In Dreams

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Title: In Dreams
Author(s): Britta
Date(s): 1999 or before
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Star Trek Voyager
Relationship(s): Chakotay/Paris
External Links: In Dreams (Britta's Slash Page)

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In Dreams is a Chakotay/Paris slash story by Britta.

Summary: Strong, passionate dreams are plaguing Paris and Chakotay. But everyone else is having trouble sleeping, too!

Recs and Reviews

Britta: "In Dreams". C/P. Wet dreams. Erotic realities. Space monsters. Exhibitionist streaks in unlikely candidates. You find all that and more in this beautifully woven tale that explores the slow building of need, trust and love between two men. Marvelous.[1]


  1. ^ Layla's Fanfiction: Recs. (Accessed 27 July 2017)