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Empathy News
Zine | |
Title: | Empathy News ("Empathy Newsletter") |
Publisher: | Empathy Star Trek Club |
Editor(s): | Dorothy (Dot) Owens, Barbara Kitson, Carol Keogh |
Type: | newsletter |
Date(s): | early to mid 1980s |
Frequency: | |
Medium: | |
Fandom: | Star Trek: TOS |
External Links: | |
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Empathy News ("Empathy Newsletter") is a newsletter for, Empathy Star Trek Club, a Star Trek fan club in Yorkshire, England.
There appear to be a variety of supplements, newsletters, and perhaps something else, making for some confusing dates.
1976 (June/July/August 1976, Issue 11)
Empathy Newsletter 11 was published in June/July/August 1976 and contains 15 pages.
- short editorial by Dot Owens
- Miramanee, poem by Jayne Phelps
- a plea for some fans to volunteer to help at TerraCon, plus a progress report, information about the con's fiction/poetry competition, info about the "Interclub Quiz" and the "TerraCon Quiz Trophy," the Fancy Dress Competition, the Galactic Fashion Show, and the Art Show
- a list of fans' birthdays (31 female names, 7 male names, 1 name of unknown gender)
- announcements that Emanon #2, Contact #2 and Tricorder #3 available
- some mentions of local fans appearing in local newspapers regarding Star Trek
- a short humorous thing about repairing a television so a fan can watch Trek and other shows
- a con report for the Alnitah Minicon, see that page
- a list of Star Trek fan clubs and contact info
- a transcript of "Kaleid'scope" on Radio 4 "a couple of weeks ago"—it is a short interview between an unknown employee and John Taylor, a professor of mathematics at Kings College (and author of some books on astronomy). The subject was the fascination people have with Star Trek.
1976 (Sept/Oct/December, Issue 12)
Empathy Newsletter 12 was published in Sept/Oct/December 1976 and contains 18 pages.
- Carol Keogh has been made a vice president of the fan club
- "On Sunday (bank holiday) Dorothy got a call, Mrs. James Blish. She said that she had found Empathy's address from an old Welcommittee notice, so she called on the chance that Dorothy might want all her husband's Star Trek paraphernalia. Two whisky crates full!!! Mrs. Blish didn't know about the Convention, so Dorothy told her. Unfortunately, Mrs. Blish won't be able to come to the Convention because she will be out of the country at the time, but she consented to have her late husband's Star Trek stuff auctioned at the Convention. SO BRING PLENTY OF MONEY!!!"
- "Ballantine is published the Star Trek Concordance. It will cost about £2.75 and should be available at the beginning of November. There will be a copy on view at the Con, NOT FOR SALE, but Empathy will be taking orders for the Concordance, so if you'd like one, let us know at the Con."
- an update about TerraCon
- a very short con report of Star Trek Toronto
- False Alarm, very short fiction by Dee Smith
- a Star Trek joke by Cilla Futcher
- One Man's Love, poem by Chris Waller
- an exchange of several satiric letters
- there is a transcript of an interview with Dorothy Owens on B.R.M.B. Radio on July 29, 1976: the topic is the upcoming TerraCon
- "Day Trip to Knaresborough," a report of fifteens fans' trip to "the famous Mother Shiptons Cave at Knaresborough. Their objective, to plunge the starship Enterprise (or rather a model of it) into the dropping well to be petrified for all time." The report involves descriptions of locating fans on various train platforms, riding "a coach which was supporting a mini convention of its own, and I suspect the driver was wondering just what he had let himself in for. Dorothy had brought along her cassette recorder and a selection the more popular taped episodes of Star Trek. They included "Amok Time," "Journey to Babel," and "The Naked Time." They provided a very suitable background for the journey." In the end, the fans were unable to part with the model. Some fans decided to go to the zoo instead, and some of them decided to sit at picnic tables and listen to the cassette recording of "The Naked Time."
- there is a long description by Robin Hill as he tries to figure out which Trek episode a non-fan co-worker has seen; turns out it was a U.F.O. episode instead
- some poems by Spectre
- a list of fan clubs
Issue 13
Issue 14
Issue 15
Issue 16
Issue 17
1981 (October)
This issue contains 33 pages.
A fan asks others for a favor:
Does any member have possession of a centre-lathe, where moulds of either wood or metal can be made for heat pressing polystyrene into shape? Thus leading to a model of the Enterprise the same size as the Franz Joseph Blue Prints, which for model nuts works out at just on 1/360th scale, or thereabouts or 1 inch equals 31ft 6in approximately.
A fan demonstrates just how hard fans had to work for basic information before the internet:
Can anyone please let me know ALL the 'Outer Limits' episodes that have been shown, I have missed a few of them and would like to know which ones. I've wrote to the Beeb but they haven't replied.
- Committee Letters (from Dot, Keith Jackson, and Margaret Winks) (2)
- Diary Dates (con information for Scousecon, Shore Leave, U.F.P. Con, Galileo Con, Sol III, Fanderson Con, The Leonard Nimoy Convention -- also a mention that June 1982 there will be an Empathy Day Out.) (3)
- Book Reviews (4)
- The Entropy Effect, see that page
- Death's Angel
- Letter from Gene Roddenberry, see I cannot imagine who or what gave you the idea that I want to kill off Mr. Spock of STAR TREK. -- "GR:ss" ("Dear Friends: I cannot imagine what gave you the idea that I have anything to do with the idea of killing off Mr. Spock of STAR TREK. The truth is that I am doing everything in my power to prevent it. In fact, during the first STAR TREK movie, I fought the same battle to save Bill Shatner's character of Captain Kirk which some people believed to be "too old" for the movie leading man. As you know, we won that fight, and Shatner stayed with the movie. I doubt that Spock can be saved that easily.") (5)
- Stop Presses: UFP Con ("At last the news you have all been waiting for.' We are pleased to announce (but not half as pleased as you're going to be - we hope) that the special guest for our con will be WILLIAM SHATNER accompanied by Marcy Shatner and Sonni Cooper. We must make clear that there can be no guarantee of Bill's appearance? he is after all an actor whose schedule is variable. But Bill says "he fully intends to be there" and that he is very much looking forward to his first British Star Trek con!") ((5)
- Personnel Log (Offers congratulations to D.C. Fontana upon her marriage to Dennis J. Skotak, some news bits about fans, a fan birthday list, want ads for items including fan who wants audio cassettes of Blake's 7 episodes but not any for the 4th season, a fan who wants an audio tape of Mark Lenard's talk at Aucon, more) (6)
- Member's Letters (one takes a previous letter to task on social issues, another is angry that one of their belongings was defaced and ruined at Starcon, (8)
- S.T. Clubs (8)
- Of Jodrell Bank and Other Things (several fan reports of the Empathy Day Out on June 19-20, 1981 (11)
- The Tribble Report (unclear what this is: meta? many gibberish in-jokes) (15)
- Aucon, con reports (17)
- Tribble Report—Mark II (unclear what this is: meta? many gibberish in-jokes) (20)
- In Halifax No-one Can Hear You Scream? (unclear what this is: meta? many gibberish in-jokes) (24)
- Starcon: A Few personal Impressions by Sue Meek (27)
- Spock - To Be or Not to Be? (commentary on Gene Roddenberry, rumors about Spock being killed off in the next film, encouragement for fans to write letters of protest to Paramount and Gulf Western Corporation, but NOT TO Roddenberry and Nimoy: "But PLEASE leave Gene and Leonard alone - I'm sure they know how we all, feel without writing to them!") (28)
- Buck Rogers (appeal to fans to write letters to save the show) (20)
- Sales List (zines for sale) (30)
- Book Shoppe (addresses of science fiction book shops in the UK and Scotland) (31)
1982 (Spring-March)
It contains 26 pages.
There is a scold in this issue regarding fans' poor behavior at cons:
Although I stopped helping to run conventions a couple of years ago, I've kept on going to them and even though there is only a limited view from sales tables or even as an attendee, there are certain trends appearing that I don't much care for.
Let's get one thing straight - this is a collective appraisal and not aimed at any specific con, last month or last year. It is just that in the early days of '76, there was none of the vandalism and sheer bad manners now creeping into con life. High jinks, slight insanity, yes - but now there has been a door kicked in. Tomato sauce squirted in a lift and on walls. Malicious papers, anonymously scattered about people I know and care about or don't know but still care that it can happen to them. Attendees (first time and I hope last time) asking for 'uppers', chicken bones thrown into urinals.
Now, what people do in their own homes is no concern of mine, and I'm not even bothered how they conduct themselves outside, as long as it doesn't bother me or mine. But at a con, either in the hotel or even wondering around outside, there should be certain standards - moral or civilised - which have to be kept for everyone's sake. If things keep going the way they are, then the hotels are not going to want us back, even if they need the business. There will be bad publicity and all fandom - Trek, media, s.f., all will suffer. That is something that cannot be allowed to happen. It can only be a few people to blame for the incidents I have mentioned and those I have not. I admit that I have not done all I might in the past but I do intend to do now, doing whatever I can and using whatever influence I have. I'd like to think I have your support.
And one day in the future, there will he a con where everyone will know everyone, they will all be friends, there will be happiness and laughter, and we will want to do it again. Why I could even come out of 'retirement' to help with it! -- Keith Jackson
- Committee Letters (short comments by Dot and Keith) (3)
- A Letter from Sue Toher and Fran Ball ("Due to health problems we are having to close 'Beyond Antares'. We will cease publishing newsletters and zines as of 1st April 1982. Our sincere thanks to everyone for their support in the past.") (2)
- Diary Dates (con announcements) (3)
- Empathy Day Out ("June 19th 1982 - As always we will have a private coach and thisyear we are going to Flamingoland. According to the write up it should be a good day out, there's plenty for everyone, fairground, zoo, haunted castle, river cruise? (should be a cross between Alton Towers and Dayton Manor Park) and a pub on the grounds. We will of course be stopping off for a drink on the way back and as it is also my ??? birthday I plan to have free liquid refreshments on the coach Not a lot but for those of you staying over we can have a bit of a party when we get home. I think coach fare will be around £4.00." -- Pick ups in Halifax, Bradford, and Leeds.) (3)
- Regarding an Amicable Split ("Since Starcon, Fantasimports and Counter Earth are no longer working together and have both gone their separate ways as dealers. The separation was mutual and amicable. Since this event, it has been brought to Counter Earth's and Fantasimports' attention that certain rumours about the split up are being spread by parties unknown. We would like the person or persons concerned to take their gossip else where and to please mind their own business, unless that person/persons knows more than we do - and if that is the case, please put it in writing and put your name to it. [...] Thank you, Tony Kinder and Dave Baber") (4)
- Paramount Pictures Corporation News Release (a press release about the upcoming film, The Wrath of Khan) (5)
- Info from STAR TREK 2 - THE MOVIE FAN CLUB - "STAR TREK II UPDATE" Newsletter 23 ("All above info supplied by Janet Quarton.") (6)
- Bookshoppe (a list of UK science fiction book stores) (6)
- Personnel Log (shout-outs to fan about their new babies, their weddings, new addresses, includes "congratulations to KEITH on passing his driving test. It will be much easier for him to come across and collect zines for orders etc. And that isn't meant selfishly...for a while now he has collected a case and bags of zines and taken them by bus or train to Pudsey and anyone who has carried even one bag full of zines knows just how heavy they can be.") (7)
- Member's Letters (one praises the newsletter as being a friendly publication, one is by Keith scolding fans for their poor behavior at conventions, and one very long open letter from Sue Trent apologizing very, very profusely for something bad (and unspecified) that happened at a fan gathering for her birthday) (8)
- Wanted & For Sale and Zine Ads (10)
- Empathy Halloween Gathering, a description of this fan event (13)
- The Trouble with Doubles, or even "The Enemy With-Gin" - A New Empathy Column by Chris Hinchley (gossip and chat) (15)
- The Critic on the Edge of the Drag's Bar - Postscript (description and review of 'The War Game,' a film made by the BBC in the early 1960's, a documentary/true-life drama on the effects of a nuclear strike on Britain in the 1960's. - "Please actively protest [nuclear arms] - this is an issue infinitely more important than I.D.I.C. K/S, and Spock's death. For God's sake, this is for real!! And I don't want to die because of the apathy of any single person out there, fan or otherwise. We've all sat on our backsides watching re-runs and reading STARLOG for long enough. Like it or not there's a real world and a real threat out there - and hiding in a costume at the next convention isn't going to do a damned thing to help! Let's get to it - now.") (17)
- British Fan Clubs (list) (18)
- All About Us (19)
- All About Me (Trish) (bio of a fan) (20)
- All About Me (Trib) (weird, scattered thing) (21)
- Sol III Letter by Lee Owers on behalf of the con committee (topic is rumors, backbiting, gossip about Sol III and Rog Peyton's involvement - Dot Owen responds with "The above letter is yet another reply to the backbiting, rumours of doubtful taste, and petty bickering that has crept into fandom lately. It has certainly, over the last six month or so been 'get Rog time'.") (24)
- Far Reaching Recession, poem by E.G. (25)
1983 (June, July, August)
It contains 23 pages.
President: Carol Keogh, Executive Assistant: Keith Jackson
"As you know from the last Newsheet, Dot has had to give up the club due to ill health - but never fear, Carol is here!!!"
Sorry there was no fiction or poetry in the News letter. This is actually all YOUR fault! I haven't got any. You didn't send me any. So come on, get writing - or else I'll put some of my stuff in the next NL, and then you'll really be sorry!!!
- comments about transfer of club leadership from Dot Owens to Carol Keogh (Keith Jackson continues in his previous duties)
- remarks by Carol
- remarks by Keith
- remarks by Dot
- Convention News (includes: 'Just William' - a mini con for fans of William Shatner, to be held at the Ashcroft Hotel, York. 18, 19, 20th November 1983. For information/registration forms, please send SASE to Ms. Lesley A. Wood, Falhouse Lane, Whitley, West Yorkshire.")
- news about the upcoming Star Trek film from Starlog, Nimoy will be directing (includes: "Locations have not yet been settled for the film. It is just possible that some of the shooting may be done in England. Does anyone out there have access to either Pinewood or Elstree? As I say, there is JUST a possibility that some of the work may be done here, so let's all keep our ears to the ground on this one.")
- Stansted Air Show - Guest of Honour: The Shuttlecraft Enterprise, report by Marion Breeze on this June 1983 event (Marion took photos of it, and they are included in a montage in this issue)
- list of new Star Trek pro novels being published (planned releases for next year: The Final Reflection by John M. Ford, The Wounded Sky by Diane Duane, Carona by Greg Bear, The Trellisane Confrontation by David Dvorkin, and Spock's Guide to the Planet Vulcan by Myrna Culbreath and Sondra Marshak)
- news that a home videotape of Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan is supposedly available for special price of $39.95 - "by current exchange rates, that should mean that the British version (if they carry the special price over to this country) should retail at around £25-30. Has anyone seen them in the shops yet?"
- con report by Kate Davies for Sol III, see that page
- Weekend in the Sun: or Down to Earth at Sol III, con report by Lynne Muir, see that page
- zine ads
- planning the Empathy Halloween Get-Together
- info about the next London Plus Group gatherings
- All About Me: Patricia Hayes
- A Little Speculation on the Story of "Star Trek III", very detailed essay by Catherine Knowles about Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan and what will happen in it
- Empathy Zine List (the club's publications)
- Carol adds "Thank you, to Dot, for everything; and after EmpathicCon II, you are going to organise EmpathicCon III, aren't you!?!?"
From the lengthy editorial, I was conscripted!, by Carol:
you may have noticed that there is something a little different about your Newsletter. No, you don't need to get your eyes checked, the NL has shrunk. I have gone in for photoreduction since this allows me-to save on paper and postage and still manage to get as much into the NL as previously. BUT this is an experiment only. I f you prefer to have your NL full size, I will go back to the larger format. It is up to you to decide - so don't just sit there and be a silent majority. Trekkers are supposed to be do-ers, not sitters!
From Dot Owens:
Write a letter for the Newsletter, Dot." So said Carol, thus getting her own back for the number of times I've used the same words to her. I did try to get out of it, but she reckons I should keep in touch, even though I'm no longer in the "Captain's Chair".Firstly, my thanks to all of you who have either written to me, or told me personally that I have your good wishes, and in many cases your prayers for the future. They are much appreciated. I have always considered that I was lucky to have made so many friends in fandom, but only over the last couple of months have I found out just how good my friends are.
I think by now everyone knows the "health reasons" given for handing over the presidency of the Club.
Despite not having been too well for some time, and knowing there was something wrong, it really came as a shock to be told I had cancer and there was nothing they could do. I don't think I had truly thought of that - in most people's minds it is the kind of thing that happens to others, not yourself.
Still, I am not doing too badly at the moment and I shall be at "Triple Cee and look forward to having a chat with some of you. I also hope I shall still be fit enough to get to EmpathicCon II in February - I'm certainly planning on being there.[1], though I doubt anyone will see me dashing about much. After that - well, we shall just have to wait and see. [2]
Anyway, I hope you will give Carol the same support you have given me over the last eight years. I think she will make a good President and run a good club - she's even made me an Honorary Member, so I shall still be putting in my 'two-pennyworth' for as long as possible.
I shall now have more free time, so if anyone feels like dropping me a few lines I'd love to hear from you - it will seem strange to have time to write personal letters again, but I shall enjoy doing so.
Hope to see some of you at "Triple C" and have a chat. Till next time.
Shalom, Dot.
From the editor:
(Dot, if our prayers have anything to do with it, you'll live to be ninety. Keep fighting.) Well, for those of you who were worrying about what is happening to EmpathicCon II, worry no more. SuperDot is still taking care of this. Registrations should continue to go to Keith, and enquiries to SuperDot. The Con IS GOING AHEAD AS PLANNED. So, those of you who haven't registered for what is going to be the BEST Convention in the universe, never mind the best this country has ever seen, I strongly urge you to do so now! It is going to be incredible, fantastic, magnificent! and that's only the guests, loyal fans...!
Comments on the uncut Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and cost and availability of videocassettes:
Loyal fans, if you are standing up, sit down. If there are any breakable objects within reach, remove them. Star Trek - The Motion Picture was shown in the States on ABC TV on the 20th February this year, with an additional 15 minutes of footage that was not used in the theatre version. I am told that this made the story much better, less Vejur, and "more like REAL Star Trek".
As the film is now old enough to be shown on the box, perhaps it is time we started writing to dear old Aunty Beeb, and ask them when they are going to show it?
Also, this TV version of ST-TMP has been released in the States on video as a "Special Edition - Star Trek: The Motion Picture" at a price of $39.95. (If Paramount keep cutting the price like this they may - eventually - put the pirates out of business. I don't know about you, loyal fans, but I'd rather have a good copy for £30 than a grotty copy for £10. And maybe the prices will come down even more? After all, when I first started buying video tapes, they were £10 per three hour tape, now they cost £5.75.)
Some info about a science fiction pub in London:
The One Tun. for those of you '"ho are unfamiliar with the One Tun, this is a science fiction pub in London, which is held on the first ThursdaY of every month at the One Tun, 125 Saffron Hill, London ECI (just across the road from Farringdon Underground station) Like any pub, it is open to all comers. Apart from 'straight' SF fans, there a re various groups from Star Trek, Blakes 7, Dr. Who, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica fandom who are usually in attendance. If you are in the area why not drop in? The next One Tun session is on Thursday 4th August. Also, the barman is acquainted with the recipe for a "Spock's Coffin", but I don't think there will be room for you to drink it in the prescribed manner.
A request about slides:
Needed, not urgently. Some nice, kind, methodical patient person, who can help classify the Empathy Slide Collection. I have an awful lot of slides from ST/Cons/events, which need to be sorted and catalogued for future use. Any takers? This is a very long job.
Wanted desperately. Slides from Star Trek - The Wrath of Khan. I am trying to set up a slide show entitled "Star Struck - The Wreck of Khan" but I NEED SLIDES FROM THE FILM! If anyone has slides, I urn really interested in buying copies - Carol
1983/1984 Winter
This issue was published in Dec/Jan/Feb (the editorial was written in December) and contains 58 pages.
From the editorial by Carol, who writes it as a letter to herself:
Oh, and don't forget to lecture them about apathy again. Do you realise you only had ONE entry for last month's fiction contest? It just isn't good enough. Don't just sit there, DO something. That's what you should be telling them. Well? Get on with it!
(Is there anything in this universe worse than a nagging conscience, loyal fans? If there is, PLEASE don't tell me about it.)
From the editorial by Carol, some news about Dot Owens:
Unfortunately, there is no letter from Dot this month, as she is not feeling very well. However, she has asked me to pass on her thanks to all of you who chipped in towards the colour portable TV with remote control that was bought for her for Christmas (and delivered at the beginning of December!). Now that she is spending most of her time in bed, and has difficulty in moving about, the remote control is very useful to her. A BIG thank you to everyone who help ed buy it.
From the editorial by Keith:
I hope everyone saw the Dr. Who Special. A Delight to the eyes - Patrick Troughton brought back some wonderful memories of possibly the best ever Doctor character (my personal opinion), Jon Pertwee seemed slightly subdued but still flamboyant, and Richard Hurndall was an excellent "look alike" to capture the essence of William Hartnell's Doctor. A pity Tom Baker was unable to partake more fully in this celebration. You will, of course, have a chance to see this episode
- (episode?!?! - It was an hour and a half long! CAROL).
- Editorial by Carol (1)
- Editorial by Keith (2)
- EmpathicCon II update ("Everything so far seems to be going fairly well. The hotel is starting to fill up now and the possibility of an over-flow hotel is now a probability. Anyone who wants t:o stay at the Con hotel, the Centre, should register as soon as possible. The Overflow hotel will be as close as we can arrange and of course there will be night patrols by stewards to escort groups back.... Just a reminder too, that amongst the many competitions is the fancy dress, the first ever at any con to have a theme: Heroes and Villains. There will also be a "cocktail" hour for those staying the Sunday night and we now have TWO rooms to use for videos.... PS. There may be an additional mystery guest! If you want to find out who it is, come to the can.") (2)
- The Business Meeting Debate (MUCH debate about conventions and the topic of business meetings ) (4)
- Star Trek III (info and press releases about the upcoming Star Trek film, The Search for Spock) (7)
- T.J. Hooker, review of the series (9)
- The "Sourrilous" Gossip Column ("STAR TREK III - more juicy gossip from the set. Apparently, the latest victim of the "Who shall we kill this episode?" school of ST films, is supposed to be the USS Enterprise herself! The rumour goes that the ship is destroyed in a battle with a Klingon ship in orbit around the Genesis Planet after they have rescued Spock, naturally. There are also rumours of David Marcus joining the Starfleet, Kirk having an 'affair' with Saavik (!!!) Yuk! The 'Star' part in this film is apparently McCoy's. Kirk was the main feature in the last film, so now it's Bones' turn. And also, Leonard Nimoy has been quoted as saying that the other ST actors will also get bigger parts in the film. Whether this is true, remains to be seen.")
- Empathy Day Out (some info about the next ones: one in London in April and another one to Scarborough in June. It includes a historic walk in Temple, going to the Edgar Wallace Pub for a spot of lunch, a "walk down the Strand to visit Trafalgar square, Lord Nelson, and his man-eating pigeons. Should we survive the pigeons (or should they survive us!) we will then walk up Charing Cross Road to descend upon the "FORBIDDEN PLANET" Bookshop," then a visit to Planetarium and Madame Tussauds... [3]) (10)
- Empathy Guy Fawkes Party (long report) (11)
- an extensive flyer for Santacon (13)
- an extensive flyer for a four-story zine ("Hijacked," "Hostage," "Marooned" and "Escape") called Travel and High Adventure (original science fiction fusion with Star Trek: TOS, fiction by Millie Fabricius, art by Caryl Sibbett and Linda McGrath) (14)
- zines and other items for sale (including "BRUCE HYDE ENTERTAINS - a Beautiful audio tape exclusive to TREK-ON. Bruce Hyde (Lieutenant Kevin Riley) entertains you on this lovely country and western tape, which he has made available exclusively to TREK-ON. All the songs (apart from "Kathleen" which he sings in unmistakable Riley style) have been written, composed and sung by Bruce, and are really superb. The tape includes songs he performed at MIDCON, and some are brand new. "Looking For Love", "All That Is Gold" and the very beautiful "Dream Me Home Tonight". All are songs you will love. In fact, if you enjoy good music and believe in IDIC, this tape is for you.") (15)
- Con and Zine info (17)
- Fan Birthdays (18)
- art: Dalek (19)
- review of The Entropy Effect, see that page (20)
- two short reviews of "Star Trek Short Stories" (20)
- review of USS Enterprise Officer's Manual by Geoff Mandel (21)
- review of Starfleet Classified Files (21)
- letter from Olive Mount Hospital thanking fans for their donation of £185 (22)
- Close Encounters of the Ford Kind, essay by Dianne Smith on meeting Harrison Ford on August 24, 1983 at Elstree Studios (topic is her art exhibitions, commissions, asking Harrison Ford to sign one of her portraits of him, and to give him one of hers) (23)
- Krud Reporting, humorous fictional essay that is Klingon-based (27)
- a flyer for "Hollywood Historic Trust" (Hollywood Walk of Fame), reprinted from Spotlight on Leonard Nimoy, shilling for a star for Nimoy ("To be honoured with a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame, the World's most famous sidewalk, is a tribute as coveted as any of the entertainment industry's equally prestigious awards - including the Oscar, Emmy or Grammy.") (28)
- Medianews #2 (this appears to be an 8-page supplement about shows and movies in the UK, has some fanwork elements)
- more ads and cons (30)
- Galacticon (UK), con report by The Mad Gremlin, see that page (31)
- Triple C Con, con report by Wendy Wooton, see that page (34)
- a flyer for Galacticon '84 (37)
- Galacticon financial statement (38)
- The Logical Conclusion, fiction by Barbara Gill (winner of the contest in the June/July issue) (39)
- Word Find (46)
- Something Fishy Going On, fiction by "Cike Mollins" (aka Mike Collins) (47)
- The Great Emptiness, poem by C. McCarthy (53)
- Empathy Sales List (54)
- portrait of Scotty by Wendy Wooton (56)
- 2 Registration Flyers for EmpathicCon II (57)
1985 (January, February)
It contains 104 pages.
The Empathy Mini-Con has been delayed due to bad weather; the locale it’s usually been at wants to charge the club £8 an hour heating surcharge. Instead there will be a gathering at “Star 1” (which is apparently the editor Carol’s house) on Saturday March 16 starting at 10 am and going until lunch the next day:
There will be videos to watch, other fans to talk to, food and drink, and just a little bit of “club work” to be helping with…! The cost is just 50p which will go towards the food. If you would like to stay overnight, please bring a sleeping bag, and let me know in advance…. You’ll know you’re in the right place because I have STAR 1 nailed on the door.
The other editor, Keith, has a short con report for SantaCon. He also says:
[We] won’t be at either of the main Trek cons this year; the costs are so high and we are not feeling quite as thrilled or happy with such cons as we used to be. Perhaps it’s old age, or cynicism; in any event, we’re taking a sabbatical year off… We hope to visit a few of the smaller cons such as SantaCon and Mythcon in 1984.[4] A refreshing change and a chance to meet new friends; and that’s what it’s all about!
There was an ad for a cassette tape:
BRUCE HYDE ENTERTAINS - a Beautiful audio tape exclusive to TREK-ON. Bruce Hyde (Lieutenant Kevin Riley) entertains you on this lovely country and western tape, which he has made available exclusively to TREK-ON. All the songs (apart from "Kathleen" which he sings in unmistakable Riley style) have been written, composed and sung by Bruce, and are really superb. The tape includes songs he performed at MIDCON, and some are brand new. "Looking For Love", "All That Is Gold" and the very beautiful "Dream Me Home Tonight". All are songs you will love. In fact, if you enjoy good music and believe in IDIC, this tape is for you.
There is MUCH debate about "official" Star Trek conventions and smaller Star Trek cons. The editor wrote:
EMPATHY will be having a sales table at both [the upcoming] MIDCONS, and I look forward to seeing many of you at one or both. On the convention side again, one other piece of news I have regards Empathy's presence at Star Trek conventions. As Keith has said, he and Sue are taking a year's sabbatical from cons. I have also decided that I have had enough of the bitching and general unpleasantness surrounding official conventions. After SOL III, EMPATHY will no longer be present at any future official conventions, either in the context of a club meeting, advertising or sales table. I'm sorry if this upsets any of you who do go to and enjoy the official conventions, but I feel it would be hypocritical for me to attend something I actively do not approve of. In effect, I'm voting with my feet. The club will continue to advertise the official cons, but apart for that nothing more. I have had enough of the whole sick and sorry mess, and after SOL III I intend to put "officialdom" behind me and go back to the small friendly cons that I've always believed were the real spirit of Trek fandom. I want to go to cons where I can meet friends, make friends, and enjoy the warmth and companionship and HOPE that I always thought Star Trek fandom was all about. I know it exists. I'm going to find it again - if I can.
a reprint of an article from "Variety" about Gene Roddenberry's Hollywood Walk of Fame Star with an accompanying letter by Susan Sackett asking for money that she has already spent:
Dear Friends. At last—the dream is coming true! When I submitted Gene's name in nomination for a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame almost a year ago, I was told that there would be a long wait. Therefore, I vowed that I would personally put up the $3,000 needed if his Star were approved before I had a chance to collect from his fans. Now it seems a virtual certainty that Gene Will be receiving his well-deserved Star some time in 1985. We're all aware that without Gene Roddenberry there would have been NO STAR TREK, no Mr. Spock, no Captain Kirk, no USS Enterprise. His mind created the spark that ignited life in our beloved programme and its characters. NOW IS THE TIME TO SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION! Let's get behind Gene's own Star Trek! If only 3000 fans each send $1.00, we'll have the full cost of his Star. Please be sure to include your name and address with any contribution you send. This is important for two reasons. When Gene receives his Star, we'll be giving him a giant card with the names of all donors on it. Also, in the remote chance that the Star is not approved (not likely, however), we will want to return your money. Any money collected in excess of the $3.000 will be donated to a charity of Gene's choosing. And once the $3.000 goal is reached, we'll be sending out the word. Please send your contributions (payable to GR STAR) to: GR STAR P.O. Box 3168 North Hollywood California 91609 U.S.A. With thanks and appreciation for your help. Live Long and Prosper! Susan Sackett. Assistant to Gene Roddenberry. (Donations can be made in Sterling, but please remember that a proportion will be used to convert the currency)
- a review of the zine Emanon #21, see that page
- a review the zine The Bargain, see that page
- Support Your Local Conventions in 1985, an open letter by Paul Rowe that was sent to "all clubs," see that page for this letter, as well as excerpts from many long fan responses
- A review of the episode "Plato's Stepchildren" by a fan who's just seen it for the first time. This episode was one of the The Four Banned Star Trek Episodes in the UK.
- a review of the pro book The Vulcan Academy Murders, see that page
- a review of the pro book "Uhura's Song" by Janet Kagan — the reviewer loves the book and at the end, asks: "P.S. You're not a pseudonym for Diane Duane or Ruth Berman by any chance...?"
- an article by Paul Duffy about the impractical size of the Enterprise's crew
- a brief overview of filks and filking, plus a review of four filk tapes: Storyteller by Anne Harlan Prather, Minus Ten and Counting by Leslie Fish, and Skybound by Leslie Fish, and Cold Iron by Leslie Fish
- a humorous accounting of the fan club's sales table success
- a con report that is half in English, half in French for Galileo Con #2, see that page
- a con report for the fourth Leonard Nimoy Convention, see that page
- There are two reprinted con reports for the 1976 TerraCon. One is by Lynne Keating and June Nicholson. The other one is by Helen McCarthy.
- list of fan birthdays
- a pen pal list
- list of cons, things for sale, fan clubs
- some fan letters, most talking about their opinions on conventions
- The Search, fiction by Cilla Further and Sylvia Billings
- Today Can't Happen (Or, Friday 13th!), fiction by M. Cowell
- Those Holiday Happenings, fiction by M. Cowell
- Nearly Didn't Win the Race, fiction by Ness Buttimer
1985 (March, April, May)
It contains 100 pages.
1985 (June, July, August)
1985 (September, October, November)
1986 (Winter/Spring - No. 1)
It was published Winter/Spring of 1986 and contains 120 pages.
It may be v.6 n.1.
The newsletter starts with a very angry letter by the club president and newsletter editor, Carol. It is about her disappointment and impatiance about fellow fans and club members. A very different open letter by Carol three years previously was I was conscripted! which Carol wrote when taking over club and newsletter duties from Dot Owens.
Carol's remarks:
This newsletter is late again. I know it should have been out two weeks ago.
The reason for its delay is explained in full on page three. To put it bluntly, TERRACON is cancelled.
I deliberately held back the publication of this newsletter to include a formal statement for the Committee of TERRACON reasons for the cancellation.
It is grim reading.
I would like to be able to start this newsletter more happily but the circumstances foreshadowing Star Trek fandom in this country have put a damper on my mood.
At this particular moment in time I am even considering if it is worthwhile continuing with the existence of this club.
It would appear that the apathy I have so often complained about is more extensive than even I had thought possible. Very well, if you don't want a fan club, please let me know. I will refund whatever percentage of your membership still remains, and close the club down. I am tired of fighting battles for people who seem not to care. I am tired of stupid and thoughtless people harming a fandom that I have grown up with and love very much. There was a time when I thought that belonging to Star Trek fandom was the most wonderful thing that could happen to me. The last few months have shaken that belief. If you don’t care enough about Star Trek in this country to stand up and do something about all the bitching, fighting and unpleasantness; if you don’t care enough to contribute to the nice fat newsletter you expect to receive every few months, then I am wasting my time.
Speak to me. COMMUNICATE. I know it's difficult. It actually means getting up off your backsides and CARING.
But if you don't care, then Empathy really is better off dead.
<I wrote the above this morning at 8am. It is now 2pm, and I have cooled down somewhat. What I have written above is unfair to those of you who have supported the club so loyally over the last 12 years. But the apathy does exist. Many, many members have never written in to contribute in any way to the club. If all you want to do is sit back and observe, pay your money and receive your newsletter, then choose another club to belong to: this club is better off without you.
To those of you who have contributed, my thanks. It is because of you that this club exists. It is FOR you that the club will continue to exist.
1986 (February - No. 2)
1986 (Summer/Winter No. 3)
published in the Summer/Winter of 1986
1986 (No. 4)
1986 (Supplemental)
1988 (Spring No. 1)
This issue contains 84 pages.
From the editor, Carol:
First of all, I must apolosise for tho almost non-existence of the club last year, and for my inability to answer mail and telephone calls. This was because ...
[much personal information redacted]
If you have heard any rumours that Empathy is folding, THEY ARE FALSE! The Club is alive and kicking!
Secondly, virtually all the club records have "gone missing". I also think, but cannot prove that a number of the address cards for members - my 'bible' for sending out the newsletters - have also "gone missing". On a head count, I seem to be missing some 40-60 cards. Therefore some 40-60'members are not getting their newsletters.
If any of your friends are members of Empathy, and have not received their newsletter, again, please ask them to get in touch. Please pass this message on to as many people as you can, so that if possible no one loses out as a result of last year's problems.
With the club records gone, I cannot tell for certain who has/has not asked to go on the Pen Pal Listings, sent in adverts, offered tb help with the club etc. and in many cases, I cannot even be certain who has paid or is due to pay for renewal of their membership to the club.
I have tried to reconstruct the membership listing as well as I can, but I am bound to have made mistakes. In order to try and sort everything out, I am enclosing with this newsletter a new Empathy Membership Form, which I would be very grateful if you could fill out and send back to me so that I can rebuild the club records.
And now for a welcome to Empathy to Jackie Roe. Jackie gave me a lot of help last year, even to "liberating" my duplicator from St Mary's Road, and working very hard to get a newsletter out to all of you. Since she has expressed an interest in "helping" with the club, Jackie is now joining us us a sort of "Club Secretary." Jackie will be dealing with Admin, Pen Pal listings and renewals, giving me more time to spend playing- er, typing up the newsletters.
As always, Keith will be dealing with the zine side of the club (the side that pays for the Newsletters!), and we have a few new zines for you to buy this time around, and another couple due out in September. I hope you'll all enjoy them.
From Jackie:
So much has been happening in Star Trek since the last time a newsletter was put out that it is hard to know where to begin. The bad news about The New Generation is that the BBC won't be able to show it until 1991.
The good news is that the series is being made available on CIC Video at roughly eight week intervals with two episodes per tape. We would like to hear your views if you've seen them - love them or hate them, the New Generation are here!
From Keith:
It seems a long time since I wrote one of these letters - and it is, too. I also seem to recall that I made mention of "The New Generation" the last time, unless that letter was never published.
In any event, whether you like of dislike TNG, the fact remains that it has been a commercial success with a second season already having been bought. To be honest, the only reason why anyone could object is that is it not the original ST as we saw it. The characters are interesting enough and given good scripts there is nothing to prevent a full 5 year mission or longer.
I would also respectfully draw attention to the original series pilot, "The Cage", and the promotion blurb of a "wagon train to the stars". What we have here in TNG is a Star Trek closer to Gene Roddenberry's concept than anything before, even the pilots. Having seen only a few episodes so far, I'm very happy to wait and watch its quality and strengths emerge, eliminating the few weaknesses it has.
About the Titan pro Star Trek editions:
MOST of you will have noticed that the new ST books are being published in this country by TITAN BOOKS under an agreement with POCKET BOOKS in the USA. If you have seen the American editions of these books, you will also have noticed that the TITAN versions are not as good. The covers are straight copies of the Pocket Book versions, but not as well printed, and lacking all the additional artwork/goldwork of the American versions. THEY ARE ALSO MORE EXPENSIVE!"'(£2.99+). If you can get the American versions, do so. They are.cheaper, and better packaged than these English versions.
From the long interview transcript:
Patrick Stewart: Two weeks ago I attended my first convention. You know, the enthusiasts have conventions? This was in fact a science fiction convention, and I was exposed to somewhere in excess of 3,000 people live in the ballroom of a hotel in Denver, and it gave me just one glimpse of what it might be like to be Sting, or someone like that.[...]
I think [I can walk down a street without being accosted], probably more safely that I could before. In that,if anything were to happen to me, I would be surrounded by protectors. But, it's - I do attract attention, but its polite, courteous and complimentary attention — and that's very nice.
[Wogan adds]: "But otherwise you could take your phaser out and zap them!
- Editorial by Cathy
- Editorial by Jackie
- Editorial by Keith
- Zines For Sale by Empathy Publications (5)
- Star Trek: The Next Generation ("It kicked off in the States last Autumn, and was an immediate hit. (It will not be shown over here on the BBC until 1991 - typical!) It has been picking up nearly 50% of the total viewing audience, which is apparently VERY high in ratings terms. The show was networked to about 99% of all TV stations Stateside, and numerous foreign stations. The reason the BEEB aren't showing it until 1991 is that CIC are releasing the series over here in video format, and there is a viewing clause in their contract which forbids public broadcasting for the duration of the sales life of the videos (i.e. until they have released ALL the episodes, all 26 of them, in video format)." (7)
- New Books & Review (the review is of The IDIC Epidemic, see that page (8)
- reviews of the Star Trek: TNG episodes "Encounter at Farpoint," "Naked Now," and "Code of Honor" (quite long, includes "Variations in the uniform include a mini-skirt worn by both sexes. (I bet we won't see many guys at conventions wearing that version!) [5].") (10)
- Terry Wogan Interview with Patrick Stewart (AKA Captain Jean-Luc Picard, of the USS Enterprise) [6] (This is a transcript of something on television, as it begins with "Terry Wogan appears in a pool of light, wearing rubber ears!" In this interview, Stewart corrects Wogan about word choice - Wogan 'splains: "How did the Trekkies - you know these people who follow Star Trek in their thousands, and still go round in their outfits...." Part of Stewart's response: "I think they prefer to be called Trekkers, not Trekkies. I've been corrected about this several times. Trekkers.") (13)
- Enterprise, poem by Linda Norman (17)
- Fan Letters (many topics, mostly about Star Trek: TNG, one of them is a long essay by Sarah Berry, see I don't take Star Trek seriously. Why should we?) (18)
- a long description of seeing Star Trek: The Voyage Home during the 1987 Worldcon '87, "a.k.a. Conspiracy Con -- in Brighton" ("The film thoroughly deserved the standing ovation it received from the Worldcon crowd. I haven't seen an audience so behind anyone since Ripley went to war with the Aliens.") (23)
- Interview with George Takei at the Reading Hexagon, interviewers were Jackie Roe (and a bit by Diane Keneally who presented him with some fanart called "Sulu the Genie") (Takei was in Reading appearing in a Pantomime (with many Star Trek jokes) where he portrayed the Genie of the Lamp in Aladdin) (24)
- Aladdin, a review of the Panto by Jackie Roe (30)
- a filk to the tune of "Star Trekkin" (31)
- An Epitaph for the Enterprise, poem by Marion Smart (32)
- The Rise and Rise of Mr. Scott, filk by Michael A. Hather (possibly to the tune of "I'm a Lumberjack") (32)
- The Immortal, poem by Claire Jordan (33)
- Life on the Enterprise, poem by Alison Murphy (34)
- Seven Moons of Romance, fiction by Diane Keneally (35)
- illo of Spock, not credited (46)
- Bore Leave, fiction by Antonio Galea (inspired by Kiel Stuart's "Space Weeds" in Best of Trek #6 (Captain Jerk, Mr. Snot, Zulu, and Spock...) (47)
- Convention Announcements (84)
1988 (November/December 1988 - No. 2)
1988 (Supplemental)
1991 (No. 2)
- ^ "Despite Dot's hope of attending EmpathicCon II February 17-19, 1984, she did not, as Dot passed away on February 1, 1984."
- ^ Carol included this optimistic statement at the end of the newsletter: "Thank you, to Dot, for everything; and after EmpathicCon II, you are going to organise EmpathicCon III, aren't you!?!?"
- ^ Sign me up!
- ^ This is likely a typo, and he meant 1985.
- ^ If this was true, it would be a damn shame.
- ^ Fans in the UK hadn't seen any episodes, so it was important to explain who Patrick Stewart portrayed.