The Denebian Slime Devils

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Name: The Denebian Slime Devils, The Slime Devils
Members: Denise Barkas, Regina De Simone, Melissa James, Grace R. Serio, Kathy Rouark, Cathy Dougherty
Focus: filk
Fandoms: Star Trek, perhaps other fandoms?
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The Denebian Slime Devils (sometimes "The Slime Devils") are a filk group who performed at conventions beginning in 1980.

This filk group was a guest of honor and/or performed at Shore Leave 2 (1980), OktoberTrek (1990, 1991, 1992), and Farpoint (1994).

As of 2024, they have never stopped performing but have recently limited it to Shore Leave, although Regina and Melissa James planned to perform at the 2024 Philcon.

See: A Slime Devil Songbook.

From the 1990 and 1991 program book for OktoberTrek and the 1994 program book for Farpoint:

The Slime Devils consist of six fans who spring Trek and Science Fiction filksongs on unsuspecting con-goers. The Slimes began filking when they were in high school, and published several songs after reading other people's parodies. They were talked into performing at Shore Leave II, and knew they were a hit when a member of the audience literally fell on the floor laughing (at the songs, that is!). The Slimes write filks anywhere — kitchens, rest rooms, parking lots, picnic benches, before movies, during movies, after movies... you can't imagine some of the places they have done it (wrote songs, that is!). Every presentation is different, wackier than the one before, a genuine treat for audiences.

From the 1994 Shore Leave program book:

Way back when, in planning Shore Leave 2, a group of friends who also happened to be on the con committee decided to do some filking to fill in some time during filksing. And they've been at it ever since, appearing annually at Maryland conventions, and even performing for a bar mitzvah party! This year, the Slime Devils celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of their first performance (not counting the singing in the high school cafeteria) with more silly song parodies and their fourth songbook, Slimes In The 'Hood. Catch them Friday night.

