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"touched" (multifandom zine)

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Title: "touched"
Publisher: Jane Carnall
Date(s): 1984-1987
Medium: Print zine
Fandom: Multimedia & Blake's 7 & Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
External Links:
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"touched" was a slash, gen and femslash multifandom letterzine published in the U.K.

detail of the logo on many of the front covers

It was more overtly political and lesbian than usual for zines of that era.

In 1994, Carnall wrote:

I started a fanzine called "touched", with two friends from the gay youth group. We wanted there to be at least one slash zine in which the words "I'm not gay, I just fancy you" would never ever be printed. I like to think that "touched" had something to do with the changes in slash fandom since then. [1]

The publication was also known for being copylefted (free to copy) at a time when zine editors frequently inveighed against zine piracy. There was no charge for the first three issues; in the editorial for issue #3, it was requested that folks pay some "filthy lucre" for future issues.

"touched" has a sister zine which ran for two issues called The Unique Touch.

Regarding the Title

From editorial in The Unique Touch #2: "...[the quotes around the title] were the result of RiK getting over-zealous when he designed the logo, but I liked them and they stayed)..."

General Reactions and Reviews


Touched is promoted as -a gay sf journal -not that you have to be either touched or gay to subscribe !There are seven issues to date, all with B7 (the editor, Jane Carnall, being a B7 fan).

[comments about specific issues snipped]

Touched also contains ST, Darkover, original sf; soapbox, graffiti, and 'personals', book and zine reviews, articles and interviews with fan writers (phew). Unfussily produced, but more thoughtful and generally better written than one's run of the mill porn—and—mush 'slash' zine, I think. Airmailed to Aust. - one pound fifty pence an ish, eight pound for a subscription of six. [2]


Thank you for "Touched" existing. I read everything in (almost) one sitting, (Just after reading the E-man-uelles zines actually) and am utterly delighted, shaken by hysterical fits of laughter and generally In a state of mild euphoria.

I love the zany humour: Fairy tales revisited, E'S Revenge, Unromantlc Affair <<Walt till you see the sequel! hJc>>, Stories to Annoy... all that and more got me rolling In the aisles! (a were-duvet is a killer when you are in the right mood, "Blake has no guts... thanks to Avon" still gets me chuckling, A Fate Worse Than Death (Ann & Jane) is a cynical Jewel according to my heart).

I like the books and fanzine reviews. Most sf authors mentioned (there and elsewhere) I read and enjoy (although, where does one get Southern Lights and Southern 7?) <<Ooops. . . Sorry! hJc>> I'm truly impressed by Bryn Lantry's style (of course, being myself B/A oriented might bias my judgement. But Bryn (read "you" if you are Bryn), also uses imaged writing to good effect.) In fact, the general quality of what I read is pure satisfaction - all authors included: I was going to write a list of my favourite stories, and realized I was listing every one. However, despite promises, the fiction seems sometimes to deal more with engorged shafts and assimilated that with 23rd century <<B7 is set in the 30th. hJc>> reactions, and non-participating crew-members feelings about gay life and longings.

I'd rather stories did not end when the two new lovers hop into bed together for the first time: in-depth crew reactions stories would be welcome. In that vein: "In Porphyry" (Bryn Lantry) deals with the general climate and Blake's motivation most convincingly, or "Changing" (Jane Carnall) where Blake's prejudice turns into shared complicity with Dee and Jenna. Am I being selectively blind, or is it really a tendency, that stories involving Blake tend to be more "outside" oriented, whereas Avon/Vila stories tend to deal mostly with the both of them? This could be because Avon and Vila are mostly interested in their own survival, whereas Blake has by nature, broader aims?

Practically speaking, one last thing. Jane? <<Yes?>> How about a table of contents? Or is one condemned to go through everything, systematically, to find what one is looking for? <<What, you mean not everyone has an eidetic memory? I'll think about it. hJc>> [3]


My first fandom was Blake's 7. Yes, there wasn't a lot of f/f in B7, but it wasn't non-existent. You had to look in the right places, mostly photocopied and stapled together zines with a lot of Avon/Vila, but it was there. Some zine publishers were actively hostile to it, but others were quite political, and it got through. [4]


This one is actually both B7 and Star Trek (TOS only, I think), and is the very firmly (and usually explicitly) slash, but also quite biased towards A/V on the B7 side, though not exclusively - and it has the odd femslash piece, too! They are quite basic issues, but the stories I really enjoy. It also has letters and surveys, which I find interesting as documents of the time.[5]

Issue 1

"touched" 1 was published in July 1984 and contains 13 pages.

front page of issue #1

From the editorial of the first issue:

welcome petals. Welcome to our first edition of 'touched' the one and only lesbian and gay sci-fi group and its newsletter.. In the beginning there was null and void. But then the great Matriarch would let there be 'touched' and there was 'touched (with a little help from her friends).

"Touched' will come out when it appears, hopefully on a trial basis for the first three months. BUT, it all depends on you lot spreading the word, and of course supplying us with material, suggestions, insults and criticisms (constructive of course), we're not in the demolition business, dear.

Any alien or humanoid is invited to partake in this new experience. Bisexual hermaphrodites from Alpha-Centuri are verywelcome (Fiona McA is kinky about them), even straights from boring old Terra are eligible, as the only qualification is a belief in I.D.I.C..

The first issue has some suggestions:

1. "Touched" is a cooperative. (That's the theory anyway.)
2. "All members should contribute articles, reviews, stories, poems, letters, suggestions, comments, etc, as often as they can.
3. Let's recruit by word of mouth initially and take it from there.
4. When we expand we'll start thinking about money. [undecipherable three characters]
5. Be proud of what you write. We hope contributors will feel free to use their real names.
6. You are more than welcome to criticise other people's work eg characterisation, style, etc, please be careful you aren't critisising what they are writing about. (No closet Homophobes, PLEASE!)
7. Believe in I.D.I.C.

  • A Myth Called Reality, article reprint from Gay Scotland by Paul Trainer, member of the band "Frieda Fetische and the Frustrations"
  • Nighthoughts, poem by Jane Carnall (Blake's 7, Avon/Vila)
  • Isolation, story by Jane Carnall (Blake's 7, Avon/Vila)
  • Destroyer, poem by Jane Carnall (Blake's 7, Avon/Vila)
  • Vulcan Wommin, poem (appears to be a Ni Var) by Ann Brown (Star Trek: TOS)
  • Tardis Cum [hlo?] by Rik (Doctor Who)
  • Nightmare, fiction by Ann Brown (Star Trek: TOS)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

Two perceptive poems by Jane Carnall. In ’Nighthoughts’, Vila talks to his dead companion Gan, about their shared Delta past, frightened by his different love for the untrustworthy Avon. ’Destroyer’ is about Avon’s unhappy destructiveness towards Vila, whose warmth he finds difficult to accept. Avon/Vila stories by Jane and K.A. Foley. [6]

Issue 2

"touched" 2 was published in August 1984 and contains 10 pages.

issue #2

Ann writes about why she started "touched":

Because I need it. Because there has to be more to it than porn. So few stories deal with the guilt, the truth and the practicalities of living a Gay/Les life in between the stars. Why are they called "same sex stories." It seems unnecessary to use such a title. What is the matter with the words GAY or LESBIAN? Are they so DIRTY that they can't be put in print? Perhaps you accuse me of labeling but aren't the words "same sex" just as obvious as a label. I wanted "touched" to try and coordinate Gay SF of all types so we know each other and can help each other. Some A/V fanzines boast of their belief in IDIC and then refuse to print less (C/D) material on the grounds that the fans aren't ready for it. This may be a valid point. One incident in particular interests me where an A/V writer of some standing destroyed a 10-year friendship on the grounds that her friend was lesbian. I wonder, does she understand A/V never mind IDIC.

  • Isolation by Jane Carnall (Blake's' 7)
  • Runaways, features Pavlov's dogs, by [Richy F] (This story ends with commentary by a member of the cooperative: "Dear Friends, I hope you liked Richy's story. I loved it. But Richy himself leads us to a problem and I have his permission to discuss it with you. Firstly, Richy is 14 years old. Secondly, he believes himself to be gay. Thirdly, he wants to join "touched." Legally, Richy can ... Write for "touched." Read "touched." But he cannot buy it or join. Legally, he is not gay until he is 21. Should we decide who is old enough to join "touched"? IS THE LAW RIGHT? If you say YES, then "touched" will obey it and Richy will not get to have any more do with the group. If you say NO then we will get around it somehow.")
  • Touch by Cancer (K.R. Foley) (Blake's 7)
  • What Makes Avon Tick? (And do we want to find out?) by Jane Carnall
  • Character Comments by Jane Carnall
  • Vulcan Wommin, poem (different than the previous one)
  • A Place of No Return, poem by K.A. Foley
  • Song Same, poem by K.A. Foley
  • Lover, poem by K.A. Foley
  • Need, story by K.A. Foley (Blake's 7)
  • Total Recall, story by Fiona Clements (Star Trek: TOS)

Issue 3

editorial from issue #3

"touched" 3 was published in December 1984 and contains 28 pages.

It mentions that issue #4 will have an interview with "one of the best writers in K/S fandom."

From the editorial:

Now the bad news. Starting from the next issue... you're going to have to PAY for it. As in money. Filthy lucre. We'll even take American Express. Next issue will cost 75p. This covers photocopying, postage, packing and a (small) profit margin to allow for overhead, etc. If you wish to offer four or six copies in advance (and it would be very helpful)... If it's necessary to put the prices up, that will announced at the end of one N/L for the next. If you think this is a good system, or if you have a better idea, please write to us, we are a co-operative (even if Ann thinks we're a matriarchal one, RIK thinks we're a democratic one, Jane thinks we're an anarchic one, and we don't know what you think at all) and all opinions are welcome.

  • Innocent Betrayed, fiction by Jane Carnall (Blake's 7, Avon/Vila, with V/Tr rape)
  • A Fate Worse than Death, fiction by Ann Johnson and Jane Carnall (Blake's 7, Avon/Blake)
  • sequel to Runaways, fiction by Richy (Star Trek: TOS, Kirk/Spock, Spock/OMC)
  • Friends, poem by K.A. Foley (no fandom)
  • I Fear, poem by K.A. Foley (no fandom)
  • Alone, poem by K.A. Foley (no fandom)
  • untitled, poem by K.A. Foley (no fandom)
  • Love, poem by Ann (Star Trek: TOS, K/S)
  • Thoughts, poem by K.A. Foley (K/S)
  • Plea, poem by K.A. Foley (K/S)
  • Explanations, poem by K.A. Foley (no fandom)
  • Questions, poem by K.A. Foley (no fandom)
  • Haunted Mind, poem by Jane Carnall (Blake's 7)
  • Afterwards, poem by Jane Carnall (Blake's 7)
  • Love, poem by Jane Carnall
  • a discussion on whether the word "lesbian" is offensive
  • reviews of the books "The Chronicles of Tornor," "The Dancers of Arun," and "The Northern Girl"
  • reviews of the book "Vila" (not Blake's 7) and "Stardance"
  • Graffiti Corner

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3

'Innocent Betrayed’ by Jane Carnall. Set around Pressure Point and Trial. Vila is captured by Federation thugs, and relives his young years when he was sexually exploited by cruel Alphas. Cally encourages a troubled Avon to help the Delta recover some self-esteem. The confused and class-conscious pair discover that there can be equal, gentle love between a low-grade and a high-grade. A thoughtful, sensitive story. ’A Fate Worse Than Death' by Ann Johnson and Jane. Blake would sink to anything to keep the useful Avon on the Liberator... and Avon’s a romantic at heart. It’s all for the Cause. ’Haunted Mind’, a poem by Jane -Avon alone on Gauda Prime.[7]

Issue 4

"touched" 4 was published in April 1985 and contains 28 pages.

cover of issue #4
  • Changing by Jane Carnall (Blake's 7, Jenna/Original Female Character story); credited by Nova as the first piece of Blake's 7 femslash[8]
  • Valentine by Jane Carnall (Avon/Orac) (Blake's 7)
  • regarding the interview with "one of the best writers in K/S fandom" as mentioned in issue #3: "We never got that interview our Vulcan Matriarch promised us in the last issue of 'touched.' Better luck next time!"
  • Vulcan Wommin, poem by Ann
  • Inside, poem by Jane Carnall (Star Trek: TOS, Spock/McCoy)
  • In the Meantime, story by Julie Kramer (Blake's 7)
  • Delta, Service Grade, poem by Jane Carnall
  • For Time is Not So Constant as Love, poem by Jane Carnall (Star Trek: TOS, Spock/McCoy)
  • Salacious Scralls, cartoons by Jane Carnall
  • Memories Thrall, story by Estarriol (Star Trek: TOS)
  • A Totally Inappropriate Story for This Time of Year by Jane Carnall
  • Valentine, story by Jane Carnall (Blake's 7)
  • an ad for "E-Man-Uelle's Revenge"
  • Graffiti Corner
  • Soapbox Page, discussion letters ("Why did Vila rescue Tarrant and not Cally?" and "Why are Avon and Vila subjected to 'outside influences' to break the ice?")
  • The K/S Writer's Defence by Eva Stuart, essay about whether "straight" fans can write "gay" literature
  • illo by Ann
  • Star, poem by K.A. Foley
  • Spiral from Security, poem by Jane Carnall
  • Are You There?, poem by K.A. Foley
  • You and I, poem by K.A. Foley
  • Touched, a Tribute, poem by K.A. Foley
  • On Loving Men, poem by Jane Carnall
  • A Pean to the Goddess from a Warrior Maid, poem by Sine
  • Vulcan Wommin, poem by Ann
  • book review of Afterlife, see that page
  • book review of "In the Hall of the Martian Kings"
  • book review of "Songmaster"
  • Still Waters, poem by Julie Kramer
  • Under Four Moons, poem by Jane Carnall
  • Hush, poem by Ann

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 4

See reactions and reviews for Changing.

See reactions and reviews for The K/S Writer's Defence.

In ish 4; ’In The Meantime’ by Julie Kramer. After Avon fails to find Blake on Terminal, Vila learns (to Avon’s chagrin) that Avon was more attached to Blake than he lets on. Vila, kind soul that he is, when Avon gives him a chance. plucks up the nerve to keep him company in his loneliness. Julie writes lovely, skillful tales. ’Valentine’ by Jane Carnall. Remember when Orac, intoxicated by the sands of Virn, proclaimed "I love you"? It was addressing Avon, and in vino veritas! ’Changing’, also by Jane. On his way to Gauda Prime, Blake searches out Jenna to re-recruit her. He's bewildered to find her happy with a ship and partner/lover, Dee Tarrant (?). After Jenna tells Blake a few home truths about his selfish treatment of the Liberator crew and inability to love, the two women agree to help him (only to self-destruct running a blockade presumably... sigh). 'Still Waters', a poem by Julie Kramer -Avon's reticent feelings for Vila during City At The Edge Of The World. [9]

Issue 5

"touched" 5 was published in July 1985 and contains 25 pages. Beginning with #5 through #11, all covers are identical, except for the number and date. This cover was designed by Pearl Hodgson.

cover of issue #5
graffiti page from issue #5

From the editorial:

We have observed, with a certain natural pride, that "touched" has been improving steadily since its very first issue. Issue One, all those months ago, consisted of 12 pages and four contributors, rather badly typed and smudgy. Issue Two, 16 pages and five contributors. Issue 3, while only with only four contributors, had 28 pages and looked far more professional. It was also the first issue that was to reach overseas members. Issue 4, we believed had touched (no pun intended, honest!) the peak. Seven contributors, skillfully written stories, touching poetry, and delicate artwork. We were wrong. Issue 5, the issue you hold in your hands, is the best yet. Seven stories by six writers, each with markedly different ways of looking at the Universe, all with an unshakable belief in the philosophy of IDIC.

  • The Rational Ship, story by J.P. Hollerith (Original SF)
  • That and This, poem by Chei Karai
  • Shadow Passing, poem by Chei Karai
  • Vulcan Haiku by Chei Karai ("the trouble is that; suicide always seems so; logical to me")
  • The Lion and the Lamb, story by Eva Stuart (Author's Note: "the two characters of this story originally appeared in A Day in the Life, in a K/S zine called The Voice #3 and although I hope this is self-contained, Asla's interview with Spock can be found there. I was always curious as to what Lt. Armscom and Ensign Traven said to each other afterwards and am very grateful to "touched" for letting me find out.")
  • The Reluctant Rebel, story by London Bates (Blake's 7) (Author's Notes: "This is a result of the story [see "touched" 3, "Innocent Betrayed"] in which we find Avon has been a "Hawk" among the Wolves and Rabbits in prison. All very well and good, but the Avon of seasons A & B were never very good at physical combat. [some examples from the show snipped]... Avon never challenged Blake physically, either. The man was just too big and strong for Avon and he knew it. Avon also delighted in the verbal repartee which only Blake could ever return adequately. Hence, the direction I take in THE RELUCTANT REBEL.")
  • Book Reviews: "Homosexual Elements in Isaac Asimov's Science-Fiction", "The Guild of the Renunciates," "Earthchild"
  • Runaways, part 3 by Richy Fyre (Star Trek: TOS, this story was "transcribed over the phone by Ann, and to a certain extent, rewritten (the last 12 paragraphs are entirely her work.)")
  • Graffiti Page
  • Knight Maneuvers, story by London Bates (Blake's 7) (also in Forbidden Zone #2)
  • Knight Takes King—Checkmate, poem by London Bates (Blake's 7?)
  • It's Worth the Effort, poem by London Bates
  • Sound of a Breaking Heart, poem by Jane Carnall
  • How I May Let You, poem by London Bates
  • A Philosophy for the Future is Given, essay by Mark Brownrigg
  • Go Lemmings Go by Jane Carnall (original fiction)
  • Emergency—Help!!! (the editor pleas for assistance with producing this zine)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 5

'Knight Maneouvre' by London Bates. Post-Countdown. Avon is drinking himself silly over Anna; a concerned Blake believes some love would do him more good. 'The Reluctant Rebel', also by London. Avon takes Blake in hand, so to speak, after Blake has protected him from rape on the London. Nice poetry by London and Jane Carnall.[10]

Issue 6

"touched" 6 was published in October 1985 and contains 31 pages.

cover of issue #6
from issue #6, the graffiti page

Jane Carnall commented extensively about the May 1985 Joanna Russ' essay, Another Addict Raves About K/S, citing Russ' influence in her own writing, including that of "Changing", responding to a review by Eva Stuart of Nome #8:

Now look. Much I will take from the woman who gave me the first-ever lesbian Star Trek story, but when you criticize Joanna Russ that's 'Going Too Far. She is my hero, not only as the woman who convinced me (in a depressing period just after I'd read Mary Renault's Those Friendly Young Ladies" - for any Renault fans who haven't read it, don't - it'll give you the most unpleasant insights into that woman's mentality—which ("TFYL") had convinced me that it is impossible for lesbians to write readable stories about lesbians (I'd never read - or heard of - "Rubyfruit Jungle"). Can you wonder that I, an aspiring young lesbian writer, was feeling like the pits?) that a lesbian could write a marvellously crafted, shiningly excellent, science—fiction story about lesbians? The story was, of course, "When It Changed", a tale of Whileaway, the world without men, and I read it in 'Kindred Spirits,' of which, more later. In a sense, therefore, Ms Russ is responsible for my continuing support of "touched" - without which, I say smugly, it would have foundered in the second issue - or more than likely, would never have been launched at all. She's also directly responsible for "Changing" - whether or not she'd like the idea, I don't know.

All right, all right, I admit it - Joanna Russ is not a goddess. (Divine hero, yes, definitely,) She must, therefore, being only human - not even Vulcan - have her faults. But anyone who wrote The Female Man, and who is (to my knowledge) the first sf writer to, come out publicly, in print, as a lesbian...personally, I'm prepared to forgive her anything up to retirement. And I'd like to see the article - I don't suppose it was written specifically for a K/S zine, was it? If it was written for a non-fen feminist audience, that would explain a little crassness in the writing.

Incidentally, on one point I definitely agree with her. While feminism is not directly evident in many K/S stories, K/S and it's sister genres, Avon/Blake, Avon/Vila, Starsky/Hutch, Bodie/Doyle, etc, etc - are a unique phenomenon. While many resemble gay male porn - some at it's worst, some at its best - they are not written for a gay male audience. They are, essentially the first example we have of women's pornography. (Call it erotica if it makes you feel better.) It has long been known that straight men can be excited at the thought of two women making love. With K/S it is acknowledged that women - I include both straight and gay (though I don't pretend to understand the latter, even though it includes myself) - can be excited by two men making love. The difference is, that though to the man it does not seem to matter who the two women are, to the woman it matters very much indeed. The men must not be faceless puppets, they must be recognisable, known - they must be people, not dummies.

(It is this, and the fact that any advance in women's knowledge of themselves must be a forward step, that makes me agree with Russ, K/S, A/V, A/B, S/H, B/D - it is a form of feminist literature. Which, like all feminist literature, men are welcome to read, that they may be liberated too.

  • E-Man-Uelle's Revenge, a four-page mini-zine ("To those of you who've been following the last couple of issues this may not be unexpected, but it has been delayed (and much shortened) because of its slightly controversial (in the B7 world, anyway) contents. No offense is intended: the three persons involved in "E-R" are not regular contributors to "touched"." This mini-zine is a response fanwork consisting of some satirical disclaimers, and three satirical letters "from" Vila to his mother commenting/poking fun at the multi-part story, "Comfort," in E-Man-Uelle. The original story contained rape and mpreg.)
  • The Motherlines, poem by Chei Karai
  • Parted, poem by Chei Karai
  • Haiku, by Chei Karai
  • Be Realistic, Demand the Impossible, poem by Chei Karai
  • Transient Valentine, poem by Chei Karai
  • At Each Other's Throats Throats Again, Or, When I Get Too Excited My Teeth Grow, story by Bryn Lantry (Blake's 7, Avon/Blake) (reprinted in The Other Side #5)
  • Goddesses, small article by Jane Carnall
  • Enterprising Amazon, "narrative principally by Jane Carnall, suggestions, criticisms, advice, prodding, shouting, and screaming by Ann Johnson" (Star Trek: TOS)
  • Vulcan Wommin, poem by Ann Johnson
  • Genesis, poem by Jane Carnall (Star Trek: TOS)
  • Fool Alone, poem by Frances Tucker
  • The Reason, poem by Eva Stuart
  • More Than Grateful, story by Julie Kramer (Blake's 7)
  • a review of Nome #8, plus the editor's response to that review focusing on Joanna Russ, feminism, Mary Renault, "slash" is for women not gay men..., see that page
  • a review of E-Man-Uelle #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, see that page
  • Graffiti Page
  • "touched" Interview with Eva Stuart, see that page
  • His Brother, poem/vignette by Bryn Lantry (Blake's 7)
  • Thin Walls, poem by Bryn Lantry (Blake's 7)
  • Silent Night, Holy (?) Night by Jane Carnall (Blake's 7)
  • A Quick Tale, Soon Over (Its principal merit) by Anon (Star Trek: TOS, vignette, Spock/McCoy)
  • Personals

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 6

See reactions and reviews for E-Man-Uelle's Revenge.

See reactions and reviews for At Each Other's Throats Again.

[Silent Night Holy (?) Night]: In Jane Carnall's 'Silent Night Holy (?) Night', Vila organizes a Christmas party for the S4 crew, where Soolin rescues Dayna from Tarrant's attempts to nudge her under the mistletoe and the two women walk out, 'linked together', while Avon editorializes, 'Tarrant is the kind of man who can't bear to think that every woman within eyeshot isn't sexually attracted to him. The presence of two women who are quite happy with each other is... upsetting'. [11]

'More Than Grateful' by Julie Kramer. Avon/Vila - the misunderstandings and understandings of a vulnerable Delta and a withdrawn but gentle Alpha who care for each other. 'Silent Night, Holy (?) Night' by Jane Carnall. It's Christmas -Tarrant molests his butch teddy bear when Dayna and Soolin prefer each other, Avon's famous teddy bear is camp (especially on Servalan's birthday) and Avon maneouvres a not-unsuspecting thief under the mistletoe. 'At Each Others' Throats Again' by me. Blake pries into Avon's mysterious aristocratic heritage, which was Transylvanian all along, and winds up with a bitten neck. Poetry by Frances Tucker -'To My Analyst' from Vila (inscrutable!) and 'Fool Alone' (good). [12]

Issue 7

"touched" 7 was published in March 1986 and contains 31 pages.

cover of issue #7
  • this issue contains a fan survey with fourteen questions, and the editor provided some "sample answers": does Avon wear a wig ("Yes. No one else could have such a stupid haircut."), did you buy this copy of "touched" or borrow it ("Employee of HM Customs take special note."), what is your favorite TV series ("Cagney and Lacey")... "Material for this editorial was supplied by Tanith Lee's "Drinking Sapphire Wind, a shamelessly pirated letter of [ Barbara T's ], an actual incident (we know reality is dreadfully corny, but what the hell), and the answers to the survey were supplied by the delinquent social worker 'P.H.'" (3)
  • Telepath, Blake's 7, Cally/Jenna poem by Bryn Lantry (3)
  • Homesick, Blake's 7, Cally/Jenna poem by Bryn Lantry (3)
  • Memories, f/f poem by Chei Karai (3)
  • Shadow Reborning, original science fiction by Jane Carnall (4)
  • book reviews: Golden Witchbreed by Mary Gentle, six Sime~Gen books the latter points out: "If anyone's interested, there's a zine debating the problems of sexuality in the Sime/Gen Universe (especially given Lichtenberg's homophobia) available, called Postsyndrome. Write to Kerry Schaefer..." (13)
  • a review by Sebastian of the series E-man-uelle, see that page (15)
  • a review by Jane Carnall of E-man-uelle #6, see that page (15)
  • review of the book "Divine Endurance" by Gwyneth Jones, review of the book "Valentina" by Joseph H. Delaney and Marc Stiegler (15)
  • An Unexpected Tale, fiction by Julie Kramer and Jane Carnall (Star Trek: TOS) (Spock goes into pon farr on a secluded planet, McCoy offers himself to Spock despite there being "not even a fucking cave" [13] but as he pulls his pants down, Vila Restal walks up, offers himself to Spock, and they do the deed.) (16)
  • The Rule of Names, article by Ginny Nila (about the originals and meanings of the Blake's 7 characters' names) (18)
  • A Short Story Calculated to Annoy Absolutely Everybody, fiction by Anon (tongue-in-cheek story about Vila sexually offering himself to Blake, Blake gallantly turning him down and warning him about others trying to take advantage of Vila, Vila weeping/acting very childlike, and then admitting that he like "hairy" men and really, really wanting Blake, Blake then agreeing to have sex with Vila. The last part: "'There's something I have to tell you, first.' Vila looked at him enquiringly. 'You know those charges they made against me on Earth?' 'Yes, but -' 'They weren't true,' Blake forestalled him. 'I've never raped -- I hope I never will. But...' Gently, he ran one blunt fingertip down Vila's nose, caressing his lips. 'But I am a paedophile, Vila -- and you're the nearest thing to a child aboard.'") (Blake's 7) (19)
  • graffiti page (20)
  • So Easy to Give, a Blake's 7 Avon/Blake story by Sebastian that was inspired by Byn Lantry's poem ("His Brother") in "touched" #6 (21)
  • In Porphyry, Blake's 7 Avon/Blake story by Bryn Lantry (23)
  • Vulcan Wommin—pon farr, Star Trek poem by Ann Johnson (28)
  • Losing, Blake's 7 poem by Bryn Lantry (28)
  • Virgin Fumbling, a poem "dedicated to all those writers who persist in making both partners in a [m/m] relationship virgins (with men) before they met each other. Show some consideration for the poor dears." (28)
  • Concessions, femslash fiction "in the Asla/Ka'atra series" by Eva Stuart (Star Trek: TOS) (29)
  • Personals, including this one: "I still haven't worked out how to apologize to someone for thinking they were male. When I do, I'll let you know. The somewhat confused editor."

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 7

See reactions and reviews for In Porphyry.

'So Easy To Give' by Sebastian. Finely written, sensuous account of Blake's bewildered infatuation with Avon. 'In Porphyry' by me. It ain't easy being abnormal in the Federation. An inhibited Avon tracks aBlake with secrets into an unconventional bar. [14]

Issue 8

"touched" 8 was published in July 1986 and contains 31 pages.

cover of issue #8
  • the editor asks for submissions for The Unique Touch #1
  • The Rescue, story by Eva Stuart (Star Trek: TOS, characters are from A Day in the Life, a story in The Voice #3)
  • Steadfast, poem by A.U.
  • No-one Knew, poem by Bryn Lantry
  • Sister in Fire, poem by Ann
  • Trapped, story by Sebastian (Avon/Vila, Blake's 7)
  • pairings glossary by Jane Carnall
  • results of a fan survey, compiled by Jane Carnall
  • untitled story by Jane Carnall (Avon/Vila, Blake's 7)
  • Kindred Souls, story by Aislinn (Avon/Cally, past Blake/Avon and Cally/Jenna, Blake's 7) (also in Southern Lights Special #3.5)
  • One Man to Another, poem by Julie Bozza
  • Years Later, poem by Bryn Lantry
  • For Vila from Blake, Made on a Giggle, poem by A. Kee Ring
  • Reviews: "2000 AD: A Science Fiction Comic" (book), Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan (movie)
  • Double Image, story by Vivien Young (Star Trek: TOS)
  • Cinderella and the Princess, story by Barbara T (Original)
  • two LoCs regarding, the first regarding pseuds (in part: "Though I am a great supporter of anonymity you must disclose the real sex of Bryn and Sebastian. I've enjoyed everything they have written; however if I knew to which sex they belonged, I would read them with more objectivity and therefore more enjoyment. With nom de plumes like Bryn and Sebastian I sense they must be males masquerading as females. In a magazine such as this pseudonyms should be gender identifiable.")
  • the second LoC is titled: The Clown or The Clown? -- it discusses who Avon would choose as a male lover
  • Graffiti Page
  • The Network, story by Frances Tucker (Original)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 8

[Kindred Souls]: On a different tangent, Aislinn's 'Kindred Souls' brings Avon and Cally together after Star One, making love as a way of grieving for their lost lovers Blake and Jenna, in a story that uses the same pairings as Randell to reverse effect, positioning heterosexuality as consolation for the loss of the central and crucial m/m and f/f relationships. [11]

Issue 9

"touched" 9 was published in November/December 1986 and contains 22 pages.

front cover of issue #9

This issue contains largely Blake's 7 material, although with some multi-fandom miscellaneous content.

Note: A/B Slash: A Chronological Listing by Nova list an A/B fic "Julie Kramer, ‘In the Meantime.’" as appearing in this zine, but this story was actually published in Issue 4.

  • Editorial by [Francis?]
  • When the Heart Rules the Mind, fiction by Ann Wortham and Leah Rosenthal (Avon/Vila)
  • Image on My Soul, fiction by Linda Terrell and Ginny Mila (Blake, with unrequited Blake/Deva, and potentially unrequited A/B and A/C?)
  • Visitation, fiction by Julie Kramer (Avon/Vila)
  • Here's an end, poem by Jane Carnall
  • Tenderness, poem by Jane Carnall
  • Of Every Tale, poem by JJane Carnall
  • A Random Collection of Thoughts about Avon, Blake, Dayna and Soolin by Bryn Lantry and Jane Carnall". Individual poems: 'Wild Children' by Bryn Lantry, 'One and One and Five' by Jane Carnalll, 'Easy Answers' by Bryn Lantry, 'Rebel of the Heart' by Bryn Lantry, 'Repression' by Bryn Lantry
  • Graffiti Page
  • Soapbox page - including replies to an earlier letter from 'A Female' around genders of authors/pen names
  • review of Courts of Honor (Star Trek: TOS zine), see that page
  • review of 'The Door into Shadow' by Diane Duane
  • responses to a survey published the previous issue: "What exactly was your impression of the previous relationship between Avon and Tynus, aside from the little actually said about the fraud they were in together?' There were 8 replies, several of which agreed with the author's contention that the two had been lovers and Vila disliked this idea
  • More Definitions (comedy definitions of contemporary ship abbreviations)
  • Personals

Issue 10

touched 10 was published in July 1987 and contains 31 pages.

cover of issue #10
  • editorial by Jane (2)
  • The Final Run" (A/V) fic by Quale ("In this sequel to "Rumours of Death," Vila goes to Avon's cabin to see if he's all right and things move rather quickly from there...") (also in Resistance #3) (3)
  • "Hi, This is Me," short fan auto-bios (Bryn Lantry, Annie Wortham, Jane Carnall, Ann Johnson)
  • An Unromantic Affair, or Logic Prevails, a Star Trek fic by Jane Carnall (T'Pau picks Kirk to be Spock's husband and Kirk agrees. "With a positively wicked grin, Kirk switched on the shipwide intercom. "Attention all crew. This is Captain James T. Kirk. I am delighted to inform you that Commander Spock and I have decided to marry. We will do so on Vulcan in twenty-three days. Arrangements for shore-leave will be posted. Kirk out." Kirk and Bones discuss the wedding plans. All crew members are thrilled, except for Scotty who is grumpy about it. It is revealed that Christine Chapel and Uhura are lovers.) (7)
  • a review of Southern Seven #1, see that page (11)
  • a review of Southern Lights Special #3.5, see that page (12)
  • a review of the pro book "Cuckoo's Egg" (12)
  • graffiti page (13)
  • Goldilocks and the Three Bears, original fiction by Barbara T (14)
  • Echoes of Jealousy, fic by Julie Kramer (14)
  • Intolerance, Moral Superiority, and Star Trek IV (In That Order), article by Fiona Clements (15)
  • After the Crossover, Star Trek/Blake's 7 fic by Anon (16)
  • Long Days, poem by Dyana (17)
  • Future Plans, poem by Dyana (17)
  • In Which Kirk is Put in His Place, as Seen by Peter Kirk, fic by Ann Johnson and Jane Carnall (Peter Kirk describes his Uncle Jim's and Spock's wedding ceremony, an altercation with an unruly guest, and discovers a Vulcan family secret.) (18)
  • Definitions, a short bit by Jane Carnall about abbreviations and pairings (19)
  • A Very Improbable Story, Or "They're Going At It Again!", a Blake's 7 fic by Ingrid Montrose (A/B, A/V) (21)
  • We Three Queens, original fic by Barbara T (21)
  • a "touched" survey, the second one printed in this zine series (21)
  • a full-page flowchart regarding the survey: starts with the question, "Did you answer the last survey?" (22)
  • Another Short Story Calculated to Annoy Absolutely Everybody, Blake's 7 story by Anon (Vila offers himself sexually to Avon, but Avon is too distracted by reading a copy of E-man-uelle.) (23)
  • cartoon, The Adventures of a Touched Editor (24)
  • It Came from Outer Edinburgh, Or, Your Editor Visits Reading, essay by Frances T (25)
  • The Blurb, original fic by Time Berserker and Paradox (28)
  • Surprises, or A One Page Slash Challenge, Blake's 7 Avon/Vila fic by Chris K (29)
  • Here, Defiant, Turn, poem by Frances T (30)
  • Guru, Star Trek poem by Bryn Lantry (30)
  • an apology by Jane Carnall for omitting a paragraph from a story in issue #8 from "Kindred Souls"—the paragraph is reprinted in this issue (31)

Issue 11

"touched" 11 was published in November 1987 and contains 42 pages. The cover is identical to #5, except for the number and date.

cover of issue #11
illo from issue #11, by Cat
  • Survey by fan C. Kessler (The Perfect A/V Story)
  • Welcome Petals (2)
  • Logic Prevails (part 2) by Jane Carnall (3)
  • Love is... by Estarriol (4)
  • Into the Fire by Catocala (also in Resistance #5 and Southern Lights #8.5) (6)
  • illo by Cat (9)
  • Vila's Elegiac Dream, poet (13)
  • Personal Log, poet (13)
  • The Meek by Bryn Lantry (14)
  • A Morbid Enquiry gravely answered, edited by Jane Carnall (15)
  • Three years gone a space-urchin (24)
  • Book, film, zine reviews and diatribes ("touched", The Other Side #1, see that page, Star Trek IV: The Voyage home, movie, The Needle on Full, book, Altogether, Elsewhere, book) (24)
  • His, This is Me (short fan autobios) (30)
  • HAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH-CHOP mostly by Jane Carnall from a joke told by Frances Tucker on the way back from Conspiracy (and if you think that's complicated, wait for the con report) (31)
  • Lest Madness Return by Ellis Ward (reprinted in Southern Comfort #8.75) (32)
  • Breathing Together at Brighton or, I should have remembered that! by Jane Carnall and Frances Tucker (a con report for WorldCon, includes comments about James Tiptree, Jr. and Marion Zimmer Bradley, about attending a panel on writing pro-Trek fiction) (37)
  • You Know What These Are (I hope) (42)


  1. ^ from Strange Bedfellows (APA) #6
  2. ^ from The Other Side #2 (1986)
  3. ^ from "touched" #11
  4. ^ So why are we still having this conversation? by kannaophelia, October 17, 2011
  5. ^ "bruinhilda.tumblr". Archived from the original on 2018-12-04.
  6. ^ from The Other Side #2 (1986)
  7. ^ from The Other Side #2 (1986)
  8. ^ Nova (2002) '(Re)Making Space for Women' Sleer as Folk 308–322
  9. ^ from The Other Side #2 (1986)
  10. ^ from The Other Side #2 (1986)
  11. ^ Jump up to: a b Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named nova
  12. ^ from The Other Side #2 (1986)
  13. ^ reference to Cave Story
  14. ^ from The Other Side #2 (1986)