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You may be looking for Aukon, a Doctor Who zine.
Convention | |
Name: | Aucon |
Dates: | August 28–31, 1981 |
Frequency: | once |
Location: | England |
Type: | fan run, celebrity guests |
Focus: | Star Trek |
Organization: | |
Founder: | Jenny Elson, Janet Hunt |
Founding Date: | |
URL: | |
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Aucon was a one-time Star Trek: TOS con held in Coventry, England August 28–31, 1981.
It was the 12th of the The British Star Trek Conventions.
Guests of Honor were Nichelle Nichols, Mark Lenard, Grace Lee Whitney, and George Takei.
There was a writing contest, a masquerade, panels, and many other activities.
A Private Little Warvill, Private Enterprise #2, and Star Cluster are zines published in connection with this con. This list may include A Foot in the Door.
From the Convention Booklet
Aucon ‘81The 12th Official U.K. Star Trek Convention
- Held at the De Vere Hotel, Coventry
- 28-31st August 1981
- Guests: Nichelle Nichols, Mark Lenard, George Takei, Grace Lee Whitney.
- Con booklet designed, produced and printed by Mike Eason. All artwork by Mike Eason. Cover depicts Coventry Cathedral.
- Convention Charity: The British Diabetic Association.
- The Committee: Sylvia Billings; Lynn Campion; Dave Cox; Bob Cox; Mike Eason; Jenny Elson; Terry Elson; Cilla Futcher; Lynn Hartshorn; Janet Hunt; Judy Mortimore; Dorothy Rayson; Pat Walster.
Star Trek Fan Clubs:
- Star Trek Action Group – Janet Quarton, Scotland
- Star Trek Correspondence Club – Judy Mortimore, London
- Beyond Antares – Sue Toher, Hants
- Empathy – Dot Owens, West Yorks.
- Starship Excalibure – Shirley Lambard, Essex
- Grace Lee Whitney Fan Club – Richard Arnold, USA
- Nichelle Nichols, USA
- George Takei – Kathy Bayne, USA.
Thanks Go To:
Our Guests:
- Dr ‘Felix’ A. Burden, Consultant Physician, Leicester Royal Infirmary
- Rog Peyton, our fun auctioneer
- Bill Pyne, for the loan of the projectors and his invaluable help
- Tim Broadribb, the Projectionist
- John Taylor, Projectionist
- Arnold Perle, Deputy Manager of the De Vere, for all his help
- Sue Toher, for setting the questions for ‘Mastermind’
- The Trekkie Assassination Squad
- ‘Eridani’, and our other Carnival Night entertainers
- The British Diabetic Association (Leicester Group)
- Mike Young and helpers of the Scorpio Disco & P.A. services
- The Staff of the De Vere Hotel
- The Stewards for their magnificent job
- All who donated items for the charity raffle
- And especially to you, and the many we could not mention, for helping to make Aucon 81 a great convention. We thank you all.[1]
Con Reports and Fan Reaction
Aucon 81 - my very first Star Trek convention. On looking back a very special weekend that will remain long in my memory for the warmth and friendliness of the people who attended. If all the world were Star Trek fans what a different place it would be. It really began for me when I received a phone call asking me if I could meet Grace Lee Whitney at Gatwick Airport on Friday and see her on her way to Coventry. Could I ever!! and I cursed the lack of funds that prevented me from booking in for more than one night at the De Vere. I could have driven her up! However, counting my blessings, and with a stomach that insisted on doing continous somersaults I waited for her to come out of Customs. Would I recognise her? She was hardly likely to be wearing her Janice Rand hairdo and Starfleet uniform. After 3/4 hour of anxiously scanning faces, I had just about given up - and suddenly there she was, disco boots and all. The next hour was marvellous Grace Lee was charming, delightful and friendly; and looking so much younger and more glamourous than she did in the movie. It was almost unbelievable to be actually sitting and talking to some-one who had helped create the Star Trek legend. All too soon, I was waving goodbye to her, as she took the train to Coventry, but with a magical hour to remember and the con to look forward to, who could complain?
I arrived at the De Vere at 8.45 am and met up almost immediately with my penfriend and room mate. From then on the weekend took on the quality of a magical, marvellous dream-come true, meeting up with penfriends, old friends and new friends. The incredible warmth and happiness that was everywhere (even a trip in the lift was a reunion with new friends) and to find hundreds of people who felt as I did, instead of being thought a little (?) weird was like drinking heady wine. I think I was "high" all weekend on nothing more than the Star Trek atmosphere. And the guests!! It was an incredible feeling to actually see George Takei and Nichelle Nichols looking just as they did in the series and giving such wonderful rap sessions. Mark Lenard looking so tall and handsome without his alien makeup, and possessing a great sense of humour. Grace Lee Whitney, what can I say - glamour, talent and a personality and energy that came out and knocked you in the eye. Through it all other things are remembered; Grace Lee waving to me across the ballroom; having my feet tickled by Nichelle Nichols while having my photo taken with George Takei; watching the bloopers for the first time; and the second; and the third!! hearing Eridani sing "10" Tribble with a toothless grin; talking to Mark Lenard's wife; watching Star Trek episodes with other fans which doubles the enjoyment of any episode.
Then sitting in the bar with a group of friends realizing that for us the con was nearly over, we were approached by the Verger of Coventry Cathedral. He had heard that a Star Trek con was being held and having enjoyed Star Trek on TV was interested to hear what was going on. We told him... and how... about Star Trek fandom, about the beliefs and philosophy behind Star Trek and about the warmth and caring of everyone involved, I think we converted him. He is now a Star Trek fan. Could my first Star Trek con end on a happier note?Thank you all who worked so hard to make Aucon 81 happen.[2]
Unfortunately things remain a blur and my eyes are still propped open by matchsticks. My lasting impression, and it's a vague one, is of the complete relaxation and lack of embarrassment between all the attendees.
I suppose what you get out of a Con depends what you expect in the first place. I confess to feeling frequently like chickening out beforehand as I had arranged to boldly go on my own. I only knew a few other people, mainly Stewards and Committee and I did not anticipate seeing much of them. I had heard that folk were very friendly though, and this seemed to be confirmed by the first person I met who carried my suitcase all the way from the lift to my room for me on the night I arrived. Nearly everyone I came across always had time to exchange a few words.
I had been horrified to hear that zines had been sold in previous years for sums approaching thirty pounds. You can imagine that my blood positively ran cold when 'Spock Enslaved' fetched £105! I wonder if there shouldn't be some way of protecting the bidders from themselves. But I suppose the beneficiary wouldn't agree.
The accessibility of some of the guests astonished me. My impression was that they would lurk in their rooms for fear of being torn limb from limb. George Takei - what a super chap - was only too willing to mingle and strike up conversations with the fans. Mark Lenard also made himself available but I think people were so in awe of him - he has as much presence as Sarek himself - that all they could manage was, "Can I have your autograph/photo please?" before staggering off in a daze. In a way, I was glad that the celebrities weren't hounded, but maybe we British shouldn't be too reserved even to the exclusion of normal conversation with these people.
In their official performances all the guests excelled. George told us about the plot for the proposed movie and confirmed in a mysterious way that Spock would be killed off. (I shall believe it when I see it.) Nichelle Nichols spoke about her recruiting drive for NASA. I caught only the tail end of Grace Lee Whitney's hour but if she'd been carrying on like that for the entire hour she's got a lot of energy. I Lastly, Mark Lenard...well, he had us eating out of his hand (well, I was, weren't you?). I think if he'd said, "Stand on your heads" in Klingonese of course, we'd all have done it. Can he come again, please?
Of course, the guests' speeches and question and answer sessions would have been ruined if the sound system had not been so efficient and I would like to pass on my congratulations Mike Young & Co. A shame that the film shows were slightly less well organised. I lost count of how many times 'Alien' was cancelled and reinstated, and what happened to the episodes on Monday afternoon?
I have been asked for any critical comments I would like to make, but I really don't remember many things I felt were too disastrous. I was a little disappointed with the Art Show. The quality was excellent (especially the nude Spock by Roo) but the number of works on display was rather small. Surely we've got many more zine illustrators who could have contributed?
I had expected to see more things for sale in the dealers room in the way of IDICs and T-shirts etc, and was surprised to come across only the odd American zine (I suppose The Obsc'zine comes into that category.). People seemed to be only too glad to spend their money and I'm sure they would sell.
The business meeting put a damper on proceedings a little for me though I gather it was pleasant in comparison to the last Con's effort. Perhaps there is no way it can be held so as to not be mixed up with Con festivities, but shouldn't there be more than 120 out of 600 present if there is voting taking place? There were mutterings of complaint about the hotel at that meeting but I can't really concur. I didn't have to queue for one meal or drink and that has to be an achievement with 600 folk to cater for.
So, my main memories? The eighty-one year old lady with whom we chatted Spock, K/S, zines, and writing over dinner and drinks; the group Eridani and their delightful songs; the crazy hilarious conversations and the more philosophical discussions with old and new friends; Mark Lenard's speech; the world's most expensive zine (it is, isn't it?); the feeling of being 'home' and the sorrow that it all had to end plainly expressed on my friend's faces.
I had the time of my life and I'm already registered for Shore Leave! [3]
I first met George at Aucon '81 and was immediately struck "by his will ngness to talk to anyone and everyone, and his relaxed mood right through the weekend. I found the talks George gave at the Con. to be positively riveting and highly entertaining. He really involved the audience, and the excitement he exuded really rubbed off on to me. However, I do have one special memory of Aucon '81, (I'll never forget it as long as I live).In February 1981, I took up jogging. I mainly ran in quiet places, not really believing in my own ability, however, when Aucon arrived I decided I just had to join George and the rest of the runners on the Sunday morning run. I had had a special T-shirt printed with the words "Galileo Con '82, Newcastle" on the back, and at one point in the run, I overtook George while he was talking to another runner. Suddenly I heard George's voice boom out,"Galileo Con '82, Noocastle"! (I almost tripped up on the cobblestones!)
It was a terrific run and gave me so much confidence. Anyway, on the Sunday afternoon, during an autograph session, Pam Clarke (StarFleet Chairperson) asked if George would sign my book, while I photographed him. He immediately looked up and said, "Oh yes, I remember you, you're the running billboard!" Everyone laughed at that remark. It may interest you to know that I continued my running, and last September (1982), I ran my first full marathon. What else can I say about this terrific man?[4]
Mr. Lenard was intrigued by the whole idea of fandom, especially why. Why were we fans? Why did we write? Did we write that? Now, there were several young children still around, and this was 1981. So we lied valiantly. Of course we didn’t write that! Next morning, a small determined group located him and ‘confessed.’ He laughed hugely and hugged and kissed us all.[5]
I won best costume in the non Star Trek genre (Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy) and best overall costume at a Star Trek convention (Aucon 81, I think) and my trophy was presented to me by George Takei. I was a bit gobsmacked as my costume was done at the last minute and held together with carpet tape and staples.[6]
- ^ from Karracaz
- ^ from STAG #48
- ^ from Communicator #1
- ^ from G.H.T. Journal #3
- ^ from The K/S Press #6, 1997
- ^ from Zachary Quinto Official Site, posted February 3, 2010