Space-Time Continuum (Star Trek: TOS club zine)
Also see Space-Time Continuum.
Zine | |
Title: | Space-Time Continuum |
Publisher: | Vanity Press (Philadelphia) "published under the influence of Vulcan Transfusions" and the club Space-Time Continuum |
Editor(s): | Alice E. LaVelle (T'Boss), Sandie Weissman (T'Medic) and Rosemary Thorne (T'Horne) |
Date(s): | 1973-1975 |
Frequency: | four times a year |
Medium: | |
Fandom: | Star Trek: TOS |
External Links: | |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Space-Time Continuum is a Star Trek: TOS gen fanzine. It is a club fanzine and includes short stories, transcripts of selections from speeches given by the cast members, and word searches, as well as original artwork. There are nine issues.
This zine is the predecessor to 2nd Age. This zine is also a sister zine to Triblets.
An Early Ad
"This is an LN, ST, Science Fiction club with mythology and the occult thrown in for good measure. Aims toward personal contacts with members whenever possible!" [1]
Copyright Statement
"Copiedwrong. All writes deserved."
President: A.E. LaVelle, Vice-President: Rosemary Thorne, Secretary: Sandie Weissman (#1-6).
Rosemary Thorne resigned completely, and A.E. LaVelle stepped down as president, leaving Sandie Weissman at the helm as of #7.
A Printing Decision
Why do you only print on one side of the paper?
Because we want you to be able to read the magazine. In mimeographing, the ink is absorbed into the paper, and if we printed on both sides of the paper, you would not only be able to read what was printed on the front side of the page, but also what was printed on the back side — without even turning the page. Legible printing on both sides of the page is best done by a printer with offset printing equipment...very expensive! [2]
Issue 1
Space-Time Continuum 1 was published in April 1973 and contains 23 pages, printed only on one side.
From the first page:
Wishes Best to you at Beltane. The above are traditional greetings for Beltane, one of the four major Sabbats in witchcraft. Also known as Roodmas and Walpurgis nacht... The essence of Beltane is to bid welcome to spring and to the moon. Appropriately, we bid you welcome to our first issue.
From the "Sleeping Bag Service":
Here is one of those special services we promised you. A great problem to out-of-towners is finding a place to stay that doesn't cost a fortune. Four nights in a hotel can 'break the bank' as most of you are well aware. Therefore, for events in and around Philadelphia, S-T C can accommodate several people willing to put up with disadvantages.Are you willing to:
- Sleep on the floor (you can provide your own sleeping bag)?
- Take a train to Center City?
- Walk several blocks or take a cab or train (or follow the whim of your host as to schedule)?
- Provide your own food and/or food money?
Sounds awful, doesn't it? But for those of you who can't afford to come to a convention any other way, it is better than nothing.
Those of you not quite that bad off, but still unable to afford an expensive hotel room, we will make arrangements with the City Center YMCA or YWCA. (Average rates: $10.00 for single, $13.50 for double per night).
- Beltane (1)
- By Way of Introduction by A.E. LeVelle (article) (2)
- Message from the Editor (3)
- James Doohan, article by Anna Hreha (4)
- S.T. CON-Tinuum by E. Regina Meroth (con report for Star Trek Lives! (convention)/1973) (6)
- How I Spent My Washington's Birthday Weekend by Alice E. LeVelle (con report for Star Trek Lives! (convention)/1973) (7)
- STC's Sleeping Bag Service by Alice F. LeVelle (offer for fans to sleep in fan homes in Philadelphia) (10)
- Space-Time Continuum's Sleeping Bag Service (ways to save money at cons) (10)
- Space-Time Continuum Directory (the club is compiling a list of members) (10)
- Star Trek Fans Way Out, article by James Smart (about Star Trek, fan Dr. William Pearson Fisher, and Star Trek Lives! (convention)/1973, reprinted from the 28 August 1972 Philadelphia Bulletin) (11)
- a con report for Equicon '73 by Richard Franco
- Fontana's Revenge by Alice E. LeVelle (13)
- Recycled Stamps, a charity plea (14)
- S-T C: Who, What, Where, When & Why Bother? (conversation among club members, was also available on cassette tapes for the cost of postage) (15)
- Hooch of a Month, a drink recipe (Vulcan Transfusion" -- Creme de Menthe, Boston Mint Tea, sugar -- "Consume orally, Desired effect is increased if consumed while listening to "Mr. Spock's Music from Outer Space.") (19)
- Genesis, Too, very short fiction by Rosemary Thorne (also in The Vaslovik Archives #1) (20)
- Message From the Editor by S. Weissman (article) (21)
- Students Use Computer to Play Star Trek, article by Hans Knight (reprinted from the Philadelphia Bulletin, March 11, 1973) (22)
- Organizations of Interest (25)
- Credits (27)
Issue 2
Space-Time Continuum 2 was published in August (Lammas) 1973 and contains 33 pages, printed only on one side.
- Lammas (1)
- T'Ale of T'Bored (2)
- On Finding the True Meaning of the Space-Time Continuum by A. Lappin (4)
- Star Song (5)
- SNORE TREK: Blish Must Die by "T'Bored" (6)
- Star Trek Convention Reports (10)
- LunaCon - The Impoverished Girl's EquiCon by R. Thorne
- EquiCon '73 by R. Franco
- New York 1973 A Far Cry From New York 1930 by R. Gabriel
- Star Trek Animation Report by Helen Young (16)
- Featured Star: Leonard Nimoy (18)
- Thus Spake Leonard Nimoy A. Lappin (20)
- Space-Time Commentary (22)
- Vox Populi (22)
- Kraithment by Jacqueline Lichtenberg (23)
- Hooch of the Month: McCoy's Bleeding Heart (recipe) (24)
- S-T-C Hot Line, Warm Line, Cool Line (25)
- Whole-y Bible of Star Trek (26)
- Genesis Too? Two (27)
- Recycled Stamps (28)
- Organizations of Interest (29)
- Books, Fanzines, Odds & ends (31)
- Credits (33)
Issue 3
Space-Time Continuum 3 was published in October (Samhain) 1973 and contains 40 pages, printed only on one side.
- tribute words to, photo of Andrew Fulton Thomas ("Andy Thomas") - 1952-1973
- Death, poem by Delvon
- table of contents for issue #2
- The Snowflower, fiction by Jenny Elson (first part of a series) (also in Beta Niobe #1) (2)
- Space-Time Commentary (3)
- The Trouble With Trekkies, metafic by Neil H. Harris (4)
- Black Holes, article by Allan Lappin (9)
- Samhain Special Features
- Visitation by Sandie Weissman (11)
- Damn by Delvon (13)
- Untitled by Stephen O'Neil (15)
- Dear Diary (description and complaints about 1) Shatner's appearance and treatment of fans at an event in late September 1973: "Without seeing the S-T C members who had paid $10 just to meet him as promised, [Shatner] left in the middle of the event, leaving us deaf from motorcycle engines, dirty from the track dust, deflated, dejected, and downright hurt! Still not to pleased with over our treatment Friday, but hope that Mr. Shatner can find a way to restore the feeling we had for him...We'll still always enjoy his performances." 2) complaint about letters by club members being crudely edited and misinterpreted on the Mike Douglas Show: "Letters on the meaning of STAR TREK and the excellence of the show were made to sound like a fansy letter to Mr. Spock. What can you expect from Mike Douglas?!") (17)
- Genesis Too? Two + 1 by "T'Horne" (also in The Vaslovik Archives #1) (18)
- Canceled Stamps (19)
- Ramar, the Intruder by Peter David (has a small illo by Alan Andres) (20)
- Convention Reports (27)
- Vul-Con 1 by Helen Young
- Vul-Con 1 by Sara Paul
- D-Con/Dallas Con by Sara Paul
- an account by Pat Taylor of an African Eclipse Cruise on the S.S. Canberra (many Trek fans were on board)
- Hooch of the Month (Chekov's Russian Inwention: lemonade, lime juice, vodka) (30)
- The Loneliness of the Vulcan-Human Adolescent by "Mykel" (31)
- Word Search (33)
- SNORE TREK: Runamok Time by "T'Boss" (34)
- Featured Star: William Shatner by Sue Kotar and Joan Gossler (article) (37)
- Organizations of Interest (39)
Issue 4
Space-Time Continuum 4 was published in February 1974 and contains 41 pages, printed only on one side.
- Candlemas (1)
- An Animated Star Trek by Muriel Tibbetts (review of Star Trek Animated) (2)
- Review of a Misunderstood Show (a retyped review by Deborah Rose of Star Trek Animated posted in the Palm Beach Post Times, September 22, 1973) (3)
- S.P.O.C.K. (4)
- Word Search (5)
- The Innocence of the Sparrow (Part 1), fiction by Mykel (6)
- A "Thank You" to an Up-Standing Member, William D. Cullen (for support, money, and stamps) (10)
- Three Teams find a "Black Hole" (a retyped article by Joel N. Shurkin from the Philadelphia Enquirer) (11)
- Hawaii Telescope to Give Better Look Into Cosmos (an unattributed, undated, retyped article from a newspaper) (12)
- StarCon Report by Janice (13)
- Oscar Katz' Speech at ISTC, transcription by Alan Andres (topics include Katz' description of the two years before Star Trek aired, how the show was developed, context about current television at the time, the book The Making of Star Trek is referenced many times) (15)
- Duty, poem by Mary Manchester (21)
- Featured Star: DeForest Kelley by A.E.LeVelle (article) (22)
- Kirk's Loving Cup (recipe: apple cider, Canadian Club, stick of cinnamon) (21)
- Reunion, fiction by Jenny Elson (24)
- A Tie Into Every Organ, fiction by S. O'Niell (28)
- Cancelled Stamps, Anyone? (appeal for funds) (30)
- Word Search (32)
- The Godling Encounter, fiction by Scot Noel ("'The Godling Encounter' is from a continuing series of stories by Scot Noel, called THE STELLAR GLORY. The characters may be unfamiliar, but a good bit of the technology is recognizable to those of us familiar with the STAR TREK Universe.") (33)
- Message from the President (about the club's first year, and future) (37)
- Submissions to S-T C (38)
- Organizations of Interest, Odds and Ends (39)
from issue #4, Charlene Taylor
Issue 5
Space-Time Continuum 5 was published in April 1974 and contains 35 pages, printed only on one side.
From "Richard Nixon, Even I Can Sympathize..." (introduction to Peter David's article):
We've all moaned over the news articles about Star Tre Conventions and fandom that make us look like kooks perpetually beating dead horses while wearing Halloween costumes. At a convention with thousands of people, the newsman always heads for a silly trekkiehopper sighing over pointed ears, and asks what the convention is all about. The majority (intelligent, sensible, respectable people) are always ignored in favor of the few freaks. Occasionally some of the serious Trekkies are interviewed; when the article appears, they are usually misquoted - if the article is used at all.
We thought we had the problem licked when two Philadelphia Trekkies asked us for assistance in writing their articles. We were wrong. Mike Fraticelli's article appeared in the DRUMMER and DAILY PLANET (Neither paper is of even poor quality!). On the whole, it was a good article, but...Mr. Fraticelli felt compelled to write down to the paper's standards and added some rather crude and
pointless remarks. Naturally, the papers emphasized those points in black boxes. With S-T C member Peter David writing for the Philadelphia BULLETIN, we ought we still had hope. This paper did some so-called editing. Peter's original article is printed below; those portions underlined were deleted when it was printed in the BULLETIN.
From the zine:
Space-Time Continuum Membership Directories are not to he misused. They are not mailing lists for chain letters, slam books, unsolicited advertising, etc. Chain letters are ILLEGAL as well as annoying. Anyone found to he sending such letters will he reported to the Postmaster for prosecution and will have their S-T C membership suspended. This IS not unreasonable action considering that chain letters have been known to cause death or injury by subconscious suggestion. Such a letter - containing a prayer and a death threat, was circulated to many of our club members last year and we received many complaints. This poisonous paper was even sent to England, where they are also illegal.
- An Explanation (Sue L. Kotar (president of the William Shatner Appreciation Society) addresses fan's complaints about William Shatner leaving a motorcycle race abruptly via helicopter and not meeting with fans as promised) (2)
- Attention Trekkies (the club's president explains that a blurb about their club appeared in a local newspaper, and the club has been inundated with never-ending phone calls of inquiry -- so far over 500 of them) (2)
- The Innocence of the Sparrow (Part 2), fiction by Mykel (3)
- DeForest Kelley Reports on ISTC '74 (transcripts of Kelley's taped reports on the 1974 Star Trek Lives! con, which were later broadcast during Star Trek reruns on Channel 48 in Philadelphia, transcriptions are by Florence DelVecchio. "These taped transcriptions printed through the courtesy and permission of Kaiser Broadcasting Company, WKBS-TV.") (6)
- Word Search, 3rd Season (8)
- Life Support, fiction by Jenny Elson (9)
- Obsession, poem by Rennie McCoy (12)
- Richard Nixon, Even I Can Sympathize, or, Trials and Tribulations of Dealing with the Press (12a)
- Making a Trek to See the Stars by Peter David (original article before the Philadelphia Bulletin edited it, reprinted with permission from the Philadelphia Bulletin) (12a)
- Cancelled Stamps (request for financial support) (15)
- This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land, fiction by Bryan Toder (16)
- Hooch of the Month: Uhura's Hailing Frequency (recipe: hot cocoa with rum) (21)
- Fizzbin, game instructions by Rennie McCoy (22)
- Questor: Assignment Earth part two (review) by Jon Oeschger (reprinted "with the permission of Second Age" in The Vaslovik Archives #1) (23)
- Fire Water by Delvon (original science fiction) (24)
- S-T C Cadet Corps (announcement of a mini-zine for under-12 year olds, to be produced by this club: see Triblets) (24)
- Kirk: A Soliloquy, poem by Mary Manchester (25)
- Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (26)
- Word Search, Star Trek People (27)
- Organizations of Interest (28)
- Odds & Ends (30)
from issue #5, statements about the strife over the major con split: Devra Langsam and Al Schuster
from issue #5, Fizzbin rules
Issue 6
Space-Time Continuum 6 was published in August 1974 and contains 35 pages, printed only on one side.
- In Memory: Robin Woodell 1954-1974, poem by Wyatt
- Blood of a Different Color by Anna Mary Hall (1)
- Save Cancelled Stamps (4)
- I'm a Doctor, Not a Speech Maker, speech by DeForest Kelley (transcript by Sara Paul, excerpts from speeches given by Kelley at Star Trek Lives! 1974, includes some excepts from the Q&A with George Takei, Mariette Hartley) (5)
- Starship Seek word find (7)
- Asimov Speaks: Escape into Reality, speech transcript of his talk in Willingboro, N.J. for National Library Week on April 25, 1974, transcribed by Sara Paul (8)
- untitled Trek poem by Barbara Ann Letson (15)
- "Star Trek" Creator Makes Flat "Earth", review of Planet Earth by Lee Winfrey, reprinted from "Philadelphia Inquirer, April 25, 1974) (16)
- Sarek in Meditation, vignette by Mary Manchester (17)
- Silent Spirit, fiction by Rennie McCoy (based on the movie "Silent Running") (18)
- Transplanet Earth by Rich Kolker (reprinted in The Vaslovik Archives #1) (Planet Earth) (21)
- Into the Unknown, story by Steve Kitty and Peter David (this is a prequel to "Power Play" by Steve Kitty and Peter David which was reprinted from Second Age #1 and #2, and also in Tetrumbriant #10) (22)
- Word Search (31)
- Star Schlep: He Who Takes Five, Survives by Deborah Rose and Raunchy (parody) (32)
- Triblets (35)
- White Anglo-Saxons Protestant Anti-Defamation League (commentary on ethnicity and the term "WASP")
- Star Trek Advertisers (37)
- Organizations of Interest (38)
- Odds & Ends (39)
Issue 7
Space-Time Continuum 7 was published in October 1974 and contains 38 pages, printed only on one side. Photographs courtesy of T'Lay. Murals done by Kathy Betterton.
Rosemary Thorne resigned completely, and A.E. LaVelle stepped down as president, leaving Sandie Weissman at the helm.
- From the Editor (1)
- Prologue, fiction by Linda Worgul (2)
- Hooch of the Month: Chapel's Sundae Prayer (recipe: chocolate mint ice cream, chocolate syrup, creme de menthe, and a cherry) (4)
- Of The Black Holes in Space: Are They Holding the Galaxies Together? by Jack Booth (article from the Philadelphia Bulletin) (5)
- short excerpt from a letter by D.C. Fontana to Helen Young dated August 15, 1974, topic is news of the upcoming Trek film: "At this moment, NOTHING IS SIGNED OR DEFINATE -- but the first steps are being taken. Thanks to the letters of fans, I might add.") (6)
- While Gazing at a Picture from "Troubles With Tribbles", poem by Patricia Taylor (7)
- The Vows of Vulcan by Jgene Allen (also in Pastak #3) (8)
- And the Stamps Come Pouring in (10)
- Crossword Puzzle (11)
- Defense Contract, fiction by Frances Severn (13)
- From the Book of MiniCon by Peter David (18)
- Samahin Special: Blood Lord by T.R. Conly (original science fiction) (19)
- Trekkie Quiz by Brian Siano (22)
- Excerpt from These Are The Voyages, fiction by A.E. L Velle (23)
- Where No Person Has Gone Before: The Sexism of Star Trek, article by S.L. Bochenek (30)
- untitled poem by Meri Loverro (33)
- Word Search (34)
- Be faithful, my loyal minions!, a letter by Helen Young to thank the members of this zine for their creation of the tongue-in-cheek fan club in her honor (35)
- Organizations of Interest (35)
Issue 8
Space-Time Continuum 8 was published in February 1975 and contains 28 pages, printed only on one side.
- New Paramount President ("In an excerpt from a November 18, 1974 letter to Carole Brownell of STSTC, Susan Sackett, secretary to Gene Roddenberry, says: 'Recently, Barry Diller... took over as the new president of Paramount. To date, we have no indication of his attitude for or against a Star Trek motion picture.' [...] Diller is thus unaware of the intense interest in securing a return of Star Trek that exists among its large and ever-incresing number of fans. The only way he can become aware of this large potential audience for a Star Trek movie is if fans themselves inform him.") (1)
- A Matter of Priorities, fiction by Peter David (2)
- Change It To Lithium by Frank M. Dineen (article about lithium batteries from the Philadelphia Bulletin's "Discover" Magazine, November 10, 1974) (6)
- Star Trek Kriss-Kross, puzzle by Holly Lieber (8)
- Contact, fiction by Meredyth Collins (9)
- Hooch of the Month: Chocolate Natira (recipe: Kahlua, cold milk, sugar) (11)
- Star Gazing: Objects for Observation, article by Terry Wendeln (article about stars, planets, comets, and constellations) (12)
- Music Has Charms, fiction by Sara M. Paul ("I haven’t even let in one outside writer [to my fan-created universe]. Sara Paul had a short story in SPACE-TIME CONTINUUM #8 that coincided with an aspect of what I was writing for GODDESS UHURA. And I asked her permission to put a rewritten version of ‘Music Has Charms’ in GODDESS UHURA. That is the only outside contribution that I have ‘accepted’ for the Swahili Series, except for some poetry by some friends of mine." [3]) (reprinted in Probe #5) (14)
- Word Search: People, Places, & Things in the Star Trek Universe, by Laberynth (18)
- Space Colonies are Far Out -- But So Was a Man on the Moon, article by Gerard K. O'Niell ("Princeton University physicist) (19)
- Epilogue, fiction by by B.A. Quartre (21)
- Gadgets Dreamed Up for Star Trek Are Now Being Used in Real Life, article by Bernard H. Gould (from "National Enquirer" -- reprinted with permission) (24)
- WANTED: Star Trek Stories (25)
- Organizations of Interest (26)
Issue 9
Space-Time Continuum 9 was published in April 1975 and contains 25 pages, printed only on one side.
- Paramount Seeks Out Original Cast by Lee Winfrey (article reprinted from Philadelphia Inquirer)
- The Ambush by Rick Blackburn (original science fiction) (2)
- The Raving, poem by T'Lay ("with apologies to Edgar Allen Poe") (4)
- Star Schmeck, fiction by Steve Kitty and Peter David (6)
- Word Search: First Season Characters, by Laberynth (8)
- Aftermath, fiction by Johanna Cantor (reprinted in Archives #4) (9)
- Cancelled Stamp Project (16)
- Shore Leave, fiction by "T'Lay" (also in Furaha #1) (17)
- Con Report for the first (only?) Space-Time Continuum mini-con held during Star Trek Lives!, by Sara Paul (18)
- Star Trek Fans Convene, reprint of an article by Nancy Anderson of "Pottstown Mercury" about an upcoming Trek con in San Diego (18)
- Star Trek Producer Speaks at Wilkes Tuesday Night, article from the Wilkes-Barre Sunday Independent (19)
- Star Trek Convention is Experience of a Lifetime, reprinted article by Darlene Palenik for Viking News (20)
- Future Conventions (21)
- Triblets flyer (23)
- Organizations of Interest (24)
- ^ from an ad in Leonard's Pennsy & Otherwise Freaks v.2 n.1
- ^ from the editor in issue #5
- ^ From a writers' panel transcript, 1989, accessed March 5, 2013. For more on this topic, see Remix, Shared Universe.