Love Triangle (trope)

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Tropes and genres
Related tropes/genresLove Quadrangle
See alsoThreesome, OT3, Polyamory
Related articles on Fanlore.

A Love Triangle is a common writing trope. Although often thought of as trope used mostly in romance and young adult fiction, it can be found a variety of genres, sometimes as the main focus of the narrative or as a secondary storyline.

Love triangles differ from polyamory, as it usually involved two people competing for the affection of one, and being at odds with each other. A love triangle is a "V," with two relationships intersecting at one point.

[Urban Dictionary's definition]
When two people both love a third person, and that third often loves them both. The object of their love may be conflicted as to whom he/she wants, […][1]

In fandom, love triangle can lead to Ship Wars between supporters of two potential pairs. Both sides show their support for and belief that their ship will be endgame. The supporters of the relationship that is not endgame usually feel aggrieved, while the fans of the endgame ship are considered to have "won" the ship war. As an alternate, the three characters may be shipped together in a 3TP.

Canonical Love Triangles

The use of love triangles in books, films, series and plays is quite common. Below is a small list of examples from different fandoms:

Fanwork Examples




  1. ^ Banazir Galbassi (2005-10-03). "Love Triangle". Urban Dictionary. Archived from the original on 2006-05-16.