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Laura Mason's Fanfiction

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: Laura Mason's Fanfiction
Author: Laura Mason
Dates: ? - 2007 (last update)
Fandom: Highlander, Due South, Lord of the Rings, The Faculty, Mary Renault
URL: http://lauramason.slashcity.net/
http://members.aol.com/Lorie945/ (Wayback link, 2001)
Laura Mason's Fanfiction.png
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Laura Mason's Fanfiction was Laura Mason's personal fanfiction site with mostly Highlander, Due South, and Lord of the Rings slash. It had a rec and link section.

The site was a member of the Duncan Methos Slash Ring and the Fraser/Vecchio Webring[1]. It was hosted by SlashCity.

Highlander Fiction

James Eyrson 106K-- (NC-17) My first fanfiction, written for Eng's wonderful Highlander Quill Club writing contest, The Tempering Forge. The story really doesn't fit the contest guidelines, but it happened when I stared at her lovely illustration and thought about a beautiful black horse and a chance meeting between Mac and Methos.

Four for All 25K (NC-17 slash) Duncan, Methos, Joe & Richie ponder friendship thanks to Alexandre Dumas. My own favorite story, probably because I love The Three Musketeers as much as I love Highlander. Also available at the Quill Club with lovely graphics (thanks, Eng!). Because of an index problem, this link takes you straight to the story, so please heed the warnings here.

Falstaff's Folly 39K (R, Slash) Methos wonders if MacLeod has been listening too well over the years. Inspired by the Quill Club's Slashing the Bard contest.

Poisons 88K (R, Slashy) This was my actual entry in the Quill Club's Slashing the Bard contest. Feedback on the story included the remark that it "doesn't actually slash the Bard, does it?" Read at your own risk!

Obligatory Bath Scene 17K (PG-13) If you've seen the Marx Brothers, you'll know where this one is going. A bit of silliness for no good reason; inspired by a bunch of fine bathtub sex stories on the Duncan-Methos list.

By Candlelight 13K (PG-13) A short and sad post-series story.

Voice 30K (NC-17) Violence and slash, please heed the warnings on the story page. An AU story covering the events post-CAH/Rev. 6:8

Involved 216K (NC-17 slash) An AU first meeting of Duncan and Methos, set in Occupied France during World War II.

Necessity 30K (R-rated slash) A remix of a story by Helens. It's not always clear what Methos did and didn't invent.

Lyric Wheel stories

Stories inspired by songs. Check out the Lyric Wheel site for more such stories, or more information on how the Wheel works.

Up The Road 18K (PG for language) The End is the Beginning Wheel, and it's the Joe and Methos show.

A Crooked Line 25K (R slash) The Origins Wheel gave me a chance to not explain where Methos got that leather thong around his neck.

Fall Into Darkness 16K (NC-17 for violence and general nastiness) This story fills in Methos' background as postulated in the Voyagers series.

The Lost 24K (G) A poetry wheel challenge story. Mac, angst, and Methos.

Little Blue 13K (G with slash overtones) Duncan and Methos get (almost) equal time in this angsty wallow.

The Inn at the Bridge 13K (NC-17; slash and very dark themes) Written for the Wheel's Halloween turn, this is a horror story and you should observe all warnings on the story.

The Ruins 13K (Absolutely G, can you believe it?) A Quickening Wheel, and Richie Ryan.

Half Empty 18K (G again, the LW seems to bring it out in me) Methos in Chicago; Methos in a bar; Methos on a boat; Methos in a challenge. Nothing terribly original. The lyric is great, tho.

Two-Eyed Jack 22K (G rated) As "Through a Glass" showed us, the flashbacks in Highlander are usually Duncan's point of view...

Other Challenge stories

A Trip to the Market 6K (R) An ABC challenge story which was once on the now-defunct Net Cafe's site. Just silly fluff with a slashy bent.

Methos' Dream 19K (G but strange) Jill posed a question on the ROG list about whether Duncan would choose Tessa or Methos. This is my warped answer.

Gone Again 29K (PG-13) Where does Methos go during his periodic disappearances? This is one answer. Another Net Cafe challenge.

Alternate Universe Series

Voyagers (NC-17) An incomplete series -- but the individual stories are not cliffhangers, so you can read and find them complete in and of themselves.

Due South Fiction

Dealings 187K (PG) An alternate universe retelling of the Due South pilot episode. This story explores the developing friendship between Ray Vecchio and Benton Fraser.

Dealing with the Past 169K (NC-17/Slash) The story begun in Dealings continues as women from Fraser and Ray's past come back into their lives.

Laying the Past 23K (NC-17/Slash) A brief epilogue to the Dealings universe.

Cold Plastic 10K (R, Slash implied) Just a silly snippet, a hazard of taking public transportation in Chicago.

For Benny's Sake 38K (NC-17/Slash) Ray needs money and there's no honest way to get it. Or to pay it back.

Three Months 191K (NC-17/Slash) Ray interacts with Fraser's neighbors -- and Fraser -- as they solve a case in this story.

Land That Man! 48K (R, Slash) Frannie leaves a magazine lying around. Ray and Fraser both find it very interesting.

12 South Fulton 39K (G preslash) An investigation into a crime and Ray's past.

Family & Friends 44K (G preslash) AU story where Fraser and Ray meet for the first time under very different circumstances.

Five things Diefenbaker never told Fraser (6K) Just what it sounds like, a list ficlet.

And now for something kinda different

Street Scenes 15K (NC-17/gen) A set of three stories (and I hope more to come) in the Due South universe that don't feature our boys -- these are the stories of those Chicagoans who are extras in their exciting lives.

Two Axes list challenge stories

Private 23K (G; Slash relationship) Happy thanksgiving. Do holidays depress you? Whether or not they do, this story probably will. A TwoAxes Thanksgiving challenge story.

Benny's Song 18K (NC-17 slash) Short and all sex, another challenge story from the Two Axes list.

That Taste of Summer 16K (G) Another short TwoAxes challenge piece, a meditation on Chicago summers and love.

Name Days 22K (PG for lascivious slashy thoughts on the part of a Mountie) Another short story wherein Ray tells Benny about a tradition.

October 66K (NC-17 Slash): This is a schitzophrenic little story written for a Halloween challenge on TwoAxes. It's flawed but I'm not up for a re-write, so you get the flawed version.

Do Over 43K (NC-17 Slash): A challenge story. What would you do for a second chance?

Wrestling with Demons 13K (NC-17 Slash): A short first-person story written for the TwoAxes Valentine's challenge.

The Way Home 32K (G Slash, 'cause it's about love not sex) The "June is Bustin' Out" challenge meant a story about a jailbreak. I love this lyric so much I want to write five or six more stories about it.

Going with the Tide 19K (PG-slash) The "April Showers" challenge, which required that one or both of the boys get wet in the story.

Stupid 22K (PG-slash) The "May Flowers" lyric wheel, where the story had to mention a flower or flowers.

Lord of the Rings Fiction

Mostly short stories that I was somehow compelled to write. While I first read Tolkien's books in 1973, I'm a latecomer to the internet & movie fandom. I don't think I've ever jumped into writing in a fandom this quickly.

In November 2002 I was lucky enough to go to New York City to see the Extended Edition FOTR DVD in a movie theater. A gallery of pictures from this incredibly fun day is here.

Oscar weekend in LA, 2004: There's an account of my trip and the TORn Oscar party held 2/29/04 here, and some pictures here.

G-rated stories

The Daring Demons (32K) - A tale of Sam's childhood, hobbity peer pressure, and what trouble tweenie Frodo can find.

Remember (50K) - A post-Quest story set in Minas Tirith, written for the Frodo's NY Mathoms (Gen Division) challenge. Some things should be remembered.

Coming of Age (34K) - A pre-Quest story; Frodo has an adventure and meets some familiar characters.

Rubbing Salt in Wounds (15K) - Post-Quest, Faramir visits the archive in Minas Tirith and overhears Frodo in conversation. A remix story; the link to Holdur's original is on the story page.

Coming About (26K) - Post-Quest, a story about Frodo and Elanor (written for the 2006 Spring Frodo Fic Exchange)

Five things Samwise never told anyone (6K) - Just what it sounds like, a list ficlet.

Five things Gandalf never warned Frodo about (6K) - Another list

Five things Frodo never would have learned if he hadn't gone to live with Bilbo (5K) - And yet another


West (27K) - G-rated angst and shmoop, though of course I still think of it as slash. Isn't everything? Sam finally makes the journey.

The World's Address (12K) - G rated movie-verse quickie, inspired by a lovely video. See the story page for a link. Frodo may know a lot more about the world by the time he reaches Rivendell, but often love makes us ignore what we know to be true.

Unredeemed (6K) - G rated, some Frodo angst set after the quest is ended.

In Dreams (18K) - G rated slash. Sam and Frodo's dreams at three stages in their lives.

Ithilien (5K) - a tiny G rated story, sprung from seeing TTT yet again and wondering if Sam wishes he could take back certain words.

For Love (8K) - G-rated ficlet. Sam explains a plot point for me.


Soft (13K) - G rated. Aragorn learns about hobbits and himself during the journey from Bree to Rivendell.

Beyond and the Combe stories - now on their own page with lovely art by Slipperieslope. Take a look.

As Middle Earth Turns (148K) - NC-17 rated, and please note the warning on the story page. Frodo is abducted -- a response to Lily Baggins' LJ challenge. And a double-drabble in this universe, just for fun: Princess (2K) And the prequel to this story, Courtship (35K) And finally, a sequel to the story, Middle-Earth Continues Turning (230K). OK, I lied about "finally" above: a double-drabble in this universe, The Night of the 25th (4K).

Dreams, Long-Deferred -- and Reality (47K) - PG-13 slash, written for Lily Baggins' birthday. Post-Quest, Aragorn has been ordering his kingdom and neglecting a hobbit.

Site Visit (15K) - R-rated pure silliness.

On the North Downs (102K) - Slash, R-rated, with a high angst warning. An AU where Middle Earth is much like the Old West, and a hobbit has gotten himself into trouble that involves Marshal Strider. And the sequel, Triangle (144K) - Slash, NC-17, and please see the extended list of warnings on the story page before proceeding! The course of true love is not running smoothly for Frodo when a man from the Mark arrives in Bree.

The Baggins Revue (638K) - Slash, NC-17 rated. Angst, oddness, and confusion. Bilbo manages an acting troupe, and adopts young Frodo to play the female roles. The adventure begins when Bilbo grows tired of the audiences in the Shire.

Treasures of Minas Tirith (47K) - Slash, NC-17. Written for the Hobbit Smut Double-Dare challenge, Pippin gets Merry into an uncomfortable situation.

Stained (19K) - Slash, NC-17. Written for the Interspecies Remix Challenge, a reworking of a story by Lily Baggins. Links to the challenge LJ and to Lily's beautiful "No Stain" are on the story page.

Five things Frodo is willing to do with Strider (that he won't do with anyone else) - (6K) Slash, NC-17.

Five things Elijah learned from working with Viggo (6K) My one and only RPS story and I have no place to put it


The Twentieth Day (163K) - PG-13 slash, an AU tale. The first change is that Faramir makes the journey to Imladris. And a drabble that's an AU of this AU (confused? me too): Noblesse Oblige

Duty and Memory (8K) - PG-13 slash, a missing scene.

Journey to Ithilien (34K) - NC-17 slash, written for the Frodo's NY Mathoms (slash) challenge. Frodo is seeking a home, post-Quest.

Letters (21K) - PG-13 slash, written for the Frolijah's Spring Cleaning Fic challenge. Post-Quest, Frodo is a twit and Sam's idea of help is rather distressing.

The Apple Peddler (54K) - more PG-13 slash (someday I must write a sweaty F/F!). Set post-Quest, Frodo returns to the Shire and waits to hear from Faramir. And waits...


Hobbit Feet (4K) - NC-17, non-explicit slash. Baranduin started me thinking about the hair on hobbit feet, and this is the result.

Cleansed (36K) - NC-17 slash, post-Quest. Frodo is late again; Eomer is angry.

Claimed (74K) - NC-17 slash, very explicit. A post-Quest meeting in Minas Tirith. And a silly addendum to the Claimed universe, The Writer of Rohan (5K) PG-13 slash. Even more of the Claimed story, Reclaimed (39K) NC-17 slash

Searchers (373K) - NC-17 slash. Imagine Middle Earth has reached an era similar to the Old West. Then imagine a young hobbit trying to make his way meeting up with a rancher's nephew from the south.

Corsair Cove (81K) - NC-17 slash. Eomer and Frodo pass the long winter evenings reading the next Fosco Teabrand novel.

A King's Blunder (43K) - NC-17 slash. Written for the Live Journal Hobbit Smut community's first line challenge. The day of Theoden's funeral, Eomer attempts to start a conversation with the hobbits.

The Rocky Road (26K) - R-rated slash. Written for the Live Journal Hobbit Smut community's "games hobbits play" challenge. Cultural differences may include rules for a game, or the alcohol content of the local wine. A romp.

Perfect (6K) - NC-17 slash, written at Fellowslash 2004 as part of a writing workshop led by the wonderful Lady Sunrope.


Gift (17K) - NC-17 slash. Frodo went to the shore to be alone, as he's been for so long now.


Normal Hobbits (27K) - NC-17, slash (F/OC) and angst. Please heed all the warnings at the top of this one. Some lessons stay with us all our life.

The Interrogation of Frodo Baggins (20K) R, slash (F/Claudia's OC), mpreg. A short ficlet, just what it sound like. Rangers and misunderstood, pregnant hobbits.

Men of Gondor (20K) - NC-17 for rape. The Two Towers movie-verse; missing scenes from Frodo and Sam's encounter with Faramir. Please heed the warnings!

Spoiled (16K) - NC-17 Het sex; please be warned. Frodo/OFC, just a short PWP really.


Fashions of Gondor (10K) - G rated and silly. Not a proper drabble, but too short to list anywhere else. Mardi Gras 2004 provided way too many images of Elijah Wood in his Bacchus costume.

At Helm's Deep (26K) - NC-17 slash and het content. This is a series of drabbles (with one ficlet) based on a challenge to write an AU with Frodo at the battle of Helm's Deep. So, of course, it's all about sex! There's all kinds of lusting going on, but the pairings getting any action are F/Eomer and F/Eowyn.

Elf-Sense - G rated. Shirebound asked if any elves in Middle Earth had a sense of direction after hearing Legolas say the urks were headed northeast to Isengard. Here's my very silly answer.

Autumn Leaves - R rated, short and sad.

The Faculty

The Ohio Series

Ohio Winter 27K -- Zeke/Casey, NC-17. Secrets intrigue Zeke.

Ohio Summer 31K -- Sequel to Ohio Winter, also NC-17 Zeke/Casey. How they spent their summer vacation...

Ohio Autumn 43K -- Fall 1998 and the events of the movie have just taken place. NC-17 for Zeke/Ms. Burke, Casey/Delilah, and Zeke/Casey content.

Ohio Spring 50K -- Graduation day. NC-17 Zeke/Casey slash.

Stand-Alone Stories

Nice Guy (6K) -- Stan/Casey, NC-17 non-con sex. Stan is a prince. Right?

Gypsy (44K) -- R-rated Zeke/Casey and Zeke/female character. Very heavily "borrowed" from a well-known Broadway show, an AU look at Casey and Zeke, and Casey's momma.

Gather Ye Rosebuds (14K) -- R-rated Zeke/Casey slash. The five of them are inseperable since the aliens.

Five things Casey taught Zeke (5K) - NC-17 Zeke/Casey, a list ficlet


Autumn Leaves




Watching and Waiting 16K (G) A Highlander/The Faculty crossover. Working, 10K (NC-17) acts as an epilogue to the first story. But this universe keeps expanding, so now we have Reunion, 31K (PG-13). More to come.

Mary Renault novel-based fiction

All stories contain spoilers for the books.

The Charioteer

The Beloved 34K (NC-17 slash) Written for the Live Journal maryrenaultfics community's Wedding Night Challenge. Laurie's mother's been given away, the guests are gone and Ralph comes back to the house for the night, bearing a bottle of champagne.

Riposte, Counter, Disengage 17K (PG slash) A night with Bunny and Bim.

If Pricks Could Talk 21K (NC-17 slash) Bunny Rides Again, and his favorite appendage tells the tale. Very weird, in case that isn't clear by now.

In Hospital 10K (PG slash) Ralph in the hospital, post-Dunkirk.

November 1950 12K (PG slash) A dark AU, answering one of those "what if" questions.

Every Time 9K (G slash) An entry from Ralph's journal.

After 11 K (R slash) Reflections on a rainy afternoon. Post-novel.

1958 41 K (G slash) Eighteen years after the close of the novel, Laurie is at a museum in Paris. And the long-delayed sequels, After-Dinner Drinks 41 K (NC-17 slash and het) and Morning After 23 K (G-rated slash).

The Secret Charioteer 11 K (R slash) Conversations with fellow fans always lead me to write silly, silly things.

Five things Ralph Lanyon never told anyone (4K)

Long Ago and Far Away Part One 207K and Part Two (282K), all rated NC-17 for m/m sex. This is a crossover of The Charioteer and the universe of Ellery Queen's Wrightsville mysteries. Laurie and Ralph, post-war, try to make a life for themselves in a new town.

Snippets - a page of odds and ends written as comments in various discussions on the Mary Renault Fics live journal community.

Sunday Tea - a page of snippets written as part of a prompted, timed writing challenge

The Persian Boy

Under the Cold Stars 14K (PG slash) Hephaistion and Bagoas meet up on the night Alexander marries Roxane.

Hephaistion's Journal: Zadrakarta 24K (NC-17 slash) A night that begins like any other leads Hephaistion to uncomfortable discoveries.

Insignificant 7K (G-rated) Another entry from Hephaistion's journal, a second challenge fic from the LJ maryrenaultfics community.

Five things Alexander learned from Bagoas (5K)

Drabbles (all books)

Check out the Drabble Page


Return 11K (NC-17 slash) This odd little piece is a crossover of Mary Renault's The Charioteer with her novel The Persian Boy. Please heed the warnings on the story page.

Miscellaneous Fandoms

Maundy Thursday 29K (NC-17 slash and het sex) A fanfic about the movie Ash Wednesday, pondering the reasons behind some of Sean's actions.

Inconvenient Truths 20K (G rated; het) A missing scene from the book version of Gone with the Wind.


Watching and Waiting 16K (G) A Highlander/The Faculty crossover. Working, 10K (NC-17) acts as an epilogue to the first story. But this universe keeps expanding, so now we have Reunion, 31K (PG-13). More to come.

Watcher 19K (G) A Highlander/Star Trek Voyager crossover, very brief, set in ZorroRojo's "Just A Guy" universe. If you haven't read this wonderful series, please go to SlashCity right now!

Secrets: 27K (PG) A Due South/Highlander crossover. Please note there is violence in police and immortal lives.

Given and Taken 9K (PG) A Due South/Forever Knight crossover. The rating -- well, there's death, male-male sex (tho not graphic), despair... Maybe it should be an R.

The Way Home 43K (G slash) A Due South/Quantum Leap crossover of sorts... well, it's a DS story with a QL epilogue. Anyway, this link leads to the version with the epilogue.


Lord of the Rings

If you want some interspecies loving, try the listing here. Favorite authors of mine: Claudia, Lily Baggins, Baranduin, Trianne.

Baranduin and Trianne organized a writing challenge called Frodo's NY Mathoms (slash division). There are wonderful stories featuring varous pairings (elves, men, hobbits), all Frodo-centric. The slash story written for me by Baranduin, A Sort of Healing, is sweet and incredibly moving, and if you like a smart, feisty Frodo (paired with Eomer!) you should run to read it. Another incredible story (Frodo/Aragorn) is Embers by Azrhiaz.

And Gentle Hobbit and Baranduin organized the Frodo's NY Mathoms (gen division), for those who prefer G-rated hobbitses. Erin wrote me a sweet Gandalf and young Frodo story, and there are lots of other good tales to be enjoyed.

If G-rated hobbit tales are your cuppa, head over to fanfiction.net. I've found some incredible authors there who write all the Fellowship characters very well, and have a great feel for the hobbit attitude. Baylor's The Care and Feeding of Hobbits is a wonderful Boromir-meets-hobbits tale. Terrific Frodo background in Obelia Medusa's stories. Shirebound's stories are all great, but Return to Rivendell really touched me. Budgielover's Snowball Fight has humor, action and angst. A great missing scenes tale. And Kete is wonderful. Read all her stories and join me in wanting more soon.

If fanfiction.net's popups drive you crazy, try Stories of Arda, a new archive for G-rated LotR. A lot of my favorites have posted their tales there, where it's much easier to read them and find new authors to delight in.

If you like exploring the dark side of the LotR trilogy, I highly recommend Aratlithiel's stories. Not for those seeking happy endings, but very powerful. Bronwe athan Harthad and Harthad Uluithiad will really make you think about Frodo's perception of himself after the quest. G-rated but highly angsty.

For anyone new to the fandom, Versaphile's recommendations page is simply incredible. I can't imagine how much work goes into this, but I do enjoy it. Finally, Acer Canadensis is the author who started me in this fandom, and thanks to Aratlithiel I've found the new link to her stories. Cultivation is the one that hooked me, but they're all gems.

The Faculty

There is actually a treasure trove of fanfic for The Faculty, meaning I'm not the only one who enjoyed watching Elijah Wood get beat up far too much, and then wrote more. Void by WaxJism is the definitive fannon, I think, but I'll send you over to try Vshendria's epic, Borderlines.

Chocolate-Dipped Hobbit's page of Elijah character slash. Plus Versaphile has a multi-fandom recs page where you can find links to some of the best stories in this fandom.

Finally, there's Decoy, Hope's Faculty site.

Star Trek: Voyager

Morticia writes fantastic Skinner/Krycek stories, which can be found at the Lair. But she's such a good writer that I followed her into Voyager slash (Chakotay/Paris). Also in this fandom, Maisie Rita's Acid Truths is a great gen story. But there's plenty of slash on her page as well, so check it all out. Finally, Ruth Devero writes C/P slash and also Due South F/V slash. Her page is a great place to bookmark and return to again and again.

Once a Thief

Ellison Wonderland has written my favorite Once a Thief story, "Crime and Punishment," which can be e found at the Once a Thief text archive, another great place to go read. Other favorites: Shadowscast's "Touch" and Sylvia's "Men at Some Time." But really, there's so much to enjoy - just go read.


Killa's writing and artwork are both exquisite. She writes Star Trek (the original series) and Highlander. Killa's recommendations page is a great resource, too, leading to some of the best authors in these fandoms and others.

I've been remiss in not recommending hafital, who writes tremendously good Highlander fic. Hafital's Neutral Territory is one of my favorite short original Star Trek stories.

First I must recommend Becca, an excellent author (with great proofreaders, too). Becca writes Highlander and Queen of Swords stories. She combines great action-adventure plotting with wonderful characterization and hot sex. Enjoy.

I found Sleeps with Coyotes when she started writing Highlander, but I'll freely admit to being enough of a slashslut to follow her into other fandoms. Her X-Files stories started me in yet another fandom. Read everything.

Zen & Nancy's site hosts one of my favorite authors, Bone, who's a Soup Kitchen guest. Bone's Highlander stories are incredibly addictive, and she's the reason I moved into Due South fandom (even tho she writes Ray K. and I prefer Italian).

The Highlander Quill Club is the place I first discovered fan fiction on the Internet. There are wonderful stories featuring Eng's lovely graphics, links to other sites -- basically, it's always interesting and great if you need a fix. C.M. Decarnin's Highlander (Duncan/Methos) slash is at the Quill Club. If you want more of her writing, as I did, check out the Star Trek (Kirk/Spock) and X-Files (Mulder/Krycek) slash hosted at the Soup Kitchen.

The ROG-L recommendations page has been recently updated and all hail Suze, Kamil and those who helped find the new links. This page is a great resource.

Due South

If you like Due South, you'll love Manna LaDroit. Her story "The Fan" and its two sequels are simply the best if you're looking for a long, complex and enjoyable read. Her shorter stories are simply a joy.

Another place to visit is the Hexwood archive. Lots of stories, slash and gen. Authors to check out: Elaine Walker, Ruth Devero, and Mitch Hudson. There's also Due Slash, a slash-only archive. But for all Fraser/Vecchio stories, all the time, visit TwoAxes' own Just the Fics archive.

Mary Renault Novels

The only place I know of right now to send people is the Live Journal community, maryrenaultfics. Go, join and post and discuss! There is great fic, and more authors would be most welcome.

Also check out Mapmakerfic, where Trueriver and Poicale's stories are archived.

Miscellaneous Recs

I highly recommend the blog of blogs, Metablog. I've found really interesting journal entries on topics like making time to write, beta-reading, categories of fanfiction, and plot-driven vs. character-driven stories. A great place to spend some time thinking about fandom and writing.

Though I read crossovers with Mulder, I'm only interested in one X-Files pairing, Skinner/Krycek. Warm Thoughts is the S/K archive. I love Josan's stories. And don't forget to check Mort's page for her S/K stuff.


  1. ^ Laura Mason's Fanfiction, via Wayback: 20 July 2001. (Accessed 16 May 2020)