Tarriel Cell

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Title: Tarriel Cell
Publisher: O*R*A*C*, president: Joe Isham (until October 2000), then Joanne Madge
Type: newsletter
Date(s): January 1988 – Spring 2002
Frequency: bi-monthly until Fall of 2001, then quarterly
Medium: print
Fandom: Blake’s 7-focus until 1994, then many science fiction media fandoms after 1994
External Links: many issues online here
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Tarriel Cell was a gen club newsletter. It originally had a focus of Blake's 7 and was published by O*R*A*C. The initials stood for "Organized Response to Avon's Call." The newsletter was retitled "Organized Rebel Adventurers' Club" in 1994 when the club's focus shifted to include other science fiction media fandoms.

The electronic addresses provided in their volumes were also published on the O*R*A*C website on page Links mentioned in Tarriel Cell.

The newsletter was a bi-monthly (until 2001) newsletter with complete zine, fan club, merchandise, zine reviews, convention, bulletin board system, letterzine, etc. listings; series' analysis, news on show's actors; and more. In the first issue, it was noted that the newsletter was NOT soliciting fiction or poetry, but would publish puzzles and games if there was space.

In early issues, there was some evidence in the form of short letters that some of the Blake's 7 actors received the newsletter. In a 1992 issue, the Darrows wrote to ask that fanzines such as this cease to be sent to them, as they never had time to read them and these publications were stacking up in their home.

The club's charity was their local PBS station, KERA, to which they have donated money every year in hopes the television station would air Blake's 7 and other British television shows.

Beginning in 1991, the club attempted to launch a Blake's 7 zine titled "Transzendence". Despite submission requests over several years, this endeavor was not successful.

The newsletter was bi-monthly until Fall of 2001 when it went quarterly. The newsletter's editor was Joe Isham, who was succeeded by Joanne Madge in October 2000.

Name and focus change

From the October 1994 issue:

ORAC's change of life means expansion, not abandoment: If it were to happen to us personally, it might be called a midlife crisis. But ORAC is neither at midlife (we just turned 7; we'd be in second grade) nor at a crisis. We have come to recognize that we have more things in common than Blake's 7. And rather than push those interests aside in the name of adhering to a stagnating notion of "purity"- we have, by our vote in the recent elections, embraced those different interests. So, in the pages of Tarriel Cell, you can expect to see news and opinions on all manner of fandoms, both British and American. With the anticipated revival of Doctor Who comes the potential for more interest in other British science fiction series. And the forthcoming Star Trek: Voyager promises to continue Gene Roddenberry's legacy. But we promise we will not forget our roots as a Blake's 7 fan club. Blake's 7 is at once one of the most compelling, multilayered character studies ever presented on television, and a gripping action-adventure serial. It's too powerful to ignore. With the expansion of our emphasis to more fandoms, members felt it was time for a new meaning for the ORAC acronym. Originally "Organized Response to Avon's Call," ORAC has become known to most people by its acronym, and the underlying phrase became little more than a footnote on our stationery; even our official papers are in the name of ORAC. So, at the September meeting, the meaning of ORAC was changed to "Organized Rebel Adventurers' Club." But you can continue to call us ORAC. Meanwhile, why not write a letter to the editor about what you see in this issue? There are some new design touches and a new club logo."

Regular Features

form for "Dorian's Profile"

All issues contain:

  • "Peripherals" -- a detailed list of available zines, zine submission requests, videos and audio recordings for sale, various fan-made crafts for sale, and information about upcoming cons
  • "Forward Scan" -- upcoming club events
  • "Flight Log" -- meeting minutes

Some issues contain:

  • "Where to Write the Actor" -- addresses
  • "Dorian's Profile" -- fan mini-bios
  • "Hyperspace Beam" -- information about fandom online

V.1 N.1

Tarriel Cell 1 was published in January 1988 and contains 11 pages.

cover of v.1 n.1
  • online here
  • Standard by Denver by Sandy Williams, includes photos (transcript of excerpts of Paul Darrow's speech at Star Con Denver, September 26-7, 1987, Denver, CO) (It includes many topics including Darrow's comments about the last episode of the show, about his book Avon: A Terrible Aspect, why Jan Chappell left the show, about the cahracter Vila and Sevelean, and more) (1)
  • Ethernet, news bits compiled by Jean Lusky (3)
  • Event Queue (upcoming convention info, includes many cons that advertised Paul Darrow as a planned guest, of which he did not attend: Destiny; Omnicon VIII II; Mid-South Con VII, March 18-20, 1988, Memphis, TN (with Michael Keating); ORAC I) (4)
  • Personnel Dossier, tidbits compiled by Kathy Pryor about Blake's 7 stars (6)
  • a review by Paul Hamilton of Last Stand at the Edge of the World, see that page (6)
  • Blake's Challenge, article and photos, about Blake's 7 fans helping KERA-13 television channel's pledge drive on December 10, 1987, includes some commentary about a very rude host who said negative things about the show while on the air (7)
  • Bits and Bytes by Brenda Erwin, the zine's editor (She states the rules and mission of the zine, says: "NOTE: This is NOT a fanzine, and we are not necessarily soliciting fan fiction or poetry. Puzzles and games may be considered on a space-available basis.") (8)
  • the Darrow transcript continued (8)
  • Rebel Network, fan club info (11)
  • perhaps the meeting minutes for the October 4, 1987 meeting of ORAC ("Organized Response to Avon's Call")

From the Star Con Denver transcript:

PD: I had a number of favorite moments [in the show]. You’ve seen the entire series, I take it? Well ... I really enjoyed blowing Blake away! (Laughter) That was my idea. They said, "He’s going to come in and he’s going to be killed in the last episode." I said, "Who’s going to do it?” and they said, "Oh, we don’t know ... the Federation will bump him off or something ...” and I said ”Well now, I’d like to do it. It seems perfectly logical to me ... the only friend he's ever had.” So they said, "Oh, yes, all right.” Well, I was in quite a powerful position at the time, so they really couldn’t say no.

Q: I always thought it didn't make sense for Avon to kill Blake.

PD: It didn’t make sense for Avon to do it? Well, it seems perfectly logical to me. I - the thing is - Oscar Wilde once said that you always hurt the ones you love, I suppose ... and Avon had a great friendship with this man - WHY, God knows - but I think he'd got protective towards Blake and suddenly there’s this situation where he thought he'd betrayed him. I mean, it’s like, if you and I have a close relationship and I find out that you betrayed me, I would be a little upset... 1 think Avon, you see, just doesn't trust anybody ... and that he is a rather sad man. He has a kind of death- wish, really, because it was awful for him - I mean, all the women he ever loved betrayed him; so he killed them. He's quite happy to kill Vila. So it's rather sad. All he ever needed was the love of a good woman ...

V.1 N.2

Tarriel Cell 2 was published in March 1988 and contains 26 pages.

cover of v.1 n.2

V.1 N.3

Tarriel Cell 3 was published in June 1988 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.1 n.3

V.1 N.4

Tarriel Cell V.1 N.4 was published in August 1988.

V.1 N.5

Tarriel Cell V.1 N.5 was published in October 1988.

  • The Avon Attraction
  • review of Tardiscon '88
  • How I Survived My First Out-of-State Con

V.1 N.6

Tarriel Cell V.1 N.6 was published in December 1988.

  • Heroes, Jerks and Noble Crooks
  • Rebellion preview
  • ORAC Adopts Humpback Whale

V.2 N.1

Tarriel Cell 4 was published in February 1989 and contains 10 pages.

cover of v.2 n.1
  • online here
  • an interview by Joe Isham, "In the End, Renewal is the Only Safety. KERA program chief says Blake's chances could be 70%" (this interview takes up about 3/4 of the newsletter)
  • article by Ctythianna Appel, "The Frustrated Fan: How to recognize, comfort, and prevent a fan from becoming one"
  • a comment in a newsy article: "ORAC's advance order for Paul Darrow's novel, Avon: A Terrible Aspect, is succeeding remarkable well. We've already send Lyle Stuart Books our first order of 100 copies and it should be arriving very soon. And with convention season rolling around with Rebellion and Gambit, we plan to sell another hundred. Besides providing a source of revenue for the club, this program is also helping show Lyle Stuart that there is an untapped marked for professional Blake's 7 fan fiction, somewhat akin to the continuing series of Star Trek novels."

V.2 N.2

Tarriel Cell V.2 N.2 was published in April 1989.

V.2 N.3

Tarriel Cell V.2 N.3 was published in June 1988.

  • British Characters in the Comics
  • Should There Be a Sequel to Blake's 7?
  • Unicon update
  • Is the End at Hand?

V.2 N.4

Tarriel Cell V.2 N. 4 was published in August 1989 and contains 6 pages.

cover of v.2 n.4
  • online here
  • "Avon: Loner or Lunatic? Was Avon really crazy when he pulled the trigger?" article by Pat Elrod
  • an update on Sheelagh Wells' plans to for a "fantasy-science fiction makeup video for possible release in late 1989 or early 1990," Space Rat Press is involved in the promotion of it; this video is Masquerade
  • "The Prodigal Returns, and Wonders Why He Did," a commentary by Eumendidis on the state of the Blake's 7 fandom
  • article about KERA airing six episodes during pledge week, the ORAC fan club adds $100 to members' contributions in thankfulness
  • a long letter from a fan regarding his or her review in a previous issue of "Tarriel Cell" of Log of the Hellhound regarding among other things, reality, reading for pleasure, child abuse, and popularity

V.3 N.1

Tarriel Cell v.3 no.1 was published in October 1989 and contains 12 pages.

cover of v.3 n.1
  • online here
  • "Blake, Blasters, and Ballistics," article about weaponry by Mark Elrod
  • the fan club, ORAC, donated $344 to KERA (channel 13) in appreciation for airing some episodes of Blake's 7
  • several LoCs
  • club meeting minutes
  • reprinted comic strip clipping from a newspaper
  • zine and con ads
  • an large, elaborate ad for Masquerade, a video by Sheelagh Wells, promoted by Space Rat Press

V.3 N.2

Tarriel Cell V.3 N.2 was published in December 1989.

V.3 N.3

Tarriel Cell V.3 N.3 was February 1990 and contains 12 pages.

cover of v.3 n.3
  • online here
  • an article about Colin Baker replacing Peter Davison at Whofest '90
  • "In Defense of Tarrant," article by Laurie Shanahan
  • club meetings are moving to a different restaurant; their previous meeting place served food that made people sick
  • a round-up of where Blake's 7 is being seen on public TV stations -- total is 14 stations
  • there is a letter by Jean Airey protesting the unlawful sale in book store chains of a version of The Doctor and the Enterprise -- "Anything that is being sold commercially is not with my approval -- and I'm the flaming author of the thing. This is really ridiculous... I'm going to write [the publisher] but I'm also going to ask Paramound and Lioheart to send them a cease and desist as well. The story is fun but is sure isn't worth $14.95! And how come they can get away with clear violations of the copyrights of two previously copyrighted universes without having their head choppe doff? Especially with Paramount's well-known tetchiness (new word!) for violations of "their" Trek universe. Urrrgh. Please let folks know that I have no part in this scam -- and my offer to send a Xerox to anyone who sends me a large SASE, marked First Class with $1.45 postage on it. Don't pay the rip-off folks anything!"

V.3 N.4

Tarriel Cell V.3 N.4 was published in April 1990 and contains 12 pages.

cover of v.3 n.4
  • news about the con Conniption
  • the fan club was happy with the food at the new restaurant (it didn't make everyone ill!), but it was too noisy and they proposed a different meeting place
  • a review of the book Kill the Dead, a review of the book The Vampire Files: Bloodlist
  • the fan club Children of Auron has temporarily disbanded due to a forest fire that consumed the home of the club's presidents, along with the club materials; this long letter outlines the club's future plans and frustrations

V.3 N.5

Tarriel Cell V.3 N.5 was published in June 1990 and contains 12 pages.

cover of v.3 n.5
  • online here
  • a review of Elrod's book Lifeblood
  • meeting minutes
  • comments about Star Cops
  • Of Sequels, Storylines and Space Operas (Should Blake's 7 be continued?)

V.3 N.6

Tarriel Cell V.3 N.6 was published in August 1990 and contains 16 pages.

cover of v.3 n.6

V.4 N.1

Tarriel Cell V.4 N.1 was published in October 1990 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.4 n.1
  • online here
  • con report for ORBIT, see that page
  • con reports for Conniption, see that page
  • the fan club's financial commitment to KERA (tv station)
  • review of Elrod's book "Bloodcircle," review of McMaster Bujold's book "The Book of Vor"
  • details of the fan club's future trip to Sea World
  • a word find puzzle

V.4 N.2

Tarriel Cell V.4 N.2 was published in December 1990 and contains 18 pages. This issue is an "all-review issue."

cover of v.4 n.2
  • online here
  • a reviews of Undercurrents, see that page
  • a review of Gambit #6 see that page
  • a review of a Star Trek: TNG book by Jean Lorrah called "Survivors"
  • a con report for Conniption, see that page
  • a con report for SoonerCon, see that page
  • meeting minutes
  • a report about the fan club's trip to Sea World

V.4 N.3

Tarriel Cell V.4 N.3 was published in February 1991 and contains 16 pages.

cover of v.4 n.3
  • online here
  • article about the BBC releasing Blake's 7 on videotape
  • "ORAC Online: World of fandom linked by computers," article (discusses Usenet, BBBs)
  • a review of Elrod's "Art in the Blood" (review discusses the Blake's 7 characters and their resemblance to the characters in this book)
  • "UK 'Blake's 7' Satellite Hopes Dim: Merger of BSB, Sky dooms archive programs"
  • a review of Avon On-Line #2, see that page
  • meeting minutes
  • a report of Chris Boucher at Star One
  • a cryptogram

V.4 N.4

Tarriel Cell V.4 N.4 was published in April 1991 and contains 18 pages.

cover of v.4 n.4
  • a cryptogram

V.4 N.5

Tarriel Cell V.4 N.5 was published in June 1991 and contains 20 pages.

cover of v.4 n.5
  • online here
  • some LoCs
  • some of the transcript of Sheelagh Wells and Chris Boucher's talk at Star One
  • the 1991 Hugo nominees
  • "Will the Real Roj Blake Please Stand Up?" -- article by Tom Beck
  • "Whofest '91: What Went Wrong? -- KERA convention left much to be desired"

V.4 N.6

Tarriel Cell V.4 N.6 was published in August 1991 and contains 18 pages.

cover of v.4 n.6

V.5 N.1

Tarriel Cell V.5 N.1 was published in October 1991 and contains 16 pages.

cover of v.5 n.1

V.5 N.2

Tarriel Cell V.5 N.2 was published in December 1991 and contains 10 pages.

cover of v.5 n.2
  • online here
  • "Ten Years After 'Blake': Was Gauda Prime a Giant Con Game?" -- by Betsy Ramsey
  • "The Ultimate Cliffhanger Still Doesn't Deter Fans: A decade later, fandom still goes strong" article by Joe Isham
  • meeting minutes
  • club swag for sale
  • cryptogram
  • fans are invited to a "Blake's Wake" at Half-Price Books

V.5 N.3

Tarriel Cell V.5 N.3 was published in February 1992 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.5 n.3
  • online here
  • "The Post-'Blake' Blues: Things Are As They Seem" by Map
  • a review of The Other Side of the Coin, see that page
  • a long write-up of the upcoming con, Conniption #2
  • some LoCs
  • a cryptogram
  • meeting minutes

V.5 N.4

Tarriel Cell V.5 N.4 was published in April 1992 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.5 n.4
  • online here
  • "Blake and Avon: Portrait of Trust?" by Chevron
  • some LoCs
  • meeting minutes

V.5 N.5

Tarriel Cell V.5 N.5 was published June 1992 and contains 16 pages.

cover of v.5 n.5
  • online here
  • "Let Me Count The Ways The World Ends," by Kathryn Andersen, a very detailed article about all the "fifth season" stories she could find and what was their content and conclusions -- one tidbit": "In a close first and second place, they are all alive and they are all dead.... In third place, Avon and Vila stick it out together... in fourth place, Avon goes solo... In fifth place, with a noticeable gap, everyone is alive but not Blake..." -- this essay includes a super graph
  • some LoCs
  • the Hugo nominees are announced
  • meeting minutes
  • cryptogram
  • a book review of "Blood on the Water"

V.5 N.6

Tarriel Cell V.5 N.6 was published in August 1992 and contains 13 pages.

cover of v.5 n.6
  • online here
  • "Avon's Etho: An Invitation to Discussion," an article by Chevron
  • review of Terry Nation's television show "Survivors"
  • a cryptogram
  • meeting minutes
  • "Hyperspace Beam: a capsule of what's happening in the online community"

V.6 N.1

Tarriel Cell V.6 N.1 was published October 1992 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.6 n.1
  • online here
  • the club president reports that club members have donated $500 to public television KERA
  • this issue contains a five year index to contents of this newsletter
  • "Dorian's Profile" (based on the ad's for "Dewar's") is a new feature of this newsletter: it is short bios of fans

V.6 N.2

Tarriel Cell V.6 N.2 was published in December 1992 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.6 n.2
  • online here
  • meeting minutes
  • "Room to Let: Prefer Non-Smoking Rebel: Who'd be the idea housemate among the crew," article by Lorna Payne
  • this issue has a letter from Paul and Janet Darrow; in it they ask for fans NOT to send them anymore newsletters, zines, or fannish materials. "Because Paul has virtually no free time, they accumulate in his study with the pile growing all the time, and it seems such a waste of postage and the time it undoubtedly takes to produce such material if it just sits there gathering dues. Unless we actually move house, we have visions of the study being literally full up with reading material! So, we are now requesting that fans resist the temptation to send us any more things to read. We are very appreciative of all your efforts to keep ORAC going after such a long time. No one thought, eleven years ago, that the series would be such a success, or that we would be lucky enough to actually visit America, and have the pleasure of meeting and getting to know the fans. We have enough memories to last a lifetime."
  • regarding the Blake's 7 Usenet group that didn't go forward: instead a fan in Linkoping, Sweden (Calle Dybedahl) began a Blake's 7 mailing list in early November -- this list is Lysator
  • mini-bios of Sondra Sweigman and Amanda Rothman
  • a ballot for the 1993 Fan Q Awards

V.6 N.3

Tarriel Cell V.6 N.3 was published in February 1993 and contains 18 pages.

cover of v.6 n.3
  • "Blake's 7 at 15: The Aging of a Legend" by Louann Qualls
  • review of Enarraré #8, see that page
  • reports on club activities, including the annual Incentive Auction for public television ($148 raised)
  • meeting minutes
  • reviews of the episodes "Space Fall" and "Cygnus Alpha" and "Mission to Destiny"
  • mini-bios of Joe Ishram and Linda K. Holt
  • "I Believe in the Dream... or, Diary of a Futurist," by Linda Holt, a report on the club's recent trip to NASA

V.6 N.4

Tarriel Cell V.6 N.4 was published in April 1993.

  • unknown content

V.6 N.5

Tarriel Cell V.6 N.5 was published in June 1993 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.6 n.5

V.6 N.6

Tarriel Cell V.6 N.6 was published in August 1993 and contains 12 pages.

cover of v.6 n.6

V.7 N.1

Tarriel Cell V.7 N.1 was published in October 1993 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.7 n.1

V.7 N.2

Tarriel Cell V.7 N.2 was published in December 1993 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.7 n.2

Tarriel Cell, Archived version

V.7 N.3

Tarriel Cell V.7 N.3 was published in February 1994 and contains 16 pages.

cover of v.7 n.3
  • online here
  • "Is 'Blake' Moving to Cable? Stay Tuned... Lionheart says no, but Sci-Fi Channel is not so sure," article by Joe Isham
  • article about Stephen Spielberg buying the rights to Doctor Who
  • two letters about zine piracy, a response to Is Fandom Slipping into McCarthyism?
  • a letter from, Neil Marsh, one of the editors of The Gallifreyan Gazette (newsletter for The Whoosier Network, editors were Darrin Snider and Neil Marsh, out of Indiana, last issue was October 1993) explaining Marsh's resignation
  • a letter from Pat Elrod regarding the final issue of Neutral Arbiter, which was to be published as a special issue of Revel Times
  • mini-bios of Susan Clerc and Kathryn Andersen
  • information about the P.L. Elrod Fan Club (officially launched at SoonerCon in November 1993, club president is Jackie Black "of the Oklahoma Blake's 7-Doctor Who club Serendipity (famous for their food-drenched room parties and bringing Sylvester McCoy to the rolling plains of the Sooner State!)"

V.7 N.4

Tarriel Cell V.7 N.4 was published in April 1994 and contains 18 pages.

cover of v.7 n.4
  • online here
  • "New 'Who' Deal Very Close to Completion. 'Max Headroom' creator is line producer; Amblin wants Daleks," article by Joe Isham
  • a review of Star One, see that page
  • a long open letter by Ann Wortham in response to Is Fandom Slipping into McCarthyism?, see Ann Wortham's Response to Connie-Sue Hamilton
  • a con report for ConFrancisco
  • "Goodie, Goodie, Yum, Yum," article by Joe Isham about British food
  • mini-bios of Sue Aycock and Brad Blakeman
  • "A Fan's Guide to Toronto," article by Joe Isham
  • meeting minutes
  • directions on how to get ORAC club information through the Internet: "simply finger [email protected]. If you don't have finger capability on your service, you can always write via E-Mail.... Sorry, there are no plans at this time to distribute Tarriel Cell on the net."

V.7 N.5

Tarriel Cell V.7 N.5 was published in June 1994 and contains 16 pages.

cover of v.7 n.5
  • online here
  • a con report for MediaWest*Con #14, see that page
  • a list of the Hugo Award and the Campbell Award nominees
  • "To Renew or Not to Review... Should ORAC renew its $600 membership in Channel 13" -- article which questions whether the club should keep donating money now that the television doesn't show Doctor Who, or Blake's 7... over seven years, the club has raised and donated $2,409 to "Dallas public TV station KERA"
  • there are some Blake's 7 "Easter Eggs" in "SimCity 2000"
  • mini-bios of Joyce Bowen and Jennifer Brown
  • meeting minutes
  • BAFTA winners listed

V.7 N.6

Tarriel Cell V.7 N.6 was published in August 1994 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.7 n.6
  • online here
  • a con report for "Galaxy Fair" '94
  • article about the death of Peter Cushing
  • article about the rape charges against Red Dwarf star Craig Charles
  • meeting minutes
  • Blake's 7 trivia questions
  • book review of Elrod's "Death and the Maiden"

V.8 N.1

Tarriel Cell V.8 N.1 was published in October 1994 and contains 18 pages.

cover of v.8 n.1
  • online here
  • "Bujold Quits 'Voyager'; Kate Mulgrew is New Captain of 'Trek' Franchise, Actress cites 19-hour workdays in decision to leave series"
  • list of 1994 Hugo and Campbell Award Winners
  • the fan club ORAC now has a new name -- the old name was "Organized Response to Avon's Call," the new name is "Organized Rebel Adventurers' Club"
  • along with the club's new name reflects its new focus: "ORAC's change of life means expansion, not abandonment: If it were to happen to us personally, it might be called a midlife crisis. But ORAC is neither at midlife (we just turned 7; we'd be in second grade) nor at a crisis. We have come to recognize that we have more things in common than Blake's 7. And rather than push those interests aside in the name of adhering to a stagnating notion of "purity"- we have, by our vote in the recent elections, embraced those different interests. So, in the pages of Tarriel Cell, you can expect to see news and opinions on all manner of fandoms, both British and American. With the anticipated revival of Doctor Who comes the potential for more interest in other British science fiction series. And the forthcoming Star Trek: Voyager promises to continue Gene Roddenberry's legacy. But we promise we will not forget our roots as a Blake's 7 fan club. Blake's 7 is at once one of the most compelling, multilayered character studies ever presented on television, and a gripping action-adventure serial. It's too powerful to ignore. With the expansion of our emphasis to more fandoms, members felt it was time for a new meaning for the ORAC acronym. Originally "Organized Response to Avon's Call," ORAC has become known to most people by its acronym, and the underlying phrase became little more than a footnote on our stationery; even our official papers are in the name of ORAC. So, at the September meeting, the meaning of ORAC was changed to "Organized Rebel Adventurers' Club." But you can continue to call us ORAC. Meanwhile, why not write a letter to the editor about what you see in this issue? There are some new design touches and a new club logo."
  • "The 'Blake's 7' Drinking Game" by Sue Clerc
  • answers to last issue's trivia questions
  • meeting minutes
  • Star Trek: VOY cast bios
  • Doctor Who tie-in novel schedule
  • con report for ConAdian, the 52nd WorldCon

V.8 N.2

Tarriel Cell V.8 N.2 was published in December 1994.

V.8 N.3

Tarriel Cell V.8 N.3 was published in February 1995 and contains 16 pages.

cover of v.8 n.3
  • online here
  • "Fox Says 'No' to 'Doctor Who' Pilot"
  • a con report for Visions '94, see that page
  • article about Doctor Who tie-in novels
  • a mini-bio of Sharon Ann Campbell
  • meeting minutes

V.8 N.4

Tarriel Cell V.8 N.4 was published in April 1995 and contains 16 pages.

cover of v.8 n.4
  • online here
  • Red Dwarf star, Craig Charles, acquitted of rape charges
  • BBC, Fox deal about new Doctor Who script
  • article about James Herriot
  • "Where is All the 'B7' Merchandise?," article by Joyce Bowen about lack of professionally-created merch
  • 1994 Nebula Award nominations

V.8 N.5

Tarriel Cell V.8 N.5 was published in June 1995 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.8 n.5
  • online here
  • article cribbed from Usenet about a new Doctor Who writer
  • a con report for Con-Troll '95
  • "Vila's Top Ten List," by Russ Miller
  • meeting minutes

V.8 N.6

Tarriel Cell V.8 N.6 was published in August 1995 and contains 16 pages.

It is online here.

cover of v.8 n.6
  • "Con Report: Big Bang II -- The Fan Girl Disguised as a Pro Goes to Oz," by Pat Elrod (about a giant con in Chicago with lots of celebrities)
  • "Vila's Top 10 List," by Louann Qualls
  • list of Emmy Award nominations
  • "'Blake's 7' Books Banned in America? Not really, they're just harder to get without connections," article by Joyce Bowen

V.9 N.1

Tarriel Cell V.9 N.1 was published in October 1995 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.9 n.1

It is online here.

  • "Babylon 5: The 'Lost' Episodes," an article and review by Louann Qualls, about episodes of the show that were shown in the UK, and in the US later
  • list of 1995 Hugo and Campbell award winners
  • review of books by Harry Turtledove
  • review of the pro book "Flag in Exile"
  • "ORAC's presence on the worldwide Internet has moved to a new home. Internet users all over the world can obtain a brief history of ORAC, up-to-date club news, and membership information by going to the following page: http://rampages.onramp.net/~jisham/orac.htm... ORAC has been online since 1989... and we hope to see you there too!"
  • a Blake's 7 filk sung to the tune of Pinky and the Brain theme, author is Joe Isham

V.9 N.2

Tarriel Cell V.9 N.2 was published in December 1995 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.9 n.2
  • online here
  • some updates on television shows and their schedules
  • "Been There, Done That, Bought Postcards," a review by Louann Qualls about "The Lost World" by Michael Crichton
  • "A Few Thoughts About Our Future," article by Linda K. Holt, the subject is better science and math education and more encouragement regarding space exploration
  • there is an announcement that two fans, Russ Miller and Louann Qualls, are getting married

V.9 N.3

Tarriel Cell V.9 N.3 was published in February 1996 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.9 n.3
  • an article about Paul McGann, the new Doctor Who, other articles about the New Who
  • club members raise a record $452 for KERA, their public television station
  • online here

V.9 N.4

Tarriel Cell V.9 N.4 was published in April 1996 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.9 n.4
  • a long con report by P.N. Elrod for "Aggiecon" 1996 makes up most of this issue
  • "Vila's Top Ten List" by Louann Miller (nee Qualls)
  • a review of P.N. Elrod's "Dance of Death"

V.9 N.5

Tarriel Cell V.9 N.5 was published in June 1996 and contains 17 pages.

cover of v.9 n.5
  • online here
  • article and memorial for Jon Pertwee (1919-1996)
  • an article about becoming a Doctor Who fan, by Roxanne Longstreet Conrad: "I was introduced to Doctor Who, weirdly enough, by one of Harlan Ellison's rampaging editorials about Star Trek... Harlan seemed to enjoy ripping the guts out of Trekkers, while grandly preaching the virtues of this (to me) obscure British show I couldn't get on my three channels available in El Paso, Texas."
  • a review of "Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus" by Orson Scott Card"
  • a review of The Machiavelli Factor, see that page
  • a review of the book "Honor Among Enemies"

V.9 N.6

Tarriel Cell V.9 N.6 was published in August 1996 and contains 16 pages.

cover of v.9 n.6
  • online here
  • an article about WesterCon (Los Angeles Science Fiction Society)
  • a clipping about changes in the Sci-Fi Channel
  • a con report for "the first Dallas Collectors Convention AKA' DealerCon'"
  • a review of the movie "Independence Day" (cliche-ridden, cardboard characters, poor depiction of women)
  • a review of "Supercop" starring Jackie Chan
  • a review of "Eraser" starring Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • a review of the book "Two Crowns for America"
  • a review of the book "Men at Arms"

V.10 N.1

Tarriel Cell V.10 N.1 was published in October 1996 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.10 n.1
  • some clippings about shows
  • online here

V.10 N.2

Tarriel Cell V.10 N.2 was published in December 1996 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.10 n.2
  • online here
  • a con report for SoonerCon #12, see that page
  • a review of Pattern of Infinity, see that page
  • "A Few More Thoughts About Our Future," by Eumenidis, an article about this fan's interest in science fiction: "The SF writers I grew up reading advocated space exploration with a fervor religious in its intensity. Looking back, I realize that that fervor really was religious in its worst sense: grasping at a doctrine to satisfy irrational needs and fears devoid of moral and ethical principles and practice. The outlook of far too much of SF advocating space exploration was a materialistic callous and self-serving one, exemplifying a life that was described by Shakespeare as "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." That being so, my enthusiasm for humanity going to space was replaced a long time ago by what they will do if they go there. I am not interested in going to space to found authoritarian states of whatever ideology, nor in providing infinite space and resources to gratify instinctual drives. I am not interested, either, in going to space to escape an Earth destroyed by war or ecological damage. I am not in fact interested in going to space at all if it means merely continuing to act out the same old destructive patterns of behavior that have burdened humanity through its existence. Linda's idea of actively supporting the values one espouses is an excellent one, but for me, my resources will go to the programs and institutions that support and nurture values such as compassion and humility. I encourage those concerned about what kind of human beings the people of the future will be to do likewise."

V.10 N.3

Tarriel Cell V.10 N.3 was published in February 1997 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.10 n.3
  • a review of "Star Wars Special Edition"
  • "JMS on Prospects for B5 Season 5," by J. Michael Straczynski, reprinted from CompuServe
  • a clipping about "Keeping Up Appearances"
  • online here

V.10 N.4

Tarriel Cell V.10 N.4 was published in April 1997 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.10 n.4
  • online here
  • an article and memorial about Terry Nation (1930-1997)
  • a con report for "Conestoga" '97
  • an article by Joyce Bowen about fans trying to get the BBC to "do something special to mark Blake's 7's 20 anniversary in 1998. The main effort involves fans writing letters."
  • some clippings

V.10 N.5

Tarriel Cell V.10 N.5 was published in June 1997 and contains 16 pages.

cover of v.10 n.5
  • online here
  • a clipping about Babylon 5
  • two fans are hosting a get-together: "The Fox Mulder/Richie Ryan Memorial Wake: It's so hard to lose a loved one. But you are not alone! The friends of Fox Mulder (late of The X-Files) and Richie Ryan (late of Highlander) will be gathering at Roxanne and Cat Conrad's house [address redacted] for the memorial service on Saturday, June 14th beginning at 4 p.m. Feel free to bring a covered dish to comfort the (other) bereaved. If you're up to it, prepare a eulogy to your fallen hero -- in your own words, or in the words of another character from the show -- and we'll vote on the most eloquent, funniest, weirdest -- you name it. We'll have video highlights of some of Fox's and Richie's finest (or lowest) moments. We'll also show at least one full episode of each show. So wear your best fan mourning attire, bring your hankies, and com prepared to console yourself with food, friends, and fannish activities. Script reading, alternate episode endings -- who knows what could happen. -- Funeral Directors Roxanne Conrad and Joanne Madge."
  • a review of the movie "The Sixth Element"
  • a review of the movie "Jurassic Park II"
  • a review of the book "Alien Agenda"

V.10 N.6

Tarriel Cell V.10 N.6 was published in August 1997 and contains 16 pages.

cover of v.10 n.6
  • a con report for "Stellar-O" (Stellar Occasion)
  • a review of "Face/Off"
  • some clippings
  • online here

V.11 N.1

Tarriel Cell V.11 N.1 was published in October 1997 and contains 16 pages.

V.11 N.2

Tarriel Cell V.11 N.2 was published in December 1997 and contains 16 pages.

cover of v.11 n.2

V.11 N.3

Tarriel Cell V.11 N.3 was published in February 1998 and contains 16 pages.

V.11 N.4

Tarriel Cell V.11 N.4 was published in April 1998 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.11 n.4
  • a review of "The Man in the Iron Mask"
  • a review of the television show "Prey"
  • a review of the movie "Lost in Space"

V.11 N.5

Tarriel Cell V.11 N.5 was published in June 1998 and contains 14 pages.

  • a review of the book Heartfire
  • some clippings
  • the fan club, ORAC, now has an Internet mailing list via Onelist
  • the editor of "Tarriel Cell" says fan contributions have "slowed to a glacial pace"
  • online here

V.11 N.6

Tarriel Cell V.11 N.6 was published in August 1998 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.11 n.6

V.12 N.1

Tarriel Cell V.12 N.1 was published in October 1998 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.12 n.1
  • an article and memorial for Roddy McDowall (1928-1998)
  • a review of the movie "The Avengers"
  • online here

V.12 N.2

Tarriel Cell V.12 N.2 was published in December 1998 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.12 n.2

V.12 N.3

Tarriel Cell V.12 N.3 was published in February 1999 and contains 12 pages.

cover of v.12 n.3

V.12 N.4

Tarriel Cell V.12 N.4 was published in April 1999 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.12 n.4

V.12 N.5/6

Tarriel Cell V.12 N.5/6 was published in June/August 1999 and contains 16 pages.

cover of v.12 n.5/6
  • online here
  • a full-page "Together Again Audio Tape" series ad
  • death of DeForest Kelley

V.13 N.1

Tarriel Cell V.13 N.1 was published in October 1999 and contains 10 pages.

cover of v.13 n.1

V.13 N.2

Tarriel Cell V.13 N.2 was published in December 1999 and contains 10 pages.

cover of v.13 n.12

V.13 N.3/4

Tarriel Cell V.13 N.2/3 was published in February 2000 and contains 10 pages.

cover of v.13 n.2/3
  • online here
  • a review of Aggiecon
  • an article about Isaac Asimov
  • a review of the Blake's 7 tape by Joyce Bowen, of "Seven"
  • comments about a Bruce Boxleitner movie, "Frontier Earth"

V.13 N.5

Tarriel Cell V.13 N.5 was published in April 2000 and contains 10 pages.

cover of v.13 n.5
  • online here
  • "Special Report: The Digital Land Grab, Can we take our cultural heritage back from media corporations?"
    • "Strip-mining culture" by Henry Jenkins (a reprint of Digital Land Grab but not attributed)
    • "Copy catfight" by Jesse Walker (another reprinted article, source unknown)
  • "Blake's 7 Movie Project Proceeding" by Judith Rolls, reprinted from Horizon

V.13 N.6

Tarriel Cell V.13 N.6 was published in June 2000 and contains 10 pages.

V.14 N.1

Tarriel Cell V.14 N.1 was published in October 2000 and contains 10 pages.

cover of v.14 n.1
  • online here
  • Joe Isham steps down as editor, Joanne Madge takes over
  • an article about the profitability and possibilities of self-published ebooks
  • a memorial for a beloved fan, Tim Bartz

V.14 N.2

Tarriel Cell V.14 N.2 was published in December 2000 and contains 10 pages.

cover of v.14 n.2

V.14 N.3

Tarriel Cell V.14 N.3 was published in February 2001 and contains 10 pages.

cover of v.14 n.3

V.14 N.4

Tarriel Cell V.14 N.2 was published in February 2001 and contains 10 pages.

cover of v.14 n.4
  • online here
  • Panic in the Virtual Streets: Thousands of fannish websites vanish overnight, article by Joanne Madge about the Tripod Massacre
  • "Have We Become Too Media-Centric?," an article by Russ Miller: "Do we give too much power to the video images we are constantly being asked to buy? Do we give less attention now to the written word? Do we tend to recognize the movie version of a book as the 'definitive' version? I think there should be a healthy balance."
  • club members voted on the fan club's website domain name: "oracscifi.com"

V.14 N.5

Tarriel Cell V.14 N.5 was published in June 2001 and contains 10 pages.

cover of v.14 n.5
  • online here
  • article about the life and death of Douglas Adams
  • a review of "The Curse of Chalion" by Bujold
  • other

V.15 N.1

Tarriel Cell V.15 N.1 was published in Fall 2001 and contains 14 pages.

cover of v.15 n.1

V.16 N.1

Tarriel Cell V.15 N.1 was published in Spring 2002 and contains 16 pages.

cover of v.16 n.1
  • online here
  • "An American Fangirl in London: Exploring fandom on the other side of the pond," by Joanne Madge
  • the editor apologizes for the newsletter being late as she had a broken wrist, but there is no mention of this being the final issue
