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Name: Farpoint
Dates: 1993-2013
Frequency: yearly
Location: Maryland, U.S.
Focus: Star Trek and multifandom
Organization: Farpoint, Inc.
Founder: Bev Volker and Steve Wilson
Founding Date:
URL: Farpoint
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Farpoint was a Star Trek and multifandom convention.

It was billed as "The convention where YOU are the guest of honor."

It began in 1993 as a replacement for OktoberTrek. Its original committee included veteran ClipperCon and OktoberTrek members Bev Volker, Nancy Kippax, Marion McChesney, George Laurence, Lew Aide, Kett Kettering, John Vengrouskie, Sandy Zier-Teitler, April Valentine and Steve Wilson, and Renee Wilson.

From a fan in 1993:

Cons with actors, like Shore Leave, Farpoint, Visions, Unicon, Anglicon, including professional for-profit cons such as those run by Creation. People may sell slash there, usually 'under the table,' but there (probably) won't be panels about it.[1]

Regarding the Title

I told previously how Sandy and I had discussed, even before OktoberTrek 92 began planning, that she might step down as the financial backer for the convention, and we talked about me stepping up to lead the new con, with George Laurence, our logistics expert, as my second. After all the heartache behind the scenes of that third year, Sandy did indeed decide she would step down. She announced this at the wrap meeting, after touching base with me.

I showed up with a proposal in hand to explain to the committee what I wanted to do. It already bore the name “Farpoint,” chosen because, in those days, “Encounter at Farpoint” was the only episode of the (then) two Trek series that featured characters from both “generations.” I wanted to send the message to fans that our con would embrace fans new and, um, experienced. Today such a distinction may seem silly. Back then, it was still kind of a big deal. At least I thought it was.

In short, Sandy and I had this gamed. She was ready to hand off the reigns… to me. Her only request—”Don’t call it OktoberTrek.” Hence the new name. [2]

2017 Comments by Steve H. Wilson

From 24 Years Ago This Evening... - Steven H. Wilson, Archived version (October 8, 2017)

Farpoint had begun a year before, when OktoberTrek chair Sandy Zier-Teitler had confided in me that perhaps she didn’t want to hold a fourth OktoberTrek, even though it was a record-breakingly successful convention. Weekend sales clinched it–Sandy didn’t want to hold OktoberTrek 93; but, bless her, she was willing to let me take over her five-year contract with the hotel (at no small expense to herself.) I met with the committee and proposed a slimmed-down, lightweight convention that would return us to our small-town con roots, bring a single, fan favorite guest (George Takei), spend only $30,000, and meet its startup costs by selling lifetime memberships at $100 each.

The committee talked me up to two guests (John DeLancie would be our co-headliner) and $45,000, a lot of money for a 20-something librarian to commit to backing. And they voted in an older, wiser fan, my mother-in-law Beverly Volker, as con chair.

We created a quick and dirty flier, just to say, “We’re coming.” Paul Balze hand-drew our first logo, including the then-very-relevant shot of the Enterprises A and D warping out from a common origin point. In 1993, you see, Star Trek was media fandom, and the only controversy was between the two generations of the show, original and Next. So I named the con “Farpoint,” to reflect the premiere of STTNG, which had featured our beloved De Kelley to bridge the generations; and because our con was a bit far from Baltimore, in then-more-rural Hunt Valley; and because it seemed to suggest autumn and coolness.

We booked our guests, called in some favors from local celebrity friends, and I bought a laser printer for about a grand to create our first real flier.


By October, 1993, George Takei had canceled (to film the Peter-David-scripted Moontrap), Bev had dropped out, and I was sole owner of a suddenly very scary venture. I was disappointed that we didn’t break 2,000 attendees as OktoberTrek had, and as July sister-con Shore Leave was now doing. Still, I was addicted. At 28, I’d discovered something that let me be in charge, that let me show what I could do, that made me feel like something other than a poor librarian who, six years out of college, had not become a successful SF writer.

Sifting through my files tonight, I found some cherished souvenirs: some of the biggest checks I’d ever written, made out to celebrity actors; a check to the House of Ruth, our first charity, in honor of our beloved friend Gina Godwin, lost to domestic violence, a letter from June Lockhart, thanking me for tracking down for her two Lost in Space T-Shirts of a style she’d seen me wearing. She’d fallen in love with them. And, of course, my personal autograph collection–contracts I’d signed with our celebrity guests. Bittersweet memories as I look at the signatures of Jonathan Brandis, Michael Ansara, William Campbell and John Fiedler, all of whom have left us since their times at Farpoint.

I only lasted eight years as the sole backer of Farpoint. In 2001, I stepped down and a new, committee-owned corporation was formed, under the leadership of my former program chair, Sharon Van Blarcom. But I stayed on, doing, well, pretty much whatever they asked me to. I’m still there, narrowing my job description every year, but still part of the family.

And, 24 years later, this family of which I’m only one of the founders is still going strong. So happy birthday, Farpoint, my middle child, or perhaps my foster child. You brought me good times, you stressed me out, you helped me grow. I guess we’ve both done all right these past 24 years.


full wrap-around cover for the 1993 program book cover, art by Sonia Hillios
flyer for the 1993 con
  • October 8, 9 & 10, 1993 at Marriot's Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, MD
  • billed as "Of the fans, by the fans, for the fans"
  • Headline guests were John DeLancie, June Lockhart and William Campbell. (George Takei had to cancel due to professional commitments.)
  • other guests: Howard Weinstein, Bob Greenberger, Dr. Yoji Kondo, Arne Starr, Marc Okrand, The Boogie Knights, Reverend Trekwell and the "Temple of Trek", Tiny Treks Adventures ("Little Trek of Horrors"), and The Slime Devils
  • Program highlights included the play "Trek at Nite." Written by Lance Woods and presented by Cheap Treks, it featured Star Trek parodies of The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Get Smart and Dragnet.
  • Approximately 1,100 people attended as paid members, though attendance numbers never returned to the highs seen in the early 1990s for OktoberTrek

1993: Con Report

The Kitty Hawk away team for this event was a little smaller than usual (myself, Larry, Jeff and Robert) (budget constraints, I suppose - the Captain doesn't want to pay hazardous duty pay to so many of us. You know how dangerous those Dealer's Rooms can be). Anyway, our intrepid crew ventured out of Starbase Raleigh on Thursday evening in a rented luxury shuttle, arriving at Farpoint Station around 2:00 a.m. to find the advance scout vessel piloted by Diana Waldier had already made camp. On Friday we did. the usual - registered, checked out the dealer's room, and headed for the Mall. We did. learn that George Takei would not be present for the con, having found real work on a movie filming in Romania. I was sorry to miss him, but happy that he is working. The substitute guests were William Campbell (The Squire of Gothos) and June Lockhart. They were joined by regularly scheduled guest John de Lancey. But back to Friday. As usual, Friday was a slow day, but Jeff took in the auction and walked away with a reasonably-priced set of bone china dinnerware. We then went in search of dinner, wound up in Towson where we found a nice seafood restaurant which we will probably visit again on future trips. Then it was back to the hotel to check out the Friday night version of Ten Forward with a live band. Well, the band was not so good and what they played, when they weren't on a break, was not very danceable. The dance was sparsely attended, and we gave up on it early and headed off to bed. Saturday held promise of being better. The first thing of interest scheduled was a play, Little Ship of Horrors. We stayed 5 minutes. It was horrible. Later the guests were talking. All of the guests were interesting. William Campbell was friendly and sociable and had lots of stories to tell. I missed much of the other folks waiting in the autograph line. After dinner, we decided to head on down to the costume contest. We had counted on it starting late, as usual, and wouldn't you know it, this was one of the few things the Farpoint Committee did right. it actually started on time, so we missed most of it, as it was also quite short. And the judges made their decisions quickly for a change, so the whole thing was over by 9:30. I thought great, maybe the dance will start on time for a change. No such luck. They decided to run Rocky Horror before the dance, and it must have started late. Suffice it to say that when we checked in at 1:30 a.m., they seemed to be about ready to start. A few people seemed to be having a lot of fun at the expense of the rest of the con-goers, and I think these were the people supposedly running things. We decided to go to the intergalactic House of Pancakes and forget about the dance. Unfortunately, what used to be one of my favorite parts of any convention, the Ten Forward dance, seems to be dying out. The dances have been progressively worse lately and both of these were complete disasters.

As for Sunday, we stuck around to hear a little of the talks and spend a little more money in the dealer's room. John de Lancey and William Campbell performed a skit written by Peter David on the origins of Q. Seems he's Trelaine's delinquent son who got sent off to the Q Continuum (the omniscient beings equivalent of military school) to be straightened out.

Our shuttle made it back to Raleigh without incident. All in all, we had fun, despite the lack of anything interesting about the convention. Farpoint was in many ways an example of how not to do a convention. Quite frankly, some of us feel inspired to attempt a con of our own, just so we can do it right.[3]


1994 program book front cover, art by Sonia Hillios. According the con chair, "Jonathan did NOT appreciate being shown wearing a Trek communicator!" [4]
backcover of the 1994 program book, art by Sonia Hills
  • October 7, 8 & 9, 1994 at Marriot's Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, MD
  • Headline guests were George Takei, Jonathan Brandis (Sunday only) and Nana Visitor, who overslept and missed her flight. She phoned in her guest talk, inaugurating a tradition of phone visitors to Farpoint. Walter Koenig called in on Sunday.
  • Other guests were: Howard Weinstein, Margaret Clark, Marc Okrand, Arne Starr, Sonia R. Hills, Carmen Carter, Mojo, Tim DeHaas, Bob Greenberger, Lisa White, Dennis Bailey, Ann Crispin and Boogie Knights.
  • Program highlights included the play "9 to 5," A seaQuest / DS9 / Babylon 5 parody presented by Cheap Treks. Jonathan Brandis attended the performance, loved it, and demanded to meet the actor playing his character: it was Ian Bonds, son of April Valentine.
  • Approximately 1,000 people attended as paid members.

A long report (with photos) from the con chair is here; archive link.

1994: Remarks from the Chair

From the con chair, Steve Wilson:

Welcome to Farpoint! And welcome back to those of you who came last year. Wow, that second year of existence went by FAST.

For those of you who did support Farpoint last year, I doubt youll find very much different at Farpoint '94. Well, the Ten Forward is back on Saturday (and it's never leaving \GAIN!), and the guests are different, but the spirit of the con is the same.

And what, old hands and newcomers alike may ask, is the spirit of Farpoint? Well, I'm a;lad you asked me that (he said, reaching into his bag of tricks). Simply put, Farpoint is not just another Star Trek con. "Hey!" you exclaim, "Dis guy don't like Star Trek!" No, no, a thousand times NO! I love Star Trek, as does everyone at Farpoint; but there's more to life than Star Trek. There's a veritable cornucopia of S-F and Fantasy media out there, just waiting for us to open our minds and let it in. Why not explore it? Why not celebrate it? So, with apologies to those few of you who can't stand to have any other genre invade your convention, Farpoint will continue to grow outward, never forgetting that it was Star Trek that made fandom as we know it possible.

And now that the F-word has reared its horrific head (the F-word is fandom, of course), let's talk about what Farpoint wants to do for fans: we want to take your money, throw a couple of actors at you, and let you have the privilege of spending money in our dealers' room. No!—sorry, that's those other people. You know, the ones with the ten-to-five cons that treat the fans like cattle? No, Farpoint has a different goal. We're not out to collect all the money we can, we're out to keep fandom alive, and, with it, fan-run conventions.

You see, Fandom didn't used to be about cheering Paramount Pictures or going to their licensed conventions (actually, I prefer to call them "shows," because they are totally non-participatory.) Fandom didn't used to be about eating up every little crumb that some "professional" threw us, helping those same professionals get rich all the while.

Fandom used to be about producing, as opposed to consuming. Fans used to produce fanzines, run conventions, create artwork—be it paintings or costumes. Many fans writers, artists and entrepreneurs from years past have names you know now as respected professionals in fields that fandom helped them enter. Ever heard of Howie Weinstein, Bob Greenberger, Margaret Clark or Sonia Hillios? They were all plain fans once, and their love of Star Trek led them to become producers. Obviously, it paid off for them. It can pay off for you, too.

That's what Farpoint is all about. This weekend, while you enjoy the con, look for ways that you can help to make it better. If you see a painting, a costume, a play, and you think, "Well, I could do that!"—Do it! Become a producer, not a consumer.

Fandom can be whatever we choose to make it. If we don't choose to make it anything, then it will degenerate to a feeding ground for people who just want to take our money, not offering very much in return.

1994: Programming


  • The Life and Times of Sulu - Sulu, as portrayed by our guest George Takei, is a popular character in the Star Trek universe. But how much do we really know about Sulu? Join us to talk about what the "official" stories and all of the apocrypha say about one of our favorite characters.
  • Major Kira - She began as a substitute for Ensign Ro, but Bajoran Major Kira Nerys, portrayed by our guest Nana Visitor, has blossomed into a fascinating character in her own right. Is Kira finally the strong female character Star Trek has lacked since its inception? And how has Kira changed - if at all - since the DS9 pilot? Is she getting too soft? Or not soft enough?
  • The Bajorans - Most aliens in Star Trek reflect just one aspect of "the human equation" (Vulcans - logic, Fereng i= greed, etc.), but the Bajorans don't fit neatly into just one slot. Are they just a race of whiners, or could they be the most "human" aliens in all of Trek?
  • SeaQuest DSV - Critics hated it. Fans had to choose between it and Lois and Clark. SeaQuest is back for a second season. Has it improved since the first year? Will it make it for the long haul? What are they doing right? Wrong? Let's hear what you think.
  • The Kid Vs. The Boy - SeaQuest has Lucas, portrayed by our guest Jonathan Brandis. TNG had Wesley. Many fans have strong opinions on the need for a "resident teenage genius", and feel having such a character is simply an obvious ploy to gather in the important teenage demographic in the viewing audience? How have these two shows handled their "resident teenage genius" differently? Which show has done the better job? Which character do you like better?
  • The Klingons: From Evil to Honor - From being Starfleet's dreaded enemies, the Klingons have now become their most trusted allies. Let's look at how the Klingons have evolved over the years into one of the most popular alien societies in the Star Trek universe.
  • Whither Classic Trek? - In the beginning, there was the Enterprise NCC-1701, "No bloody A, B, C, or D!" With the advent of TNG, DS9 and Voyager, it is often impossible to even find Classic Trek on your television stations. How do you feel about this? Are you one, a classic Trek fan? Or perhaps you never watched Trek until TNG began? Let's explore the importance of the original show and honor its place in the Star Trek universe.
  • Star Trek Biographies - Trek biographies have been sprouting all over the place in the last year. There's the "official" Roddenberry biography, and the "unofficial" one, along with books by Shatner, Nichols and Takei. These books offer different and varying viewpoints about the Star Trek universe. Have you read any or all of these books? Which ones did you like/dislike? Which ones do you feel are the most accurate? Why do you think so many Trek biographies have come out in such quick succession? And if you haven't read these books, this panel may just save you from buying a book you won't like or need!
  • Between Treks: Science Fiction TV of the 70s and 80s -- Between classic Trek and the Next Generation, there were several attempts to put science fiction on television. Remember Space: 1999? How about Buck Rogers?! Let's share memories about our favorite shows.
  • Fan Clubs: Are They Worth It? - In this age of VCRs and Internet, it's easy to find out what's going on with your favorite stars and shows. Used to be you'd join the fan club to find out all the inside information. Let's talk about the pros and cons of joining a fan club. And if you're one of the brave souls who have actually run a club, come share your success and/or horror stories. We'd love to hear them!
  • Voyager: Will It Fly? - Yet ANOTHER Star Trek? Some people are mad about losing the Next Generation, while others are thrilled to have more Trek "beaming" into their homes. Come talk about what the characters and plans for the fourth "generation" of Star Trek.
  • DS9 vs. Babylon 5 - There's a space station, with a whole lot of people from different alien cultures. The people running the place are members of a military/defense/exploration service. The good guys are trying to keep the peace between all of the various factions. There's a lot of similarities between DS9 and B5. Which one's better? Come talk about what you like and don't like about these two popular shows.
  • Star Trek: Generations - Classic Trek characters interact with Next Generation characters, but there's no time travel. Shatner had Marina Sirtis' part cut because she critiqued the script and asked to have her part enlarged. Kirk dies in Picard's arms. Shatner snubbed Jonathan Frakes on the Paramount lot. There's been a lot of speculation and stories out there about the new film. What's really going to happen in this film?
  • Violence on TV - This is one of the year's most hotly debated topics. Everyone's had their say - the politicians, the psychologists, the journalists, the talk show hosts. Here's the chance to voice your opinion on this important topic.
  • The Undiscovered James T. Kirk - What do we really know about the legendary James T. Kirk? He has a reputation for breaking the Prime Directive without a second thought, loving and leaving scores of women, and for being a "cowboy diplomat". How much of this reputation is based in fact? Let's look at how the legend of James Kirk started and try to get a glimpse of the character underneath the legend.
  • Fan Forums: Quantum Leap, Babylon 5, Dark Shadows, Alien Nation - Gather with other fans who share your interest in these shows!
  • The X Files Are Out There - Just as another science fiction series did almost 30 years ago, this TV drama started out quietly but has developed a cult following of fans who love its adventures into the unknown and the interaction of its characters. Is The X Files the Star Trek of the 1990s? Or is it just another spooky fad for viewers who like a good scare every week?
  • British Science Fiction - Some of the best science fiction television has come from Great Britain, but a lot of us have never experienced it because these sensational shows are not broadcast on American television. Shows like Dr. Who and Red Dwarf have very loyal followings in the United States, but most of our viewing must be done by videotape. This panel is for all of the fans of British science fiction shows, and for those of you who have heard about these shows but never seen them.
  • Star Wars: The Next Generation - There have been stories abounding that George Lucas is soon to begin filming the first movie in the next Star Wars trilogy. There has also been a series of well-receiving books based on the characters of the first (second?) trilogy. What do you think is going to happen in the next Star Wars movie? Will it ever even be made?


  • Denebian Slime Devils - The Slime Devils consist of six fans who spring Trek and Science Fiction filksongs on unsuspecting con-goers. The Slimes began filking when they were in high school, and published several songs after reading other people's parodies. They were talked into performing at Shore Leave II, and knew they were a hit when a member of the audience literally fell on the floor laughing (at the songs, that is!). The Slimes write filks anywhere—kitchens, rest rooms, parking lots, picnic benches, before movies, during movies, after movies... you can't imagine some of the places they have done it (wrote songs, that is!). Every presentation is different, wackier than the one before, a genuine treat for audiences.
  • The Temple of Trek - The Temple of Trek Revival, now in its tenth year, brings the words of the Great Bird to his Faithful Fen at conventions in the Mid-Atlantic area. Join Dr. Trekwell and his Choir of the Robes of Many Colors as they sing hymns such as "Amazing Spock," Kroyka Tliylla Kroyka," "Great Bird Loves the Little Children" and other standards like you've never heard them before. If you want to get a flavor of the Temple services, visit Dr. Trekwell at his table in the Dealers' Room where he sells his "religious articles" for a small love offering. The Temple of Trek however isn't always out for fun. Collections taken at services go to various charities as have profits from bake sales and other endeavors. If you're a faithful fan, the Temple of Trek is for you! PRAISE TREK!
  • Future Dream - [April Valentine] and Kathy Burns were original members of the filk group, Omicron Ceti III, which appeared for the first time at Bi-Centennial 10 con in New York in 1976. Kathy married and left the group in 1979, while [April] stayed with OCIII through many incarnations until the group "retired". Kathy, now Kathy Ackerson, came back to fandom and attended Farpont '93. She and [April], billed as "Bonds and Burns" appeared for the first time on stage together in 14 years at the filksing at Shoreleave this summer. They appear here as "Future Dream" singing their original songs of the Enterprise, fandom, the Kirk/Spock relationship and other SF and media themes.
  • Film Rooms - Come to our Film rooms and see some of Star Trek and the science fiction genre's finest hours... and two hours... and half hours. We'll also be showing some rare appearances by our guests!
  • Radio Room - Farpoint features some classic science fiction radio programs—from the days when you had to use your imagination to see the pictures. Cheap Treks will also be presenting a live radio play—done the way radio shows used to be done, mistakes and all—in the radio room.
  • Filksing - A filksing will be presented on Friday night, hosted by our filk guests of honor, the Boogie Knights. The popular Slime Devils will also be performing. Come join in the fun and sing along!
  • Comics Workshop - For those of you out there who are interested in the comics business, this workshop is for you. Well be presenting lots of important information on the production and business areas of comics production. Youll also get the chance to talk with several of our guests who are professionals in the field. You must sign up for this workshop separately at the registration desk. Attendance will be limited - sign up early to make sure you don't miss this important presentation.
  • Solar Astronomy - David Batchelor, a solar astronomer with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, will be making a presentation about his studies of the sun. He uses X-ray images of the sun to get a unique perspective on solar activity and how it affects us on Earth. Be sure to not miss this fascinating presentation.
  • Science Fiction in the Science Classroom - John Boblick, a high school science teacher from Montgomery County, Maryland, has incorporated aspects of science fiction into his chemistry and physics lessons for many years. His students have speculated and commented on the accurate portrayal of science in episodes from 1940s and 1950s movie serials, as a way for them to use and build upon their scientific knowledge and increase their analytical skills. Mr. Boblick has published articles and made presentations about his unique approach to science education, and we are glad to have him here at FARPOINT 94.
  • Psychic Phenomena - Interest in psychic abilities and phenomena has been growing over the past few years, and with today's technology, it is becoming possible to record and measure some aspects of psychic phenomena. Come join Mary Beth Wrenn as she explores this amazing and exciting field.
  • Paramount Vs. Fandom - Over the years, the Star Trek franchise has become a very large and lucrative part of the Paramount Studios operations. In recent years, Paramount has taken steps to protect their investments and copyrights that many fans feel are excessive and overly restrictive. How has fandom been affected by Paramount's enforcement of its copyright ownership? Kett Kettering will be leading a presentation and discussion about the increasing conflicts between Paramount and Star Trek fans everywhere.
  • UFOs - Have you ever seen a UFO? What would you do if you did see one? Mary Beth Wrenn will be showing some fascinating video of UFO sightings and discussing what they mean to all of us. IFT Meeting - The FARPOINT committee is proud to host the International Federation of Trekkers (IFT) east coast meeting here at Marriott's Hunt Valley Inn. IFT is a 10-year old international organization with many chapters in the United States. They perform public service work in their communities and support many worthwhile causes. Stop by IFTs table for more information on their activities.
  • Maryland Squadron Meeting - The Shuttle Trinity will be hosting an organizational meeting on Saturday for any interested Maryland-based shuttles and ships. All interested persons are welcome.
  • GHT George Takei Friendship - George Takei's fan club will be meeting during the convention. Stop by their table for more information, or to join this popular club.

1994: Con Reports

“It was probably January or February of 1994. Just months before, in October, 1993, I had chaired the first Farpoint Convention at Marriott’s Hunt Valley Inn, just outside Baltimore…

Farpoint began as a Star Trek con, but we quickly realized that we wanted to be a bit more than that. We wanted to branch out and celebrate some of the other wonderful science fiction properties that were coming into being.

My family and closest friends were in love with Amblin Entertainment’s new “science fact” show, and we wanted our 1994 convention to have at least one seaQuest guest. We also wanted to book someone who would make even casual fans sit up and take notice. Fortunately, seaQuest’s cast included a very talented young man who was fast becoming the hottest teen idol on the planet. Jonathan Brandis’s agent was very open to an appearance contract offer, and Jonathan readily agreed to come to Baltimore. Membership sales skyrocketed. As Teen Beat featured him on more and more covers, and he made the rounds of more and more interview shows, we were on a Brandis-induced high. We had the guy coming to our little con!

And then I came home one night in September, and my wife sadly said, “There was a message on the convention answering machine (yeah, it was 1994!). One of the guests has to cancel.” I dreaded the answer. I hated to lose George Takei or Nana Visitor, our other guests, but we’d recover that. If it was—

“It’s Jonathan Brandis,” she said. “Apparently he’s been feeling very run down since filming started on the second season, and he doesn’t think he should do the con.”

Well, this is the convention business and these things happen. I didn’t freak out. Much. After I picked up the pieces of the glass I had thrown at the wall and scrubbed Mountain Dew off the wallpaper, I called the agent in L.A. and explained what a loss this cancellation was for our con. We didn’t want Jonathan to risk his health, but could they let him know that we have probably a thousand people who have already made their hotel and plane reservations, and they’re coming from all over just to see him? Could he manage to do a one-day appearance, and we’ll pay him 75%?

Before the Mountain Dew was dry on the wall, Jonathan had replied that he had no idea his fans had made long-range plans. He thought it was just a casual thing that people would sort of drop by. Of course he would come up from Florida for the day. Blessed relief!

My wife Renee and I were Jonathan’s handlers for the weekend. (Being con chair has to have some perks.) We met him at the airport Sunday morning. He had flown up with his dad, Greg. Greg was a warm and friendly guy, and obviously very protective of his celebrity son. One of the landmarks near BWI Airport is the distillery where Calvert Whiskey used to be made. Greg launched into stories about his uncle who worked for Calvert Whiskey. Jonathan rolled his eyes. Audibly. Apparently, his dad told lots of stories.

As we drove, Renee reviewed the day’s schedule with them. Jonathan asked about the live stage show that ended the weekend. We explained it was a Baltimore tradition to wrap the convention with a parody of a movie or TV show. This year we were presenting a Deep Space Nine / Babylon 5 / seaQuest DSV crossover. Actors usually couldn’t care less for amateur productions, but Jonathan asked hopefully if his flight out was late enough that he could stay and see the show. I said it was, and Greg said, “We have to stay for that!”

At the hotel, Jonathan sat an autograph table and signed for a line of about a thousand people. In those days, no money changed hands. Everyone who attended the con got an autograph, as long as there was time enough in the day. After a few hours spent developing carpal tunnel syndrome, Jonathan was scheduled to speak onstage. I walked him to the backstage stairs and pointed out the layout—there’s your mic, the audience mic is there, we’ll cue you when your time is running out…

He looked at me and said, “Okay. But what am I supposed to say?” And I realized I’d never asked the poor guy if he had done a solo Q&A session before. After sixteen years in the business, he had never done this kind of personal appearance. “It’s easy,” I told him, “because they already love you and you can’t disappoint them. Tell them how filming is going. Tell them how it’s different to be shooting in Orlando. Tell them a funny story about Darwin. Any time you’re tired of talking, just say, ‘Who has a question?'”

“And,” I told him, “they will ask about William Shatner.” It’s been a long time, but I think Jonathan kind of chuckled and said, “I should be really careful what I say, right?”

Jonathan’s talk went well. I was very busy and probably didn’t hear half of it. I do, however, have a surviving photo of me onstage with Jonathan, alongside my old friend Cindy Geppi Shockey as she presented him with a gift from local fans –

After his talk, Jonathan and Greg stayed in the main ballroom, as promised, to watch our seaQuest parody. I played Nathan Bridger. Memories of the show? Not many. Strutting out in my Sunny’s Surplus jumpsuit to John Debney’s seaQuest DSV theme… Arguing with my young friend Ian Bonds (playing Lucas) over a live video feed with a pretty impressive (for 1994) imitation of a UEO video call. At one point, I adlibbed the line, “Kids. Can’t live with ’em. Can’t send ’em to Singapore!” I got the requisite boos. Michael Fay was very much in the news at the time.

At the end, as the credits ran, we had an actor walk out on stage as Dr. Bob Ballard and try to give a science lesson based on our script. After a couple abortive attempts, he finally said, “The female mammary gland is an amazing piece of biological engineering, and you’ll be seeing lots of them on the next season of seaQuest DSV!” At which point I came out in a bathrobe as Roy Scheider to console Bob, and tell him I’d introduce him to my reporter friend from the Orlando Sentinel. I think Scheider’s angry rant about the quality of the second season scripts had just hit the papers.

Greg and Jonathan loved our silly little show so much that they asked us to ship them tapes of it. Indeed, as we got into the car and were pulling away from the hotel lobby to head to the airport, Jonathan spotted Ian, who had played Lucas in our show. He banged frantically on the armrest of the car and shouted, “Stop! Stop! That’s him! I have to meet that kid!” So I shouted for Ian to come say hi, and he and Jon chatted. Ian was, at fourteen or so, already a seasoned pro who had headlined Bernie’s Bar Mitzvah in New York. He was happy to meet the celebrity guest, but he didn’t lose his cool.

In probably 90 minutes spent together, mostly driving, we actually didn’t talk about seaQuest much. Renee and I make it a point when working with our actor guests not to talk to them about work. But I do recall asking if they liked Florida, and if conditions on set were better or worse than in L.A. Greg said that the set was a lot of fun that year because the DeLuise brothers were a pair of practical jokers.

But I did give in to one fannish question, since I had the boy captive in the car: “Level with me Jon… how was Shatner to work with?” Jon laughed and admitted that he barely got to speak with the celebrated Trek actor, who spent most of his time on set talking to Roy Scheider. That made sense, I figured. Shatner came from the days when the headliner felt ownership in the show. He probably considered Scheider an equal and focused his attention on him the way the President would the leader of a foreign country. Jon went on to say that Shatner wasn’t rude or mean, he was just very focused.

We took a brief moment to get a photo of Jon and Renee together at the airport, and away he and his dad flew. Literally. It was a frantic day, packed with hard work, but I got the sense he was glad he decided to join us after all. I know, looking back, that we’re all glad we got the chance to meet this smart, talented, funny young man who left this world too soon…” [5]


1995 program book cover, art by Arne Starr
flyer for the 1995 con
  • October 6, 7 & 8, 1995 at Marriot's Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, MD
  • Headline guests were Robert Picardo and John Fiedler.
  • Program highlights included the play Deep West Nine - A Fistful of Latinum by David Keefer, presented by Cheap Treks
  • Approximately 1,000 people attended.
  • some performers were Cheap Treks and Boogie Knights


front cover of the 1996 program book

It took place October 4, 5 & 6, 1996 at Marriot's Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, MD.

There were about 900 paying guests.

The guests were to be Michael Ansara, Tim Russ (canceled) and Mark Goddard.

Program highlights included the play The X-Files: This Way to the Egress by David Keefer, presented by Cheap Treks

The skit, "Cheap TreX-Files: This Way to the Egress," was by Cheap Treks. "Mulder and Scully are out on assignment Farpoint weekend, but Cheap Treks will do their able best to bring you the X-Files in the way only they can! Hang on to your funnybones."

From a September 27, 1996 letter sent to fans by Steve Wilson:

You are receiving this letter because you have purchased a Sunday-only membership, and we have some disappointing news which may affect your decision to attend Farpoint this year.

We found out late yesterday that Tim Russ will not be able to make a Sunday appearance at Farpoint. Tim, like all the principle cast members of the four Trek series, is required to participate in the 30th Anniversary live broadcast from Paramount Studios on October 6th, which is Farpoint Sunday.

Tim had thought he could do his talk on Sunday, sign autographs, and jump on a plane home, but Paramount demanded he show up much earlier than he expected, and so he has to go home Saturday night. He feels horrib1e about doing this to his fans. Tim is one of those rare stars who goes out of his way not to ever miss a convention appearance. Being a long-time fan himself, he knows how much Star Trek means to a11 of us. He asked me to convey his heartfelt apologies to each of you.

I, too, want you to know how sorry I am to disappoint you. The support Farpoint has received from local fandom has truly overwhelming, these past

four years, and I can't stand the thought of letting any of you down.

1996: Programming

  • "Mister Vulcan" ("For the first time in a while, a Vulcan is shown as part of a command crew of a Federation starship. This panel will look at what we have learned about Vulcans, from Spock to Tuvok.")
  • The Many Faces of Michael Ansara ("This panel will cover all of the many facets of Mr. Ansara's career, in particular the many roles he has undertaken in science fiction/fantasy movies and television.")
  • Why Does Paranoia Sell? ("Paranoia as the basis of a show is big ~ The X-Files took off, and now there are several more shows based on this same premise. Are these shows appealing to people's innermost fears?")
  • We Still Grok Spock ("Mr. Tuvok may be the current Vulcan character featured on a Trek series, but to many fans Spock is still the unequaled best character of Trek. Let's look at Spock's past, present and future.")
  • The Xerox Files: Millennium, Dark Skies, Early Edition ("Several new shows this season are based, in whole or in part, on the same premise that has made X-Files such a popular hit. This panel will take a look at these new shows - are they hits, misses. or total rip-offs?")
  • Fan Forums: Space (Above and Beyond, ST: Deep Space Nine)
  • Filking
  • The Boogie Knights and The Slime Devils
  • David Batchelor ("From his work with NASA David Batchelor always provides an informative and fascinating look at solar research . He is joining us again this year with the latest in this important field.")
  • Internet Social ("Stop by on Friday night and meet in person some of the people you've talked with on-line.")


This was the fifth Farpoint.

cover of the 1997 program book, artist is Arne Starr

This was the first year that the con had a con zine. See Encounters.

Steve Wilson and Marion McChesney were the con chairs.

Two guests: Jonathan Frakes, Mira Furlan, Peter David, Arne Starr, Lolita Fatjo, Suzan Lovett, Tim DeHaas, Donald Schmitt, Jean Lorrah, Marc Okrand, Howard Weinstein, and Dr. Yoji Kondo.

From the program book:

I'd like to thank Farpoint's new chairman (er - chairperson) for stepping in and taking some of the heat off of me this year. Marion McChesney, founder of Clippercon (which launched the Farpoint committee on its current path back in 1984), began playing Captain to my Admiral back in November. I've signed the checks and she's run the committee. I think we've made a pretty good team, and I hope that will show through in an even better con experience for each of you.


More than ever this year, Farpoint is trying to stress the creative spirit in fans - the spirit that kept Star Trek alive between incarnations, and continues to keep many other series alive without new incarnations. Particularly, I hope you'll stop by the zine dealers' tables in our dealers' room. Zines, labors of love by writers who seek, not profit, but a chance to share their stories and their love of established characters, offer a perspective you just can't get from professionally published materials - that's assuming your favorite series is lucky enough to have published materials available.

I also hope you'll join our panel discussions, enter our masquerade competition, join the filksing and show us your karaoake talents.

Let all of us see what you have to offer, because Farpointis here for you. I know that may sound like just a lot of words, but I mean every one. It's been a stressful few years bringing the con to this point, and many times I've asked myself, "Why do I do this?" My answer has always managed to come from one of you. Sometimes it's a note of thanks with your registration, a kind word in the hallway as I've dashed past, a positive remark I've seen about us on the Internet. I've gotten a lot of complaints, a few threats, but you've given me at least as many words of encouragement to let me know you like what we're doing here. I want you to know how very much they've all meant to me. SF fans, everyone knows, are a breed apart; but Farpoint fans are a cut above within that group. I might be a little biased, but I think you people are the best, and I think you deserve the best.

I hope that's exactly what Farpoint will always deliver.

1997: Programming


  • What's Up with NASA? ("Come hear the latest information on NASA programs - David Batchelor, a member of Goddard Space Flight Center's Speakers' Bureau and a long time friend of our convention, will be discussing what's new with the Mars Pathfinder, the Space Station and other NASA projects.")
  • Deleon and Sheridan: Doomed to Failure? ("Their relationship is one o f the cornerstones o f the B5 series. Can two people with so much power and responsibility make a personal relationship work?")
  • Minibars, Centauris and Narns, Oh My! ("B5 has one ofthe most varied casts of aliens in science fiction television. But what do we really know about these different cultures?")
  • Fanzine Readings ("Come enjoy the work of some of fandom's best writers, as they read aloud from their latest publications.")
  • Female Role Models in Science Fiction TV ("A discussion on the roles of women as portrayed in science fiction television, from The Origi- nal Series to Voyager and B5.")
  • You Gotta Read This Book! ("Come share your favorite book from the past year with other bibliophiles!")
  • Star Wars: Were The Special Editions An Improvement Or A Travesty? ("The re-issue of the Star Wars films set new standards for the box office performance of re- issued films. But were the new versions as good as the old? And what are all of us at home going to do with our "original" boxed sets now that the "special edition" boxed sets just came out?")
  • Classic Authors: Asimov, Clarke and Friends ("What is your definition of a Science Fiction Grand Master? Is there one of your favorites overlooked for this designation? An author with this honor who may not deserve it?")
  • Captain Riker ("Commander Riker turned down a promotion several times when TNG was on the air. Let's suppose he accepted one of those postings. What kind of captain would he have been? Better than Picard?")
  • Fan Fair ("Members of different fan clubs will be present to discuss their club's history and purpose. You'll be amazed at the many and varied aspects of fandom that are out there!")
  • The Odd Number ("Can the next Trek movie overcome what has been called "the odd number curse"? Come share your thoughts and what you've heard about the "Star Trek.")
  • Is it DS9 or The Love Boat? ("There's been a lot of time devoted to the personal relationships among various DS9 citizens, Nog got married, and it's been announced that Dax and Worfwill get married this year. Has DS9 gone soft?")
  • Voyager and The Borg ("When the season ended, Voyager's crew was attempting to work with the Borg to overcome a common enemy. And the new season will see a Borg crew member on Voyager. Come share your opinion on the impact this will have on the series.")
  • The Future of Classic Trek ("The characters and stories of the original Star Trek started it all. Now, 30 years later, is there a "future" for these characters? Are there any more stories to tell?")
  • The Dominion Are Coming, The Dominion Are Coming! ("Okay, Paul Revere we ain't! What chance does the Federation and our friends on DS9 have against this powerful enemy?")
  • The Sci-Fi Channel: A Service to Fans or Has-Been Heaven? ("Since the Sci-Fi Channel came on the air, they have shown a lot of old, some may say canceled before their time, shows. What do you think of their programming? Should they be devoting more or less time to re-runs of classic shows? What do you think of the few original shows produced for the network?")
  • If I Had My Way......"What? ("What would you have happen on your favorite show? What character would you bring back, and how? What show would you rescue from an unfair cancellation? What show would you cancel immediately? Would you kill off a character? Which books or comics would you tum into movies? Which movies would you have stopped from being made? What storyline would you like to see in the next Star Trek movie? Let your imagination run wild, and come share your wishes with other fans!")
  • Fan Forums: Babylon 5, X-Files, Xena, Highlander, Space Above and Beyond ("Meet other fans of these popular series, share your opinions and memories, and even make a new friend or two!")
  • Fanzines - Where Have They Been? ("An overview of the history of zine publishing, the criteria, the different and distinct fandoms; publishing from the '70s through the '80s.")
  • Fanzines - Where Are They Going? ("What's different about zine publishing in the '90s? Have the criteria changed? Are they better or worse?
  • What Happened to My Fandom? Did the fandom you once enjoyed go defunct? Are fan fiction, photos, artwork, etc. in short supply? Where did the fans go? Remember Blake 's 7, Simon & Simon Remington Steele or Beauty and the Beast?")
  • The Day of Atonement ("There seems to be a trend in fan popular shows today where the hero (es/ines) are seeking to make amends for a former lifestyle. Consider Forever Knight, Xena, among others. Bad guys turning good and fighting the evil forces. What makes this attractive?")
  • Cry U.N.C.L.E. ("The show was on the same time as Classic Star Trek and the fandom has endured through three decades.If you're a devotee or mildly interested in what all the hoopla is about, come join in for a lively discussion.")
  • Just a Wiseguy ("This Steven Cannell show from the late eighties has found new life in a burgeoning fandom filled with creative folk who are writing, editing, and illustrating. Looking for something old that's new again? This might just be your ticket.")
  • Elements of a Good Relationship ("Focusing on the male bonding that's so prevalent on the tube and so embraced by fandom, this panel discusses what makes it work, where it happens, when it does or doesn't.")
  • Surfing the Internet ("Come find out tips for finding what you want, who to contact, where are the e-mail lists for what you're interested in. Guide to net protocol.")
  • Chat Room Face to Face ("Have you met someone on-line, found a buddy or pal whose interests dovetail with yours? This is your chance to meet (if you're both here) and tell your story, share your experiences.")
  • Ethics of "Publishing" on the Net ("What are the advantages/disadvantages of fiction on the internet? Some like it, some hate it. Give your opinion and discuss this timely topic.")
  • Fandom on the Internet ("The not-so-new medium for fans. How has it changed fandom? "Computers make excellent servants' but I wouldn't want to serve under one." True or false?")
  • Now Voyager ("Your new fave is Voyager; so what if you're in the minority? There are multiple many-dimensional characters, intelligent writing, and the plotting problems seem to have been cleaned up. Come share your enthusiasm and affection for the most Classic-Trek-like Star Trek yet.
  • Beloved Immortals ("What is in store for The Highlander now that they've killed off Richie? Who's next? And what about Duncan's new short hair?")
  • Not Just Another Pretty Face ("The allure of pairing up Garok and Basheer [sic] from DS9. I f you're interested in this newest human/alien combination, stop in and learn more!")
  • Where Have All the Artists Gone? ("Fan art is becoming a lost art! If you remember the days of Alice Jones? Pat Stahl [sic], Stephanie Hawks, Nan Lewis? et al, you might not believe the dearth of artists who are still illustrating fan fiction! Let's find out why these very-well-treated ladies defected and/or lost interest.")
  • Summer/Fall Movies- Thumbs Down or Thumbs Up? ("Join in this discussion of what "hit" with the majority of people we know, and what hyped "hits" were real duds. Our very own version of Siskal & Ebert will welcome your participation.")
  • Thank You, TNT ("Starsky & Hutch fandom, a mainstay since its original airtime in the mid-seventies, experienced a drastic resurgence when TNT began running the classic episodes, plugging in a whole, wide new audience who are still finding each other via fanzines and the net. Will this upswing continue? Join the discus- sion o f the show and its fandom.")
  • Writing Fiction for Law Enforcement Characters ("What are your sources? Do you research? Use this time for getting tips or giving them to others. Includes cops, private investigators, FBI agents, CIA *(*&s, and anyone else you can think of who serves and protects.")
  • When Being a Doctor Isn't Enough ("Since hurt-comfort is such a prevalent theme, writers need medical advice on a number of conditions. Don't pay $40 for an office visit and tell your doctor these are your symptoms! Learn how to extrapolate a situation and write the most authentic medicine you can imagine.")
  • Makin' Love Out of Nothing at All ("An adult slash (/) panel. It's been said that any pair can be believably slashed by the right author. Name your secret fantasy duo. Interface with others who share your passionate passion. Discover what's been done and where you can find it.")
  • A Bite in Time ("The allure of vampirism is heavily represented in fiction, TV, and movies. But what is genre canon, what is specific to the vampire of your choice, and how do you tell the difference? Bloodsucking lovers take note.")
  • We Are Not Alone. ("The allure and excitement of The XFiles, a fandom minus fanzine activity. What's in store for Muldar and Scully? Can the producers keep up the high quality of the show as shown so far?")
  • Senses and Sensibility ("Discussing the strengths and weaknesses of one of the newest hot commodities on the tube: UPN's The Sentinal [sic]. It's a hit with fans, despite weak plots, missed relationship scenes, and hackneyed dialogue. Come discover what is drawing fans in droves.")
  • "Renegades" and Other Strangers ("If your passion is .for two gorgeous guys, top-notch writing, and a variety of movie and original characterizations. Join in on the fandom that's unlike any other! Celebrating the fictional personas of Kiefer Sutherland and Lou Diamond Phillips, we're small but tasteful!")


  • The Sun and Other Stars ("David Batchelor of NASA talks about his field of solar astronomy, and will show fascinating new pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope.")
  • An Overview of the Mars Pathfinder Mission ("Inge Heyer of the Space Telescope Science Institute will discuss the Mars Pathfinder mission and the latest information being collected.")
  • Behind The Scenes at B5 ("Sandy Bruckner of the official B5 fan club joins us with the latest information from the set, and maybe even a few video surprises.")
  • A Journey Through The Universe with the Hubble Space Telescope ("Inge Heyer will lead us on a voyage through the stars, using wondrous views collected from the Hubble Space Telescope.")
  • Starfleet Region 7 Meeting
  • IFT Meeting ("Once again, the International Federation of Trekkers will be holding their East Coast meeting at Farpoint. Members are asked to attend, and new members are welcome.")
  • Filking ("There will be filking throughout the weekend. We will be holding a Filksing in the ballroom on Friday night, and the Boogie Knights will be performing on Saturday and Sunday. There will be a chaos filk on Friday and Saturday nights. Check your schedule for other individual performances.")
  • Cabaret ("Something new for late night Friday. We've crated up the Kroykah and invited some of fandom's most talented performers to entertain at Farpoint's first cabaret.")
  • Whose Trek Is It Anyway? ("Guess the fantastic, and maybe even silly, situations being acted out on stage!")
  • Win, Lose or Draw ("Guest artists will be sketching fantastic situations on paper for convention members to guess and even purchase - the sketches will be auctioned off at the Art Show Auction!")
  • Gaming

1997: Ephemera


In 1998 the convention had to move to the Omni in Baltimore due to hotel contract problems, and attendance numbers dropped to 460.


The convention returned to the Marriott Hunt Valley Inn for 1999, where it remained until 2009 when it moved to the Crowne Plaza Baltimore North,


  • Con Chair Marion McChesney died the summer before Farpoint 2000.
  • After this con, Steve Wilson stepped down as Financial Director and disbanded Farpoint, Inc. The con continued under a new, committee-owned corporation led by Sharon Van Blarcom.


There was no Farpoint 2001, since 2000 was held in October, and then the decision was made to move the con to February. Four months seemed a bit close for the next con!



  • In 2003, attendees found themselves trapped at the hotel Sunday morning after a blizzard dumped over 30 inches of snow on Maryland and road travel was banned except by emergency vehicles. The convention continued for many through Monday and Tuesday of the following week due to the storm, causing the convention to be renamed 'Snowpoint' by those stuck on the premises. (There was quite a lot of support for changing it to "DonnerCon" when rumors began to spread that there was no food left in the hotel!)
  • Headline guests included Gary Graham, Michelle Scarabelli, Eric Pierpoint, Gil Gerard, Erin Gray and Armin Shimmerman.
  • This was Bev Volker's final convention. She spent the weekend in a scooter and relished the attention she received from some of her TV favorites, Gary Graham, Michelle Scarabelli and Eric Pierpoint. Bev died the following May.


The con skit was A Roddenberry Hoedown: (Segment) “Roddenberry, RFD” (produced by Steven Wilson, with either Cheap Treks or The Usual Suspects)


The skit was Batsalot (Lyrics – Book by Ethan Wilson) (produced by Steven Wilson, with either Cheap Treks or The Usual Suspects)


  • Panel topics at the 2006 Farpoint included fandoms such as Lord of the Rings, Lost, Supernatural, 24, Stargate, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, CSI, Harry Potter, Prison Break and Star Trek.

The skit was Kryptonian Idyll (produced by Steven Wilson, with either Cheap Treks or The Usual Suspects)


  • Farpoint inaugurated its Podcasting / New Media track and a revitalized Science track.


  • February 15, 16 & 17, 2008 at Marriott's Hunt Valley Inn
  • Headline guests were James Callas, Erin Gray and Marina Sirtis.
  • This was the final Farpoint at HVI. The move was brought on by rising prices, as well as a new hotel policy which required convention guests to sign a "behavioral agreement."
  • Program highlights included "The Road to Orion," Star Trek as a Crosby/Hope "Road" radio show as written by Steven H. Wilson and performed by Prometheus Radio Theatre/Luxe Radio Theatre


  • February 13, 14 & 15, 2009 at the Crowne Plaza Baltimore North
  • Program Highlights included the play "P for Producer," a V for Vendetta parody with songs from Mamma Mia and The Producers. Written by Steven H. Wilson and Elias Senter and performed by The Usual Suspects
  • It Happened One Flight, a radio show parody by Steven Wilson/Luxe Radio Theatre



  • A Fandom Home Companion – a radio show parody by Steven Wilson, with Renfield and Ethan H. Wilson


Actor guests were Kristen Bauer, Kate Vernon and Michael Hogan Paid attendance was 689.


Actor guests were John Billingsley, Bonita Friedericy, Rob Paulsen, Giancarlo Esposito, Lee Arenberg and Felicia Day. Paid attendance was 725.

  • The Uninvited, a radio show parody by Steven Wilson and Lux Radio Theatre


  1. ^ comments by Sandy Hereld on Virgule-L, quoted with permission (April 23, 1993)
  2. ^ Sandy, the Secret Financier – ; archive link (August 3, 2021)
  3. ^ The Wright Stuff
  4. ^ 24 Years Ago This Evening... - Steven H. Wilson, Archived version (October 8, 2017)
  5. ^ a long report (with photos) from the con chair here; archive link