Shore Leave (US convention)/1980

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Name: Shore Leave (US convention)
Dates: July 11-13, 1980
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Focus: multi-fandom
Founding Date:
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Shore Leave is an annual fan-run convention that takes place in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

It was founded by the Star Trek Association of Towson which continues to run it. The first convention took place in 1979; the con was still running as of 2025.

The con's focus was initially on Star Trek, but it has since broadened to include other science fiction media.

1980: Shore Leave 2

Shore Leave 2 was held July 11-13, 1980 was held at the Hunt Valley Inn in Baltimore, MD.

front cover of the 1980 program book, artist not credited], possibly by Regina Simone
back cover of the 1980 program book, uncredited, possibly by Regina Simone

The con skit was called ”Son of Starr Warrs” or “The Empire Gets Theirs, the play by Babs Lucas. This was published later in The Jedi Journal #3.

The front page of the con skit as it was printed in The Jedi Journal #3, the artist is Regina DeSimone.

The guest of honor was Jesco Von Puttkamer.

Howard Weinstein was a planned guest but did not attend as he went to someone's wedding.

Fan guests of honor were Beverly Volker and Nancy Kippax, Omnicon Ceti III, and the "recently formed" Denebian Slime Devils.

The con committee: Chairperson: Geraldine Sylvester. Treasurer: Kathy Rouark. Art Show: Regina DeSimone. Films: Russ Bowers and Bill Holmgren. Huckster Room: Tim Kinlock. Program: Melissa James. Program Book: Gina DeSimone, Melissa James, and Kathy Rouark. Registration: Denise D. Seitz and Patti Grimes. Security: Fontina Shaw. Costume Call: Grace Serio and Cathy Dougherty. Rover: Marion McChesney.

The program book contains 16 pages. It includes programming, a bio of Jesco von Puttkamer, and many humorous illos by R. DeSimone about past cons.

From the program book:

Shore Leave I was a one day mini-con held on the campus of Towson State University, well hidden on the third floor of the University Union. Despite this fact, we had perfect attendance (everyone we blackmailed came). Some of the highlights of the convention are immortalized in the cartoons you see within - the "Shore Leave I Scrapbook". Highlights not immortalized include our film suppliers sitting in a gas line somewhere in Virginia, a surprise guest speaker who surprised us by not coming (we're still looking for him), and a newscaster who tried to convince everybody (including the committee) that Trek was dead because most of the costumes were from other TV shows and movies. Other than that, it came off pretty well. After contemplating our success and counting the pennies left in our piggy bank,we decided to do it again on a larger scale. And this is it - Shore Leave II-The Con Committee strikes back!

WHAT'S A STaT? The Star Trek Association of Towson, founded in 1978 (A.D. we think) is precisely what it makes itself out to be - a Star Trek fan club. The membership consists mostly of humans - so far - from many different backgrounds and occupations, the majority of which does not limit themselves to ST, but have side interests in many other aspects of SF, media SF, fantasy, horror, etc. From soup to NUTS. The club welcomes new members -preferably 18 years of older but not necessarily human. Meetings are held at noon every first Saturday of the month at the Towson Branch of The Baltimore County Public Library. We meet in the Wilson Room of the library, which is located at York Road and Chesapeake Ave. Yearly dues are $o.O0,

1980: Programming

  • Costumes in ST: A discussion and display of convention winners with suggestions on how to and how much, by the designers and wearers.
  • Special Effects in Films: Questions and answers on various effects in SF movies, moderated by John Ellis, local film enthusiast.
  • Fanzine Writing: The whys and wherefores discussed by those who know fanzine writers.
  • Alien Cultures
  • Art in ST: Knowledge 'zine artists talk about materials, methods, and other important paraphernalia for the beginning fan artist.
  • Fanzine Editing: How To: Editors from various 'zines compare notes on how to edit a fanzine -- collating, contributors, selling, etc....
  • K/S -- Pro or Con: A Discussion: This should be a hot one. The Kirk/Spock premise will be debated (somewhat calmly, we hope) by 'zine editors, writers, etc. All weapons must be checked at the door. WARNING: If the subject matter offends you, don't come to this one.
  • ST -- The Movie -- Now What?" Dr. Jesco von Puttkamer joins other erstwhile fen to discuss what went right, what went wrong, and what we might expect in the future from Mr. Roddenberry and Co.
  • Fandom: What is It?
  • ST Premiere Slide Show
  • Con Skit: ”Son of Starr Warrs” or “The Empire Gets Theirs", a play by Babs Lucas; published later in The Jedi Journal #3 with this note: "A Note to the Reader - first performed on July 11, 1981 at Shore Leave II, "Son of Starr Warrs" has yet to see another production. Everyone and anyone who wants to do this turkey has my sympathy and my blessing - but try it without my permission and you might get a visit from my cousins Luigi, Carmine and Tony, They're the ones with the baseball bats. They don't play ball. Sincerely yours, Babs Lucas."

1980: Gallery of Ephemera and Samples from the Program Book
