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Twin Suns
Zine | |
Title: | Twin Suns |
Publisher: | the first issue was published under the name OtherWhen Press, the other issues were by D'Ego-Boo Press |
Editor(s): | Jani Hicks |
Date(s): | 1980-1982 |
Series?: | |
Medium: | |
Size: | |
Genre: | |
Fandom: | Star Wars |
Language: | English |
External Links: | |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Twin Suns is a gen Star Wars fanzine.
The first issue was sort of a sister zine to ReVisions.
It ran for three issues. According to a flyer printed in Starwings #1, Jani Hicks was planning to release a fourth issue of Twin Suns at the 1983 MediaWest*Con.
Twin Suns and "The George Lucas Letter Controversy"
The fanzine ended up ceasing publication in response to concern over censorship from Lucasfilm that arose when Maureen Garrett, head of the Official Star Wars club, sent an August 1981 cease and desist order to the publishers of another fanzine, Guardian, claiming that issue #3 of the fanzine had violated the informal policy of George Lucas to tolerate fan fiction, provided it was not 'pornographic." [1]
Boldly Writing documented the fall-out: "Many Star Wars fans protested, calling such an action "censorship," while other Star Wars fans, particularly ex-Star Trek fans who left because of K/S fanzines, applauded the action. In any event, two issues later, in letterzine Forum 16, Maureen sent another letter, which stated, "we hope you understand that our policy is an exercise in OWNERSHIP not censorship... Lucasfilm supports the publication of Star Wars fanzines."
Previously, in March 1981, Hicks had stated in her submission request for "Twin Suns" #3 that:
...we deplore and refuse to participate in the wanton disregard for the strictures placed on fan writers and artists by the creator of this universe, George Lucas. We do not advertise, promote, or in any other way participate in efforts to bastardize the original characters as seen in the STAR WARS saga, specifically in reference to their sexual orientation, although authors are free to write their own character-creations in any way they see fit. We will print adult material (in the case of SCOUNDREL only) but any and all such material given provisional acceptance will be submitted to LucasFilm for screening prior to final acceptance. We cooperate fully with LucasFilm and will not print any material we'd be ashamed to have them read. (which, as those of you who've read TwinS I can attest, does not put us past printing an occasional racy cartoon, and in TwinS II, a slightly suggestive story).
In a letter printed in both Forum #16 (November 1981/January 1982), and in Jundland Wastes #5/6 (November 1981), Hicks wrote:
I cannot, I will not live with censorship backed by threats of litigation when I have acted, and continue to act, in good faith with the copyright owners. I am willing to abide by voluntary controls; I will not comply with the Rule of Gold -- the one with the gold makes the rules. Therefore, and sadly, I announce the retirement of D'Ego-Boo Press from active fandom subsequent to the publication of Thunderbolt and Twin Suns #3. After that time, I will be writing, editing, publishing and buying nor more professional or amateur Star Wars material, including fanzines. I would hope that a few hardy souls would make the break with me, but I advocate no boycott or other action against Lucasfilm, since that would not speak well of fandom and its intentions. Nor would I presume to dictate to the fannish conscience; we are more than capable of making our own individual moral decision. I have made mine, and I do invite anyone feeling likewise to follow the dictates of their own inner voices... In less formal terms, my decision to retire was influences by a comment from a friend. 'Remember the Clone Wars?' she asked. I nodded. She ended, 'The Clones won.
See also: Open Letter to Star Wars Zine Publishers
See also: a zine that was stillborn due to this conflict, Scoundrel.
Zine Guidelines
From the third issue (which, because there were no further issues, were moot points):
In the last two issues I have had a GREAT DEAL of trouble with contributions and contributors. Writers who didn't get their rewrites done by deadline, and had to call me long distance to dictate changes over the phone; artists whose art was 'in the mail' for six months; fanhacks who thought that their every word was etched in stone and not negotiable; fen who can't spell or punctuate and don't care; fen who can't spell, or punctuate, or both, but will argue that they can and that their punctuation is carved in stone and non-negotiable.... I won't bore you with details.
Be forewarned, potential contributors : I AM NOT A PUBLISHER, I AM AN EDITOR!!!
This means that:
1. Everything submitted to me is negotiable. If I see grammatical mistakes, I will correct them, unless you tell me at some point that the character has to talk that way, or think that way; conversely, grammar in narrative must be impeccable. Likewise, if I suggest editorial changes and you are adamant about the story remaining the way it is, or the grammar, or the punctuation, I am usually reasonable. And you, as the writer, always have the option of telling me to stuff it and taking the ms. elsewhere.
2. DEADLINES ARE DEADLINES. If I ask for ms. contributions before December 1, which I usually do, and yours comes sidling in on December 2, don't expect it to be published this year, if I accept it. This applies to everybody, no matter how many Fan-Q nominations you have or how big yourBNF button is. This also applies to folk who approach me with 'ideas' and promise to get them written down before deadline. If the deadline for rewrites is March 1, or March 15, which is usual, and your rewrite isn't here by then:
- All bets are off! At that time, I assume you are giving me the ms. to do with as I see fit, including making changes and doing re-writes myself.
If you art deadline is April 1, which is usual, then don't call me on April 2 and tell me the art is in the mail. If the ms. is not so long that it would be boring without art, it will be printed artless, even if your art arrives before the 'zine actually goes to press. If the piece was especially written for the art, as was the case in a couple of poems in thish, the piece will not be printed without the art, and the wrath of the writer be upon the artist.
I realize that these rules are extremely stringent; however, experience has shown that they are necessary. I only print once a year, and the rush to get the 'zine finished by the convention is fierce. If I came out more often, things could easily be bumped to the next ish if deadlines are not met; but an extra year is an awful long wait for any artist or writer. 3. Deadlines will be mutually set between artist and editor, or writer and editor, IN WRITING, and any renegotiation of deadlines must take place at least two weeks before the original dead line expires. I am not so rigid that I cannot understand that things come up, people get sick, relatives die, jobs get hectic, children come, folks get married. But it is common courtesy to renegotiate and not just to ignore a deadline once it's set.
I guess all this comes from the fact that I'm not just in fandom for the bheer. I think somebody has to be committed to quality work, and I guess that's me. I'm here to produce enjoyable stuff, sure, and to have a good time, but -- in all honesty -- I get a much bigger kick out of printing ace stuff than out of printing tripe. In fact, it's no compliment to artist, writer, editor, publisher, or consumer to print garbage. And I won't do it.
I hear I have a rakehell reputation as a fan critic, and maybe it's justified. If someone asks for an opinion on something they've done — which is what submission is, when you boil it down — I expect that they are prepared to handle that opinion when it's delivered. I do try, usually, to be as tactful as possible; but there's no nice, polite, soft way to tell somebody that their story has no plot, or that some character or other just wouldn't act that way! Or to tell an artist that their characters are unrecognizable and that their figure's knee joint is turning backwards. If you're only looking for ego-boo, fine; tell me that when you submit your piece and I'll find something nice to say about it, if only that the paper's very white. But don't expect me to print it. And if you're in a space where all you want is praise, don't ask for my opinion, because you'll hear about the messed-up parts as well as the good ones.
Maybe this will cost me contributors. Maybe it already has. If my slush file suddenly dwindles to nothing, then so be it — TwinS was fun, and I got a lot out of It. I will let the 'zine die before I will either go through the irresponsible behaviors of the last two issues or lower my standards for what I want to see in my 'zine. I'm not really an ogre. I just want to put out the best damn 'zine in fandom.
Now, in terms of appropriateness of submissions, I — repeat, — edit for content. This means that if I don't believe it, I won't print it. One of the techniques authors must use, and something perhaps more es sential in science fiction than in any other type of literature, is that which engenders a willing suspension of disbelief. I have to buy into your ideas, or they just don't work. Other things that I edit very care fully for, besides spelling and punctuation, are plot, pacing, and characterization. A storv has to have a plot. Marion Zimmer Bradley is fond of telling new writers that she has one all-purpose plot: Johnny gets his rear end in a bear trap and has many adventures getting it out. This means that every story has to have a problem, and a solution. (This excludes, of course, vignettes written simply as prose poetry and having no other purpose; but the vignette is a very short, very difficult encapsulated story technique.) If your story doesn't have anything happening in it -- and I'm not just talking about folks running around shooting at each other -- then I won't print it. It also has to be well-paced -- quickly if it's an action piece, and slower if it's a 'think piece' that mostly takes place in somebody's thoughts. The pace must not be broken by distraction or irrelevant happenings. And the characterizations have to be compatible with what we've seen of the characters in Episodes 4 & 5 (and, after next ish, episode 6).
(As an aside, that's why I can't buy into the spate of gay stories which sprang up in fandom last year. I just haven't seen it in the films, anywhere, and I think that is a rather difficult thing to hide if it's your preference. Something would have shown somewhere.)
In terms of 'appropriate' ideas, I'm not going to give guidelines except those of good taste. I agree with the LucasFilm folks in that I don't care for blood and guts (don't get me started about RAIDERS); and I'll have more to say about that later. But I've given up saying "I won't take any stories" because as soon as I fill in the blank in public somebody comes along and gives me a story that I can't refuse. I said last ish that I wouldn't print 'kill' stories. So what's in thish? But I realized shortly after I said that in print, that what I really don't want to print is sloppy sentimental kill pieces. You know -- the kind that uses the death in question to give the murderer/survivor/significant other between three and thirty-three pages to moan and cry and make an ass out of themselves about How They Can't Survive Without And How It's Just Not Fair And Besides How Dare Die On Me Now, If They Were Here I'd Kill 'Em. You get the picture.
I am still reserving judgement on the LucasFilm "guidelines". I have not yet received a story which in my opinion violated those vague criteria, and which I felt deserved the risk of printing. I'll make that decision when it comes up. Don't let the 'guidelines', such as they are, stop you from submitting if you have a questionable story that you think is good enough for TwinS.
I guess that's about all I have to say on the topic of guidelines. If anyone has any questions, SASE me and I'll be glad to be more specific; if in doubt, submit the story and I'll let you know what I think.
In 1991, a fan commented upon the editor's stance on making changes to an author's story:
[Regarding my story in issue #2, Long, Long Way from Home]: ...there are fanzine editors to beware of. Unfortunately, the only way to learn who they are is generally through personal experience. Such editors may say they won't edit without your permission, but they don't always keep their word. I once had a story printed in TWIN SUNS. It was my very first Star Wars story and it was pretty awful. The editor and I had settled in letters that she had pretty much a free hand in everything but dialogue. The dialogue was not to be touched, since that was how I heard the characters speak in my head. She agreed. Don't ask how, but this editor managed to take a bad story and make it even worse. Plus, she forgot her promise and changed the dialogue all over the place. Her excuse was editor's prerogative. What she meant was that she could change anything she damn well pleased in anyone's story and if they didn't like it, tough. [2]
Issue 1
Twin Suns 1 was published in May 1980 and contains 165 pages. It is offset reduced and has one insert.
The art is by Allyson Whitfield, Pam Kowalski, Linda Stoops, Martynn, Susan Perry-Lewis, Angela-marie Varesano, Joni Wagner, Daphne Hamilton, Lisa Mason, and Paulie Gilmore.
This issue was dedicated to Lori Chapek-Carleton.
The editor notes in the editorial that her mom "floated the loan" for this issue.
From the editorial by Hicks:
You win note that there are several sizes and styles of type in thish. We're dreadfully sorry, but our typer [3] died in the middle of setting masters and we got a lovely Remington SR101 with changeable type for a replacement, and we haven't been able to keep from playing with it. 'Course, WE had nothing to do with that
I think that what you are holding in your hands is one fine 'zine; at least, I would if it were not for my modesty (I know, does not bear close examination...) It is the culmination of more than a year of hope and sweat and constant invocation of whatever gods rule over fandom (Pan? Bacchus? Dionysus?) In any case, it is the best 'zine we can put out, and I hope you like it.rotten lousytyper's demise...
From the zine's comments by Sacksteder:
You see, Jani, Beth and I were tooling down the highway one day last April debating the profound philosophical question of whether or not ReVISIONS would print an all-SWs issue, as opposed to the mixed issues we had printed as RV I and II. That debate had been running for some months unresolved and no one involved was more eager to end it than I. Jani resolved it by announcing the 'zine you are holding in your appendages, to be printed immediately preceding the opening of EMPIRE. Beth and I gladly agreed to become publishers without the least idea in our little halfling heads what being publishers might mean. We have since learned that it mostly means watching Jani pour all her energy into making TwinS one of the best SWs 'zines to be put together since The Movie came out. She has talked and written, hyped and worked for just over a year now and watched her original concept go through some changes, only to find that this 'zine is better and sounder than any of us first imagined it could be. I am delighted to be a part of it however small, and I think that as publishers, OtherWhen Press could not possibly have made a better start than to be involved with presenting Twin Suns.
- Editorial by Jani Hicks, cartoon by Paulie (1)
- Publisher-torial, Publisher-torial Twinned by Ronni Sacksteder and Beth Bowles (2)
- Heads, I Win, Tails, You Lose" by Kelly Hill, illustrated by Martynn (3)
- Haiku by Linda Stoops (15)
- Ghost in Far Sector by Susan Matthews, illustrated by Pam Kowalski (Is there something in Far Sector? Han never did find out.) (17)
- Rivers of Sand (from the Collected Works of Obi-Wan Kenobi) by Angela-marie Varesano (38)
- Finish This Story by Jani Hicks (42)
- Starsame, poem by Paula M. Block (45)
- The Twin Suns Definitive MOther of a Star Wars Trivia Quiz by Linda Stoops and Jani Hicks (46)
- No Time for Our Sorrows by Ronni Sacksteder, illustrated by Joni Wagner ("Leia's life on Alderaan couldn't have been that empty.") (49)
- The Training 'Droid Interview, or "Where Have I Heard This Before?" by Doug Everman (64)
- Long, Long Way from Home by Michelle Malkin, illustrated by Daphne Hamilton ("Leia's missing in action, Luke's in the pits, and Han's beside himself.") (65)
- Bonnie Ship the Falcon, filk by Linda Stoops (92)
- Child of the Lightning by Rose Wolfe, illustrated by Lisa Mason (Ever hear of a psi-blind Jedi?) (94)
- Twin Suns Trilogy, three poems by Beth Bowles (112)
- Hail and Farewell by Christine Jeffords, illustrated by Paulie Gilmore ("The last ride to Kashyyyk... for everyone concerned.") (114)
- answers to the trivia quiz (145)
- It Could Be SWars, a survey (147)
- Credits Where Credits are Due Dept. (149)
- 'Zine Market (150)
- Closing Word -- S'Our Wars, Too by Jani Hicks, who credits the title to Gordon Carleton from an issue of Warped Space. (This is an edtiorial complaining about the secrecy of Lucasfilm and the "games studios play." Maggie Nowakowska wrote a response to this essay in the next issue.) (116)
from issue #1, Martynn (as per comments by fans: the original character is physically modeled after David Starsky)
from issue #1, Joni Wagner, centerfold, reprinted from Pegasus #4-1
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1
See reactions and reviews for Ghost in Far Sector.
See reactions and reviews for It Could Be SWars.
[zine]: One of the biggest things going on in this zine is its great variety in appearance and material. All of the artwork is high-quality and well-reproduced, including an astonishing number of fandom's best artists. The different type faces are lamented by the editor, but they prevent the monotony of reading that often plagues such lengthy zines now matter how good they are. Of course, what we're most concerned about is not how it looks, but how good the stories are -- so onto the stories. The first, 'Heads, I Win, Tails, You Lose' by Kelly Hill, is a nugget of Han's background in the framework of a story told to Luke in a bar by Han and an old pal. Complete with smugglers, hijackers, and a friendly fight or two, it's a diverting short with the mercenary freighter pilot we all know and love. It won't make fanzine history, but most readers should enjoy it. Next comes, 'Ghost in Far Sector' by Susan Matthews. Susan's unique, fanciful writing style is always a treat, though as a story, this one falls something short of her best offerings. Far Sector is a Bermuda Triangle of Interstellar Space and a rebel agent is lost there. Han is about to pass through the area in hyperspace, but despite his avowed disbelief in spacer's situations, he refuses to search for the agent. However, he's practically forced to, under circumstances that make him as well as Chewbacca doubt his sanity. The concept of Far Sector is handled with consummate care. You can't prove anything about its alleged properties by this story, and that's how it should be. Also, the Alliance business, though important as the background situation, is strictly subordinate to the plot. Susan never bores you with minute details that have no bearing on the story... The characterizations home in straight and true. As minor characters, Luke and Leia come across well, especially Leia, who is frosty but not defrostable. Ama Epeel, a newly-created secondary character is interesting and enigmatic, with just enough hints dropped about her past to make readers curious. Chewbacca, co-star to Han's lead, is a fine counterbalance; steady, logical-minded and concerned... As a spacer, Susan's Han is cautious and methodical, yet he displays a certain intuition... 'No Time for Our Sorrows' by Ronnie Sacksteder gives Leia plenty of time for her sorrows. Ronni handles Leia's character extremely well, but solves her problem a little too conveniently. The same happens in "Long, Long Way from Home by Michelle Malkin. Han and Luke are treated with great sensitively as they deal with a nearly shattering event. Unfortunately, a 'twist' keeps them from having to continue dealing with that event. Luke does learn something, but it's not what hte story was trying to teach him. 'Child of the Lightning' by Rose Wolfe is a delightful, moving piece taking place 150 years after Star Wars. It gets off to a slow start due to the necessary background history involved in such a jump, but the actual story has a good pace and vivid imagery. It concerns a few Jedi of the New Order (begun by Luke and Leia) and reincarnation; a young girl is having a flashback to an incarnation during the Rebellion, and the job of the other Jedi is to nurse her though it and bring her consciousness back alive, sane, and possibly growing because of the experience. The last story, 'Hail and Farewell' by Christine Jeffords is largely a contrivance, theorizing on the mysteries of Bobba Fett and setting up animosity for him from Han and Chewbacaa with the inevitable 'I think we'll meet him again,' at the end. However, it is not without its virtues. Christine takes what we saw of Kazhyyk (Chewie's home planet) on the Star Wars Holiday Special and extrapolates a believable ecology and society without spending too many words on it. Her characters take on their usual fanfic characterizations, but if there's nothing unique about them, there's nothing outrageous about them either... It's logical and well-timed throughout... Despite my nitpicking, Twin Suns is one of the best zines on the market, in both appearance and content and few will regret buying it. [4]
[zine]: Well, well, another top-notch SW zine. Our ever-growing fandom has acquired quite a few of them lately. Twin Suns isn't perfect, of course, but it does a good job of shooting for per fection. All artwork is excellent, layout is clean and attractive, and the stories ought to satisfy any SW fan's cravings for interesting tales about Our Heroes. Kelly Hill's "Heads, I Win; Tails, You Lose" is a well-written short story about how Han acquired one of his (male) smuggler friends. Martynn's accompanying illos are terrific (of course), especially her portrait of an antagonist who resembles an artichoke, of all things. "Ghost in Far Sector" by Susan Matthews (does she contribute to every SW zine, for heaven's sake?) tells of a rescue of an Alliance agent who is marooned in a decidedly spooky area of the galaxy. Susan sets the eerie tone quite well, but I was a bit let down to find that nothing really spooky happens to Han and Chewie. All the build-up, the tales of weird things that happened to spacers in Far Sector, remained only legends after all; Han's erratic actions had a tangible cause. I must applaud Ronni Sacksteder's "No Time For Our Sorrows" for the fact that it is primarily a Leia story — truly a rarity in SW fanfic. Unfortunately, not a whole lot happens as far as the plot movement goes; the story drags just a bit and is a little too wordy, in my opinion. The end is interesting, though; a person is found among a group of Alderaani refugees who is of importance to Leia. Since this is a serial story, it'll be interesting to see where Ronni goes with this. Joni Wagner's illo at the end of "No Time..." deserves special note — it's an excellent portrait of Leia. Michelle Malkin's "Long, Long Way From Home" is a study of Luke's and Han's relationship, with Han acting as Big Brother/Shoulder-To-Cry-On to a grief-stricken Luke. Michelle handles this well — Han is kept in character; he makes some mistakes in his role of "counselor," but manages in the end to to help Luke despite his inexperience in psychology. "Child of the Lightning" by Rose Wolf, is unusual, to say the least. It is set 150 years after the Luke/Han/Leia era, and shows the Jedi as having evolved into pseudo Catholic monastic orders in some of its branches. Combine this with Eastern reincarnationist theory, and you've got one... unique... story. Rose's style of writing is tongue-in-cheek, and she certainly has original ideas — someone ought to turn her loose in Star Trek fanzines. The Mularski award for best story of the zine goes to Christine Jeffords, for her "Hail and Farewell."... Anyway, in this tale, Luke, Han, and Corin Organa (Leia's brother in Chris' and Mark Walton's SW series (Galactic Flight) accompany Chewie in a visit to his family on Kazhyyyk. While there, Boba Fett shows up, searching for Han, and a truly tragic event results. Chris describes Kazhyyyk's environment so well that I had absolutely no trouble visualizing it. I very much liked her portrayal of Luke, also — he's resourceful and courageous, very believable as a future master Jedi though still capable of mistakes and not fully mature yet. So many fen stories show Luke as a hopelessly naive kid overshadowed by Han that I have to give this story an A+ for the Skywalker characterization alone. Other features that serve to round out Twin Suns are the poetry by Linda Stoops, Angela Varesano, Paula Block, Beth Bowles; excellent artwork by Pam Kowalski, Daphne Hamilton, Paulie and others; a trivia contest, a writing contest, a questionnaire; and more. This zine is recommended, despite the steep price -- Chris Jefford's story alone was enough to make it worth my money, and all the other contributions were, to use a cliche, icing on the cake. [5]
[zine, by Maureen Garrett: Thank you for the copies of TWIN SUNS. It is equally as good as SKYWALKER. Congratulations!...Keep up the good work.
May the Force be with you! There is another!... [6]
[zine]: I very much enjoyed the story by Christine Jeffords — however, although I've got GALACTIC FLIGHTS #1, 2, & 3, I don't recall all the references mentioned. Is there some thing from #4?...I felt the story about Han forcing Luke to face his losses (how frustrating to have no titles at hand!) was absorbing, but I felt the author hadn't totally clarified the direction of the story in her own mind before she wrote it. I appreciated the glimpse of Han's background there. Myself...! was pleased to see how well this was handled. However, I felt the story started to go downhill from the moment Leia turned up — maybe it's just that I'm not keen on Luke/Leia scenes.
On the whole, it was a fine 'zine. My husband, who is not a fan and who is consequently more objective about these things than I, mentioned that he felt the quality of your illustrations was about the best he'd seen in any of my (huge) collection of 'zines. Ron's praise is not lightly given; so you may consider yourself duly flattered! [7]
[zine]: TWIN SUNS has to be one of the finest 'zines ever. The quality of print, artwork, and stories is extremely high. The artwork alone would have been worth the price. 'Finish This Story' has me drooling to find out what happens — why is it always such a long wait be tween 'zines? I suppose if I was forced to pick a favorite story, it would be "Hail and Farewell," with "Heads, I Win; Tails, You Lose," "Ghost in Far Sector," "No Time For Our Sorrows," and "Long, Long Way From Home" coming in a close second. [7]
[zine]: Yes, I bought your 'baby 'zine', and yes, I'm happy I did. The cover alone is worth the price. (Joni has done it again!) I especially liked "No Time for Our Sorrows: ALLIANCE, Sequence One" by Ronni Sacksteder. It is reasonable to believe that Leia was affianced at a young age and that she might still feel ties in that direction."Long, Long Way from Home" by Michelle Malkin has a good relationship getween Han and Luke, but is Luke going to come apart at on Leia's account? After all the other losses he seems to have dealt with it seems likely he'd grieve and turn to Han for sympathy, but not fall apart.
"Child of the Lightning" by Rose Wolf may not be for just anyone, but it is beautiful. She has captured all my favorite medieval monastery ideas. One question: why Sons of Owen/Daughters of Beru? Owen and Beru tried to have as little to do with the Jedi as possible; Owen, especially, was bitter toward the Jedi in general and Ben in particular for the loss of Luke's father. Rose, are you out there? I'd really like to meet you.
"Rivers of Sand" by Angela-marie Varesano and "Twin Sons Trilogy" by Beth Bowles are both beautiful. Good job, ladies.
"Ghost in Far Sector" by Susan Matthews started out very promising:, but the end was a lot-down. Too many questions were left unanswered.
Other pieces just didn't have the impact on me that these did, so I won't comment.
The reproduction was nothing short of superb., but too many typos. (Rushed for time, right?) [7]
[zine]: Picked up a copy of TWIN SUNS at Mos' Eastly Con and was very glad I did. It was good to see another all-SWs 'zine besides SKYWALKER which I have devoured already....I was impressed with the quality of the 'zine and by the fact that you were able to maintain such a quality over (yipes!) 162 pages. You deserve a standing ovation (I am now standing....)
I loved all the cartoons and poetry, especially the TWIN SUNS poetry written by Paula Block and Beth Bowles. All the illustrations were excellent, I really like Paulie's style. I've seen some of her (her, right?) [Editor: Emphatically.] fantasy stuff and I'm convinced she's gifted. All the artwork by Joni Wagner, Martynn and Pam Kowalskl was excellent, as usual. I was wondering, tho'. Joni's cover and Martynn's small piece ... which came first? Was one an adaptation of the other? Well, they're both great... [Editor: I commissioned both artists, asking for a 'Janus head' for a logo for the 'zine. Martynn apologized saying she was sorry she could only come up with silhouettes (!!!) and Joni had not seen or heard of Martynn's piece when she turned in the cover. Great minds run in the same trench.] [7]
[zine]: I really enjoyed the first one. I think it was very impressive, especially the front and back covers. Beautiful artwork and appropriate. And speaking of art work, Martynn's was superb, as usual. Uh, is it just me, though, or does that picture of Corlyn look suspiciously like Paul Michael Glaser? [Editor: It better. Before it was titled, that piece was dubbed the 'Han meets Starsky story.']Joni Wagner's fit "No Time For Our Sorrows" perfectly, especially the last picture of Leia, a side of the Princess that we've never been able to see -- joy.
Lisa Mason's portrait of Tarkin was beautiful. I would kill to look at it up close. It is absolutely gorgeous and very in character. There is a person who should be watched in future.
I do hope that we get to see more of Jasper Vader in future. I'm sure Imperial felines across the globe would agree with me ... I know that mine do. I can't say that the 'rebel hamsters' beware much though, they haven't felt the power of the Force. [7]
[zine]: "Heads, I Win; Tails, You Lose," was an interesting little story. I like the way Luke came up with the idea of getting Corlyn to join the Alliance. Linda Stoops'"Haiku" was nice, especially Leia and Han. It's amazing how much you can convey in just a few words.
"Ghost in Far Sector" was some spook story. Don't suppose anyone will ever figure out just what was out there. Was it really just in Han's head — why did it not affect Chewie if it was real? Weird!
Angela-marie's poetry is quite lovely — she keeps popping up all over the place, quite a prolific writer.
"Welcome Aboard" is starting out in a very intriguing way. I hope someone comes up with a good finish. I really am interested to know why Deavnna considers herself "a vital link". The illo accompanying is excellent. Han looks properly distrustful....
"No Time for Our Sorrows" was excellent. What a difference between the old and the young leaders of the rebellion. When you have acquired some perspective, you realize that change does not happen overnight. The emphasis on Leia's humanity is well taken. Sometimes we forget that she's only nineteen, she is not merely a figure on a pedestal. Leia and Luke's exchange of oaths was very touching — often trouble binds people together more surely than happiness. I also liked the relationship between Han and Walthar, especially Han's being reminded of Kenobi. I always thought he made Solo uncomfortable because he saw through his act. The reunion between Leia, Aidan, and the other Alderaani was heart-tugging and very well done. It will be interesting to see what becomes of the relationship between Leia and Aidan — she is now going to have to come to terms with how she feels about him. The illustrations are excellent, especially pages 59 and 63. Joni Wagner is a fine artist -- Leia fairly glows with happiness.
"Long, Long Way From Home" was also great. At first I couldn't figure out Solo's antipathy toward Gen. Dodonna but now it's so obvious I'm surprised I didn't grasp it when I read the story. I like to read the type of story that emphasizes the closeness between the characters. It's obvious from EMPIRE, that Han and Luke have become like brothers. It doesn't surprise me in the least that Han would be there when he was needed. What a temper Solo has got — I would not want to cross him. What was really great was Kan opening up about his past to someone he considered a friend. I have always maintained that he was a really very sensitive and loving person under neath the 'surface hardness.' Luke and Leia seem to have worked out their feelings for each other — the ending was great, very upbeat.
"Child of the Lightning" was certainly an interesting story. The Jedi seem to have become some thing of a religious movement. I could almost feel sorry for Tarkin in his last minutes of life as they were described. Who is the "presence" within Raven? It sounds awfully familiar but I'm not sure if I'm correct.
The illo of Tarkin was very well done.
Beth Bowles' "Twin Sons Trilogy" was great. Each gains something from the other and both benefit from it.
"Hail and Farewell" was a hell of away to end a 'zine — a real gut-wrencher. Frankly, nothing Bobba Fett did would surprise me. If you could see his eyes, there would be dollar signs in them. He reminds me of no thing so much as a Mafia hit man; you remember 'The Godfather" — everything was strictly business, nothing personal. Fett may have considered Ojuk's actions a waste, but I notice it didn't prevent him from taking the scalps all the same. After EMPIRE everyone knows Han really does have something to get Fett for, and I hope he does, the sooner the better. It was very touching to have Han and Luke expressing their grief together.
Clever cartoon on page 162, you guys. God knows, we've got to get some humor out of that scene.
I do agree with you that the secrecy surrounding EMPIRE was excessive.... [7]
[zine]: "Heads, I Win; Tails, You Lose" — I liked this one a lot, despite the fact that it really accomplished little in relation to the main point of the SWs universe — the Rebellion. But then who said all SW stories had to be deathly serious? This one was fun and funny and added some depth to Han's character. The writing was excellent, I could never have mapped out an entire fight scene in as much detail as that. Has Kelly seen a lot of fights? Oh -- I love the Telp. Now there's one character/creature I'd love to see on the screen! Actually, I'm still waiting to see what the Jabba the Hutt looks like."Ghost in the Far Sector" was really good. The idea was excellent and so was the writing. Ama Epeel is a great character (is her name a variation of "Emma Peel" possibly?). I'd like to see more of her. And is Finn from another story by Susan?
"No Time for Our Sorrows" -- Ronni really knows how to turn a phrase. I'm green...
"Child of the Lightning" was beautiful, although I'm not quite sure what happens... I also found myself more than slightly disoriented having no innocent farmboy or mercenary smuggler to grab onto for familiarity's sake. I was a little lost. So much time had passed. It was a good description of the future and the end of the efforts of the Rebel Alliance though. 'Thunderstar' was a nice touch...
"A Training 'Droid Interview" -- hysterical I can tell you where I've heard that before... one month ago at my Burger King interview.
I'd send in the SWs survey but I don't want to cut up the 'zine. Maybe I'll write it out. (Editor: That page is perforated. It just pulls out. Tabulated statistics will be available in December.][7]
[zine]: I don't know whether TWIN SUNS was a thought coined by you, but its double meaning makes t the best name in fandom. [Editor: Stole it from Dan Folgleberg and Tim Weissberg.]Being a novice, I am more than glad that TWIN SUNS is, too. Some of the other 'zines gave me the uncomfortable feeling of being left out, with continuing characters I didn't know anything about, and assumptions about life in the galaxy that were unfamiliar. None of your stories made me feel that way.
Now a few words about the features. I should mention two being the absolute favorites that I've read yet.... They are "No Time For Our Sorrows" and "Hail and Farewell."
I love the foreword for "Time." The Rebellion and the Alliance are put into their larger context in the continuum of natural events. It helps me, at least, understand a little better why so many people have taken SWs to their hearts. It is because they can identify with it as well as be entertained by it Ronni has captured Luke and Leia better than anyone I've read. Some stories tend to cling to only one overriding quality in each of them and make them one-dimensional.
I read also Cary Bucar's "One Simple Word," and we need stories like these two to make her something more than a big-mouthed bitch. By the same token, Luke needs to be thought of as more than a mooney-eyed kid. Probably, however, EMPIRE will do more than anything else to dispel these images. This story obviously was a precursor of things to come, and I can only say that I can't wait.
"Hail and Farewell" was full of simply wonderful ideas and visions. Her description of the Wookiee planet makes me accept this version of Chewie's home life, which I had previously utterly rejected as a result of the Holiday Special (which I thought was downright embarrassing). It made Kazhyyyk spring to life for me. (The 'King of the Mountain Fairies' illo was a little strange.) I had no complaints with the portrayal of any of the characters and could see them doing all they were called upon to do. Han let Boba Fett away rather easily, but we all know he has to live to fight another day. I had read a couple of Mark Walton's things using Cor, but I am much more comfortable with him here. Mainly because he and Han aren't ganging up on Luke. (Do you get the idea I like Luke?) Chewie losing his family is written very well and will absolutely tear your guts out. (Chewie's my second favorite.) I'm glad she saved Lumpy. I'm anxious to see what she will do with him. Better yet, what will Han do with him, let him sign aboard? Can't wait to get my hands on and read those pieces where Han and Luke previously meet Chewie's family.... Now to some other things I like.
Susan Matthews is going to drive me crazy. I've read several of her things, and just when I get to the point where I decide I don't like it, she catches me with an idea and I fall in love. Great Chewie in this story, showing how worried he is about Han. And I love Ama Epeel.
That really was a mother of a quiz, but I can never get enough trivia. And a sense of humor, too!
Old whaling songs are so romantic! The perfect tune to use as a song about the Falcon. Wonderful!...
The Twin Sons Trilogy I must also mention as being particularly astute. It points out the yin and yang of the logo and of Luke's and Han's personalities.
Enough of the superlatives. I feel I must mention the stories I didn't like. Well, you can't please all the people.... I think Michelle Malkin has got her characters all mixed up in "Long, Long Way From Home." Luke is explaining Leia to Han? Really? And Leia proposes to Luke? Huh? And Han hits Luke because he said that? Maybe some other place in the conversation, but not there.
"Child of the Lightning" also bothered me. Okay, it was well-written, set up scrupulously, good background. But to actually set up the Force as an organized religion, complete with monasteries? If this is what happens to the Force in the distant future, then Luke ought to pack up his light saber and go back to Tatooine. One thing I did like -- that the orders of Owen/Beru were devoted to making hostile climates livable. What a nice salute to their characters. But prayer beads? Chants? Organized ritual? I wonder if Rose Wolf is Catholic (No offense to the Catholics, but I am an ex-one, and would hate to see the Force go down that path. Ah, well, maybe it is part of that natural cycle that Ronni talks about in the forward to "No Time." Just as the Republic inevitably erodes, so a once pure way of life gets tangled in ritual...[7]
[zine]: LoC: well, now that's awful hard since 1 can't find anything wrong with it. Loved the cartoons especially, and above all Jasper! Pour on as many cartoons as you can get your hands on - they are far better drawn than cartoons usually are, and even the poorly drawn ones are funny. I was a bit taken aback at the 'Jeffords effort' culminating in the killing off of all of Chewie's family - or near enough - but that's something I might discuss with her, and it was a good story apart from that. While we're on to LoCs, my husband wanted to offer one... Here is what he says:Well, I guess that last could have been politely put for a change, but he insisted....[7]
- "I'm not into Starwarsing really but your 'zine was actually the least deplorable of the lot so far. Art work is great on the whole, layout leaves but smithereens to be desired (e.g. an occasional halfpage that should have been 3/4 of a page), quality of print is unbeatable, miles ahead. Jasper's lovely, reminds me of several cats in my past. He should have said 'Rebel rodents, beware!', though, don't you think? Cats get the best out of the worst, eh? Won't comment on stories as SW fanfic makes me yawn."
[zine]: As always, the artwork Is fine, and the cartoons are great. I suppose that the reason that "No Time For Our Sorrows" was my favorite out of the issue was (partly) that I always suspected myself that Leia was already engaged or married to a distant likeable cousin whom she did not love, but was fond of. Royalty marries early; part of the job is producing heirs. Or course, [Aidan] is nothing like the consort I'd imagined, but the story was touching, left the author plenty of room for sequels, and presented Joni Wagner with a great opportunity to help the Princess let her hair down. (Somehow, though, I can't see Princess Leia awake and allowing her hair to hang loose. I'm sure the first thing she does in the morning is to put it up.) When can we expect the trivia quiz for TESB? [7]
[zine]: ..Kudos for.TWIN SUNS. Magnificent! I mean every bit of ego-boo I can give you — first rate in all categories: art, layout, and ooh what stories!My favorite is definitely "No Time for Our Sorrows"; the most sympathetic, accurate, plausible story about the Princess I've read yet. It takes all things into consideration: her age, her isolation because of position and birth, the tremendous loss which mature her too fast. Ronni — please continue it! I have a terrible premonition that Aidan is not well and I shudder at the consequences. Joni Wagner's illos fit 100%. Beautiful.
"Hail & Farewell" hurts. It's too plausible, we can feel Chewie and Han. A heart-wrenching work, ably seconded by Paulie's illos.
"Heads, I Win...": cheers and chuckles. Jem Corlyn looks rather familiar, ummm... like an LA cop named Starsky. I approve!
"Ghost in Far Sector" is another in an astonishingly chilling number of SWars ghost stories I've run into. Amazing how a movie so cheerful produces such wonderful spooks.
"Long, Long Way From Home" is plausible. I can see Luke blaming himself for Leia's 'death.' And I can see Han I slugging him when necessary. Pity Michelle's neat romance got messed up by EMPIRE...
"Child of the Lightning" was a disappointment. The question of being a psi-blind Jedi was sidestepped by the heroine's discovery of her latent powers. I felt that confused the story's intent.
The poetry was beautiful, esp. the two sets by PoBlocki and Beth B. which echoed the Han/Luke friendship, and Angela-marie's 'translations.' Such talent makes me envious.
The cartoons produced a howl: Vader beating the alien in the ugly competition, and Luke with a touch of the clap. Poor ex-farmboy....[7]
[zine]: TWIN SUNS, you can be justifiably proud of your ' zine. It's excellent. The stories and poems are uniformly good. I especially like the examination of character (rather than merely action) and am glad to see Leia getting some decent treatment. She's been getting short shrift from a lot of fans — unjustifiably, I believe. The problem with Leia is not Leia, it's Carrie Fisher; seeing EMPIRE reinforced this belief — she's sullen, petulant, and obnoxious. It's not the character - if you just pay attention to what she's saying and doing, rather than the action, you can see that. It's good to see stories giving her her due. My favorites among the poems were the Haiku and 'Twin Sons Trilogy'.... [7]
[zine]: Upon tentative consideration, in my non-literary fashion, I've decided the logical resolution to your unfinished story would be for Devanna to a) be "the other"; h) have the keys to Vader's personal powercells; c) be the Emperor's niece; or d) have the only copy of George Lucas' plotline for REVENGE OF THE JEDI. Of course, if I were simply shown that picture and that first paragraph, I'd assume that Devanna would turn out to be either a long-lost love, a new groupie, or perhaps a bounty hunter... I'll be intensely curious to see what Eva Albertsson came up with. [7]
[zine]: .. .The zine is really beautifully put together — a pleasure .just to look at, and the combination and contrast of styles in the contents is fine too; I enjoyed it much more than most one-theme zines (which I'm beginning to tire of as my own interests in media SF broaden).As for specifics: I thought "Ghost in Far Sector" had some interesting ideas in it and good moments, but the necessary mood and tension wasn't maintained so I finally found it disappointing.
Varesano's poetry was lovely, as usual.
"No Time For Our Sorrows" was the best piece in the zine, in fact well above most SW fanfic I've read. The characters were genuine, with deep emotions that never became self-indulgent. It's really good to see Leia developed as a complex, independent human being, with an existence apart from Luke, Han, and the Rebellion. I also believe Ronni's solution to the "romantic triangle" more than I do Lucas', whether it turns out to be interim or not. The characterization was excellent — consistent, well-developed, and true to the characters as I know them. A very impressive and enjoyable story; I'm waiting for the next one! Joni's illos were a perfect complement....
"Child of the Lightning" was well-written but I couldn't get into it somehow; I think it felt a little too contrived.
Beth's "Twin Sons Trilogy" was a good piece of comparison/contrast poetry -- quite effective, especially, with Paulie's 'tarot' illo "Hail and Farewell" was a very involving story too, action and emotion both very well handled. Corin is an interesting new character (I presume we'll see more of him?) and the development of Boba Fett made him much more intriguing and three-dimensional than anything else I've seen. The fate of Chewie's family was a real shocker, but avoided a "get-'em" taint, probably because of the handling of Boba Fett and Ojuk. Paulie's illustrations were well-done, with an ease and naturalness to the figures rarely seen in fan art; however, it continually jarred me that Luke looks 9 or 10 and Han locks 16!..[7]
[zine]: ..."Twin Suns" is the first all Star Wars 'zine I've bought... I really liked reading Twin Suns 1, it's put together very nicely with great contents.I love the Martynn illos, the stories, Martynn illos, Joni Wagner illos and Martynn illos. As you can guess, 1'm a great fan of Martynn's work. I'd like to be that good someday. My favorite story is a tie between "No Time For Our Sorrows" and "Long, Long Way From Home" with "Ghost in Far Sector" running a close second. I hope you don't pounce on me but I didn't like "Hail and Farewell" too much. She writes well and kept my attention through out the story but killing off the Wookiee was sad, especially the Wookiee cub; I have this terrific soft spot for little creatures. I'm glad that Boba Fett knocked off that slimy creature thereby showing that he at least has some good taste. My favorite character is Luke — let's have some more Luke stories.
I'm eagerly awaiting your next issue. *sigh*... I also liked the cartoons with my favorite one being Luke and Han coming out of the sick bay; I can just picture that happening. It would be so like Han to pick a bunch of winners. [7]
Issue 2
Twin Suns 2 has the subtitle, "Tattoo" was published in 1981 and is 148 pages long, offset, reduced. The front cover is by Martynn, the back by Amy Falkowitz, foldout by Joni Wagner. Other art is by art by Amy Falkowitz, Susan Perry-Lewis, Joni Wagner, Gordon Carleton, Eileen Eldred, Dot Sasscer, Paulie, Angela-marie Varesano, MRO Ludwid and Phil Foglio.
This issue was dedicated to Maureen Garrett.
From the zine:
Contents, where original and not otherwise noted, are (c) 1981 to D'Ego-Boo Press, all rights reserved and returned to originator upon publication, TWIN SUNS is a fan-run, not-for-profit operation, and in no way intends to infringe upon the copyrights held by LucasFilm, Limited, or its subsidiary corporations, STAR WARS is a trademark of Twentieth-Century-Fox Film Corporation, but what the hey -- a pirate a day keeps the mynocks away.
$6.25 cheap
The editorial:
Your eyes aren't deceiving you, folks, it really is finally here -- the long- delayed second issue of TWIN SUNS, the 'zine that asks the musical question, "Why am I an editor in the first place?"
You see, once upon a time there was MECon and this ed was looking for something nice and short to fill up her second baby 'zine. Along came Anne Zeek with a hundred and fifty-odd page ms. (which she kindly plonked herself down and waited for me to finish reading -- nothing like a little pressure sells a story), and thence hung the 'zine . Then my own story refused to write and ReVISIONS died, and SOME CALL YOU REBEL would have been called a few other names if it hadn't been herein finished; and there was the artist who forgot the definition of 'deadline' (an extention [sic] is an extention, yes -- but from August to February!!?}... You get the idea. In any case, here it is in all its gory [8]
There are more and more people to thank for this effort... My long-suffering roomies, Ronni & Beth, who put up with my editorial fits in the middle of the night/week/month; Ann and Charlie who came in like the cavalry with their typer when I was in the midst of writing and setting masters at the same time at the last minute; Martynn for support and devotion above and beyond; and Joni, who came through with some incredible art in spite of an eye infection. And, of course, all of you who endured the four-month wait...
I apologize to all of you who took the time to LoC issue 1 and whose LoCs didn't get printed; the crush of space (my printer's estimate was based on 150pp.) and time (well, I thought so last September...) prevented me from printing some of them. In any case, all were thankfully and thoughtfully read, and as you see in the 'Editorial Reply' in the back of thish, some were even contentious! But there's room for everybody herein, and I hope you'll LoC thish as enthusiastically.
I wish somebody would have told me that professional school was such a bitch; secondary to my attendance therein, the printing schedule for TwinS and for our one-shots has been stepped considerably downward. Roughly, TwinS will appear each year for the Memorial Day Con, and usually a one-shot will follow in the fall. The one-shots are short, and unithematic. Two are already in the works, one for fall of '81 and one for fall of '82.
Hope to see you all at MediaWest*Con.
- Editorial by Jani Hicks (1)
- Nits, Notes, & News (letters of comment) (2)
- Revolution Trilogy, filk to the tune of 'Prison Trilogy: Billy Rose' by Joan Baez, by Linda Stoops and Jani Hicks (8)
- Welcome Aboard by Eva Albertsson (Devanna Marongh has talents that can do the Rebellion great service -- Chewbacca knows more about them than anyone) ("winner ("The only entrant -- but that doesn't reflect on the fine quallty of this story, of our Finish This Story contest. Devanna Maronkh has some talents that can do the Rebellion great service -- and Chewbacca knows more about them than anyone. Can he verify her methods?") (10)
- Someone Saved My Ass Tonight, filk to the tune of 'Someone Saved My Life Tonight' by Elton John, by Jani Hicks (18)
- Creatures of the Force, a multipage art portfolio by Amy Falkowitz with narration (20)
- Apology, poem by Beth Bowles (31)
- He's a Sith Lord After All, filk to the tune of "It's a Small World," by Roseann Magda (32)
- Poetry Suite, many poems by Karen Klinck (33)
- A Piece of Alderaan, filk to the tune of "Do You Know the Way to San Jose," by Roseann Magda (43)
- Twisted Truths, poem by Eileen Eldred (44)
- Too Hot to Leave, filk to the tune of "Hotel California," by Jani Hicks (46)
- Some Call You Rebel: Tales from the Contraverse by Jani Hicks ("Begun in Revisions #4 but completed and significantly emended for this printing." An old friend of Han's comes to his rescue in her hour of need, and her association with him costs her dearly.") (47)
- The Source Of Courage by Jani Hicks (71)
- He Remembers All Too Well, poem by Beverly Lorenstein (74)
- Chinese Fire Drill by Anne Elizabeth Zeek and Barbara Wenk (part of the "Circle of Fire" series) (discussed in Han and Leia in Fanfiction) ("The Rebellion is short a few hundred ships after Yavin 4 -- including its transport fleet -- and they hire an old friend of Han's to procure them. The Alliance isn't asking her to spy; it's only asking her to steal!") (This story was reprinted in Collected Circle of Fire with much more art, and better reproduction.) (76)
- Credits Where Credits Are Due (138)
- 'Zine Market (139)
- Editorial Reply by Maggie Nowakowska (148)
M.R.O. Ludwig (for "Chinese Fire Drill" -- note: as it was printed in Collected Circle of Fire)
M.R.O. Ludwig (for "Chinese Fire Drill" -- note: as it was printed in Collected Circle of Fire)
M.R.O. Ludwig: Leia dresses as a thief to get some information (for "Chinese Fire Drill" -- note: as it was printed in Collected Circle of Fire)
M.R.O. Ludwig: Leia dresses as a sex worker to get some information (for "Chinese Fire Drill" -- note: as it was printed in Collected Circle of Fire)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2
[Chinese Fire Drill]: Lythne Rimwar of Anne Elizabeth Zeek and Barbara Wenk's "Chinese Fire Drill" in Twin Suns #2 is a former lady of the Imperial Court turned freelance thief, considered by those who should know as one of the best. Apparently she is also an old friend and possibly colleague of Han's, who comes to her for help with a computer break-in, an operation which she runs according to her own specifications. Along the way she gives Luke a valuable lesson in vital details of such a job. (One interesting characterisitic of Luke and to a great extent of Han: in fanfic they're as willing to learn from women as from men!) [9]
[zine]: Twin Suns 1 debuted at last year's Mos Eastly Con to great acclaim and rapid sellout. Now at last comes Twin Suns 2 to disprove the old saw that a sequel is always inferior to the original. Layout is consistently excellent in this fat new zine; though reduced, the type is crystal clear, and there is not an inch of waste space anywhere... The front cover, a Martynn piece that is as beautiful as all Martynn-pieces, looks as if it would be the next focus for a 'Write-a-Story-to-Match-This-Illo' contest. The back cover has a Phil Foglio cartoon on the inside and a splendidly romantic Amy Falkowitz pen-and-ink, Jedi (K)nights' on the out. Contents include two long stories ('Chinese Fire Drill' which takes up, with art, fully 40% of the zine), the completed 'Finish this Story' from issue 1, and a large assortment of poetry and short pieces. Eva Albertsson's conclusion to 'Welcome Aboard' will sunrise no one who has chanced to read some of her privately circulated Hanstories. It is a deft, humorous, yet poignant little tale with a totally unexpected closing twist, and all the most surprising when one contemplates that English is not Eva's native language. The editor's in-house contribution is 'Some Call You Rebel,' a half-reprint, half-continuation of a story originally begun as a two-part serial in Revisions #4 (ReV 5 having not a appeared to due to a decision to discontinue the zine). It is the story of Han's encounter with an old friend (flame?), the spacer-lady and unwilling Carcarodiati (member of an order of highly-trained paid killers) Kallani. As a hurt/comfort story it's a double threat, since not only is Han injured and cared for by Kallani, but Kallani returns the favor by being picked up for questioning (under drugs) by some old business rivals of Han's, coming out temporarily blinded and so full of toxins that she has to be taken to the Rebellion to be cleaned out. Keallani is an interesting character with a number of uniqueness -- for one, she refers to a daughter, Reenie, now living elsewhere with her old Captain -- and the glimpses into her background and training are vivid and fascinating... Both Han and Luke are well-drawn -- Luke refreshingly mature!-- and the Paulie Gilmore art is generally of good quality, especially of Luke and Kallani. This story is from Jani's 'Tales of the Contraverse' cycle and definitely leaves itself open to a sequel. But the capstone of Twin Suns 2, and the thing that makes it really worth the price, is Zeek and Wenk's 'Chinese Fire Drill.' Set immediately after the destruction of the Death Star (what a relief to your reviewer to find that people are still writing and publishing between-the-movies even a year after TESB!), it is billed as 'A Circle of Fire Story' and is fast-moving all-adventure story that takes Han, Luke, and Leia to the planet Dardael, where Han intends to pay his debt to Jabba while his young friends try to obtain ships with which to evacuate the Massassi base. Along the way we are introduced to Lythen Rimwar, an expert and high-class thief whom Leia recognizes as having been 'Lady Laelling... Velizy... Imperial Society's darling'; ex-Senator Pers Alterman, a throughly slimy entity so corrupt that even the Senate itself couldn't tolerate him, who attempts to rape Leia and is killed by her; and the beautiful and deadly Aithne, lieutenant and good right hand to the absent Jabba, making a return appearance following her introduction in 'The Cincinnatus Caper' in Time Warp #3. The pace never lets up in this marvelously exciting story, and the characters are well-handled: original ones deftly drawn and convincing, borrowed Rebels true to their film portraits yet obviously beginning to develop into what they will be in EMPIRE. Luke's chillingly just-in-time use of the Force as he accompanies Lythne on a break-in of Imperial Headquarters, Leia's abilities to defend herself savagely when threatened yet feel sickness and guilt afterward, and Han's delightful ability forms all sorts of niggling little jobs such as turning on lights, adjusting thermostats, changing video channels. The art is by HRO Ludwig -- deft, delicate line drawings in which Luke and Leia look like themselves, Lynthne when first encountered is properly slinky, a furious Aithene in a jumpsuit and jackboots reminds your reviewer of Emma Peel, and Han in disguise is at once tantalizingly strange and naggingly Hannish. Incidental art for this issue, by Dot Sasscer, Angelmarie Varesano, and the excellent Joni Wagner, is of high quality and well produced. On the whole, Twin Suns 2 is well worth your money... [10]
[zine]: The first thing you will notice when you pick up this zine is the very beautiful artwork that is evident everywhere you look. There are actually only three stories in this issue. The first, 'Welcome Aboard.' is a winner for the 'write a story to match the picture contest.' The editors tell us that the author who wrote this story did son as a second language. It's written in English... The story is a Han and Chewie story I found delightfully unpredictable. 'Some Call You Rebel' has Han, Luke and Chewie involved with a half Corellian female pilot who is an old friend of Han's. She is an interesting character with special training that puts her somewhere between Boba the Fett and a Jedi. At least that's the impression I go. Really enjoyable. Last, but not least, is 'Chinese Fire Drill' which tells us how Han could possibly not have payed off Jabba the Hut when it was the only thing he had on his mind all the way through SW. This is a very long, complex, well-written story. While I disagree with the characterizations of Luke and Leia at times, it didn't interfere with my enjoyment of the story. My only reservations with this zine is purely personal preferences. I found there are too many filks and poems. They are all very good, but I really started looking for a story after flipping through pages of art portfolios and then poems, etc. I usually read a zine all the way through front to back giving everything a thorough reading, but I couldn't do it with this one. However, where it counts, the stories, this zine is very good. Layout, printing, and all the little things that make up the look of an individual piece of work are excellent. [11]
[zine]: TWIN SUNS III falls short of expectations established by its predecessors. The contents range from fair to excellent, but the layout is poor and seme stories lack polish that could have been prevented with more editing. However, the majority of the contents are redeeming. There are several pieces which make the zine: "Proving Ground," by Eluki bes Shahar; "Someone to Talk To," by Carol Mularski; "Revenant," by Anne E. Zeek; and an humorous piece, "Dateline: Mt. Trumbull," by Linda Stoops. There is the pleasant return of Jasper Vader the Convention Cat and the excellent cartoons by Eluki bes Shahar. I especially liked the cartoons accompanying the editorial, particularly the Lucas Star Wars Club cartoon. Other than Eluki's cartoons, there are no memorable pieces of artwork. The artwork on the whole is good, just nothing that takes your breath away. The cover by Gordon Carleton is clever for a zine with the title TWIN SUNS. "Proving Ground" is an excellent story that is well paced, with solid character development. The majority of the players are characters created by Eluki. She is most successful with intertwining her own characters with the established ones of the Star Wars universe. Her character is a person who has normal emotions and reactions that make sense. No emotion comes out of left field but, through the use of stream-of-consciousness, is a normal extension of the situation. In summary, a very tight piece of literature. "Someone to Talk To" falls into the universe created by Carol Mularski. The story takes place immediately after the end of The Empire Strikes Back. It is a logical extension of Luke's confusion after his dealing with Vader. Again we meet Luke's cousin, Kaili. The story does well by both Carol's and Lucas' universes. "Revenant" is the full fleshing out of the idea presented in the vignette of the same name, published by Anne in TIME WARP 4. It is a well spun tale. The details are presented slowly, adding to the unraveling of the story. The reader experiences the same frustrations as the leading character. Like the main character, I, too, don't want to believe. The ending hurts and will leave you thinking about the story for days. Anne paints a pessimistic future; one that could happen. Certainly one that I hope does not. It is not a hurt/ comfort story, but a possibility. Two other pieces of literature had potential, but just do not hit the mark. These are "Knight Errant," by Samantha Blackley, and "Hunter's Moon," by T.S. Weddell, "Knight Errant" suffers from over-descriptive phrases forced together, causing the story to stumble. The idea has its own irony, but is almost lost in Samantha's style. "Hunter's Moon" has its verbose descriptive passages, but suffers mostly from a lack of direction. It just begins. There is no preface as to what has gone before. The story was very good, but if you haven't read the other parts, you'll wonder what you missed. My favorite story was "Where the Heart Is." I laughed all the way through it. I could just see Kirk 'the jinx' visiting an unsuspecting Vulcan. The artwork ranges from good to excellent. Chris Grahl's drawings are excellent: Kirk and Spock on the front cover, McCoy on the back. I enjoyed the poetry, although I confess I'm no judge since I prefer stories. [12]
[zine]: About two weeks ago or so, I received TWIN SUNS II. Even so, I haven't finished it all. There is a LOT there! But here's what pleased me so far.First, I like the whole, overall look of TWIN SUNS, nice and crisply printed throughout, no trouble with the reduced print and I don't think there's a single smudged or faded word in my copy — kudos on layout and to your typists and printer! Art I thought good to excellent!
Favourites were MRO Ludwig's illos for 'Chinese Fire Drill' and Paulie's, even her little sketch of you (?) on the first page. Writing -- I liked 'Chinese Fire Drill' once again. VERY detailed tale! but the characters and writing itself was interesting enough to carry what might have been excessive elsewhere. Rather neat structuring too! Plot seemed fully believable all the way and though I was saddened by the SWIPE team's loss, the fact that not all ended with rosy sunlight added immeasurably to the realism. Hope there s a sequel to this. I want to know how poor Han handles Boba Fett! (and Leia). 'Creatures of the Force' -- another pleasurable piece which I, confirmed 'beastie-fan' that I am, couldn't help being partial to! Notice that Amy managed to slip in one of her beloved dragons... The N'tarmyn hunter was a fave, for no reason I can pinpoint.
'Welcome Aboard' was hilarious! Not only that, the eventual 'motive' was totally unexpected. Great last line. No sequels on this one please; the imagination boggles enough as it is.
No intelligent comment to make on the verse I know nothing about poetry, am not too fond of it to begin with, in all honesty. But one of the song adaptations... 'He's a Sith Lord, After All ... that was so crazy we broke into hysterics! (may have had something to do with my singing though) All in all, lots of fun and adventure.
One last note: I feel I have to sympathize with Maggie Nowakowska's stand re: 'secrecy'. Me, I like to be kept in suspense - always makes for the. craziest speculations and discussion beforehand. ... Makes for some intense nailbiting, I'll tell ya! Hell on my nerves sometimes but I much prefer it this way [13]
[zine]: I picked up TWIN SUNS I at MediaWest*Con, and I don't know when I have been so impressed with a fanzine.The professionalism of TWIN SUNS is evident in the high quality of graphics and layout (speaking from the standpoint of a journalism major). Artwork is excellent, and you have a wide variety of material included.
I was perhaps most enchanted by 'Some Cal You Rebel' (though it was hard to make choices!) ... I particularly like the creation of the Carcarodati. Very original!
Commendations to Eva Albertsson for doing so well with a story written in a second language.
The poetry and filks were also good, as well as the cartoons. [13]
[zine]: I just finished reading TWIN SUNS II and enjoyed it immensely. My favorite story was 'Chinese Fire Drill" by Anne Elizabeth Zeek and Barbara Wenk. It had everything — action, drama and character exploration and development. I have read several other stories by these authors, separately and in concert, andthey never disappoint. This was my favorite — but all of the fiction and poetry was top notch.
The covers, and all the art for that matter, is some of the best I've seen — especially that, by Joni Wagner and Paulie.
Your 'zine is one of the best in quality — and is very reasonable in price. All this can and could be said about TWIN SUNS I also. [13]
[zine]: Twins II was super! And no, I don't object to editors publishing their own stuff - because I do it too! And speaking of editor's 'stuff, I really enjoyed 'Some Call You Rebel'. I had never seen it before, andit was fascinating! Sharna is a good character, and the insights into her past are well-placed and hmmm ... Almost sounds like a 'School for Dark Lords'. I'd like to see more of her. Which makes me wonder — is her daughter — the one that's mentioned at the end — Han's? (Editor: NO) I got that impression anyway. And your poem 'The Source of Courage' was beautiful — and it fooled me right up until that last part ~ I thought it was Luke. Sneaky, sneaky!
Filks and poetry were all excellent, but there are two that I have to mention — 'Apology' and 'Twisted Truths'. Both were very poignant and well told. The Leia in 'Truths' is a feeling human being, not the iceberg that she appears to be in TESB, and Yoda -- ah, who can describe him? I know, "Do or do not — there is no try." So I'll do not, in this case.
'Chinese Fire Drill' — well, I think I should mention it, but I still don't know whether I like it or not. I've only read two of the 'Circle of Fire' stories, so I'll reserve judgement until I've read more.
Artwork — the cover was really cute. Martynn captured our favorite 'twin sons' personalities very well here. And the bacover was a neat concept. (I am one of the staunch supporters of the fact that there are female as well as male Jedi.) MRO Ludwig has a rare talent — that of defining the characters with just a few little lines. I have to rely on those funny l'il dots to do my job for me. And speaking of those funny l'il dots — Joni Wagner, how can you do such a splendiferous job with them? Wanna teach a poor, broken-down artist how you do it? Please keep up the fabulous work!
Thanks for a great 'zine, Jani — and much luck on the next one! [13]
[zine]: I. First off, the cover. What can I say? I'm a Martynn fan. Solo's expression in her art always strikes a responsive, emotional chord in me. Her proportions on Luke's arms were off, but I loved her art just the same. Beautiful. (I'm jealous.)(By the way — I love your 'blaster fire' logo — my sentiments exactly.)
Stories first, I generally enjoyed 'Welcome Aboard' but it seemed too 1oose for my tastes. The plot was sort of vague and I thought that Chewie's 'tragic love story' involving Devanna should have been detailed, instead of just hinted at. The writing style was pleasant.
I thoroughly LOVED 'Some Call You Rebel'. It was well written, much to my liking, and the characterization was beautiful. Bravo! The accompanying art, though different from my favorite style of Martynn, was pleasing in its own way.
The only problem I had with 'Chinese Fire Drill' was that I wasn't able to read it all in one sitting. This was due to the fact that I had other projects going at the same time that kept pulling me away from it. Argh! The plot was believable and carried out well, the writing was flowing. AEZ and BW kept pretty much to the establishing characterizations of the main characters, and Lythne Rimwar was a refreshingly new face. However, the art of her immediately reminded me of Purdy from the NEW AVENGERS television show. (Editor: AND GOOD THING, TOO ~ IT WAS SUPPOSED TO!) The art, though not crowded with shading, was refreshing, allowing breathing space on the pages. I was deeply touched by the handling of Solo comforting Leia and the art that went with it. All in all I found the story to be fabulous.
Poetry. It's difficult to 'review' poetry, since it is one of the most personal forms of expression. What may be sensitive and deep and meaningful to the author of a poem, may be beyond true feeling to a reader of the poem.
'Revolution Trilogy' was a rousing piece for all Rebels at heart that I liked, despite not knowing the Joan Baez original.
Now, I enjoy filks just as much as the next songster, but not when they keep most of the original lyrics, as is the case with 'Someone Saved My Ass Tonight' and 'Too Hot to Leave'. (Sorry, Jani.) I giggled through 'He's a Sith Lord, After All' and 'A Piece of Alderaan'. Nice, very nice.
'Apology' and 'The Source of Courage' were touching works, although I find that some writers abuse Yoda's form of speech. I advise to restrain yourselves when transposing his words ~ he's speaking Old English, not a totally ignorant alien language.
'Twisted Truths' was an appropriate lament for Leia, very sensitive.
At first I was puzzled by 'He Remembers All Too Well', not being sure if it was about Lando or Han. I've finally settled on it being about Han. Pretty good.
I loved the 'Poetry Suite', not only because of the poems themselves, but because of the art and the organized, gorgeous layout. Very well arranged.
'Creatures of the Force' was brilliant for an original work. The information on each species/creature was well thought out, and the art was beautiful, especially the Dragon-Jedi and the Ot-Sadnil She-menej Centauroid. Both intriguing creatures with mythic appeal.
The 'toons were gigglesome throughout the ish; liked the one at the top of page 2 and Martynn's on page 6. Also the inside back cover (tee hee). Of course, who out there doesn't like Jasper Vader?
All in all, a very professional-looking 'zine. You must be taking lessons from Lucas, though, making us wait until '82 for the next one. Oh well, good things come to those who wait -- or, "Patience! For the editor it is time to rest as well!" [13]
[zine]: In this issue, the poetry and artwork were what really blew me away. Standouts were Joni Wagner's Leia onpage 45, perfectly complementing Eileen Eldred's 'Twisted Truths', a sensitive, straightforward piece. And I loved Martynn's cover, although it seemed there ought to be a story to go along with it. I keep rereading Beth Bowles' 'Apology'. How will Yoda say he's sorry? I've been trying to picture the encounter that must occur between Luke and his teachers in Episode VI. Perhaps if Yoda were to express himself this way, Luke would understand and best be able to come to terms with the whole situation. Despite several serious reservations, 'Chinese Fire Drill' was my favorite story. I really think that the gory MIDNIGHT EXPRESS - type violence was unnecessary. Han seemed a bit, well ... too well-organized. Chewie and the droids were dumped by the wayside. I have a hard time believing the Alliance would not have their transports on the same planet as their base. The best thing about the story was its fresh angle on the relationships of the three main characters, especially in light of THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. The plot was suspenseful and sufficiently complex. The disguises were fun. (I still think Luke and Leia would have guarded their conversation in public a bit more.)
What a surprise Eva Albertsson's story turned out to bei and how funny! [13]
[zine]: The 'zine looks really good. I haven't had time to read every word yet, but I did get far enough into it to notice that you've added a bit to your 'Some Call You Rebel' story. Now I'm going to have to reread the whole thing instead of simply picking up where ReVISIONS IV left off, an enjoyable task when the story is as good as this one.I also glanced through.'Chinese Fire Drill' enough to know someone was pulling my leg about those illos. JoDar Kylan is Han Solo. Ha! Oh well, I always pretty gullible for a Corellian.
The layout and artwork of TWIN SUNS II is nothing short of superb, and I don't use that term lightly. I don't believe that in all the time I've been reading SW fan fiction I've ever seen a 'zine that has had so much care put into it. Since everyone seems to use SKYWALKER as the paragon of SW 'zines, I'll add that yours surpasses it in layout. [13]
[zine]: I love the front cover (who doesn't love Martynn's work), the back cover and everything in between. The 'Creatures of the Force' was fascinating, Karen is going to have to do a Poetry Suite for EMPIRE, 'He Remembers ... All Too Well' tugs at my heart, and Joni's art is beautiful. However, my favorite is 'Some Call You Rebel', it is great. Being a relatively newcomer as far as 'zines go (slightly over a year) I simply must ask: are there more Tales of the Contraverse? I loved it and am looking forward to TWIN SUNS III (IV, V ...). (Editor: THERE ARE MORE CONTRAVERSE STORIES, SOME IN MS. AND SOME PRINTED, INCLUDING 'SPECIAL MODIFICATIONS' IN TIME WARP 5 AND A NUMBER OF THINGS IN OLD ISSUES OF REVISIONS; MORE WILL BE ON THE WAY AS SOON AS I GET OUT OF THIS SCHOOL AND HAVE TIME TO WRITE AGAIN!! A NUMBER OF THE STORIES ARE TOLD IN BRIEF IN FILKS THAT I'VE HAD PUBLISHED IN REVISIONS AND GUARDIAN AND TIME WARP. AMONGST OTHER PLACES — OH, YEAH, PEGASUS. TOO) [13]
[zine]:Since I have been out of ST/SW fandom (due to my joining the Navy) for quite some time, I have found it somewhat difficult to enter the mainstream once again, so I've started buying 'zines again. I can definitely say that if yours is any indication of what a returning fan can expect from the 'new generation' of 'zine publishers, I am definitely in for a wonderful return! The 'zine is great!
'Some Call You Rebel' is very good. Did you get the idea for the Carcarodati from the samurai, the ninja, or modern-day superkaratekas? Cyes.
With regards to Maggie Nowakowska's rebut to an editorial I didn't read ... I agree with her, to a point. I will say that although I read the book prior to seeing the movie (at which time one theatre in Georgia only had it, and I had to travel 76 miles to see it), it made my expectations/anticipations even higher, but at the same time, realizing that there are embellishments in a book that cannot show up in a movie, I was curious to see where the embellishments would show up. [13]
[zine]: I returned home from MediaWest with a suitcase full of 'zines; and, after spreading them all on the floor so that I could select one at random, I latched instantly onto TwinS II.- Absolutely fantastic! What a beautiful, beautiful 'zine!!! Far more impressive in format, content, layout and graphics than any of the drop-dead, glossy cover ten dollar jobs. It is a treasure of thought and craft to be kept always, so that I can display it as an example when non-fan friends who want to know what it is that makes this fixation so rewarding. Of course after reading TwinS I find myself with a stack of reading material that I'm afraid will all be disappointing in comparison.I have a dear friend who is a semi-detached fan — reads all my 'zines, edits my work, but shows no interest in attending a con, maybe because she's rather busy raising beautiful children — whose consistent complaint about SW 'lines is the appalling quality of their poetry. Well, now I can offer TwinS to her and shut her up. The poetry is superb! Beth Bowles' 'Apology' is beautiful, simple, evocative, and deeply moving — and restores my naive faith that others also believe that a teacher must also learn from his pupil. 'Someone Saved My Ass Tonight' is right on target — I could actually hear Solo saying it to Her Worshipfullness. It was long-overdue, richly deserved, and dead-accurate! And 'He Remembers All Too Well' — eloquent, ambiguous, and heart-breaking. But the finest was Eileen Eldred's 'Twisted Truths' -- beautifully simple, cutting right to the heart -- the single most eloquent and profound portrayal of Leia's inner character that I have ever seen. Tough and honest, with a deep and abiding sadness and just a touch of wistfulness. Perfect!!
And speaking about Leia's character, this brings me to my area of complaint: 'Chinese Fire Drill'. It bothers me a lot, but the fact is that it wouldn't bother me at all if it were not so incredibly well-written. The exceptionally fine quality of the writing kept me with the story even after I had lost interest in the main character — and it was so well done that the few objections stand out all the more glaringly. Apart from the quibble that none of the characters could possibly know what 'Chinese' means. For example.... I admit that I am not crazy about Leia, but I can appreciate the effort to make her a full, rounded, complex character. It is certainly an admirable ambition. But did it have to be done at the expense of Han's and Luke's characters? Han's motivation seems rather sketchy — more avuncular than romantic — although I was glad to see some mention that he was worried about Luke as well as about Leia. The rest of Han's involvement with the princess seemed, as it did in the movie, rather obviously contrived. The story's treatment seems smoother than the movie's, but it still grates. And I particularly resent the treatment of Luke as a sort of idiot-savant — as a mere vehicle used and manipulated by the Force, rather than being consciously aware of it and partaking in it as a result of his own awareness, choice, and discipline. In this story he seems to have no common sense, no logical motivation, only blind instinct. Some of his speech and gestures seemed exactly right, but most of the time he's just hopelessly gosh-wow. As for the treatment of Leia herself, some of it seemed rather arbitrary — but maybe this is be cause this is the first part of the series I've read. Her mood swings, between determination and helplessness, seem rather abrupt, even non-sequitur. The almost-rape scene broke the flow of the plot. Even though it was an attempt to deepen Leia's character and background, such skills as she used are not merely taught, they must be constantly practiced or they are useless; and there was no mention that she schooled herself in this discipline. And if we are to really believe that she is a dedicated and disciplined professional, why then are we given the embarrassingly cute example of her appropriating a hooker's costume in order to distract the guards? If we are to admire her 'fast-thinking', determination and courage in a crisis, why not simply have her pull Modesty Blaise's 'The Nailer' — stripping to the waist suddenly, guaranteed to throw the enemy off balance for a minute — to allow Luke and Han to sneak up on the guards and overpower them? If the boys are on their toes one minute would be all that's necessary — and the gesture would have definitely emphasized Leia's assurance and cool-headedness. Or is that we are to believe that Han's hot young blood, and Luke's precious innocence could not have taken the strain? And Luke's comment "they're clones" was tossed off awfully casually -- are clones unique and individual human beings or are they not? Han seems to think they are, Luke clearly does not — a bit of confusion there. And the coyness of the hooker's costume is just a little bit too-cute-for-words, as is Luke's reaction to it. The story ends on the sexual joke, which seems pretty lame considering what the cost of the caper has been in human lives. Leia seems to think that the posthumous medals are sufficient to compensate the lives that were sacrificed. Which raises another problem with the SWIPE team -- it was jarring, almost deus-ex-machina to have the climax of the plot suddenly switched to three characters we had not met before in this story. They seemed very compelling and interesting but we're hardly introduced to them before they're eliminated. (Again, this is the first of the series I've read, but that doesn't eliminate the need for each episode to be able to stand by itself as a piece of fiction — premeditated serials are being done to death — and some of us are not completists.) Guess I'm just not impressed by stories incorporating sacrifice and martyrdom. Ah, well ... But I repeat, couldn't they have made Leia an interesting and dynamic character without turning Han into a worried sap and Luke into an idiot? [13]
[zine]: The cover illo is really great (Martynn does Han so very well.) The back illo has the sort of unreal feeling that seems correct on a picture called "Jedi (K)Nights".Speaking of art, the foldout Leia was excellent, as was the Leia Joni did on page 45. The illos for 'Chinese Fire Drill' were nice and straightforward (although even with them, I can't see Leia without her long hair). The art for 'Some Call You Rebel' made Kallani come to life (she looked so long suffering). However, my favorite of all drawings was the one on page 10; Han has the perfect expression on his face — depending on which mood the viewer is in, it either means "come here lady" or "I'm busy, what do you want?"
The story it belongs to, 'Welcome Aboard' by Eva Albertsson, was also my favorite story. The humor was wonderful and the twist at the end with Chewie — great is all I can say.
'Some Call You Rebel' by yourself was a very solid story - with a bit of picking to see what Han is made of — and what his friends are like. I'd like to know more about Carcos.
'Chinese Fire Drill' could have three or four stories with all the plots and sub-plots. However, it fit together without leaving the reader wondering why everything was happening I especially liked the part where Leia and Han are lovers just after STAR WARS (that explains TESB, but poor Luke. Can't he even guess?) and the way everything works out well, but Han forgot to pay Antibe (which explains Boba Fett in TESB and why, after Han received the reward at the end of STAR WARS he didn't pay off Jabba).
The filks, poems and cartoons were well thought out. If Luke isn't careful, Vader will use him as Jasper Vader used the mouse in the cartoon on page 74.
All in all, a beautiful 'zine. Keep up the good work. [13]
[zine]: I thoroughly enjoyed Eva Albertsson's 'Welcome Aboard'... it never ceases to amaze me how easily she writes in English. Devanna is a delightful character, and the ending!Beth Bowles' 'Apology' is excellent. The idea is certainly original, and completely believable. But 1 have a question: does Yoda know Vader is Luke's father (if in fact he is?) Nice calligraphy, too. Also excellent is Eileen Eldred's 'Twisted Truths', and Joni Wagner'3 illo of Leia is truly lovely. Jani, you did a very nice adaptation of 'Hotel California' with 'Too Hot to Leave'; very interesting perspective on the Alliance, too. Love the cartoon on p. 46! I'm surprised there haven't been more plays on Lando's strange-looking aide.
'Some Call You Rebel' is well-written and interesting. Question: is 'gokai' what the Carcarodati call the Force? The way it's described and used (or abused) sounds like it, as if others besides the Jedi had discovered ways of using the Force and developed a totally different philosophy and culture which didn't catch on the way the Jedi method did. Also a quibble: on p. 62, you say that 3P0 had known Luke and Leia's fathers, and Kenobi when he was much younger — I find it hard to believe that if 3P0 had known Kenobi years ago he'd have acted so totally as if Kenobi was a stranger on meeting him in SW. I know the two droids are capable of deception to a degree we can only guess at, but it seems most unlikely 3P0 could have carried it off — the way he acted just doesn't fit in with the theory in 'Rebel'.
Joni's Lando on p. 74 is one of the best illos I've seen of him. And your Jasper cartoon is a delight! Let's see moire of him. 'Chinese Fire Drill' is interesting and well-done. I especially like the characterization of Leia, tho I think she wouldn't b so careless as to use their real names in public. Her disgust with the porcelain princess image is great! The image of Chewie as a giant hairy-blue cockroach is mind-boggling. And as for that 'dashing, candy-red space yacht" — nasty, nasty!
Phil Foglio's inside bacover is not nice at all!
As for the debate on secrecy... yes: I would like to see the debate continue here, though I think an annual isn't really adequate — you might consider including portions in your one-shots also. Personally, as far as the secrecy is concerned, I'm with Maggie all the way. And here are a couple of angles she didn't mention. In the first place, the whole SWs saga is Lucas's story, his invention, his 'dream', and it's his to handle as he sees fit. Also, it's no secret that changes are made during filming, so that something publicized might not appear in the finished product, thus making LucasFilm look like liars or worse teasers than some people think they are now.
The alternative would be to keep anything that's been publicized even if a better idea or whatever came up later — hardly a satisfactory state of affairs! Speaking as a reader and writer of fanfic, I think that secrecy really works to the benefit of active SW fandom in that it lets the writers use their imaginations for several years between films, offering opportunities for extrapolation and speculation that wouldn't be available otherwise.
There are some really fascinating SW cycles going because the writers didn't restrict themselves to what was known... The 'travelling medicine shows' can be interesting in themselves and can also fuel writers' imaginations.
LucasFilm doesn't have to tell fans anything; legally and morally they have every right to stay home and ignore the active fandom. Yes, the fans help keep LucasFilm going, but there are a lot of viewers out there who have nothing to do with fandom as we know it, and they could probably keep the saga going even if we stopped going to see each installment and breaking postal employees' backs with our piles of 'zines and letters. We don't have a monopoly on interest in the story and as Maggie pointed out a lot of people prefer to be surprised — and I think a lot of fans are in that category, too.
Personally I'd love to know if Vader really is Luke's father; who his mother was if Luke will go over to the Dark Side; who the 'other' is; how/if Han will be rescued; whether there's any truth to the rumor that only one of the major characters will be alive by the end of REVENGE, etc., etc., etc. And I'd be willing to spend a pile of my hard-earned money to see the next film over and over even knowing before I see it the first time what the answers are.
- [Hicks inserts]: THE DEFENSE RESTS.
... I repeat, the whole saga is Lucas's property, not ours, and he has the right to handle it as he pleases. Our own fiction is ours to play with, as we see fit.
[zine]: Overall, I liked it. The printing is ace stuff, and the innards are mostly-of-a-piece; with the exception of one or two of the cartoons, I did not find myself staring at anything wondering 'How in hell did this sneak in here?" This, you understand, is a Good Thing.On to concretes. The Major Flaw of the zine is that is a tad unbalanced, with only three stories, and one of them being the humongous 'Circle of Fire' entry which would not unbalance or Time Warp, but appearing in one contentious lump in the slender, yearly TwinS sort of moves in and takes over the zine. (What I thought of it comes later in the letter.) Tho' all three fiction bits were good, there were only three of them, and they got, um, de-emphasized (that's not quite the word I'm looking for) against the proportionately vast amount of poetry and incidental art. Being an editor myself, I do know you can only pub what you get, and not what you don't: I can only wish people would send you more good 12,000 word stories.
Taking the contents in the order they appear:
REVOLUTION TRILOGY: I've never heard the 'Prison Trilogy' on which this was based, so I have no idea how closely it follows it, but it seems that the second and third stanzas are not really of a piece with the first. The first stanza is quite evocative of the hard-case lady ... the second and third are all right but don't seem to go with the first; I keep thinking somebody should write them out as stories. Would file under the heading of Needs More Work.
WELCOME ABOARD: I am not awfully fond of this one. While being reasonably competent in writing, especially since Eva's native script is Swedish, I still found it to be (in no particular order) vague, improbable, unbelievable, smarmy, rambling, and not well paced. Oh yes -- and coy, that end bit when Chewie reveals that Devanna is his long-lost leman; Yoig. Also, it is clearly stated that Devanna has guards ("slipped past her guards" — emphasis mine) and this is never explained or dismissed in the story. It has the potential to be comic-opera farce. Devanna the forger giving Han acre after acre of credential and all of them spurious). ... and my Ghoddess " — if I get you safely out of quarantine would you let me sign on for the voyage TO THE NEXT REBEL BASE YOU HIT?" ((emphasis mine, again)) Come on! Are the Rebels offering charter service into their bases? Why should Han trust her? And if she wanted to be a Rebel, and knew he was one, why in the name of Ghu and Foo-Foo and the Great God Lucas did he diddle around that way with all the paperwork? (Forgive me, I rant. File this one under the heading of Needs More Work as well.)
SOMEONE SAVED MY ASS TONIGHT: I liked it, but as will come out, I have a weakness for Jani's filks. bewailing deaf heaven with his bootless cries is amusing, and the Joni Wagner illo with it is quite and a nice portrait of Han.
CREATURES OF THE FORCE: It is well done, but *sigh* I still think it is A Waste of Space. At the the art could have been reduced so the text could go on the same page as the illo; this would very least, save space and obviate the problem of hunting about to see what illo goes with which picture. (Editor: HUH? AND ANYWAY, THE ART WAS REDUCED BY THE ARTIST IN COPYING FOR SENDING TO ME, AND SHE SAID SHE'D PUT OUT A CONTRACT ON ME IF I REDUCED IT ANY FURTHER. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT, DON'T YOU ARTIST PERSON?) The art's not bad, the text isn't bad (except for the *choke* Luciferian Flame-Masters of Rake-hell -- misspelling a word doesn't make it not-that-word). I just can't warm up to it. At the very least; I would have put it deeper in the xine. The problem with open-handed criticism of xine contents is that the contributors are usually friends of the editor, and things get rough very quickly when Ye Ed decides one is criticizing her taste in friends. (Editor: BUT ELUKI, LOVE, I DON'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS IN FANDOM, REMEMBER? AND BESIDES, I WRITE OPEN-HANDED CRITICISM OF OTHERS' ZINES, SO THE LEAST I CAN DO IS THANK YOU FOR THE SAME OF MINE. CONSIDER YOURSELF THANKED.) I am sure Amy is a very nice person, and I certainly don't know her well enough to insult her. I hope I've engendered no ill feelings.
APOLOGY: Umm. Nicely calligraphed, illoed, and laid out, but since it doesn't rhyme and I don't think Yoda would ever think anything like that (anybody who thinks Luke won that last confrontation with Vader saw a different TESB than I did) I can't comment otherwise.
HE'S A SITH-LORD: The line '...an ugly red sty/In the galaxy's eye" both grates on the eye and makes no sense (Darth-daddy isn't red, he's black) but other than that it's Real Cute.
POETRY SUITE: I have the same objection to it that I do to CREATURES OF THE FORCE — it takes up too much space. Free verse is a difficult form to do well, and I have the impression that Karen had one or two good vignette poems and then decided that she had to do Every Major Character from SW/A New Hope. Not to mention the 'troopers.
PIECE OF ALDERAAN: On the other hand, this filk is neat and the cartoon is both cute and well-done.
TWISTED TRUTHS Good poem; thought-provoking, well-crafted, worth reading and re-reading; good visual imagery. Good art with it, too, though again, I would have laid it out as a one-pager. I'm beginning to think that some of my creebs are just a fundamental difference in our ideas of good zine layout, which everybody Can have some of.
TOO HOT TO LEAVE: Best short piece of the xine. Screamingly funny, but then I have a Warped Mind. True, too. One can imagine (nearly) the Disgruntled Rebels Unison Chorus singing this little ditty.
SOME CALL YOU REBEL: Apologies to the Brooklyn gang; even though it has admitted faults (admitted by the author you understand, not by me) this is my favorite story in the xine. I am an up-front sucker for other folks' Alter Egos, and I like Kallani a Whole Lot. It does have the problem of reading an awful lot like a sequel to another story that one better have read to understand what's going on, but I got through it in spite of that. Enjoyed the Han characterization; liked Kallani's tough-minded tenderness — some of what went on was not substantiated in the story (the 'Missing Other Story' complex, again) but one could survive it. I think Jani should get the Mary Jane Savage Memorial Award for best rewrite of a STARSKY & HUTCH episode for this one, although I still think the source was a CHARLIE'S ANGELS instead. I look forward to seeing more of Kallani, and hope to see a revised version of this one in 'Best of Twins'.
Oh, yes, the art was fun. I really admire the way Paulie gets that gritty textured look, even though I do want to sell her Luke into a boy-brothel at the earliest opportunity. Like her rather long-faced Han, but when I find myself muttering "Kallani doesn't look like that" (p. 50) I know it's Time To Quit. The art was definitely NOT a Waste of Space.
THE SOURCE OF COURAGE: Nice poem, nice blow-off ... for a change, it's Ben, not Luke, who's doing the Soul-Searching-in-the-Swamp routine. And, of course, the questions are the eternal ones that every Sorcerer's Apprentice asks.
HE REMEMBERS ALL TOO WELL: PoV-glitches, as they say in the biz. From the Joni-illo, one is Led to Believe that it is Lando reminiscing, but the text seems to indicate Han, no, Luke, no, Chewie, no --waitaminnit- Vader? Another one for the Needs More Work file. And, incidentally, poetic license notwithstanding, nightmares generally do not awaken (second line) .. they are that which one awakens FROM. And as for the transfixed face in the fourth line... umm
CHINESE FIRE DRILL: And now, for the last third of the xine. This was, by some far-fetched conspiracy of events the first Zeek-Wenk production I had ever read. I'm not sure I can praise it without making it sound like faint damns are in the background, but that is not my intention. Onward.
CFD is a SOLID story, worked out with uncompromising common sense and a minimal degree of 'lett's do this, even though it makes no sense, because it's neat'. The story has a plot, the plot makes sense, the characters are three-dimensional, and the authors are adept enough to make you care about the SWIPE team enough in the limited space they can devote to them so that their valiant sacrifice (the SWIPE team's, not the authors') to destroy the drydock is felt by the reader, and one cares about their deaths. ... Leia's reaction to having to murder someone personally is plausible and honest, and his believing (the Senator Alt-man-that-was) that she is a member of Darthie's Commandoes and being angry with her for that lends a touch of black comedy to the scene. I did think Lythne having to keep Luke from stealing the candy-apple-red yacht was a bit gratuitous (Luke as the interstellar JD) but I get the feeling that it was an hommage-in-passing to Anne Elizabeth's Vendetta universe so I'll accept it on those terms. Magnanimous of me.
Lessee... liked Han's characterization — for once a fanhack made me believe that Han is A Professional In His Line of Work, rather than an interstellar redneck trucker cum Simon Templar whose only function in life was to be hired by Ben "Why Didn't You Tell Me?" Kenobi in the Last Gasp Bar & Grill on Tatooine. Especially the scene in the Rebel Base bay when nobody has shown up to finagle him into the Dardanel assignment and he's not sure whether to be exultant or betrayed.
It had lots of good bits, but I somehow think that it will draw fanflack because the one thing it is NOT is starry-eyed romantic. As I said, it is realistic, and at times the realism can get brutal, especially taking it in context of other fan universes and other SWfan approaches to Han Luke Leia and the Travelling Alliance Salvation Show.
...The art is, naturally. Solid (I've got to find another word — we are not building the Great Pyramid out of copies of TwinS!) and Ludwig does the very best faces in the biz. Could wish for a bit more backgrounds, though, but that is a minor quibble.
COVERS The outside front cover, a nice Martynn-pic, nice layout and typography. Looks like it ought to be a 'Finish This Story' entry. Inside bacover, very silly Foglio. But plausible. You don't suppose? I liked it. [13]
Issue 3
Twin Suns 3 was published in 1982 and contains 144 pages.
The artwork is by Daphne Hamilton, Linda Stoops, Martynn, Joni Wagner, Bernie, Wanda Lybarger, Eluki bes Shahar, Meredydd, Carol McPherson, Lee Reynolds, and Gordon Carleton.
A flyer said the original four color covers were cancelled when the printer told the publisher it would cost an extra $500.
The copyright statement:
Original material (c) 1982 by Jani Hicks for the original writers and artists. All rights revert to creators of material subsequent to publication. This is not-for-bucks-but-not-just-for-the-bheer-either production of D'Ego-Boo Press, and is not intended to infringe on the copyrights owned they the Star Wars Corporation, LucasFilm, Ltd., and/or Twentieth-Century-Fox, Inc., although they will no doubt interpret the copyright law as they damn well please. Any reproduction or other use of this material without the the express written consent of D'Ego-Boo Press is prohibited; this includes photocopying.
- Letters of Comment (1)
- Knight Errant by Samantha Blackley, illustrated by Martynn ("a vignette showing Han's chivalrous spirit") (10)
- The Voice, poem by Marcia Bring (17)
- Proving Ground by eluki bes shahar, illustrated by the author ("if you liked Heinlein and Norton when you were a kid, you'll love this (besides, the hero is, well, interesting)") (18)
- Tonight, My Friend, poem by Irene Shafer (42)
- The Last Knight, poem by Jenni (45)
- Dateline: Mt. Trumbull by Linda Stoops, illustrated by Eluki bes Shahar ("it's round, and blue, and watery, and hangs in the sky like a cloudy orb on a moonless night") (46)
- Monologue, poem by Ronni Sacksteder (49)
- Decisions by Rhiemmenth, illustrated by Linda Yamashiro ("two old friends, some questions, and a fateful choice") (50)
- Someone to Talk To by Carol Mularski (part of her "Desert Seed Series), (illustrated by Carol McPherson) ("Luke comer to grips with his parentage and his memories") (52)
- The Flame, poem by Irene Shafer (63)
- Thousand Worlds Hymn, filk to the tune of "The United Nations Anthem" by Ludwig von Beethoven, by Maggie Nowakowska (64)
- The Turning of Tocneppil by Beverly Bishop, illustrated by Dot Sasscer ("a little story of Darth and Leia's, uh, previous acquaintance") (66)
- Night Cry, poem by Marcia Brin (77)
- Twilight, filk to the tune of "Four Green Fields" by Tommy Maken, by Maggie Nowakowska (78)
- "Hunter's Moon". Archived from the original on 2001-11-21. by T.S. Weddell, illustrated by Wanda Lybarger ("Han and Luke have a strange encounter at a harvest festival") (80)
- Four Filks by Roseann Magda (91)
- I'd Like to Teach the Jedi Way, to the tune of "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing"
- The Emperor's Lament, to the tune of "Suicide is Painless" -- the theme from M*A*S*H by Johnny Mandel
- Find Us a Base, to the tune of "Home on the Range"
- Boba Fett's Favorite Things, to the tune of "My Favorite Things" by Richard Rogers
- Revenant by Anne Elizabeth Zeek, illustrated by Jackie Dunster ("AUTHOR'S NOTE: The following story stands on its own. It is an independent tale which does not belong to any^ universe which I have created either alone or with a co-author. "Revenant" borrows elements from the CIRCLE OF FIRE universe and, as a result, could be considered an "alternate" FIRE story. But this is not its original purpose. "Revenant" is, purely and simply, an SF story, a 'what if?' tale written for your— enjoyment?") (96)
- Rebirth, An Elsequel to Revanant by Anne Elizabeth Zeek (127)
- Diverstissments, Games, Word Search and Puzzles by Lori Kilpatrick (129)
- SunsSet, editorial ramblings and ravings by Jani Hicks (133)
- 'Zine Market, ads (139)
from issue #3, eluki bes shahar, commentary on George Lucas' fanwork restrictions, see The Star Wars Letters
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3
[zine]: This issue of "Twin Suns" represents a real improvement over the first two issues--and that is saying quite a bit. I and II established Jani Hicks as a source of competent, well-crafted stories and clean, professional-looking production, but III is even better. Aside from a disconcerting tendency for initial letters (and an occasional central letter) to disappear mysteriously into oblivion, the reproduction is excellent: crisp, clean, and legible in spite of the reduction. It is a good-looking zine that shows off its visual and literary contents to advantage. "Knight Errant" by Samantha Blackley is a dead-pan and sly tongue-in-cheek bit that neatly skewers a whole school of fannish fantasies, and has a rollicking good time in the process. Interstellar Moonies? Galactic Gothicks? Whatever. This will tickle anyone who has waded through the usual treacly gothic romances. "Proving Ground" is a better-than-average action story by Eluki bes Shahar in very much the spirit of the original movies, and is to be commended for its unusually plausible Leia, who can actually be recognized as the same character we see in A New Hope. The hero, Sundance, bears a suspicious generic resemblance to a certain Tatooine farmboy Hero-of-the-Rebellion, and ful- fills the same function of carrying the action forward and stumbling through to success against ridiculous odds by a combination of native ability and pure dumb luck. This one is simply for fun, but it's well done. The idea behind "Dateline: Mt. Trumbull" is cute, although a moment's reflection will indicate that it is impossible if SWars actually takes place in a galaxy far away and long ago, as George assures us. However, if George is fudging the time factor, I'm going to get very nervous. I must admit to a personal fondness for "Hunter's Moon" by T.S. Weddell, based on my own interest in folklore and the mythic roots of SWars. The author makes a solid and generally successful effort to reconcile the connection between our own universe and the SWars one and produces a story based on Celtic myth and vampire legend which is logical and romantic in both, and is emotionally convincing. The tone can only be described by the overused words "bittersweet" and "poetic"-- overused but accurate in this case-- and the ending will remind SF readers of the classic story "Shambleau", which is based on the same theme. Again, the characterization of Han and Luke is believable, and the friendship is underscored in a way which is satisfying but not sentimental. The three major stories in this issue ("Someone to Talk To" by Carol Mularski, "The Turning of Tocneppil" by Beverly Bishop, and "Revenant" by Anne Elizabeth Zeek) are all notable for the sort of clever ideas that make the reader say, "Ah-hah; this is interesting--now what is the author going to do with THIS?" The three stories achieve varying degrees of success in exploring their premises. "Someone to Talk To" deals with the plausible idea that Luke has been influenced more than he realizes by his confrontation with Vader, and picks up neatly on the ambiguity of his ·encounter in the Magic Tree: Luke here is clearly showing a taint of the Dark Side and the way he reacts to his discovery is the point of the story. It may be too much to ask that the author resolve the problem she has stated (perhaps the point is intended to be that there no resolution, at least at this point), but I feel the story would have been more satisfying if she had at least made the attempt. As it is, "Someone to Talk To" leaves me with an uncomfortable feeling of incompleteness. "The Turning of Tocneppil" is nearly unique (not quite) among fan stories in considering the economics of the rebellion, a dull but vital element, rather than the flashy surface heroism so beloved by Lucasfilm and the Saturday Matinee School of Fanfic. Not only that, but the author gets it right. Unfortunately, the solid background is obscured by an implausible melodramatic plot that has Leia (and her girlfriend Eltene) galloping through a James Bondish spy story like a combination of Nancy Drew and an underage Mrs. Peel, in a highly unconvincing fashion. Too bad; this one could have been as seminal as if the author's plot logic had matched her backgrounding. The unquestioned prize of this issue is Anne Zeek's "Revenant". What "Honor Binds Me" did to infuriate/delight/outrage/intrigue fans last year, this story will do, on a much deeper and more complex level, this year. If this story doesn't get some kind of a powerful reaction out of you, you are probably taking a vacation in carbon-freeze yourself. As with so many of Zeek's intricate and brilliant intellectual puzzles, much of the point of this story is lost in the plot (which unfolds with the multilayered twists and turns of a fanfic version of Deathtrap is described. But the characterization is subtle, realistic, and complex, the background impeccable, the storyline solid and even gripping in a way unusual in so cerebral a piece. Altogether, this 10 a story which will undoubtedly create a sensation, one you will probably hear discussed many times. If for no other reason, buy III for "Revenant". Brief comments on the rest of the zine: the poetry is standard stuff, generally inoffensive if not particularly interesting. The same may be said for the art: adequate basic Martynn, Eluki, and Lybarger, a highly-disappointing Wagner, some rather wooden and amateurish McPherson, and illos for "Revenant" by Dunster which are more preliminary sketches than anything else: good but rushed. All in all, there is notion that continues to improve and to remain among the top few must-order zines on the market. No zine is perfect, and neither is this one, but it avoids all the more usual pitfalls, and its faults are those of human fallibility, not those of shoddy production or inept editorship. Definitely among the best of this year's crop. [15]
- ^ McCardle, "Fan Fiction: What's All The Fuss?".
- ^ from Southern Enclave #31
- ^ NOT the typist, the actual machine!
- ^ from Jundland Wastes
- ^ from Alderaan #10
- ^ from a letter of comment by Maureen Garrett in "Twin Suns" #2
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o from a letter of comment in "Twin Suns" #2
- ^ It is unknown if "gory" is a typo or a deliberate word choice.
- ^ from the 1982 essay Visible Women
- ^ from Jundland Wastes #2
- ^ from Datazine #13
- ^ from Universal Translator #17
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m from a letter of comment in "Twin Suns" #3
- ^ from a reader's LoC in Southern Enclave #13
- ^ from Jundland Wastes #10