main autograph hall where the celebrities had their tables set up. My friend Asian Dave gave me a huge Grimm poster to get signed for him by Silas Weir-Mitchell. I found his autograph table and there was a note that said he will only be signing during the official “free” autograph session at night. :facepalm2: I was bummed out about this because I was hoping to get Dave’s item signed and get class to take it with him (and give it to Dave at Steel City Con) so I didn’t have to carry it around all day and bring it back home on the light rail/bus when I went home at night. Although this wasn’t a huge deal.. this did mean that I would be forced to buy a professional photo op for Silas as opposed to getting a much cheaper table shot since there were no photo ops allowed at the “free” autograph session. :depressed:

When I was walking through the hall I noticed a table set up with free movie posters. I ended up scoring a bunch of free movie posters and a free Edge of Tomorrow book. One of the movie posters for “The Fault in Our Stars” appeared to be signed and when I asked the guys at the table they said they were signed by the stars. When me and class got a better look at the posters we found out that they were not real signatures unfortunately. While in this area I started meeting celebrities. The first celebrity I approached was Eve Myles and I got a $10 photo op with her. I decided to skip her $40 autograph and just do photo op only. Next I met actor Michael Welch again and I met him years ago when he was much younger at another Shore Leave con. I already had an autograph from him from the last time I met him but I decided to get an updated photo op since he is older now and looks different. The photo op was $10… if I had gotten a combo it would have been $30. Class picked up our Richard Dean Anderson photo op and it turned out great.. very easy for us to crop each other out. Class left shortly after since there was nobody else he wanted to meet at the con. After this I met actor Robert Picardo again.. I had met him many times in the past but I decided to get another photo op with him since the one I have with him previously he has facial hair and this time he was clean shaven. The photo was $20 but I opted not to get an autograph since I had a few already and because he was charging $40 for each one. After this I went upstairs to get my professional photo taken with Silas Weir-Mitchell. The line for him wasn’t too crazy and he was very cool when I got up to him. Next I was hoping to get a photo op with Teryl Rothery but didn’t want to pay $45 for a professional photo op for her. I didn’t mind paying a smaller amount of money for a photo on my camera but the problem is I didn’t know if she would be offering table photo ops or not. I decided to take my chances and wait to see what happened when she arrived at her autograph table. I approached her table and asked for a photo op. Her handler said she couldn’t because it was in her contract not to do them at the table since people paid for professional photo ops. :dislike: The professional photos had already taken place so I asked if I could just pay her the money for it since the session was over. She said I could try talking to the organizer for the con and ask her if its ok… she couldn’t do it without her authorization. I went upstairs to the photo op area and spoke to the lady running the con and explained the situation.. she then called Teryl’s handler and told her it was OK to take photos at the table since she had already taken her professional photo ops. :yes: I went back downstairs and got my photo with Teryl.. and it only cost me $10 so I saved $35 by doing this. I was very happy about this because not only did I save money but I like photos on my camera as opposed to the professional ones that have the “Sears” background. :hcit:

Next I hung out in the dealers room and bought some eight by ten photos to get signed by Silas Weir-Mitchell, Teryl Rothery and one for Richard Dean Anderson. After this I decided to get in line to get an autograph from Richard Dean Anderson. The line was quite long and it looked like Richard was taking the time to actually talk to fans and not rushing them through like William Shatner did a year ago. It took me about an hour and a half or so to reach the front of the line. I picked up a photo of Richard as his famous 80s character Macgyver. I was debating whether to get a Macgyver photo or a Stargate SG1 photo signed but Macgyver won out. It cost a steep $75 for an autograph from Richard but I figured he is a great name and super rare so I decided to get one anyway. I thought it was funny that there was a sign on Richard’s table that said he couldn’t sign duct tape or knives. I guess a lot of people bring these for him to sign since he used them on Macgyver. Richard was very cool and chatted with me while he was signing my autograph. :hcit: He also has a very cool and legible autograph as opposed to many other celebrities who just scribble. After this I walked around to kill time before the “free” autograph session happened. I saw author Greg Cox selling books and signing so I got him to sign the novelization of the new “Godzilla” movie that he wrote. Shortly after this the “free” autograph session started and it didn’t take too long for them to call my autograph block because I had a lower badge number (406) this time. As soon as my number was called I went downstairs and got in line. I explained the the volunteers that I would not be able to make it back to the con on Sunday so I asked if I could get both of my free autograph today and they said “sure.” :victory: They hole punched my badge twice since I was using both of my free autographs. I got a Stargate photo and a regular photo signed by Teryl and when I got to Silas I got a Grimm cast photo, a photo of his character from Grimm and Asian Dave’s big poster signed. They charged me an extra $10 get the third item signed which is a great price for an extra autograph. Silas and Teryl were both very cool and asked how I was doing and where I was from. At this point I left the convention. All in all, I had a great time at the convention. It would have been cool to see the Leonard Nimoy Q and A session on Sunday that he was doing via skype but I had plans to attend the Mayhem Festival in Virginia on Sunday so I didn’t attend the con on Sunday. This convention is pretty impressive for a smaller, fan-run con.. they have been booking some interesting celebrity guests and I applaud them getting someone like Richard Dean Anderson to show up who rarely makes any convention appearances and is such a cool name. In addition to this con getting cool names.. its pretty close to where I live and I have a long history with this con.. I have been attending it since I was only 15 years old. Another successful Shore Leave is in the books.. wonder who they will get to show up next year. [1]

Traveling around the galaxy, I once again, happened upon the Baltimore convention known as Shore-Leave . This one happens to be in my own hometown and is one of the best friendly family fan run convention on the planet. Yes, I mean this planet,Earth.

Upon arrival, I immediately spot a large, parked cylon spacecraft right in front of the hotel entrance! A human entrepreneur has created this lifelike life size full scale model to pose next to and inside the cockpit for photo ops. It looks real enough to fly into space. Perhaps it does.

Entering the hotel, it seems like I walked right into a science fiction film. There are fellow fans dressed up as Starfleet officers, Kilngons, Vulcans, and other fascinating and unique costumed creations. I felt right at home.


Throughout the weekend ,besides the guests signing for and chatting with fans at their tables, there were numerous panels, stage talks, art show, charity auction, gaming, photo op session with the guests, dealers rooms, a full size Doctor Who Tardis and Dalek among other items , the masquerade costume contest, and the Ten Forward party Saturday night plus so much more! Fun fun and more fun.


On Sunday of the convention the famous, Leonard Nimoy did an on screen Skype for the crowds at Shore-Leave. My friends Cathy and Jacy sat in on the Skype with more fans than a room full of Tribbles. They shared with me that Leonard came on singing with his grandson playing along on his guitar. He started the whole Skype with it. Leonard also talked about his unique photography as well. They said Leonard had a great time doing the Skype for fans. But that, for Leonard Nimoy is only, logical!

Always something cool buzzing at this unique convention!

It is always bittersweet to say goodbye to fellow friends and fans and autograph collectors on that Sunday late afternoon.

But that is when all the guests and many fans have to try to secure a shuttle-craft or transporter pad to head back home.

Shore-Leave is a wonderful fun filled and packed convention. Hope to see you all there next year.[2]


  1. ^ from Shore Leave 36 Convention Report byyJoresky, archive link (includes photos of the guests) (August 7, 2014)
  2. ^ Mark J. Gross, from A Look Back At The 2014 Shore-Leave Convention; archive link (includes photos)