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ReVisions (multimedia and Star Wars zine)

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Title: ReVisions
Publisher: OtherWhen Press
Editor(s): Beth Bowles & Ronni Sacksteder, consulting editors are S.J. Hicks and Linda Stoops
Date(s): 1978-1980
Medium: print
Fandom: multimedia with much Star Wars
Language: English
External Links:
flyer in Warped Space #38, click to read
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ReVisions is a gen multifandom anthology. The first issue was Star Trek and SF, but it eventually became a zine with a Star Wars focus, and it is a sort-of sister zine to Twin Suns.

Some of the contributors were members of the Wright State Trek Club and the Dayton Science Fiction Group.

All issues were out-of-print by 1981 but "available in photocopy form from T'Kuhtian Press" in an ad in Jundland Wastes #5/6.

Art has been included on Fanlore with the publisher's permission.

Issue 1

ReVisions 1 was published in February 1978 and contains 75 pages.

front cover of issue #1, Lisa Mason
back cover of issue #1, Marilyn Mix

The art is by Lisa Mason, Rick Knobloch, Marilyn Mix, Pat Stanley, Joe Fleming, David Taylor, Robin Wood, Suzanne Kirwan, Linda Stoops, and Rusty Westbeld.

From an ad in Scuttlebutt #3: "A new zine by a new fan, shares poetry, illos, humor in a unique relationship of Treklore and SF."

  • Editor's Notes by Ronni Sacksteader (2)
  • Rocky & Star Wars: a Synchronic View, poem by Charles J. Brady (3)
  • Epitaphs, and An Atom, two poems by Charles J. Brady (4)
  • two Star Wars cartoons by Marilyn Mix (un-numbered page)
  • Final Analysis, poem by Sarah Leibold (7)
  • The Man Beside You, poem by Charles Finegan (7)
  • One Seen Twice by Beth Bowles (8)
  • The Crush Factor in Building a Tower of Bheercans to the Moon by Paula Smith (9)
  • Untitled Excerpt by Pat Stanley (13)
  • Please Interpret This to Mean... by the editors (13)
  • 'Zines ReVised, ads (15)
  • Curiosity, poem by Beth Bowles and Ronnie Sacksteader (17)
  • The Tholian Question, poem by Dayle S. Palko (19)
  • Christine's Decision, poem by Dayle S. Palko (20)
  • "Trek" by Ronnie Sacksteader (21)
  • Dreams and Yet by Sarah Leibold (22)
  • The Anckzinar Snare by Ronnie Sacksteder (24)
  • Gafiater's Theme Song, filk to the tune of "I'm Going to Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair," by David Taylor (75)
  • Editor's Notes ReVised by Beth Bowles (76)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

Revisions I came in the mail today and I promptly dropped everything to devour it. I don't regret it a bit.

General comments: cute cartoons on pgs 3, 4, 5, & 6. Remind me of Who Was That Monolith I Saw You With?"

I'm not too hot on poetry as a rule, but I was touched by "The Final Analysis" o pg. 7. command myself . . . Anyhoo, I really was touched and moved by the poem. , Command is and must be lonely.

Now, about the long fiction piece! First, those typographic errors are noticeable, but having edited JCJ [1] these past years, I understand. You proofread and re-proofread, and get friends to proofread and still the little buggars [2] sneak by! The story itself was fine and dandy and I'm panting for a sequel. Why didn't you illustrate it more? Keep in mind: I'm a would-be comic artist. Anything less than a panel comic format is less than ideal to me. I did miss seeing an illo of the dehumanized Kirk. Was that deliberate?

Overall, a fine mix of Trekfandom and general SFandom. Keep up the good work.[3]

Congratulations on Revisions I, a very creditable first effort! A nice balance of humor, poetry and serious writing. I don't think I've seen anything of yours before, but surely "The Anckzinar Snare" isn't a first publication? Very powerful and inventive, especially the alien viewpoint towards the creature. Nice artwork throughout, too. So much for content.

On physical makeup: readable, well-fastened. My pet peeve is a zine that disintegrates at warp speed in your hands. Reasonable number of lapses "into Iotian." [4] Perhaps heavier paper would prevent see-through, which is distracting but very fannish. Also, the price is right. I've paid more for zines which entertained me less. [5]

You have a stunningly powerful narrative style and despite presenting me with a story I have read dozens of times before ("Anckzinar Snare") [6], you've kept me up way past my bedtime reading. I am dying to see more of your work. Live long and prosper. [7]

Revisions I is an unevenly produced fanzine in appearance. Yet, it is your first. I wish more first ishes were like this. The one who should be strung up for criminal negligence is the fuzzhead who made the electrostencils and ran RV off on way too light-weight paper. But this personage wasn't a Dayton fan (or an anywhere fan to be more precise) was he? So this is all a matter of bad luck. Janus it's not, but even "Janus" had to start somwhere. Keep it up. Ooh... puns! I hate it, but I love puns.

There is simply too much here to talk about and exclaim over? Robin Wood's delicate faerie child and Suzanne Kirway's incredible Vulcan and the the poetry of Charles Finegan and Beth Bowles and Sarah Leibold.

Gentlefen Sacksteder, you would be surprised at how many of our treacherous Earthish cultures have evolved Chatl-Codes comparable to that of the Kzin. In the space of the first few pages of "The Anckzinar Snare" you manage to give the feeling of a complex and alive society — the Kzin. You have a rare skill in that. I, however, have a little, itty-bitty question. In Niven's The Slayer Weapon (animated ST), the Kzinti were not Slavers as such, although the taking of bounty really doesn't seem foreign to them. You're postulating that the Kzin have becpme the self-styled successors to the Slaver Empire, correct? (Eds. note: The theory is basically a would-be, somewhat rag-tag "Empire" of Kzin and other races who basically want to part of the established Federation/Klingon/Romulan power structure and who style themselves a new "Slaver Empire" hidden away along the galactic rim. R.S.) I am making perhaps incorrect assumption in the above which is that the Kzin and the Anizk are essentially one and the same people. But even if they aren't, the logic sequence holds: the original Slavers no longer exist. Are the Anizk imitators, descendants, or what in your view of the culture? (Eds. note: the Anizk are imitators of an idea, that of the non-humanoid conquerors of the galaxy of millenia past. They would like to try it again, and they're off to a crawling start.)

I don't entirely agree with your presentation of the Romulan Commander. At the time of first encountering her, way back, I had a great deal of respect for her as a strong, intelligent woman. In The Price of the Phoenix, those qualities were reinforced.... And so while I concede that you've created a solid "believable" (in the sense that you keep your Commander separate from my mental image of her) character, I disagree with your portrayal of her. The "Anckzinar Snare" is well and cohesively written. In other words, the plot is tight and though out to the last detail that I can nit-pick at. Those aren't just paper characters that you make use of, but people.

Thank you for a most delightful fanzine. [8]

I am writing to you with my evaluation of ReVisions because I am seriously interested in ST literature. I admire people who take the time and thought to create these stories and poems.

I generally prefer several stories with less poetry, art, and other filler.

The one story, "The Anckzinar Snare," was tremendously disappointing. It had incorrect grammar, misspelled words, and many typos. was it edited or proof-read? The plot was weak, and it made no sense. 1) Kirk had no reason to stay and allow himself to be captured again. 2) The Romulan Trap was left hanging -- what happened to her plans? It contained much violence and torture. It is not a story I would care to re-read. The characters were well-drawn. However, I enjoy a story that has a well-planned plot, some philsophic ideas, and some beautiful, tender scenes in human terms. The scenes with Spock and his wife were well-written, but much too brief and undeveloped. [9]

I've been meaning to write and thank you for my copy of Revisions I for some time.

I was really pleased with the lovely job you did With my poetry. Thank you, and thank Suzanne too! Her illos really added a lot to my words.

I was especially impressed with the illo you're using for Creative Impressions also done by Suzanne.

You had an excellent selection of poetry in your zine, which was especially pleasing. My two favorites, however, were Sarah Leibold's "Final Analysis" and Beth Bowles' "One, Seen Twice."

Most) of the problems in your zine seem to be connected with graphics, which is a field that Im not at all qualified to comment on. I did notice that your paper has a tendency to bleed, which can make reading more difficult.

"The Anckzinar Snare" was a very interesting idea... a friend of mine was caught by the resemblance to "Spock Enslaved," BUT as a dedicated Kirkfen, she quite preferred your story! I enjoyed the story but found some of the transitions to be jerky and rather disorienting. You needed an occasional bridging scene, as the reader sometimes ended up scratching his/her head and mumbling "Huh? What happened?" Motivations^were sometimes too obscure, and it might have simplified your story line if you'd just left out the Romulan Commander, or if you kept her, she should have been a more consistent figure. She had the most disconcerting habit of popping in and out of the story line! I got dizzy trying to keep track of that most elusive lady and her plotting. (Ed. note: If you think one version was bad, you should try editing four versions! B.B.) I liked the emotional impact which you gave to the story, the way you showed Kirk's inner turmoil and depicted his inability to find the way back out once he'd dug himself in so deeply. You did have a lot of those non-existent typos there, though! [10]

This is to congratulate you on your fine start with ReVisions. I found the cartoons and the puns most amusing. In my opinion, it would have been preferable to have more short stories rather than one long one, but perhaps that is merely personal preference.

The art work ranges from excellent to poor. It is disappointing to see drawings purported to be of familiar characters who would never be recognized if the reader were not informed who they are supposed to be. On the other hand, Suzanne Kirwan's drawings are excellent. My compliments also, to the the artist who did the winged child. [11]

Issue 2

front cover of issue #2, Lisa Mason "The Prince of All the Romulans"
back cover of issue #2, Martynn

ReVisions 2 was published in 1979 and contains 161 pages. It contains material about Star Trek and Star Wars.

The art is by Lisa Mason (front cover, The Prince of All the Romulans), Martynn (back cover) Pat Stanley, Linda Stoops, Helen Brunotte, Suzanne Kirwan (reprint of an illo in issue #1), Marilyn Mix, Marilyn Spear, and Rusty Westbeld.

As of this issue, the two editors are not old enough to drive a car.

From the editorial:

RV II is predominantly Star Wars, due to the fact that we received so much SWs material that some of it had to be held back for Revisions III, We will definitely print a third issue. You see, we're still totally crazy.

  • Editor's Notes by Beth Bowles (1)
  • ReVisions 1 ReVised LoCs (2)
  • Vulcan Mating Cycle, An Explanation for Non-Vulcans, article written in a fictional academic style by T'Pat (there are many references to Kraith) (Star Trek) (5)
  • Fen CB Lingo by Linda Stoops (Star Wars) (10)
  • My Friend, poem by Chewbacca w/Bill Gerken (Star Wars) (11)
  • My Friend, vignette by Han Solo w/Bill Gerken (Star Wars) (12)
  • The Escapades of Explorer Squad 4 "How Did I Get Into This Mess?" by Jassona Moris ("This series of not-always-serious Star Wars fan fiction is dedicated to and/or supported by the StarHaven Science Fiction Club, The creator-writers of the Landing Party Six stories of Star Trek and Warped Space fame (to whom we extend our utmost respect and sincerest apologies), to the personages who made Star Wars the cinematic classic that it is, and to the mundanes, non-fen and fen outside the club who put up with and/or assisted in the writing of these stories.") (Star Wars) (13)
  • two untitled poems by RoByn Thompson and Beth Bowles (Star Wars) (22)
  • Creative Interpretation: Vulcan by Suzanne Kirwan (reprint of an illo from issue #1) (Star Trek) (23)
  • She Who Waits, poem by Dayle S. Palko (Star Trek) (24)
  • Vulcan's Hammer, poem by Beth Bowles (Star Trek) (25)
  • A Thing No Outworlder May Know, vignette by Ronni Sacksteder (Star Wars) (26)
  • Cantina, filk to the tune of "Copacabana" by Barry Manilow, by Pat Stanley and Linda Stoops (27)
  • Emergence (second part of a planned series called " The New Order" -- the first part is in Jedi Quarterly #1) by Pat Stanley (Star Wars) (29)
  • Heart to Heart, vignette by Doug Everman (Star Trek) (81)
  • Exchange by Ronni Sacksteder (Star Trek) (82)
  • Beyond, poem by Linda Stoops (Star Trek) (83)
  • Sulu, poem by Sarah Leibold (Star Trek) (84)
  • Questions, poem by Dayle S. Palko (Star Trek) (85)
  • Uhura, poem by Sarah Leibold (Star Trek) (87)
  • Janice Lester's Song, poem by Dayle S. Palko (Star Trek) (89)
  • untitled poem by Dayle S. Palko (Star Wars) (89)
  • Solo by Linda Stoops (After the Battle of Yavin, Han does some late-night consideration of his place in the galaxy. Small character study of how he relates to his new colleagues. Also in Technological Terror.) (Star Wars) (91)
  • Cartoons (95)
  • The Emperor's Audience by T'Pat (Star Wars) (95)
  • Fan Fever, a filksong to the tune of "Night Fever" by the Bee Gees (Saturday Night Fever, by Linda Stoops and Pat Stanley (100)
  • Editor's Notes ReVised by Ronni Sacksteder (161)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2

Not at all a bad second issue, this one features mostly SW. An interesting mix of fiction and poetry, with some really fine art. Exceedingly reasonably-priced [$3.56]. Visually, the zine is still somewhat unexciting. Typer ribbons need to be cleaned, and loose marks whited-off before printing, but the entire zine is readable. [12]

Thank you so much for sending me the copy of ReVisions II. You must be commended for your editing! It's a fine zine, most enjoyable reading. Pat Stanley's story "Emergence" is one of the most entertaining and thought-provoking things I've read. Where can I find the first story in the series? [Ed: The New Order #1: In His Master's Likeness" will appear in a future issue of Falcon's Flight. [13]

And I enjoyed Beth's poetry. I like the developing imagery in Luke's musing, "To him... unconquered."... yes, very moving. [14]

This is to commend you on your second issue of ReVisions, and to express my appreciation to the artists who did the illustrations of the emperor inventing a dependable trumpet player, and a lonely Vulcan.

The story content has risen in quality in my opinion, since ReVisions I. However... I must ask if the issue was proofread. (In particular, I was startled to see my name misspelled as T'Bat [instead of T'Pat].

The reproduction quality of ReVisions is very good, however, the typing quality leaves something to be desired. Strike-overs and corrections which leav a smudge or error which can still be seen detract from the publication. For material which will be reproduced, liquid paper is the best method of correction. [Ed: We cannot use liquid paper on a mimeo stencil. however, we do use Cor-Flu.]

Taken altogether, though, yours is one of the best first efforts in fanzine publications I have ever seen. I look forward to ReVisions III. [15]

I like ReVisions II, but I'm a Star Trek fan and can usually only take Star Wars in small doses. That doesn't mean it wasn't good; I just prefer ST.

The only thing that keeps ReVisions from being the best zine available is the quality of reproduction. It's a real shame, because your artwork and graphics are great, but if they were reproduced better they would be breath-taking. [16]

ReVisions II is the first mimeo 'zine I've ever seen that didn't use that weird yellow paper. The white paper is much better. There's a few too many typos which make reading distracting, but I don't know anything about your printing method. Even though graphics need improving, some typos are kind of fun. My favorite is "Dearth Star" on page 30.

Solo by Linda Stoop was far and away the best piece of SW. It was more a vignette than a story and had the kind of feel for the characters and the character's feelings for each other which I like. Emergence was typical in places, and reminded me of our own serial type of stuff in Against the Sith. The most interesting thing about Emergence was the coup of resurrecting Obi-Wan. First time I've seen anybody do this.

How Did I Get Into This Mess?: I know it wasn't meant to be very serious, but I couldn't believe these characters could go on a dangerous mission. They seemed like a bunch of fans on their way to a con. And what a place to end it!

I love the Cantina song, but my copy is messy and [it's missing a word on the second of the last line in the second verse]. [17]

I have just completed ReVisions II and feel I have comments. Firstly, aside from an awful lot of typos and a few mimeo boo-boos, it is my humble opinion that I have seldom enjoyed a 'zine as much as ReVisions II. My favorite was "Emergence. There was some repetition that should have been blue-penciled, typos, and a few misspellings, but the story, ah, the story! I enjoyed every bit of it, and anxiously await more of this story and the brave young people it is about. [18]

Issue 3

front cover of issue #3, Helen Brunoette

ReVisions 3 was published in August 1979 and is 135 pages long.

Due to various difficulties, both personal and related to the "Post Awful", "there were to be two versions of this 'zine, one with six illos for "The Price of Allegiance" and one with two. It's a long story..." This, however, did not come to be. In the fourth issue, the editor said the art never arrived.

Jani Hicks joins the two very young editors for this issue: "It's all their fault, you know. here I was, a screaming neofen, a twenty-eight year old refugee from a baccalaureate degree, accosted by these two HALFFLINGS (do two halflings make a wholeling?) and asked if I'd like to help put out a 'zine. Now, next May I'll have my own (HYPE, HYPE). Oy, gevaldt!"

The art is by Angela-Marie Varesano, Helen Brunoette, Pat Stanley, Linda Stoops, Larry Terres, Martynn, Jani Hicks, Jane Rafferty, Allyson Whitfield, and Lisa Mason.

  • ReVisions Revised, letters of comment (2)
  • The Wizard and the Cupcake: A Childs Fable by Lisa Mason (fantasy) (4)
  • Tani, Luke, two poems from the Journals of Sharna Kenobi Skywalker, translated by S.J. Hicks (Star Wars) (8)
  • Memories, poem by Linda Stoops (Star Wars)(10)
  • Meanings, poem by Beth Bowles (Star Wars)(11)
  • The Price of Allegiance by Pat Stanley (New Order #3) (Star Wars) (13)
  • Song of the Warriors, filk to the tune of "Spirit" by John Denver, by Linda Stoops (Battlestar Galactica (1978)) (34)
  • Contradiction by Jani Hicks (Star Wars) (40)
  • Admiral Kirk, poem by Kay McElwain (Star Trek) (43)
  • Janice Rand, poem by Ronni Sacksteader (Star Wars)(43)
  • The Fountain by Paul Hart (science fiction story) (45)
  • Starbird, from the Collected Works of Obi-Wan Kenobi, poem by Angela Varesano (47)
  • A Whispered Voice by Beth Bowles and Pat Stanley (Star Wars) (49)
  • Angel Boy, song by Jani HIcks (Star Wars) (59)
  • Smuggler Captain, song by Jani Hicks (Star Wars) (61)
  • Gambler, poem by Kay McElwain (Star Wars) (62)
  • How Did I Get Into This Mess Part 2 of 3 by Jassona Moris (Star Wars) (64)
  • Song of the Jedi, filk to the tune of "I Want to Live" by John Denver, by Pat Stanley (Star Wars) (90)
  • Words, poem by Linda Stoops (Star Wars) (92)
  • Songs of the Home from the Collected Works of Obi-Wan Kenobi, translated by Angela Varesano (Star Wars) (95)
  • Toche Station, filk to the tune of "Saturday Night in Toledo, Ohio" by Randy Sparks, by Linda Stoops and Pat Stanley (102)
  • The Journals of Sharna Kenobi Skywalker "translated by S.J. Hicks" (STAR WARS) (17 pages)
  • 2 Fen to 2'Con Report, Or, What We'll Go Through to Be Almost BNFs, con report by Beth Bowles and Ronni Sacksteder, con report for T'Con #2 (May 1979), see that page (103)
  • The Final Battle, filk to the tune of "Jimmy Newman" by Tom Paxton, by Beth Bowles (Star Wars) (109)
  • In-Doctor-ination, introduction to the show, includes two cartoons by Linda Stoops (Doctor Who) (110)
  • The Wanderer, poem by Elizabeth St. George (Star Trek) (112)
  • The Confession by Paul Hart (science fiction story) (114)
  • Confrontation by Linda Stoops (Star Wars) (119)
  • You’ll Never Believe What We Went Through To Bring You This Zine, cartoons by Pat Stanley (124)
  • Editor's Notes ReVised by Beth Bowles (128)
  • Altair 5, filk to the tune of "Forest Lawn" (?) by Tom Paxton, by Jani Hicks, Linda Stoops, Pat Stanley (multimedia) (131)
  • Excuse Us While We Blurb by the editors (132)
  • Editor's Notes ReViewed by Jani Hicks (133)
  • You Are Receiving This Zine Because (134)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3

My Revisions III arrived week before last (I know I'm late commenting, "but I run a zine myself and time is nonexistent), and I will add my voice to the LoC—writers, I'm mostly a Star Wars fan, so I was interested most in the SW—related contents of the zine. To take them in the order found:

"The Price of Allegiance" I liked very much. I wish I knew how they'd found Kenobi still alive, but that's a minor quibble, (Ed, note—The explanation of Kenobi's reappearance can be found in the story "Emergence" by Pat Stanley, which was printed^in Revisions II, RVH is available in xerox from Lori Chapek-Carleton,) The skillful handling of Han's speech and attitudes - (I'm a thoroughgoing Hanatic) was one of the high points of the story, Paulie's illos, though unfortunately sparse, were very good, and I hope to see more of her work in future issues.

"... A Whispered Voice" was also enjoyable, especially because it postulated a Luke having difficulty adjusting, not only to the changes in his life, but to the continued presence© of Kenobi's guiding voice. That makes sense to me — during the main action of the film he was really too busy to question what he thought he was hearing, but afterward, with time to think about it, it would be logical that -- knowing so little of the Force -- he would be upset and confused, what with the very strong feelings of love and loyalty he developed for the older man in their brief acquaintance. Another thing I liked, again, was the portrait of Han's reactions to the whole thing.

"How Did I Get Into This Mess?" was marred for me by the fact that I tended to become confused over who was who, not having read ReV II. But the fact that Explorer Squadron seems to be almost entirely female, and very competently so, was a charge, since in my own SW fictions I also give the ladies a lot to do.

"The Journals of Sharna Kenobi Skywalker" was a thoughtful and penetrating portrait of a young girl growing up in a troubled time, and it shed some very interesting lights on the Jedi way of life.

Jani is to be commended on her work of "translation," "Two-Con Report" had me roaring with laughter, and all the more eager to get to next May's MostEastlyCon.

Among the poetry, I liked best "Angel Boy," "Smuggler Captain," "Gambler," "The Final Battle," and "Contradiction" (though I think you ought to have illo'ed it with a sketch of Han rather than of Starbuck, since it was so obviously a Corellian piece), (Ed, note: The poem "Contradiction" was written for the illo, rather than having the illo done for the poem.) My favorite cartoons were the drunk—Han—and—Chewie at he beginning of the zine (they must really have been hitting it!) and the "What We Went Through ..." (I deeply sympathize!)

I did find, however that your proofing and print quality left something to be desired. May I make a suggestions it's obvious that

you use a mimeo. Find someone with a Gestetner 1100 stencil cutter and use that to make your master stencils, rather than using a typed-on stencils. We do it at Galactic Flight and have found nothing to complain of... The cutter makes a copy from your typed-on-paper master (which allows you to proof and correct the letter before you put it in the machine) in about ten minutes, is ridiculously simple to run, and pulls no more power than an electric typewriter.....(Ed. note — If there is one of those machines in Dayton, we don't know where it is, have no idea where to look, and probably couldn't afford to rent it if we did, but thanks for the suggestion anyway.)[19]

This is one of the few fanzines out that is almost entirely a Luke-zine. We're glad to see it, it's unusual, unfortunately, though he is the main hero.

The Price of Allegiance was terribly exciting, and the Get—Luke aspects had me in agony. I just loved it. I wish there would be more stories of this type, that put our heroes in danger where they belong.

How Did I Get Into This Mess, parts 1&2 -- a fun idea gone confusing. Just too many people introduced too suddenly to make it a viable, readable and entertaining piece.

A Whispered Voice — I doubt Obi would ever let Luke. think he's going crazy. Also, I feel he wouldn't talk to Luke so much. Only in dire necessity does Obi-Wan touch Luke via the Force he did in STAR WARS only because Luke didn't have the strength of faith necessary to do the job without his reinforcing comments.

In general the poetry and filksongs are very good. I'd personally prefer it if the filksongs were translated into poetry forms, because I'm not familiar with many of the tunas they are to accompany.

Angela's and Beth Bowles' works are fine, as was Linva Stoops, particularity WORDS - beautiful.

One comment. In Jani Hicks' Two-Con report she mentioned Trek fans reactions to SW material in zines — no wonder they did not react to Battlestar Galactica material in the same way -- BG's quality is a bit lower than STAR WARS, and therefore does not pose the "threat" that SW does to Trek fandom. Sorry.... [20]

There was a nice mixture of stuff and even the poetry wasn't bad. I rarely can tolerate poetry but yours was bearable.

I am missing some story in "So Did I Get Into This Mess?" (it would, have been easier to explain this if your pages were numbered).


You might also seriously consider putting the appropriate addressees in each issue. What's the point of telling people to send stuff when you don't print the address, too? [21]

Since I always enjoy a mixed bag, RV3 was a pleasant diversion with a definite emphasis on "Star Wars" material, which, of course, pleased this reader even more. Brunotte's cover, a variation of a shot which has appeared elsewhere frequently (I recall it on Skywalker specifically), isn't bad. The subject is certainly recognizable and on par with some of the "Skywalker" Luke portraits. Helen might do well to note that pointillism with such a large pen combined with hatch-mark technique leaves a somewhat blotchy appearance to shading which detracts from a nice likeness. I preferred Mason's pegasus on the bacover which despite a slight proportion problem has a nice sense of motion and interesting highlights and wings. Someone should put Lisa in touch with Judi Hendricks should her zine "Pegasus" ever run another ish as I'm sure Judi would enjoy more of Masons' flying horses.

Inside the covers, the contents of ReVisions III provided a similarly varied response from me. Typos, in general seemed to have improved by their scarcity while the quality of the printing is, regrettably, still not so readable as it could be, with bleed—through improved but fade-outs still evident.


Comment to Linda Stoops re: page 7. Cute idea amusingly executed but only a resident Sith would assume that a pair of hotshot starship pilots would allow themselves to get so plotzed.

Being somewhat less than a raving fan of the Junior Jedi and his background, I must admit to giving the "Journals of Sharna Kenobi" pretty much the, once-over-lightly treatment. Since I don't subscribe to the oft—purported theory that Luke and Kenobi are blood relatives, what I did read of the journals was absorbed with a good deal of "temporary suspension of disbelief." It was nice to have at least one writer follow Lucas' party line as it appeared in the Black Falcon published syndicated SW comic strip where it was stated that the name of Luke's father was Tan (not "Lucas" or other variations). I think the diary form slows down the narrative of the story (if there is to be a story per se) but the poetry fragments included therein are interesting. If I have to pick a "Sharna," though, I'll stick with Kallani. (Ed note — See "Some Call You Rebel," this issue.)

Stoops, Bowles and Varesano combine their talents nicely to invoke the gentleness, tragedy and honor of Ben and the Jedi philosophy in "Memories" and "Meanings".

Pat Stanley's "Price of Allegiance" would be my choice as the top piece of long fiction in RVIII, I regret exceedingly the fact that I have one of the 'sines that only has two of Paulie's illos for the story — hers is the best illustrative art in the 'zine! Any chance of getting at least photocopies of the missing four illos? (Ed, note — The missing illos never arrived — the Post Awful strikes again!) For a a confirmed Hanatic, Paulie manages a lovely Luke on the title ill. Too bad it could not have been used for the cover. Although her Leia's resemblance is a tad off, it's nice to see someone else can change the Princess' oriental coiffure besides yours truly. Do I detect a faint resemblance between Trellar Antaxes and Dave Starsky, Paulie? Glad Han was sneaked into the illo as well as the story. I kind of liked the idea of Ben, once one accepts the premise of his physical existence post-Death Star, as an avenging warrior/angel sort. I think Trellar comes off well as a hesitant, imperfect junior Jedi-type., very likeable. And as we all know now from the imminence of Boba Fett in "Empire", bounty hunters are a very real and grim threat in the SW universe. And we even get 2 credits worth from the droids -— most amusing when 3PO is intimidated by Chewie ripping the probe to bits. An outstanding story all 'round.

Of all the nondescript "BS" Galactica stuff around, Jani's "Contradiction"'paired with Mason's Starbuck has got to be some of the best. In an entire season of episodes Starbuck never received much characterization beyond the "young punk" persona established for him by some really forgettable scripts. Jani, in two score lines goes far beyond those paltry attempts and breathes life in that pretty-boy face, giving him the inner integrity that Lisa put in the eyes of her portrait — nice going, gals.

Ronni Sackstedder's Rand rates high too, instilling a noble purpose within the Captain's yeoman with some good imagery (the opals).

"Admiral Kirk" by McElvain is a fitting prelude to "ST—The Motion Picture". The Captain, albeit promoted, without his ship, is a sorry, wistful, even tragic figure, indeed well evoked by Kay's choice of words ("leaden", "boredom", "aching", "lonely").

The Fountain" by Hart is an excellent tidbit of original sf/fantasy with a clever O'Henry twist to the end. I hope you print more from this talented writer.

Varesano's various contribution of sundry Obi-Wan verse, although only marginally of interest, to me, are, as always, gently mystic, beautifuly illoed and expertly calligraphed.

After all the aforementioned praise there had to be a letdown to keep y'uns humble, I'm afraid "Whispered Voice" is the particular story in RVIII which did not impress me. From what little Lucas gave us in SW, Luke appears to be a highly adaptable lad, attuned to the Force, stable enough to withstand looking other's and his own death in the face...in short, not the type I'd expect to climb the walls from hearing Ben. Furthermore, I doubt Ben's spiritual voice-overs would manifest themselves in any situations short of the utmost-crucial, And lastly, Han has "been around" and "seen a lot of strange things" plus being a pretty tough and cynical specimen. I can't picture him fainting at Obi-Wan's aural manifestations or physical "magic". Sorry, ladies, but this one reads like a "Ghost and Mrs. Muir" episode.

Jani's drawing now too! Double threat! Her "angel boy" poem and Luke are sufficient to charm even a hard-core Hanatic. Her "Smugger Captain" might sing better than it reads (though it does have a couple inspired phrases like "his bird's his starbound home").

Kelly's youngish Han is a scrumptious accompaniment. Are all your poets becoming artists too????

"Gambler" by McElvain is a personal favorite that lured me into an illo as surely ss that Corellian's grin spins dreams.

This leaves the Explorer Sqiuad 4 stuff, the Dr, Who stuff. (okay, but not inspiring), Stoops & Stanley's wonderful "Tosche Station", Bowies' heartrending "Final Battle", Stoops' excellent "Confession"

and a bunch of 2-Con reports that make me blush with all the excessively kind compliments on my art, etc. Geez, people, you make an Evil Queen feel like a Princess! The pleasure meeting you was all mine, and I'll hope to see you at Most Eastly.[22]

Art: Some was utterly fantastic, some very poorly done but beginners have to start somewhere!

Poetry -- Good, some excellent, especially by Angela-marie Varesano. I also dig the idea of Filk Songs. Being a Trek fan for over five years, andan SF/F fan for three, I must say that Filk eventually becomes infiltrated into the "brainstorm" of fandom fun. Pat Stanley and others have done a fine job with it.

The Journals of SKF —sounds like it's going to be interesting between Tani and Sharna — can't wait to see how their relationship progresses.

The only fault I find with "How Did I Get Into This Mess?" is that Luke is too "wishy-washy"— I think he'd take over and not let those 'guys' push him around at all! Though compliable, he can be tough, too.

"A Whispered Voice" was interesting but I can't see San "Jumping the gun" so to speak on Luke being crazy. After all, he knows Luke is involved with the Force anyway, and especially Leia would listen more to what Luke's trying to explain. There should have been more involvement with Luke's other reactions to things around him — could he eat? Did the others notice listlessness? Could he carry other topics of conversation when they spoke? [23]

Issue 4

front cover of issue #4, Angela-Marie Varesano
back cover of issue #4, Jani Hicks
a 1980 flyer for issue #4, printed in Warped Space #43, note the slight variations in content: Beth Bowles notes in the zine's editorial that "Acceptance" would appear in the next issue, as the zine had gotten too long.

ReVisions 4 was published in 1980 and contains 114 pages. The front cover is by Angela-Marie Varesano, the back cover and inside back cover by Jani Hicks. Other art is by Linda Stoops.

The editor says in a letter to a 1981 issue of Jundland Wastes that only 87 copies of this zine were sold.

  • Editor's Notes by Beth Bowles (1)
  • ReVisions ReVised (2)
  • The New Order Chronology by Pat Stanley (8)
  • Excuses for/Explanations for RV III, cartoons by Linda Stoops and Pat Stanley (9)
  • Silent Promise, poem by Kelly Hill, art by Jani Hicks (13)
  • Some Call You Rebel by Jani Hicks, art by Paulie (14) (also in an issue of Twin Suns)
  • The Lute Player by Lisa Mason, art by Steven Fox and Lisa Mason (original fiction) (38)
  • Diamonds and Rust ("no, not that one!"), filk to the tune of "Diamonds and Rust" by Joan Baez, by Jani Hicks, art by Martynn (44)
  • Wide-Eyed in NorthAmeriCon, a con report by Pat Stanley and Linda Stoops (50)
  • The Journals of Sharna Kenobi Skywalker, transcribed by S.J. Hicks, art by Martynn and Angela-Marie Varesano (50)
  • Ring Lord by Jani Hicks, art by Linda Stoops (Lord of the Rings) (62)
  • An Unlikely Story, an RPF "inspired by Visit to a Weird Planet Revisited", by Ronni Sacksteader (Star Trek: TOS) (64)
  • The Spockalypse of St. Gene, a review of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, by Jani Hicks ("All things considered, I think fandom — at least those members of Trekdom I have talked to — have given ST-TMP a short shrift. It ain't a classic, folks, but then with all the confusion and procrastination involved with the picture, we were lucky to get anything at all.") (74)
  • Luke by Linda Stoops, art by Bernadette Krebs and Helen Brunotte, filk to the tune of "Matthew" by John Denver (76)
  • Last Will and Testament, poem by Jani Hicks, art by Susan Perry (Star Trek: The Motion Picture) (78)
  • Seasons in the Sun, poem by Merlin Thomas, art by Gloria-Ann Rovelstad (Star Trek: TOS) (80)
  • I Don't Think We're in Kansas Anymore, a review of Shatner: Where No Man..., by Jani Hicks (81)
  • How DId I Get in this Mess? Part Three by Jasona Moris, art by Linda Stoops (83) (Someone figures out what PROCEDURE means!)
  • The Day the Magic Died, poem by Kelly Hill, art by Linda Stoops (Star Trek: TOS) (98)
  • Editor's Notes ReVised by Ronni Sacksteder (99)
  • Renegade by Jani Hicks, art by Hicks (100)
  • Unto Myself, poem by Kelly Hill, art by Linda Stoops (Star Trek: TOS) (102)
  • The Morning After by Tammy Gibbs (103)
  • A Promise Kept, vignette by Linda Stoops, art from RV III by Stoops (Doctor Who) (106)
  • Leavin' Home, filk to the tune "The Boxer" by Paul Simon, by Jani Hicks, art by Kelly Hill (Star Wars) (108)
  • Daughter of Tradition, poem by Ronni Sacksteder, art by Linda Stoops (Star Trek: TOS) (110)
  • What We Went Through to Bring You This Zine by Linda Stoops (112)
  • An un-Editorial by Linda Stoops (119)
  • You Are Receiving This Zine Because (120)


  1. ^ "Jinnia Clan Journal, Rick Knobloch for the Nelson Bond Society" -- Ned Brooks: Fannish Reference Works
  2. ^ "buggars" is an ironic typo, either by the editors or the writer of the letter!
  3. ^ from a letter of comment in "ReVisions" #1
  4. ^ This is a reference to the editor's quip that the zine had no typos, just "lapses into Iotian."
  5. ^ from a letter of comment in "ReVisions" #1
  6. ^ It is unknown if Lichtenberg was saying the plot/premise of "Anckzinar Snare" had been done many times before but this version was better than most, OR, if Lichtenberg had read "Anckzinar Snare" many times before it had been officially published.
  7. ^ from a letter of comment by Jacqueline Lichtenberg in "ReVisions" #1
  8. ^ from a letter of comment in "ReVisions" #1
  9. ^ from a letter of comment in "ReVisions" #1
  10. ^ from a letter of comment in "ReVisions" #1
  11. ^ from a letter of comment in "ReVisions" #1
  12. ^ from Scuttlebutt #14
  13. ^ This story did not appear in that Falcon's Flight probably because it ceased publication in 1980, but instead in Jedi Quarterly #1 in 1981.
  14. ^ from a letter of comment in "ReVisions" #3
  15. ^ from a letter of comment in "ReVisions" #3
  16. ^ from a letter of comment in "ReVisions" #3
  17. ^ from a letter of comment by Nancy L. Duncan in "ReVisions" #3
  18. ^ from a letter of comment in "ReVisions" #3
  19. ^ from a letter of comment by Christine Jeffords in "ReVisions" #4
  20. ^ from a letter of comment by Tracy Duncan in "ReVisions" #4
  21. ^ from a letter of comment in "ReVisions" #4
  22. ^ from a letter of comment by Martynn in "ReVisions" #4
  23. ^ from a letter of comment by Bev Lorenstein in "ReVisions" #4