Shore Leave (US convention)/1982

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Name: Shore Leave (US convention)
Dates: July 9-11, 1982
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Focus: multi-fandom
Founding Date:
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Shore Leave is an annual fan-run convention that takes place in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

It was founded by the Star Trek Association of Towson which continues to run it. The first convention took place in 1979; the con was still running as of 2025.

The con's focus was initially on Star Trek, but it has since broadened to include other science fiction media.

1982: Shore Leave 4

cover of the program book for 1982

The con was held July 9-11, 1982 at the Marriot-Hunt Valley Inn.

Con Com: Chairperson: Geraldine Sylvester, S.T.A.T. President: Denise Bartas, Vice President: Gus Liberto, Secretary: Melissa James, Treasurer: Marion McChesney, Other helpers: Fred Dasher, Regina DeSimone, Cathy Dougherty, Bill Holmgren, Danny Holman, Kathy Moore, John Olsen, Kathy Roark, Grace Serio, Chris and Judy Schildt, Weston and Maileen Scrimger, and Robin Volker.

Guests of Honor: Howard Weinstein, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, and Jean Lorrah.

The program book contains 15 pages of the usual material. It includes a poem by Marion McChesney, and some futuristic fantasy art by Regina DeSimone.

1982: Programming

  • Recurring Themes in Fantasy and Science Fiction ("The incredible recurring panel. Since none of you came to this last year, we're doing it again. It's a discussion of those all too familiar plots that keep cropping up again...
and again... and again....")
  • The Total Alien ("Everything you always wanted to know about creating an award-winning costume, with slides of past convention members.")
  • What If? ("What if Darth Vader met Kermit the Frog? What if Kahn [sic] visited Fantasy Island? What if.... Come to this discussion and fill in the blanks.")
  • Anatomy of a Centerfold ("An art panel, believe it or not. A group of artists will be talking about the techniques and methods of producing fan art.")
  • The Care and Feeding of Your VCR ("Representatives of Sony, Zenith, and RCA will describe the best methods of preserving your video tapes and will be on hand to answer your questions. Equipment will be displayed. If you're into video collecting don't miss this one.")
  • They Done Us Wrong: A Look at SF on TV ("Weinstein, Rogow and others discuss the past and future treatments of SF in "The Great Wasteland.")
  • Fashion in the 21st Century ("A presentation of furturistic fashions in the next centuries.")
  • Role Playing ("Heros and Villains meet face to mask in an unrehearsed talk on just about anything you ask them.")
  • Jacqueline Lichtenberg/Jean Lorrah ("They will be discussing their writings in the Kraith, Night of the Twin Moons universes, and others at various times throughout the convention. Check the pocket program for details.")
  • Howard Weinstein ("He will be dissembling on and reading his own writings.")
  • ST-TMP: TWOK ("All of our special guests will be in on this one, A discussion of the new Star Trek movie. (To say more would give it away.)")
  • Bill Gerken - Science Fiction: From Dreams to Tomorrow to New Realities ("A slide presentation discussing human progress in terms of efforts to modify present reality by using fictional considerations of the future as the preliminary design sketches of change.")

1982: Gallery of Ephemera and Samples from the Program Book

1982: Con Reports

I attended my first convention in July (Shoreleave) after the release of ST:TWOK. During the opening weekend of STII, which in order for me to attend I had to travel 50 miles, I met a group of the Norfolk area called Starfleet Atlantic (not associated with the national organization) met once a month. I started attending but at first found no other K/S fans. In fact, most objected to the premise, but finally about five months later a woman who I found had the same passion for K/S as I did. We started working together to get all the back zines we were missing. We have attended many conventions together. [1]


  1. ^ letter in The LOC Connection #56, August 1993.