Application for the Grand Poo-Bah Status in BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Fandom

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Title: Application for the Grand Poo-Bah Status in BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Fandom
Creator: "Wendy Darling" (an purposely anonymous pseud)
Date(s): December 1991
Medium: print
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast (TV)
External Links:
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Application for the Grand Poo-Bah Status in BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Fandom is a 1991 anonymous fanwork printed in Once Upon Another Time.


It is a meta commentary on The Beauty and the Beast Wars, and is a form of open letter.

This fanwork has an accompanying story by the same author, a cruel polemic meta fic called Two Beauties and a Beast .

A similar anonymous screed is the 1984 Star Trek: TOS flyer, Naked Doubles.

Topics Address


Name (Last, First, Cutsy Nick-name, Tunnel Alias): ___________

Current Address: ___________________

City & State:___________

ZIP: ________

Phone Number as of Last Week: (__)___________

I declare that I:

_Insulted One/All of the cast members of BATB (or their work in 3rd season), then had the gall to ask them for their autographs.

_Wrote nasty letters to the creator/producer/writers/directors/actors of BATB.

_ Sent distasteful "gifts" (like dead roses) to cast/production office/network.

_ Went through the dumpster at the Vernon set for "goodies," or stole them on location from actors' trailers when no one was looking. [1]

_ Made lots of money selling the home addresses/phone numbers of the stars of BATB to manic-depressive, fanatical fans, then headed the group driving off to park and stare at their houses.

_ Am currently suing one/all cast members of BATB for libel.

_ Am still insisting on trying to speak, without permission, for ALL fans of BATB, regardless a lot of those fans have told me to shut up.

_ Go out of my way attempting to destroy the credibility of all BATB conventions other than those conducted by Fan-Out and Creation.

_Violently accost BATB's fan authors and artists holding views different from my own.

_ Have done, yet consistently deny doing, any/all of the above.

Other qualifications you feel justify your application:

_ I have absolutely no creativity of my own.

_ I am a pathological liar.

_ I am intolerant of any changes made to BATB and feel threatened by them.

_ I become violent the moment anyone tells me "Get a life": or "Linda Hamilton isn't doing BATB ever again," or "Ron Perlman is happily married."

Please mail application to: I wanna be the Grand Poo-Bah Michigan York, California


  1. ^ Beats stealing them when people are looking.