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S and H (Starsky and Hutch letterzine)/Issues 26-30
Sneak Preview: These next four issues illustrate the increasingly heated debate of whether m/m belongs in Starsky & Hutch fandom. A few more hints are offered regarding the reasons that some fans say that S/H zine publishers and writers are choosing not to publish their fiction: some say it is fear of being reported to TPTB while others say it is out of respect to the actors who might be embarrassed by the concept that their characters might be seen as homosexual. However, actual specifics of what zines were canceled remain scarce. One reader offers a rallying cry of activism in support of m/m writers.
Other topics of debate are the roles that fanzine reviews play in discouraging writers while at the same time many contributors take issue with other writer’s evaluations of stories they particularly liked -or disliked.
Other topics: Zebracon convention reports and updates from the organizers. And, one writer astutely points out that S and H is, like many other letterzines across many other fandoms, experiencing a mid-life crisis that is a natural part of the letterzine lifecycle: "…arguments get stronger and bitterer until either the zine folds or the most contentious fans leave. There’s a turnover in active fans that seems to occur over two to three years. This is so regular that at least twenty years ago, sf fandom declared a ‘new generation’ of fandom every two years; concurrently we are in 22nd Fandom."
S and H 26 (October 1981)
- contains 44 pages
- there is much chat about Hill Street Blues
- art by Nancy Broll (front cover), Cheryl Newsome (back cover), Marilyn Mink, Ruth Kurz, Greg Franklin, Betty De Gabrielle, T'Vas.
- there are five proposed zines: 10-13 #2, Half You, Half Me, "Soapy Scenes," "The Marv Box Memorial Zine" (Hill Street Blues), and "Late Bloomer" #2
- there is an ad forthcoming zines, including One More Mountain: "Post S'Rev. Not S/H in theme, but age statement is required. (Because of the violence and other such considerations. God forbid we should corrupt anyone.)"
- other forthcoming zines: The Conspiracy, Me and Thee #2, L.A. Vespers #2, Mixed Metaphors, "Gone to Texas," and "Late Bloomer" #1
- available zines: 19, none are m/m
- a fan suggest that perhaps the letterzine should come out every two months, that there isn’t so much happening in fandom in three and a half weeks that could wait. Besides, it would "give people an extra couple of weeks to think about what they want to say and sandpaper the edges off the broken bottles."
- there is a detailed update about the next Zebra Con
- there is much, much discussion about the fourth season, the ‘flawed’ characters, the anger and hostility, the right for actors to portray their characters as changing, the acceptance of this season as canon, and how all these things affect fans and fanfic.
- a fan writes of her excitement about upcoming Zebra Con: I hope all of you are as excited about Z-Con II as Diana and I are. This gathering of fans has the potential of being the most exciting events of our time… Diana and I will be bringing our song tape. I will be shown in our room, 201. The schedule will be posted on the door. We are looking forward to seeing what others have done in this area. The grapevine says that new and exciting adventures are being taking into this medium of artistic expression.
- a fan writes: We (S/H) writers have been accused of taking ourselves too seriously where this subject is concerned. I’m guilty. I do not see the S/H relationship as silly or frivolous. It will have its light moment… They are still bugs who can swim, but they can at least be happy bugs… My opinion is that Starsky and Hutch have been lovers since August 1973, a time before the pilot. It took two years of writing S&H to arrive at this precise date and the events surrounding it. This story [the m/m novel she is working on] is deadly serious and nothing I can do will change it.
- a fan says: I have heard it said that we are wasting our time and our talents writing other people’s characters in fan fiction, that we should be creating our own characters. Creating fictional characters is no big deal. I’ve been doing it since I’ve been five. It’s a game I play with my children. Every Dungeons and Dragons player has done it… The harder assignment comes when I have to take the character someone else has created.
- a fan is impressed with the statement another has made in an earlier issue: I was impressed with the ease with which you stated: 'My Hutch is gay.' I wonder if six months ago any of us could have made this statement. The fact that we can discuss the idea shows how far we’ve come in the past months. Our thinking has broadened.
- a fan questions:
- a fan comments on Graven Images: From the comments in the last issue of the l/z, those who hadn’t read Graven Images might draw the conclusion that it is written entirely and literally in Greek. It isn’t. I’m neither a nurse nor a Roman Catholic. The only language I speak is English and my education could hardly qualify as ‘classical.’ But I understood and enjoyed it the first time I read it. I also enjoyed it the second, third, and fourth times. If I read it another five or ten times I’d probably still find something new each time. That, I believe, is the mark of a classic. It wears well. But you don’t have to take it apart and examine the fragments to understand the story and appreciate the beauty. That comes through on the first reading. Disturbing and complex it is. Incomprehensible it ain’t.
- a fan also comments on Graven Images: [It] shows a great deal of talent, skill, knowledge, and work, both from jane aumerle and Dotty Barry. However, it was a chore to read, reminding me of being force-fed novels that seemed complex for the sake of complexity. Writing is communicating – clearly, skillful, and most of all understandable. To purposely avoid these is to deny the reader his due… Not to imply that fans don’t deserve the best, I feel that much of the work, talent and skill shown in GI is wasted – I doubt that most fans want to read this type of novel – the most popular fan fiction seems to be action or character-oriented, and although many of the popular stories and novels do make some very profound statements, they do so without the convolutions and obscurities so evident in GI.
- fan says: Yes, I read reviews. No, they don’t affect the way I feel about a story. They are more apt to affect the way I feel about the reviewer.
- a fan writes of her pseud: …my dear, sweet, intolerant husband has informed me that I cannot use his name [her last name as well] on any letters, artwork or stories/poems I may submit to the Lzine or any other zine. (He got a hold of my somewhat radical statement in last month’s Lzine.) Hence, the pseudo-moniker. So, if you have not added two and two and come up with 3.7689 squared to the nth power times pi… you know who dis is!
- fan gives a light scolding: I happen to like MHHABC and was very disconcerted to hear Teri was crucified. Jesus Christ, people! Isn't there any room for any diversification in fandom? I’m getting awfully damned tired of hearing ‘you can’t do this, you can’t do that’ from all the nervous nellies of rigidity. If you can’t grow and develop your characters, just what the hell can you do. Fandom is going to dry up if all these one-track minds keep it up!... I must admit that when I first became involved in ST fandom, I swore I would stick to the straight ‘aired’ Trek. If I had done that, I would have missed out on such wonderfully diverse universes as Kraith, Alternate Universe 4, Mirror, Mirror, K/S, humor, hurt/comfort. Come on folks, lighten up and live!
- The author of Graven Images responds, fan by fan by name, to every mention of her zine. She also comments at length to one review in an earlier issue: None of the above is in any way to be construed as a criticism of the parts of Paula’s review that actually deals with the text of GI. One the very few objective measure of a work’s worth is its ability to support multiple interpretations. That Graven Images appears to be meeting this test delights me. That the part of the story that speaks most clearly to Paula does not coincide with what Mel or Marian finds most important – or even what the author considers the most important – is irrelevant. Fiction, in this respect, is a lot like sex: a different partner makes a different baby. Each reader brings her own background and concerns to the interaction with the ext. Each helps to crate a different story… As for ‘pearls before swine’ – are you the same Paula Smith who used to edit Menagerie? There aren’t two of you are there? Or is this by any chance a fit of repentance and reparation? Saul struck down on the road to Damascus, and like that.
- a fan responds to a comment in an earlier issue: Am I a complete fool to hope for a day when a character will not be thought ‘defiled’ because of homosexual tendencies?
- a fan enjoyed all three reviews of Graven Images, especially one: I found Paula’s to be especially interesting – a review that approaches GI on its own intellectual level, treating it not as a fan story (which it most definitely is not) but as a work of literature. My only reservation about her review was that I do not believe that a reviewer should review her perceptions of a writer’s personality along with that writer’s novel.
- a fan writes a lengthy, perceptive letter about how the show was a multilayered one, how different fans see different realities in what they were presented, that all fans are sincere in their emotional and intellectual readings of the characters and the fiction they choose to read and/or write. She also comments on the topic of keeping fiction underground: We all see different things… I don’t happen to agree with all the characterizations I find in various S/H writings – even those of us who agree with the premise are not always in agreement with each other. What I object to is the attitude of persons-who-shall-remain-nameless regarding the distribution of the S/H material to the actors. Zines go to offices. This is a fact. Mailed in, brought in personally by the editors, siphoned in by ‘concerned’ fans, zines do find their way into offices. Demonstrable motives for this ‘sharing’ includes eagerness to let outsiders know what fandom is doing, moral outrage, and malicious intent. Those among us who have mailed in or delivered in person our own zines understand why we did it; my own reason for taking in The Pits #2 was that I’d rather have my zine be delivered by me than sent in by someone who has neither my knowledge or consent…[She goes on to say that the recent spate of S/H zines that have been cancelled were due to this over sharing.] I take the liberty of speaking for the entirely of the serious S/H fandom in saying that under no circumstances would any of us ever wish to anger, annoy, upset, or otherwise desire either of these men [the actors]…. This decision not to print was not forced on [names of three fans]. It was a concern for the actors and their families, which prompted the decision not to present temptations of such magnitude to those who feel that ‘sharing’ S/H zines would be the proper thing to do… And where, pray tell, would that leave us? Bound, gagged, and meek? Not if I know fans. It leaves us still writing whatever we please… Writing goes underground and not a word is published… I state plainly that after the publication of LA Vespers #2, you will never read my byline again in a fanzine. I can list about ten of fandom’s best writers whose last works for publication will appear by the spring of next year. After that, nothing…. But the writing will go on. More will be produced that could be printed in a dozen fanzines…but fandom at large will never read it… Damning S/H to the obscurity of private and limited circulation between trusted friends is not right, but it would appear to be fandom’s decision to thus damn. So be it.
- a fan who was proposing a Hill Street Blues zine got a call from the show’s lawyer. Someone, she says, who was at MediaWest reported her intentions. The phone call turned out to be very positive. She was able to explain fandom to Bob (the lawyer) and they had a very nice chat: He has assured me that there shouldn’t be any problems with the things I am doing. The point is that none of the this should have happened in the first place. However, thanks to the individual responsible: they got me invited to [visit] the set… Sorry this letter has nothing to do with S&H but I felt this is a matter that needs discussion. Someone is out to kill S/H fandom by threats and consequently it has gone underground. It is unfortunate that a small contingent of people is able to put such a scare into a large group. I’m determined not to let this happen to Hill Street Blues fandom.
- a fan writes about the letterzine: For about the past year many fans have been clamoring for the Letterzine to return to the ‘fun’ and ‘good spirits’ of the early issues… Well, the first dozen issues weren’t really all that halcyon… But is it true that the 1-12 were relatively friendlier in tone than 13-23. In my experience, this is a natural, if regrettable, development of fandoms. If one looks back at Trek, most of the letter-and-service zines tended to last no more than 2 to 3 years. The Halkan Council, Scuttlebutt and Universal Translator [are examples]. Interstat seems to be the exception… Both in Halkan and Interstat the same phenomenon occurs: arguments get stronger and bitterer until either the zine folds or the most contentious fans leave. There’s a turnover in active fans that seems to occur over two to three years. This is so regular that at least twenty years ago, sf fandom declared a ‘new generation’ of fandom every two years; concurrently we are in 22nd Fandom. Some fandoms are more spectacular than others – 16th and 17th Fandom saw the establishment of Trekdom, 20th the splintering of Trek into ‘media’ fandoms. Shared interests and experiences make a fandom – cons, zines, letters indulged together. New people are always coming in, and generally they catch on, blend in within a short time. However, after two or three years, there are simply some many in-jokes, so much underground gossip, so many secrets, and so many unsharable experiences, that the newcomers can’t make sense of the older fans – so they surge off together in a new direction , to share their own cons, zines, letters, jokes, secrets, and experiences. And the next fandom comes into being. …We can’t go back to the early days of S&H, to the Eden we think it was…
- the current editor writes about censorship: ... the threat of censorship ... is starting to affect what type of zine is published, what may be published, and the type of stories that are considered acceptable. The majority of the subscribers to this zine have indicated, for the most part, their ability to accept a variety of themes in the stories that they read and buy. They have also been nearly unanimous in their abhorrence of censorship... What is going on, whether out of a misguided sense of morality, jealousy, or simple malice, is ultimately going to affect all fans. We are not children, writing childish irresponsible compositions. We are adults and have earned our freedom. We have no need of monitoring, we are responsible for what we do and in the manner in which we do it. Yet WE are permitting this to go on and allowing this faction to violate every freedom that we claim to hold dear. WHY?... S/H zines have been cancelled or gone underground, and several zines that have been considering accepting 'all themes' have either been cancelled or have announced a sudden change of format. The list of proposed zines grows smaller every month. This situation is affecting us all. It is stifling our creativity and shortchanging us by limiting the variety of material that we have free access to.
S and H 27 (November 1981)
- contains 40 pages
- art by T’vas, Jean C., Jane Bushell, Ruth Kurz, Nancy Broll, Cheryl Newsome, Marilyn Mink
- a fan writes that "I have no objection to death stories (as long as they remain together.)"
- more about Graven Images: The effort going into GI isn’t ‘wasted’ even though many readers do not get pleasure from the novel because we prefer the straight-forward statement, or we don’t agree with the premise of such a neurotic Hutch. A lot of good books are not pleasant, but if they satisfy only the author it is enough. If we feel force-fed, then we don’t reread, but I wouldn’t want to deprive the many people who enjoy convoluted obscurities, of their delightful delving. Although I prefer communications to puzzles, I can appreciate, as you also obviously do, the effort that went into GI.
- a fan responds to another’s review of Graven Images: I think [that reviewing Graven Images] on the author's own terms, which in my opinion, is eminently fair. I don’t think you can separate that piece of work from the person who wrote it — there is too much in it that obviously came from some source other than the series.
- A fan talks of copyright: There is one very important fact that fan writers and publishers are ignoring – copyright law. Ok, ok, granted, a couple hundred copies of anything are not going to change the world. The worst anyone would probably do would be to get a Cease and Desist to stop publishing that particular zine. Maybe a blanket order to cover any zines on such themes. The probable consequences are not too serious, examined realistically. But when it comes down to the bottom line, all zines are in violation of copyright law, including mine. That is part of the responsibility of publishing a zine… We may have the moral right to write characters as we see them, but I sincerely doubt if we have a legal right to publish at all.” She adds that there is always a danger with zines and TPTB. “That’s been a possibility ever since S&H fandom consisted of a few defectors from Trek and SW. There is nothing we can do to stop it…. You talk about zines going underground as though it’s some kind of death sentence. I disagree. One thing that an underground zine has in its favor is that it is from the start a private publication, not intended for public distribution. This fandom is not so large that one cannot determine who has similar interests – I don’t believe that people who really want to read S/H zines are going to be left out in the cold for long. And any editor with half a command of the English language can design an order form that requires the purchaser to acknowledge that this is a private publication… so that the responsibility for making this questionable zine public rests on the reader not the publisher. Even if the zine is photocopied, the editor would still have the signed order blank on file. I don’t think our anonymous informant would care for that. Granted, it’s a bother, but it’s no ‘social crisis’; this is you having fun!
- a fan writes perceptions and love: A lot of people in fandom seem to think that S/H writers see the boys as stereotyped queens who cross dress and camp like mad. That's like saying that Huggy and Dobey have to be written as shuffling Uncle Toms, or wooly haired radical honkey haters. C’mon, people, let’s try to forget those preconceived notions of what gays are like. It’s not icky, it’s not immoral, and it’s not even a choice that can be made consciously. One either desires physical union with a member of the same sex or one does not. All the shrieking and raving does nothing to change the fact that all the S/H people are saying is that they believe that at some point in their lives, S&H love each other physically as well as in all the other ways. Why is that so difficult to accept? It doesn't make them ‘less than men’ (thereby exploding the male myth that real men have to be aggressive, macho women-chasers), and it doesn't necessarily cut out the possibility of wives and families for either man, there are women who would understand and accept. And it certainly doesn't lessen the depth of caring that we see between the two. It doesn't cheapen their relationship and it doesn't mean that everyone who loves a friend is in love with that friend. When we cut through all the complexities, there is one fact that remains — love — of one man for the other, and of the writer for the character.
- A fan responds to the response of her letter in a previous issue: First, I would like to thank all of you who took time and patience to answer my last letter with such care and in such detail. Although we may not all see eye to eye, I found all those letters contained a great deal of understanding. Thank you especially, Melanie, for acknowledging my sincerity. However, it suddenly occurred to me that there were no letters agreeing with my point of view or supporting me in this way I must be out on a limb on my own, so perhaps I should 'retire' and not inflict my thoughts on any of you any more. Please believe that my opinions are my own, based on my own need to find something in my life that was unchangeable. So much that I have held precious has been taken away from me in these past few years that I long for constancy, and the only thing I know of that CAN be constant is fiction, so I prefer my fiction to do for me what reality cannot. I loved the characters of S&H for what I saw in them on tv, and I never want them to change FOR ME.
- a fan writes her first letter to the l/z: What’s this about S/H being pushed underground?! Ah, c’mon folks. I just got here; don’t move the party on me. If it must be underground, at least direct me to the right manhole. I won’t tell.
- A fan says: As for offending DS or PMG’s delicate sensibilities by publishing S/H material in a very limited quantity, I can hardly believe it. If they receive them in the mail, I’m sure they pay for refuse disposal the same as I do. I’m sorry if I sound callous, but it’s the way I feel. True, PMG has the buns dreams are made of, but he doesn’t dictate what I may or may not read or write. Deliciously sexy he is, God he ain’t.
- a zined writes: Along with my partner, I have written and will write both S&H and S/H fiction. As 10-13 Enterprises we have published and will publish both. In our opinion there is nothing in 'River' that could cause pain and embarrassment to the actors that gave life and personality to the characters involved. If anyone reading 'River' can find anything scurrilous, obscene, salacious or defiling among its pages then we would suggest that the interpretation may come from elsewhere than the printed page. ‘River’, like “Mountain” and ‘Somebody Up There,’ like all our writing is essentially an act of love. It is a love we believe can be shared. Maybe that's an unrealistic or naive attitude, but it is something that is vitally important to us, a concept to which we hold, and one we have never hidden. We see no reason to start now. Besides, someone has to stick their neck out. It might as well be us. This deadlock and cruel censorship has to be withstood.
- the author of The Cost of Love writes: The experiences and tragedy of that jungle fucked up people. None of who lived that war, either directly or indirectly, remain unscathed. My Starsky and Hutch are no exception. It is this course of their lives that is the central focus of The Cost of Love… It’s S/H – Blatant S/H. It’s brutal, violent, and doesn’t mince words or action. But in SH fandom, there is no place for such a story. Code 7 was cancelled. All Our World was cancelled. [Fan’s name] has cancelled the S/H section of “Soapy Scenes.” There appears to be no place for the publication of S/H material. I think this is incredibly sad. It seems that more and more readers and writers are voicing favorable opinions of S/H, but there are still no published stories (other than Forever Autumn).
- a fan sounds off about Zebra Con: I have a few well chosen (I hope) words to every person who gets this L/zine, concerning Z-Con. I'm very, very, very disappointed in the turn out this year, and by what I interpret as a general lack of interest and support from fandom. Last year 92 people attended Z-Con. As of today—Oct. 18—we haven't even reached 80. And at least half a dozen of those who planned on attending this year have dropped out. Now, I know things are tough all over—hell, if I wasn't running this damn thing I couldn't afford to go either. And getting to Kazoo is a bitch, for sure. But I can't believe money and transportation difficulty are the only reasons people aren't showing up. So what's wrong? I've heard some nasty rumors to the effect that some people are staying away because they're afraid this is going to be a S/H con. Well, bullshit. My personal views regarding S/H are just that—personal. They have nothing to do with Z-Con. I have bent over backwards this year to be absolutely fair to all fandom – to keep this con from being slanted in either direction. Why haven’t more of you become supporting members? Last year there were almost thirty. This year, I have fourteen. Every single one of you out there who can’t make it to the con should be a supporting member. For only $5, you can prove you support the con. People wonder if fandom’s dying – well, Zebra Con is the only convention we have. And if that goes… This is the last Zebra Con Paulie and I will do. That last one in Kazoo as well… I’m willing to keep on running it – in Chicago, and slightly earlier in the year – for as long as the fans want it. But I’m not going to do it for just a few people. It isn’t worth it.
- a fan writes: Fandom will survive...the premise still remains and fandom is like a tide...it ebbs and flows, but like the tide, remains eternal. Star Trek fandom is relatively new, but there are many, many, fandoms out there (Sherlock Holmes, Tarzan, Superman) have endured the test of time. I sincerely believe S&H fandom will survive. And, confidentially, I'm going to be a S&H fan when I'm gray and ninety...
- a fan is furious: … I have had enough. I mean, I have really had it with this bigotry that appears to be permeating and poisoning fandom… I’m going to have my say. Those of you who are used to Beckett in Paraquat-Style, better shift your asses out of the forest, sharp. The gloves are off… The writing [of S/H] will go on. The pity of the underground syndrome is that many, many true S/H fans will never be able to read it. The ‘circle of trusted friends’ thing is fine, when you’re on the inside. What about those on the outside? Confidentiality is all-important, and we all respect it. Nowadays we are all being ultra careful who sees what – but how do we get the newcomers? We should emit signals like bat radar? Wear badges? Earrings? Hankies? Oh, god… if a neo doesn’t speak out in favour of S/H, then we are tagged as anti-. If they do, as a friend of mine did recently, there’s an immediate panic about who showed what to whom. Looks like we can’t win. Damned if we do, damned if we don’t. This is more than sad, it is tragic. We cannot afford a minority to stifle the blossoming creativity in fandom. If we do, then fandom is dead. Or worse, dictated to by bigots…. We can exist without an ‘organised fandom.’ We did before… You faceless few – whoever you are – cannot prevent that, however you try. Your threatened ‘legal actions,’ you censorship attempts, can’t exist in a vacuum. And that, if you persist in this ugliness, is what you will have. A sterile desert, arid, lifeless, bleak and cold.
from issue #26, a zined disclaimer
S and H 28 (December 1981)
- contains 44 pages
- art by Connie Faddis, Marie A, T'Vas, Ruth Kurz, Cheryl Newsome, Jean C.
- a fan asks others about what they thought about the women in the show. Which ones were ‘plot devices’ and which ones were more than that? And which ones were there to "throw us off the track’?"
- it was reported that Zebra Con had 71 attendees and 33 supporting members
- a review of Zebra Three #6, see that page
- two reviews of Me and Thee #2, see that page
- two fans write detailed con reports for Zebra Con
- a zine called "Fifth Season," a S&H by Karen B was asking for submissions. She wanted "stories that deal with alternatives, with what-ifs and what-might-have-happened-after, but I'll take a look at just about anything." She wanted to have the zine ready for Zebra Con #4. The zine didn't pan out.
- one zine advertised was a professional credit list for Soul and Glaser that included interviews, special appearances, commercials, episode descriptions with a "special pull-out section" as well as credits. It was illustrated by Connie Faddis. This zine was complied by Kendra H. and is called Credit List.
- a fan writes: This fandom is like a family. We fight like cats and dogs – or maybe I should say sisters – but we love as fiercely as we fight.
- from the editor's con report for ZebraCon: Private parties — song tapes... and more song tapes. Jane and I [are] feeling our time and efforts put into our song tape were worth it.
- a fan writes that the Max Franklin books were dreadful, but she devoured them as it was the only S and H fiction she had: Is this the same need that drives us to read and write fanfiction? I agree with Marian that our writing is the highest form of compliment we can give the characters and their creators. It means that we care enough to want to know what happened in all the aspects of their lives. The need varies. Naomi wants the characters to remain forever, I want to understand Helen, understand what drove Hutch to his fourth season self, examine their lives after "Sweet Revenge". Is there another place but fandom?
- a fan writes of Zebra Con #3: The con was underway. Rooms filled with laughter and cigarette smoke. Wine flowed with love. Zines and stories and song tapes took our time… a song tape was born. The reward was given this year as we watch the results of your hours of hard work. ‘What I Did for Love.’ ‘Another One Bits the Dust.’ ‘Just to Feel this Love.’ ‘Forget Your Troubles, C’mon Get Happy.’… Give yourself a hand, Ladies. Your work deserves more.” She reports that the play that year was done by the ‘Not Ready for Z-Con Players’ of ‘Graven Mirages.’
- a fan writes of Zebra Con: Those of you who couldn't come because of family or money problems - we missed you. Those of you who didn't show for "other reasons" - I'm sorry for you. Your ridiculous, unfounded fears and prejudices caused you to miss out on a warm and friendly gathering. S/H problem? Fiddlesticks. There's no "S/H problem" at ZCon, and there never will be as long as I'm running it. Zebra Con is for all fans, and for all interpretations. And that's as close to an "official statement of policy" as I'm gonna get!
- a fan writes: Strictly speaking, any fanzine is a private publication, in that it is not intended to make a profit or offered for public or commercial sale. Listings in the l/z are considered private advertising! Purchases directly from the editors/publishers are considered private sales. Granted, consent forms have their place. But no affidavit ever devised is going to prevent some malicious idiot from marching down Mainstreet, waving the "offensive" publication and shrieking, "Oh my God, what if people ever found out about this!" It happened with K/S. It will happen with S/H, too, unless fandom makes it plain that there are no rewards for such behavior. Going underground won't help — the only beneficiaries of that course of action would be the jerks. And maybe going underground isn't necessary in any case. Strictly speaking again — yes, all fanzines are in violation of the copyright statutes. At least, the first ones were. Y'see, "silence gives consent" is more than a maxim, it's an enforceable point of law. There have been S&H zines for —what, four years now? In that time, no copyright holder has objected to their publication. And we know that the Powers that Be know about their existence; the little busybody whose kept Amanda Green's and Joe Naar's offices supplied has seen to that. All unintentionally, she's done us a favor; a condition of de facto toleration has been established. The legal precedent of allowing the publication of S&H zines has already been set. By the same token, Forever Autumn and a couple other pieces embedded in genzines may have established the precedent for S/H.
- a fan responds to another’s letter: Read this real slow and careful, and maybe this time it'll get through. Those of us who see Starsky and Hutch as lovers, those of us who write S/H, are doing exactly what you say you doing. We're showing the characters we see on the screen. We are not changing what we perceive as their true sexual orientation. We certainly don't object to your heterosexual interpretation of the show, but you're just going to have to learn how to live with the fact that not everyone agrees with it, and that S/H, like S&H, is firmly based in the series itself… A good many of us would take it kindly if you didn't insist on lumping homosexuality in with prostitution, drug addiction, alcoholism and murder. It's not an illness, a vice, a failure of morality or an act of willful harm against another person. It's a way of loving.
- the author of Graven Images writes: I'd appreciate it mightily if self-appointed authorities would stop announcing that Graven Images was written solely for its author. Hell, not even Emily Dickinson wrote entirely for herself — that's a form of futility and self-punishment that very few writers have time or taste for. GI was written for the intelligent, perceptive fan whose primary interest in the series is in character and who is willing — and able — to bring something of herself to the reading. Judging by the Loc's, all but about half-a-dozen copies reached exactly that audience. (I'm going partly by the l/z, there. To date, neither Dotty nor I have received a single unfavorable letter of comment in private correspondence. All the negative LoCs have been printed right here in S&H.)
- a fan, Leslie Fish, writes: To the sanctimonious bigots who have terrorized several innocent S/H fanzines into hiding by making a big point of pushing them in front of Goldberg, Spelling et all I hereby see your threat and raise you double. ' I am throwing down the gauntlet -- with my fist in it. Pick it up at your own risk. I hate bigots, I hate censorship, I hate cowards and I fight dirty. To all fans who have written or planned S/H stories and now fear to send them to zine-eds, and to all zine-eds who have been browbeaten into canceling S/H story-containing zines: SEND THOSE S H STORIES TO ME. I KNOW A WAY TO PRINT THEM, DISTRIBUTE THEM, SELL THEM — AND NOT ONLY WILL SPELLING & GOLDBERG AND ALL NOT BE ABLE TO DO A DAMNED THING ABOUT IT, BUT I'LL BE ABLE TO GET THEIR PIOUS FAN INFORMERS TOO! …1) PRINT THE ZINES OUTSIDE THE U.S. You'll note that Forever Autumn and 10-13 didn't get hassled for their S/H stories — and they were printed in Great Britain. Facts are (and I researched this for K/S fandom some time ago), fanzines are not considered actionable in any American court so long as a) total circulation is less than10,000 b) the zines are non-profit c) they're circulated privately — that is, not even advertised in "professional" (more than 10,000 circulation) zines d) they carry a standard "this is an amateur pubic disclaimer”… 2) DISTRIBUTE VIA U.P.S. OR SOMEBODY LIKE THEM. Even if the US Maul (which is willing to ship outright professional porn these days) were willing to comply with a censorship attempt on a fanzine, no private 3rd class carrier will do it. Even a court injunction wouldn't work if the zines were distributed from a different address than the advertised publisher's they wouldn't have any idea whose packages the injunction would cover. UPS, Federal and their ilk handle thousands of packages per day they will absolutely not open up and inspect every last one of them looking for suspicious magazines, as many a professional porn publisher can tell you. 3) ...Well, I must keep some secrets, but I'll tell you this much; through the wonders of modern technology and the Freedom of Information Act, it is quite possible to keep track of not only whom any individual zine is sent to but whom it winds up with. Any attempt by S/G-et-al to bring any kind of court action will automatically reveal the code-number and there fore the identity of the zine's buyer, and thereby the informant. Informer's names and addresses will be publicized — and individual fans may take any subsequent action they deem fitting. Never mind what action I'll consider fitting— but anyone who has read The Weight can make some guesses. Yes, I am serious about this. Send me those proposed zines and stories that have been hounded underground, and I'll print and distribute and wage real war on any vicious 'moralists' who try to stop me.
- a fan wonders: Lately, though...well, I don't know if the steam is going out of S&H fandom or not, but it seems to me that much of the "straight" stuff is so repetitious...one of them gets shot, kidnapped, drugged. In my opinion, the S/H writers are the ones doing the creative, innovative things with the characters (no, I don't moan just sex). They're exploring a changing, growing, serious relationship and to do so in depth, to really deal with character development in such an intense, loving relationship is, to me, the most difficult, challenging writing of all. The type of writing that has a life of its own.
- a fan writes: I have been conducting a survey. How many females out there really understand why they are attracted to the male/male relationship? (Raise your hand...) Now, how many of the same females don't quite 'see' female/female relationships, but still believe in 'different strokes' anyhow? (lower your hand...) Ah ha. I knew it! That '80%' females that enjoy male/male relationships do so, because they are sexually attracted to males themselves, therefore, they can identify with one male being sexually attracted to another! (And, by the way, the reverse is true. My husband likes the female relationships, but is totally repelled by male/male!)
- a fan writes of her pseud: My pseudonym is to appease my hubby. I don't give a tinker's damn who knows who I really am. Besides, by now, everyone knows who this is. I'm not trying to scare anyone, just save a marriage. And if you think that's extreme...you haven't heard the arguments I’ve had with mi esposuo! See how dedicated I am to The Cause?
- about Bird of Paradise: If you're one of the many who sent SASE's to Penny when "Bird of Paradise" was first announced years ago, please send me a new SASE. Postage rates have gone up since then, and we do not have any of the names of the original inquirers. I apologize for the inconvenience or re-SASEing, but if you are truly interested, I think you will find this novel well worth your wait. Fliers containing story line, price and publication date information should be mailed by the first of December.
- a fan explains: The passions behind the whole "/" issue never fails to amaze me. I had come via a fandom that was beset by its own inner bickering and rivalries (Blakes Seven, won't mean a thing to the majority of you but we took it every bit as seriously as you and I take S&H and S/H) but even that hadn't prepared me for the narrow minded attitudes that become clear in the letterzine -- A kind of blinkered approach that doesn't allow for any deviation (no pun intended there) from the norm. Well, that is one lot of you. The other camp seems to want to keep everything to themselves, a little elitist band that doesn't want to allow any one else in.
- a fan writes: I was gratified and encouraged by the many letters last month speaking out against the insidious attempts at censorship being made in our fandom. But more than that, a stand has been made. 10-13 Enterprises has made public their intent to openly publish a S/H novella entitled "One More Mountain". Such action only serves to remind us all where the origins of that indomitable American spirit really started.
- a fan writes: Yes, I do see S/H going underground as a sort of death sentence. Why? Because we are losing a freedom, knuckling under. TV advertising, and the effect on it by a small but vocal group has proven to me beyond a reasonable doubt the results a little pressure in a sensitive area can achieve. Agreed, it does offer authors, publishers and even readers a certain amount of protection. But there is also a certain amount of loss to be considered. Stories that circulate privately can never be reviewed, commented on, or shared openly. The author loses valuable input; the neo fan loses the opportunity to experience the fullness of all the different views this fandom and its participants have to offer. Yes, this should be but paranoia and mistrust are not conducive to fun.
S and H 29 (January 1982)
- 44 pages
- art by Ruth Kurz (front cover), Marie A (back cover), Jean C., Betty de Gabriele, Cheryl Newsome, T'Vas, Tracey Heather, Ripley
- a review of One More Mountain, see that page
- a review of Storms, see that page
- two reviews of The Conspiracy, see that page
- a review of Judge and Jury by Ima Fool, see that page
- a review of Me and Thee #2, see that page for an excerpt
- the editor apologizes to a writer for some errors in the last issue: Dear friend, over get to the point while doing this thing that you say "fuck it all"? I reached that point right before your letter made it into the typewriter. Please forgive me for all the typos in it...that word I left out wasn't too crucial, was it?
- a writer apologizes to the editor: [I] hope you won't have too much trouble reading this. I'm using a typewriter that dates back to World War II. I think I should shoot it and put it out of its misery.
- a fan remembers Zebra Con and that special song: Finally, thank all of you for perfect harmony on "The Rose", "sigh."
- a fan cringes a bit about another fan’s rallying offer to publish a m/m zine, hell or high water: The last thing we need in this fandom is a militant attitude. I know the offer is well-meant, but in my opinion it would be disastrous to the love on which the majority of us base our allegiance.
- a fan contemplates a the nature of hurt/comfort and its relationship to m/m: [It’s] something I've been wanting to say about h/c for a long time, and this from an S/H person -- is h/c really all that bad? Okay, I agree, when that's the only reason for a story, then h/c is being done in excess. And I must confess, when I first got into S&H I really got off on h/c, but after awhile I got so sick of that being the only reason for them to touch, be emotional, cuddle, be sensitive to each other, etc. S/H is a lot more fun, alot more satisfying and is a lot more realistic… But why can't you have a good blend of both in the same story? Does a story have to be exclusively h/c or exclusively S/H? My stories will never win any prizes, but I always combine both elements in mine, and I wonder if there's anybody else who feels the way I do about this. I mean, just think about it -- lovers, who are also partners and best friends can also get into dangerous situations together (no, not running out of KY) get frightened or hurt -- need "comforting". I enjoy combining the sexual love and the non-sexual, h/c type in my stories.
- a fan writes about the harshness of the letterzine’s past zine reviews [and she hasn’t even seen the ones in this issue yet]: The main reason I wrote was to make a few personal comments on the fanzine reviews. The comments that follow are solely my own. I feel that if a reviewer does not like a fanzine, story, etc, they have the right to say so. Okay, but can't these reviews be tempered with kindness? No matter what you think of a fanzine, it still took lots of time, effort and love. It deserves the same in return. There is such a thing as tact. As to saying, "Borrow a friend's copy...etc;" I was under the impression that this was frowned upon. At least while said zine was still up or sale or reprint. Do the reviewers even realize what they are doing to anyone who might be tempting to write a story, or a fanzine? I don't think so. I feel, that they're probably scaring hell out of them. Many a fine story will never see light of day because of those harsh reviews. We don't need that! I read all the fanzines I can. I make my own comments, one on one. Believe it or not, word of mouth sells or folds fanzines.
- a fan has a m/m offering but no zine to nest it in: As I mentioned earlier, I wrote a S/H story. I got a couple requests to read it, ok. Those people liked it and now I see I am going to be in bad trouble if I don't let other people read it who want it. Right? Somebody is gonna come to my house and "make me see reason"? My question: WHERE can I send it for submission? Who is doing a S/H zine now? Not that it means that they will publish my story, but golly, I don't know how to get to the right people and I am not worried about all this "heavy shit going down". The next thing, speaking of THAT: [name redacted] letter. As [name redacted] said, the network and the producers of S&H haven't said or done anything to try to prevent all our efforts so apparently they don't care. Now here is really a frightening letter about what to do, with a problem that doesn't really even exist. I thought we were supposed to be having fun here!! [name redacted] says — we'll GET those informers. Vengeance is mine, etc, etc. If THIS doesn't scare off potential S/H writers and even letterzine newcomers, I don’t know what will.
- a number of fans respond to an earlier letter by a con organizer, the one that chided fans for not sending in supporting memberships, saying that they weren’t aware of that tradition: I had no idea that I was supposed to support the con in this way, so I’ll have to write [name redacted] and remedy that!
- a fan contemplates hurt/comfort and m/m: I don't know WHY I am attracted to the male/male relationship and I am not that turned off by the lesbian relationship. All I know is that it gives me a funny feeling in the throat, or the stomach or somewhere when I read the scenes. Similar to the good h/c scenes only more so, but it also depends on how well the explicit sexual scenes are done.
- about a supplement to this issue: Enclosed with S&H 29 is a questionnaire that [name redacted] and I have composed. It is our goal to write the history of S&H fandom. Any historian is only as good as her sources. You are our only sources. Please answer as many of the questions as possible. If you find a question offensive, leave it blank. We've tried to keep the personal questions to a minimum because I, personally find personal questions offensive. If you want to provide additional information, paper is reasonably inexpensive. If you have an S&H friend (or friends) who do not receive the letterzine, please help us get a form to her. [Name redacted] and I both feel our fandom deserves a record. We could do it without you, but it wouldn't be as complete or as accurate as it can be with you. In a small fandom like S&H, we all have to share the work, or it doesn’t get done.
- a fan is worried about the legalities of fan fiction: All forms of fiction are important to me. However, fanfiction rates at the top of my list for reading material. The existence of this form of literature is very important to me. It goes beyond want; it is a need. Several weeks ago a friend made a statement that left me bewildered and distressed. She said that she considered all fanfiction to be plagiaristic. If I didn't love and respect this lady, I'd have said something rude and physically impossible and gone merrily on my way. However, I value her opinion. Maybe she's right. On top of this discussion came an article in a fanzine/adzine called "Film Collector's World " by Don and Maggie Thompson [1] entitled "Fandom Beware". It began: "We're becoming increasingly aware of a feature of certain fannish groups -- a feature that could lead to enormous trouble. Bjo Trimble reported to us that film/TV studios are getting extremely nervous about fanfiction." The article mentioned specifically four fictional characters about whom I care about a great deal: Kirk and Spock and Starsky and Hutch. Well, you get the idea. The attitude of my friend and the tone of the article perplex me. Is this fear on the part of the studios real? Can they be serious? After all this time?
- a fan apologizes for bringing up Star Trek: Please excuse the reference to Trek, but S&H fandom is a bastard child of Trek fandom. Without the talent polished and the experience gained by many S&H fans in Trek fandom, we probably would have a fandom. Also, Trek is older and has an established history which can be documented; S&H is too new.
- a fan writes: To publish or not to publish. That is the question. Before it can be answered, we have to take a look at what S&H fandom is. To begin with, we have a large portion of our family who believe, read, write, and cherish S/H. What I write in the privacy of my own home and store in the bottom desk drawer is a right no one can deny me — at least not in this country. What I write and share with my friends in the privacy of first class mail is also my right. But is the publication of S/H and it's distribution by the privacy of first class mail an extension of private correspondence or is this the point at which the extension of my rights violates the rights of others? The key word appears to be 'private'. S&H (and S/H) fandom is tiny. We're a family drawn together by something much stronger than the sexual attraction of two fictional characters. We care about those fictional characters, but we also care very much about each other. We aren't a crowd of zealots in search of headlines. S&H fandom is a private, personal experience. And in this personal experience I find myself torn between two very strong emotions. On the one hand is my rebellious side yelling: "Damn the torpedoes. Full steam ahead." I have the right to write and publish anything I want. On the other hand is my sentimental, romantic side whispering that S&H, and even more so S/H, is too personal to be tossed into the limelight. The whisper continues: "If you really want to see S/H published openly, then you don't understand, you don't care enough, you don't love the characters and our fandom enough to protect them from the rest of the world. There must be a workable compromise.
- a fan responds to another’s offer in the previous issue to ram a m/m zine through: What you suggested will not work. Not within the boundaries of S&H fandom. It is a big mistake to compare S&H fandom to Trek or SW or any other fandom. We're different, maybe even unique, definitely strange. Our characters and our feelings about them are not the same as in other fandoms. I find the more I learn about Starsky and Hutch, the more I feel the need to cocoon them from an uncaring world. S&H is a personal universe, not one in which everyone can participate. I feel that a public battle at this time is neither desirable nor profitable. Whatever we do, it has to be a workable measure within the confines of our fandom.
- a fan refers to an uproar in another fandom: Regarding the right to print fanzines, surely you are aware of the uproar in Star Wars fandom over Lucas' edict on homosexual and overtly sexual material. The idea that a copyright holder might tolerate or encourage some types of publications and ban others is an area that has not been subject to litigation. And until we know for sure, I think it’s only fair to let prospective publishers the possibilities. Since ignorance does not mitigate legal accountability, I believe that people should know the risks.
- a fan tells another: If I weren’t so polite, I’d tell you to put your ‘fuck that’ where it’ll do you the most good… Incidentally, my previous comments were not addressed to you. I thought you and I had privately agreed that we had nothing to say to one another that was worth printing in these pages. Or did you agree to my cease-fire proposal because [name redacted] was editing at the time? Pity your resolution didn't last. At any rate, entertaining as these little exchanges may be, I have more interesting ways to waste my time than by trying to get a rational answer from you. Have your tantrums in print if you must, but don't hold your breath waiting for me to acknowledge them.
- a fan expresses her dislike of what she felt to be an overly-militant letter in a previous issue regarding publishing m/m zines: Foreign publication is all very well, but in involves a hell of a lot of expense on the part of the publisher. Were you offering to assume that responsiblilty? I’m sorry about the quibbles, I don’t doubt the sincerity of you opposition to censorship and I share your feeling for bigots, but I have to wonder about your sudden interest in S&H. Is it because you like Starsky and/or Hutch, or because you smell a good fight? ‘You fight dirty.’ BFD. This fandom has been trying to avoid tearing itself apart with internal strife, you aren’t likely to waltz in and become the Savior of Freedom at this point. The debates been going on for over a year already… I didn’t care for I didn't care for Anarchists' version of ‘justice’ in The Weight, and I think it stinks in real life. Bullies are bullies, whatever cause they may espouse.
- As for figuring out which fans were pro-m/m and which ones weren’t: I don’t believe things are as secretive as you seem to think. One can pretty much tell from this zine what people’s feelings are on the / subject. For instance, the careful reader would not ask [name redacted] for the word on S/H zines, or ask [name redacted] how to join Jerry Falwell’s gang of fools… antis are not likely to write a pro-gay letter for publication; it could be too embarrassing. I’m not ruling out pseudonyms, but you can always ask around – most of us know each other by now.
- a writer comments about her zine, One More Mountain: "One More Mountain" is not S/H. It is, however, the first part of our Red Light Universe. The second part will be published this summer, and it is S/H. That is provisionally titled One More River. The third part (don't ask when!) will be No Easy Answers. Have we got that (forgive the word) straight? I'll state here and now that anyone who feels strongly about / in a relationship, or who may be offended by explicit scenes, should NOT order either OMR or NEA.
- a fan writes: It's not whether you fit someone's pre-ordained pattern that matters, it’s the quality of the life you make for yourself. I hope that becomes a majority opinion some day or we're all in big trouble. I think, in its own small way, S/H and S&H can help bring that day closer. I've heard a lot of people say that they couldn't conceive of S/H until they read some of it, and that it convinced them that it was a legitimate possibility. That, my friends, is one of the greatest gifts that one person can give another the ability to perceive a greater range of possibilities.
- a zined speaks up and says it isn’t censorship that stopped the production of [name of zine redacted]: There's been a lot of yowling going on in fandom about S/H, and I've been some of it myself. I hoped to win, if not general acceptance of the premise; then at least a little tolerance. But this time I'm gonna growl a little in the other direction. This fandom is unique. You cannot compare it to any other you may have been a part of. We are a small and terribly intimate group, and I think that [name redacted] analogy to a family is fairly accurate. And part of that family too, is the group that created S&H. No, not Spelling and Goldberg, but the cast and crew, waiters, directors - particularly Paul and David. We abhor overzealous fans who want to invade their privacy, and we hate the idea of causing them any embarrassment. Well, I'm a realist, and I'm assuming that S/H will eventually find its way into certain offices, but nobody will ever be able to point to me and say: "It's your fault" "You embarrassed them". Y'see, I'm not worried about those "sanctimonious bigots' that [name redacted] is out to get. What concerns me are those people who want to wave a red flag in the faces of the producers and yell "Look what I did and you can’t stop me!" What's the percentage? Ego-Boo? I don't see it being a question of freedom of the press because no one with any kind of authority has come to us and said you cannot do this.” What stopped us with [name of zine redacted] was the word that certain people were waiting for a copy to dump into the laps of the stars. Embarrass them, embarrass us... stirring the pot, not denying us our inalienable rights to print what we like… It occurs to me that you may be thinking that I'm saying don't publish. That's not so. What I'm saying is this: Care must be taken. What’s so wrong with discretion? I asked [name redacted] that at the S/H workshop at Z-Con and she had no answer. There must be a middle ground between paranoia and warfare. Perhaps we ought to devote some of our energy to finding it.
- a fan writes of the little club” that fandom can be: I'd like to address those people who have been yelling about cliques and inner circles (as if there's some secret ceremony that has to be performed in order to get on some mystical list). If there is an inner circle, it is one of people who have come to trust each other. Simple. If you're not where you want to be in fandom, ask yourself why. If we don't know you, whose fault is that? And if we don't trust you, again, whose fault is that? Getting known is easy, getting trusted, a little harder but not impossible. But remember -- no one has time to waste on someone who won't make an effort. (By the way, let me remind you that there are precious few secrets in this fandom. If you've fucked up in the trust department, bet that about half of fandom knows.)
- about the questionnaire that was included in this issue: No doubt you’ll have notices by now that there’s a rather long survey included with your l/zine this month…I’ll explain. Some of us are writing a History of SH Fandom,” an examination of who we are, why we are, how we began, and so on. I’m really excited about this project; not only will it be helpful to the newcomers, but also (I hope) to those of us who’ve been around fro a while, a chance to sit back and take a look at where we’ve been and where we’re heading. Anyway, part of the History is a look at the most integral part of any fandom – the fans.
- a fan writes: I’ve been hearing words like ‘elitist’ and ‘cliques’ and ‘snobbery’ being bandied about. Apparently there are still people out there who believe that there is some kind of ‘inner circle’ of S/H fans who get to see everything that’s being written and who pass around stories to each other and won’t let anyone else in. Well, that’s a load of crap. There’s no ‘inner circle.’ Shit, I don’t get to see everything that’s written and I don’t know of anybody who does. What is happening is that writers are getting more circumspect about who sees their work. And I don’t blame them. It’s lunacy right now to spread S/H freely and openly all over the place. And that’s not meant as a judgment on those who have decided to publish S/H openly. Their decision. But people are sitting on their stories, showing them only to their closest and most trusted friends. If you aren’t being sent anything, then you should ask yourself why. It could be simply that no one knows you. Which is easy enough to remedy, simply by writing either to the l/zine or to the people who are writing the stories. We don’t bite. We want to know you. But you have to make the first move. And if the problem is that we don’t know you, but that you’re not trusted, again, again ask yourself why. If you’ve ever been given a story to read and asked to keep it quiet – and you didn’t – well, it gets around real fast, believe me. Those people who’ve betrayed a trust are known.
- a zined writes about another fan’s offer to openly print the first m/m zine in the United States: No thank you, lady. Your letter outraged and infuriated me. How dare you presume to speak for anybody but yourself? I resent the hell out of your comment re: zine eds who’ve been browbeaten into submission. Who gave you the right to represent me? I want no part of your offer, now or ever. What good do you think you’re going to do by waving S/H zines in Spelling-Goldberg’s faces and screaming “Look what I did and you can’t stop me!”??? Can’t you understand why many of want to keep S/H fairly quiet? (That does not mean limiting it to a select few; that means keeping it quiet. Period…) Most of us have tremendous respect and love for PMG and DS. We would not do anything to embarrassment or hurt them in any way. And that, pure and simple, is why we keep it private… [I’m] not as concerned about possible lawsuits as I am about harming two men I respect deeply.
- several fans are selling all their fannish things. One example: Due to disinterest, I'm selling off my S&H collection. Anyone wanting S&H stuff contact me... Name a price because I'm getting rid of the whole mess.
- a would-be zined sells her stash: For Sale: Approx. 50 9-hole electrostencils. Approx. 45 4-hole electrostencils. 1 new-never-been-opened-pkg AB Dick 2360 electronic stencils (4-hole). 200 stencil wrappers. 2 pkgs. interleaver cards, Correction fluid and stencil glue. Make me an offer minimum of $50, plus postage and it's all yours.
S and H 30 (February 1982)
- contains 31 pages
- some artwork for Graven Images is still available for sale: “These photo-quality, complete sets are $6 plus postage.”
- a review of One More Mountain, see that page
- a fan opines that "half of this fandom was in attendance" at Zebra Con.
- a fan points out that that "there have been only two S/H zines announced and subsequently canceled. They are Code 7 and All Our World in Us. Two more, “Soapy Scenes” and “Off Duty,” were accepting S/H submissions. “Soapy Scenes” (sans adult material) is still in the works. “Off Duty” was cancelled, but the possibility of trouble was only one of the reasons."
- the listing for zines “available”: Hopscotch, My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys, Sins of the Fathers, Zebra Three #5 and #6, Judge and Jury, Me and Thee #2, Vermont Avenue, 10-13 #1 and #2, One More Mountain, The Conspiracy, S & H Minizine #3, R & I #2, A.P.B.
- the listing for zines “available soon: Trace Elements, L.A. Vespers #2, Mixed Metaphors, Gone to Texas, Bird of Paradise, Half You, Half Me #1, Decorated for Death,
- the listing for zines “accepting submissions”: S & H Minizine #4, “Fifth Season,” Strange Justice, Rerun #1, “Soapy Scenes,” “Late Bloomer” #2, “The Marv Box Memorial Zine”
- a reader disposes of the idea of the fandom as being exclusionary: There's no published rule-book, no password, no form to fill out...nothing so mechanical or simplistic. There is no 'elite' (that I know of)...no 'inner circle.' The image of S&H fandom as a family is apt and, as in any large family or community, total unanimity is a most unrealistic notion. It just doesn't occur - fortunately. You will find more to share with some than with others - and that's okay too. This is a fact of life and should not be equated with incontrovertible evidence of excluding attitudes. Any myth of 'the elite' is simply the product of vivid imagination. But real sharing is a matter of trust and It la something that has to grow spontaneously...no printed, recognized rules for that...it's too sensitive a commodity for that to be so.
- a fan comments on the much-commented on offer by a fan in issue #28 to force out a S/H zine: About [name redacted] letter in no. 28. I think [name redacted] is right: S&H is different. What may serve a useful purpose elsewhere, doesn't apply here. Not superior - but different. And, as I see it, what [name redacted] recommends is off-key and out of tune with the best interest so fS&H. Possibly veil-meant, but inappropriate.
- a fan is intrigued by the idea of the Starsky and Hutch fandom history that may be written. A history of S&H Fandom is a most interesting prospect, something I've often thought about. The whole, sociological phenomenon of fandom is fascinating. Is it just a twentieth- century manifestation, inescapably dependent on twentieth-century technology? Be interesting to see it considered in some sort of historical/psychological perspective.
- a fan writes that maybe SH fandom isn’t that unique: [The] state of [this] fandom is pretty much the state of most fandoms, only in a smaller group, which makes everything look worse.
- A fan makes a prediction, and ruminates on “straight” Starsky and Hutch fiction: Well, for one thing, S/H will probably become an exclusively "underground" thing, due to pressure from "phobes," etc. And as for the "straight" S&H fandom—I feel that certain changes will have to be made If it wants to continue and flourish. The stories will have to become more innovative and expansive, not half as static as most of the straight stuff I've read lately. Particularly in the case of post-SR stories. I've read some excellent ones by S&H writers, in my opinion Lindner and White have written some of the best; but for the most part, S&H writers seem so reluctant to disturb the "status quo" of S&H working together on the street. S/H writers, on the other hand, don't seem to be nearly as reluctant, because they know that won't mean the end of Starsky and Hutch, not at all. What they do for a living, separately or together, doesn't really matter.
- a fan (who goes on toe become an extremely prolific fan fiction writer in many fandoms) confirms, despite the fact there’s only been one S/H zine published so far, the existence of an active underground, pass around culture: Sure, sex can be an overworked theme, too, if that's all you have. But my favorite S/H stories - and I have read many fine ones - contain not just terrific sex, but also very sensitive and in-depth character studies, and interesting plots, too. Something, unfortunately, that I haven't seen in too much of the straight stories lately... As for my own stories—well, there's a couple of people in fandom who read my stuff, but I'm honest enough about my own ability (or, lack of) to know that my stories are terribly long—over 400 pages. When I learn to write shorter stories and polish my style, perhaps then I'll attempt a wider audience.
- a fan complains she doesn’t get much feedback: ...but come to think of it, I don’t ‘feed back’ everybody either… I just don’t know what to say most of the time.
- a fan thinks about Simon and Simon and fan fiction:
- a fan speculates [and makes the provincial assumption that the readers of this letterzine make up the entire fandom of Starsky and Hutch] that since the fandom is small, everyone has to do the work: In this fandom, everyone must carry her share of the workload or the job doesn’t get done. Let’s take a look at the numbers for just a moment. S&H fandom is comprised of approximately 150 (okay, if I really stretched it, 200) people. At least 50 of those live in countries other than the U.S. That’s it, folks. That’s all we are. That means we put in a lot of work to keep our fandom afloat. Each of us must carry her own load… This is one fandom wherein you cannot sit on the sideline and watch the world go by. If you want zines, you have to help produce them. If you disagree with the tone of the letterzine, you have to help change it. Not bitch about it, but change it. This fandom is only as good as its weakest member.
- a fan suggests that if another fan hadn’t been so nice to some friends who’d produced a zine, the zine wouldn’t have been so bad: If you’d been a better friend to [names redacted], they wouldn’t have made as many mistakes as they did.
- a fan suggests that S/H has little to fear from lawsuits: Like all our other media fandoms, S&H fandom is amateur, non-profit, carried on through private correspondence and micro-circulation zines – and as such is immune to copyright persecution, both by US and UK law, no matter what the studios may threaten. Don’t worry about the public battles; the lightning will fall somewhere else than S&H fandom. Then again, S&H fandom is not, and never can be, an exclusive club; it’s already too widespread for any in-group to control. If you could screen prospective members like a sorority, the bigots would have never been ‘pledged’ in the first place, would they?
- a fan says of the current state of SH fandom: Just when fandom should be reaching out to more people, bringing in new blood, encouraging more writers and artists and zines, it’s going underground. Zines fold, writers fade out, communication dry up… What to do? First, get the fear of censorship off our backs… Second, how about some letter campaigns to get those episodes rerun…
- a fan does some math: S/H is only a part of this fandom, only one faction, and even if the premise as gained support in the last months, this fandom has to offer alternatives in order to stay healthy. We cannot afford to ignore ‘straight’ S&H. Fandom “going underground”? Not hardly. In the last few months, four new zines were published. As of this date, there are nine S&H zines proposed for 1982! For a fandom of 150 people, that’s a damn good average.
- a fan bemoans what she feels is the prevalence of crappy zines being published: This fandom will not settle for second best. We’re small, we’re intense, we’re demanding, and we love and protect our characters fiercely… Of the four current zines, Zebra Three #6, Me and Thee #2, The Conspiracy and One More Mountain, only the latter came close [to being good].
- the zined of Zebra Three explains reprints: With the rising costs of postage, ink, paper, envelopes, brads, etc., very simply it cornes down to this: I cannot afford to print what I cannot sell over a reasonable period of time. And so, there will be no reprints of Zebra Three volumes 3 and 4. Alternatives? As Captain Kirk said long ago, there are always alternatives. (Or words to that effect, anyway...) A year or so ago I hauled out my soapbox (via the S&H Letterzine) and proclaimed I would not (and have not done so) authorize the xeroxing of the various issues of Zebra Three. What I meant to say was that as long as I had the stencils to enable a reprint of these issues; I would not authorize their xeroxing. Nevertheless, many fans have been busily visiting their friendly neighborhood (or more likely their employer's) copiers and making copies of all the issues since Volume 1 first came out in 1977. This has greatly contributed to the decrease in the size of the zine-buying population and, hence, no reprints. This is kinda sad for the reader who does not have a well-meaning friend with access to a copier. Therefore, I will authorize only Lori Chapek-Carleton to xerox volumes 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Zebra Three as these issues are out of print. We're talking about something like $15-20 a copy for xeroxing and postage, though, folks, which is considerably more than the cost ($2-4 plus postage) of a reprinted mimeo copy of the zines. (This price based upon my own attempts to purchase other out-of-print zines this same way. It sure ain't cheap!) These are the facts (ma'am). I wish I could go back to the days of mass insanity of producing a zine (printing, collating, punching) in one weekend with 15 or so people assembled to do the honors, but it just isn’t feasible to do these reprints.
- a fan writes: The open publication of Trace Elements should shortly tell us what, if any, practical consequences are involved in the writing and distribution of S/H. Here’s to courage. I only hope that the anti's are aware by now that legal action stands to damage the gentlemen we all respect and admire so deeply at least as much as it might harm the publishers. Possibly more; the information I've tried to pass on in these pages comes from a copyright lawyer as well as from experience with Trek, and I've no reason to believe it unsound. I think these self-appointed censors should be aware, too, that it's been some time since they were anonymous. It's a matter of courtesy and an abhorrence of vigilante tactics that's prevented their being publicly named and called to account. They've been given the benefit of a forbearance they've neither earned nor practiced themselves. Let's hope they learn something from it. One more thing, and I apologize to [name redacted] for drawing on our private correspondence here, but I think this is important. [She] was given some misinformation at Z-Con, and told that the way to protect S/H writers and publishers was to "take on LucasFilm and beard (Lucas' censor) in her den." Which is a load of damp catcrap. It looks to me very much as if person or persons who do have cause to be worried about Lucas' Open Letter to Star Wars Zine Publishers rumored crack-down are trying to use S&H, S&H fandom and the S/H debate to take the pressure off themselves. To take, too, the brunt of any unpleasant consequences. I object to this, quite strenuously. Our own internal differences are potentially destructive enough; let’s not get drafted into someone else’s war.
- a new subscriber writes: I have read the last three issues of the l/zine with much interest, having never before had an opportunity to see it. (How else could I get to know so many of you, so quickly, now that you have reached out to touch my life?) Please don't tear yourselves apart over the "/" issue. You all seem so intelligent, so perceptive, and above all, so caring. It is very distressing to see all that ripping and tearing going on. It was with great relief that I read the current issue (29) and saw much more caring and much less use of claws and teeth.
- on the subject of money and reviews: I believe a reviewer should review works offered in zines sold to public for money, in order to state whether the works meet her standards of quality…
- for sale: video tapes of Zebra Con #3: We have approximately seven hours of the con on VHS. These look like amateur home movies… If you would like to share in our home movies, we’d be glad to copy the tape for you. Included in our selection are the play and the banquet from Saturday night; Marian’s writer’s workshop; the “S&H vs Fan Lit” panel with Marian, Paula, and Jan; the character development panel with Marian, Connie and Jean; the S/H panel with Melanie, Amy, Pam, and [name redacted]. It will take two tapes at SLP (6 hour mode) because the quality is poor, but this is expensive. Either send the tape and postage, or $17… If there is an interest from the Beta contingent, we’ll see bout making arrangement for cloning your tapes.
- ^ fans talk about this magazine: Movie Collector's World (2012)