Category:Meta in Print
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This category is for fannish meta that appeared in a print zine or other physical form.
Meta essays about zines and zine making can be found in the category Zine Meta.
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This category has only the following subcategory.
Pages in category "Meta in Print"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 822 total.
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- A Private Conversation
- A Trekker's Con-Fessions
- About Two Million, Six Hundred and Seventy-Five Thousand, Two Hundred and Fifty Words
- Adventures in Fandom
- Adventures in Reading Darkover Stories Without Having to Write Them First.
- Aftermath (Blake's 7 essay)
- All About Chapel
- All I can see of fandom is something that was once beautiful which has now become painful and almost unbearable.
- All Of The Filkers Are Singing
- All Slay
- The Allure of Uhura
- Alternate Universe 4: The Writing, The Content
- "Alternative" Thoughts
- Amateur vs. Professional - Your Approach to Fanfiction
- An Armed Camp?
- Analysis of Nurse Christine Chapel
- Anatomy of a Letterzine
- Anatomy of a Letterzine/Official Rebuttals and Responses
- Ancillary Merchandising: The Selling of Other Products to Defray Costs
- ... And Now a Word to our Sponsors
- And now, be prepared for something I've never done in print: BLOWN MY STACK!
- And the Fanzines They Were Free
- Angst and emotional dynamics in slash, as exemplified in Helen Raven's "Heat Trace"
- Ann Wortham's Response to Connie-Sue Hamilton
- Another Addict Raves About K/S
- Another Fandom
- Anybody care to describe a typical lay-Spock story to me? Better yet, explain why anybody would go through the mental torture prerequisite to formulating a feasible plot to lay the bugger?
- The Appeal of the Slave Story in Fandom
- Application for the Grand Poo-Bah Status in BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Fandom
- Are We Advocates of Scientific Fiction?
- Are You Out of Your Mind? Putting on a K/S Convention
- Are Your Characters Motivated?
- Art and Science-Fiction
- Art for Yerself, Or: What to Do With It After It's Printed
- The Art of Falling Apart
- The Art of the Plagiarist
- Art Widner's Poll
- As If It Mattered
- As most of you know, I am not a supporter of people who xerox zines.
- At Odds: Nurse Chapel, the Original Hard Luck Kid
- The AtS Virtue-Chart of Heroic Characters
- Avon, We Love You... Well Maybe We Do!
- The Awful Offal
- Back-Talk: Reacting to Reviews and LoCs
- Background Facts on the Origins of the "Slash" Controversy in B7 Fandom.
- Banned in Anaheim
- Beauties and the Beast
- Beauty and the Beast's Appeal: A Personal View
- Beauty and the Beast's Maelstorm of Mail
- The Beginner's Guide to Kraith Collected
- Beginning Writers
- The Best of Unsolicited Testimony
- A Better Case Against Michelism
- The Bigger They Come: The Trials and Tribulations of Megazines
- Birds of Gay
- The Birth of The Time Traveller
- Blitzkrieg, Beer and Boredom
- Blurring the Lines: Online or in Print, It's Still K/S
- A Bodie By Any Other Name...
- Boldly Going... 25 Years On
- Braving the Canadian Border
- Breaking into Print: Publishing Yourself
- Bring Back Star Trek...?
- Bringing Home the Bacon
- Building a Story
- Button, Button, Who's Got the Button?
- By Any Other Name (essay)
- By Any Other Name (Star Wars meta)
- California, Here We Come! or The Vulcan Consulate is Alive and Hiding Out at Paramount Studios
- Call It Speculation
- Can This Be Middle-Age?
- The Canadian Stf. and Fantasy Scene
- Candace Pulleine’s Open Letter To All Revelcon Members
- The Care and Feeding of Celebrities
- Care to Debate That? Anti-Feminism in Treklit
- Care to Debate That? Broadside
- Care to Debate That? I Am Not Spock
- Care to Debate That? Lack of Female Characters in Trek Fan Fiction
- Care to Debate That? The K/S Relationship... Con
- Care to Debate That? Vulcan Sexuality in the Night of the Twin Moons Universe
- A Careful Analysis: The Roddenberry Footnote
- Caveat Emptor (essay)
- Censorship and the Ethics of Editors
- Certain events have occurred within S.T.A.R. Central for the last 6 months that deserve to be aired.
- A Certain Point of View (Star Wars essay)
- Changes (Star Wars article)
- Character Reports: How NOT to Write Them
- Characterization Rape: An Examination of Fan Fiction
- The Cheapening of Star Trek
- Choosing & Editing Manuscripts
- The Circuit by Agent 6.2
- The "Clone Wars" Revisited
- Clones and the Collapse of the Pre-Imperial State
- Colin Baker was the first person to ever tell me you couldn't be trusted.
- Color Matters Not! just say no to racism in the Star Wars saga!
- Coming Soon To A City Near You
- Commentary (1978 essay)
- Commentary on the November "Novae Terrae"
- Commercialism in Strekdom
- The Comprehensive and Incomplete Fan Artist's Guide to Selling Fan Artwork
- Con Descending
- Con Fans and Mainstream Fans
- Concerning Sehlats
- Concerning Spock
- Confessions of a Terranan Keeper, or, An Untrained Telepath is a Danger to Herself and Everyone Around Her
- CONfusion
- The Connection to Star Trek Lives!
- Continuity Theory
- A Convention in Planning
- Convention Memories: Shore Leave
- The Conventions as Asimov Sees Them
- Copyright: at the moment we are stuck with what the Library of Congress says
- Copyright: Can Fan Writing be Afforded Protection as "Literature?"
- The Corporate Con Crisis: Does Fandom Really Belong to the Fans Anymore?
- Costume Recreation
- Coventry
- The Crime of Character Rape
- Critical Mass (article)
- Crossing the Jundland Wastes: The Last Trek, a Journey Through Star Wars Fandom's Golden Age
- The Crucial Element?
- Cynical Fandom
- D.C. Fontana is a Romulan Agent
- A Dangerous Trend?
- Dark Shadows Open Letters
- Darkovans Invade Boskone!
- Darkover and Kraith
- Darkover Landfall reviewed by Vonda N. McIntyre
- David Gerrold's 1984 UFP Con Report
- A Day In The Life... on the set
- Days of Magic, So Close to Me
- Dear Artist: Under-Draw!
- Dear Blake's 7 Fan
- The Death of Star Wars
- Death Wish
- A Defense for Fan Fiction
- Destroy the Old Order
- Developing a Thick Hide
- The Development of the Kirk/Spock Relationship: Its Foundation in Fan-Fiction
- Diana moved me ''powerfully"
- Diane Carey's "Ghost Ship" Letter
- Discouraging criticism has become a problem in K/S fan fiction. But I don't think the answer is to hold fan authors to lower standards.
- Disillusion
- Do Fans Suffer From Dementia?
- Do you really want to be a "FAN"?
- Doctor Who On Feminism
- Don't Call Me "Widow"
- Don't Say That!
- Dracula Meets The New Woman
- Dream On
- The Dual Nature or Dark Side of Vincent
- Dune and Star Wars: How Similar are They?
- Dyan Ardais and the Ethical Problem
- E-Man-Uelle's Revenge
- E.T. Is Alive and Well In My Closet: A Short Diatribe On The State Of The Nation
- The Easy Way Out
- Eddie: A Message from the Real World
- Editorial for The Women's List
- That Elegant Scruffy Look
- Ellison Wonderland: A View from Trekland
- Emergency Flare
- Endings? (Star Trek essay)
- The Eroica Connection
- Esoterica and Sime/Gen Fandom
- An Essay in Defense of Fan-Written Characters
- Ethics and Etiquette: A Proposal for the Buying and Selling of Fanzines
- An Evolution of Consciousness: Twenty-Five Years of Writing About Women in Science Fiction
- An Evolution Overlooked
- An Exercise in Futility (Or Lessons in How to Beat a Dead Horse): Black Cover
- Extreme Prejudice: Opinion for Interphase
- The facts are these. Hoover is not telling the truth.
- The Fair Treks: Star Trek's view of women
- A Fairly Complete Case Against Michelism
- "Fan" -ning the Flames
- Fan Fiction II: The Revenge, Fanfic Faces Off BigThree Accounting
- Fan Fiction: Is It Legal, Or Merely Tolerated?
- Fan Magazines (essay)
- Fandom is a Way of Death
- Fandom is for the Young or One Convention Too Many
- Fandom's Lost Idealism
- Fandom: A Neofan's View
- Fanfarade
- Fannish Roots (1991 essay)
- Fantaglimmerings
- Fantasy Worlds Festival Dead Dog Party Incident
- Fantasy, Credibility, and Crime
- Fanzine Reproduction (1976 panel discussion)
- Fanzines & Collectors
- Fanzines: 1966-1991
- The Female Hero: Personal Reflections on the Appeal of Leia Organa
- Feminism (Or the Lack of It) in Trek-Lit
- Feminism in Trek-Lit (1980 essay)
- Feminism in Treklit (1976 panel discussion)
- A Few Thoughts Occurring: After Seeing Disney's Animated "Beauty and the Beast"
- Fiawol, or, How to feel at home in a purple wig and a cape
- File on Martin Shaw... Closed
Media in category "Meta in Print"
The following 40 files are in this category, out of 40 total.
- Blake's 7 Wars Anonymous Open Letter (1988) Page 1.jpg 1,114 × 1,612; 1.26 MB
- Blake's 7 Wars Anonymous Open Letter (1988) Page 2.jpg 1,132 × 1,576; 1.39 MB
- Blake's 7 Wars Anonymous Open Letter (1988) Page 3.jpg 1,078 × 708; 520 KB
- Darktowercolumn.jpg 296 × 468; 70 KB
- Emanuellesrevenge.jpg 2,326 × 1,628; 989 KB
- Emanuellesrevenge2.jpg 2,326 × 1,654; 990 KB
- Emanuellesrevengedisclaimer.jpg 2,208 × 370; 261 KB
- Garbageessay.jpg 480 × 596; 206 KB
- Gazletter1.jpg 476 × 669; 190 KB
- Gazletter2.jpg 463 × 242; 49 KB
- Generalthoughtson.jpg 1,110 × 1,474; 659 KB
- Harlanwindow-1.jpg 478 × 622; 241 KB
- Harlanwindow.jpg 736 × 630; 384 KB
- Howtohandle-1.jpg 1,116 × 1,444; 528 KB
- Howtohandle-2.jpg 1,674 × 1,666; 746 KB
- Howtohandle-3.jpg 1,116 × 1,448; 673 KB
- Howtohandle-4.jpg 1,102 × 1,440; 619 KB
- Insidekraithpage.jpg 465 × 608; 110 KB
- Interphase4acafan.jpg 471 × 620; 192 KB
- Magtail2-5.jpg 1,630 × 1,868; 1.44 MB
- Magtail2-6.jpg 2,090 × 1,834; 1.26 MB
- Magtail2-7.jpg 1,636 × 1,802; 1.3 MB
- Makesandmodels.jpg 481 × 628; 254 KB
- Openlettertofandomdella1.jpg 1,824 × 2,387; 1.58 MB
- Ourcommunity1.jpg 473 × 618; 146 KB
- Ourcommunity2.jpg 471 × 616; 140 KB
- Ourcommunity3.jpg 470 × 617; 129 KB
- Ourcommunity4.jpg 470 × 619; 97 KB
- Poisonmaiden-1.jpg 460 × 643; 403 KB
- Poisonmaiden-2.jpg 542 × 611; 420 KB
- Poisonmaiden-3.jpg 596 × 620; 408 KB
- Poisonmaiden-4.jpg 556 × 615; 457 KB
- Poisonmaidenfront.jpg 307 × 473; 292 KB
- Ritualinthekraithuniverse.jpg 470 × 619; 131 KB
- Sexks10.jpg 384 × 472; 87 KB
- Tenthousand.jpg 1,108 × 1,450; 545 KB
- Thingstobe.jpg 470 × 619; 103 KB
- Thinkingaboutslash.jpg 474 × 618; 139 KB
- Whatisafanzine.jpg 494 × 667; 182 KB
- Zinegraph.jpg 977 × 624; 109 KB