HP Art Recs

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Journal Community
Name: Harry Potter Art Recs (hpart_recs)
Date(s): 19 January 2004 – 13 June 2015 (last update)
Moderator: waccawheels (owner), little_needle/wankstar, kaptainsnot; formerly, bzzinglikeneon, karabou, lunulet, greeksong, katho, fiendling, lizardspots
Founder: little_needle
Type: Fanart recommendations
Fandom: Harry Potter
URL: hpart_recs on LiveJournal

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HP Art Recs (hpart_recs) is a recs community on Livejournal for Harry Potter fanart.

The community was started by little_needle in January 2004 with mods including kaptainsnot.[1] Activity fell off after mid-2004 and the majority of subsequent posts are self-promotion. There were 52 entries to the community and 136 comments received as of August 2011.[2]

For recs of art by Japanese artists, the community required the artist's permission to link.[3]


  1. ^ kaptainsnot on LiveJournal. (no subject), Archived version, posted 20 January 2004.
  2. ^ hpart_recs - Community Profile on LiveJournal, archived 18 August 2011 by the Wayback Machine.
  3. ^ waccawheels in hpart_recs on LiveJournal. Notice: About Japanese Fanarts, Archived version, posted 27 February 2004.