Alnitah Mini-Con

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Also see Mini Con.

Name: Alnitah Mini-Con
Dates: June 5, 1976
Frequency: once
Location: Richmond, Surrey, England
Type: fan-run mini-con
Focus: Star Trek: TOS
Founding Date:
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Alnitah Mini-Con was held on June 5, 1976 in Richmond, England. The title of this con suggests that it was hosted by the editors of the zine, Alnitah.

Con Reports

Something highly emotional occurred in Richmond one Saturday; the Alnitah committee arranged a mini-con. Most ST/SF clubs were represented, and had sales tables -- Empathy, STAG, London Plus Group -- and sold everything from photos to tribbles to fanzines. (Have you read the Tribble Owner's Handbook? No? Well, you should. R.H. has been creating again). Various interesting films were shown during the day: Dracula's Wedding, Son of Dracula, Daughter of Frankenstein, Frankenstein's Son-in-Law Meets Dracula's Mother, etc. The highlight of the day was, of course, Bouncing Beth and her Bedfordshire Bumpkins - that is, if you like to be tortured slowly with rod hot needles, a rendering was given of The Captain's Lament, to the tune of Widdicombe Fair! The auction followed, ably organised by that "well-known" Canolian, [name redacted], and various fans bought ST things they had always wanted. Emotion was running high later when it was discovered that the bar was not open! It eventually opened ten minutes before "Them" was shown, a crawly SF epic about ants. L.N. appeared in this and there were no prizes for those who recognised him. Beth said you could find him by one special feature - no, not his nose! I know what feature; Last time I saw it, Beth grabbed an arm and screamed!! Was it a successful mini-con? I think so. It was certainly enjoyable and plenty happened. Most people saw what they wanted to see - and bought various things, and if nothing else, you could register for the Empathy con in October! [1]

Saturday found us up early, and on our way to the Civic Hall and the con. From the moment I entered to finally saying goodnight, the time was spent in greeting old friends, saying hello to penfriends I was meeting for the first time and enjoying myself. Believe me I did enjoy myself, I did a quick round of the sales tables and treat myself to something off each, the supply of 'zines, photo's, tribbles etc was very good.

As we entered we had been given a quiz form, the questions, photo's etc to identify were on the wall, some were reasonably easy - but the others - I failed to answer at least a third of them, the shame of it, I'll have to do some homework before I try anything like that again... Films included The Empath, Miri and a S.T. Blooper, also another Blooper mostly Westerns. Video tapes were shown and one amusing thing came during the Auction, half way through someone announced that Amok Time was just starting in the T.V. room - - you've never seen so many move so quick, in fact had someone shouted FIRE I don't the room would have cleared any faster.

Robin showed his slides of the Fashion Show and Fancy Dress from last years con, unfortunately the curtains let in a bit too much light to see them really clear, a minor point, and one that couldn't be helped.

Ann Looker obliged on the piano while Beth, Helen and Margaret sang an original song to the tune of Wyddicombe Fair. This was one of the things I enjoyed, something new and original, they gave us all a laugh and well deserved the applause the received....

There was a gorgeous poster of Spock being raffled, I kept fingers and toes crossed but no luck, still I did get a lovely photo, maybe they have another for TerraCon and I can try again. I left about 9PM still talking, and wandered back to Marion's, where the number of people there made it like a mini-mini-con.

All concerned in the organising put a great deal of work into it ,and they deserved the success it undoubtably was. Thanks for a lovely day, let me know when the next one is- - -somehow I'll be there.[2]


  1. ^ from STAG #19
  2. ^ from Empathy Newsletter #11