The Rude Tarot

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Fan Art
Title: The Rude Tarot
Artist: smut_wednesday members and guest artists
Date(s): 1 February 2006 – 29 March 2006
First Published: LiveJournal
Medium: Digital
Genre/Style: Fanart tarot
Fandom: Harry Potter
External Links: smut_wednesday on Livejournal, Rude Tarot Gallery, Part I with comments (archive links, art not archived)
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The Devil by vikingcarrot, featuring Voldemort as the Devil and Rodolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange as his chained demons.

The Rude Tarot is a Harry Potter fanart tarot deck created by the smut_wednesday community on Livejournal. In keeping with the community's theme, most of the art is sexually explicit and much is humorous or cracky.

The completed project includes 24 cards by thirteen artists. It covers the Major Arcana plus two Minor Arcana cards.

Introducing the first Rude Tarot cards, community mod fools_trifle wrote:

With the participation of a good number of fandom artists, I hereby proudly present the first installment of The Rude Tarot! All cards are based on The Tarot, mostly the Major Arcana. The borders were designed and added by the lovely vikingcarrot - thank you! We boast no scholarly presumptions - this has been done purely for fun :D Many silly ideas have been shared in our Rude Tarot chat on the 18th, and here are the first seven results - have fun![1]

The deck was recced at hp_fanart_recs.[2]

Tarot Deck


  1. ^ fools_trifle in smut_wednesday. Presenting this Wednesday: The Rude Tarot!, posted 1 February 2006. Archived 21 May 2006 by the Wayback Machine.
  2. ^ hp_fanart_recs. Untitled post, Archived version. Posted in 2006, backdated to 27 December 2005.