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Recommendation Website
Name: hp_fanart_recs
Dates: 31 March 2006 – 17 December 2006 (last updated)
Focus: Fanart
Fandom: Harry Potter
URL: https://hp-fanart-recs.livejournal.com/
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hp_fanart_recs is a recs journal for Harry Potter fanart, active in 2006. There are over 700 recs for works by over 300 artists.

Recs are organized by tags for artist, character, rating, pairing, media, book, and other categories.

hp_fanart_recs was created as an archive rather than a newsletter, and its primary intention is to provide Harry Potter fans with a way to easily find quality fanart on almost any subject. New recs will be posted sporadically, sometimes frequently, sometimes not so much.

Why do you rec a certain piece?
Personal preference. In general, it's one or more of these reasons:
- good quality
- drawing and/or colouring talent
- interesting and/or funny themes
- unusual characters/situations
- canon scenes
- interesting, different styles[1]


  1. ^ hp_fanart_recs on LiveJournal. FAQs, Archived version, posted 1 May 2004.