Rigel (Star Trek: TOS zine)

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Title: Rigel
Publisher: Rigellian Rum Runners Press and Metropolitan Area Star Trek Club
Editor(s): Carol Ann Lee & Vicki E. James
Date(s): 1975-1979
Medium: print zine
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
External Links:
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Rigel is a gen, with some adult het Star Trek: TOS Spock-focused anthology. There is some K/S in the last issue.

About Xeroxing

In 1978, the editor of this zine expresses her wishes regarding other fans making copies of this zine:

I do not wish 'Rigel' 1, 2, or 3 to be xeroxed by anyone but myself. I believe it is unethical to copy and sell other people's zines without their written permission. I appreciate the fact that 'Rigel' 1 and 2 are out of print and that old zines are sometimes impossible to come by, but I reserve the right, alone, to xerox 'Rigel.' Anyone interested in copies of 'Rigel,' please contact me, and we'll discuss the matter. [1]

Issue 1

Rigel 1 was published in January 1975 and contains 146 pages. Art is by Corey Correll, Andy Duckett, Clifford Neal, Phil Foglio, Charlene Taylor, Nancy Cleveland, Phil Avrams, Amy Falkowitz, Phyllis Bridgland, Rick Williams.

cover of issue #1, Cory Correll
  • The Beginnings of Rigel by Carol (3)
  • Seriously, Folks... by the editors (5)
  • I am Vulcan by Rich Kolker and Joe Rispoli (7) (filksong reprinted from Final Frontier)
  • The Ballad of Star Trek, filk by John Ordiway and Sandra Ordiway (10)
  • Star Trek Hidden Message by Henry Prentiss (11)
  • The Tretonian Factor by Mellissa James and Denise Davies (12) (fiction)
  • Star Bleeps by Cory Correll (cartoon) (22)
  • Are We Afraid to Believe? by T. Covington. Article about life on other planets. (32)
  • Still Fire: Spock by Beverly Clark (35) (poem)
  • A Star Ship by Sandy Lee (36) (poem)
  • One Man's Heaven is Another Man's Hell by Joe Gallagher. A spoof of the World Science Fiction Convention Hugo Awards Banquet with Harlan Ellison. (38)
  • Star Trek's Blooper Reels, First and Second Seasons by Alan Andres. Shot by shot description of the 224 parts. (39)
  • The Perfect Robot by David Wenfrey (65)
  • poem by Pat Taylor (72)
  • Advertisement, filk by Ruth Berman (73)
  • Star Trek Word Search by Weller (75)
  • Rift Crossing: An Obligation Between Universes, a self-insertion story by Amy Falkowitz [2] (A Galactic Patrol/Star Trek Story: Author's introduction: "Once before I had ended up in this universe. As a STAR TREK fan back on Earth, in a universe, I'd been absolutely thrilled by that first accidental discovery of a universe where my favorite TV show was apparently real." Note: Galactic Patrol appears to be a fan creation, not a canon media one.) (a related story is in Fantasia #1) (76)
  • Mot by Noreen Foster. A non-ST story where a young Terran girl is kidnapped by extra-terrestrials.) (124)
  • A Day in the Life of Commander Spock as Pon-Farr Approaches by Kay Houston (131)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

[zine]: I enjoyed enough of this zine that I feel it was worth ordering. Noteworthy are the eight pages of Cory Correll's 'Star Bleeps. (only a few of which have been printed before, in Star-Borne). It is a partial transcription of the main ST blooper reel, and four pieces of excellent art by Andy Duckett. The longest story in this is issue is a lay-Spock that is much like what you'd expect to see in Grup (I thought it was a little funny, though it wasn't meant to be.) There are: one more ST story, two Asimov-robot stories, a flying saucer story, some poems, some puzzles, and other art that doesn't match up to Andy's. Quality of the stories is fannish. [3]

[zine]: Rigel has some excellent things -- the 'I am Vulcan' filksong, the blooper reel explication, the Star Bleeps, and Kay Houston's marvelously understated lay-Spock done in the form of a (very) personal log. Some of the art is very good, but the stories are dreadful... Amy Falkowitz' long lay-Spock, Lt. Mary Sue aboard the big E, helping Spock through pon farr. Yuck! My Spock would have taken one look into her so-called mind and decided he'd rather die! I hate disliking stories, but I did expect something better in an 'adult' zine. Based on a far experience of lay-Spock stories, I've decided that the only thing that saves them from being obvious personal fantasies is the characterization of the female involved. If she is strong, a convincing person in her own right, I can go along with the story. But Kyra! Teeny-Trekkie-Bopper herself. She's supposed to be a Sector Commander, but of what, a Donny Osmond fan club? That's how she reads, no matter what sort of space service her author has created for her. [4]

[zine]: This zine contains a little something for everyone: stories, poetry, artwork, cartoons, songs . . . unfortunately, none of it is particularly exciting. The artwork is passable, but in some cases it is downright mediocre. The stories are pretty bad. "The Tretonian Factor" and "Mot" contained nothing new. "Rift Crossing" by Amy Falkowitz, besides being poorly written and badly illustrated, has the familiar, trite story of a female Trekfan from the past who just happens to be beamed aboard the big E when Spock is in pon farr. Haven't we seen this one a thousand times before? The most creative work in the zine was five excellent illos by Andy Duckett and one fine poem by Sandy Lee. But five illos and one poem do not a fanzine make. [5]

[zine]: Rating 4 (graphics, layout, illos) 2 (other content). This first issue has a GREAT...repeat GREAT Cory Correll cover. Really beautiful. Also inside is another wonderful treat -- nine pages of Correll's Star Bleep. These are the high points of the issue, though the rest -- well almost all of it -- is certainly readable. Great graphics, so-so content. Still recommended. LOVE that cover!! [6]

Issue 2

cover of issue #2, Charlene Taylor
back cover of issue #2, Phil Abrams

Rigel 2 was published in 1975 and contains 116 pages. Art by Phil Foglio, Linda Cappel, Gee Moaven, Amy Falkowitz, Connie Faddis, Janice Scott, Nancy Cleveland, Susan Houck, Bill Morse, Gina De Simone, Janet Hightower, Clifford Neal, Frank Smith, Phil Abrams (back cover), Signe Landon and Cara Sherman. The front cover is by Charlene Taylor.

  • Stellar Pioneer by Scot Noel (8)
  • Tragedy by Janice Scott Peterson (9)
  • Beaming Down is Hard to Do -- McCoy's Song, filk by Melissa James and Denise Davis (12)
  • Star's Child by D.T. Steiner (14)
  • Scar Trek by Susan Houck (15)
  • Love and Happiness by "T'Net" (article) (18)
  • Across Time by Gail Abend (20) (reprinted in The Best of Pon Farr)
  • Hit Those Filthy Klingons with a Phaser Beam, filk by Joe Rispoli (26)
  • Third Season Star Trek Bloopers, transcript by Mark Meador (29)
  • Amanda's Haiku by D.T. Steiner (33)
  • A Really Rigellian Fire-Spitting Dragon by Pat Taylor (34)
  • Federation Fashions, art by Linda Cappel (35)
  • Two Halves Which Make a Whole by Jill Simmons (reprinted from Star Trek Prospers) (37)
  • Spock Centerfold by Clifford Neal (40)
  • Born Yesterday by Connie Faddis (The shuttlecraft Columbus is missing with Scotty, Christine, M'Benga and Chekov aboard. While searching for the Columbus, Kirk and Sulu suddenly disappear from the Enterprise. All are found - brutally murdered. The story deals with McCoy's grief and Spock's search for the reason for this tragedy. A search that reveals some surprising answers.) (41)
  • Rigel II by T'Net (61)
  • Star Trek Haiku by Jill Simmons (reprinted from Star Trek Prospers) (61)
  • Rift-Crossing (Part 2) by Amy Falkowitz (67)
  • ads and things

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2

The 'zine is photo-offset, with the bulk being of reduced type — the entire 'zine is well laid-out and eminently readable... Rigel got an 8-9 rating by the reviewers (good-excellent), but the artwork deserves far more. The emphasis of Rigel is on Spock, and also on Spock/Kirk/McCoy humor and seriousness. Amy Falkowitz' "Galactic Patrol" series is represented in this issue, and there is a wild full-front-nude Spock illo with 'horns' in a weird place. [7]

This zine has something for everyone. It is nicely formatted, starting with the well-balanced cover art by Charlene Taylor. The interior illos are generally of fair to average quality with good art by Signe Landon, Bill Morse, and Connie Faddis. The poetry and cartoons, except for Phil Foglio's, are not outstanding, but add variety. Janice Scott Preston has a though-provoking internal monologue, called 'Tragedy.' about a man who becomes claustrophobic aboard a starship -- an interesting situation indeed, but could have been better handled. 'Across Time' is about a Terran who has deserted her Vulcan husband by going into Earth's past. There are a couple of filksongs... and a transcript of the third season blooper reel. There is also a Connie Faddis story which was written a couple of years ago. This story of a superior alien race who deceive the Enterprise crew into thinking that her commanding officers are dying horrible deaths is emotionally satisfying but it is poorly plotted and illogical and pedantic. Finally, 'Rift Crossing' takes up almost the second half of the zine. Amy still has a long way to go in becoming a writer; her characters are badly developed and are supplied with stilted dialogue. ... However, I think the crucial, final scenes of 'Crossing' were well-handled and have feeling. This issue, I feel, is an improvement over the first. If this trend continues, Rigel may become a zine to recommend. [8]

This is a grab bag of stories, art, cartoons, poetry, songs, etc. There is bound to be something here for everything. Overall, the zine runs from good to excellent though personally I did not care at all for the cartoon strip. I found it to be confused and totally unfunny; it detracted from the whole for me. There were four major stories. 'Tragedy' was an eerie little tale about a crew member going space mad, told from the inside. It was very suspenseful and tightly constructed. 'Across Time' was a vague story of a human wife hiding from her Vulcan husband in time. She feels him die with the Intrepid, mistakes it for pon farr, and hurries back to be with him. The big mystery is if she hates him so much, why doesn't she just let him die? Also, why does the death of her husband free her from court martial for desertion? A very muddled tale. 'Born Yesterday' is a straight action adventure concerning the 'death' of several key personnel of the Enterprise that turns out to be a rather involved kidnapping... The last major section is the second part of 'Rift Crossing.' This section concerns Kyra returning to her own universe in order to straighten out her affairs there so she can return as Spock's wife. It is hard to get involved with this section because we learn so little of the Galactic Patrol universe, but the writing itself is good. The entire story is a blatant sublimation, but it is also one of the best that I, personally, have read. The artwork is generally excellent with a fine section of Federation Fashions by Linda Cappel. The singular cartoons are funny though I wish someone would explain pages 39-40... This issue may never rank as a classic but it is generally a highly enjoyable zine. [9]

This is the second issue of RIGEL and, content-wise, is much the same. One outstanding piece is D.T. Steiner's "Star's Child" poem, coupled with a superb Faddis illo -- very nice! The main story is by Amy Falkowitz, "Rift Crossing," a continuation of her Mary Sue saga from the first RIGEL. Connie Faddis' story, "Born Yesterday," is definitely one of Connie's lesser works. It tells of the disappearance and kidnapping of most of the bridge crew and their subsequent (supposed) mutilation and death. There are flashes of brilliant clarity (McCoy's dulled emotions during Kirk's death) but the rest of the story is incompletely envisioned. (I am reminded of a scene in Swords Against Wizardry in which one warring prince is using His score of sorcerers to see what the other prince is doing. Each sorcerer is responsible for envisioning a section of the picture. One sorcerer will occasionally bring his section into sharp focus, only to see a chair or a section of wall. The picture is never whole, but brilliantly clear in spots and blurred and unfocused for the most part. This story is much like that.)

Other pieces include "Federation Fashions" by Linda Cappel, a sort-of filk song collection, a simply drawn cartoon (the idea wasn't bad, but it would have been much more cohesive if written), and various poems, Scott Noel's "Stellar Pioneer" being one of the better ones, though the illo did not help; Bill Morse's shadow portraits of McCoy, Sulu and Spock were also worth remarking on.

All in all, an average zine in content, a little above average on printing and graphic quality...2.5 on content; 3 on graphics. [10]

Issue 3

cover of issue #3, Cory Correll
from issue #3, a joke about a fan, Pre-Reform Spock, and collating, click to read
cartoon by Cory Correll, from issue #3, which shows Leonard Nimoy with a disconcerted look on his face: the caption, "...with Bill??" This supposedly captured Leonard's response at a convention when asked about K/S. The "sic" and the "??" may refer to fan commentary about Nimoy not distinguishing the difference in slash between actors and between characters.

Rigel 3 was published in 1977 and contains 166 pages.

Art information: Cover: Cory Corell. Art & illustrations by Cory Correll, Diane McClaugherty., Cara Sherman, Gee Moaven, Signe Landon, Monica Miller, Debbie Collin, Gina De Simone, Carol Davis, John Ellis, Martynn. It was printed on six different colors of paper, something that is not represented in the sample pages below.

Some issues include three Kirk nudes by Gerry Downes. From an ad in Scuttlebutt: "People under 18 will receive Rigel without the Kirk nudes. It WILL NOT be sent if you do not state your age."

From an ad in The Halkan Council #24: "Rigel III has a price change. ('Brother's Keeper' turned out to be longer than expected). New prices: $4.75/4th class, $6.75/1st class."

The zine is dedicated to:

To all STAR TREK writers: Who by their laughter, blood, sweat, tears, and especially talent, share the STAR TREK dream and keep it alive. And to President Ford: For the ENTERPRISE... She Flies!

  • Random Thoughts (editorial) (1)
  • Star Trek II Bloopers by Cory Correl (2)
  • Snakepit! by Connie Faddis (A Chapel story; reprinted and revised from Universal Transmitter, reprinted in The New Voyages #2, the pro book also published in 1977.) (6)
  • Ode to a Lady (poem) by Toni Cardinal-Price (18)
  • Starfleet Official Biography #937-0176, Captain James T. Kirk by Mark M. (20)
  • The Captain Minds the Store by Johanna Cantor (coda to "Amok Time.") (also in Academy Chronicles #7) (26)
  • Musings (poem) by Ginna La Croix (also in Trek Encore #2) (31)
  • Pas de Trois by Kathleen P. and friend (There are fourteen crewmen dead and Spock is seriously injured. This story tells the thoughts and feelings of Spock, Kirk and most of all, McCoy as he comforts his anguished Captain.) (33)
  • Farewell, Timeless One (poem) by Monica Miller (44)
  • Fabric of Space by Ginna La Croix (An early RPF from the point of view of ST costume designer Bill Theiss, tearing his hair out over the abuse the actors inflict on his creations.) (also in Trek Encore #2) (45)
  • Reflections of a Night Vampyr (poem) by Kathy Resch (47)
  • Invasion by Ginna La Croix (Kirk and Spock are sent on a dangerous secret mission with McCoy the only other one on the Enterprise that knows of the mission. They return with Spock seriously injured and, to make matters worse, Kirk must return to the mission without Spock. We see McCoy's agony in knowing about their danger and not being able to help.) (also in Trek Encore #1, the first story Ginna had published) (49)
  • Riddle of the 'Intruder" (poem) by Susan K. James (66)
  • Star Bleep II (cartoon) by Cory Correl (67)
  • One with you by Mary C. (74)
  • You Don't Mess Around with Kirk (filk) by Denise D. & Melissa J. (103)
  • Flight by Jane Aumerle. Karidian's wife dies in childbirth and Kodos and the child take refuge in a colony. There is a kicker at the end that ties it in with ST canon. (104)
  • Miri (poem) by Beverly Volker (110)
  • Brother's Keeper by D.T. Steiner. Mirror Universe novella, the M/U Kirk and Spock are rescued by this Enterprise after they are stranded on Halka as it is being destroyed by the Empire. (112)
  • Ads (164)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3

See reactions and reviews for Snakepit.

See reactions and reviews for Brother's Keeper.


Multi-colored pages. Splendid fiction -- so much as to be silly to list it all. Contains fiction by Steiner, Faddis. Art by Cory Correll. Includes a Gerry Downes nude Kirk folio.

Sturdily put together. Much better than issue #2. Well worth the $6.75. I enjoyed this zine greatly. [11]

[zine]: Buy this zine; if it's out of print, reserve a copy of the next issue. RIGEL III managed to drag cartoonist/artist Corey Correll out of hiding, and showcases an impressive novella by D.T. Steiner. It's also the only zine I can think of, offhand, that is printed on six different colors of paper, "Snakepit," by Connie Faddis, illoed by Gee Moaven, is typically, fantastically Faddis. This one focuses on Chapel, and is reprinted and revised from UNIVERSAL TRANSMITTER #1.

"Farewell, Timeless One" by Monica Miller, art by Martynn, one of the most powerful poems I've read in a fanzine this year. Inspired by "Yesteryear", it is poetry at its best.

"Reflections of a Night/Vampyr", by [Kathy Resch], illustrated by John Ellis, Another good poem, reprinted from The World Of Dark Shadows. "Star Bleep II", by Corey Correll, is sheer fun and most enjoyable, Correll's cartoons, scattered throughout the issue, lighten the serious tone of this zine's major pieces, and are a delight in themselves. Gerry Downe's three Kirk nudes seem a little...one-dimensional, but are still fun.... and you don't get them unless you declare yourself to be of the legal adult age of your place of residence.

"One With You", by Mary Cascio, illustrated by Diane McClougherty and Carol Davis, is a very enjoyable Spock-in-pon-farr story, "Flight", by Jane Aumerle, illustrated by Gee Moaven, is a short, taut little thriller, with a surprise ending. Very well done. "Brother's Keeper", by D.T. Steiner, is the tour-de-force of this issue — a novella of the "Mirror, Mirror" Kirk/Spock[12] relationship, and "our" universe's Kirk/Spock relationship, set against a background of trust/betrayal/ rebellion/unrest. Rigel III is worth buying for this story alone.

The above mentioned items are the ones I remember best... Rigel III is an impressive-looking zine, and its appearance is not deceiving. Almost all of the art is outstanding, most of the fiction and poetry is well above average. This zine is worth the money. [13]

[zine]: [issue does not actually say #3, just "this issue of Rigel..."]
  • Snakepit / Chapel must rescue Kirk from ritual sacrifice; reprinted and revised from Universal Transmitter #1
  • The Captain Minds the Store / Kirk assists Spock in coming to terms with the events of "Amok Time."
  • Pas de Trois / McCoy comforts Kirk as he agonizes over decisions that ended up in a number of deaths as well as severe injury to Spock
  • Farewell, Timeless One (poem) / Spock musing on the death of I-Chaya
  • Fabric of Space / Amusing vignette on the destruction of ST costumes, from costume designer Bill Theiss' point of view.
  • Reflections of a Night Vampyr (Dark Shadows poem)
  • Invasion / Rather pedestrian cloak-and-dagger war story. The fate of the galaxy rides on Kirk and Spock in disguise (magically converted to Zenians by McCoy with a simple injection) leading the enemy fleet into a trap. Much breast-beating in sickbay among the three agonizing over each other.
  • One with you / Spock melds with a member of the crew to find out what attacked her and inadvertently forms a bond with her which brings on pon farr. As usual in such stories, he goes off to die. Fortunately, she happens to have high esper, figures out what is happening, and beams down to the rescue.
  • You Don't Mess Around with Kirk (filk)
  • Flight / Nice little tale of the origins of Karidian ("Conscience of the King") [14]

Issue 4/5/6...

front cover of issue #4/5/6, Cory Correll
back cover of issue #4/5/6, John Martin

Rigel 4/5/6... was published in 1979 and has 274 pages. Each story is printed on a different color paper. Contributors include: Crystal Ann Taylor, Cory Correll, Jane Aumerle, Gayle F, Bev Zuk, Alice Jones, Nan Lewis, Merle Decker, and more.

This zine contains some adult content, including "Homecoming" which is slash.

From the zine:

Carol may as well be listed as an editor of RIGEL. She has spent untold hours helping on a zine that does not bear her name. That's the way she is. She cares for STAR TREK in a way I've seen unequalled in fandom. She's always there to help the neofan get published, give advice, or just discuss STAR TREK. Our heartfelt thanks and much appreciation for everything! Without Cory, most of this zine would be blank. His "serious" art is breathtaking and need we say more about his "Star Bleeps?" Cory did so much for us on such short notice we considered calling it "Cory Correll Presents RIGEL, etc." but it just wouldn't fit on the cover. For his art, his friendship, and his whacky sense of humor, we are eternally in his debt!

From the zine:

We lied. And what's more, we know it and don't care. We said issue III of RIGEL was the last one; yet in your hands you hold RIGEL IV (V, VI, VII, etc.). We have learned our lesson. RIGEL will not die with this issue, but it is taking an extended (read: six year) shore leave.

Since Paramount has finally (!) decided to do the movie, we couldn't resist printing the parody of the press release Paramount so graciously (snicker) sent out to fan clubs. (If you've ever seen the original, you'll really appreciate our version!)

We're sorry about the price. It is alot, but we think you'll find it worth it. (We thought at first we'd have to sell RIGEL IV by the pound.,.) We received such good stuff we just couldn't cut any of it. (No, we did.not print.everything we have ever received in our combined lifetimes....but just about.)

[personal info snipped]

We want to thank our artists for illoing our stories so beautifully. Without their interpretation, we'd have produced a zine sadly lacking an integral element.

Kudos also go to our writers, without whom there literally would be no zine! It looks like we have been graced with some of the best (and longest) writers in fandom. We enjoyed their offerings and are sure you will too.

In this issue I believe you'll find something for everyone. We think a lot of zines could use some humor (not the unintentional kind), and we've tried to supply it. We don't want to hurt anyone, so read RIGEL in the spirit it was written. (We're not prejudiced, no one is exempt—from the "old" (indeed!) cast to the new additions.) When fandom takes itself too seriously, it ceases to be fun; and that's why Carol and I are into it. We're not printing RIGEL to make a statement, but for pleasurable reading.

  • Rigel Rerun by Cory Correll (1)
  • Triptyck [15] by Ginna LaCroix ("Brief biography of Kirk, Spock and McCoy from their early years to when Kirk takes command of the Enterprise. An account of earlier years in the lives of The Big Three, right up to the point where they all converge.") (also in Trek Encore #1) (2)
  • Santa’s Visit to the Enterprise by Jennifer Lowe (29)
  • Questions Never Asked by Crystal Ann Taylor (35)
  • Patterns of the Sun by Teri White ("Kirk’s mind is joined with that of Alexander the Great in an experiment.") (37)
  • Over My Shoulder, poem by Sarah Leibold (47)
  • Star Fleet Job Description by Lorili L. Mather (49)
  • Mailbox Progress Report: Pylacrap Release by Eric St. John ("Kirk invites Spock to join him as he revisits a favorite childhood setting he used to go to with his brother Sam.") (54)
  • A Most Unorthodox Situation by Mary Lee Cascio and Lois Welling ("Spock goes into Pon Farr and a very compassionate alien woman saves him.") (60)
  • The Dark Side by Sarah Leibold (93)
  • Love and... Dishonor by Verna Mae Long ("On Spock’s orders, McCoy helps to oust Kirk from the Captaincy, with no explanation to Kirk.") 94)
  • Center Stage by Crystal Ann Taylor (121)
  • Homecoming by Jane Aumerle ("Spock visits Vulcan to tell Sarek he is rejecting the Vulcan female T’Parrhi as future bondmate. This is a K/S story. It's told from Amanda's point of view.") (122)
  • Speak Roughly to Your Little Boy by Paula Smith (reprinted from Menagerie #4) (138)
  • Awakening by Carol A. Frisbie and Susan K. James (an extended epilogue to "Requiem for Methuselah") (156)
  • Private Little Hell by Ginna LaCroix (also in Trek Encore #2) (161)
  • The Key by Margaret Reich (170)
  • Executive Privilege by Mary Lee Cascio and Lois Welling ("A plot to oust Kirk and Spock from the fleet sends them to months of duty to the outer rim worlds.") (winner of a 1980 Fan Q) (reprinted in Archives #7) (173)
  • Star Bleep II, cartoon by Cory Correll (209)
  • A Price to Be Payed [yes, spelled that way] by Carole G. Crater ("The Enterprise is under attack, Kirk is at death's door and trapped on the bridge, and Spock is trying to reach his side. Also, Kirk has an ulcer.") (217)
  • Ad Page (272)
  • All That Matters is Between Us by Crystal Ann Taylor (274)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 4/5/6

See reactions and reviews for Executive Privilege.


The best, and most noticeable feature about 'Rigel' is its Correll ware. Cory Correll has supplied his usual fine cartoons, but thish reveals just how well he can work with straight illos. His art, especially in 'A Price to Be Paid,' is superb. Likewise, Alice Jones' pencils and the inks by Merle Decker brighten the zine. Several of the stories match their illos' quality. 'Executive Privilege' is a craft-worthy spy spic starring Kirk and Spock, with overtones of J. Vance's The Rack, and the AU4 series. 'A Most Unorthodox Situation' is yet another Spock-in-pon-farr-&-the-woman-becomes-his-wife-because-of-it story, not badly done, but rather drawn out. 'Triptych' is an interesting use of odd information about the show to develop credible early lives for Kirk, Spock, and McCoy; nicely done 'Private Little Hell' is a post-episode short. Another post-story 'Requiem for Methuselah' is 'Awakening' and lets us know what it was Kirk was supposed to 'forget.' 'The Key' is basically a torment story, and not a word too long. And the sole entry in the K/S universe is 'Homecoming' -- an exquisitely sensitive treatment about telling Sarek the news. The Alexander connection is not to be denied, tho, and so there is 'Pattern of the Sun.' Kirk mindmelds with the man in the past. Also on the lesser lists are 'Santa's Visit to the Enterprise,' 'The Camping Trip,' both of which explain themselves; 'Love and Dishonor' which tells why Kirk was Driven from Command on the very last page -- and it isn't worth it; 'Speak Roughly to Your Little Boy' by Paula Smith [who is the one reviewing this zine] is an ersatz-Heinleinesque reprint of motherlove for a Rom orphan; and 'A Price to Be Paid', 54 pages of Kirk having an ulcer. [16]


  1. ^ from Scuttlebutt #5
  2. ^ Falkowitz commented on this story in 1979: "By many definitions, ECHOES is a Mary Sue. Now, I don't mean that as a put-down; heaven knows, I've written one myself, and ECHOES is in general better than my ghod-awful "Rift Crossing"." - from Southern Star #5
  3. ^ a review from The Halkan Council #6 (1975)
  4. ^ a review from The Halkan Council #4 (March 1975)
  5. ^ from Interphase #1
  6. ^ comments by Sharon Ferraro in Menagerie #9 (March 1975)
  7. ^ from Fanzine Review 'Zine
  8. ^ From Interphase #3
  9. ^ from The Halkan Council #16, a review which caused a bit of a dust up in some later issues of that letterzine
  10. ^ comments by Sharon Ferraro in Menagerie #9
  11. ^ from Fanzine Review 'Zine #2 (1977)
  12. ^ Many fan reviewers of the time refer to some stories as K/S; the contents skate really, really close to what fans today define as slash but were what fans in 1977 were defining as a relationship story, and perhaps what we would call pre-slash or simply smarm.
  13. ^ from Delta Triad #4
  14. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  15. ^ yes, spelled that way
  16. ^ review by Paula Smith in Scuttlebutt #14