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MediaWest*Con/MediaWest*Con 2014

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Name: MediaWest*Con 2014
Dates: May 23–26, 2014
Location: Lansing, Michigan
Focus: multi-fandom
Founding Date:
URL: main page for 2014
program book
post con report
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Some Facts About the 2014 Convention

2014 program book covers
  • "Since we are still kicking after all these years, MediaWest*Con 34 celebrates the Undead -- vampires, zombies, werewolves, and all the grim, ghoulish, and supernatural denizens of the not-quite-dead netherworlds. So bring your garlic necklaces, hex bags, and spellbooks... and expect one helluva good time!"
the set-up in 2014
  • from a progress report: "We are very sorry to report that Jan Gosnell has died, following a recurrance of cancer. She was a long-time fan, and had for many years run the ‘Zine Reading Room and SF/Media Fan Fund silent auction at MediaWest*Con. She made the transition from this world to the next quietly, peacefully, and unexpectedly at 1 a.m. today. According to her wishes, there will be a cremation without a ceremony, and her ashes will be spread in favourite places. It's possible there will be a small local gathering hosted by her remaining family. If any of you want to hear more about that when I find out details, please let me know. But, I promised Jan there would be a celebration of her life at MediaWest*Con -- a blow out party. I have a budget in mind for hosting that, but know I'm not the only person who wants to honour her memory. Look for flyers at the con. And, go into the new year knowing Jan has begun her next great adventure. There may be a new star in the cosmos; or if you feel a Presence brush by you, Jan promised to keep an eye on us. Hugs to all -- Pat[1]
  • from a progress report: "Last Call: We regret to say that 2014 will be our last MediaWest*Con, although we will continue doing 'zines you can get at http://Requiem.ravenshadow.net and Mestiza Woman art is available on Etsy.com/shop/mestizawoman. We will not be bringing stock to the convention, but you can place a preorder anytime now until April 30, 2014 to pick up at the con. We plan to be in the dealer's room, and have Mestiza Woman art in the show. We will take orders at the con, but you'll pay shipping. We want to thank everyone who's made our MediaWest*Con adventures such great fun all these years. Again, 2014 is our LAST MW*C. Go to: http://requiem.ravenshadow.net to place your preorder. -- Bast Ravenshadow and [Hindman]."
  • MW*C sold single day memberships for the first time in addition to eliminating the room lottery system.
  • There were 32 dealers in the dealers room, 6 hall dealers.
  • There were 459 attendees signed up, some of those were pets and "alternate identities" (apocryphal members).
  • Costs: "MW*C 34 members may receive a discounted rate of $40/$45 for those outside the US for MW*C 35 Attending membership if registration is dated through June 30, 2013. Attending memberships for all others (including MW*C 34 members after June 30) is $45/$50 outside the US through Dec. 31, 2014. All Attending memberships postmarked after Dec. 31, 2014 are $55/$60 outside the US, until either Attending membership limits of 700 is reached or May 1, 2015, whichever comes first. NO MEMBERSHIPS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR. Memberships are NOT transferable. Memberships are subject to acceptance. Single Day Memberships will be available in advance beginning January 1, 2015. You must specify the day for the membership to be valid. Single day memberships are $30 for US residents, $35 outside the US. GoFers receive a greatly discounted membership rate of $15 (as low as Supporting!) for working a minimum of 10 hours during the four days of the con. We will try to accommodate specific scheduling requests based on the order they are received. Supporting memberships are $15. All non-attending Art Show participants must be at least Supporting members. Supporting members will receive all Progress Reports and other membership materials, will be entitled to nominate and vote for Fan Q’s, as well as be eligible for a discount on Attending membership to next year’s con. Apocryphal memberships are $1, for live animals, stuffed animals, or alternate identities. Children’s memberships are NOT available. Babes in arms and children in direct control of parents or guardians at all times do not need memberships; if a child is old enough to be on his/her own, they need an Attending membership."

Fan Q Awards

For specifics, see 2014 Fan Q Awards.


"Ken Keisel and company will be doing a shadowcast of Buffy The Vampire Slayer musical episode Once More With Feeling Saturday night!"

Fan Fund

There were no nominations and therefore, no ballots.

Party Suite and Other Gatherings


  • Shabbat Shalom – A Celebration! Or ... If Spiderman is Jewish as Andrew Garfield says, is it a coincidence that a Menorah has 8 arms? Peter Cooper


  • Teddy Bear Tea, LaraMee
  • The Professionals, FJBryan
  • Martinis by Moonlight with the Strachey-Callahans, Candy, Storyfan & Vivian

Masquerade Awards

  • Best Use of Andre's Brain Award & Best In Show: Plan B, Peter Cooper
  • The Undead Ringer Award: Even The Master Can Go Bald, Scott Clark
  • The Goodwill Quick Change Artist Award: Rebecca Rose, Lady Buccaneer, Becky Wurm Clark
  • The Awesome Hat & Workmanship Award: Timey-Whimey, Wibbly-Wobbly: Alice Fell Down the Rabbit Hole, Sam Powell
  • The Godzilla Is In a Lot of Trouble Award: Zombi 2: Change for a Buck, Janice St. Clair
  • The Con Crooner Award: To All the Cons I've Gone Before, Bob Dawe

Door Decoration Awards

  • Best Narrative, 206—Plot? What Plot?
  • Best Humour & Fan Favourite, 251—What Do You Fear?
  • Best Use of Theme, 144—Zombie-Proof Room
  • Most Nostalgic, 306—X-Fen: Doors of Future Past
  • Best Multi-Fandom, 248—Few of Our Favorite Things
  • Best Interactive, 147—Fandom Graffiti
  • Best In Show, Room 356—NCIS Land
  • Shiniest Single Fandom, 230—Martinis by Moonlight
  • Best Marriage Equality & Judges; Favourite, 142—The Many Faces of My Husband Tony Stark

Art Show

There were no Art Show awards as no ballots were printed.

Vid Show

  • There were no awards due to limited number of entries.




  • British Villains: Alan Rickman, now Tom Hiddleston as Loki. Is it the accent, or something else?
  • Guy, Lucas, Thorin: what else would you like to see Richard Armitage do?
  • Lewis Collins: Discussion of this late actor, made famous by The Professionals series.
  • The Magnificent Actors Now: Do you follow any/all of the actors who portrayed the Seven? Are you as interested in the actor as you are/were the character?
  • Mr. Everywhere - Mark Sheppard and his current (and past) roles.

Fandom/Fan Fiction

  • Aging in Fandom: Fandom isn't just watching shows, it's like family. How has it changed over the decades?
  • Anti-Fanfiction Pros: What Do We Do When There Are Pros Who Don't Like What We're Doing (And Writing)
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Fans wanted it, campaigned for it, got it—and hated it! Discuss. (All fandoms)
  • Canon vs. Fanon.... when is it okay to ignore canon?
  • Comic Con: Share your tales of the San Diego and/or New York Comic Cons.
  • Crossovers and AUs: What works and what doesn't.
  • Fandom is out of the closet: how does that make you feel?, Sun, 4:00 PM, E008, Capital
  • First Fandom: or, how Sherlock Holmes readers invented almost everything media WAY earlier than you thought.
  • Hurt/Comfort ... Most likely to be a victim....how do you choose which character gets hurt?
  • Illya Kuryakin: Character Discussion
  • Magnificent Seven ATF: The Greatest Show that Never Existed—Why are there fans in a fandom that has no existence outside fanfic?
  • Magnificent Seven ATF: The greatest show that never existed. After years of fanfic, is it the original characters we love or the characters created by the fanfic authors?,.
  • Magnificent Seven AUs & Fusions- Werewolves, Search & Rescue, Firefighters and Dragon Slayers... anything left unwritten?,
  • Older fandoms... which ones are you still clinging to? Due to DVD releases or because of the quality and availability of the fanfic?
  • Person of Interest: Slashable Characters and Relationships - What makes them so irresistible?
  • Plastic, not paper?: Fanfiction moving to tablets and other electronic devices. Discuss your favorite way to read fan fiction.
  • Power plays. Finch/ Reese, Derek/ Stiles, Bond/Q, Tony/Gibbs, and more. How does the power inequality or the differences in power affect our OTPs? Are they part of the charm? Part of the problem? (/).
  • Professionals: 40 years and still going strong - what keeps them in our hearts? (slash)
  • Professionals: Adjusting to Retirement, or Dead Already?--how would Bodie and Doyle find life after 60? Or do you think their lives in the firing line would end in a hail of bullets?
  • Professionals: Biggest Threat—What do you consider the biggest danger to the Bodie/Doyle partnership? Cowley? Ann Holly? Boredom?
  • Professionals: Casualty Ward—When Bodie and Doyle get injured, sometimes it's somber, sometimes it's hilarious. A look at Pros in (the hospital) bed. (slash)
  • Professionals: Favorite First Time Fics—What are your favorite ways the Lads get together? (slash)
  • Professionals: New fic old fic, let's discuss fic (slash)
  • Stargate Atlantis Story recs, gen, het, slash. What are your favorites and where to find them.
  • Starsky & Hutch: An anything goes slash discussion for salacious purposes only. (/)
  • Starsky & Hutch: Reminiscing about our favorite slash fiction and what was so wonderful about it.
  • Starsky and Hutch: Preserving our fiction. (all) S&H is well represented in hard-copy fanzine archives, and recently in digital repositories in Universities.
  • Starsky and Hutch: SHareCon 2014 (all) Our single fandom slash con is on the horizon. We'll be in a new hotel in a better location. We'll still have panels, games, and an art show. Let's talk about what else you'd like to see happen at this year's S&H con.
  • Starsky and Hutch: Surcon 2014: (all) This exciting event in California in 2013 allowed fans to share a wonderful evening with Paul Michael Glaser and David Soul. ... last or are curious about it or interested in this year's event, let's talk about it.
  • Starsky and Hutch: The Present Tense Big Bang: (all) Our Big Bang event, bringing Starsky & Hutch into the present time, was an interesting experiment. What did you like about it? How can we improve it? If we have another BB next year, should we try for a different theme or continue with this one?,
  • Television as Therapist: Join a roundtable to talk about how TV has helped you cope with some of life's stressors.
  • They're dead, Jim. How to hurt characters without killing them.
  • TPTB are aware of fans and what they want more than ever. Fanfic themes are showing up on the actual show. (character's past, psychological motivations, effects of trauma) Why keep writing fanfic? Worlds left to conquer?,
  • Vidding: Discussion of Friday Night's Fannish Music Video Premieres.
  • Why Can't We All Get Along?: Has fandom gone nuts? What role does the Internet play in this?


  • Captain America: Winter Soldier
  • Godzilla: Let’s discuss the latest remake of this classic monster.
  • James Bond/Q Skyfall What was it in the thirty seconds of air time these two characters had together that forged a pairing? (/)
  • JLA Movie at Last: It's time has come, or is it just coat tailing on the success of The Avengers movie?
  • Maleficent: Anticipating the movie. Also, do we need background movies on established great characters (Maleficent, The Grinch, Mr. Peabody, etc.)?
  • Man from UNCLE movie: general discussion.
  • Marvel Movie Mayhem: discussion and speculation on upcoming future films.
  • SHARKsploitation – Spiderman vs. Dr. Sharktopus, Deep Shark Throat, Sharkano, and other SHARKsploitation fantasies we'd like to sink our teeth into. Also discussion on SHARKsploitation films in general
  • Shaun of the Dead: Finally, a funny zombie flick!,
  • Star Trek Reboot: how it's holding up?
  • Star Wars VII: Share any knowledge of this upcoming movie.
  • Writing: come help each other. A round table forum to share ideas.
  • Star Wars: general discussion of this ever-evolving movie series.
  • The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug – discuss!
  • Wonder Woman: It's being made. Good idea or bad?
  • X-Men Days of Future Past.
  • Zombie Books & Movies: World War Z and the News Fresh Trilogy, etc.


  • Gaming 101: What would you recommend for someone just breaking into gaming?
  • GAMING (from 12:00pm–4:00pm): Ain’t Your Parents’ Games No More-Forget the old gaming staples of Monopoly and Risk. Learn to play the new games on the block! With these games, board is not a synonym for bored. Games: Magic: The Gathering, Dominion, 7 Wonders, Battlestar Galactica, Defenders of the Realm, Arkham Horror, Fri, 1:00 PM, Gaming, Superior
  • GAMING (from 4:00-8:00pm) Fans Are Gamers Too - You loved the show, now live the game. Play games based on your favorite TV shows and movies. Games: Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek Catan, Marvel Heroes, Fri, 4:00 PM, Gaming, Superior
  • GAMING (from 8:00pm–12:00am) Mos Eisley Casino Night - Party at the cantina! It's a wretched hive of scum and villainy with the best gambling games in the galaxy. Games: Sabacc, Fizz Bin, Black Jack, Poker, Red Dragon Inn, Fri, 8:00 PM, Gaming, Superior
  • GAMING (from midnight - ??) Open Gaming - Pick your favorite and play! You can check out a game from the game room stores or bring one of your own. Games: Anything, Fri, 12:00 AM, Gaming, Superior
  • GAMING (from 8:00am–10:00am Breakfast with Friends - Catch up with old friends and meet some new ones while asking silly questions for a few laughs., Sat, 8:00 AM, Gaming, Superior
  • GAMING (from 10:00am–12:00pm) Short and Sweet - Don't have time for a gaming marathon? Play some sweet games that last less than an hour but don't fall short on fun. Games: Revolution, King of Tokyo, Kill Dr. Lucky, Red Dragon Inn, Sat, 10:00 AM, Gaming, Superior
  • GAMING (from 12:00pm–4:00pm,): Monopoly Madness – Who plays the basic version of Monopoly anymore? Come have fun playing the multitude of alternate versions and alternate rule sets for the game everyone remembers. Games: Star Wars, Pokémon, Dr. Who, Star Trek, Sat, 12:00 PM, Gaming, Superior
  • GAMING (from 4:00pm–8:00pm): Zombies, Zombies Everywhere - What better way to celebrate the Walking Fen than a game featuring Zombies? Survive, or it will be your Last Night on Earth. Games: Last Night on Earth, Sat, 4:00 PM, GAMING, Superior
  • GAMING (from 8:00pm–10:00pm): Cards Against Humanity - The rudest, crudest card game ever created. If you aren't offended, you aren't playing it right! This game is so risqué we have to play it in a room sealed away from the rest of the con. Games: Cards Against Humanity
  • GAMING (from 10:00pm-midnight): Are You a Werewolf? - The village is plagued by a werewolf and you might be it! Play this popular storytelling game late into the night. Deceptively simple and utterly addicting. Games: Are You A Werewolf [moved temporarily to this room due to masquerade staging]
  • GAMING (from 8:00am–10:00am): Classic Cards - Wake up to some classic card games. Break out a deck of cards and play! Games: Euchre, Poker, Spades
  • GAMING (from 10:00am-noon): Trivia Games - Think you know it all? Prove it. Challenge your friends and enemies to a battle of wits. Just remember never to go against a Sicilian when death is on the line. Games: Star Wars Trivial Pursuit, Trivial Pursuit
  • GAMING (from noon-4:00pm): X-Wing Miniatures - Space battles with X-Wings, TIE fighters and more! The thrill of big screen action on a table top.
  • GAMING (from 4:00pm–8:00pm): Cooperation is Key - Who says good games have to pit you against your friends? Play some cooperative games that encourage you to work with your friends for a change. Games: A Touch of Evil, Defenders of the Realm, Arkham Horror
  • GAMING (from 8:00pm-midnight): Build Your Own Deck - A new trend in gaming, deck building games let you choose the cards you think will win as you play. Finite cards, infinite possibilities. Games: Dominion, Eminent Domain, Lord of the Rings
  • GAMING (from midnight to late): Cards Against Humanity - This game is so popular, we had to schedule it twice! Bring a dirty mind and a drink for an adults-only card game. Games: Cards Against Humanity
  • Japanese the Game - A language-learning card game. Come learn this Kickstarter wonder.
  • Whose Line is it Anyway? A great improv/audience participation show.


  • Andre Norton: New material to talk about!
  • Horse Fiction: Discussion of fictional horses.
  • Horse Literature: Fiction or non-fiction, let’s talk.
  • JD Robb In Death Series General discussion.
  • More Hidden Gems: Discuss lesser known scifi books (and films) – bring your list.
  • Read this Book Redux: Follow up to last year’s fun panel. Come and exchange recs on favorite books and authors.
  • World of Pern: General discussion.


  • NASA and our future in space.


  • Agents of Shield: Are they making it work in the Marvel universe?
  • Arrow: General discussion
  • Babylon 5: 20 Years Later – Does it still hold up after all this time, should it be revived, rebooted, or redacted?
  • Bates Motel: General discussion of the A&E series.
  • Before Video... TV shows you remember that no one else does.
  • Big Bang Theory: Females that make a show stronger.
  • Big Bang Theory: Scenes or characters we'd like to see—should Mrs. Wolowitz stay offscreen? Leonard's siblings or father? Sheldon's brother? What stories are left to tell? Leonard's mom vs. Sheldon's?.
  • Blacklist: General discussion.
  • Brooklyn Nine Nine: Barney Miller for the 21st Century.
  • Buddy/partner shows? Bromance on an ensemble show? Which ones really work for you?
  • Castle: Are we going to see little Castle babies? And when might that be?.
  • Criminal Minds, Episode 200: What worked and what didn't?.
  • Daring Detectives: The private detective genre began in the 30s (maybe earlier, if you count Sherlock Holmes et al.), and peaked in the late 80s and early 90s..
  • Doctor Who: Number Please – Has Moffat helped, hurt, or confused the franchise with the creation of the War Doctor?.
  • Doctor Who: Welcome Peter Capaldi! How do you feel about the casting?
  • Donald Strachey Mysteries: Donald and Timothy go AU—What do you want to see them do? What would or wouldn't work? (/).
  • Donald Strachey Mysteries: General discussion and/or introduction to the movie and book series— new fans and curious prospective fans welcome! (/).
  • Donald Strachey Mysteries: The anything goes discussion of movie Donald’s and Timothy’s sex life: what we’ve seen, what we haven't, what we imagine they're doing—and not doing—after the camera fades out. (/).
  • Donald Strachey Mysteries: What are your favorite moments of the series? Movie and Book fans both! (/).
  • Downton Abbey: General discussion of this intriguing series.
  • Elementary: It's Ms Watson and Sherlock and they are a great team.
  • Elementary: The latest adaptation of Sherlock Holmes. What have been your favorite aspects of this series.
  • Everything Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.
  • Falling Skies: With the months between seasons, are you confused by what's going on?
  • Game of Thrones: book or show? Should you read the book first before watching the series?
  • Game of Thrones: the year in review—so far!
  • Hawaii 5-0: Good or bad – discuss how the show has changed/added characters since the first season?
  • Historical Series... do they have to be accurate or just entertaining?
  • Magnificent 7 OW: Scenes we'd like to have seen.
  • Marvel's Agent of SHIELD: The Age of Coulson - discussion on the character in the show.
  • NCIS: How has Ziva leaving and the arrival of Bishop, changed the show?,
  • Person of Interest: General discussion.
  • Person of Interest: Has the death of a regular character altered your perception of this series?
  • Person of Interest: The Death of Joss Carter.
  • Person of Interest: The dynamics of Reese and Finch (Gen).
  • Pesky Dead People. Zombies eat you, but resurrected folk come back to eat your food, want your job (In the Flesh, Resurrection, The Returned). What happens to that life insurance policy when Uncle Fred pops up? Discuss problems ignored in these series.
  • Sherlock and John: where do they go from here?
  • Sherlock BBC 's John Watson - A strong crime-fighting partner and underestimated...except in fan fiction.
  • Sherlock Holmes (Cumberbatch): Character revelations and surprise twists abounded in “The Last Vow” – where do you think Sherlock will go from there in season 4? (spoilers for season 3).
  • Sidekicks who kick ass.... or would if the show went there. John Watson (Sherlock BBC) is my prime example.
  • Sleepy Hollow: Discuss the first season and the incredible cliffhanger.
  • Sleepy Hollow: general discussion.
  • Sleepy Hollow: The concept is more than a little loopy. Why does it work so well
  • Stargate Atlantis Post EatG. Where should the series have gone after?
  • Stargate Atlantis: Where would they be today?
  • Starsky & Hutch: What kinds of plots would they have if the series was made today? Would it be better or not as good?
  • Supernatural - Bitter Sam Girls discuss Sam. WARNING: May include Dean-bashing.
  • Supernatural: Dean and the Mark of Cain. (Open Discussion)
  • Television Trends: Dreaded words: story arc, continuing villain, conspiracy.... how have these trends affected your program viewing?
  • The Addams Family: Nostalgic and general discussion of this classic comedy.
  • The Man from U.N.C.L.E. is 50 years old this year! - Discussion of the new movie due to come out and the fandom community which has survived a half century.
  • The Sentinel: If you were luring a new fan to the show, what one episode would you choose to do it? (Slash and Gen-Friendly Discussion) (/).
  • The Sentinel: The William vs. Naomi War—let’s gear up for battle and revive this perennial debate.
  • The Sentinel: What are Jim and Blair doing now? (Slash and Gen-Friendly Discussion) (/)
  • The Sexy Nerd: Discuss this character in all his/her many incarnations in television and film.
  • The Walking Dead: What would you do differently? How do you save civilization?
  • The Walking Dead: What's happening in the rest of the world?
  • The Walking Dead: Who will be the Last One Standing?
  • Tripping the Light Craptastic or How I Learned the Meaning of Hate Watch: abysmal limited run series (e.g. Hostages, Under the Dome) that lure you in with a solid end date, then rot your brain.
  • TV Commercials: What Works, What Doesn't.
  • TV Shows Theme Music: What Are Your Favorites? (90 minutes).
  • Veronica Mars The Movie - 9 years of Radio Silence. Did she choose the right man?
  • White Collar: If Neal were granted his freedom, would he stay with the FBI?


  • Apps and software for writing and research.
  • Internet: Am I the only Techno-dinosaur here? How do you do this stuff?

How To/Workshops

  • Advanced Writer's Seminar (2 hours)
  • Basic Ebook Conversion and Management using Calibre: An introduction to using Calibre for ebook management. As well as some tips and tricks on getting your fic ready to convert to ereader formats, programs to use, archives and downloaders that may do it for you.
  • Chain Maille Mamas (and Papas) - Making chain maille jewelry and other items. Bring your work or come to learn (or watch).
  • Ghost Hunting: How to use ghost-hunting equipment and how to investigate.
  • Hauntings & Paranormal Investigations: MI Shadowchasers discusses this topic.
  • How to Tell a Better Story (for beginning writers) (2 hours).
  • Intermediate Ebook Management using Calibre: A more indepth look at using the Calibre ebook management program. Open to PC, Mac, and Linux users.


  • Co-Chairs—Lori Chapek-Carleton & Gordon Carleton
  • Membership/Registration (records, data entry, onsite), Transportation—Lori Chapek-Carleton
  • Communications (e-mail, publications, website), Data Output (membership badges, lists), Graphics (logo, T'shirt design)—Gordon Carleton
  • Art Show—Art Show Director: Gordon Carleton; Karen Klinck & staff will be running the Art Show under his supervision at the convention itself.
  • Plays—c/o Gordon Carleton
  • GoFers—Jeanne Sullivan, GoFer Captain
  • Con Suite/Video—Jeanne Sullivan
  • Programming—Elyse Dickenson & Dawn McLevy
  • Flyers—Elyse Dickenson & Dawn McLevy
  • Party Suite—Elyse Dickenson & Dawn McLevy
  • Fan Quality Awards—Jan Keeler
  • Fanzine Reading Room – TBD
  • SF/Media Fan Fund --
  • Dealers – TBD—While we have enjoyed the years we spent as Dealers Room Coordinators due to health and personal issues we are stepping down. We will always cherish the friendships we have made at MediaWest*Con. -- Debra and Anna Barber
  • Orphan ‘Zine Table—Janice St. Clair and Laura Basta-Sandler
  • Fannish Video Room—Sheryl Adsit
  • Masquerade—Andre Lieven Security—Seth Cutts
  • Blood Drive—Kim Dyer
  • Hotel Liaison – Carol Lynn
  • Lansing Liaison—Carl Tielking
  • Door Decoration Competition—Alem
  • Game Room—Ericka Kahler

A Filk Embracing the Theme of This Year's Con

Excerpt of a filk by Gordon Carleton, printed in the program book. {{Quotation|


(to the tune of Copa Cabana) By Gordon Carleton

His name was Rick Grimes, he was a sheriff
With Shane some criminals he caught, and in doing so got shot He would recov-er, woke from his co-ma
And then before he got too far, things already seemed bizarre With bodies on the floor, he found a bolt-ed door
They were dead but they were still moving
What's with all the gore?
'Cuz the dead walk (Dead!), the dead are walking (The dead are walking) The rest of us folks they are stalking (Run!)
'Cuz the dead walk (Dead!), the dead are wa-lking
Rick has a mission despite his condition
'Cuz the dead walk...his world is gone (Walking, the dead are walking)
Her name is Lori, she wore Rick's diamond
Shane saw that now he had a chance, and got into Lori's pants But now that Rick's back, she says it's o-ver
She knew they went a bit too far, when she saw the sheriff thar And so survivors few, get drenched in zombie goo
There's just room for a single leader
But just who leads who?

Convention Reports
