Proposed Zines/A

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  • The Abacus Chronicles (1985, original male character fusion with Marvel, Hoofs and Horn Press, "A fanzine of mutants, magick, mystery, and mayhem as Adric is thrown into the Marvel Universe. These stories are set after the DOCTOR WHO episode, EARTHSHOCK and consist of six stories. TRILOGY. PLUS ONE. AND THEN SOME...AND BEYOND is the first MUTANT MANIA SPECIAL EDITION and the first six stories of THE ABACUS CHRONICLES. Watch for Adric's continuing story in upcoming MUTANT MANIA and SPECIAL EDITIONS Written by Tracy Fretwell and illustrated by Ann Larimer and Donna Franklin." See flyers above.)
  • Academy Chronicles Red Light Review (Star Trek: TOS, R-rated but no K/S sister zine to The Chronicles, 1984)
  • A-Cross the Force (1992, Star Wars, a cross-universe zine, Tim Blaes)
  • Across the Universe (and around the corner) (1989, Blake's 7, adult het, Papyrus Press, see flyer above)
  • Adama's Family Album (Battlestar Galactica, "Adama's personal album, includes his parents, Illa, Apollo, Zac, Athena, Serena, and Boxey. Contains their history as well as portraits and snapshots. Created by Dan Lewis," Gemini Press, 1984)
  • Addendum (letterzine and review zine relating to Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back, put out by the same editor as Empire Review, 1980)
  • Adventure Zine (late 1975-early 1976, gen, multimedia, to have been published by BSTA, "A plan to incorporate different adventure stories into a fanzine. Stories about Star Trek, Questor, Man from UNCLE... We are looking for GOOD work. Non-tv adventures are also acceptable. There is no deadline, but the zine will be published late 1975 or early 1976. It's not too early to sit down at your typewriter and come up with a good story. There is no limit to length, but we suggest smaller than than 30 typewritten pages.")
  • Adventures of Gizmo (Gremlins, stories were to have included: "Stripe's Revenge" and "Gizmo Meets E.T.")
  • The Advocacy (1990, a War of the Worlds letterzine, "fiction, art, letters, fillers...")
  • The Advocate Funnies (War of the Worlds, cartoons, "Been doodling and don't know where to submit your "War of the Worlds' cartoon? This fanzine is looking for contributions of fan-produced WOW cartoons. Even if your loon's already been printed in a zine, submit it to AF anyway! This way you don't have to look through a huge stack of zines to find that one amusing cartoon. Artists receive a contributor's copy (and credit will be given to first print source). Submissions should be in ink, not pencil, or a good photocopy, and it would be wise to keep a copy for yourself in case the Post Awful eats an original. AF will even consider jokes if they're good enough. Planned publication date is Summer, 1990.")
  • After the Final Shot (Rat Patrol, anthology of RP stories about the Rats and Dietrich after the war)
  • Age Statement Required (Star Trek: TOS, explicit het, "An ancient and feared Klingon ritual shows the reader a never-before-seen side of Commander Kang. A seemingly simple shuttlecraft repair assignment brings young Ensign James Kirk an unexpected erotic adventure," 1984)
  • APA Allie (1983, "an APA for serious fans of Kirstie Allie/Saavik. First zines [trib] should include a 25 word essay entitled, "Why Kirstie Allie should be nominated for sainthood.")
  • Agripol (1976, "INTERESTED in Star Trek history, technology, and the Star Trek universe? If you are, then Agripol is the fanzine for you! Agripol will discuss and have fiction dealing with such subjects as the Eugenics Wars, the Discovery of Warp-Drive, Captains April and Pike, The Academy, Starship Technology (Computers, Food Processors, Bathrooms, you name it!). Vulcans, Alien races, and much much more! Each article, story, and poem will be thoroughly illustrated, and all the artwork will be done offset. The fanzine will be the best of its kind, so don't miss it! Send a SASE for prices to reserve a copy for yourself. Agripol will be out in very early 1977, and prices will be rock bottem [sic]." From a 1977 issue of Star Trek Nuts & Bolts -- "Agripol has gone the way of the dinosaurs but George Perkins says he'll be printing all of the Agripol material in future issues of Star Trek Nuts & Bolts.")
  • Ahead of His Time (QED)
  • All Alone in the Night (1995, Babylon 5, novel)
  • Al I Want for Christmas (yes, "Al") (slash, Quantum Leap, 1994, from Del Floria's Press -- "naughty")
  • The All Purpose Foreign Car Repair, Home Bartender, and Fanclub Review Zine (A publication that was to have info and reviews of media fan clubs of all sorts, as well as for wildlife conservation groups. It is likely that the "car repair" and the "bartending" topics in the title were a spoof.)
  • Alliance Intelligence (a Star Wars information zine about the actor activities, news clippings, ads, interview transcripts, and reviews from the editors of Against the Sith, 1980)
  • Allies (BG, "Truly the first BG fan novel, by John Jones IX (well-known author under his own name as a pro writer of fantasy and sf.) The story of the People, reptilian creators of the robots called Cylons. We are currently seeking additional art for the 84/85 publication of the complete novel which was serialized in Purple and Orange? 3-13.")
  • Alleyways (was to be a quarterly fanzine of the Kirstie Alley Fan Alliance, 1983)
  • Almond Bark and Chocolate Star (Miami Vice, explicit het, 1988, "HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED A CAREER IN SOUTHERN LAW ENFORCEMENT. DO MACHINE GUNS AFFECT YOUR ABILITY TO PREFORM? We are currently searching for contributors to aid us in concocting that fine, richly satisfying blend of Crockett, Tubbs, Castillo, Trudy. Gina, Switek, Zito and other assorted ingredients that make MIAMI vice the treat it is. Other elements we’re searching for include: slime, sleaze, violence, sex. rock and roll, just a dash of style, and a generous coating of imported Colombian recreational substances. We need stories, poetry and artwork from people who really get into a combination of MTV with guns. R and X rated stories will be greatly appreciated. Extra points given for plot and characterization. No */* please - at least between Crockett and Tubbs. what you do with Zito, Switek and Elvis is your own business. We are especially interested in making the zine very visual - just like the show." - see flyer above)
  • Alone -- in the Dark (Star Trek: TOS, "Alone' is a post-V'ger story, in which Domic carries his fight against the current Wolcyn policy a step too far. The force he stirs up could have dire consequences on Wolcyn, Klingon, and Federation spaces alike," 1982, part of the MacShannon Universe)
  • Alpha/Omega (1992, Star Trek: TNG, explicit het, "no slash please, Firetrine Press)
  • Alpha and Beyond (1981, Space:1999, two full-length stories, "Alpha or Omega" by Bonnie Yoman, "Alpha 2" by Rebecca Eisenhuth, "thirty orders must be received before printing can begin.")
  • Alpha Quarterly (1981, letterzine, "A new, independent publication focusing on interpretation, analysis and discussion of the science fiction themes and dramatic aspects of Space: 1999.")
  • Alternate Beginnings (1996, Forever Knight, "a series of stories that present alternate origins for Nick's "father" LaCroix." Forever Knight Canada)
  • Alternate Paths (gen, BG, ST, SW, and S:99 fiction, 1983)
  • Alternates! (1982, Stars Wars, gen, Phantom Press)
  • Always Shall Be Yours (K/S)
  • The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (Doctor Who, 1986 "poems, filks, vignettes, stories and lots of artwork are needed. The emphasis is on action-adventure, whimsy, and just good, light-hearted reading -- and I am not adverse to a good comic strip-style story," Cheryl W. Duval)
  • Among the Ruins (Indiana Jones, "Just why did the Sultan of Madagascar threaten Indy with bodily harm?" 1984)
  • ... And for the Rest of the Story (1992, slash, het, Fruit Press/Wayward Press, Alien Nation, "What has happened to Matt and Kathy's relationship? Did George's family survive the poisoning? Did the signal reach the mothership? What would happen if the mothership came back to collect not only the Tectonese, but human's as well? Can you 'see' a Matt/George relationship? These are only some of the questions left unanswered because of the series early demise. Aren't you curious?" From a July 1993 ad in GAZ: "Due to lack of interest (certainly not on my part!), this zine has been scrubbed.")
  • And Straight On 'Til Morning (the last zine in the Sahaj universe, 1984)
  • Andromeda (Star Trek: TOS, 1983, Odyssey Press, "an attempt to to put sf back into ST through fresh approaches to science fiction and fantasy themes and a return to the original ideas and concepts of Star Trek.")
  • Amo, Amas, Amat ("submissions on all aspects of adult relationships in RS, SH, ST, UNCLE, WWW... Plot content is essential. Cross and alternate universes will be considered," 1984, Incognito Press)
  • The Anecdote (Brent Spiner zine)
  • Angel of the Night (2000, Angel, slash, Unicorn Press)
  • Annabelle Leigh's Web Aine 1 and 2 (2001, The Sentinel, slash, to have been published by Agent With Style [1])
  • Another Day in Paradise (Paradise, 1991, "This zine is based on the CBS western PARADISE, aka GUNS OF PARADISE, and is currently seeking submissions of poetry, art and fiction. There is no deadline at this time though a 1991 publication date is planned. Send only quality photocopies of art at this time. Fiction should be typed and double spaced - photocopies are acceptable. SASE for additional editorial guidelines." To have been published by Madalena A. Mumford.)
  • Anti-Heroes (multimedia)
  • Anyone, Any Way (2002, multifandom, "Seeking R and NC-17 stories in any non-animation fandom; animated fandoms should see the entry for Dark Side of the Tooniverse. Crossovers welcome; small and orphan fandoms welcome. Contributors of more than five pages will receive a free copy of the zine; contributors of fewer than five pages will be asked to pay postage. I am still seeking artists willing to do illustrations. Please see the website for more specific information. Deadline is March 1, 2002." Green Dragon Press)
  • Anything for Love (1995, Kiefer/Lou, by TM Alexander "Young big-screen hot-shot Kieth Sullivan, struggling with life in the Hollywood fast-lane, tries to keep up studio appearances while dealing with the turmoil of his secret relationship with aspiring actor/musician Lee Pearle. The path to stardom is full of broken marriages, drugs, booze, and politics... and making love last through the whole rough ride is a challenge not many can handle.")
  • Anyzine Goes (multifandom, rated G-R, 1990)
  • APA Allie (1985, "This will be an APA for serious fans of Kirstie Allie/Saavik. First zines [tribs] should include a 25 word essay, entitled "Why Kirstie Allie should be nominated for sainthood." See flyer above.)
  • Apocrypha Dom Quod (1992, Doctor Who, "A zine dedicated to stories based on those tantalizing "throw-away" lines from DW. We already have one story by M.S. Moroney which places the Doctor at the Battle of Rejkyvik. Now seeking submissions of stories and artwork and we will consider poetry (no filk, please). SASE for further guidelines. Deadline May 1, 1992. Publishing July 1992 (definitely). B. Lynch Black")
  • Aqsiqniq (due South, 2002, slash, from Otter Limits Press, part of the series with Northwest Passage and The Brothers Kowalski)
  • Armistice (1991, gen, War of the Worlds, "Armisitce is a new WOW fanzine exclusively devoted to the cessation of human/alien hostilities... It doesn't matter who wins -- maybe it's time for the bad guys to have their day?")
  • As I Do Thee: In the Beginning (Star Trek, "same general guidelines as AIDT, but these stories must deal exclusively with the first three years of Star Trek and must focus on the beginnings of the K/S relationship. Deadline: January 10, 1991." -- see image to the left.)
  • Ashes of Conquest (Transformers, 1998-1999, a Starscream-centric zine by Killashandra and/or Rhowell. Submission page, deadline: May 15, 1999.)
  • Assembly (Star Trek: TOS, 1978, "A Tholian zine... will include a discussion of the Tholian culture and language, the story of what happened to the Loskene after the loss of the Enterprise.")
  • Assignment: Albion (2013, K/S, Editors Larissa Bernstein and eimeo announced ASSIGNMENT: ALBION: “It is our pleasure to announce the launch of a new K/S zine, a celebration of British fandom of the past and present in its rich variety.")
  • Assignment: Dave Starsky (SH, became instead a story in The Striped Tomato)
  • Assignment Eternity (1994, Sapphire & Steel and Man from U.N.C.L.E., Samizdat Press, straight and slash anthology, was to include some cross universes)
  • Associated Crimes (multimedia, "law vs crime zine featuring all cops and PI programming as well as original police stories. Eg Profs, S&H, HSB... No adult or '/' material please as this will be a 'For All the Family type zine," 1985, out of England)
  • Asteroid Blues (2005, Cowboy Bebop, a gen "collection of stories by Agent Orange," Agent With Style)
  • At Day's End (2000, Phantom Menace, "Star Wars TPM slash. Any pairing, any genre story including death stories. We prefer no stories depicting sex with underage characters, due to legal ramifications. (We do offer a Chan zine, however. Email for details.) Stories may be any length, and any pairing as long as it features at least one character from TPM. Also accepting art. No poetry." To have been from Fredicated and Zortified Productions.)
