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You may be looking for Showcase Presents the Alternate Universes of Star Wars, a Star Wars zine published by Sharon Emily.

Title: Showcase
Publisher: Holy Roller Press, (in 1986, T'Kuhtian Press had permission to copy and distribute these zines/parts of these zines)
Editor(s): Sharon Emily
Date(s): 1974-1977
Medium: print zine
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
External Links: Showcase fanzines are online
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Showcase is a gen and adult het Star Trek: TOS fanzine that features Sarek and his second wife Lorna. It ran for four issues and was published by Sharon Emily.

About Showcase

This long Star Trek Romance episodic novel was originally published in the 1970's before the popular category publishers had begun to publish Science Fiction/Futuristic Romances -- or supernatural Romance -- or vampire Romance, and even before the category of Inspirational Romance had burgeoned into a dominant player in the Romance field. Perhaps Barbara Sharon Emily did not invent the genre of Futuristic Romance, but she was surely one of the very first to mix such wildly separate genres as Science Fiction, Romance, and Christian Inspirational writing. And she became an immensely popular writer with this series, drawing some of the best writers in the Star Trek fanzine world into writing in her series, just as Kraith did. This Star Trek fanzine novel series was widely read before the advent of the "/" genres, and contains no "/" elements whatsoever. Literary researchers may find that this one fanzine provided the impetus for many young women writers to explore mixing genres and especially the straight futuristic romance. It was and still is a landmark addition to the literature of science fiction and could legitimately be termed Intimate Adventure. In Jacqueline Lichtenberg's opinion, the quality of the writing here is top notch professional, easily publishable as Mass Market -- except for the mixing of genres which is disallowed in the Star Trek mass market paperback. And like all fanfic, this violates the aired-universe rules to make an even more interesting story than we saw on the air. Originally published in 4 large mimeograph volumes, these novels are made available on the web with Sharon Emily's permission." [1]

General Fan Remarks


SHOWCASE #1 introduces the reader to Lorna Mitchell, a 20th century woman trapped in the time of the Enterprise who comes to love Ambassador Sarek and who weds him after Amanda's death. SHOWCASE #2 continues the Lorna- Sarek saga, reintroduces Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln, paints a remarkably three-dimensional portrait of Kang and his crew-members, and solves the Christine/Spock impasse most logically. #3&4 continue the development of the SHOWCASE universe as a viable, interesting one in which to project STAR TREK-based stories and art. [2]


Sharon Emily's "Showcase" stories have none of these particularly negative implications [that Echoes from the Past and Castaways]. What makes her stories and those of her co- writers interesting to this discussion is her determination to marry off everyone for whom she can possibly find a suitable match. She is particularly fond of marrying Klingon men to Terran women, a situation that apparently reforms the savage tendencies of the Klingons and renders them peaceful, pious and generally civilized exiles to the Federation. The stories are often amusing and well- written but the notion of marriage as a kind of cultural reform school is a little disconcerting. [3]


Showcase -- I hadn't thought about that zine in years. I bought the first two because there at least so few that I knew where to get a hold of. I have a Christian background, and I did't appreciate the tone of Showcase. The attitudes presented all seemed way out of line for ST. I hear there were five zines in all but I stopped buying them.[4]

Showcase Online

Showcase online: "This web edition of Star Trek Showcase is Barbara Sharon Emily's first web-presence. At the time she wrote, edited, and published Star Trek Showcase she was a Parson's wife and printed, stored and shipped the mimeo fanzines in the church basement."[1]

Issue 1

front cover of issue #1, Claire Mason
back cover of issue #1, Virginia Tilley
a flyer for issue #1
from a flyer for issue #1: "The fanzine is large, to make an understatement, no it's impossible to off-set it and keep the cost witin logical limits. However, the stencils were typed on an IBM Selectric II, and one can see that the print is quite legible."

Showcase 1 was published in 1974 and is 221 pages long. July 1975 (fourth printing), July 1976 (sixth printing).

The art is by Claire Mason, Sharon Emily, Virginia Tilley, and Karen Flanery.

From a flyer, about "Misfit":

"STAY!" tells of a young woman from 1969 who was accidentally transported to the USS Enterprise. The story ends while she faces a terrible choice: Should she remain in the future to help Ambassador Sarek (who has become a widower), or take her only chance to return to her own era which might mean that Sarek would die? Norma approved my continuation of her story; now it is part of a fanzine.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

[Stay]: Due to uncertain coordinates and a wide range, an unassuming Twentieth century Earth woman is unexpectedly hijacked into the Twenty-Second century when Captain Kirk, Spock, and Dr. McCoy beam back up to the Enterprise. The trio had come to Earth through a time-gate known as the Guardian of Forever, on a special Starfleet Mission. Scotty promises the Earth woman she'll return home, but when the time is right, she will have to leave post haste, or else she will not be able to return to Earth for 50 years. While aboard the Enterprise, the Earth woman meets Ambassador Sarek, Spock's father, with whom she develops an immediate rapport because he is so kind and nurturing. The two even engage in mind-melds, further creating a bond between them. Sarek is headed for Mauretania aboard the Enterprise to deliver vital information to the Vulcan government that would greatly interfere with current covert Klingon activities. The crew receives a distress signal, from an uncharted planet, that appears blatantly suspicious. However, Kirk cannot just ignore a call for help, so he, Spock, Dr. McCoy, Ambassador Sarek, the Earth woman, and three security men beam down into an ambush. It rapidly becomes clear that Ambassador Sarek is the target. The three security men are killed, and an unknown, fast-acting substance attacks and debilitates both Spock and Sarek. The attackers, assumed to be Klingons, are imperceptible to the officers' instruments because of the Klingons' shielding devices. The party splits up leaving Sarek behind to rest. Upon their return, they find Sarek beaten nearly to death! How will the landing party save Sarek and his all important mission now? In addition, STAY! has a harrowing ending, which leaves the reader in a philosophical quandary. This is a great Kirk-Trek read! SPOILER: During the attack, Sarek has sustained severe internal injuries. McCoy told Kirk that Sarek is beyond medical help; the only possible solution is for Sarek to save himself using the Vulcan technique of rigid concentration. But, in Sarek's weakened state, this is not possible without assistance. McCoy tells the Earth woman she must enter a mind-meld with Sarek to bolster his will to live until they can get him an antidote, which would help him heal rapidly. After many hours in contact with Sarek's mind, and a scant two hours away from finding the antidote, Scotty alerts the Earth woman that she must beam up now in order to return to her own time, back in the Twentieth century. What will she do? Stay and save Sarek, and his mission, refusing her desire to go home? Or, will she return to her family and leave Sarek to die? And this is how the story ends. [5]

[zine]: Showcases 1 & 2 initiated plots enveloping Kang and Mara, Gary 7 and Roberta Lincoln, Christine Chapel and a Klingon she eventually marries... just to name a few! To readers not familiar with the previous issues, some stories in 3 might seem unbelievable. But a luring temptation to read further is enhanced by new concepts: for one, Klingons are not ALWAYS cruel and devious. It's a pleasant change to read Trekfic where stereotyped villains turn out to be warm individuals. Many artists contributed to Showcase 3, including Doug Herring, Claire Mason, Signe Landon and Gee Moaven. The art is plentiful, but not consistent in quality. The print is highly readable, which makes things nicer, considering the size of the issue. The most striking thing element in Showcase 3 is its cheerful tone, the absence of doom and destruction prevalent in may zines today. [6]

[zine]: Ever since the First Fandom came into existence, fanzines (works of stories and art put out by amateurs) usually at their own expense) have been circulating through the various interested science fiction lovers. The tradition has carried on through to the present, and Fandom has given birth to an interesting subculture known as Star Trek. Likewise, science-fiction fanzines have inspired Star Trek zines. Fanzines, after all, are an honored part of Fandom. They even award Hugos to the best zine and the best fan writer.

Over the years, I've read a good many zines, and honestly found that I liked some of the amateur authors better than many professionals. Not all fanzines are even worth their price, but most of them are, and once in a long while, you run across one which is a true jewel.

One of the most unusual Star Trek zines I've ever gotten hold of was Star Trek Showcase. It consists solely of two stories, one poem - and a novel, all quite neatly tied together. Even more, is a feature which I find quite intriguing - that being the successful change of an already established story line.

I trust most ardent Star Trek watchers will remember that Mr. Spock's Vulcan father, Sarek, is married to a very interesting human woman named Amanda. Star Trek Showcase leads off with a story by Shirley Maiewski entitled "Take Care of My Son" - a sad story, really, wherein Captain Kirk must tell Spock that his mother is dead. By itself, I wouldn't have cared for the story, as I liked Amanda. However, there is more, much more.

"Stay!", a reprint by Norma M. Smith continues the line with a widowed Sarek and a girl from 1969. She has accidentally been brought forward in time and is awaiting her chance to return to 1969. Simple enough, until she finds herself in quite a dilemma. She must choose between returning home or irrevocably giving up that chances for she literally holds Sarek's life in her hands, and if she leaves him, he will die. And there, Norma leaves the story; totally unresolved.

Sharon Emily carries the situation many steps forward with The Misfit, and gives the girl a name; Lorna Mitchell. In Sharon's continuation, Lorna doesn't leave Sarek - she can't, and she knows it. Since her unique empathic abilities give her the power to heal, under certain circumstances, she stays in the future.

As things turn out, Lorna couldn't have returned to the past; but that had no bearing on her decision to stay with Sarek, for she did not know what had awaited in her own time.

What follows is a romance - but a most skillfully handled one. I will admit that I could easily have hated this entire zine for its basic premise eliminates one of my favorite characters. Instead, I thoroughly enjoyed Star Trek Showcase. In Lorna Mitchell, Sharon Emily has created an extremely interesting character. Lorna is not an imitation Amanda - far from it, for Lorna is a well-fleshed personality in her own right, and one which is highly believable.

Sharon Emily's handling of the story and the characters shows a great deal of insight, ability, and imagination, and truly sets The Misfit apart from so many of the Star Trek fan stories written by females who are simply sotting into print their own dreams and fantasies. My personal opinion is that Mrs. Emily has the talent to become a professional writer. The Misfit proves this, and I believe her sequel, which will appear in Star Trek Showcase #2 will bear this opinion out.

At any rate, I highly recommend "star Trek Showcase. It started with 75 reserved edition copies and is now in its third printing which will total 275 copies - each of which is apparently road by several people. It is a well-done zine, one which is worth its price, and more, one which I can read time and again, and enjoy as much as the very first time I opened its covers. [7]

Issue 2

Showcase 2 was published in early 1975 and contains 233 pages. By July 1976, it reached its fifth printing, by January 1979, it was reprinted an eighth time. Art by Doug Herring (front and back covers), Claire Mason, Karen Flanery, and D.L. Collin.

front cover of issue #2, Doug Herring
back cover of issue #2, Doug Herring
a flyer for issue #2, printed in Tetrumbriant #5

This zine has the disclaimer: "None of the ideas presented herein...have been established on the air. Please remember that, though similar ideas have appeared in many fanzine stories, they are not to be accepted as indisputable fact. Only the ideas as set forth in publications or in programs presented by Paramount Productions, Norway Productions, the National Broadcasting Company or any other copyright holders on Star Trek material may be granted that privilege."

From Despatch #22/#24: "SHOWCASE #1 is sold out of its second reprint. However, there've been enough requests and orders from individuals stating that they've had the book recommended to justify a third printing -- now in process. SHOWCASE #2 is set for tentative release in February 1975. To date it contains a fine novella by Shirley Maiewskl, "The Mind Sifter," telling what happens to Captain Kirk when he becomes separated from the Enterprise by time, space, and insanity; a short story "Threshold" by Anna Mary Hall; and, since my heroine's halo isn't quite bright enough to suit me, a sequel to "Misfit"; illos by Karen Fianery, Doug Herring, D.L. Collin. I shall try to keep the costs down to no more than a dollar or so more than SC#1; I may be able to keep the price the same."

NOTE: later reprints, labeled "revised" DO NOT contain the story The Mind Sifter. It was removed after the story was sold to Star Trek: The New Voyages #1. [8] After, the fourth issue, only the original art by D.L. Collin remains in subsequent issues of Showcase #2.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2

See reactions and reviews for Proof Positive.

See reactions and reviews for The Mind-Sifter.

[personal statement]: For some reason, there are people who seem to think that it was Paula Smith and her parody of 'Proof Positive' that influenced me to retreat. NOT SO!! As a matter of fact, Paula and Sharon Ferraro have both expended much time, effort, phone bills, and postage seek to get get me to change my mind about retreating. Let it go on record here that Paula sent a copy of her parody to me BEFORE she sent it for consideration by any editor, promising me that she wouldn't release it if I felt it would harm me in any way. Actually, to have one's work parodied is one of the finest compliments a writer can receive... Paula and Sharon are individuals that I'm honored to call Star Trek fandom friends, and I hope this statement will end the rumors. [9]

[zine]: The bulk of SHOWCASE" # 2 consists of Sharon Emily's "While We're Apart," an excellent sequel to "The Misfit" (SHOWCASE #1). "While We're Apart" is more objective and less melodramatic than "Misfit," it also has good action and adventure, and brings Terrans and Klingons together. Sharon's use of previous SHOWCASE stories for explanation for the events of "While We're Apart" gives the story a firmer foundation and makes it more believable. And, it is accompanied by the usual, supurb artwork of Karen Flannery ((editor's note - at least part of the artwork was done by Debbie Collin, I believe)). The other stories are slightly unbelievable, but tying them to "While We're Apart" gives them more credibility. All together, SHOWCASE #2 is a worthwhile if somewhat lengthy zine. [10]

[zine]: I really enjoyed it and, as I said to Sharon, she did it again. I came home from work sick and and, after going to bed, decided to start Showcase. By the time I finished, I had forgotten how badly I felt, and I believe I felt better because of the joy and happiness the stories gave me. What more can anyone ask for in a book? I hope #3 is soon on the way. Even though I'm sorry that Christine and Spock did not marry, I am happy that she has at last found happiness and, most of all, love. Let's hope they have a long and beautiful life. Wouldn't it be nice if we had a Guardian of Forever to go back and see if there is a Christ? [11]

[zine]: This zine contains three short stories, a novelette, and the sequel to Sharon Emily's 'The Misfit.' Two of the short stories deal mainly with marrying off human females to Klingons. One is Helen Noel, and the other is Christine Chapel, who is finely put out of her misery over Spock. Though both stories are well-written, two stories of human/Klingon marriage in one zine is a bit much. The other short story was a Spock-goes-to-Palestine-and-finds-Christ and was too predictable, even to a Christ who speaks perfect Vulcan. There was no spice to it. The novelette was a Kirk story, well-written and fast-moving. Though her characters were very vivid, the plot had a faint echo of other stories (written and televised) and really didn't add much new to the main ST characters. The major portion of the zine was Emily's 'While We're Part.' To me, this story was even better than the 'Misfit,' which I highly enjoyed. Her characters were a great deal better seasoned, with Lorna appearing less goody-goody and more mature. The plot at times seemed a little complicated, but on the whole is very enjoyable. I especially liked the 'logical' solution that Emily offers for the Spock/Chapel scene. [12]

[zine]: The SHOWCASE series differs from most fanzines, with the exception of KRAITH, in the fact that it is an anthology of inter-related stories covering a particular period in the life of its chosen characters, SHOWCASE 2 has further advanced this to unify the stories under a single theme—the impending Federation/Klingon alliance foreshadowed by Ayelborn in "Errand of Mercy." It gives another slant of the Klingon culture. Interesting reading.

Sigh! There is only one major complaint about the series, it has a tendancy to drift of into soap-opera-ism. This in itself isn't bad, but when it gets heavy and soupy, it detracts from the storyline. The solutions in 2 are exquisite,. Few murder mysteries have more twists and intricacies. But one can see I am impressed with 2, very bad for a reviewer. It makes him appear to have lost his objectivity. 2 appears to have been the answer to the problems of 1. Graphics and layout were much improved, although that irritating habit of dual numbering (having each story start as page one, instead of numbering all stories consecutively) was maintained. It also showed a better knowledge of zine economics--fewer blank pages. But 1 was excellent as a first attempt at publishing, being many times better than most first issues. One is worth reading, not just for Norma M. Smith's Stay!, the story which inspired this series, but because Sharon has managed to collect some of the better writers in fandom (including herself). In both issues her authors includes Shirley Maiewsky, Anna Mary Hall and Barbara-Katherine.

Showcase is an expensive book, perhaps one of the more expensive ones in fandom. But for literary content alone, it is worth the price. The artwork in 2, expecially the portrait on page 35 is good, but most is not spectacular. [13]

Issue 3

Showcase 3 was published in December 1976 and contains 142-pages.

front cover of issue #3, Doug Herring, "Klothar Crossing the Border"
back cover of issue #3, "Memory Alpha Complex" from "New Start" - by Doug Herring

The art is by Doug Herring, Barbara Miner, Karen Flanery, A. Grose, Virginia Tilley, Signe Landon, and Amy R. Falkowitz.

Regarding the story, "New Start":

The following was first printed in Star Trek Showcase #3, printed by Holy Roller Press and edited by my birth mother, Sharon Emily (now going by Barbara Sharon Emily-Marsh). It was first published (yes, back in the day, fanfiction was self published and sold by snail mail and at conventions!) in 1976. If you're curious about the original character Lorna Mitchell, you can find and read all the issues of Star Trek Showcase on line at fandom/startrek/showcase. This website, , is run by the sci-fi professional author Jacqueline Lichtenberg. Yes, I am the 'second generation' Star Trek TOS author named 'MAE'. This was my first fanfic to be non professionally published, and it is presented here completely unedited from its' original presentation. I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this story. No Copyright infringement is intended nor implied. Enjoy! Myra Emily Lowe, 6 March 2014" - intro at fanfiction.net, Archived version </ref>

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3

See reactions and reviews for Simple Song.

[Teammates] -- this story picks up, in a most enjoyable story, the relationship between Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln after "Assignment: Earth." "New Start" is a Scotty/Lt. Mira Romaine story. Although I never felt that Mira was the right woman for Scotty, this story works, and points out a facet of Star Fleet officer's lives are seldom discussed in fan fiction -- how do husband/wife teams work out their commitments to their careers and personal lives when children are a factor? Showcase has previously made abundant use of the miraculous healing powers of the Omicron Ceti III spore plants, and this convenient deuz-ex-machina gets a bit repetitious after a while, but the story works very nicely, this tiny flaw aside. "The Doctor's Lady" returns the reader to the familiar Showcase characters of Lorna..." [14]

[zine]: First thing-there is absolutely no truth to the rumor going around fandom that one definition of an optimist is someone who thought Sharon Emily had quit writing. Second thing--this 3rd volume of the zine that she edits, and to a large extent writes, actually is not too bad at all. All the stories this time are related at least tenuously in plot to Miss Emily's Misfit stories; which feature her heroine, Lorna, a 20th century woman who ends up in the Star Trek universe married to Sarek after Amanda's death. (Spock calls her "Little Mother.") Lorna has turned out to be sort of a 23rd century version of Mary Worth, endlessly involved in the personal lives of many ST characters. Readers who missed the first two Showcases may be a bit lost with the plot twists in this one, but should be able to catch on without too much difficulty. Marriage, in general, looms large in this series and in this volume in particular. In "Treatments," by Emily and Shirley Maiewski, Roberta Lincoln and Gary Seven are paired off. It's a nicely written story with excellent characterization. (Roberta is as silly as in the TV show. Any woman who goes for a man whose idea of a fond endearment is "idiot" deserves whatever she gets.) Other stories include "New Start," a Scotty & Uhura romance piece (this one by MAE, the pen name of "second generation" writer - whatever that means, ) The Doctor's Lady" in which McCoy finds happiness with an old flame, and, title stories about Kang & Mara (Day of the Dove) which continues this series sympathetic view of Klingons. The longest story, in the zine, "A Simple Song" has already attracted a certain notoriety in fandom. It's easy to see why. Several years ago, Miss Emily wrote "Proof Positive," a story in which Spock, using the Guardian of Forever, seeks amid finds the "real" historical Jesus Christ. It's probably one of the most famous pieces in ST fan fiction (as is Paula Smith's devastating parody, '100 Proof Positive.) ... But, this latest story is destined for even more reknown. Basically the plot is that Lorna, Sarek, Spock and a scientific party are on the Shoreleave planet to discover how to stop a war by traveling to a different time line (the plot makes up in complexity for what it lacks, in clarity). Along with this, Sarek has been busily pon-farring and playing Ravel's 'Bolero' on his harp. So when a very tired-out Lorna realizes it's Easter on Earth she decides to take a walk, pondering on the religious signifigance of the day and guess who she meets? Right! The original Superstar-stigmata, seamless robe and all. Nary a cliche is forgotten, though somehow he doesn't walk on water even though there is a handy pond nearby. Lorna is understandably shaken by this apparition whom she rather coyly addresses as "Rabbi" but finally decides the situation is OK and tells him her troubles in a scene which some have called in bad taste but which struck me as full of inadvertent humor. The Man of Sorrows comes off remarkably like a current day pop psychologist but Lorna leaves him refreshed in spirit, if not in body, to return to Sarek, the rest of an incredibly complicated story-line, and presumably her husband's harp. The art in this issue ranges from good to excellent though the reproduction occasionally leaves something to be desired. Especially outstanding are several illos by Gee Moaven and Karen Flanery, front & bacover, both by Herring are interesting. To sum up--this is a pretty good value for the money. Anyone who likes romance with no explicit sex and a strong religious flavor should like it. There are plans for a Showcase 4 we are told in the back of this one and the reader can only await it with interest. Twice now, Miss Emily has created a Jesus--perhaps next time she will make a tree. [15]

Issue 4

Showcase 4 was published in October 1977 and contains 249 pages. Art by Doug Herring, Joni Wagner, Kathi Higley, Karen Flanery, David Lomazoff, Gordon Carleton, Amy Harlib, Signe Landon, Tim Corrigan, and Heather Firth.

front cover of issue #4, Doug Herring, "Otsud in Flight"
back cover of issue #4, Karen Flanery, "Klingon Knight in Shining Armor"
flyer for issue #4

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 4

Very thick, nice printing, good art, writing shows a good deal of polish .... So why don't I like it? I do like some of it, mainly the Joni Wagner Kirk on page 8. And I was looking forward to a new Shirley Maiewski story so much .... but I'm sorry, folks, my Kirk would have said 'I'll distract that creature while you grab the baby -- don't worry about me, I'll get out somehow' and then, by golly, he'd do it. He would not have been overcome by the 'ineffectual guilts' because of an 'out-af-wedlock' child. The same tone prevails throughout the remainder of the zine -- if you keep the (christian) faith you'll be rewarded, if not .... put it this way, if you liked the stories in the earlier issues, you'll like these, because most of them continue familiar storylines. [16]

The Proposed Issue 5

There was no issue five published, but it was proposed by the editor:

Showcase #5 will have a special session. Lorna found out what happened during the 20th century thanks to films. I have selected 4 men who have departed, because I think they were startled to learn how they served God during the course of their careers. That will be mentioned in the zine. Since I'm limited in finding accurate material, I'm hoping you will help me by donating stills, magazine and/or newspaper clippings or even paperbacks about their movies. CONRAD VEIDT - JAFFAR did give the blue rose to ST fandom. STEVE FORREST - anything please. But his TV movie HANGED MAN - 1974 has inspired me to start a new series. ELVIS PRESLEY - After all, he was a star when Lorna was still on Old Earth, and she will want to know what else he did. ROBERT SHAW - man from Jaws. A film like that can't ever easily be forgotten. But he did other roles, such as ROYAL HUNT OF THE SUN. That film's contrast of the Aztec 'son of god' with 'Jesus of Nazareth, God's ONLY begotten SON, will have special meaning to Lorna. JOHN WAYNE - Now who could EVER ignore the Duke? Lorna would have been a fan, of course. And she'd definitely love to know what did happen to him. [17]


  1. ^ Showcase, online
  2. ^ from Time Warp #1
  3. ^ from Some Attitudes Towards Marriage in Star Trek Fan Fiction (1981)
  4. ^ from K/S & K.S. (Kindred Spirits) #5
  5. ^ simegen.com, Synopsis written by Rochelle Campbell
  6. ^ from Scuttlebutt #1
  7. ^ from Southern Star #1 (1975)
  8. ^ "Sandra Marshak bought it from Shirley for her book of fan fiction.... [instead, I'll] print a portfolio of D.L. Collin's illustrations that accompanied the original story..." -- from Sharon Emily in Showcase #2, eighth reprint.
  9. ^ In 1977, Sharon Emily sent this personal statement to Scuttlebutt
  10. ^ from Interphase #1
  11. ^ from The Halkan Council #6
  12. ^ from The Halkan Council #6
  13. ^ from Monkey of the Inkpot #3
  14. ^ from Delta Triad #4, there is more to this review but my copy cuts off here :-(
  15. ^ a review of issue #3 from Spectrum #34
  16. ^ from Stardate: Unknown #4
  17. ^ from Datazine #16 in 1982 by Sharon Emily