The Ghost and Mrs. Muir

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Name: The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Date(s): 1947 (movie), 1968-1970 (tv series)
Medium: movie, tv
Country of Origin: USA
External Links: wikipedia for the movie, wikipedia for the tv series
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There are two versions of The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. The first is a 1947 romantic drama film; there's some fannish activity around it, but not a lot. The second is a 1960s sitcom based on the film, much lighter and more cheerful, with a slightly larger fandom (though still small). In each version, the ghost is Captain Daniel Gregg, a 19th-century sea captain who haunts the house he once owned, while Mrs. Muir is a young widow who moves in with a six-year-old daughter in the movie; with a son (about age six) and daughter (about age eight) in the tv show.

Most of the fannish activity listed here is for the tv show.


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